# Tarand.Tallinn.2001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Eur-Tallinn.Tarand.2001.txt # Online_Resource_Description: This file. NOAA WDS Paleo formatted metadata and data for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Eur-Tallinn.Tarand.2001.lpd # Online_Resource_Description: Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) formatted file containing the same metadata and data as this file, for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Original_Source_URL: this study # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: documents # Parameter_Keywords: # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: Tarand.Tallinn.2001 #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Tarand, A.;Nordli, P.Ø. #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: In order to extend the Tallinn temperature series backward in time three different climate proxies were used. These were: the first day of ice break-up in Tallinn port a proxy for the mean winter air temperature (December to March); the first day of ice break-up on the rivers in northern Estonia a proxy for the beginning of spring; and the first day of the rye harvest a proxy for the mean air temperature in spring and summer (April to July). On the basis of these proxies the mean winter temperature could be extended back to the year AD 1500 and the spring and summer temperature back to 1731.;The temperature reconstruction is preferred from this site #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Tarand, A.;Nordli, P.Ø. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2001 # Published_Title: The Tallinn temperature series reconstructed back half a millennium by use of proxy data # Journal_Name: Climatic Change # Volume: 48 # Edition: # Issue: 1 # Pages: 189-199 # Report: # DOI: 10.1023/A:1005673628980 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Tallinn # Location: # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 59.4 # Southernmost_Latitude: 59.4 # Easternmost_Longitude: 24.75 # Westernmost_Longitude: 24.75 # Elevation: 10 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: 1500.0 # Most_Recent_Year: 2000.0 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: # Species_Code: # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ##year Year