# 11/7/96 # PALE DB Site Data File # Prepared by: Matt Duvall # # Site Name: Sosednee Lake # Location: MO, RUS # Latitdude: 62.10 N # Longitude: 149.30 E # Elevation: 822 (m) # # Contact: Wendy Eisner # Phone: 907-786-1591 # Email: afwre@acad2.alaska.edu # # Cores from this site: # Core #:118 SOS1 # # Radiocarbon ages from cores at this site: # Core# Depth Thick Age Age_sd Lab_id Material # 118 239 1 21860 235 N/A None Given # 118 150 1 13480 110 AA-6886 Organic Silt # 118 101 1 9305 85 AA-6885 Organic Silt # 118 29 14 5130 90 Beta-44215 Organic Silt # # Whaaahooo!!! # Chronology for this site: # Core Num: 118 # Depth Thickness Age Age_SD RCODE # 0 1 0 500 TOP # 5.5 3 2900 60 C14 # 29 14 5130 90 C14 # 83 1 8350 105 TEF # 101 1 9305 85 C14 # 150 1 13480 110 C14 # 239 1 21860 235 C14 # # Publication(s) # Lozhkin, A.V., P.M. Anderson, W.R. Eisner, L.G. Ravako, D.M. Hopkins, L.B. Brubaker, P.A. Colinvaux, and M.C. Miller, 1993. Late Quaternary lacustrine pollen records from southwestern Beringia. Quaternary Research, 39, 314-324. # # Lozhkin, A.V., P.M. Anderson, W.R. Eisner, L.N. Rovako, D.M. Hopkins, L.B. Brubaker, and P.A. Colinvaux, 1995. New Data about change of climate and vegetation in northeast Siberia during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. In History of Climate and Vegetation in Beringia during the late Cenezoic. Yu, M. Bichkov and A.V. Lozhkin (eds.), 24-May. # # # Pollen Data are in the Global Pollen Database No Organic Carbon Data Avail from this Site # End