# PALE ASCII Format # 11/13/97 # Site Information Datafile # # Site name: Dune Lake # Place: USA:AK # Latitude: 64.25.00N ( 64.42) # Longitude: 149.54.00W ( -149.9) # Elevation(m): 134 # Sigle: DUNEA # Entity name: DLCoreA # Contact person: Finney, Bruce # # Radiocarbon dates: # Depth Thk Age Age_sd Lab no. Material # 990 6 1840 60 CAMS-29561 a N # 1089.5 3 2880 50 CAMS-29562 a N # 1337.5 3 7420 60 CAMS-29559 a N # 1365.5 6 8670 60 CAMS-29563 a N # 1428 2 9780 90 CAMS-31082 a N # # Chron name: PALE chron # Age model: Linear interpolation # # Age basis: # Depth Thk Age AgeUp AgeLo RCODE # 990 6 1740 1832 1648 cbp # 990 6 1840 1900 1780 c14 # 990 6 1740 1832 1648 cbp # 990 6 1840 1900 1780 C14 # 1089.5 3 2880 2930 2830 c14 # 1089.5 3 2880 2930 2830 C14 # 1089.5 3 2971 3069 2873 cbp # 1089.5 3 2971 3069 2873 cbp # 1337.5 3 7420 7480 7360 c14 # 1337.5 3 7420 7480 7360 C14 # 1337.5 3 8160 8306 8014 cbp # 1337.5 3 8160 8306 8014 cbp # 1365.5 6 8670 8730 8610 C14 # 1365.5 6 9560 9816 9304 cbp # 1365.5 6 9560 9816 9304 cbp # 1365.5 6 8670 8730 8610 c14 # 1428 2 9780 9870 9690 c14 # 1428 2 9780 9870 9690 C14 # 1428 2 10980 10980 10980 cbp # 1428 2 10980 11001 10959 cbp # Proxy records from this site: Stable Isotopes Stable Isotopes This site has 70 samples and the folowing taxa: 64 Pinae.ud Pinaceae undiff. 70 Braae.ud Brassicaceae undiff. 74 Cypae Cyperaceae 84 Ela Elaeagnus 90 Epi Epilobium 91 Equ Equisetum 15 Aln.ud Alnus undiff. 20 aquat.ud Aquatics undiff. 25 Art Artemisia 26 Ath Athyrium 45 Cryae Caryophyllaceae 116 Gal Galium 127 herbs.ud Herbs undiff. 153 Lar Larix 166 Lycae.ud Lycopodiaceae undiff. 168 Lyc.a Lycopodium annotinum 174 Lyc.o Lycopodium obscurum 175 Hup.s Huperzia selago 184 sp.m.ud Spore (monolete undiff.) 188 Myp Myriophyllum 202 Pdi Pediastrum 207 Pic.g-t Picea glauca-type 208 Pic.m-t Picea mariana-type 237 Pop.ud Populus undiff. 242 Ptl-t Potentilla-type 252 Ranae.ud Ranunculaceae undiff. 271 Slx Salix 277 San Sanguisorba 294 Spg Sphagnum 305 sp.t.ud Spore (trilete undiff.) 309 Typ.l Typha latifolia 311 Apiae Apiaceae 312 ind Indeterminable 313 unk Unknown 321 Woo Woodsia 345 Amb Ambrosia 355 Rosae.ud Rosaceae undiff. 383 Myr Myrica 397 Vib Viburnum 409 Astae Asteraceae 417 Poaae Poaceae 517 Pot Potamogeton 536 Ru/Ox Rumex/Oxyria digyna 542 She Shepherdia 584 cf.Cll cf. Callitriche 613 Drp Dryopteris 648 Dph.c Diphasiastrum complanatum 849 Erles.ud Ericales undiff. 894 Cerat.sp Ceratophyllum spine 897 Pic.ud Picea undiff. 952 Bot.ud Botrychium undiff. 1011 Bet.ud Betula undiff. 1161 Ane-t Anemone-type 1163 Asg-t Astragalus-type 1166 Hed-t Hedysarum-type 1920 cf.Jun cf. Juniperus