# Sihailongwan lake northeastern China Lake sediment alkenone-based temperature reconstruction #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Asi-SihailongwaLake.Chu.2011.txt # Online_Resource_Description: This file. NOAA WDS Paleo formatted metadata and data for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/pages2k/pages2k-temperature-v2-2017/data-version-2.0.0/Asi-SihailongwaLake.Chu.2011.lpd # Online_Resource_Description: Linked Paleo Data (LiPD) formatted file containing the same metadata and data as this file, for version 2.0.0 of this dataset. # # Original_Source_URL: this study # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: lake sediment # Parameter_Keywords: # Dataset_DOI: # #------------------ # Contribution_Date # Date: #------------------ # File_Last_Modified_Date # Modified_Date: 2017-05-19 #------------------ # Title # Study_Name: Sihailongwan lake northeastern China Lake sediment alkenone-based temperature reconstruction #------------------ # Investigators # Investigators: Guoqiang Chu, Qing Sun, Xiaohua Wang, Meimei Liu, Yuan Lin, Manman Xie, Wenyu Shang, Jiaqi Liu #------------------ # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: yearOld_AD;Elevation estimated from GoogleEarth; rounded to 100 m;yearYoung_AD #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Chu, G.;Sun, Q.;Wang, X.;Liu, M.;Lin, Y.;Xie, M.;Shang, W.;Liu, J. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011 # Published_Title: Seasonal temperature variability during the past 1600 years recorded in historical documents and varved lake sediment profiles from northeastern China # Journal_Name: The Holocene # Volume: 22 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 785-792 # Report: # DOI: 10.1177/0959683611430413 # Online_Resource: doi.org # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Sihailongwa lake # Location: # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: 42.17 # Southernmost_Latitude: 42.17 # Easternmost_Longitude: 126.36 # Westernmost_Longitude: 126.36 # Elevation: 1000 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: # Earliest_Year: 391.8 # Most_Recent_Year: 2002.0 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: # Species_Code: # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components ( 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, additional_information) # ##year Year AD, ,,AD, , lake sediment, ,,N, ##sampleID sample name, ,,,, lake sediment, top of sample, ,C, ; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally sample; ##ageMax old end of the age estimate, ,,AD, , lake sediment, top of sample, ,N, ; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally yearOld_AD; ##temperature inferred temperature, sediment, ,degC, growing season, lake sediment, ,alkenone-based temperature reconstruction, C, ; paleoData_units changed - was originally deg C; ##core core name, ,,,, lake sediment, middle of sample, ,C, ##ageMin young end of the age estimate, ,,AD, , lake sediment, middle of sample, ,N, ; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally yearYoung_AD; # #------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header) # Missing_Values: nan # year sampleID ageMax temperature core ageMin 2002.0 s08sihai-1 2002.0 nan s2008-a 2002.0 1992.0 s08sihai-2 1992.0 nan s2008-a 1993.0 1984.0 s08sihai-3 1984.0 20.2 s2008-a 1985.0 1977.0 s08sihai-4 1977.0 17.5 s2008-a 1978.0 1970.0 s08sihai-5 1969.0 15.1 s2008-a 1971.0 1961.0 s08sihai-6 1960.0 14.5 s2008-a 1962.0 1952.0 s08sihai-7 1951.0 nan s2008-a 1953.0 1943.0 s08sihai-8 1942.0 19.8 s2008-a 1944.0 1934.0 s08sihai-9 1933.0 19.7 s2008-a 1936.0 1926.0 s08sihai-10 1924.0 20.4 s2008-a 1928.0 1918.0 s08sihai-11 1916.0 19.0 s2008-a 1920.0 1999.8 s07-a-1 1999.5 nan s2007-a 2000.0 1989.3 s07-a-2 1988.5 nan s2007-a 1990.0 1980.4 s07-a-3 1978.8 nan s2007-a 1982.0 1973.1 s07-a-4 1970.3 nan s2007-a 1976.0 1965.3 