California Current Splitnose Rockfish Otolith Growth Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: California Current Splitnose Rockfish Otolith Growth Data LAST UPDATE: 7/2011 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Black, B.A., I. D. Schroeder, W.J. Sydeman, S.J. Bograd, B.K. Wells, and F.B. Schwing. IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2011-099 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Black, B.A., et al. 2011. California Current Splitnose Rockfish Otolith Growth Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2011-099. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Black, B.A., I.D. Schroeder, W.J. Sydeman, S.J. Bograd, B.K. Wells, and F.B. Schwing. 2011. Winter and summer upwelling modes and their biological importance in the California Current Ecosystem. Global Change Biology, Vol. 17, Issue 8, pp. 2536-2545, August 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02422.x ABSTRACT: Analysis of monthly coastal upwelling intensities revealed two seasonal and biologically relevant upwelling 'modes' in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE). The first mode reflected upwelling during the summer months and was characterized by low-frequency (multidecadal) processes, including significant (P<0.01) linear trends at some latitudes. In contrast, the second mode reflected wintertime upwelling and was defined by higher-frequency variability associated with the North Pacific High and El Niño Southern Oscillation events. These modes were compared with multidecadal time series of splitnose rockfish (Sebastes diploproa) otolith growth, yelloweye rockfish (S. ruberrimus) otolith growth, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) scale growth, and indices of Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) and common murre (Uria aalge) reproduction in the central-northern CCE. In redundancy and correlation analyses, salmon growth and Cassin's auklet fledgling success associated with the summer upwelling mode while all other time series associated with the winter upwelling mode, indicating that CCE biology was differentially sensitive to these seasonal upwelling patterns. Thus, upwelling occurred in unrelated seasonal modes with contrasting trends, atmospheric forcing mechanisms, and impacts on the biology of the CCE, underscoring the importance of seasonality when evaluating ecosystem response to climate variability and change. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Eastern North Pacific PERIOD OF RECORD: 1923 - 2007 AD FUNDING SOURCES: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) program, California Ocean Protection Council and California Sea Grant (R/OPCENV-07), US National Science Foundation grant 0929017. DESCRIPTION: Growth increment data from Splitnose Rockfish otoliths collected in the California Current System, eastern North Pacific. Otoliths were collected from splitnose rockfish (Sebastes diploproa) captured between approximately 36ºN 122ºW and 39ºN 125ºW in the California Current Ecosystem. Fish were collected as part of NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service rockfish surveys and recreational and commercial fishery landings between 1980 and 2008. Splitnose rockfish adults are largely planktivorous (krill and also copepods, sergestid shrimps, and amphipods) and are most common between 215 to 350 m depth on the continental shelf and upper slope, and can live to be at least 85 years in age. Otoliths were embedded in resin, mounted on a lapidary saw, and thin-sectioned through the dorsal-ventral axis to 0.4 mm in thickness. These thin sections were polished with 2000-grit sandpaper and 10-um lapping film to reveal the annual increments. All samples were visually crossdated to ensure that all annual growth increments were assigned the correct calendar year of formation. After visual crossdating, the dorsal half of the otolith was then photographed and the annual increment widths measured continuously from the margin to as close to the focus as possible using the program ImagePro Plus v. 6.0. Crossdating was statistically verified with the Dendrochronology Program Library program COFECHA using 22-year 50% frequency cutoff splines (rather than the default 32-year splines). To generate the master chronology, each otolith measurement time series was fit with a negative exponential function or linear regression with negative or 0 slope and divided by the values predicted, thereby removing age-related growth declines and standardizing each time series to a mean of one. These detrended time series were averaged with respect to calendar year. All chronology development was conducted using the program ARSTAN, available at: 70 otoliths were used to develop the splitnose rockfish master chronology. The "standard" chronology from ARSTAN is reported. All growth-increment widths are in mm. Measurement type: annual growth-increment width (in mm) 1st detrending method: Negative exponential or linear regression with negative or 0 slope Collection purpose: Ecology; effects of climate variability on rockfish growth Samples are stored at the Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, OR 97365. COFECHA output: series intercorrelation = 0.580; mean sensitivity = 0.152 DATA: 1a. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 1 of 7, samples 1-10) Year VE068 VE067 VE066 VE065 VE061 VE045 AK015 AK003 AK004 AK006 1940 0.10339 0.10562 0.10951 1941 0.07512 0.09005 0.08548 0.08667 1942 0.11539 0.10049 0.10372 0.11217 1943 0.10156 0.09384 0.09988 0.09294 1944 0.11605 0.11553 0.10154 0.08676 1945 0.11051 0.07083 0.10314 0.09244 1946 0.10064 0.10409 0.09755 0.10192 0.09764 1947 0.09183 0.10804 0.10632 0.11217 0.10233 1948 0.10544 0.08239 0.10146 0.1015 0.10075 1949 0.10955 0.09725 0.1186 0.09991 0.09862 0.10661 1950 0.0721 0.09456 0.10994 0.09445 0.11026 0.07352 1951 0.08471 0.09058 0.09064 0.09257 0.11291 0.07777 1952 0.14426 0.10634 0.10519 0.0774 0.09996 0.09819 1953 0.12207 0.10287 0.10902 0.13287 0.11383 0.1138 0.10617 1954 0.09333 0.07677 0.08276 0.0779 0.0954 0.11535 0.09368 1955 0.11793 0.12873 0.13047 0.11086 0.10822 0.10632 0.10748 0.13016 1956 0.11067 0.10253 0.09453 0.11529 0.11272 0.11692 0.0925 0.1182 1957 0.09132 0.10462 0.08855 0.09782 0.1011 0.10095 0.10591 0.09339 1958 0.08318 0.08348 0.07218 0.08777 0.07684 0.08468 0.09676 0.0815 1959 0.06639 0.09295 0.09315 0.09905 0.10563 0.0976 0.11957 0.10411 0.10981 1960 0.08929 0.07248 0.09468 0.09824 0.09821 0.09439 0.08266 0.10454 0.10113 1961 0.11048 0.08492 0.10457 0.09691 0.10215 0.10095 0.10374 0.10144 0.10531 1962 0.10694 0.11744 0.10666 0.08892 0.10273 0.10874 0.09745 0.09056 0.11471 0.10947 1963 0.08678 0.09246 0.08285 0.09008 0.10349 0.09824 0.07794 0.08735 0.08894 0.10082 1964 0.10946 0.13185 0.09815 0.09996 0.11762 0.11322 0.10548 0.11614 0.10562 0.10925 1965 0.09076 0.09471 0.10494 0.0922 0.11203 0.08777 0.09627 0.09897 0.10229 0.08465 1966 0.09787 0.10221 0.09867 0.11897 0.09142 0.12382 0.11351 0.10645 0.09893 0.12498 1967 0.10796 0.12153 0.09888 0.09405 0.11452 0.09211 0.10687 0.08901 0.09598 0.09245 1968 0.1002 0.09544 0.08677 0.09488 0.09208 0.1136 0.09671 0.09314 0.1026 0.10881 1969 0.09743 0.09954 0.09919 0.10487 0.08756 0.10237 0.10064 0.10061 0.09918 0.09226 1970 0.09673 0.08541 0.09029 0.09637 0.09866 0.08779 0.12429 0.10811 0.09617 0.10011 1971 0.11144 0.11523 0.1027 0.09703 0.12569 0.11233 0.10812 0.10512 0.10627 0.10848 1972 0.10052 0.09409 0.09334 0.10706 0.10146 0.09758 0.09199 0.09442 0.10281 0.09198 1973 0.09566 0.08885 0.0967 0.09822 0.09613 0.09522 0.09537 0.08748 0.09934 0.10826 1974 0.0904 0.10983 0.10293 0.12611 0.11043 0.09852 0.10183 0.12049 0.10943 0.10393 1975 0.10119 0.09798 0.0968 0.09087 0.10125 0.1055 0.09981 0.09905 0.10289 0.08801 1976 0.10851 0.10613 0.10921 0.12731 0.10573 0.09938 0.10628 0.10268 0.09633 0.10793 1977 0.11272 0.10397 0.11255 0.1001 0.09976 0.0936 0.10965 0.10291 0.10948 0.1115 1978 0.0997 0.08084 0.09691 0.09201 0.08996 0.06913 0.08663 0.09193 0.10293 0.07987 1979 0.11382 0.10701 0.09982 0.11055 0.1112 0.10056 0.10212 0.11063 0.1095 0.10341 1980 0.0974 0.10142 0.10645 0.09263 0.09796 0.09466 0.09665 0.10009 0.09637 0.09124 1981 0.10079 0.10683 0.09986 0.10146 0.10914 0.11424 0.09988 0.09635 0.06659 0.09901 1982 0.09435 0.08579 0.11267 0.10173 0.08817 0.09237 0.1035 0.10385 0.07973 0.09525 1983 0.08428 0.08361 0.08462 0.08355 0.0815 0.07035 0.09464 0.08193 0.05652 0.07947 1984 0.09826 0.09612 0.1032 0.0936 0.10341 0.10564 0.09499 0.10808 0.10646 0.09871 1985 0.09481 0.09404 0.11271 0.09379 0.10374 0.0996 0.09531 0.10428 0.09639 0.09862 1986 0.08461 0.09137 0.10322 0.10262 0.09316 0.08373 0.10496 0.09702 0.09946 0.09852 1987 0.09857 0.12918 0.11272 0.09413 0.10762 0.10997 0.10813 0.10847 0.10297 0.09061 1988 0.09191 0.09444 0.11562 0.09428 0.08648 0.09702 0.10229 0.09724 0.10954 0.10248 1989 0.10542 0.10048 0.09993 0.123 0.10475 0.1037 0.10583 0.1087 0.10297 0.11018 1990 0.10188 0.10616 0.09994 0.09455 0.09015 0.09451 0.09333 0.10138 0.10297 0.09813 1991 0.10865 0.11261 0.09705 0.10338 0.10128 0.09065 0.10147 0.08982 0.10633 1992 0.08847 0.0838 0.10325 0.09477 0.09425 0.09373 0.08273 0.10297 0.10985 1993 0.12264 0.10312 0.09375 0.10361 0.10539 0.10342 1b. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 2 of 7, samples 11-20) Year AK008 AK011 AK013 AK024 AK029b AK053 AK056b AK066 AK067b AK181 1943 0.08696 1944 0.10837 1945 0.10198 1946 0.07908 1947 0.10395 0.10567 1948 0.1079 0.11675 1949 0.10154 0.08744 0.0972 0.1155 1950 0.10503 0.08258 0.10682 0.10965 1951 0.0847 0.10552 0.08908 0.10097 0.115 1952 0.1042 0.07929 0.09075 0.08962 0.11138 0.09079 1953 0.09729 0.12621 0.1214 0.10082 0.09981 0.08469 0.10196 1954 0.09219 0.10816 0.09982 0.0789 0.0871 0.07937 0.09389 1955 0.1135 0.12169 0.11604 0.11713 0.09901 0.14327 0.1072 1956 0.11237 0.11258 0.10549 0.09932 0.09591 0.12017 0.10635 1957 0.1111 0.10332 0.08047 0.11644 0.08696 0.07675 0.09273 1958 0.09468 0.07863 0.08207 0.06955 0.07272 0.0784 0.08217 1959 0.10104 0.09076 0.1036 0.11756 0.11904 0.09307 0.10529 0.09615 1960 0.09006 0.09538 0.10785 0.10081 0.08513 0.08487 0.09444 0.11386 1961 0.08732 0.08846 0.09754 0.10227 0.13327 0.103 0.10941 0.07593 1962 0.11996 0.10791 0.1044 0.09547 0.08712 0.11154 0.09132 0.11255 0.10944 1963 0.10243 0.06091 0.08948 0.09958 0.11051 0.09516 0.1027 0.08753 0.10763 1964 0.09368 0.1172 0.10152 0.11847 0.11483 0.127 0.11113 0.11883 0.11504 1965 0.09108 0.11643 0.08629 0.09505 0.0848 0.10216 0.09177 0.10551 0.09268 1966 0.09387 0.11126 0.11 0.10499 0.10312 0.10519 0.10014 0.10565 0.10753 1967 0.0881 0.09375 0.11419 0.09 0.08397 0.10122 0.07277 0.097 0.08423 1968 0.09125 0.10736 0.08302 0.09656 0.09059 0.1003 0.09555 0.0874 0.09647 1969 0.08235 0.09247 0.09889 0.08745 0.0856 0.09854 0.09285 0.08945 0.08505 0.10583 1970 0.08237 0.11416 0.11872 0.09105 0.08911 0.1002 0.10545 0.0947 0.09506 0.09665 1971 0.10298 0.09916 0.11492 0.11621 0.10806 0.10549 0.11077 0.09965 0.09749 0.10766 1972 0.10028 0.08368 0.09924 0.08529 0.09974 0.10293 0.10447 0.10849 0.10494 0.07521 1973 0.10612 0.08446 0.06772 0.10089 0.09727 0.09668 0.13303 0.09098 0.09369 0.09966 1974 0.09718 0.13559 0.12705 0.10107 0.11981 0.11243 0.12623 0.11597 0.11992 0.10897 1975 0.1003 0.08974 0.10339 0.09829 0.10511 0.10234 0.11977 0.10124 0.11094 0.10433 1976 0.09719 0.09884 0.09553 0.08878 0.08404 0.10304 0.10939 0.09629 0.0955 0.0949 1977 0.10614 0.11255 0.11535 0.08888 0.0969 0.09555 0.08579 0.1017 0.09677 0.10987 1978 0.10031 0.06087 0.10351 0.13345 0.09122 0.09602 0.10747 0.08886 0.10097 0.08771 1979 0.12092 0.11824 0.1075 0.10836 0.10753 0.1199 0.12133 0.09797 0.11359 0.1005 1980 0.10887 0.08802 0.09564 0.10843 0.08879 0.10497 0.12654 0.09175 0.09989 0.11755 1981 0.10304 0.10576 0.11546 0.09882 0.10855 0.1053 0.12395 0.11187 0.10386 0.10555 1982 0.10615 0.09268 0.09963 0.10518 0.08958 0.10918 0.11218 0.10601 0.10779 0.10857 1983 0.07971 0.0754 0.0719 0.07661 0.07382 0.07846 0.07423 0.08468 0.08107 0.07755 1984 0.10887 0.09785 0.08776 0.1019 0.12606 0.08998 0.08838 0.09713 0.11512 0.09659 1985 0.10032 0.10217 0.09966 0.10193 0.11326 0.10204 0.09341 0.11036 0.08839 0.09421 1986 0.10887 0.10236 0.0957 0.11165 0.12008 0.09026 0.09022 0.10382 0.09768 0.10236 1987 0.11781 0.08957 0.09571 0.09271 0.09464 0.09036 0.09115 0.10505 0.09807 0.10876 1988 0.09137 0.1074 0.09175 0.10537 0.09795 0.09825 0.08724 0.09007 0.09557 0.10331 1989 0.10887 0.10281 0.09968 0.12141 0.12115 0.10666 0.10649 0.09923 0.10811 0.11378 1990 0.10032 0.09879 0.11158 0.09276 0.10498 0.08695 0.09829 0.10026 0.09287 0.11284 1991 0.0941 0.10303 0.09572 0.10204 0.09567 0.09065 0.09491 0.11406 0.10253 0.10203 1992 0.09721 0.10786 0.08383 0.08308 0.08935 0.08288 0.07632 0.08538 0.08713 0.08142 1993 0.10304 0.12159 0.12348 0.09916 0.09857 0.08218 0.10712 0.10912 0.08424 1c. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 3 of 7, samples 21-30) Year AK220 AK246 AK249 AK251 AK252 AK254n AK261 AK312 AK314 AK315 1941 0.09352 1942 0.10753 0.11918 1943 0.09708 0.07826 1944 0.10316 0.11099 1945 0.08745 0.1066 0.12186 1946 0.10411 0.10379 0.07897 1947 0.11706 0.10058 0.0983 1948 0.08152 0.08329 0.10483 1949 0.1258 0.1087 0.08566 0.08928 1950 0.08792 0.10173 0.08474 0.09756 1951 0.09758 0.09493 0.09413 0.09512 1952 0.0838 0.09874 0.09256 0.10339 1953 0.12502 0.10866 0.11383 0.11683 1954 0.09348 0.0955 0.09335 0.09837 0.09175 1955 0.12293 0.10559 0.10743 0.11678 0.09081 1956 0.1098 0.09789 0.1257 0.10508 0.11339 1957 0.10588 0.10504 0.10746 0.10942 0.09106 0.09763 1958 0.0707 0.07904 0.08835 0.08676 0.08239 0.08431 1959 0.12325 0.08877 0.08934 0.10293 0.09885 0.10276 0.10112 1960 0.07211 0.09261 0.09659 0.08282 0.10555 0.08869 0.09946 1961 0.10639 0.09186 0.11023 0.10635 0.09582 0.08106 0.09472 1962 0.10861 0.11328 0.09555 0.11212 0.10853 0.10437 0.10242 1963 0.07692 0.07894 0.0903 0.10543 0.1047 0.0908 0.08636 0.08794 1964 0.10014 0.10999 0.10429 0.11651 0.11527 0.10025 0.11037 0.09558 1965 0.0885 0.09065 0.09243 0.07698 0.08896 0.10654 0.09938 0.10993 1966 0.11052 0.08684 0.11027 0.09861 0.10879 0.10498 0.09549 0.09582 0.08761 1967 0.10878 0.09982 0.09816 0.10343 0.10055 0.09201 0.10749 0.11849 0.10205 1968 0.09787 0.09619 0.08891 0.08984 0.10164 0.10152 0.11114 0.10404 0.09629 1969 0.09773 0.09241 0.10727 0.08947 0.09815 0.09548 0.08762 0.11664 0.10411 1970 0.09129 0.09334 0.09464 0.08897 0.0991 0.08107 0.10266 0.08782 0.10183 1971 0.10946 0.09685 0.11298 0.11562 0.09999 0.11481 0.07811 0.10045 0.12047 1972 0.10589 0.10498 0.10386 0.11047 0.10084 0.10381 0.10631 0.10742 0.10688 1973 0.09541 0.11851 0.1012 0.10262 0.09095 0.08848 0.09682 0.10584 0.0897 1974 0.12105 0.12952 0.12789 0.10469 0.11252 0.1194 0.11254 0.11605 0.11954 1975 0.0928 0.1102 0.09221 0.11483 0.10314 0.09909 0.1115 0.097 0.10595 1976 0.10846 0.1188 0.10041 0.09716 0.0926 0.10382 0.1047 0.09201 0.10415 0.11733 1977 0.1034 0.10382 0.09158 0.10569 0.09137 0.10447 0.10569 0.09973 0.09035 0.11077 1978 0.09034 0.10205 0.10613 0.09524 0.10154 0.09955 0.08903 0.09152 0.08866 0.07806 1979 0.12139 0.11547 0.11906 0.11968 0.1203 0.10566 0.10744 0.10436 0.11425 0.1121 1980 0.09707 0.09239 0.09125 0.08183 0.08729 0.08454 0.09931 0.10636 0.12185 0.10179 1981 0.1024 0.10617 0.09239 0.10245 0.10078 0.08495 0.09997 0.09951 0.10786 0.09833 1982 0.09561 0.11478 0.11135 0.1156 0.11106 0.1072 0.11864 0.10671 0.10916 0.0948 1983 0.0737 0.08028 0.07453 0.08866 0.07003 0.0857 0.07328 0.08185 0.08435 0.09172 1984 0.0978 0.09411 0.10908 0.10566 0.0992 0.10808 0.09679 0.10934 0.09532 0.12654 1985 0.10715 0.08093 0.08328 0.08615 0.09104 0.09706 0.10213 0.11044 0.1131 0.10013 1986 0.0918 0.10306 0.1102 0.08701 0.1174 0.0974 0.09765 0.09669 0.09092 0.09287 1987 0.09685 0.08689 0.0997 0.10447 0.10317 0.09269 0.08386 0.10345 0.08479 0.08554 1988 0.10567 0.09546 0.10039 0.09322 0.09455 0.10955 0.11262 0.09809 0.09303 0.08943 1989 0.12267 0.10117 0.12089 0.11556 0.10566 0.10408 0.11733 0.1076 0.10787 0.11706 1990 0.0827 0.08515 0.10078 0.09905 0.09014 0.09349 0.099 0.08652 0.08774 0.09001 1991 0.10348 0.09627 0.09484 0.07414 0.10444 0.09881 0.08491 0.10248 0.09954 0.08664 1992 0.0837 0.09396 0.10003 0.10967 0.10193 0.09904 0.10453 0.09053 0.08641 0.09468 1993 0.10906 0.12155 0.09367 0.10662 0.10323 0.10178 0.10274 1d. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 4 of 7, samples 31-40) Year SD063 SD083 SD131 SD134 SD135 SD141 SD059 SD089 SD114 SD130 1931 0.1065 0.11091 1932 0.10339 0.10017 1933 0.11013 0.10362 1934 0.0972 0.11325 1935 0.07683 0.09411 1936 0.09106 0.07664 1937 0.09727 0.09902 0.08241 1938 0.10923 0.09731 0.10227 1939 0.08657 0.08467 0.09387 1940 0.10843 0.11017 0.10341 1941 0.10729 0.09032 0.08677 1942 0.0906 0.11583 0.10438 1943 0.10994 0.10155 0.09921 0.09449 1944 0.07326 0.09889 0.10519 0.08931 0.10418 1945 0.11606 0.08597 0.09199 0.10847 0.08298 0.08984 1946 0.11815 0.10514 0.08949 0.08943 0.10923 0.10333 1947 0.11034 0.10135 0.09063 0.10672 0.09173 0.09658 1948 0.09683 0.09991 0.11069 0.0917 0.10033 0.11541 1949 0.08805 0.08218 0.10378 0.11617 0.09343 0.10461 0.09926 1950 0.08505 0.08208 0.0927 0.09797 0.08791 0.09053 0.10511 1951 0.07381 0.08182 0.10549 0.09526 0.09907 0.11028 0.10165 1952 0.07381 0.07321 0.11219 0.07815 0.11403 0.10355 0.1116 1953 0.142 0.10264 0.13627 0.11603 0.11181 0.11861 0.11552 0.12643 1954 0.11353 0.09668 0.11346 0.09952 0.10692 0.09448 0.11637 0.09571 1955 0.11915 0.09659 0.11058 0.09897 0.12907 0.10976 0.10585 0.09654 1956 0.12477 0.10092 0.11361 0.10924 0.10309 0.11369 0.1066 0.11568 1957 0.09367 0.10141 0.09696 0.10158 0.12342 0.11131 0.10315 0.11223 1958 0.07681 0.08158 0.06965 0.08104 0.06456 0.07246 0.09965 0.0801 1959 0.11652 0.11503 0.09201 0.09532 0.08488 0.09848 0.1205 0.10873 1960 0.08805 0.1126 0.07995 0.08547 0.08818 0.09777 0.11329 0.10498 1961 0.10791 0.11121 0.12125 0.10859 0.11154 0.10439 0.0979 0.11504 1962 0.11353 0.10852 0.11672 0.09824 0.11488 0.09605 0.11479 0.11055 1963 0.10491 0.09602 0.10399 0.09648 0.0957 0.08707 0.103 0.09192 1964 0.11652 0.10319 0.12162 0.10749 0.10618 0.11643 0.10804 0.09746 1965 0.08805 0.09831 0.08879 0.0959 0.1095 0.07562 0.09603 0.08305 1966 0.10791 0.10217 0.11436 0.10708 0.09421 0.11008 0.09275 0.12213 1967 0.07681 0.08756 0.10001 0.09535 0.10887 0.10716 0.09982 0.09333 0.09856 1968 0.10229 0.08788 0.09366 0.09711 0.10666 0.10099 0.09345 0.0939 0.09367 1969 0.07381 0.09091 0.087 0.07866 0.08173 0.08094 0.08504 0.12091 0.10296 0.09395 1970 0.09367 0.07583 0.09282 0.08527 0.09595 0.08939 0.06128 0.07491 0.10757 0.09945 1971 0.10791 0.11248 0.11115 0.11214 0.13355 0.11249 0.09664 0.10277 0.1128 0.10954 1972 0.08805 0.09449 0.10416 0.0927 0.10167 0.09041 0.10292 0.10443 0.10484 0.10453 1973 0.11652 0.09133 0.0969 0.09956 0.08754 0.09942 0.09359 0.07373 0.09677 0.09488 1974 0.10229 0.12197 0.1158 0.12194 0.1112 0.11286 0.11242 0.12176 0.11482 0.10497 1975 0.11053 0.10067 0.10356 0.09654 0.10633 0.09773 0.10842 0.0996 0.05804 0.10053 1976 0.07943 0.11599 0.10058 0.10346 0.09105 0.10013 0.10948 0.09135 0.07135 0.1007 1977 0.08505 0.08862 0.09259 0.09885 0.10054 0.09055 0.07647 0.12133 0.07651 0.07565 1978 0.10491 0.0701 0.08374 0.08376 0.08343 0.09743 0.09826 0.074 0.068 0.07044 1979 0.10491 0.14061 0.10824 0.12397 0.10134 0.12191 0.14488 0.11414 0.11818 1980 0.09067 0.09146 0.09549 0.08545 0.11181 0.10434 0.09761 0.09539 0.10075 1981 0.10491 0.11605 0.09638 0.10894 0.09546 0.09345 0.10645 0.11165 0.10557 1982 0.10491 0.11605 0.10171 0.10378 0.10287 0.10852 0.09941 0.11261 0.09701 1983 0.07943 0.06125 0.08773 0.09925 0.08405 0.08602 0.06394 0.0775 0.09755 1984 0.10491 0.0947 0.10858 0.11164 0.09855 0.10131 0.08712 0.09315 0.0981 1985 0.12477 0.1221 0.09434 0.10074 0.10298 0.10304 0.11893 0.12554 0.09864 1986 0.11652 0.09792 0.10029 0.09515 0.09594 0.0965 0.10563 0.09999 0.1179 1987 0.09367 0.10074 0.09566 0.08389 0.10885 0.09801 0.10388 0.09502 0.09973 1988 0.0947 0.10631 0.11466 0.10515 0.10973 1e. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 5 of 7, samples 41-50) Year VE075 VE056 PSM498MB PSM51F PSM249A AK271 AK262 1-2_08 1-16_08 1-17_08 1923 0.10115 1924 0.10636 0.11076 1925 0.1039 0.0995 0.10645 1926 0.09148 0.10259 0.0867 1927 0.09894 0.07612 0.08509 1928 0.1095 0.08044 0.10869 1929 0.09559 0.07636 0.09862 1930 0.09531 0.13987 0.12289 1931 0.10021 0.11334 0.09272 1932 0.10565 0.10511 0.0938 1933 0.09619 0.08087 0.11241 1934 0.08298 0.10668 0.10452 1935 0.10054 0.09949 0.10278 1936 0.093 0.11003 0.09772 0.11746 1937 0.09153 0.09535 0.08602 0.07209 1938 0.09036 0.09626 0.11172 0.0956 1939 0.09222 0.1231 0.09077 0.09685 1940 0.12849 0.1239 0.11017 0.1104 0.1087 1941 0.09291 0.08517 0.08866 0.09213 0.09509 0.09361 1942 0.08567 0.09779 0.11859 0.08939 0.09585 0.11024 1943 0.08902 0.09964 0.09896 0.09635 0.0944 0.09052 1944 0.10528 0.12376 0.12243 0.1294 0.10675 0.09391 1945 0.10602 0.12601 0.103 0.10438 0.10265 0.09937 1946 0.11487 0.10516 0.09969 0.10798 0.10299 0.10031 1947 0.09688 0.11481 0.10689 0.11506 0.10584 0.09066 1948 0.1083 0.09659 0.11011 0.096 0.12438 0.09826 1949 0.10909 0.10197 0.10009 0.09294 0.11673 0.10598 1950 0.08232 0.09156 0.11033 0.09027 0.1006 0.08946 1951 0.07744 0.08855 0.10732 0.09374 0.09751 0.09683 1952 0.10856 0.10292 0.09368 0.09411 0.09977 0.10168 1953 0.1153 0.10447 0.10743 0.09134 0.102 0.10915 1954 0.09898 0.09261 0.0973 0.0778 0.09515 0.09627 1955 0.12833 0.09866 0.09734 0.08479 0.10033 0.10353 1956 0.12362 0.10423 0.10046 0.10936 0.1273 0.1049 1957 0.10126 0.10564 0.11066 0.08531 0.10428 0.12139 1958 0.07008 0.0935 0.06729 0.07197 0.09345 0.0891 1959 0.10594 0.09471 0.09077 0.09303 0.08861 0.10838 1960 0.08018 0.10536 0.09388 0.12738 0.09318 0.08459 1961 0.06859 0.09195 0.10408 0.10716 0.09825 0.10732 1962 0.11126 0.10789 0.09821 0.10054 0.11425 0.10294 0.11438 1963 0.0757 0.09385 0.09412 0.08726 0.10396 0.08007 0.09574 1964 0.10418 0.10155 0.11037 0.10764 0.1115 0.08493 0.10606 1965 0.0802 0.09417 0.08618 0.09391 0.09746 0.08938 0.10322 1966 0.1059 0.10628 0.09182 0.08373 0.09763 0.09436 0.078 1967 0.10968 0.09794 0.09276 0.09082 0.10839 0.08437 0.11105 1968 0.09807 0.08881 0.10953 0.09392 0.10856 0.10056 0.10154 1969 0.10858 0.10141 0.10015 0.09747 0.10502 0.10167 0.08542 1970 0.08998 0.09137 0.09056 0.08373 0.10192 0.09874 0.0957 1971 0.12329 0.11454 0.10768 0.09393 0.09834 0.09214 0.10905 1972 0.09154 0.09298 0.10863 0.10412 0.10217 0.09302 0.10583 1973 0.1089 0.08137 0.09803 0.08064 0.0916 0.10161 0.10608 1974 0.12304 0.12215 0.10465 0.11431 0.10566 0.09469 0.10981 1975 0.11084 0.10731 0.10549 0.11741 0.09552 0.09546 0.12013 1976 0.12883 0.09782 0.08933 0.1276 0.09561 0.09198 0.09697 1977 0.12323 0.11406 0.11306 0.09083 0.09569 0.08467 0.09712 1978 0.1034 0.08293 0.09066 0.07709 0.09204 0.08956 0.09371 1979 0.1255 0.12019 0.08728 0.11362 0.10635 0.11064 1980 0.10208 0.10046 0.09888 0.09082 1981 0.09227 0.11388 0.09127 0.09756 1982 0.09314 0.08718 0.10828 0.12428 1983 0.0759 0.07894 0.08786 0.08395 1984 0.0988 0.09857 0.10497 0.1009 1985 0.09198 0.10579 0.12669 0.10452 1986 0.08207 0.10025 0.09363 0.08411 1987 0.09034 0.1139 0.09403 0.09796 1988 0.09476 0.1017 0.1029 0.098 0.10113 1989 0.10382 0.09233 0.13735 0.09136 0.10055 1990 0.09312 0.07623 0.09513 0.09808 0.08313 1991 0.09409 0.09998 0.09089 0.08428 0.11741 0.10438 1992 0.0909 0.1142 0.11297 0.10873 0.10727 0.09833 1993 0.104 0.13058 0.08809 0.09516 0.09956 1994 0.11202 0.09369 0.1105 1995 0.08518 0.10964 0.11355 1996 0.09824 0.09728 0.0833 1997 0.13034 0.12234 0.12323 1998 0.06374 0.05829 0.07531 1999 0.1119 0.095 0.10414 2000 0.0985 0.12968 0.10906 2001 0.11321 0.08277 0.08197 2002 0.10395 0.10641 0.09031 2003 0.07455 0.08175 0.07156 2004 0.10519 0.10809 0.11535 2005 0.09568 0.08305 0.10579 2006 0.1089 0.11456 0.10546 2007 0.11071 0.11284 1f. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 6 of 7, samples 51-60) Year 2-2_07 2-19_08 3-4_07 3-05_07 4-1_08 6-5_07 6-10_07 6-12_07 7-2_06 7-6_06 1960 0.08969 1961 0.09367 1962 0.11718 1963 0.10452 1964 0.10662 0.11132 1965 0.09921 0.09666 1966 0.09138 0.11609 1967 0.10255 0.08981 1968 0.08405 0.09998 0.08565 1969 0.12053 0.09213 0.09835 1970 0.07623 0.07863 0.09371 1971 0.10823 0.11495 0.08512 1972 0.11981 0.12665 0.09814 1973 0.08931 0.08202 0.08886 1974 0.10112 0.13244 0.10624 1975 0.10736 0.09998 0.11195 1976 0.11363 0.10628 0.11382 1977 0.09246 0.08294 0.0909 1978 0.09312 0.06755 0.09638 0.10492 1979 0.10237 0.1091 0.10945 0.11878 1980 0.09155 0.08769 0.09346 0.11167 1981 0.1008 0.15461 0.09438 0.1088 1982 0.11809 0.09437 0.11521 0.11048 0.09244 1983 0.0902 0.05043 0.07575 0.08306 0.07987 1984 0.0906 0.08982 0.08914 0.10232 0.10359 0.09413 1985 0.09097 0.1412 0.11338 0.0882 0.0929 0.09756 0.09019 1986 0.10025 0.09066 0.09375 0.10732 0.09764 0.09326 0.10463 1987 0.09449 0.10559 0.10502 0.0931 0.09437 0.10983 0.10845 0.0867 1988 0.09479 0.10599 0.11646 0.08158 0.11431 0.09868 0.11067 0.10599 1989 0.11844 0.09738 0.12544 0.13455 0.11469 0.11632 0.10369 0.10659 1990 0.07808 0.11526 0.11848 0.10195 0.08436 0.1034 0.09164 0.09304 1991 0.10753 0.09679 0.10985 0.09212 0.08706 0.08952 0.08575 0.10517 0.10766 1992 0.11934 0.10446 0.06946 0.08744 0.11234 0.10101 0.11597 0.09491 0.09389 1993 0.09021 0.12253 0.09558 0.08267 0.09114 0.10315 0.08752 0.09402 0.10364 1994 0.10822 0.10071 0.09868 0.11137 0.11474 0.11545 0.0928 0.10548 0.09461 1995 0.11133 0.08441 0.0786 0.07005 0.10177 0.09374 0.10131 0.10453 0.11876 1996 0.09945 0.09873 0.10237 0.11311 0.08544 0.09867 0.09332 0.08805 0.09025 1997 0.11752 0.09234 0.09341 0.10265 0.09811 0.08765 0.08642 0.10167 0.11009 0.07647 1998 0.05884 0.06573 0.05281 0.05741 0.06416 0.06677 0.06672 0.07242 0.0795 0.07168 1999 0.11491 0.13031 0.10576 0.12141 0.12518 0.11627 0.13161 0.11161 0.1049 0.13414 2000 0.09999 0.09421 0.12049 0.11939 0.11103 0.13053 0.10764 0.10595 0.11965 0.10116 2001 0.10345 0.08711 0.10602 0.10235 0.10246 0.12298 0.1124 0.08934 0.10187 0.1251 2002 0.1002 0.10599 0.14124 0.10306 0.12956 0.10067 0.09892 0.123 0.08323 0.10153 2003 0.0768 0.09882 0.06538 0.07962 0.0617 0.07406 0.09459 0.104 0.09162 2004 0.1155 0.13658 0.11974 0.10429 0.09914 0.11914 0.10625 0.10219 2005 0.10046 0.09369 0.07822 0.08188 0.11052 0.09015 0.09963 2006 0.08789 0.12733 0.10369 0.1058 2007 1g. Annual otolith growth-increment width (in mm) (Part 7 of 7, samples 61-70) Year 7-8_06 7-9_06 7-10_6 7-12_06 7-14_06 8-3_08 8-23_08 11-6_07 7-13_06 5-1_08 1965 0.10116 0.10076 1966 0.09753 0.09018 1967 0.09764 0.10288 0.10202 1968 0.09568 0.0835 0.09128 1969 0.08119 0.09308 0.10026 1970 0.10401 0.11207 0.08696 1971 0.11052 0.11626 0.09941 1972 0.10844 0.09917 0.12258 1973 0.08825 0.06397 0.09046 1974 0.11531 0.09835 0.11432 1975 0.09237 0.10132 0.10257 0.11999 1976 0.11008 0.11775 0.0975 0.09895 1977 0.12452 0.10554 0.08914 0.10046 1978 0.06945 0.09277 0.08379 0.08632 1979 0.09622 0.12258 0.12742 0.11742 1980 0.10733 0.09102 0.12569 0.08463 1981 0.07933 0.10116 0.12723 0.10187 1982 0.11851 0.10444 0.11013 0.11127 0.12209 0.10304 1983 0.09698 0.08572 0.07964 0.06912 0.07544 0.07516 1984 0.09591 0.10799 0.11527 0.0817 0.09021 0.08848 1985 0.0934 0.09722 0.09055 0.11516 0.08788 0.11469 1986 0.09602 0.102 0.09119 0.09077 0.11381 0.09014 1987 0.10432 0.10064 0.10673 0.10708 0.08957 0.11891 0.09521 1988 0.11494 0.10435 0.10074 0.1032 0.119 0.10233 0.11671 0.09598 1989 0.10129 0.10159 0.11381 0.11548 0.10541 0.09837 0.11847 0.09956 0.11198 1990 0.10883 0.08983 0.08498 0.09292 0.12006 0.0854 0.11098 0.09022 0.09988 0.08859 1991 0.10026 0.09128 0.09782 0.1002 0.08416 0.11954 0.08434 0.10285 0.09791 0.09803 1992 0.10398 0.1112 0.10171 0.09589 0.10376 0.08867 0.0887 0.10815 0.09821 0.10755 1993 0.11415 0.09432 0.09623 0.10055 0.09536 0.07369 0.10626 0.08242 0.11075 0.09922 1994 0.11462 0.11021 0.10462 0.10025 0.10114 0.10897 0.0901 0.11132 0.0913 0.10427 1995 0.10221 0.10485 0.1035 0.10214 0.09254 0.09027 0.10193 0.10494 0.08625 0.09575 1996 0.09629 0.10422 0.09739 0.10133 0.10329 0.10247 0.10901 0.1106 0.0889 0.10076 1997 0.10577 0.09103 0.09836 0.09262 0.09946 0.12225 0.11137 0.1247 0.08581 0.1035 1998 0.08111 0.08211 0.0718 0.0857 0.08058 0.05885 0.09489 0.07623 0.063 0.08787 1999 0.09363 0.11262 0.11495 0.11061 0.10165 0.08959 0.11137 0.08596 0.13321 0.11587 2000 