AD, ,,AD, , documents, ,,N, ##temperature ,ice break-up and rye harvest chronicles, ,degC, winter, documents, ,application of transfer function, C, ice break-up: 1 deg C; max. 3 deg C; rye harvest: 0.4-06. deg C; ##JulianDay days of ice break up after January 1st, ice break-up, ,days, , documents, ,based on documentary information, C, ice break-up: difference is only 1.3 days with a standard deviation of 8.5 days; # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: nan # year temperature JulianDay 1500.0 -7.1 130.0 1501.0 nan nan 1502.0 -6.3 122.0 1503.0 -4.5 104.0 1504.0 -6.4 123.0 1505.0 -7.8 138.0 1506.0 -5.7 116.0 1507.0 -5.3 112.0 1508.0 -5.2 111.0 1509.0 -5.6 115.0 1510.0 -3.8 97.0 1511.0 nan nan 1512.0 -5.5 114.0 1513.0 nan nan 1514.0 -7.1 130.0 1515.0 -4.7 106.0 1516.0 -4.9 108.0 1517.0 nan nan 1518.0 -6.1 120.0 1519.0 -4.9 108.0 1520.0 -5.9 118.0 1521.0 -4.7 106.0 1522.0 nan nan 1523.0 -4.7 106.0 1524.0 -5.3 112.0 1525.0 -4.1 99.0 1526.0 -4.6 105.0 1527.0 -0.1 0.0 1528.0 -5.7 116.0 1529.0 -6.2 121.0 1530.0 -5.9 118.0 1531.0 -6.4 123.0 1532.0 -4.7 106.0 1533.0 -3.6 95.0 1534.0 -5.1 110.0 1535.0 -5.2 111.0 1536.0 -5.7 116.0 1537.0 -5.6 115.0 1538.0 -5.2 111.0 1539.0 -6.8 127.0 1540.0 -7.4 134.0 1541.0 -10.1 141.0 1542.0 -2.0 0.0 1543.0 -7.0 nan 1544.0 -3.6 95.0 1545.0 -5.1 110.0 1546.0 -5.2 111.0 1547.0 -5.1 110.0 1548.0 -3.8 97.0 1549.0 -5.1 110.0 1550.0 -0.6 0.0 1551.0 nan nan 1552.0 -3.5 94.0 1553.0 -3.9 98.0 1554.0 -4.2 101.0 1555.0 -5.7 116.0 1556.0 -4.7 106.0 1557.0 -4.0 99.0 1558.0 -6.0 119.0 1559.0 -5.1 110.0 1560.0 nan nan 1561.0 -4.0 99.0 1562.0 -4.4 103.0 1563.0 -4.7 106.0 1564.0 -5.0 109.0 1565.0 -7.6 nan 1566.0 -2.2 81.0 1567.0 -3.6 95.0 1568.0 0.2 0.0 1569.0 nan nan 1570.0 -4.4 103.0 1571.0 -6.0 119.0 1572.0 -4.9 108.0 1573.0 -9.6 140.0 1574.0 -4.7 106.0 1575.0 -1.8 0.0 1576.0 -4.6 105.0 1577.0 -2.9 nan 1578.0 -7.2 132.0 1579.0 -6.3 122.0 1580.0 -5.9 118.0 1581.0 nan 0.0 1582.0 -3.7 96.0 1583.0 -6.7 nan 1584.0 -7.0 129.0 1585.0 -6.3 122.0 1586.0 -6.6 125.0 1587.0 -4.7 106.0 1588.0 -4.9 nan 1589.0 -5.8 117.0 1590.0 -4.2 101.0 1591.0 -7.4 nan 1592.0 -4.8 107.0 1593.0 -7.4 nan 1594.0 -4.7 nan 1595.0 -4.8 107.0 1596.0 -4.0 99.0 1597.0 -9.7 nan 1598.0 -4.8 107.0 1599.0 nan nan 1600.0 -6.1 120.0 1601.0 -8.3 143.0 1602.0 -5.8 117.0 1603.0 -4.4 103.0 1604.0 -6.3 122.0 