# PALE ASCII Format # 11/13/97 # Site Information Datafile # # Site name: Wonder Lake # Place: USA:AK # Latitude: 63.17.00N ( 63.28) # Longitude: 151.3.00W ( -151.05) # Elevation(m): 610 # Sigle: WONDER # Entity name: WO4 # Contact person: Anderson, Patricia # # Radiocarbon dates: # Depth Thk Age Age_sd Lab no. Material # 80 1 3850 60 CAMS 12291 None Given # 300 1 10060 70 CAMS-12264 None Given # # Chron name: PALE chron # Age model: Linear interpolation # # Age basis: # Depth Thk Age AgeUp AgeLo RCODE # 0 0 0 0 0 TOP # 80 1 3850 3910 3790 C14 # 150 1 6000 6100 5900 COR # 205 1 8270 8370 8170 COR # 300 1 10060 10130 9990 C14 # Proxy records from this site: Organic Carbon This site has 34 samples and the folowing taxa: 74 Cypae Cyperaceae 91 Equ Equisetum 25 Art Artemisia 29 Bet Betula 33 Bot Botrychium 45 Cryae Caryophyllaceae 119 Genae Gentianaceae 127 herbs.ud Herbs undiff. 160 Astae.Ci Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae 164 Lon Lonicera 166 Lycae.ud Lycopodiaceae undiff. 167 Dph.a Diphasiastrum alpinum 168 Lyc.a Lycopodium annotinum 170 Lyc.c Lycopodium clavatum 174 Lyc.o Lycopodium obscurum 175 Hup.s Huperzia selago 202 Pdi Pediastrum 210 Pic Picea 213 Pin.St Pinus subg. Strobus 223 Pomae Polemoniaceae 225 Polae.ud Polygonaceae undiff. 232 Pol.bi-t Polygonum bistortoides-type 234 Plyae Polypodiaceae 252 Ranae.ud Ranunculaceae undiff. 259 Rho Rhododendron 271 Slx Salix 277 San Sanguisorba 282 Saxae Saxifragaceae 284 Scrae Scrophulariaceae 294 Spg Sphagnum 300 Tha Thalictrum 305 sp.t.ud Spore (trilete undiff.) 307 Astae.Au Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff. 311 Apiae Apiaceae 313 unk Unknown 318 Val Valeriana 330 Aln Alnus 341 Lilae Liliaceae 351 Camae Campanulaceae 355 Rosae.ud Rosaceae undiff. 389 Pop Populus 391 Ch/Am Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae 417 Poaae Poaceae 420 Braae Brassicaceae 445 Ongae Onagraceae 460 Lamae Lamiaceae 508 Oph Ophioglossum 517 Pot Potamogeton 536 Ru/Ox Rumex/Oxyria digyna 613 Drp Dryopteris 648 Dph.c Diphasiastrum complanatum 673 Nymae Nymphaeaceae 698 Plnae Plantaginaceae 733 Rubae Rubiaceae 734 Rbs.c Rubus chamaemorus 750 Sel.se Selaginella selaginoides 854 Cly Claytonia 888 Pol.am-t Polygonum amphibium-type 909 Ercae.ud Ericaceae undiff. 1006 Sel.i Selaginella sibirica 1156 Pi/Pi.ud Picea/Pinus undiff. 1164 Bryes Bryales 1167 Hepae Hepaticae 1177 Aliae Alismataceae 1178 Gerae Geraniaceae 1179 Lyl Lycopodiella 1181 Crp.a/s Cryptogramma acrostichoides/C. stelleri 1182 Lyc.d Lycopodium dendroideum 1183 Dph.s Diphasiastrum sitchense