0.10616 0.1121 0.09328 0.10645 0.10278 0.12897 0.10431 0.09602 0.10438 0.1163 2001 0.10623 0.08955 0.11403 0.11008 0.10393 0.07743 0.09489 0.06233 0.10817 0.09814 2002 0.11919 0.10272 0.10204 0.09751 0.12077 0.12574 0.10902 0.09024 0.11878 0.10311 2003 0.07831 0.0819 0.0924 0.08427 0.09576 0.10007 0.08546 0.10087 0.09913 0.08474 2004 0.07834 0.11552 0.10819 0.10695 0.10221 0.11395 0.10195 0.10723 0.12245 2005 0.09082 0.09261 0.07884 0.09253 0.08051 2006 0.12207 0.0996 0.10896 2007 0.10431 0.0927 2. Standardized otolith growth master chronology Year SampleDepth Splitnose_master_chronology 1923 1 1.012 1924 2 1.086 1925 3 1.039 1926 3 0.915 1927 3 0.851 1928 3 1.087 1929 3 0.956 1930 3 1.229 1931 5 1.065 1932 5 1.034 1933 5 1.036 1934 5 1.045 1935 5 0.995 1936 6 0.976 1937 7 0.897 1938 7 1.002 1939 7 0.91 1940 11 1.085 1941 14 0.899 1942 15 1.046 1943 17 0.961 1944 18 1.058 1945 20 1.008 1946 21 1.028 1947 22 1.034 1948 22 1.017 1949 27 1.019 1950 27 0.94 1951 28 0.949 1952 29 0.973 1953 32 1.121 1954 33 0.945 1955 34 1.109 1956 34 1.095 1957 35 1.013 1958 35 0.806 1959 38 1.01 1960 39 0.941 1961 39 1.017 1962 42 1.068 1963 43 0.936 1964 44 1.091 1965 46 0.947 1966 47 1.025 1967 49 0.986 1968 50 0.965 1969 52 0.953 1970 52 0.94 1971 52 1.078 1972 52 1.009 1973 52 0.949 1974 52 1.131 1975 53 1.027 1976 54 1.019 1977 54 0.997 1978 55 0.901 1979 53 1.122 1980 51 0.975 1981 51 1.029 1982 54 1.047 1983 54 0.803 1984 55 0.996 1985 56 1.005 1986 56 0.982 1987 58 0.994 1988 56 1.011 1989 52 1.086 1990 53 0.958 1991 54 0.982 1992 54 0.97 1993 46 1.009 1994 22 1.045 1995 22 0.986 1996 22 0.984 1997 23 1.03 1998 23 0.709 1999 23 1.122 2000 23 1.088 2001 23 1.005 2002 23 1.056 2003 22 0.854 2004 20 1.097 2005 15 0.915 2006 10 1.084 2007 4 1.075 3. COFECHA statistical analysis [] Dendrochronology Program Library Run SPLIT Program COF 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 1 [] [] P R O G R A M C O F E C H A Version 6.06P 27968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUALITY CONTROL AND DATING CHECK OF TREE-RING MEASUREMENTS Title of run: splitnose File of DATED series: splitnose_meas_2010_c.txt CONTENTS: Part 1: Title page, options selected, summary, absent rings by series Part 2: Histogram of time spans Part 3: Master series with sample depth and absent rings by year Part 4: Bar plot of Master Dating Series Part 5: Correlation by segment of each series with Master Part 6: Potential problems: low correlation, divergent year-to-year changes, absent rings, outliers Part 7: Descriptive statistics RUN CONTROL OPTIONS SELECTED VALUE 1 Cubic smoothing spline 50% wavelength cutoff for filtering 22 years 2 Segments examined are 50 years lagged successively by 25 years 3 Autoregressive model applied A Residuals are used in master dating series and testing 4 Series transformed to logarithms Y Each series log-transformed for master dating series and testing 5 CORRELATION is Pearson (parametric, quantitative) Critical correlation, 99% confidence level .3281 6 Master dating series saved N 7 Ring measurements listed N 8 Parts printed 1234567 9 Absent rings are omitted from master series and segment correlations (Y) Time span of Master dating series is 1923 to 2007 85 years Continuous time span is 1923 to 2007 85 years Portion with two or more series is 1924 to 2007 84 years **************************************** *C* Number of dated series 70 *C* *O* Master series 1923 2007 85 yrs *O* *F* Total rings in all series 2590 *F* *E* Total dated rings checked 2589 *E* *C* Series intercorrelation .580 *C* *H* Average mean sensitivity .152 *H* *A* Segments, possible problems 14 *A* *** Mean length of series 37.0 *** **************************************** ABSENT RINGS listed by SERIES: (See Master Dating Series for absent rings listed by year) No ring measurements of zero value PART 2: TIME PLOT OF TREE-RING SERIES: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 Ident Seq Time-span Yrs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -------- --- ---- ---- ---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . VE068 1 1962 1993 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . VE067 2 1959 1993 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . VE066 3 1946 1993 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . VE065 4 1941 1993 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . VE061 5 1953 1993 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . VE045 6 1940 1990 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK015 7 1955 1993 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK003 8 1940 1992 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK004 9 1940 1992 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK006 10 1949 1992 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK008 11 1949 1993 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . AK011 12 1962 1993 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK013 13 1947 1993 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK024 14 1949 1992 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK029b 15 1943 1993 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK053 16 1952 1993 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK056b 17 1951 1993 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK066 18 1953 1993 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK067b 19 1959 1993 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . AK181 20 1969 1993 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK220 21 1959 1993 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK246 22 1945 1993 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=>. . AK249 23 1976 1993 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK251 24 1949 1993 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . AK252 25 1963 1992 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK254n 26 1942 1992 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK261 27 1957 1992 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . AK312 28 1966 1993 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===>. . AK314 29 1954 1993 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK315 30 1941 1993 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===> . . SD063 31 1949 1987 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <==> . . SD083 32 1953 1988 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===> . . SD131 33 1943 1988 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====> . . SD134 34 1937 1988 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<=> . . SD135 35 1969 1988 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<=> . . SD141 36 1967 1987 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===> . . SD059 37 1944 1987 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===> . . SD089 38 1945 1987 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====> . . SD114 39 1931 1988 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <===> . . SD130 40 1931 1978 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . VE075 41 1941 1993 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<==>. . VE056 42 1962 1992 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====> . . PSM498MB 43 1923 1978 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====> . . PSM51F 44 1924 1979 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====> . . PSM249A 45 1925 1979 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=====>. . AK271 46 1936 1993 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <====>. . AK262 47 1940 1991 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 1-2_08 48 1988 2006 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <> . 1-16_08 49 1991 2007 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <> . 1-17_08 50 1992 2007 16 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 PART 2: TIME PLOT OF TREE-RING SERIES: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 Ident Seq Time-span Yrs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -------- --- ---- ---- ---- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 2-2_07 51 1964 2005 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <> . 2-19_08 52 1991 2006 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 3-4_07 53 1968 2002 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <==> . 3-05_07 54 1978 2006 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <> . 4-1_08 55 1997 2006 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 6-5_07 56 1987 2005 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 6-10_07 57 1984 2006 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 6-12_07 58 1985 2005 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 7-2_06 59 1982 2004 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 7-6_06 60 1960 2003 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <==> . 7-8_06 61 1975 2005 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 7-9_06 62 1987 2004 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 7-10_6 63 1982 2004 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 7-12_06 64 1982 2004 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <> . 7-14_06 65 1990 2005 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 8-3_08 66 1965 2006 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 8-23_08 67 1989 2007 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 11-6_07 68 1965 2004 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <=> . 