1605.0 -5.8 117.0 1606.0 -6.5 124.0 1607.0 -5.0 109.0 1608.0 -6.4 123.0 1609.0 -5.4 113.0 1610.0 -5.2 111.0 1611.0 -5.6 115.0 1612.0 -7.6 136.0 1613.0 -4.2 101.0 1614.0 -4.3 102.0 1615.0 -3.8 98.0 1616.0 -8.6 135.0 1617.0 0.1 0.0 1618.0 -4.6 105.0 1619.0 -7.1 130.0 1620.0 -3.8 97.0 1621.0 -9.0 134.0 1622.0 -6.6 125.0 1623.0 -5.0 109.0 1624.0 -7.0 129.0 1625.0 -6.3 122.0 1626.0 -4.7 106.0 1627.0 -7.7 137.0 1628.0 -5.8 117.0 1629.0 -5.7 116.0 1630.0 -5.1 110.0 1631.0 -4.9 108.0 1632.0 -4.6 105.0 1633.0 -4.2 101.0 1634.0 -2.3 81.0 1635.0 -5.6 115.0 1636.0 -4.9 108.0 1637.0 -7.8 138.0 1638.0 -5.9 118.0 1639.0 -3.6 95.0 1640.0 -7.0 129.0 1641.0 -3.7 96.0 1642.0 -4.2 101.0 1643.0 -5.5 114.0 1644.0 -6.9 128.0 1645.0 -5.0 109.0 1646.0 -5.1 110.0 1647.0 -5.1 110.0 1648.0 -6.0 119.0 1649.0 -6.8 127.0 1650.0 -6.0 119.0 1651.0 -1.5 0.0 1652.0 -4.4 103.0 1653.0 -5.3 112.0 1654.0 -2.0 0.0 1655.0 -4.1 100.0 1656.0 -5.2 111.0 1657.0 -4.3 102.0 1658.0 -7.1 130.0 1659.0 -3.1 90.0 1660.0 -5.5 114.0 1661.0 -2.9 88.0 1662.0 -0.2 0.0 1663.0 -4.1 100.0 1664.0 -6.2 121.0 1665.0 -4.8 107.0 1666.0 -3.9 98.0 1667.0 -6.5 124.0 1668.0 -1.3 0.0 1669.0 -6.8 127.0 1670.0 -6.1 120.0 1671.0 -6.9 128.0 1672.0 -5.7 116.0 1673.0 -4.9 108.0 1674.0 -8.5 145.0 1675.0 -5.7 116.0 1676.0 -3.2 91.0 1677.0 -5.5 114.0 1678.0 -6.0 119.0 1679.0 -4.9 108.0 1680.0 -4.5 104.0 1681.0 -2.5 83.0 1682.0 -5.2 111.0 1683.0 -2.2 0.0 1684.0 -5.4 113.0 1685.0 -7.4 133.0 1686.0 -5.4 113.0 1687.0 -4.3 102.0 1688.0 -3.6 95.0 1689.0 -5.0 109.0 1690.0 -1.2 70.0 1691.0 -6.5 124.0 1692.0 -6.2 121.0 1693.0 -2.5 84.0 1694.0 -4.5 104.0 1695.0 -6.3 122.0 1696.0 -4.1 100.0 1697.0 -6.1 120.0 1698.0 -2.2 80.0 1699.0 -4.3 102.0 1700.0 -4.7 106.0 1701.0 -4.6 105.0 1702.0 -1.6 74.0 1703.0 -5.0 109.0 1704.0 -5.1 110.0 1705.0 -2.8 87.0 1706.0 -5.8 117.0 1707.0 -4.5 104.0 1708.0 -6.5 124.0 1709.0 -6.8 127.0 1710.0 -6.1 120.0 1711.0 -5.3 112.0 1712.0 -0.9 67.0 1713.0 -0.1 59.0 1714.0 -2.1 79.0 1715.0 -4.9 108.0 1716.0 -5.5 114.0 1717.0 -5.4 113.0 1718.0 -5.2 111.0 1719.0 -6.9 128.0 1720.0 -5.2 111.0 1721.0 -6.2 121.0 1722.0 -5.1 110.0 1723.0 -1.4 72.0 1724.0 -1.6 74.0 1725.0 -1.5 0.0 1726.0 -4.2 101.0 1727.0 -6.2 121.0 1728.0 -2.0 78.0 1729.0 -6.7 126.0 1730.0 -5.2 111.0 1731.0 -6.6 125.0 1732.0 -4.5 104.0 1733.0 -0.4 0.0 1734.0 -2.4 82.0 1735.0 -1.3 71.0 