PAGES 2k Region PAGES ID Country/Region Area Site Lat (°N) Long (°E) Archive type Proxy measurement Sign relation to temp Oldest (C.E.) Youngest (C.E.) Resolution (yr) Reference Africa Afr_1 East Africa Ethiopian Highlands Dega Sala swamp 7.82 39.33 Lake/wetland sediments Pollen positive -50 1994 10 Bonnefille, R., Mohammed, U., 1994. Pollen-inferred climatic fluctuations in Ethiopia during the last 3000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 109, 331-343. Africa Afr_2 East Africa Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro -3.08 37.35 Ice core d18O positive 460 1950 10 Thompson, L.G., Mosley-Thompson, E., Davis, M.E., Henderson, K.A., Brecher, H.H., Zagorodnov, V.S., Mashiotta, T.A., Lin, P.-N., Mikhalenko, V.N., Hardy, D.R., Beer, J., 2002. Kilimanjaro ice core records: evidence of Holocene climate change in tropical Africa. Science 298, 589-593. Africa Afr_3 Central Africa Congo Basin GeoB6518 -5.59 11.22 Marine sediments MBT positive -21840 1920 100 Weijers, J.W.H., Schefuß, E., Schouten, S., Damste, J.S.S., 2007. Coupled thermal and hydrological evolution of tropical Africa over the last deglaciation. Science 315, 1701-1704. Africa Afr_4 East Africa Rift lakes Lake Tanganyika -6.55 29.97 Lake/wetland sediments TEX86 positive 500 1996 10 Tierney, J.E., Mayes, M.T., Meyer, N., Johnson, C., Swarzenski, P.W., Cohen, A.S., Russell, J.M., 2010. Late-twentieth-century warming in Lake Tanganyika unprecedented since AD 500. Nature Geoscience 3, 422-425. Africa Afr_5 East Africa Rift lakes Lake Malawi -9.98 34.23 Lake/wetland sediments TEX86 positive 1280 1996 10 Powers, L.A., Johnson, T.C., Werne, J.P., Castañeda, I.S., Hopmans, E.C., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., Schouten, S., 2011. Organic geochemical records of environmental variability in Lake Malawi during the last 700 years, Part I: the TEX86 temperature record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303, 133-139. Africa Afr_6 Southern Africa Zambezi Basin and/or delta GeoB9307-3 -18.57 37.38 Marine sediments MBT positive -13080 1690 100 Schefuß, E., Kuhlmann, H., Mollenhauer, G., Prange, M., Patzold, J., 2011. Forcing of wet phases in southeast Africa over the past 17,000 years. Nature 480, 509-512. Africa Afr_7 Southern Africa South Africa Kuiseb River, Namibia -23.65 15.35 Hyrax midden Pollen positive 1822 1996 100 Scott, L., 1996. Palynology of hyrax middens: 2000 years of palaeoenvironmental history in Namibia. Quaternary International 33, 73-79. Africa Afr_8 Southern Africa South Africa Cold Air Cave, South Africa -24.02 29.18 Speleothem d18O positive -20480 1998 10 Lee-Thorp, J.A., Hohngren, K., Lauritzen, S.-E., Linge, H., Moberg, A., Partridge, T.C., Stevenson, C., Tyson, P.D., 2001. Rapid climate shifts in the southern African interior throughout the mid- to late Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 4507-4510.; Holmgren, K., Lee-Thorp, J.A., Cooper, G.R.J., Lundblad, K., Partridge, T.C., Scott, L., Sithaldeen, R., Talma, A.S., Tyson, P.D., 2003. Persistent millennial-scale climatic variability over the past 25,000 years in Southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 2311-2326. Africa Afr_9 Southern Africa South Africa Wonderkrater, South Africa -24.44 28.75 Lake/wetland sediments Pollen positive -22430 1984 100 Scott, L., 1999. Vegetation history and climate in the Savanna biome South Africa since 190,000 ka: a comparison of pollen data from the Tswaing Crater (the Pretoria Saltpan) and Wonderkrater. Quaternary International 57-8, 215-223.; Scott, L., Holmgren, K., Talma, A.S., Woodborne, S., Vogel, J.C., 2003. Age interpretation of the Wonderkrater spring sediments and vegetation change in the Savanna Biome, Limpopo province, South Africa. South African Journal of Science 99, 484-488. Africa Afr_10 Southern Africa South Africa Cango Cave, South Africa -33.39 22.21 Speleothem d18O positive -1990 1921 10 Talma, A.S., Vogel, J.C., 1992. Late Quaternary paleotemperatures derived from a speleothem from Cango Caves, Cape Province, South Africa. Quaternary Research 37, 203-213. Africa Afr_11 Southern and East Africa Southern and East Africa Regional boreholes -29 to -2 13 to 39 Borehole Subsurface temperature positive 1500 2000 100 Huang, S., Pollack, H.N., Shen, P.-Y., 2000. Temperature trends over the past five centuries reconstructed from borehole temperatures. Nature 403. _ Antarctica Ant_1 Antarctica East Talos Dome (firn) -72.48 159.06 Ice core d18O positive 1232 1995 1 isotopes: Stenni et al., JGR, 2002; Timescale and sulphates Braida et al., unpublished; Severi, M., Udisti, R., Becagli, S., Stenni, B., and Traversi, R.: Volcanic synchronisation of the EPICA-DC and TALDICE ice cores for the last 42 kyr BP, Clim. Past, 8, 509-517, doi:10.5194/cp-8-509-2012, 2012 Antarctica Ant_2 Antarctica East DSS Law Dome -66.77 112.81 Ice core d18O positive 174 2007 1 isotopes: Moy et al., unpublished; sulphate data Plummer et al., CPD/CP 2012 Antarctica Ant_3 Antarctica East Plateau Remote/PR-B -84.00 43.00 Ice core d18O positive 2 1986 1 Cole-Dai et al., 2000; Mosley-Thompson 1996 Antarctica Ant_4 Antarctica East IND-22/B4 -70.86 11.54 Ice core d18O positive 1533 1994 1 Thamban et al., Current Science, 2006; Laluraj et al., Holocene, 2010. Antarctica Ant_5 Antarctica East DML05 -75.00 0.00 Ice core d18O positive 166 1996 1 Graf, W et al. (2002): Density and stable oxygen isotopes of firn core DML05C98_32 (B32). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.104862, In Supplement to: Graf, Wolfgang; Oerter, Hans; Reinwarth, Oskar; Stichler, Willibald; Wilhelms, Frank; Miller, Heinz; Mulvaney, Robert (2002): Stable-isotope records from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 195-201, doi:10.3189/172756402781816492 Antarctica Ant_6 Antarctica West WD2005A -79.46 -112.09 Ice core d18O positive 786 2005 1 Mitchell, L., E. Brook, T. Sowers, J. McConnell, K. Taylor (2011), Multidecadal variability of atmospheric methane, 1000-1800 C.E., J. Geophys. Res., 116, G02007, doi:10.1029/2010JG001441; Steig, E.J. et al., Significance of exceptional recent climate and glacier changes in West Antarctica, Nature Geoscience, submitted Antarctica Ant_7 Antarctica West WD2006A -79.47 -112.09 Ice core d18O positive 1 1584 1 Sigl, M. J.R. McConnell, D. Dahl-Jensen, R. Edwards, L. Layman, O. Maselli, R. Mulvaney, K. McGwire, D. Pasteris, and J.P. Steffensen (2012), A new bi-polar ice core record of volcanism from WAIS Divide and NEEM: Implications for climate forcing during the last 2000 years, J. Geophys. Res., submitted; Steig, E.J. et al., Significance of exceptional recent climate and glacier changes in West Antarctica, Nature Geoscience, submitted Antarctica Ant_8 Antarctica West ITASE 00-01 -79.38 -111.24 Ice core d18O positive 1674 2000 1 Schneider et al., 2006 Antarctica Ant_9 Antarctica West ITASE 00-05 -77.68 -124.00 Ice core d2H positive 1729 2000 1 Schneider et al., 2006 Antarctica Ant_10 Antarctica Peninsula JRI -64.20 -57.70 Ice core d2H positive 0 2007 1 Robert Mulvaney, Nerilie J. Abram, Richard C. A. Hindmarsh, Carol Arrowsmith, Louise Fleet, Jack Triest, Louise C. Sime, Olivier Alemany & Susan Foord, Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice-shelf history, Nature (in press), 10.1038/nature11391 Antarctica Ant_11 Antarctica West Siple Station -75.92 -84.25 Ice core d18O positive 1417 1983 1 Schneider et al., 2006; Mosley-Thompson, E., L.G. Thompson, P.M. Grootes andN. Gundestrup. 1990. Little Ice Age (neoglacial) paleoenvironmentalconditions at Siple Station, Antarctica. Ann. Glaciol., 14,199–204. _ Arctic Arc_1 Alaska Brooks Range Blue lake 68.09 -150.47 Lake sediment Varve thickness positive 9 2005 1 Bird, B.W., M.B. Abbott, B.P. Finney, and B. Kutchko. 2008. A 2000 year varve-based climate record from the central Brooks Ran... Arctic Arc_2 Central Russia Avam-Taimyr 72 101 Tree ring Ring width positive -100 2003 1 Briffa, K, Shishov, V V, Melvin, T M, Vaganov, E A, Grudd, H, Hantemirov, R H, Eronen, M, Naurzbaev, M M. 2008. Trends in recent... Arctic Arc_3 Central Russia Yamal 67.5 70 Tree ring Ring width positive 1 1996 1 Briffa, K, Shishov, V V, Melvin, T M, Vaganov, E A, Grudd, H, Hantemirov, R H, Eronen, M, Naurzbaev, M M. 2008. Trends in recent... Arctic Arc_4 Canada Ellesmere Island Lower Lake Murray 81.35 -69.53 Lake sediment Mass accumulation rate positive -3236 2004 1.0101 Cook, T.L., R.S. Bradley, J. S. Stoner, and P. Francus. 2008. Five thousand years of sediment transfer in a high arctic watersh... Arctic Arc_5 Greenland Camp Century 77.17 -61.13 Ice core d18O positive 1242 1967 1 W. Dansgaard, S. J. Johnsen, J. Møller, and C. C. Langway, Jr.. One Thousand Centuries of Climatic Record from Camp Century on t... Arctic Arc_6 Alaska Seward Peninsula 65.153 -162.2053 Tree ring Ring width positive 1140 2002 1 DArrigo, R., et al. (2005), North Pacific-related climate variability inferred from Seward Peninsula, Alaska tree rings since A... Arctic Arc_7 Alaska Gulf of Alaska 61.03 -146.59 Tree ring Ring width positive 724 2002 1 DArrigo, R., R. Wilson, and G. Jacoby. 2006. On the long-term context for late twentieth century warming. Journal of Geophysi... Arctic Arc_8 Canada Yukon 67.9 -140.7 Tree ring Ring width positive 1177 2002 1 DArrigo, R., R. Wilson, and G. Jacoby. 2006. On the long-term context for late twentieth century warming. Journal of Geophysi... Arctic Arc_9 Canada Northwestern Terrotories Coppermine River 67.14 -155.55 Tree ring Ring width positive 1048 2003 1 Rosanne DArrigo, Gordon Jacoby, Brendan Buckley, John Sakulich, David Frank, Rob Wilson, Ashley Curtis, Kevin Anchukaitis, Tree... Arctic Arc_10 Central Russia Ural Mountains Polar Urals 66.83 65.75 Tree ring Maximum density positive 778 1990 1 Esper, J, Cook, E, Schweingruber, F, Low-Frequency Signals in Long Tree-Ring Chronologies for Reconstructing Past Temperature Va... Arctic Arc_11 Greenland GISP2 72.1 -38.08 Ice core d18O positive 818 1987 1 Grootes, P., and M. Stuiver (1997), Oxygen 18/16 variability in Greenland snow and ice with 103 to 105year time resolution, J... Arctic Arc_12 Scandinavia Sweden Torneträsk 68.26 19.6 Tree ring Maximum density positive 500 2004 1 Grudd, H. 2008. Torneträsk tree-ring width and density AD 500-2004: a test of climatic sensitivity and a new 1500-year reconstru... Arctic Arc_13 Scandinavia Sweden Jämtland 63.5 15.5 Tree ring Maximum density positive 1107 2007 1 Björn E. Gunnarson, Hans W. Linderholm and Anders Moberg. 2011. Improving a tree-ring reconstruction from west-central Scandinav... Arctic Arc_14 Scandinavia Finland Lake Lehmilampi 63.62 29.1 Lake sediment Varve thickness negative 1 2004 1.0005 Haltia-Hovi, E., T. Saarinen, and M. Kukkonen. 2007. A 2000-year record of solar forcing on varved lake sediment in eastern Fi... Arctic Arc_15 Scandinavia Finnish Lapland 69 25 Tree ring Ring width positive 0 2005 1 Helama, S., Fauria, M.M., Mielikainen, K., Timonen, M. and Eronen, M. 2010. Sub-Milankovitch solar forcing of past climates: Mid... Arctic Arc_16 Eastern Russia Northern Yakutia Indigurka 69.5 147 Tree ring Ring width, STD positive 1259 1994 1 M. K. Hughes, E. A. Vaganov, S. Shiyatov, R. Touchan and G. Funkhouser. Twentieth-century summer warmth in northern Yakutia in a... Arctic Arc_17 North Atlantic Svalbard Lomonosovfonna 78.8647 17.425 Ice core d18O positive 1400 1997 1 Isaksson, E., D. Divine, J. Kohler, T. Martma, V. Pohjola, H. Motoyama, and O. Watanabe. 2005. Climate oscillations as recorded ... Arctic Arc_18 North Atlantic Svalbard Austfonna 79.833 24.0167 Ice core d18O positive 1400 1998 1.0814 Isaksson, E., D. Divine, J. Kohler, T. Martma, V. Pohjola, H. Motoyama, and O. Watanabe. 