# PALE ASCII Format # 11/13/97 # Site Information Datafile # # Site name: Farewell Lake # Place: USA:AK # Latitude: 62.33.00N ( 62.55) # Longitude: 153.38.00W ( -153.63) # Elevation(m): 320 # Sigle: FAREWELL # Entity name: FL1 # Contact person: Hu, Feng-Sheng # # Radiocarbon dates: # Depth Thk Age Age_sd Lab no. Material # 97.5 5 1550 60 CAMS-12816 Macroflora # 230 10 3880 60 CAMS-11705 Terrestrial Macro # 255 10 4910 60 CAMS-12590 Macroflora # 312.5 5 7010 70 CAMS-11703 Wood # 330 10 7860 60 CAMS-12817 Macroflora # # Chron name: PALE chron # Age model: Linear interpolation # # Age basis: # Depth Thk Age AgeUp AgeLo RCODE # 0 0 0 0 0 TOP # 97.5 5 1550 1610 1490 C14 # 230 10 3880 3940 3820 C14 # 255 10 4910 4970 4850 C14 # 312.5 5 7010 7080 6940 C14 # 330 10 7860 7920 7800 C14 # Pollen Data only for this site. This site has 47 samples and the folowing taxa: 70 Braae.ud Brassicaceae undiff. 74 Cypae Cyperaceae 90 Epi Epilobium 91 Equ Equisetum 92 Ercae Ericaceae 25 Art Artemisia 29 Bet Betula 33 Bot Botrychium 45 Cryae Caryophyllaceae 116 Gal Galium 139 Iso Isoëtes 153 Lar Larix 157 Fabae.ud Fabaceae undiff. 184 sp.m.ud Spore (monolete undiff.) 188 Myp Myriophyllum 202 Pdi Pediastrum 210 Pic Picea 270 Sag Sagittaria 271 Slx Salix 277 San Sanguisorba 282 Saxae Saxifragaceae 284 Scrae Scrophulariaceae 286 Sel Selaginella 294 Spg Sphagnum 300 Tha Thalictrum 305 sp.t.ud Spore (trilete undiff.) 308 Ty/Sp Typha/Sparganium 311 Apiae Apiaceae 312 ind Indeterminable 313 unk Unknown 330 Aln Alnus 341 Lilae Liliaceae 350 Ranae Ranunculaceae 361 Crn Cornus 383 Myr Myrica 389 Pop Populus 391 Ch/Am Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae 409 Astae Asteraceae 417 Poaae Poaceae 448 Gen Gentiana 483 Rosae Rosaceae 509 Osu Osmunda 517 Pot Potamogeton 536 Ru/Ox Rumex/Oxyria digyna 542 She Shepherdia 604 Cys Cystopteris 613 Drp Dryopteris 702 Polae Polygonaceae 798 Pom Polemonium 825 Ptl Potentilla 983 Jun Juniperus 1002 Asg Astragalus 1066 Lup Lupinus 1142 Ane Anemone 1143 Acm Aconitum 1157 Sau Saussurea 1180 Lycae Lycopodiaceae