# NOAA Paleoclimatology Program - Paleocean Site Data # e49-19-tab.txt # Complete Data # File Created: 18-Jan-2005 # #********************************************************************************* # Please cite the contributor and the original publications when using these data #********************************************************************************* # # Missing Values indicated by '-999' # # PI: CLIMAP # Core/Site: E49-19 # Latitude: 43.53.13S ( -43.88694) # Longitude: 90.06.00E ( 90.1) # Water Depth(m): 907 # # Publications: # CLIMAP Project Members. 1981. Seasonal reconstruction of the Earth's surface # at the last glacial maximum. Geological Society of America, Map and Chart Series, # p. 1-18. #------------------ # # Description & Notes: # CLIMAP 18K Database # CLIMAP SSTs are stored in tenths, so these SST values have been divided by 10. # CLIMAP carbonate, organic carbon, opal and quartz data are described in CLIMAP # documentation as percentage data but may need to be divided # by 10 or 100 or 1000. # # Variables: # depth Depth (cm) # sst-aug Sea Surface Temperature (C, August) # sst-feb Sea Surface Temperature (C, February) # a.dent Antarctissa denticulata (Count) # a.gam Androcyclas gamphonycha (Count) # a.strel Antarctissa strelkovi (Count) # dt Theocorythium trachelium dianae x T. t. trachelium (Count) # e.acum Eucyrtidium acuminatum (Count) # h.aster Heliodiscus asteriscus (Count) # l.minor Lithelius minor (Count) # l.polyp Lamprocyclas maritalis polypora (Count) # litho Lithocampe sp. (Count) # ommat Ommatodiscus sp. (Count) # s.antarc Spongoplegma antarcticum (Count) # s.glac Spongotrochus glacialis (Count) # s.oscul Spongopyle osculosa (Count) # s.pylom Spongurus pylomaticus (Count) # t.antarc Triceraspyris antarctica (Count) # t.bicor Theocalyptera bicornis (Count) # zm Theoconus zancleus x T. minithorax (Count) # carb% Calcium Carbonate percent # # CORE: E49-19 depth sst-aug sst-feb a.dent a.gam a.strel dt e.acum h.aster l.minor l.polyp litho ommat s.antarc s.glac s.oscul s.pylom t.antarc t.bicor zm carb% 0 8.9 11.1 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 -999 1 -999 -999 2 13 1 20 23 7 49 6 2 43 14 265 17 0 1 12 52 -999 100 -999 -999 17 2 25 1 0 1 16 0 1 2 8 138 3 9 4 20 2 5