# Richey.Garrison_Basin__Gulf_of_Mexico.2009 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-GarrisonBasin.Richey.2009-2.txt # Online_Resource_Description: This file. NOAA WDS Paleo formatted metadata and data for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Ocn-GarrisonBasin.Richey.2009.lpd # Online_Resource_Description: Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) formatted file containing the same metadata and data as this file, for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Original_Source_URL: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo/f?p=519:1:784943880673501::::P1_STUDY_ID:10492 # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: marine sediment # Parameter_Keywords: # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: Richey.Garrison_Basin__Gulf_of_Mexico.2009 #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Richey, Julie N.;Poore, Richard Z.;Flower, Benjamin P.;Quinn, Terrence M.;Hollander, David J. #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: HVM, BM, 20/4/2016 Atlantic0043aRichey2009__Garrison_PE07-2_Mg/Ca Note that raw 14C ages in Richey et al. (2009) are reported with the 400-year reservoir age subtracted (Pers. Comm. J. Richey 1 April 2015).;These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.Identical to O2kLR_017 #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Richey, Julie N.;Poore, Richard Z.;Flower, Benjamin P.;Quinn, Terrence M.;Hollander, David J. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2009 # Published_Title: Regionally coherent Little Ice Age cooling in the Atlantic Warm Pool # Journal_Name: Geophys. Res. Lett. # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: 21 # Pages: # Report: # DOI: 10.1029/2009GL040445 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Publication # Authors: McGregor, Helen V.;Evans, Michael N.;Goosse, Hugues;Leduc, Guillaume;Martrat, Belen;Addison, Jason A.;Mortyn, P. Graham;Oppo, Delia W.;Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig;Sicre, Marie-Alexandrine;Phipps, Steven J.;Selvaraj, Kandasamy;Thirumalai, Kaustubh;Filipsson, Helena L.;Ersek, Vasile # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015 # Published_Title: Robust global ocean cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: 8 # Edition: # Issue: 9 # Pages: 671-677 # Report: # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2510 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Garrison Basin, Gulf of Mexico # Location: # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 26.68 # Southernmost_Latitude: 26.68 # Easternmost_Longitude: -93.93 # Westernmost_Longitude: -93.93 # Elevation: -1570 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: 1370.825 # Most_Recent_Year: 1950.0 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: # Species_Code: # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ##year Year AD, ,,AD, , marine sediment, ,,N, ##temperature inferred sea-surface temperature, foram Mg/Ca, ,degC, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, marine sediment, ,Mg/Ca, N, All O2K-LR records have been quality-controlled according to protocols published in Nature Geoscience supplement; see "Data (QC) tab" cell C6 for details; climateInterpretation_seasonality changed - was originally Annual; BLA2007: Mg/Ca=0.048*exp(0.173*SST); (Black et al.; (2007); G. bulloides); # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: nan # year temperature 1950.0 25.4398148964985 1938.173 25.0805799694363 1925.286 25.3996300023853 1911.354 24.9974086908995 1896.392 24.6475065976384 1880.415 24.4697234798037 1863.438 24.867554222919 1845.476 23.7553062384731 1826.544 24.1991920485789 1806.657 25.1894543100277 1785.83 24.1703053107935 1764.078 24.2964945922909 1741.416 23.7212461288377 1717.859 24.3189417700231 1693.422 23.5312352460592 1668.12 23.6834864385897 1641.968 24.3501094263777 1614.981 24.0526072140409 1587.174 24.0217913366123 1558.562 25.6312085669139 1529.16 24.8261375401906 1498.983 23.7031675674129 1468.046 24.4851558876552 1436.364 23.6567615791384 1403.952 23.6147066702864 1370.825 23.9562923808814