1736.0 -5.4 113.0 1737.0 -1.2 70.0 1738.0 -1.5 0.0 1739.0 -4.4 103.0 1740.0 -9.5 133.0 1741.0 -6.2 121.0 1742.0 -6.8 127.0 1743.0 -1.8 0.0 1744.0 -5.3 112.0 1745.0 -5.2 111.0 1746.0 -5.6 115.0 1747.0 -6.4 123.0 1748.0 -5.9 118.0 1749.0 -6.7 126.0 1750.0 -0.6 0.0 1751.0 -6.2 121.0 1752.0 -5.0 109.0 1753.0 -2.4 83.0 1754.0 -5.0 109.0 1755.0 -4.9 108.0 1756.0 -0.1 0.0 1757.0 -5.0 92.0 1758.0 -7.0 128.0 1759.0 -3.2 75.0 1760.0 -8.4 148.0 1761.0 -4.3 128.0 1762.0 -4.2 94.0 1763.0 -6.2 125.0 1764.0 -4.6 122.0 1765.0 -3.0 93.0 1766.0 -4.9 106.0 1767.0 -6.4 117.0 1768.0 -7.2 135.0 1769.0 -2.0 102.0 1770.0 -6.7 122.0 1771.0 -7.0 139.0 1772.0 -7.8 112.0 1773.0 -3.8 105.0 1774.0 -5.4 109.0 1775.0 -4.0 136.0 1776.0 -4.6 120.0 1777.0 -4.1 118.0 1778.0 -3.8 107.0 1779.0 -2.0 81.0 1780.0 -5.5 91.0 1781.0 -5.4 110.0 1782.0 -7.0 131.0 1783.0 -7.0 127.0 1784.0 -7.4 121.0 1785.0 -7.0 138.0 1786.0 -7.2 126.0 1787.0 -4.4 118.0 1788.0 -7.2 117.0 1789.0 -9.2 131.0 1790.0 -1.8 91.0 1791.0 -1.0 0.0 1792.0 -6.3 92.0 1793.0 -2.7 0.0 1794.0 -2.4 79.0 1795.0 -6.6 114.0 1796.0 -3.8 120.0 1797.0 -3.4 91.0 1798.0 -3.7 109.0 1799.0 -8.4 129.0 1800.0 -8.4 121.0 1801.0 -3.5 103.0 1802.0 -4.0 74.0 1803.0 -8.0 137.0 1804.0 -7.4 130.0 1805.0 -6.7 117.0 1806.0 -5.1 125.0 1807.0 -3.8 96.0 1808.0 -5.7 129.0 1809.0 -10.2 127.0 1810.0 -4.3 136.0 1811.0 -3.2 119.0 1812.0 -4.0 102.0 1813.0 -5.5 127.0 1814.0 -7.0 134.0 1815.0 -5.0 103.0 1816.0 -6.0 123.0 1817.0 -2.3 0.0 1818.0 -4.4 103.0 1819.0 -1.2 79.0 1820.0 -8.6 127.0 1821.0 -4.3 114.0 1822.0 0.1 0.0 1823.0 -4.8 109.0 1824.0 -1.3 75.0 1825.0 -2.2 103.0 1826.0 -3.7 103.0 1827.0 -3.0 91.0 1828.0 -7.2 118.0 1829.0 -11.3 140.0 1830.0 -6.7 116.0 1831.0 -5.5 104.0 1832.0 -3.0 75.0 1833.0 -3.6 120.0 1834.0 -4.4 49.0 1835.0 -4.0 106.0 1836.0 -3.9 88.0 1837.0 -4.1 117.0 1838.0 -9.2 120.0 1839.0 -5.3 126.0 1840.0 -7.2 129.0 1841.0 -7.0 106.0 1842.0 -3.2 90.0 1843.0 -1.3 119.0 1844.0 -6.3 116.0 1845.0 -7.3 124.0 1846.0 -4.4 93.0 1847.0 -5.5 124.0 1848.0 -4.8 58.0 1849.0 -4.4 40.0 1850.0 -7.9 124.0 1851.0 -3.9 110.0 1852.0 -3.6 136.0 1853.0 -4.9 124.0 1854.0 -5.3 116.0 1855.0 -5.9 123.0 1856.0 -7.0 128.0 1857.0 -4.0 127.0 1858.0 -2.5 122.0 1859.0 -1.6 0.0 1860.0 -4.9 83.0 1861.0 -6.1 84.0 1862.0 -7.0 118.0 1863.0 -2.3 0.0 1864.0 -1.9 0.0 1865.0 -5.6 115.0 1866.0 -3.3 94.0 1867.0 -5.9 147.0 1868.0 -5.8 113.0 1869.0 -2.6 95.0 1870.0 -4.4 125.0 1871.0 -8.0 137.0 1872.0 -3.0 100.0 1873.0 -3.4 97.0 1874.0 -1.6 65.0 1875.0 -6.4 108.0 1876.0 -6.3 109.0 1877.0 -7.6 124.0 1878.0 -2.8 60.0 1879.0 -4.0 109.0 1880.0 -3.7 115.0 1881.0 -6.9 133.0 1882.0 -0.5 34.0 1883.0 -6.6 122.0 1884.0 -2.2 0.0 1885.0 -2.8 82.0 1886.0 -4.9 125.0 1887.0 -1.2 0.0 1888.0 -7.2 121.0 1889.0 -5.7 118.0 1890.0 -1.6 65.0 1891.0 -3.4 61.0 1892.0 -4.0 112.0 1893.0 -8.6 121.0 1894.0 -1.0 82.0 1895.0 -5.4 102.0 1896.0 -3.1 100.0 1897.0 -3.6 96.0 1898.0 -2.9 94.0 1899.0 -3.5 108.0 1900.0 -6.1 118.0 1901.0 -3.4 89.0 1902.0 -2.5 120.0 1903.0 -3.0 57.0 1904.0 -3.2 37.0 1905.0 -2.8 58.0 1906.0 -1.9 105.0 1907.0 -4.4 99.0 1908.0 -4.9 88.0 1909.0 -3.8 118.0 1910.0 -0.7 0.0 1911.0 -2.5 105.0 1912.0 -4.2 113.0 1913.0 -1.6 76.0 1914.0 -2.0 75.0 1915.0 -4.0 124.0 1916.0 -5.9 94.0 1917.0 -8.0 134.0 1918.0 -4.4 99.0 1919.0 -4.2 62.0 1920.0 -3.3 69.0 1921.0 -2.5 66.0 1922.0 -5.0 91.0 1923.0 -4.3 70.0 1924.0 -4.2 123.0 1925.0 0.1 79.0 1926.0 -6.0 126.0 1927.0 -3.6 87.0 1928.0 -4.9 112.0 1929.0 -6.3 122.0 1930.0 -0.2 39.0 1931.0 -5.8 115.0 1932.0 -3.5 118.0 1933.0 -2.5 102.0 1934.0 -1.9 76.0 1935.0 -3.4 76.0 1936.0 -2.9 88.0 1937.0 -2.8 79.0 1938.0 -2.0 57.0 1939.0 -2.6 0.0 1940.0 -8.9 130.0 1941.0 -6.3 122.0 1942.0 -11.2 127.0 1943.0 -2.0 44.0 1944.0 -1.1 0.0 1945.0 -2.8 86.0 1946.0 -5.0 100.0 1947.0 -7.1 118.0 1948.0 -3.0 106.0 1949.0 -0.4 85.0 1950.0 -2.4 85.0 1951.0 -4.5 105.0 1952.0 -2.7 113.0 1953.0 -3.3 94.0 1954.0 -4.6 105.0 1955.0 -3.2 123.0 1956.0 -7.0 123.0 1957.0 -2.2 119.0 1958.0 -4.7 110.0 1959.0 -1.7 91.0 1960.0 -6.1 114.0 1961.0 0.5 46.0 1962.0 -3.3 107.0 1963.0 -7.2 118.0 1964.0 -4.2 106.0 1965.0 -3.2 102.0 1966.0 -6.4 126.0 1967.0 -4.2 95.0 1968.0 -5.3 103.0 1969.0 -6.4 120.0 1970.0 -6.6 111.0 1971.0 -2.6 107.0 1972.0 -3.4 0.0 1973.0 -0.4 79.0 1974.0 -1.3 0.0 1975.0 0.3 0.0 1976.0 -4.1 108.0 1977.0 -4.3 93.0 1978.0 -4.7 100.0 1979.0 -6.2 120.0 1980.0 -5.0 108.0 1981.0 -2.5 115.0 1982.0 -3.3 75.0 1983.0 -1.4 82.0 1984.0 -2.3 96.0 1985.0 -6.3 114.0 1986.0 -4.1 80.0 1987.0 -7.2 121.0 1988.0 -2.0 0.0 1989.0 0.4 0.0 1990.0 0.2 0.0 1991.0 -1.5 0.0 1992.0 0.4 0.0 1993.0 -0.3 0.0 1994.0 -4.4 101.0 1995.0 -0.4 0.0 1996.0 -5.8 85.0 1997.0 -1.7 0.0 1998.0 -2.2 0.0 1999.0 -2.5 0.0 2000.0 -1.4 0.0