2005. Climate oscillations as recorded ... Arctic Arc_19 Scandinavia Norway Forfjorddalen 2 69.08 17.22 Tree ring Ring width positive 877 1994 1 Kirchhefer, A. J. Reconstruction of summer temperatures from tree-rings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in coastal northern ... Arctic Arc_20 Arctic Canada Ellesmere Island Lake C2 82.13 -77.15 Lake sediment Varve thickness positive -1309 1987 1 Lamoureux, S.F. and R.S. Bradley. 1996. A late Holocene varved sediment record of environmental change from northern Ellesmere... Arctic Arc_21 Arctic Canada Melville Island East Lake 74.92 -109.55 Lake sediment Particle-size distribution positive 244 2000 1.0029 François Lapointe, Pierre Francus, Scott F. Lamoureux, Meriem Saïd and Stéphanie Cuven. 1750 years of large rainfall events infe... Arctic Arc_22 North Atlantic Iceland Hvítárvatn 64.6 -19.8 Lake sediment Varce thickness positive -981 2002 1 Darren J. Larsen, Gifford H. Miller, Áslaug Geirsdóttir, Thorvaldur Thordarson, A 3000-year varved record of glacier activity an... Arctic Arc_23 Alaska Chugach Mountains Iceberg Lake 60.78 -142.95 Lake sediment Varve thickness positive 442 1998 1 Loso, M.G., R.S. Anderson, S.P. Anderson, and P.J. Reimer. 2006. A 1500-year record of temperature and glacial response inferre... Arctic Arc_24 Eastern Russia Northern Siberia Lower Lena River 70.67 125.87 Tree ring Ring width, ARS positive 1408 1994 1 G. M. MacDonald, R. A. Case and J. M. Szeicz. A 538-Year Record of Climate and Treeline Dynamics from the Lower Lena River Regio... Arctic Arc_25 Arctic Canada Baffin Island Donard Lake 66.73 -61.35 Lake sediment Thickness positive 752 1992 1 Moore, J.J., Hughen, K.A., Miller, G.H. and Overpeck, J.T., 2001, Little Ice Age Recorded in Summer Temperatures from Varved Se... Arctic Arc_26 Scandinavia Finland Lake Nautajärvi 61.81 24.68 Lake sediment Organic matter positive 0 1995 1 Ojala, A.E.K. and T. Alenius. 2005. 10 000 years of interannual sedimentation recorded in the Lake Nautajärvi (Finland) clast... Arctic Arc_27 Greenland B16 73.9402 -37.6299 Ice core d18O positive 1478 1992 1 Schwager, Matthias (2000): Eisbohrkernuntersuchungen zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilität von Temperatur und Niederschlags... Arctic Arc_28 Greenland B18 76.617 -36.4033 Ice core d18O positive 871 1992 1 Schwager, Matthias (2000): Eisbohrkernuntersuchungen zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilität von Temperatur und Niederschlags... Arctic Arc_29 Greenland B21 80 -41.1374 Ice core d18O positive 1397 1993 1 Schwager, Matthias (2000): Eisbohrkernuntersuchungen zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilität von Temperatur und Niederschlags... Arctic Arc_30 Arctic Canada Baffin Island Big Round Lake 69.8667 -68.833 Lake sediment Varve thickness positive 971 2003 1 Thomas, E.K. and J.P. Briner. 2008. Climate of the past millennium inferred from varved proglacial lake sediments on northeast B... Arctic Arc_31 Scandinavia Finland Lake Korttajärvi 62.33 25.68 Lake sediment X-ray density negative 0 1985 1 Tiljander, M., M. Saarnisto, A.E.K. Ojala, and T. Saarinen. 2003. A 3000-year palaeoenvironmental record from annually laminate... Arctic Arc_32 Greenland NGRIP1 75.1 -42.32 Ice core d18O positive 0 1995 1 B.M. Vinther, H.B. Clausen, S.J. Johnsen, S.O. Rasmussen, K.K. Andersen, S.L. Buchardt, D. Dahl-Jensen, I.K. Seierstad, M.-L. S... Arctic Arc_33 Arctic Canada Ellesmere Island Agassiz Ice Cap 80.7 -73.1 Ice core d18O positive 0 1972 1 Vinther, B.M., H.B. Clausen, D.A. Fisher, R.M. Koerner, S.J. Johnsen, K.K. Andersen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S.O. Rasmussen, J.P. Steffe... Arctic Arc_34 Greenland Crête 71.12 -37.32 Ice core d18O positive 553 1973 1 B.M. Vinther, P.D. Jones, K.R. Briffa, H.B. Clausen, K.K. Andersen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S.J. Johnsen, Climatic signals in multiple h... Arctic Arc_35 Greenland Dye-3 65.18 -43.83 Ice core d18O positive 1 1979 1 B.M. Vinther, P.D. Jones, K.R. Briffa, H.B. Clausen, K.K. Andersen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S.J. Johnsen, Climatic signals in multiple h... Arctic Arc_36 Greenland GRIP 72.58 -37.64 Ice core d18O positive 1 1979 1 B.M. Vinther, P.D. Jones, K.R. Briffa, H.B. Clausen, K.K. Andersen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S.J. Johnsen, Climatic signals in multiple h... Arctic Arc_37 North Atlantic Iceland 64.7741 -18.3691 Historic Ice cover positive 945 1935 30 Bergthorsson, P.: An estimate of ice drift and temperature in 1000 years, Jökull, 19, 94, 1969. Arctic Arc_38 North Atlantic Norwegian Sea MD95-2011 66.97 7.64 Marine sediment Diatoms positive -4076.1 1995.4 9.8564 Berner, K. S., N. Koç, F. Godtliebsen, and D. Divine (2011), Holocene climate variability of the Norwegian Atlantic Current duri... Arctic Arc_39 North Atlantic Norwegian Sea MD95-2011 66.97 7.64 Marine sediment Alkenone positive -6540 1440 28.0392 Calvo, E; Grimalt, Joan O; Jansen, Eystein (2002): High resolution UK37 sea surface temperature reconstruction in the Norwegian ... Arctic Arc_40 Alaska Alaska Range Moose lake 61.3472 -143.5988 Lake sediment Midge assemblages positive -4057.66 1970.03 38.2204 Clegg, B.F., G.H. Clarke, M.L. Chipman, M. Chou, I.R. Walker, W. Tinner, and F.S. Hu. 2010. Six Millennia of Summer Temperature ... Arctic Arc_41 Alaska Gulf of Alaska Hudson Lake 61.9 -145.66 Lake sediment Midge assemblages positive -7639.8333 1976 49.8579 Benjamin F. Clegg, Ryan Kelly, Gina H. Clarke, Ian R. Walker, and Feng Sheng Hu. Nonlinear response of summer temperature to Hol... Arctic Arc_42 Alaska Gulf of Alaska Screaming Lynx Lake 66.0667 -145.4 Lake sediment Midge assemblages positive -8661 1993 36.1273 Benjamin F. Clegg, Ryan Kelly, Gina H. Clarke, Ian R. Walker, and Feng Sheng Hu. Nonlinear response of summer temperature to Hol... Arctic Arc_43 Greenland Kangerlussuaq Lake Braya So 67 -50.7 Lake sediment Uk37 positive -4169 2005 28.8676 William J. D’Andrea, Yongsong Huang, Sherilyn C. Fritz, and N. John Anderson. Abrupt Holocene climate change as an important fac... Arctic Arc_44 Arctic Canada Devon Island Devon Ice Cap 75.33 -82.5 Ice core proxy positive -727 1973 5 Fisher, D.A., R.M. Koerner, W.S.B. Paterson, W. Dansgaard, N. Gundestrup, and N. Reeh, 1983: Effect of wind scouring on climat... Arctic Arc_45 Arctic Canada Baffin Island Penny Ice Cap 67.25 -66.75 Ice core d18O positive -9733 1992 25 Fisher, D.A., R. M. Koerner, J. C. Bourgeois, G. Zielinski, C. Wake, C. U. Hammer, H. B. Clausen, N. Gundestrup, S. Johnsen, K.... Arctic Arc_46 Alaska Gulf of Alaska Kepler lake 61.553 -149.196 Lake sediment d18O positive 1408 2007 7.1791 Gonyo AW, Yu Z, Bebout GE (2012) Late Holocene change in climate and atmospheric circulation inferred from geochemical records a... Arctic Arc_47 North Atlantic North Icelandic Shelf MD99-2275 66.55 -17.37 Marine sediment Diatoms positive -36.079 1948.6872 19.532 Jiang, J., Eiriksson, M., Schultz, K.L., Knudsen, and Seidenkrantz, M.S., 2005: Evidence for solar forcing of sea surface temper... Arctic Arc_48 Alaska Southwestern Alaska Lone Spruce Pond 60.007 -159.143 Lake sediment BSi positive -12523.6606 2004.6229 10.3734 Darrell S. Kaufman, Yarrow Axford, R. Scott Anderson, Scott F. Lamoureux, Daniel E. Schindler, Ian R. Walker and Al Werner. A mu... Arctic Arc_49 Scandinavia Norway Okshola cave 67 15 Speleothem d18O negative -5565.2 1997 31.9229 Linge, H., Lauritzen, S.-E., Andersson, C., Hansen, J. K., Skoglund, R. Ø., and Sundqvist, H. S.: Stable isotope records for the... Arctic Arc_50 Scandinavia Finland Lake Hampträsk 60.283 25.417 Lake sediment Chironomids positive 1330 2000 14.5652 Tomi P. Luoto, Kaarina Sarmaja-Korjonen, Liisa Nevalainen, and Tommi Kauppila. A 700 year record of temperature and nutrient cha... Arctic Arc_51 Scandinavia Finland Lake Pieni-Kauro 64.28 30.12 Lake sediment Chironomids positive 470 1990 43.4286 Tomi P. Luoto, Samuli Helama, Palaeoclimatological and palaeolimnological records from fossil midges and tree-rings: the role of... Arctic Arc_52 North Atlantic Greenland Lake Igaliku 61 -45.43 Lake sediment Pollen accumulation positive -7577 2001.2 58.1794 Charly Massa, Bianca B. Perren, Émilie Gauthier, Vincent Bichet, Christophe Petit and Hervé Richard. A multiproxy evaluation of ... Arctic Arc_53 Arctic Canada Baffin Island Penny Ice Cap 67.25 -66.75 Ice core Ice melt positive -966.1 1983.9 25 Okuyama, J., H. Narita, T. Hondoh, and R. M. Koerner (2003), Physical properties of the P96 ice core from Penny Ice Cap, Baffin ... Arctic Arc_54 Canada Southampton Island Lake 4 65.1 -83.79 Lake sediment Chironomid positive 814.3852 1997.035 43.8018 Nicolas Rolland, Isabelle Larocque, Pierre Francus, Reinhard Pienitz, Laurence Laperrière, Evidence for a warmer period during t... Arctic Arc_55 North Atlantic Norweigian Sea P1003 63.76 5.26 Marine sediment d18O positive -5930.8 1998.2 8.4398 H.P. Sejrup, H. Haflidason, J.T. Andrews, A Holocene North Atlantic SST record and regional climate variability, Quaternary Scie... Arctic Arc_56 Greenland West Greenland Holsteinsborg Dyb 66.7447 -53.9403 Lake sediment Fragilariopsis cylindrus negative 713.7 2005.5 11.1362 Longbin Sha, Hui Jiang, and Karen Luise Knudsen. Diatom evidence of climatic change in Holsteinsborg Dyb, west of Greenland, dur... Arctic Arc_57 North Atlantic North Iceland Shelf MD99-2275 66.55 -17.37 Marine sediment Alkenone positive -2549 2001 3.8928 Sicre, M.-A., I. R. Hall, J. Mignot, M. Khodri, U. Ezat, M. X. Truong, J. Eiríksson, and K. L. Knudsen (2011), Sea surface tempe... Arctic Arc_58 North Atlantic MSM5/5-712 78.9157 6.7673 Marine sediment Planktic foraminifers positive -94 2007 41.4583 Robert F. Spielhagen, Kirstin Werner, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Evguenia Kandiano, Gereon Budeus, Katrine H... Arctic Arc_59 Greenland Renland 71.27 -26.73 Ice core d18O positive 0 1980 5 Vinther, B.M., H.B. Clausen, D.A. Fisher, R.M. Koerner, S.J. Johnsen, K.K. Andersen, D. Dahl-Jensen, S.O. Rasmussen, J.P. Steffe... _ Asia Asi_1 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO AAT2LS 50.08 87.