7-13_06 69 1988 2003 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<===> . 5-1_08 70 1967 2007 41 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 PART 3: Master Dating Series: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year Value No Ab Year Value No Ab Year Value No Ab Year Value No Ab Year Value No Ab Year Value No Ab ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 1950 -.835 27 2000 .993 23 1951 -.711 28 2001 .035 23 1952 -.315 29 2002 .764 23 1953 1.437 32 2003 -1.604 22 1954 -.703 33 2004 1.043 20 1955 1.023 34 2005 -.790 15 1956 1.048 34 2006 .754 10 1957 .193 35 2007 .888 4 1958 -2.849 35 1959 .162 38 1960 -.516 39 1961 .192 39 1962 1.029 42 1963 -.930 43 1964 1.279 44 1965 -.603 46 1966 .418 47 1967 -.168 49 1968 -.381 50 1969 -.600 52 1970 -.854 52 1971 .944 52 1972 .053 52 1923 -.105 1 1973 -.785 52 1924 1.718 2 1974 1.549 52 1925 .911 3 1975 .213 53 1926 -1.401 3 1976 .213 54 1927 -1.340 3 1977 -.055 54 1928 .742 3 1978 -1.410 55 1929 -1.032 3 1979 1.585 53 1930 1.601 3 1980 -.223 51 1931 .619 5 1981 .301 51 1932 .251 5 1982 .694 54 1933 .285 5 1983 -3.105 54 1934 -.014 5 1984 .241 55 1935 -.813 5 1985 .232 56 1936 -.526 6 1986 -.108 56 1937 -1.356 7 1987 .078 58 1938 .334 7 1988 .337 56 1939 -.801 7 1989 1.445 52 1940 1.955 11 1990 -.594 53 1941 -1.206 14 1991 -.213 54 1942 .516 15 1992 -.414 54 1943 -.719 17 1993 .398 46 1944 .567 18 1994 .530 22 1945 -.121 20 1995 -.069 22 1946 -.022 21 1996 -.107 22 1947 .266 22 1997 .371 23 1948 .066 22 1998 -3.418 23 1949 .259 27 1999 1.289 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART 4: Master Bar Plot: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value Year Rel value 1950-c 2000---------D 1951--c 2001-----@ 1952---a 2002--------C 1953----------F 2003f 1954--c 2004---------D 1955---------D 2005-c 1956---------D 2006--------C 1957------A 2007--------D 1958k 1959-----A 1960--b 1961------A 1962---------D 1963-d 1964---------E 1965--b 1966-------B 1967----a 1968---b 1969--b 1970-c 1971---------D 1972-----@ 1923----@ 1973-c 1924----------G 1974----------F 1925---------D 1975------A 1926f 1976------A 1927e 1977----@ 1928--------C 1978f 1929-d 1979----------F 1930----------F 1980---a 1931--------B 1981------A 1932------A 1982--------C 1933------A 1983l 1934----@ 1984------A 1935-c 1985------A 1936--b 1986----@ 1937e 1987-----@ 1938-------A 1988-------A 1939-c 1989----------F 1940----------H 1990--b 1941e 1991---a 1942-------B 1992---b 1943--c 1993-------B 1944-------B 1994-------B 1945----@ 1995----@ 1946----@ 1996----@ 1947------A 1997-------A 1948-----@ 1998n 1949------A 1999---------E PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1900 1925 1950 1975 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 VE068 1962 1993 .52 2 VE067 1959 1993 .67 3 VE066 1946 1993 .62 4 VE065 1941 1993 .53 .53 5 VE061 1953 1993 .78 6 VE045 1940 1990 .61 .59 7 AK015 1955 1993 .50 8 AK003 1940 1992 .62 .61 9 AK004 1940 1992 .49 .47 10 AK006 1949 1992 .76 11 AK008 1949 1993 .60 12 AK011 1962 1993 .45 13 AK013 1947 1993 .58 14 AK024 1949 1992 .60 15 AK029b 1943 1993 .63 .63 16 AK053 1952 1993 .82 17 AK056b 1951 1993 .41 18 AK066 1953 1993 .74 19 AK067b 1959 1993 .66 20 AK181 1969 1993 .50 21 AK220 1959 1993 .87 22 AK246 1945 1993 .70 23 AK249 1976 1993 .74 24 AK251 1949 1993 .56 25 AK252 1963 1992 .74 26 AK254n 1942 1992 .43 .43 27 AK261 1957 1992 .62 28 AK312 1966 1993 .43 29 AK314 1954 1993 .61 30 AK315 1941 1993 .39 .40B 31 SD063 1949 1987 .63 32 SD083 1953 1988 .81 33 SD131 1943 1988 .69 34 SD134 1937 1988 .49 .50 35 SD135 1969 1988 .85 36 SD141 1967 1987 .85 37 SD059 1944 1987 .57 38 SD089 1945 1987 .64 39 SD114 1931 1988 .20B .21B 40 SD130 1931 1978 .55 41 VE075 1941 1993 .68 .72 42 VE056 1962 1992 .57 43 PSM498MB 1923 1978 .31A .30A .31B 44 PSM51F 1924 1979 .49 .49 .58 45 PSM249A 1925 1979 .52 .52 46 AK271 1936 1993 .30B .30B 47 AK262 1940 1991 .32B .29B 48 1-2_08 1988 2006 .61 49 1-16_08 1991 2007 .17B 50 1-17_08 1992 2007 .34B 51 2-2_07 1964 2005 .50 52 2-19_08 1991 2006 .82 53 3-4_07 1968 2002 .77 54 3-05_07 1978 2006 .80 55 4-1_08 1997 2006 .93 56 6-5_07 1987 2005 .32B 57 6-10_07 1984 2006 .87 58 6-12_07 1985 2005 .71 59 7-2_06 1982 2004 .83 60 7-6_06 1960 2003 .63 61 7-8_06 1975 2005 .51 62 7-9_06 1987 2004 .65 63 7-10_6 1982 2004 .81 64 7-12_06 1982 2004 .79 65 7-14_06 1990 2005 .84 66 8-3_08 1965 2006 .45 67 8-23_08 1989 2007 .37B 68 11-6_07 1965 2004 .36 69 7-13_06 1988 2003 .84 70 5-1_08 1967 2007 .70 Av segment correlation .40 .54 .57 .66 PART 6: POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each series with potential problems the following diagnostics may appear: [A] Correlations with master dating series of flagged 50-year segments of series filtered with 22-year spline, at every point from ten years earlier (-10) to ten years later (+10) than dated [B] Effect of those data values which most lower or raise correlation with master series Symbol following year indicates value in series is greater (>) or lesser (<) than master series value [C] Year-to-year changes very different from the mean change in other series [D] Absent rings (zero values) [E] Values which are statistical outliers from mean for the year ==================================================================================================================================== VE068 1962 to 1993 32 years Series 1 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .520) is: Lower 1974< -.173 1986< -.046 1978> -.044 1977> -.014 1991> -.009 1988< -.007 Higher 1983 .297 1979 .028 ==================================================================================================================================== VE067 1959 to 1993 35 years Series 2 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .672) is: Lower 1982< -.028 1959< -.027 1987> -.021 1989< -.017 1991> -.017 1992< -.011 Higher 1983 .115 1978 .030 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1987 +3.1 SD ==================================================================================================================================== VE066 1946 to 1993 48 years Series 3 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .618) is: Lower 1958> -.044 1952> -.032 1993< -.017 1979< -.013 1965> -.012 1969> -.010 Higher 1983 .222 1953 .008 ==================================================================================================================================== VE065 1941 to 1993 53 years Series 4 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .526) is: Lower 1954< -.068 1948< -.027 1962< -.014 1971< -.012 1949< -.010 1945> -.010 Higher 1983 .061 1989 .024 ==================================================================================================================================== VE061 1953 to 1993 41 years Series 5 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .781) is: Lower 1965> -.020 1982< -.019 1969< -.017 1963> -.016 1988< -.013 1957< -.012 Higher 1958 .083 1983 .079 ==================================================================================================================================== VE045 1940 to 1990 51 years Series 6 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .609) is: Lower 1945< -.037 1950> -.020 1958> -.018 1978< -.014 1941> -.014 1946< -.013 Higher 1983 .122 1940 .015 ==================================================================================================================================== AK015 1955 to 1993 39 years Series 7 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .501) is: Lower 1970> -.070 1963< -.059 1983> -.050 1975< -.012 1969> -.010 1974< -.009 Higher 1958 .094 1978 .035 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1970 +3.6 SD ==================================================================================================================================== AK003 1940 to 1992 53 years Series 8 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .615) is: Lower 1952< -.074 1970> -.026 1958> -.021 1962< -.014 1959> -.008 1965> -.006 Higher 1983 .119 1974 .011 ==================================================================================================================================== AK004 1940 to 1992 53 years Series 9 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .483) is: Lower 1956< -.056 1981< -.044 1978> -.029 1951> -.022 1982< -.021 1944< -.020 Higher 1983 .267 1962 .014 ==================================================================================================================================== AK006 1949 to 1992 44 years Series 10 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .759) is: Lower 1965< -.024 1987< -.022 1973> -.016 1992> -.012 1975< -.012 1977> -.011 Higher 1983 .117 1958 .030 ==================================================================================================================================== AK008 1949 to 1993 45 years Series 11 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .604) is: Lower 1958> -.063 1963> -.024 1953< -.023 1950> -.022 1973> -.021 1988< -.018 Higher 1983 .234 1979 .015 ==================================================================================================================================== AK011 1962 to 1993 32 years Series 12 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .449) is: Lower 1983> -.039 1970> -.033 1963< -.019 