A PALE Lake Sediment Calibration Network for the Eastern Canadian Arctic Jonathan T. Overpeck jto@ngdc.noaa.gov (Principal Investigator current) Gifford H. Miller (Co-Principal Investigator current) Abstract Abstract ATM-9402657 Overpeck, Jonathan T. Miller, Gifford H. University of Colorado Title: A PALE Lake Sediment Calibration Network for the Eastern Canadian Arctic This award supports a PALE/ARCSS effort to construct a high-quality dataset for surficial lake sediment calibration in the eastern Canadian Arctic. A detailed sampling and analysis program will allow the development of new calibration data for fossil pollen, isotopic and palelimnological proxies. Modern numerical analysis will be applied to existing lake-based fossil pollen records to produce a new generation of quantitative paleoclimate estimates. This work will result in a large public-domain database, and will make a collection of surface lake sediments available to the paleoclimate community for additional research.