# PALE ASCII Format # 11/13/97 # Site Information Datafile # # Site name: Jack London Lake, WI # Place: RUS:WI # Latitude: 70.50.00N ( 70.8333333333333) # Longitude: 179.45.00W ( -179.75) # Elevation(m): 7 # Sigle: JACKWI # Entity name: jackw1 # Contact person: Anderson, Patricia # # Radiocarbon dates: # Depth Thk Age Age_sd Lab no. Material # 5.5 1 2050 2110 CAMS32937 A # 16 2 3650 3720 CAMS32938 A # 30.7 1 6340 6420 CAMS32939 A # 35.5 3 9190 9250 CAMS19050 A # 47.3 2.5 29890 30080 CAMS19033 A # # Chron name: PALE chron # Age model: Linear interpolation # # Age basis: # Depth Thk Age AgeUp AgeLo RCODE # 5.5 1 2050 2110 1990 C14 # 16 2 3650 3720 3580 C14 # 35.5 3 9190 9250 9130 C14 # Pollen Data only for this site. This site has 20 samples and the folowing taxa: 70 Braae.ud Brassicaceae undiff. 74 Cypae Cyperaceae 91 Equ Equisetum 12 All Allium 15 Aln.ud Alnus undiff. 25 Art Artemisia 45 Cryae Caryophyllaceae 108 Polta.ud Polypodiophyta undiff. 153 Lar Larix 160 Astae.Ci Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae 167 Dph.a Diphasiastrum alpinum 213 Pin.St Pinus subg. Strobus 218 Pln.ud Plantago undiff. 266 Rubae.ud Rubiaceae undiff. 268 Rum Rumex 271 Slx Salix 277 San Sanguisorba 294 Spg Sphagnum 300 Tha Thalictrum 311 Apiae Apiaceae 313 unk Unknown 341 Lilae Liliaceae 345 Amb Ambrosia 350 Ranae Ranunculaceae 355 Rosae.ud Rosaceae undiff. 391 Ch/Am Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae 409 Astae Asteraceae 417 Poaae Poaceae 460 Lamae Lamiaceae 532 orgm.per Organic matter (percent dry mass) 684 Papae Papaveraceae 734 Rbs.c Rubus chamaemorus 749 Sel.r Selaginella rupestris 753 Spi Spiraea 825 Ptl Potentilla 908 Spa Sparganium 909 Ercae.ud Ericaceae undiff. 912 Saxae.ud Saxifragaceae undiff. 931 Lyc.ta.n Number of Lycopodium tablets added 932 Lyc.spik Lycopodium spike (number counted) 1011 Bet.ud Betula undiff. 1150 Pomae.ud Polemoniaceae undiff. 1160 Scrae.ud Scrophulariaceae undiff. 1164 Bryes Bryales 1167 Hepae Hepaticae 1177 Aliae Alismataceae 1343 Ric Riccia 1598 Priae.ud Primulaceae undiff. 2240 Acg Aconogonon 2245 Pol.Bi Polygonum sect. Bistorta 2248 Crd Cardamine 2261 Cyd Corydalis 2265 Drb Draba 2282 Lycopodium dubium 2284 Mee Meesia 2289 Ped.ud Pedicularis undiff. 2312 Val.ud Valeriana undiff.