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1495 1998 1 Asia Asi_2 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO DJAZLS 49.62 88.10 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1561 2000 1 Asia Asi_3 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO JABELS 50.87 85.23 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1568 1995 1 Asia Asi_4 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO KUR2LS 50.30 87.83 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1538 2000 1 Asia Asi_5 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO KUR3LS 50.27 87.83 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1497 2000 1 Asia Asi_6 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO MSALLS 49.17 87.28 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1542 2000 1 Asia Asi_7 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO NCHALS 50.17 87.83 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1418 1999 1 Asia Asi_8 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO TUT2LS 50.12 87.92 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1554 2000 1 Asia Asi_9 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO UGLALS 50.48 87.48 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1550 1995 1 Asia Asi_10 Altai Mountains (AT) LDEO ULAGLS 50.68 87.97 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1555 2000 1 Asia Asi_11 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULTRW 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_12 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULEWW 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Earlywood width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_13 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULLWW 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Latewood width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_14 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULEWD 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Earlywood density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_15 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULLWD 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Latewood density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_16 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULMND 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Minimum density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_17 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS137 UULMXD 50.48 87.65 Tree ring Maximum density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_18 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHTRW 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_19 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHEWW 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Earlywood width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_20 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHLWW 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Latewood width Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_21 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHEWD 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Earlywood density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_22 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHLWD 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Latewood density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_23 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHMND 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Minimum density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_24 Altai Mountains (AT) RUSS139 UKHMXD 50.15 85.37 Tree ring Maximum density Positive 1581 1994 1 Schweingruber, FH Asia Asi_25 Bhutan (BT) BT001 GAYTTD 27.58 90.65 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1294 2003 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_26 Bhutan (BT) BT002 NASPTD 27.67 90.73 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1454 2003 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_27 Bhutan (BT) BT003 PHUMTD 27.70 90.77 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1520 2003 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-491 Asia Asi_28 Bhutan (BT) BT004 ZACHTD 27.70 90.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1481 2003 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-492 Asia Asi_29 Bhutan (BT) LDEO BHUTTD 27.67 90.72 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1450 2003 1 Regional chronology Asia Asi_30 Bhutan (BT) BT006 CAMGSP 27.63 90.13 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1400 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_31 Bhutan (BT) BT008 DHURPS 27.58 90.65 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1280 2003 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_32 Bhutan (BT) BT009 GEYZSP 27.42 90.97 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1457 2002 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-491 Asia Asi_33 Bhutan (BT) BT010 PEMBSP 27.25 89.38 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1484 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-492 Asia Asi_34 Bhutan (BT) LDEO BHUTSP 27.45 90.00 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1280 2005 1 Regional chronology Asia Asi_35 Bhutan (BT) BT018 LAYAJR 27.95 89.75 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1453 2006 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_36 Bhutan (BT) BT011 TSHEPS 27.45 90.15 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1456 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_37 Bhutan (BT) BT005 TSHETD 27.45 90.15 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1582 2006 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-491 Asia Asi_38 China (CH) CHIN020 TANSIC 30.23 100.27 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1306 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-492 Asia Asi_39 China (CH) CHIN021 XCHSIC 28.98 99.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1380 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-493 Asia Asi_40 China (CH) CHIN018 DAOSIC 29.28 100.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1540 2006 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-494 Asia Asi_41 China (CH) CHIN019 MAXSIC 29.15 99.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1509 2006 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-495 Asia Asi_42 China (CH) CHIN027 WXIYUN 27.33 99.30 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1348 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-496 Asia Asi_43 China (CH) LDEO DEZQIN 34.75 100.82 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1287 2004 1 Asia Asi_44 China (CH) LDEO GOUQIN 34.73 100.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1346 2004 1 Asia Asi_45 China (CH) LDEO HEBQIN 34.73 100.78 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1475 2004 1 Asia Asi_46 China (CH) LDEO LAJQIN 34.72 100.72 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1446 2004 1 Asia Asi_47 China (CH) LDEO GHEGAN 37.93 101.53 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1288 2000 1 Asia Asi_48 China (CH) CHIN006 DULAJP 36.30 98.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 159 1993 1 Sheppard, P.; Graumlich, L.J. Asia Asi_49 China (CH) CHIN005 SHENJP 37.00 98.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 840 1993 1 Sheppard, P.; Graumlich, L.J. Asia Asi_50 China (CH) LDEO DUSHJP 36.65 98.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 840 1993 1 Asia Asi_51 China (CH) LDEO MQAXJP 35.07 100.35 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1082 2001 1 Asia Asi_52 China (CH) LDEO MQBXJP 34.78 99.78 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 470 2002 1 Asia Asi_53 China (CH) LDEO MQDXJP 34.72 99.67 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1163 2001 1 Asia Asi_54 China (CH) LDEO MQFXJP 34.75 99.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1230 2002 1 Asia Asi_55 China (CH) LDEO MQRXJP 34.75 99.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 960 2002 1 Asia Asi_56 China (CH) LDEO TDAXJP 34.78 100.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1340 2002 1 Asia Asi_57 China (CH) LDEO TDBXJP 34.78 100.82 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1400 2002 1 Asia Asi_58 China (CH) LDEO HBLXJP 34.78 100.82 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1520 2002 1 Asia Asi_59 China (CH) LDEO HBMXJP 34.78 100.82 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1310 2002 1 Asia Asi_60 China (CH) LDEO HBHXJP 34.78 100.82 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1500 2002 1 Asia Asi_61 China (CH) LDEO BARELC 33.75 107.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1600 1992 1 Asia Asi_62 China (CH) CHIN004 HUASPI 34.48 110.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1540 1990 1 Wu, X.D.; Shao, X.M.; Hughes, M.K.; Burns, J.M.; Garfin, G.M. Asia Asi_63 China (CH) LDEO SANGTS 33.65 107.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1575 1992 1 Asia Asi_64 China (CH) CHIN029 BLKALS 43.85 93.30 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1571 2002 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_65 China (CH) LDEO TIANMU 30.33 119.43 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1590 2007 1 Asia Asi_66 China (CH) LDEO WULANJ 37.03 98.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 150 2000 1 Asia Asi_67 China (CH) LDEO QUMAJP 33.80 96.13 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1480 2002 1 Asia Asi_68 China (CH) LDEO ZHIDJP 33.72 96.28 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1374 2002 1 Asia Asi_69 China (CH) LDEO ZHANGX 34.63 104.47 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1568 2006 1 Asia Asi_70 China (CH) CHIN017 XIANGC 28.90 99.75 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1452 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_71 China (CH) CHIN016 BAWSIC 31.78 101.92 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1575 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_72 China (CH) LDEO PTCYUN 27.37 99.37 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1498 2007 1 Asia Asi_73 China (CH) CHIN027 WEXYUN 27.33 99.30 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1348 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_74 China (CH) LDEO HXBURU 43.18 87.18 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1543 1993 1 Asia Asi_75 China (CH) LDEO DQHZHO 35.00 100.07 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1433 2004 1 Asia Asi_76 China (CH) CHIN026 SMASLY 27.62 99.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1516 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_77 China (CH) LDEO HYGJUP 38.70 99.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 540 2006 1 Asia Asi_78 China (CH) LDEO MQACJP 35.07 100.35 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1082 2001 1 Asia Asi_79 China (CH) Asia2k 10GK_P 27.58 99.35 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1429 2005 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_80 China (CH) Asia2k 11YC_T 27.58 99.28 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1542 2005 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_81 China (CH) Asia2k 12YM_A 28.03 99.02 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1489 2005 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_82 China (CH) Asia2k 13YE_T 28.03 98.98 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1393 2005 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_83 China (CH) Asia2k 22DL_T 27.88 98.40 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1530 2005 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_84 China (CH) Asia2k DLH1 37.47 97.23 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 843 2001 1 Fan, Z.X. Asia Asi_85 China (CH) Asia2k DLH2 37.47 97.22 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 828 2001 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_86 China (CH) Asia2k DLH3 37.45 97.53 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 404 2002 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_87 China (CH) Asia2k DLH4 37.43 98.05 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 451 2002 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_88 China (CH) Asia2k DLH5 37.45 97.78 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 711 2003 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_89 China (CH) Asia2k DLH6 37.52 97.05 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1237 2002 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_90 China (CH) Asia2k HSE 34.47 110.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1458 2005 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_91 China (CH) Asia2k HSS 34.47 110.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1512 2005 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_92 China (CH) Asia2k HSW 34.47 110.