s07-a-5 1961.8 nan s2007-a 1968.8 1956.8 s07-a-6 1953.3 nan s2007-a 1960.3 1947.9 s07-a-7 1944.3 nan s2007-a 1951.5 1938.6 s07-a-8 1934.8 nan s2007-a 1942.5 1928.6 s07-a-9 1924.5 nan s2007-a 1932.8 1917.9 s07-a-10 1913.5 nan s2007-a 1922.3 1907.9 s07-a-11 1903.3 16.8 s2007-a 1912.5 1898.6 s07-a-12 1893.8 17.0 s2007-a 1903.5 1889.6 s07-a-13 1884.5 17.9 s2007-a 1894.8 1880.9 s07-a-14 1875.5 18.3 s2007-a 1886.3 1872.0 s07-a-15 1866.5 16.6 s2007-a 1877.5 1863.0 s07-a-16 1857.5 16.8 s2007-a 1868.5 1854.5 s07-a-17 1849.0 16.8 s2007-a 1860.0 1846.5 s07-a-18 1841.0 17.5 s2007-a 1852.0 1838.6 s07-a-19 1833.0 17.6 s2007-a 1844.3 1830.9 s07-a-20 1825.0 16.8 s2007-a 1836.8 1822.9 s07-a-21 1816.8 17.5 s2007-a 1829.0 1814.6 s07-a-22 1808.3 16.3 s2007-a 1821.0 1806.3 s07-a-23 1799.8 nan s2007-a 1812.8 1797.8 s07-a-24 1791.3 17.9 s2007-a 1804.3 1789.5 s07-a-25 1783.0 19.4 s2007-a 1796.0 1781.5 s07-a-26 1775.0 19.1 s2007-a 1788.0 1773.8 s07-a-27 1767.0 18.4 s2007-a 1780.5 1766.3 s07-a-28 1759.0 18.8 s2007-a 1773.5 1758.6 s07-a-29 1751.0 18.2 s2007-a 1766.3 1750.9 s07-a-30 1743.0 17.6 s2007-a 1758.8 1742.5 s07-a-31 1734.3 18.4 s2007-a 1750.8 1733.5 s07-a-32 1724.8 18.8 s2007-a 1742.3 1724.5 s07-a-33 1715.5 19.6 s2007-a 1733.5 1715.5 s07-a-34 1706.5 18.4 s2007-a 1724.5 1706.5 s07-a-35 1697.5 18.3 s2007-a 1715.5 1697.5 s07-a-36 1688.5 18.0 s2007-a 1706.5 1688.6 s07-a-37 1679.5 18.1 s2007-a 1697.8 1679.9 s07-a-38 1670.5 17.3 s2007-a 1689.3 1671.0 s07-a-39 1661.3 18.6 s2007-a 1680.8 1662.0 s07-a-40 1651.8 18.2 s2007-a 1672.3 1648.3 s07-a-41 1637.5 18.4 s2007-a 1659.0 1630.3 s07-a-42 1618.5 18.7 s2007-a 1642.0 1612.3 s07-a-43 1599.0 18.2 s2007-a 1625.5 1593.8 s07-a-44 1579.0 18.2 s2007-a 1608.5 1574.8 s07-a-45 1559.0 17.0 s2007-a 1590.5 1555.3 s07-a-46 1539.0 16.0 s2007-a 1571.5 1535.5 s07-a-47 1519.0 16.4 s2007-a 1552.0 1516.0 s07-a-48 1499.0 18.8 s2007-a 1533.0 1497.3 s07-a-49 1479.0 18.3 s2007-a 1515.5 1479.0 s07-a-50 1459.5 18.8 s2007-a 1498.5 1461.0 s07-a-51 1440.5 18.7 s2007-a 1481.5 1442.5 s07-a-52 1421.0 18.7 s2007-a 1464.0 1422.0 s07-a-53 1400.0 17.7 s2007-a 1444.0 1401.3 s07-a-54 1379.0 18.3 s2007-a 1423.5 1382.3 s07-a-55 1359.0 19.4 s2007-a 1405.5 1362.3 s07-a-56 1338.0 19.1 s2007-a 1386.5 1341.8 s07-a-57 1316.5 18.7 s2007-a 1367.0 1321.5 s07-a-58 1295.5 17.8 s2007-a 1347.5 1301.0 s07-a-59 1275.0 13.1 s2007-a 1327.0 1281.5 s07-a-60 1254.5 18.5 s2007-a 1308.5 1261.3 s07-a-61 1233.0 18.4 s2007-a 1289.5 1240.8 s07-a-62 1212.0 18.1 s2007-a 1269.5 1221.0 s07-a-63 1192.0 19.3 s2007-a 1250.0 1199.3 s07-a-64 1170.0 19.3 s2007-a 1228.5 1175.8 s07-a-65 1146.0 17.7 s2007-a 1205.5 1153.3 s07-a-66 1123.0 18.0 s2007-a 1183.5 1131.5 s07-a-67 1101.0 18.8 s2007-a 1162.0 1108.3 s07-a-68 1077.5 18.7 s2007-a 1139.0 1084.3 s07-a-69 1053.0 16.9 s2007-a 1115.5 1061.3 s07-a-70 1029.0 17.6 s2007-a 1093.5 1038.3 s07-a-71 1005.0 18.3 s2007-a 1071.5 1014.5 s07-a-72 980.5 18.6 s2007-a 1048.5 990.8 s07-a-73 956.0 18.8 s2007-a 1025.5 967.0 s07-a-74 932.0 18.5 s2007-a 1002.0 942.8 s07-a-75 907.5 18.0 s2007-a 978.0 918.3 s07-a-76 882.5 18.8 s2007-a 954.0 894.5 s07-a-77 857.5 16.4 s2007-a 931.5 870.8 s07-a-78 832.5 14.9 s2007-a 909.0 846.5 s07-a-79 807.5 16.0 s2007-a 885.5 822.3 s07-a-80 782.0 16.7 s2007-a 862.5 798.0 s07-a-81 756.0 17.2 s2007-a 840.0 772.8 s07-a-82 729.5 17.1 s2007-a 816.0 746.0 s07-a-83 702.5 17.3 s2007-a 789.5 720.0 s07-a-84 676.0 16.9 s2007-a 764.0 695.3 s07-a-85 650.0 16.0 s2007-a 740.5 670.8 s07-a-86 624.0 16.5 s2007-a 717.5 645.3 s07-a-87 597.0 nan s2007-a 693.5 618.8 s07-a-88 569.0 14.4 s2007-a 668.5 592.8 s07-a-89 541.5 16.8 s2007-a 644.0 567.5 s07-a-90 514.5 15.7 s2007-a 620.5 542.3 s07-a-91 487.5 17.2 s2007-a 597.0 516.8 s07-a-92 460.5 18.3 s2007-a 573.0 490.5 s07-a-93 433.0 18.8 s2007-a 548.0 463.8 s07-a-94 405.0 18.5 s2007-a 522.5 437.5 s07-a-95 377.5 18.8 s2007-a 497.5 411.5 s07-a-96 350.5 14.8 s2007-a 472.5 391.8 s07-a-97 330.0 17.2 s2007-a 453.5