# NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - Paleocean Site Data # v29-177-tab.txt # Complete Data # File Created: 18-Jan-2005 # #********************************************************************************* # Please cite the contributor and the original publications when using these data #********************************************************************************* # # Missing Values indicated by '-999' # # PI: William Ruddiman # Core/Site: V29-177 # Latitude: 41.32.00N ( 41.53333) # Longitude: 25.42.00W ( -25.7) # Water Depth(m): 3391 # # Publications: # Ruddiman, W. 1992. Calcium carbonate database. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for # Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #92-001. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology # Program, Boulder, Colorado, USA. #------------------ # # Description & Notes: # Calcium Carbonate Database. # # # V29-177 C14 Dates # # yrBP radiocarbon years B.P. (Libby half-life; B.P. = 1950) # # Depth yrBP Error+ Error- Notes # 27.75 10950 220 220 RL403 # # Variables: # depth Depth (cm) # carb% Calcium Carbonate percent # # CORE: V29-177 depth carb% 5 86.25 15 82.78 25 77.41 35 67.57 45 55.36 55 60.45 65 67.08 75 69.71 85 73.24 95 83.22 105 66.45 115 59.55 125 62.67 135 86.59 145 88.18 155 81.87 165 89.38 185 61.18 195 85.7 205 90.18 215 89.86 225 83.02 235 72.99 245 65.2 255 55.49 264 66.67 285 81.03 295 74.68 305 70.58 315 80.36 324 78.71 335 84.73 345 88.27 365 85.48 375 70.76 385 82.3 395 86.27 405 83.99 415 78.37 424 41.64 445 84.99 455 90.88 465 90.92 475 86.81 485 88.63