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1359 2005 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_93 China (CH) Asia2k QML 33.80 96.13 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1480 2002 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_94 China (CH) Asia2k TJ1 37.32 98.40 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 943 2003 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_95 China (CH) Asia2k WL1 37.03 98.63 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 857 2003 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_96 China (CH) Asia2k WL2 37.03 98.67 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 845 2001 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_97 China (CH) Asia2k WL3 36.75 98.22 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 681 2001 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_98 China (CH) Asia2k WL4 36.68 98.42 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 900 2001 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_99 China (CH) Asia2k ZD31 32.67 95.72 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1290 2006 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_100 China (CH) Asia2k ZHD 33.72 96.28 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1374 2002 1 Shao, X. Asia Asi_101 Indonesia (ID) INDO005 MUNATG -5.50 123.00 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1565 2005 1 Cook et al. (2010) Asia Asi_102 India (IN) LDEO GANGCD 30.98 78.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1567 1999 1 Asia Asi_103 India (IN) LDEO RANGCD 33.08 76.43 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1388 2002 1 Asia Asi_104 India (IN) INDI015 NARKAB 31.20 77.23 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1590 1990 1 Borgaonkar, H.P.; Pant, G.B.; Rupa Kumar, K. Asia Asi_105 India (IN) Asia2k NARANG 10.18 76.87 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1481 2003 1 Borgaonkar, H.P. Asia Asi_106 India (IN) LDEO KERALA 10.00 76.67 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1481 2003 1 Regional chronology Asia Asi_107 India (IN) Asia2k JANCD 31.37 78.17 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1538 2004 1 Borgaonkar, H.P. Asia Asi_108 Japan (JP) JAPA008 MTASSP 43.77 142.55 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1532 1997 1 Davi, N.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Jacoby, G.C.; Buckley, B.; Kobayashi, O. Asia Asi_109 Japan (JP) JAPA008 MTASMD 43.77 142.55 Tree ring Maximum density Positive 1557 1997 1 Davi, N.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Jacoby, G.C.; Buckley, B.; Kobayashi, O. Asia Asi_110 Japan (JP) RUSS219 KUNASH 43.88 145.60 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1585 2000 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_111 Japan (JP) Asia2k YKS 30.33 130.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1 1999 1 Kimura, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_112 Japan (JP) Asia2k MSR 44.35 142.18 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1575 1999 1 Yasue K, Funada R, Fukazawa K, Ohtani J (1997) Tree-ring width and maximum density of Picea glehnii as indicators of climatic changes in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27:1962-1970 Asia Asi_113 Japan (JP) Asia2k ONB 43.22 145.47 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1511 1998 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_114 Japan (JP) Asia2k SJT 35.73 138.22 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1540 2001 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_115 Japan (JP) Asia2k TKC 43.50 143.20 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1487 1997 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_116 Japan (JP) Asia2k TSO 44.95 142.12 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1500 1991 1 Yasue K, Funada R, Fukazawa K, Ohtani J (1997) Tree-ring width and maximum density of Picea glehnii as indicators of climatic changes in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27:1962-1970 Asia Asi_117 Japan (JP) Asia2k YKCOM 30.37 130.53 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1080 2005 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_118 Japan (JP) Asia2k YKA 30.37 130.53 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1080 2002 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_119 Japan (JP) Asia2k YKC 30.33 130.45 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1141 2005 1 Yasue, K. (unpublished) Asia Asi_120 Japan (JP) Asia2k KMD 33.73 133.12 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1600 2001 1 Sano, M. (unpublished) Asia Asi_121 Kyrgystan (KG) KYRG002 BONKJT 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1346 1995 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-0 Asia Asi_122 Kyrgystan (KG) KYRG003 GEFKJT 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1591 1995 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-1 Asia Asi_123 Kyrgystan (KG) KYRG004 GRAKJT 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1378 1995 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-2 Asia Asi_124 Kyrgystan (KG) KYRG005 HOCKJT 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1316 1995 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-3 Asia Asi_125 Kyrgystan (KG) KYRG007 MURKJT 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1157 1995 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-4 Asia Asi_126 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO AJTMJT 40.20 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1420 1995 1 Asia Asi_127 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO KJTRJT 39.92 71.47 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1019 1995 1 Asia Asi_128 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO MJTQJT 40.17 72.62 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1427 1995 1 Asia Asi_129 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO XJTCJT 39.83 71.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 694 1995 1 Asia Asi_130 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO SHIYAT 39.83 71.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 870 1995 1 Asia Asi_131 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO ESPERG 40.17 72.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1340 1995 1 Asia Asi_132 Kyrgystan (KG) LDEO SHIESP 39.83 71.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1340 1995 1 Asia Asi_133 Kamchatka (KM) Asia2k KRNKAM 55.00 160.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1580 2001 1 Sano M, Furuta F, Sweda T (2009) Tree-ring-width chronology of Larix gmelinii as an indicator of changes in early summer temperature in east-central Kamchatka. Journal of Forest Research 14:147–154, DOI:110.1007/s10310-10009-10123-y Asia Asi_134 Kazakhstan (KZ) LDEO ULKEPS 43.35 77.35 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1570 2001 1 Asia Asi_135 Kazakhstan (KZ) Asia2k KOELIU 42.20 79.05 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1450 2005 1 Solomina, O. Asia Asi_136 Kazakhstan (KZ) Asia2k ENGILC 42.15 79.47 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1301 2005 1 Solomina, O. Asia Asi_137 Kazakhstan (KZ) Asia2k KOKKIY 42.42 78.97 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1551 2005 1 Solomina, O. Asia Asi_138 Kazakhstan (KZ) Asia2k NANENG 42.15 79.45 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1528 2005 1 Solomina, O. Asia Asi_139 Mongolia (MG) MONG016 ANKHLS 48.60 88.37 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1469 2004 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_140 Mongolia (MG) MONG027 BAYHLS 46.32 101.32 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1599 2001 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_141 Mongolia (MG) MONG017 BIGELS 49.97 91.00 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1350 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-491 Asia Asi_142 Mongolia (MG) MONG018 BIARLS 49.97 90.98 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1519 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-492 Asia Asi_143 Mongolia (MG) MONG019 BULGLS 47.10 90.97 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1375 2004 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-493 Asia Asi_144 Mongolia (MG) MONG020 DAYNLS 48.27 88.87 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1537 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-494 Asia Asi_145 Mongolia (MG) MONG021 HENTLS 48.35 107.47 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 996 2002 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-495 Asia Asi_146 Mongolia (MG) MONG033 HORBLS 49.37 94.88 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1550 1997 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-496 Asia Asi_147 Mongolia (MG) MONG009 KHELLS 49.92 91.57 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1326 1998 1 Jacoby, G.C.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Pederson, N. Asia Asi_148 Mongolia (MG) MONG015 KHOGLS 48.17 99.87 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1340 2000 1 Jacoby, G.C.; Davi, N.; Nachin, B.; Byambasuren, O. Asia Asi_149 Mongolia (MG) MONG024 KHOTLS 48.50 88.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1215 2004 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_150 Mongolia (MG) MONG025 KHOVLS 48.70 88.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1565 2004 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_151 Mongolia (MG) MONG026 MANDLS 46.82 100.12 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1411 2002 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-491 Asia Asi_152 Mongolia (MG) MONG002 MANHPS 47.77 107.00 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1506 1994 1 Jacoby, G.C.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Buckley, B.; Pederson, N. Asia Asi_153 Mongolia (MG) MONG028 ONONLS 48.83 111.68 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1576 2001 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_154 Mongolia (MG) MONG029 OVOOLS 49.87 91.43 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1249 1998 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_155 Mongolia (MG) LDEO SODAPS 48.30 98.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 46 1999 1 Asia Asi_156 Mongolia (MG) MONG030 SPKRLS 49.38 94.88 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1432 1998 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_157 Mongolia (MG) MONG010 SUBALS 47.27 100.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1363 1999 1 Jacoby, G.C.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Pederson, N. Asia Asi_158 Mongolia (MG) MONG014 SUMELS 47.43 100.42 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1557 2002 1 Jacoby, G.C.; Davi, N.; Nachin, B.; Byambasuren, O. Asia Asi_159 Mongolia (MG) MONG007 TUCHLS 49.70 91.55 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1570 1995 1 Schweingruber, F.H. Asia Asi_160 Mongolia (MG) MONG012 UNDULS 48.98 103.22 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1511 2002 1 Jacoby, G.C.; Davi, N.; Nachin, B. Asia Asi_161 Mongolia (MG) MONG031 ZMGLPS 48.25 97.40 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1516 1998 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_162 Mongolia (MG) MONG006 ZNMDLS 47.78 107.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1582 1996 1 Jacoby, G.C.; Buckley, B.; Pederson, N. Asia Asi_163 Mongolia (MG) MONG011 ZSMDLS 48.13 100.27 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1513 2001 1 Jacoby, G.C.; Davi, N.; Nachin, B.; Byambasuren, O. Asia Asi_164 Mongolia (MG) MONG032 ZURTLS 46.52 100.95 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1340 2002 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_165 Mongolia (MG) LDEO Hushre 46.78 101.95 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1503 2009 1 Asia Asi_166 Mongolia (MG) MONG004 TERELJ 47.95 107.45 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1590 2002 1 Jacoby, G.C.; D'Arrigo, R.D.; Buckley, B.; Pederson, N. Asia Asi_167 Nepal (NP) NEPA003 AGHERI 29.48 82.