# NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - Paleocean Site Data # rc8-18-tab.txt # Complete Data # File Created: 18-Jan-2005 # #********************************************************************************* # Please cite the contributor and the original publications when using these data #********************************************************************************* # # Missing Values indicated by '-999' # # PI: William Ruddiman # Core/Site: RC8-18 # Latitude: 24.04.00S ( -24.06667) # Longitude: 15.07.00W ( -15.11667) # Water Depth(m): 3977 # # Publications: # Ruddiman, W. 1992. Calcium carbonate database. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for # Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #92-001. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology # Program, Boulder, Colorado, USA. #------------------ # # Description & Notes: # Calcium Carbonate Database. # # # RC8-18 C14 Dates # # yrBP radiocarbon years B.P. (Libby half-life; B.P. = 1950) # # Depth yrBP Error+ Error- Notes # 12.5 3425 160 160 GX3388 # # Variables: # depth Depth (cm) # carb% Calcium Carbonate percent # # CORE: RC8-18 depth carb% 100 80.2 110 78.8 120 83.3 130 79.1 140 83.5 150 84.3 160 87.4 170 84.1 180 80 190 74.4 200 86.6 210 81.8 220 84.9 230 87.5 240 77.8 250 90 260 86.9