# NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - Paleocean Site Data # v27-175c-tab.txt # Complete Data # File Created: 18-Jan-2005 # #********************************************************************************* # Please cite the contributor and the original publications when using these data #********************************************************************************* # # Missing Values indicated by '-999' # # PI: CLIMAP # Core/Site: V27-175 # Latitude: 8.48.00N ( 8.8) # Longitude: 22.07.00W ( -22.11667) # Water Depth(m): 4548 # # Publications: # CLIMAP Project Members. 1981. Seasonal reconstruction of the Earth's surface # at the last glacial maximum. Geological Society of America, Map and Chart Series, # p. 1-18. #------------------ # # Description & Notes: # CLIMAP 18K Database # # # Variables: # depth Depth (cm) # carb%>63 Calcium carbonate percent (>63 micron fraction) # # CORE: V27-175 depth carb%>63 0 5781 10 5777 20 6504 30 3342 40 1708 50 1472 60 1909 70 2362 80 2241 90 2535 100 3179 120 1070 140 1966 160 4048 180 5315 200 3457 220 7246 240 1889 260 1642 280 1098 300 1139 320 4528 340 2047 360 2456 380 2147 400 5000 420 4198 440 4306 460 3432 480 5662 500 3112