1965> -.019 1968> -.016 1972< -.011 Higher 1978 .027 1974 .021 ==================================================================================================================================== AK013 1947 to 1993 47 years Series 13 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .582) is: Lower 1973< -.080 1970> -.029 1978> -.025 1952< -.008 1989< -.006 1951> -.006 Higher 1983 .107 1974 .011 ==================================================================================================================================== AK024 1949 to 1992 44 years Series 14 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .604) is: Lower 1978> -.089 1957< -.071 1950> -.023 1976< -.019 1960> -.017 1977< -.014 Higher 1983 .181 1958 .086 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1978 +4.2 SD ==================================================================================================================================== AK029b 1943 to 1993 51 years Series 15 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .627) is: Lower 1946< -.040 1962< -.025 1963> -.022 1950> -.021 1954< -.017 1976< -.017 Higher 1983 .147 1958 .091 ==================================================================================================================================== AK053 1952 to 1993 42 years Series 16 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .821) is: Lower 1952> -.032 1957< -.021 1956< -.015 1961> -.013 1984< -.009 1955< -.008 Higher 1983 .069 1958 .067 ==================================================================================================================================== AK056b 1951 to 1993 43 years Series 17 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .406) is: Lower 1967< -.096 1977< -.029 1973> -.027 1957< -.024 1951> -.021 1958> -.021 Higher 1983 .246 1989 .021 ==================================================================================================================================== AK066 1953 to 1993 41 years Series 18 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .743) is: Lower 1989< -.021 1988< -.018 1991> -.018 1979< -.017 1968< -.014 1965> -.014 Higher 1958 .097 1983 .023 ==================================================================================================================================== AK067b 1959 to 1993 35 years Series 19 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .657) is: Lower 1960> -.042 1963> -.039 1961< -.033 1978> -.024 1967< -.020 1984> -.014 Higher 1983 .225 1974 .018 ==================================================================================================================================== AK181 1969 to 1993 25 years Series 20 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .499) is: Lower 1972< -.241 1969> -.034 1970> -.021 1979< -.012 1976< -.012 1990> -.010 Higher 1983 .344 1978 .033 ==================================================================================================================================== AK220 1959 to 1993 35 years Series 21 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .874) is: Lower 1964< -.033 1959> -.019 1967> -.011 1982< -.010 1975< -.006 1984< -.004 Higher 1983 .148 1989 .008 ==================================================================================================================================== AK246 1945 to 1993 49 years Series 22 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .697) is: Lower 1985< -.061 1973> -.027 1971< -.018 1966< -.017 1978> -.009 1990< -.007 Higher 1958 .091 1983 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== AK249 1976 to 1993 18 years Series 23 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .744) is: Lower 1978> -.079 1985< -.076 1981< -.037 1992> -.016 1990> -.015 1993< -.002 Higher 1983 .474 1989 .029 ==================================================================================================================================== AK251 1949 to 1993 45 years Series 24 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .555) is: Lower 1983> -.126 1959< -.047 1991< -.021 1986< -.012 1980< -.011 1985< -.009 Higher 1958 .156 1974 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== AK252 1963 to 1992 30 years Series 25 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .740) is: Lower 1978> -.033 1963> -.031 1973> -.016 1986> -.015 1977< -.013 1965< -.013 Higher 1983 .289 1979 .014 ==================================================================================================================================== AK254n 1942 to 1992 51 years Series 26 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .431) is: Lower 1981< -.069 1980< -.025 1949< -.021 1948< -.021 1978> -.020 1963> -.012 Higher 1983 .035 1956 .018 ==================================================================================================================================== AK261 1957 to 1992 36 years Series 27 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .622) is: Lower 1970< -.114 1987< -.026 1964< -.013 1990> -.010 1985< -.009 1960> -.006 Higher 1958 .032 1983 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== AK312 1966 to 1993 28 years Series 28 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .429) is: Lower 1971< -.317 1968> -.021 1976< -.011 1970> -.008 1967> -.007 1990< -.006 Higher 1983 .292 1978 .027 ==================================================================================================================================== AK314 1954 to 1993 40 years Series 29 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .606) is: Lower 1961< -.079 1969> -.030 1987< -.020 1977< -.017 1967> -.012 1973> -.011 Higher 1958 .086 1983 .028 ==================================================================================================================================== AK315 1941 to 1993 53 years Series 30 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1944 1993 -5 .26 .03 .04 -.14 -.24 .40*-.05 -.06 -.22 -.15 .40|-.14 -.05 .18 -.04 .17 -.19 -.14 -.03 -.06 .28 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .391) is: Lower 1988< -.039 1987< -.020 1966< -.018 1949< -.017 1958> -.015 1982< -.014 Higher 1983 .043 1978 .042 1944 to 1993 segment: Lower 1988< -.039 1987< -.020 1958> -.018 1966< -.018 1949< -.017 1984> -.015 Higher 1978 .043 1983 .043 ==================================================================================================================================== SD063 1949 to 1987 39 years Series 31 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .626) is: Lower 1976< -.038 1978> -.037 1973> -.028 1967< -.027 1969< -.019 1977< -.016 Higher 1983 .122 1958 .061 ==================================================================================================================================== SD083 1953 to 1988 36 years Series 32 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .810) is: Lower 1956< -.025 1957< -.016 1955< -.014 1960> -.011 1954> -.009 1985> -.007 Higher 1958 .060 1978 .010 ==================================================================================================================================== SD131 1943 to 1988 46 years Series 33 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .688) is: Lower 1944< -.042 1984> -.013 1963> -.013 1978< -.012 1954> -.012 1943> -.011 Higher 1958 .046 1953 .012 ==================================================================================================================================== SD134 1937 to 1988 52 years Series 34 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .472) is: Lower 1983> -.092 1945< -.045 1937> -.027 1941> -.027 1952> -.019 1987< -.018 Higher 1958 .139 1978 .022 ==================================================================================================================================== SD135 1969 to 1988 20 years Series 35 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .847) is: Lower 1979< -.023 1976< -.021 1970> -.017 1987> -.016 1980> -.016 1981< -.005 Higher 1983 .204 1978 .013 ==================================================================================================================================== SD141 1967 to 1987 21 years Series 36 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .847) is: Lower 1977< -.051 1972< -.022 1973> -.013 1968> -.013 1980> -.010 1967> -.009 Higher 1983 .254 1979 .012 ==================================================================================================================================== SD059 1944 to 1987 44 years Series 37 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .575) is: Lower 1970< -.069 1978> -.025 1965> -.014 1977< -.009 1947< -.009 1967> -.007 Higher 1983 .064 1979 .021 ==================================================================================================================================== SD089 1945 to 1987 43 years Series 38 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .640) is: Lower 1983> -.044 1950< -.033 1969> -.029 1952> -.016 1945> -.014 1949< -.010 Higher 1958 .108 1953 .015 ==================================================================================================================================== SD114 1931 to 1988 58 years Series 39 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1931 1980 2 - - .32 .14 .08 -.19 -.20 -.06 -.05 -.32 .20| .04 .41*-.03 -.21 -.03 .01 .08 .27 -.13 -.06 1939 1988 8 -.01 .08 .17 .24 .09 -.06 -.06 -.17 -.02 -.35 .21|-.07 .18 .04 -.24 .13 -.02 .10 .33*-.13 -.07 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .170) is: Lower 1975< -.055 1935< -.044 1983> -.036 1976< -.019 1937> -.018 1970> -.015 Higher 1958 .041 1978 .037 1931 to 1980 segment: Lower 1975< -.064 1935< -.051 1937> -.027 1976< -.022 1970> -.021 1951> -.017 Higher 1978 .044 1958 .039 1939 to 1988 segment: Lower 1975< -.079 1983> -.047 1976< -.026 1970> -.019 1951> -.016 1960> -.013 Higher 1958 .052 1978 .045 ==================================================================================================================================== SD130 1931 to 1978 48 years Series 40 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .545) is: Lower 1936< -.106 1955< -.030 1964< -.019 1934> -.018 1965< -.014 1952> -.013 Higher 1958 .141 1937 .032 ==================================================================================================================================== VE075 1941 to 1993 53 years Series 41 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .680) is: Lower 1942< -.030 1961< -.023 1986< -.023 1972< -.016 1982< -.014 1978> -.010 Higher 1983 .149 1989 .011 ==================================================================================================================================== VE056 1962 to 1992 31 years Series 42 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .567) is: Lower 1990< -.130 1989< -.028 1992> -.026 1982< -.021 1969> -.007 1987> -.006 Higher 1983 .173 1978 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== PSM498MB 1923 to 1978 56 years Series 43 [*] Early part of series cannot be checked from 1923 to 1923 -- not matched by another series [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1924 1973 0 - - - - - - - - - -.05 .31*-.01 .03 .03 -.17 -.20 -.09 .24 .19 .11 .03 1925 1974 0 - - - - - - - - .09 -.06 .30*-.02 .05 .08 -.19 -.16 -.15 .23 .20 .04 .01 1929 1978 7 - - - - -.08 -.04 -.11 -.10 .11 .00 .31|-.10 .08 -.01 -.09 -.10 -.24 .32* .16 .01 -.02 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .330) is: Lower 1958> -.046 1934< -.033 1938< -.019 1945> -.016 1935> -.015 1967< -.014 Higher 1940 .032 1964 .020 1924 to 1973 segment: Lower 1958> -.049 1934< -.036 1938< -.021 1945> -.016 1935> -.016 1967< -.016 Higher 1940 .036 1964 .023 1925 to 1974 segment: Lower 1958> -.048 1934< -.036 1938< -.021 1945> -.016 1935> -.016 1967< -.016 Higher 1940 .037 1964 .023 1929 to 1978 segment: Lower 1958> -.052 1934< -.036 1938< -.021 1945> -.018 1935> -.017 1960> -.016 Higher 1940 .038 1964 .024 ==================================================================================================================================== PSM51F 1924 to 1979 56 years Series 44 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .501) is: Lower 1928< -.041 1926> -.033 1933< -.032 1939> -.031 1936> -.017 1951> -.016 Higher 1958 .193 1940 .015 ==================================================================================================================================== PSM249A 1925 to 1979 55 years Series 45 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .530) is: Lower 1960> -.040 1955< -.026 1942< -.026 1935> -.024 1931< -.018 1932< -.015 Higher 1958 .170 1937 .024 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1960 +3.4 SD ==================================================================================================================================== AK271 1936 to 1993 58 years Series 46 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1936 1985 6 -.10 .09 .12 -.08 .00 .20 -.06 -.06 .05 -.09 .30|-.24 -.08 -.19 .15 .05 .36* .08 -.04 -.02 -.24 1944 1993 6 -.20 .14 .06 .10 -.12 .24 -.05 .03 -.06 -.15 .30|-.17 -.21 -.08 .06 .08 .32* .12 .02 -.14 -.17 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .318) is: Lower 1958> -.080 1936> -.045 1970> -.026 1977< -.015 1973> -.014 1953< -.014 Higher 1983 .089 1937 .030 1936 to 1985 segment: Lower 1958> -.080 1936> -.045 1970> -.026 1977< -.017 1967< -.016 1953< -.016 Higher 1983 .098 1937 .031 1944 to 1993 segment: Lower 1958> -.095 1970> -.032 1977< -.019 1973> -.018 1953< -.018 1967< -.017 Higher 1983 .130 1956 .028 ==================================================================================================================================== AK262 1940 to 1991 52 years Series 47 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1940 1989 -8 .08 .16 .49*-.15 -.02 -.23 -.28 .03 .16 -.03 .32|-.25 -.03 .08 .01 -.01 -.09 .20 -.14 -.11 -.10 1942 1991 -8 .05 .15 .46*-.21 -.03 -.21 -.29 .07 .14 .03 .29|-.23 -.05 .10 .00 -.01 -.08 .20 -.19 -.12 -.08 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .318) is: Lower 1966< -.094 1958> -.041 1983> -.031 1947< -.019 1944< -.016 1973> -.012 Higher 1978 .027 1940 .025 1940 to 1989 segment: Lower 1966< -.095 1958> -.042 1983> -.033 1947< -.020 1944< -.016 1973> -.012 Higher 1978 .027 1940 .025 1942 to 1991 segment: Lower 1966< -.093 1958> -.040 1983> -.029 1947< -.020 1944< -.016 1973> -.012 Higher 1978 .029 1970 .021 ==================================================================================================================================== 1-2_08 1988 to 2006 19 years Series 48 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .610) is: Lower 1995< -.116 1996< -.024 1993< -.018 2000< -.017 1992> -.016 1997> -.013 Higher 1998 .309 2003 .030 ==================================================================================================================================== 1-16_08 1991 to 2007 17 years Series 49 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1991 2007 -7 .04 -.19 .01 .82*-.16 -.26 -.13 .03 .15 .11 .17| - - - - - - - - - - [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .169) is: Lower 2005< -.057 1999< -.036 2003> -.027 1992> -.021 2006< -.008 1994< -.007 Higher 1998 .095 2000 .026 1991 to 2007 segment: Lower 2005< -.057 1999< -.036 2003> -.027 1992> -.021 2006< -.008 1994< -.007 Higher 1998 .095 2000 .026 ==================================================================================================================================== 1-17_08 1992 to 2007 16 years Series 50 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1992 2007 -5 -.04 -.18 -.05 -.16 .02 .83* .09 -.03 -.34 -.14 .34| - - - - - - - - - - [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .340) is: Lower 1998> -.122 2002< -.047 2005> -.038 2001< -.017 1996< -.009 1995> -.008 Higher 2003 .033 2000 .026 1992 to 2007 segment: Lower 1998> -.122 2002< -.047 2005> -.038 2001< -.017 1996< -.009 1995> -.008 Higher 2003 .033 2000 .026 ==================================================================================================================================== 2-2_07 1964 to 2005 42 years Series 51 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .502) is: Lower 1983> -.168 1985< -.025 1969> -.019 1979< -.015 1992> -.014 1968< -.012 Higher 1998 .304 2003 .021 ==================================================================================================================================== 2-19_08 1991 to 2006 16 years Series 52 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .819) is: Lower 2000< -.029 2003> -.029 2005> -.019 1997< -.019 2006< -.011 1992> -.011 Higher 1998 .625 1994 .001 ==================================================================================================================================== 3-4_07 1968 to 2002 35 years Series 53 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .769) is: Lower 1983> -.048 1981> -.014 1979< -.011 1991> -.011 1990> -.010 1989< -.008 Higher 1998 .184 1978 .011 ==================================================================================================================================== 3-05_07 1978 to 2006 29 years Series 54 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .804) is: Lower 1984< -.032 1995< -.029 1993< -.028 1978> -.021 1990> -.015 1981< -.006 Higher 1998 .102 1983 .035 ==================================================================================================================================== 4-1_08 1997 to 2006 10 years Series 55 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .926) is: Lower 2005< -.021 2004< -.015 2003> -.013 2006< -.008 2002> -.008 1997> .001 Higher 1998 .205 2000 .004 ==================================================================================================================================== 6-5_07 1987 to 2005 19 years Series 56 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1987 2005 1 .10 -.43 .07 .02 -.30 .28 .08 -.17 -.06 -.02 .32| .43*-.27 - - - - - - - - [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .319) is: Lower 1997< -.141 1988< -.087 2003> -.033 1992> -.022 2005> -.013 2002< -.008 Higher 1998 .272 1989 .071 1987 to 2005 segment: Lower 1997< -.141 1988< -.087 2003> -.033 1992> -.022 2005> -.013 2002< -.008 Higher 1998 .272 1989 .071 ==================================================================================================================================== 6-10_07 1984 to 2006 23 years Series 57 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .870) is: Lower 1985< -.014 1991< -.013 1997< -.013 1990< -.013 1984> -.012 2005> -.008 Higher 1998 .203 2003 .009 ==================================================================================================================================== 6-12_07 1985 to 2005 21 years Series 58 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .714) is: Lower 2003> -.062 1994< -.046 1991< -.035 1992> -.022 2005> -.016 2001< -.016 Higher 1998 .567 1989 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-2_06 1982 to 2004 23 years Series 59 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .833) is: Lower 2002< -.032 2003> -.019 1993< -.016 1996< -.010 1985< -.010 1986< -.007 Higher 1998 .146 1983 .038 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-6_06 1960 to 2003 44 years Series 60 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .632) is: Lower 1971< -.044 1997< -.041 1978> -.029 1963> -.015 1982< -.014 1968< -.013 Higher 1983 .117 1998 .105 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-8_06 1975 to 2005 31 years Series 61 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .506) is: Lower 1981< -.087 1983> -.065 2004< -.024 1979< -.016 2005> -.010 1989< -.009 Higher 1998 .159 2003 .019 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-9_06 1987 to 2004 18 years Series 62 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .653) is: Lower 1990< -.078 1991< -.054 1992> -.041 1995> -.009 2001< -.009 1997< -.007 Higher 1998 .223 2003 .023 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-10_6 1982 to 2004 23 years Series 63 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .806) is: Lower 1983> -.097 1991< -.017 1990< -.015 1993< -.005 1995> -.005 1992> -.003 Higher 1998 .176 1989 .010 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-12_06 1982 to 2004 23 years Series 64 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .790) is: Lower 1983> -.090 1986< -.020 1997< -.018 1984> -.015 1990< -.006 2001> -.006 Higher 1998 .187 1989 .012 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-14_06 1990 to 2005 16 years Series 65 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .835) is: Lower 2003> -.048 1990> -.026 1991< -.017 1999< -.010 1993< -.009 1995< -.008 Higher 1998 .459 2001 .003 ==================================================================================================================================== 8-3_08 1965 to 2006 42 years Series 66 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .447) is: Lower 1969< -.154 1993< -.014 1965> -.012 1999< -.012 2003> -.011 1984< -.011 Higher 1983 .061 1979 .015 ==================================================================================================================================== 8-23_08 1989 to 2007 19 years Series 67 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1989 2007 -5 .04 -.01 .20 .11 -.23 .50*-.32 -.13 -.14 -.20 .37| - - - - - - - - - - [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .372) is: Lower 1998> -.391 1994< -.035 1990> -.007 1991< -.007 1993< -.006 1992< -.005 Higher 2003 .070 1989 .043 1989 to 2007 segment: Lower 1998> -.391 1994< -.035 1990> -.007 1991< -.007 1993< -.006 1992< -.005 Higher 2003 .070 1989 .043 ==================================================================================================================================== 11-6_07 1965 to 2004 40 years Series 68 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .365) is: Lower 2001< -.089 1973< -.039 1970> -.031 2003> -.027 1993< -.021 1965> -.006 Higher 1983 .096 1998 .061 ==================================================================================================================================== 7-13_06 1988 to 2003 16 years Series 69 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .837) is: Lower 1989< -.033 2003> -.033 1988> -.021 1997< -.015 1995< -.012 1996< -.008 Higher 1998 .539 2002 .005 ==================================================================================================================================== 5-1_08 1967 to 2007 41 years Series 70 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .699) is: Lower 1984< -.088 1971< -.019 2007< -.013 1992> -.010 1973> -.005 1969> -.004 Higher 1983 .069 1978 .014 ==================================================================================================================================== PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 VE068 1962 1993 32 1 0 .520 .25 .39 .044 .615 .112 2.67 .612 -.038 1 2 VE067 1959 1993 35 1 0 .672 .22 .34 .045 .471 .162 2.81 .675 -.016 1 3 VE066 1946 1993 48 1 0 .618 .26 .40 .042 .389 .129 2.41 .410 -.023 2 4 VE065 1941 1993 53 2 0 .526 .10 .19 .027 .751 .139 2.76 .527 -.060 1 5 VE061 1953 1993 41 1 0 .781 .26 .51 .071 .662 .148 2.58 .537 .056 1 6 VE045 1940 1990 51 2 0 .609 .30 .94 .122 .759 .180 2.54 .465 -.027 1 7 AK015 1955 1993 39 1 0 .501 .27 .37 .037 .544 .095 2.61 .487 -.133 3 8 AK003 1940 1992 53 2 0 .615 .22 .30 .031 .289 .126 2.41 .492 -.050 1 9 AK004 1940 1992 53 2 0 .483 .25 .53 .062 .771 .106 2.47 .407 .005 1 10 AK006 1949 1992 44 1 0 .759 .19 .24 .023 -.072 .144 2.53 .491 -.047 2 11 AK008 1949 1993 45 1 0 .604 .27 .36 .033 .373 .104 2.52 .416 -.044 1 12 AK011 1962 1993 32 1 0 .449 .18 .24 .033 -.143 .204 2.50 .533 -.151 4 13 AK013 1947 1993 47 1 0 .582 .19 .28 .034 .318 .168 2.44 .486 -.066 2 14 AK024 1949 1992 44 1 0 .604 .26 .37 .044 .444 .137 2.64 .507 .060 1 15 AK029b 1943 1993 51 2 0 .627 .28 .44 .065 .608 .168 2.49 .516 -.104 1 16 AK053 1952 1993 42 1 0 .821 .25 .63 .099 .853 .135 2.57 .523 .013 1 17 AK056b 1951 1993 43 1 0 .406 .20 .37 .054 .611 .147 2.54 .522 -.039 1 18 AK066 1953 1993 41 1 0 .743 .25 .41 .070 .852 .120 2.51 .534 -.015 1 19 AK067b 1959 1993 35 1 0 .657 .30 .53 .078 .699 .139 2.58 .556 -.038 1 20 AK181 1969 1993 25 1 0 .499 .43 .77 .130 .815 .129 2.36 .578 -.084 1 21 AK220 1959 1993 35 1 0 .874 .24 .46 .066 .549 .181 2.48 .429 .026 1 22 AK246 1945 1993 49 1 0 .697 .34 .57 .083 .573 .164 2.75 .558 -.004 1 23 AK249 1976 1993 18 1 0 .744 .30 .40 .054 .348 .163 2.63 .588 -.070 1 24 AK251 1949 1993 45 1 0 .555 .22 .30 .039 .567 .147 2.61 .518 .119 2 25 AK252 1963 1992 30 1 0 .740 .28 .42 .057 .532 .149 2.43 .489 -.059 1 26 AK254n 1942 1992 51 2 0 .431 .17 .30 .042 .842 .102 2.65 .626 .037 1 27 AK261 1957 1992 36 1 0 .622 .19 .29 .035 .537 .145 2.47 .464 -.011 2 28 AK312 1966 1993 28 1 0 .429 .30 .49 .075 .773 .131 2.42 .524 -.027 1 29 AK314 1954 1993 40 1 0 .606 .27 .44 .058 .712 .140 2.60 .686 -.008 1 30 AK315 1941 1993 53 2 1 .391 .25 .55 .081 .753 .146 2.63 .582 -.076 2 31 SD063 1949 1987 39 1 0 .626 .27 .38 .044 .050 .188 2.63 .654 -.053 1 32 SD083 1953 1988 36 1 0 .810 .28 .64 .092 .688 .191 2.40 .436 .028 1 33 SD131 1943 1988 46 1 0 .688 .22 .40 .072 .740 .156 2.50 .534 -.012 1 34 SD134 1937 1988 52 2 0 .472 .21 .46 .091 .930 .133 2.55 .551 .007 1 35 SD135 1969 1988 20 1 0 .847 .28 .49 .079 .735 .145 2.56 .588 -.056 1 36 SD141 1967 1987 21 1 0 .847 .33 .46 .058 .556 .125 2.47 .538 -.084 2 37 SD059 1944 1987 44 1 0 .575 .33 .47 .070 .465 .179 2.68 .450 .004 5 38 SD089 1945 1987 43 1 0 .640 .21 .42 .076 .791 .201 2.58 .604 .045 2 39 SD114 1931 1988 58 2 2 .170 .19 .29 .036 .625 .121 2.49 .488 .054 1 40 SD130 1931 1978 48 1 0 .545 .18 .30 .038 .716 .123 2.51 .519 .074 1 41 VE075 1941 1993 53 2 0 .680 .24 .34 .048 .509 .162 2.45 .449 .006 1 42 VE056 1962 1992 31 1 0 .567 .28 .42 .056 .580 .163 2.45 .592 -.012 1 43 PSM498MB 1923 1978 56 3 3 .330 .20 .33 .058 .884 .101 2.64 .544 .033 2 44 PSM51F 1924 1979 56 3 0 .501 .24 .44 .051 .484 .148 2.36 .357 -.035 1 45 PSM249A 1925 1979 55 2 0 .530 .23 .33 .033 .392 .116 2.61 .444 .048 1 46 AK271 1936 1993 58 2 2 .318 .24 .50 .076 .840 .110 2.79 .561 -.139 2 47 AK262 1940 1991 52 2 2 .318 .25 .42 .049 .637 .124 2.66 .511 -.036 2 48 1-2_08 1988 2006 19 1 0 .610 .32 .48 .068 .019 .249 2.58 .751 -.113 2 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: splitnose 13:24 Wed 27 Jul 2011 Page 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 49 1-16_08 1991 2007 17 1 1 .169 .31 .40 .055 -.382 .251 2.61 .563 -.064 4 50 1-17_08 1992 2007 16 1 1 .340 .40 .51 .067 -.122 .193 2.35 .577 .044 1 51 2-2_07 1964 2005 42 1 0 .502 .26 .34 .039 -.183 .182 2.47 .458 -.092 2 52 2-19_08 1991 2006 16 1 0 .819 .32 .44 .065 .062 .222 2.49 .557 -.003 2 53 3-4_07 1968 2002 35 1 0 .769 .26 .39 .061 -.004 .288 2.49 .430 .038 2 54 3-05_07 1978 2006 29 1 0 .804 .26 .33 .050 -.068 .247 2.51 .622 -.102 1 55 4-1_08 1997 2006 10 1 0 .926 .26 .33 .052 -.352 .302 2.57 .739 -.118 1 56 6-5_07 1987 2005 19 1 1 .319 .22 .35 .053 .336 .242 2.82 .718 .026 6 57 6-10_07 1984 2006 23 1 0 .870 .22 .29 .043 .296 .188 2.39 .536 -.062 1 58 6-12_07 1985 2005 21 1 0 .714 .23 .30 .043 .464 .167 2.42 .544 -.098 1 59 7-2_06 1982 2004 23 1 0 .833 .29 .39 .044 .338 .142 2.40 .563 -.193 2 60 7-6_06 1960 2003 44 1 0 .632 .26 .44 .062 .724 .144 2.61 .605 .090 1 61 7-8_06 1975 2005 31 1 0 .506 .28 .58 .106 .779 .135 2.55 .610 -.084 1 62 7-9_06 1987 2004 18 1 0 .653 .29 .34 .039 .335 .136 2.44 .785 .024 1 63 7-10_6 1982 2004 23 1 0 .806 .31 .41 .047 .304 .138 2.33 .469 -.041 1 64 7-12_06 1982 2004 23 1 0 .790 .32 .51 .069 .562 .125 2.44 .562 -.076 1 65 7-14_06 1990 2005 16 1 0 .835 .14 .18 .017 -.295 .129 2.67 .584 -.044 1 66 8-3_08 1965 2006 42 1 0 .447 .25 .37 .071 .628 .232 2.31 .401 .085 2 67 8-23_08 1989 2007 19 1 1 .372 .32 .54 .065 .503 .139 2.59 .703 -.049 1 68 11-6_07 1965 2004 40 1 0 .365 .20 .28 .045 .557 .170 2.44 .511 -.066 1 69 7-13_06 1988 2003 16 1 0 .837 .27 .38 .056 .384 .154 2.48 .564 -.027 1 70 5-1_08 1967 2007 41 1 0 .699 .34 .49 .058 .317 .160 2.53 .615 .046 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2590 87 14 .580 .25 .94 .057 .522 .152 2.82 .528 -.020 - = [ COFECHA SPLITCOF ] = -