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1420 1997 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_168 Nepal (NP) NEPA010 BHULJR 27.70 86.45 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1417 1998 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_169 Nepal (NP) NEPA014 CHDAND 27.70 86.28 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1546 1998 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_170 Nepal (NP) NEPA015 DEORLA 28.38 83.70 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1395 1997 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R.; Zuber, R. Asia Asi_171 Nepal (NP) NEPA018 DDANJR 27.73 86.33 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1445 1998 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_172 Nepal (NP) NEPA019 GHURCH 29.47 82.12 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1530 1997 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_173 Nepal (NP) NEPA025 KATKUW 29.52 82.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1566 1997 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R. Asia Asi_174 Nepal (NP) NEPA029 LANGTD 28.18 85.43 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1559 1994 1 Krusic, P.J.; Zuber, R. Asia Asi_175 Nepal (NP) NEPA030 LUKUTD 27.78 87.27 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 856 1996 1 Krusic, P.J.; Cook, E.R.; Buckley, B. Asia Asi_176 Nepal (NP) NEPA032 MUMBAS 27.67 87.20 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1546 1996 1 Krusic, P.J. Asia Asi_177 Nepal (NP) NEPA036 RACHAS 27.73 87.20 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1509 1996 1 Krusic, P.J. Asia Asi_178 Nepal (NP) LDEO BURGPW 28.77 83.73 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1303 1996 1 Regional chronology Asia Asi_179 Nepal (NP) NEPA021 GHUNAB 27.50 88.02 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1525 1999 1 Krusic, P.J.; Raj Khanal, N. Asia Asi_180 Nepal (NP) NEPA027 LAMIAB 27.50 87.98 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1561 1999 1 Krusic, P.J. Asia Asi_181 Nepal (NP) NEPA042 YAKHTD 27.83 88.02 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1500 1999 1 Krusic, P.J. Asia Asi_182 Nepal (NP) LDEO ENEPAB 27.73 87.20 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1509 1999 1 Regional chronology Asia Asi_183 Pakistan (PK) LDEO ESPPAK 35.17 75.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 700 1993 1 Asia Asi_184 Pakistan (PK) LDEO ASTABP 35.33 74.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1505 2005 1 Asia Asi_185 Pakistan (PK) LDEO ASTPIW 35.33 74.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1317 2005 1 Asia Asi_186 Pakistan (PK) PAKI001 BAG1JU 36.03 74.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1593 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-0 Asia Asi_187 Pakistan (PK) PAKI002 BAG2JU 36.03 74.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1369 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-1 Asia Asi_188 Pakistan (PK) PAKI003 BAG4JU 36.03 74.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1438 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-2 Asia Asi_189 Pakistan (PK) PAKI004 BAG5JU 36.03 74.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1240 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-3 Asia Asi_190 Pakistan (PK) LDEO BUKCDD 35.68 71.63 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1411 2006 1 Asia Asi_191 Pakistan (PK) LDEO BUKPIG 35.68 71.63 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1403 2006 1 Asia Asi_192 Pakistan (PK) LDEO CGPCDD 35.90 71.73 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1537 2006 1 Asia Asi_193 Pakistan (PK) LDEO CGPPIG 35.90 71.73 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1260 2006 1 Asia Asi_194 Pakistan (PK) LDEO CHEPCS 35.03 74.58 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1394 2005 1 Asia Asi_195 Pakistan (PK) PAKI006 CHP2JU 36.33 74.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1032 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-0 Asia Asi_196 Pakistan (PK) PAKI007 CHP3JU 36.33 74.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1141 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-1 Asia Asi_197 Pakistan (PK) LDEO DskJUE 35.45 74.78 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1290 2007 1 Asia Asi_198 Pakistan (PK) LDEO ISBCDD 35.35 71.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1511 2006 1 Asia Asi_199 Pakistan (PK) LDEO JOTPIG 35.40 74.12 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1559 2007 1 Asia Asi_200 Pakistan (PK) LDEO JUTPCS 35.83 74.33 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1523 2008 1 Asia Asi_201 Pakistan (PK) LDEO KARPCS 35.88 74.18 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1574 2008 1 Asia Asi_202 Pakistan (PK) PAKI009 MOR1JU 36.58 75.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 476 1990 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-0 Asia Asi_203 Pakistan (PK) PAKI010 MOR2JU 36.58 75.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 968 1990 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-1 Asia Asi_204 Pakistan (PK) PAKI011 MOR3JU 36.58 75.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 554 1990 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-2 Asia Asi_205 Pakistan (PK) PAKI012 MOR4JU 36.58 75.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1069 1990 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-3 Asia Asi_206 Pakistan (PK) LDEO MSFCDD 35.50 74.08 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1296 2007 1 Asia Asi_207 Pakistan (PK) LDEO MUSPIG 35.50 74.75 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1362 2007 1 Asia Asi_208 Pakistan (PK) LDEO NLTJUE 36.15 74.18 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1497 2009 1 Asia Asi_209 Pakistan (PK) LDEO NLTPCS 36.15 74.18 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1387 2005 1 Asia Asi_210 Pakistan (PK) PAKI014 SAT1JU 35.17 75.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1412 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-0 Asia Asi_211 Pakistan (PK) PAKI015 SAT2JU 35.17 75.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 736 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-1 Asia Asi_212 Pakistan (PK) PAKI016 SAT3JU 35.17 75.50 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 388 1993 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Büntgen U, Treydte K (2007) Uniform growth trends among central Asian low and high elevation juniper tree sites. Trees - Structure and Function Volume 21, Number 2, 141-150, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0104-2 Asia Asi_213 Pakistan (PK) LDEO TKACDD 35.00 70.78 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1569 2007 1 Asia Asi_214 Pakistan (PK) LDEO ZACCDD 35.35 71.80 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1472 2005 1 Asia Asi_215 Pakistan (PK) LDEO HRPCSM 35.88 74.88 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1467 2009 1 Asia Asi_216 Sakhalin Island (SK) LDEO NOGSAK 51.83 143.13 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1570 2003 1 Asia Asi_217 Tibet (TB) LDEO CHOLPB 31.95 98.87 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1519 1996 1 Asia Asi_218 Tibet (TB) LDEO QAMDPB 31.12 97.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1406 1994 1 Asia Asi_219 Tibet (TB) LDEO RIWOPB 31.23 96.48 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1547 1994 1 Asia Asi_220 Tibet (TB) LDEO DENSJT 29.30 91.97 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1217 1998 1 Asia Asi_221 Tibet (TB) LDEO QAMDJT 31.12 97.03 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 449 2004 1 Asia Asi_222 Tibet (TB) LDEO MAINJT 29.07 93.95 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1047 1993 1 Asia Asi_223 Tibet (TB) LDEO NYINJT 29.62 94.67 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1568 1993 1 Asia Asi_224 Tibet (TB) LDEO RETIJT 30.30 91.52 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1080 1998 1 Asia Asi_225 Tibet (TB) LDEO CENTIB 29.35 92.00 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1285 2008 1 Asia Asi_226 Thailand (TH) TH001 MHGSTG 19.28 98.93 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1558 2005 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-489 Asia Asi_227 Taiwan (TW) TW001 CILAUP 24.53 121.38 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 907 2007 1 Cook ER, Anchukaitis KJ, Buckley BM, D'Arrigo RD, Jacoby GC, Wright WE (2010) Asian monsoon failure and megadrought during the last millennium. Science 328:486-490 Asia Asi_228 Vietnam (VM) Asia2k MCCHFH 21.67 104.10 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1470 2004 1 Sano M, Furuta F, Sweda T (2009) Tree-ring-width chronology of Larix gmelinii as an indicator of changes in early summer temperature in east-central Kamchatka. Journal of Forest Research 14:147–154, DOI:110.1007/s10310-10009-10123-y Asia Asi_229 Vietnam (VM) Viet001 BDFLON 12.22 108.73 Tree ring Total ring width Positive 1030 2008 1 Buckley BM, Anchukaitis KJ, Penny D, Fletcher R, Cook ER, Sano M, Nam LC, Wichienkeeo A, Minh TT, Hong TM (2010) Climate as a contributing factor in the demise of Angkor, Cambodia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107:6748-6752 _ Australasia Aus_1 Australia Mt Read -42 147 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 999 2001 1 Cook, E., Buckely, B., Palmer, J., Fenwick, P., Peterson, M., Boswijk, G. and Fowler, A. (2006). Millennia-long tree-ring records from Tasmania and New Zealand: a basis for modelling climate variability and forcing, past, present and future. Journal of Quaternary Science 21 (7): 689–699. Australasia Aus_2 New Zealand Oroko -43 170 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 999 2003 1 Cook, E., Buckely, B., Palmer, J., Fenwick, P., Peterson, M., Boswijk, G. and Fowler, A. (2006). Millennia-long tree-ring records from Tasmania and New Zealand: a basis for modelling climate variability and forcing, past, present and future. Journal of Quaternary Science 21 (7): 689–699. Australasia Aus_3 Northern Line Ids Palmyra -6 -162 Coral d18O Negative 1149 1998 1 Cobb, K., Charles, C., Cheng, H. and Edwards, L. (2003). El Nino/Southern Oscillation and tropical Pacific climate during the last millennium. Nature 424: 271-276. Australasia Aus_4 Australia Celery Top Pine East -42 148 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1430 1994 1 Allen, K. J., Cook, E., Francey, R. and Michael, K. (2001). The climatic response of Phyllocladus aspleniifolius (Labill.) Hook. f in Tasmania. Journal of Biogeography 28: 305-316. Australasia Aus_5 New Zealand Pink Pine -42 172 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1457 1999 1 Duncan, R. P., Fenwick, P., Palmer, J. G., McGlone, M. S. and Turney, C. S. M. (2010). Non-uniform interhemispheric temperature trends over the past 550 years. Climate Dynamics 35 ( 7-8): 1429-1438. Australasia Aus_6 New Zealand Urewera -39 177 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1462 1987 1 Xiong, L. and Palmer, J. (2000). Reconstruction of New Zealand Temperature Back to AD 1720 Using Libocedrus Bidwillii Tree rings. Climatic Change 45: 339-359. Australasia Aus_7 Australia Buckley's Chance -42 146 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1463 1991 1 Buckley, B., Cook, E., Peterson, M. and Barbetti, M. (1997). A changing temperature response with elevation for Lagarostrobis franklinii in Tasmania, Australia. Climatic Change 36: 4770498. Australasia Aus_8 New Zealand North Island_LIBI_Composite_1 -39 175 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1526 1992 1 Xiong, L. and Palmer, J. (2000). Reconstruction of New Zealand Temperature Back to AD 1720 Using Libocedrus Bidwillii Tree rings. Climatic Change 45: 339-359. Australasia Aus_9 Australia Celery Top Pine West -42 146 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1547 1998 1 Allen, K. J., Cook, E., Francey, R. and Michael, K. (2001). The climatic response of Phyllocladus aspleniifolius (Labill.) Hook. f in Tasmania. Journal of Biogeography 28: 305-316. Australasia Aus_10 New Zealand Mangawhero -39 175 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1551 1994 1 D'Arrigo, R., Cook, E., Salinger, M., Palmer, J., Krusic, P., Buckley, B. and Villalba, R. (1998). Tree-ring records from New Zealand: long-term context for recent warming trend. Climate Dynamics 14: 191-199; D'Arrigo, R., Cook, E., Villalba, R., Buckley, B., Salinger, M., Palmer, J. and Allen, K. (2000). Trans-Tasman Sea Climate Variability Since AD 1740 Inferred From Middle-High Latitude Tree-Ring Data. Climate Dynamics 16: 603-610. Australasia Aus_11 New Zealand Kauri -36 174 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1577 2002 1 Fowler, A., Boswijk, G., Gergis, J. and Lorrey, A. (2008). ENSO history recorded in Agathis australis (Kauri) tree-rings Part A: Kauri's potential as an ENSO proxy. International Journal of Climatology 28 (1): 1-20. Australasia Aus_12 Fiji Fiji_AB -17 179 Coral d18O Negative 1617 2001 1 Linsley, B. K., Kaplan, A., Gouriou, Y., Salinger, J., Demenocal, P. B., Wellington, G. M. and Howe, S. S. (2006). Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since the early 1600s. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7 (5): doi:10.1029/2005GC001115. Australasia Aus_13 New Zealand NI_LIBI_Composite_2 -39 174 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1651 1990 1 Xiong, L. and Palmer, J. (2000). Reconstruction of New Zealand Temperature Back to AD 1720 Using Libocedrus Bidwillii Tree rings. Climatic Change 45: 339-359. Australasia Aus_14 New Caledonia New_Caledonia -22 166 Coral d18O Negative 1657 1992 1 Quinn, T., Crowley, T., Taylor, F., Henin, C., Joannot, P. and Join, Y. (1998). A multicentury stable isotope record from a New Caledonia coral: Interannual and decadal SST variability in the southwest Pacific since 1657. Paleoceanography 13 (4): 412-426. Australasia Aus_15 New Zealand Stewart_Island_HABI_composite -47 168 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1758 1993 1 D'Arrigo, R., Cook, E., Salinger, M., Palmer, J., Krusic, P., Buckley, B. and Villalba, R. (1998). Tree-ring records from New Zealand: long-term context for recent warming trend. Climate Dynamics 14: 191-199; D'Arrigo, R., Cook, E., Villalba, R., Buckley, B., Salinger, M., Palmer, J. and Allen, K. (2000). Trans-Tasman Sea Climate Variability Since AD 1740 Inferred From Middle-High Latitude Tree-Ring Data. Climate Dynamics 16: 603-610; D'Arrigo, R. D., Buckley, B. M., Cook, E. R. and Wagner, W. S. (1996). Temperature-sensitive tree-ring width chronologies of pink pine (Halocarpus biformis) from Stewart Island, New Zealand. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 119 (3-4): 293-300. Australasia Aus_16 Cook Islands Rarotonga -21 -160 Coral d18O Negative 1761 1996 1 Linsley, B., Wellington, G., Schrag, D., Ren, L., Salinger, J. and Tudhope, A. (2004). Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years. Climate Dynamics 22: 1-11; Linsley, B., Zhang, P., Kaplan, A., Howe, S. and Wellington, G. (2008). Interdecadal-decadal climate variability from multicoral oxygen isotope records in the South Pacific Convergence Zone region since 1650 A.D. Paleoceanography 23: 1-16. Australasia Aus_17 Australia Great Barrier Reef Rainfall recon -18 147 Coral Luminescence Positive 1891 1981 1 Lough, J. M. (2011) Great Barrier Reef coral luminescence reveals rainfall variability over northeastern Australia since the 17th century. Paleoceanography 26, doi: 10.1029/2010PA002050 Australasia Aus_18 Australia Havannah -18 147 Coral Luminescence Positive 1639 1981 1 Lough, J. M. (2011) Great Barrier Reef coral luminescence reveals rainfall variability over northeastern Australia since the 17th century. Paleoceanography 26, doi: 10.1029/2010PA002051 Australasia Aus_19 Fiji Fiji_1F -17 179 Coral Sr/Ca Negative 1780 1997 1 Linsley, B., Wellington, G., Schrag, D., Ren, L., Salinger, J. and Tudhope, A. (2004). Geochemical evidence from corals for changes in the amplitude and spatial pattern of South Pacific interdecadal climate variability over the last 300 years. Climate Dynamics 22: 1-11 Australasia Aus_20 New Zealand Moa -41 173 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1623 1991 1 Xiong, L. and Palmer, J. (2000). Reconstruction of New Zealand Temperature Back to AD 1720 Using Libocedrus Bidwillii Tree rings. Climatic Change 45: 339-359. Australasia Aus_21 Australia Abrolhos -28 114 Coral d18O Negative 1794 1993 1 Kuhnert, H., Patzold, J., Hatcher, B., Wyrwoll, K., Eisenhauer, A., Collins, L., Zhu, Z. and Wefer, G. (1999). A 200-year coral stable oxygen isotope record from a high-latitude reef off Western Australia. Coral Reefs 18: 1-12. Australasia Aus_22 Fiji Savusavu -17 179 Coral d18O Negative 1776 2001 1 Bagnato, S., Linsley, B. K., Howe, S. S., Wellington, G. M. and Salinger, J. (2005) Coral oxygen isotope records of interdecadal climate variations in the South Pacific Convergence Zone region. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 6, doi: 10.1029/2004GC000879 Australasia Aus_23 Indonesia Bunaken 3 123 Coral d18O Negative 1863 1990 1 Charles, D. C., Cobb, K., Moore, M. D. and Fairbanks, R. G. (2003) Monsoon^tropical ocean interaction in a network of coral records spanning the 20th century. Marine Geology 201: 207-222. Australasia Aus_24 Cook Islands Rarotonga.3R -21 160 Coral d18O Negative 1874 2000 1 Linsley, B. K., Kaplan, A., Gouriou, Y., Salinger, J., Demenocal, P. B., Wellington, G. M. and Howe, S. S. (2006). Tracking the extent of the South Pacific Convergence Zone since the early 1600s. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 7 (5): doi:10.1029/2005GC001115; Linsley, B., Zhang, P., Kaplan, A., Howe, S. and Wellington, G. (2008). Interdecadal-decadal climate variability from multicoral oxygen isotope records in the South Pacific Convergence Zone region since 1650 A.D. Paleoceanography 23: 1-16. Australasia Aus_25 Australia BawBaw -36 148 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1818 2002 1 Brookhouse, M., Lindesay, J. and Brack, C. (2008) The potential of tree rings in Eucalyptus pauciflora for climatological and hydrological reconstruction. Geographical Research 46(4): 421–434. Australasia Aus_26 Niue Avaiki -19 170 Speleothem Lamina thickness Positive 1829 2001 1 Rasbury, M., Aharon, P.A. (2006) ENSO-controlled rainfall variability records archived in tropical stalagmites from the mid-ocean island of Niue, South Pacific. Geochemistry Geophyssics Geosystems 7, Q07010 Australasia Aus_27 Papua New Guinea Laing -4 145 Coral d18O Negative 1884 1993 1 Tudhope, A., Chilcott, C., Mc Culloch, M., Cook, E., Chappell, J., Ellam, R., Lea, D., Lough, J. and Shimmield, G. (2001). Variability in the El Nino Southern Oscillation through a glacial-interglacial cycle. Science 291: 1511-1517. Australasia Aus_28 Ningaloo Ningaloo -22 114 Coral d18O Negative 1878 1995 1 Kuhnert, H., J. Pätzold, K. Wyrwoll and G. Wefer, 2000: Monitoring climate variability over the past 116 years in coral oxygen isotopes from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 88, 725–732. _ Europe Eur_1 Sweden Tor92 68.25 19.6 Tree ring MXD Positive 500 2004 1 Briffa, K.R., Jones, P.D., Bartholin, T.S., Eckstein, D., Schweingruber, F.H, Karlen, W., Zetterberg, P. and Eronen, M., 1992 “Fennoscandian summers from A.D.500: temperature changes on short and long timescales.” Climate Dynamics 7, 111-119 Europe Eur_2 Sweden Jae11 63.1 15 Tree ring MXD Positive 1107 2007 1 Gunnarson BE, Linderholm HW, Moberg A (2011) Improving a tree-ring reconstruction from west-central Scandinavia: 900 years of warm-season temperatures. Climate Dynamics 36: 97-108 Europe Eur_3 Finland Nsc12 68 25 Tree ring MXD Positive 1 2006 1 Esper J, Frank DC, Timonen M, Zorita E, Wilson RJS, Luterbacher J, Holzkämper S, Fischer N, Wagner S, Nievergelt D, Verstege A, Büntgen U (2012) Orbital forcing of tree-ring data. Nature Climate Change Europe Eur_4 Slovakia Tat12 49 20 Tree ring TRW Positive 1040 2011 1 Büntgen U, Kyncl T, Ginzler C, Jacks DS, Esper J, Tegel W, Heussner KU, Kyncl J (in review) Filling the Eastern European gap in millennium-long temperature reconstructions. PNAS Europe Eur_5 Romania Car09 47 25.3 Tree ring TRW Positive 1163 2005 1 Popa L,Kern Z (2009) Long-term summer temperature reconstruction inferred from tree-ring records from the Eastern Carpathians, Climate Dynamics 38: 1107-1117 Europe Eur_6 Austria Aus11 47 10.7 Tree ring TRW Positive 1 2003 1 Büntgen U, Tegel W, Nicolussi K, McCormick M, Frank D, Trouet V, Kaplan JO, Herzig F, Heussner K-U, Wanner H, Luterbacher J, Esper J (2011) European climate variability and human susceptibility over the past 2500 years. Science 331, 578-582 Europe Eur_7 Switzerland Swi06 46.4 7.8 Tree ring MXD Positive 755 2004 1 Büntgen U, Frank DC, Nievergelt D, Esper J (2006) Summer temperature variations in the European Alps, A.D. 755-2004. Journal of Climate 19, 5606-5623 Europe Eur_8 France Fra12 44 7.5 Tree ring TRW Positive 969 2007 1 Büntgen U, Neuschwander T, Frank D, Esper J (2012) Fading temperature sensitivity of Alpine tree growth at its Mediterranean margin and associated effects on large-scale climate reconstructions. Climatic Change, doi: 10.1007/s10584-012-0450-4 Europe Eur_9 Spain Pyr12 42.5 1 Tree ring MXD/TRW Positive 1260 2005 1 I. Dorado Liñàn, U. Büntgen, F. González-Rouco, E. Zorita, J.P. Montávez, J.J. Gomez-Navarro, M. Brunet, I. Heinrich, G. Helle, E. Gutiérrez Europe Eur_10 Albania Alb12 41 20 Tree ring TRW Positive 968 2008 1 Seim A, Büntgen U, Fonti P, Haska H, Herzig F, Trouet V, Treydte K (2012) Climate sensitivity of a millennium-long pine chronology from Albania. Climate Research 51: 217-228 Europe Eur_11 CH, G, Cz CEu10 6-20 45-53 Documentary – Positive 1500 2007 1 Dobrovolný P, Moberg A, Brázdil R, Pfister C, Glaser R, Wilson R, van Engelen A, Limanówka D, Kiss A, Halícková M, et al. (2010) Cliamtic Change 101: 69-107 _ North America NAm-Pol_1 Mountain ecoregion 46.31 -117.63 Lake sediment pollen Positive 360 1950 30 Viau, A.E., Ladd, M., Gajewski, K. The climate of North America during the past 2000 years reconstructed from pollen data. Glob. Planet. Change 84-85, 75-83 (2012). North America NAm-Pol_2 Deciduous ecoregion 38.19 -83.88 Lake sediment pollen Positive 360 1950 30 Viau, A.E., Ladd, M., Gajewski, K. The climate of North America during the past 2000 years reconstructed from pollen data. Glob. Planet. Change 84-85, 75-83 (2012). North America NAm-Pol_3 Conifer/hardwood ecoregion 46.6 -77.49 Lake sediment pollen Positive 360 1950 30 Viau, A.E., Ladd, M., Gajewski, K. The climate of North America during the past 2000 years reconstructed from pollen data. Glob. Planet. Change 84-85, 75-83 (2012). North America NAm-Pol_4 Boreal ecoregion 58.29 -110.65 Lake sediment pollen Positive 360 1950 30 Viau, A.E., Ladd, M., Gajewski, K. The climate of North America during the past 2000 years reconstructed from pollen data. Glob. Planet. Change 84-85, 75-83 (2012). _ North America NAm-TR_1 Alaska, USA Kobuk/Noatak ak046 67.04 -159.37 Tree ring PCGL Positive 978 1992 1 Graumlich, L.J. and J.C. King. 1997. Late Holocene climatic variation in northwestern Alaska as reconstructed from tree rings. A final report on cooperative research with the National Park Service. Additional publications in progress. North America NAm-TR_2 Alaska, USA Prince William Sound ak094 60.27 -148.20 Tree ring TSME Positive 873 1991 1 Barclay, D.J., Wiles, G.C. and Calkin, P.E. 1999. A 1119-year tree-ring width chronology from western Prince William Sound, southern Alaska. The Holocene, v.9, pp.79-84. North America NAm-TR_3 Alaska, USA Coastal Alaska ak096 61.03 -146.59 Tree ring TSME Positive 616 2002 1 D'Arrigo, R., Wilson, R. and Jacoby, G. 2006. On the long-term context for late 20th century warming. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 111, D03103, doi:10.1029/2005JD006352 AND Wilson, R., Wiles, G., D’Arrigo, R. and Zweck, C. 2007. Cycles and shifts: 1300-years of multidecadal temperature variability in the Gulf of Alaska. Climate Dynamics, 28: 425-440, DOI 10.1007/s00382-006-0194-9 North America NAm-TR_4 Arizona, USA SAN FRANCISCO PEAKS az510 35.30 -111.40 Tree ring PIAR Positive 548 1983 1 DONALD A. GRAYBILL North America NAm-TR_5 Arizona, USA FORT GRANT OVERLOOK, PINALENO MOUNTAINS az550 32.42 -109.55 Tree ring PISF Negative 1249 1991 1 Grissino-Mayer, H.D. North America NAm-TR_6 Arizona, USA Reef of Rocks az557 32.27 -110.47 Tree ring PSME Negative 1321 1998 1 Wright, W.;Ababneh, L.;Kirkby, J.;Grow, D.;Towner, R.;Glueck, M.;Stockton, C.W. North America NAm-TR_7 Arkansas, USA MAYBERRY SLOUGH (+WATSON LAKE) ar052 35.33 -91.15 Tree ring TADI Negative 998 1990 1 DAVID W. STAHLE, MALCOLM K. CLEAVELAND, JOHN G. HEHR North America NAm-TR_8 California, USA DALTON RESEVOIR ca065 41.37 -120.42 Tree ring PIPO Negative 1357 1980 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K. North America NAm-TR_9 California, USA HAGER BASIN RESEVOIR ca073 41.46 -120.45 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1310 1980 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K. North America NAm-TR_10 California, USA BLUE BANKS ca084 39.40 -122.58 Tree ring PIJE Negative 1318 1980 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Lloyd, K.;White, L.O. North America NAm-TR_11 California, USA Kaiser Pass ca087 37.17 -119.05 Tree ring JUOC Negative 1140 1981 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Rose, M.R.;Buer, S. North America NAm-TR_12 California, USA Mt. Eddy ca523 41.20 -122.31 Tree ring PIJE Negative 1388 1981 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_13 California, USA Flower Lake ca528 36.46 -118.22 Tree ring PIBA Positive 898 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_14 California, USA Timber Gap Upper ca529 36.27 -118.36 Tree ring PIBA Positive 699 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_15 California, USA Cirque Peak ca530 36.27 -118.13 Tree ring PIBA Positive 917 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_16 California, USA Onin Valley ca531 36.46 -118.21 Tree ring PIBA Negative 1027 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_17 California, USA Timber Gab Lower ca532 36.27 -118.37 Tree ring PIBA Negative 1050 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_18 California, USA Campito Mountain ca533 37.30 -118.13 Tree ring PILO Positive 626 1983 1 Graybill, D.A.;Lamarche, V.C. North America NAm-TR_19 California, USA Sheep Mountain ca534 37.22 -118.13 Tree ring PILO Positive 0 1990 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_20 California, USA Yolla Bolly ca555 40.02 -122.52 Tree ring PIBA Negative 1177 1988 1 Buckley, B. North America NAm-TR_21 California, USA Mammoth Peak Yosemite National Park ca605 37.52 -119.17 Tree ring PIAL Positive 885 1996 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_22 California, USA Spillway Lake Yosemite National Park ca606 37.50 -119.13 Tree ring PIAL Positive 800 1996 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_23 California, USA Boles Creek ca629 41.27 -120.54 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1152 1998 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Funkhouser, G.;Miller, R.;Touchan, R. North America NAm-TR_24 California, USA Carson Pass East and Caples Lake ca630 38.42 -120.00 Tree ring JUOC Positive -420 1999 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Touchan, R.;Grow, D.;Funkhouser, G. North America NAm-TR_25 California, USA Jackson Meadow Reservoir ca631 39.31 -120.33 Tree ring JUOC Positive 930 1999 1 Biondi, F. North America NAm-TR_26 California, USA Sardine Point ca632 39.33 -120.12 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1010 1999 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Grow, D.;Touchan, R.;Funkhouser, G. North America NAm-TR_27 California, USA Glass Mountain ca633 37.45 -118.41 Tree ring PIFL Negative 680 2000 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_28 California, USA Boreal Plateau ca636 36.27 -118.33 Tree ring PIBA Positive 831 1992 1 Graumlich, L.J.;Lloyd, A.H.;Bunn, A.;King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_29 California, USA Upper Wright Lakes ca637 36.37 -118.22 Tree ring PIBA Positive -215 1992 1 Graumlich, L.J.;Lloyd, A.H.;Bunn, A.;King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_30 California, USA Crabtree ca638 36.58 -118.37 Tree ring PIBA Positive 759 1988 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_31 California, USA Lundy Lake ca639 38.05 -119.23 Tree ring PIFL Negative 526 1995 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_32 California, USA Hamilton ca640 36.57 -118.55 Tree ring JUOC Positive 843 1988 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_33 Canada Lac Duparquet cana106 48.28 -79.17 Tree ring THOC Positive 1186 1987 1 Archambault, S. and Bergeron, Y. 1992. An 802-year tree-ring chronology from the Quebec boreal forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22: 674-682. North America NAm-TR_34 Canada Seymour Watershed Vancouver Upper cana110 49.32 -123.02 Tree ring THPL Positive 1344 1993 1 Dobry, J.;Klinka, K. North America NAm-TR_35 Canada Tower Ridge cana135 51.10 -114.40 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1315 1992 1 MacDonald, G.M.;Case, R.A. North America NAm-TR_36 Canada Campbell Dolomite Upland cana138 68.16 -133.20 Tree ring PCGL Positive 1060 1992 1 Szeicz, J.M.;MacDonald, G.M.;Lundberg, J. North America NAm-TR_37 Canada Dividing Lake Aquatic cana148 45.24 -78.36 Tree ring PIST Negative 950 1993 1 Guyette, R.P.;Cole, B. North America NAm-TR_38 Canada Athabasca cana170e 51.25 -117.20 Tree ring PCEN Negative 1072 1991 1 Schweingruber, F.H. North America NAm-TR_39 Canada Athabasca cana170x 51.25 -117.20 Tree ring PCEN Positive 1072 1991 1 Schweingruber, F.H. North America NAm-TR_40 Canada Mount Cain cana175 50.13 -126.21 Tree ring CHNO Positive 1200 1999 1 Parish, R. North America NAm-TR_41 Canada Gray's Creek Pass Recollection cana308 49.58 -116.68 Tree ring LALY Positive 799 2005 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_42 Canada Bennington N/A 52.35 -118.33 Tree ring PIAL Negative 1104 1996 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_43 Canada French Glacier N/A 50.75 -115.32 Tree ring LALY Positive 1069 1993 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_44 Canada Grassy Mountain N/A 49.57 -116.08 Tree ring PIAL Positive 932 1999 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_45 Canada Landslide N/A 60.20 -138.50 Tree ring PCGL Positive 913 2001 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_46 Canada Larch Valley N/A 51.35 -116.22 Tree ring LALY Positive 1152 1994 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_47 Canada Peyto-Numtijah N/A 51.68 -116.50 Tree ring PIAL Positive 1000 1999 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_48 Canada Saskatchewan N/A 52.15 -117.08 Tree ring PIAL Positive 950 1998 1 Luckman, B. North America NAm-TR_49 Canada Siffleur Ridge N/A 52.05 -116.40 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1018 2008 1 Sauchin, D. North America NAm-TR_50 Canada Whirlpool Point N/A 52.00 -116.45 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1062 2007 1 Sauchin, D. North America NAm-TR_51 Colorado,USA Island Lake co511 40.02 -105.35 Tree ring PIFL Positive 1169 1989 1 Woodhouse, C.A. North America NAm-TR_52 Colorado,USA Mount Goliath co522 39.38 -105.35 Tree ring PIAR Positive 525 1983 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_53 Colorado,USA Windy Ridge co523 39.19 -106.05 Tree ring PIAR Negative 1050 1985 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_54 Colorado,USA Almagre Mountain B co524 38.46 -104.59 Tree ring PIAR Positive 560 1983 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_55 Colorado,USA Hermit Lake co525 38.06 -105.38 Tree ring PIAR Negative 1048 1983 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_56 Colorado,USA Frosty Park co535 38.46 -104.58 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1320 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_57 Colorado,USA Niwot Ridge B co545 40.03 -105.33 Tree ring PIFL Positive 1330 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_58 Colorado,USA Rainbow Curve co547 40.24 -105.40 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1070 1987 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_59 Colorado,USA Great Sand Dunes Lower co555 37.47 -105.30 Tree ring PIPO Positive 1260 1995 1 Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Baisan, C.H., and Swetnam, T.W. 1998.A multicentury reconstruction of precipitation for Great Sand Dunes National Monument, southwestern Colorado. Final Report, Mid-Continent Ecological Science Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525-340037 pp. North America NAm-TR_60 Colorado,USA Great Sand Dunes High co556 37.43 -105.28 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1035 1995 1 Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Baisan, C.H., and Swetnam, T.W. 1998.A multicentury reconstruction of precipitation for Great Sand Dunes National Monument, southwestern Colorado. Final Report, Mid-Continent Ecological Science Center, Ft. Collins, Colorado 80525-340037 pp. North America NAm-TR_61 Colorado,USA Blanca Peak co562 37.33 -105.25 Tree ring PIAR Negative 1180 1994 1 Douglas, Diane L. 1998. Temperature Reconstructions Spanning the Continental Divide: Bristlecone Pine and Limber Pine as Proxy Data. Doctoral Dissertation Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Ann Arbor Michigan, Microfilm. North America NAm-TR_62 Colorado,USA Lily Lake co572 40.19 -105.33 Tree ring PSME Negative 894 1998 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Brown, P.M. North America NAm-TR_63 Colorado,USA Pumphouse co579 39.57 -106.31 Tree ring PIED Negative 1320 1999 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Losleben, M.V.;Lukas, J. North America NAm-TR_64 Colorado,USA Land's End co580 39.00 -108.09 Tree ring PSME Negative 1135 1999 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Losleben, M.V.;Lukas, J. North America NAm-TR_65 Colorado,USA Fool Creek co586x 39.52 -105.52 Tree ring PCEN Positive 1224 1993 1 Brown, P.M.;Woodhouse, C.A.;Hughes, M.K. North America NAm-TR_66 Colorado,USA Collins Gulch co595 39.50 -108.12 Tree ring PIED Negative 1168 2001 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Losleben, M.V.; // ? Woodhouse, Connie A.; Gray, Stephen T.; Meko, David M. 2006. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research 42(5), W05415. North America NAm-TR_67 Colorado,USA Princeton co617 38.48 -106.14 Tree ring PSME Negative 1169 2002 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Losleben, M.V.;Lukas, J. // ? Woodhouse, Connie A.; Gray, Stephen T.; Meko, David M. 2006. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research 42(5), W05415. North America NAm-TR_68 Colorado,USA Peak to Peak co619 40.01 -105.31 Tree ring PSME Positive 1192 2000 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Brown, P.M.;Lukas, J. // ? Woodhouse, Connie A.; Gray, Stephen T.; Meko, David M. 2006. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research 42(5), W05415. North America NAm-TR_69 Colorado,USA Wild Rose co631 39.01 -108.14 Tree ring PIED Negative 1146 2002 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Lukas, J.;Losleben, M.V. // ? Woodhouse, Connie A.; Gray, Stephen T.; Meko, David M. 2006. Updated streamflow reconstructions for the Upper Colorado River Basin. Water Resources Research 42(5), W05415. North America NAm-TR_70 Colorado,USA Eagle 11 co644 39.65 -106.87 Tree ring PSME Negative 379 2004 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_71 Colorado,USA Green Mountain Reservoir update co646 39.85 -106.23 Tree ring PSME Negative 602 2004 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_72 Colorado,USA Pumphouse update co648 39.95 -106.52 Tree ring PIED Negative 1175 2002 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_73 Colorado,USA Train Gulch update co649 39.72 -106.98 Tree ring PIED Negative 996 2002 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_74 Colorado,USA Wild Rose update co650 39.02 -108.23 Tree ring PIED Negative 1000 2002 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_75 Colorado,USA Princeton -- alt. standardization co617 -- alt. standardization 38.80 -106.23 Tree ring PSME Negative 1169 2002 1 Woodhouse, C.A.;Losleben, M.V.;Lukas, J. North America NAm-TR_76 Florida, USA Choctawhatchee River fl001 30.28 -85.55 Tree ring TADI Negative 899 1992 1 D.W. Stahle and M.K. Cleaveland North America NAm-TR_77 Idaho, USA Twin Peaks id009 44.36 -114.27 Tree ring PIAL Negative 965 1992 1 Perkins, D. L. and Swetnam, T.W. 1996. A dendroecological assessment of whitebark pine in the Sawtooth - Salmon River region, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:2123-2133. North America NAm-TR_78 Idaho, USA Sandpass id010 43.58 -114.58 Tree ring PIAL Negative 955 1992 1 Perkins, D. L. and Swetnam, T.W. 1996. A dendroecological assessment of whitebark pine in the Sawtooth - Salmon River region, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:2123-2133. North America NAm-TR_79 Idaho, USA Upper Sandpass id011 43.58 -114.58 Tree ring PIAL Negative 1210 1992 1 Perkins, D. L. and Swetnam, T.W. 1996. A dendroecological assessment of whitebark pine in the Sawtooth - Salmon River region, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:2123-2133. North America NAm-TR_80 Idaho, USA Railroad Ridge id012 44.08 -114.33 Tree ring PIAL Positive 726 1992 1 Perkins, D. L. and Swetnam, T.W. 1996. A dendroecological assessment of whitebark pine in the Sawtooth - Salmon River region, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:2123-2133.; Biondi, F., D.L. Perkins, D.R. Cayan, and M.K. Hughes. 1999. July Temperature during the second millennium reconstructed from Idaho tree rings. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1445-1448, May 15 1999. North America NAm-TR_81 Louisiana, USA Big Cypress State Park la001 32.15 -92.58 Tree ring TADI Negative 997 1988 1 Stahle, D.W. North America NAm-TR_82 Mexico Cerro Baraja mexi022 26.24 -106.05 Tree ring PSME Negative 1376 1993 1 Stahle, D.W.;Cleaveland, M.K.;Burns, B.T. North America NAm-TR_83 Mexico Cerro Baraja and Los Angeles Sawmill mexi023 26.24 -106.05 Tree ring PSME Negative 1376 1993 1 Stahle, D.W.;Cleaveland, M.K.;Burns, B.T. North America NAm-TR_84 Missouri, USA Allred Lake Natural Area mo037 36.34 -90.29 Tree ring TADI Negative 1185 1992 1 Stahle, D.W. North America NAm-TR_85 Missouri, USA Leatherwood Creek mo043 37.06 -91.32 Tree ring JUVI Negative 1138 1991 1 Cleaveland, M.K. and Stahle, D.W. 1996. Variability of hydrologic drought in the Ozark Highlands, 1680-1980. In: Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity, edited by Dean, J.S., Meko, D.M., and Swetnam, T.W., Radiocarbon. pp. 43-50. North America NAm-TR_86 Montana, USA North Fork Ridge mt110 45.30 -111.33 Tree ring PSME Negative 819 2000 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_87 Montana, USA North Fork Ridge mt111 45.30 -111.33 Tree ring PIFL Negative 500 2000 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_88 Montana, USA Yellow Mountain Ridge 1 mt112 45.30 -111.32 Tree ring PIFL Negative -77 1998 1 Graumlich, L.J., Pisaric, M. F. J., Waggoner, L. A, Littell, J., and King, J. 2003. Upper Yellowstone River Flow and Teleconnections with Pacific Basin Climate Variability During the Past Three Centuries. Climatic Change 59(1-2): 245-262 North America NAm-TR_89 Montana, USA Yellow Mountain Ridge 1 - Entire Bark Trees mt113 45.30 -111.32 Tree ring PIFL Negative -77 1998 1 Graumlich, L.J., Pisaric, M. F. J., Waggoner, L. A, Littell, J., and King, J. 2003. Upper Yellowstone River Flow and Teleconnections with Pacific Basin Climate Variability During the Past Three Centuries. Climatic Change 59(1-2): 245-263 North America NAm-TR_90 Montana, USA Yellow Mountain Ridge 2 mt114 45.30 -111.32 Tree ring PSME Negative 952 1998 1 Graumlich, L.J., Pisaric, M. F. J., Waggoner, L. A, Littell, J., and King, J. 2003. Upper Yellowstone River Flow and Teleconnections with Pacific Basin Climate Variability During the Past Three Centuries. Climatic Change 59(1-2): 245-264 North America NAm-TR_91 Montana, USA Flint Creek Range mt116 46.28 -113.15 Tree ring LALY Positive 999 1998 1 Hughes, M.K.;Woodhouse, C.A.;Brown, P.M. North America NAm-TR_92 Montana, USA Pintlers mt119 46.02 -113.37 Tree ring LALY Positive 1026 2005 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_93 Montana, USA Spot Mountain West mt122 48.52 -113.37 Tree ring PSME Negative 1163 2002 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_94 Montana, USA North Fork Ridge -- alt. standardization mt110 -- alt. standardization 45.30 -111.33 Tree ring PSME Negative 819 2000 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_95 Montana, USA Yellow Mountain Ridge 1 -- alt. standardization mt112 -- alt. standardization 45.30 -111.32 Tree ring PIFL Negative -77 1998 1 King, J.C.;Waggoner, L.;Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_96 Montana, USA Yellow Mountain Ridge 2 -- alt. standardization mt114 -- alt. standardization 45.30 -111.32 Tree ring PSME Negative 952 1998 1 King, J.C.;Waggoner, L.;Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_97 Montana, USA Flint Creek Range -- alt. standardization mt116 -- alt. standardization 46.28 -113.15 Tree ring LALY Positive 999 1998 1 Hughes, M.K.;Woodhouse, C.A.;Brown, P.M. North America NAm-TR_98 Nevada, USA Pony Express nv049 39.49 -114.37 Tree ring PIMO Negative 1400 1982 1 Stockton, C.W. North America NAm-TR_99 Nevada, USA White Horse Summit nv053 40.24 -114.13 Tree ring PIMO Negative 1400 1982 1 Stockton, C.W. North America NAm-TR_100 Nevada, USA Pequap Summit nv056 41.03 -114.35 Tree ring PIMO Negative 1330 1982 1 Stockton, C.W. North America NAm-TR_101 Nevada, USA Jackson Mountains nv060 41.18 -118.26 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1267 1984 1 Fritts, H.C. North America NAm-TR_102 Nevada, USA Jarbidge Canyon nv061 41.54 -115.25 Tree ring JUSC Negative 1334 1984 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Kirby, V.C.;Earle, C.J. North America NAm-TR_103 Nevada, USA Charleston Peak nv510 36.16 -115.42 Tree ring PILO Negative 800 1984 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_104 Nevada, USA Mount Jefferson nv511 38.47 -116.57 Tree ring PIFL Positive 1300 1980 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_105 Nevada, USA Pearl Peak nv512 40.14 -115.32 Tree ring PILO Positive 320 1985 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_106 Nevada, USA Mount Washington nv513 38.54 -114.19 Tree ring PILO Positive 825 1983 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_107 Nevada, USA Spruce Mountain nv514 40.33 -114.49 Tree ring PILO Positive 302 1985 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_108 Nevada, USA Indian Garden nv515 39.05 -115.26 Tree ring PILO Negative -2370 1980 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_109 Nevada, USA Hill 10842 Recollection nv516 38.56 -114.14 Tree ring PILO Negative 0 1984 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_110 Nevada, USA Spring Mountains Lower nv517 36.19 -115.42 Tree ring PILO Positive 320 1984 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_111 Nevada, USA Jackson Mountains Oct98 Re-collection nv518 41.18 -118.26 Tree ring JUOC Positive 975 1998 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Funkhouser, G. North America NAm-TR_112 Nevada, USA Lucky Horseshoe nv519 37.52 -118.20 Tree ring PIFL Positive 990 2000 1 King, J.C. North America NAm-TR_113 New Mexico, USA Elephant Rock nm559 36.42 -105.26 Tree ring PIPO Negative 1391 1987 1 Swetnam, T.W.;Caprio, A.C.;Lynch, A.M. North America NAm-TR_114 New Mexico, USA Italian Canyon nm560 36.44 -105.28 Tree ring PIFL Negative 837 1989 1 Swetnam, T.W.;Caprio, A.C.;Lynch, A.M. North America NAm-TR_115 New Mexico, USA El Malpais National Monument nm572 34.58 -108.06 Tree ring PSME Negative -130 1992 1 Grissino-Mayer, H.D. North America NAm-TR_116 Oregon, USA Calamity Creek or009 43.59 -118.48 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1396 1982 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_117 Oregon, USA Horse Ridge or012 43.58 -121.04 Tree ring JUOC Negative 1281 1982 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_118 Oregon, USA Frederick Butte or015 43.35 -120.27 Tree ring JUOC Negative 1097 1982 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_119 Oregon, USA Little Juniper Mountain or018 43.08 -119.52 Tree ring JUOC Negative 1377 1982 1 Holmes, R.L.;Adams, R.K.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_120 Oregon, USA Experimental Forest or049 43.43 -121.36 Tree ring PIPO Negative 1334 1993 1 Speer, J.H. 1997. A dendrochronological record of pandora moth (Coloradia pandora, Blake) outbreaks in central Oregon. MS thesis, The Univeristy of Arizona. Tucson, 159pp.; Speer, J.H., Swetnam, T.W., Wickman, B.E., and Youngblood, A., 2001. Changes in pandora moth outbreak dynamics during the past 622 years.Ecology 82(3): 679-697 North America NAm-TR_121 Oregon, USA Frederick Butte Recollection or060 43.35 -120.27 Tree ring JUOC Negative 870 1996 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Adams, R.K.;Holmes, R.L.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_122 Oregon, USA Horse Ridge Recollection or061 43.97 -121.07 Tree ring JUOC Negative 830 1996 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Adams, R.K.;Holmes, R.L.;Rose, M.R.;Wu, X.D. North America NAm-TR_123 Oregon, USA Table Rock - Arrow Gap or062 43.11 -120.54 Tree ring JUOC Positive 530 1996 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Touchan, R.;Grow, D.;Funkhouser, G. North America NAm-TR_124 Oregon, USA Steens Mountain Recollection or063 42.40 -118.55 Tree ring JUOC Positive 1017 1998 1 Meko, D.;Baisan, C.H.;Funkhouser, G.;Dai, K. North America NAm-TR_125 South Carolina, USA Black River sc006 33.48 -79.52 Tree ring TADI Negative 549 1993 1 Stahle, D.W.; Griffin, R.D.; Jennings, J.; Sierzchula, S. North America NAm-TR_126 South Dakota, USA Reno Gilch sd017 43.54 -103.36 Tree ring PIPO Negative 1281 1991 1 Meko, D.;Sieg, C.H. North America NAm-TR_127 Utah, USA Wild Horse Ridge ut508 39.25 -111.04 Tree ring PILO Negative 286 1985 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_128 Utah, USA Mammoth Creek ut509 37.39 -112.40 Tree ring PILO Negative 0 1989 1 Graybill, D.A. North America NAm-TR_129 Utah, USA Nutter's Ridge ut526 39.82 -110.67 Tree ring PIED Negative 1040 2001 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_130 Utah, USA Well's Draw ut527 39.83 -110.17 Tree ring PIED Negative 887 2001 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_131 Utah, USA Well's Draw update ut528 39.83 -110.17 Tree ring PIED Negative -218 2007 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_132 Utah, USA Beef Basin ut529 37.93 -109.80 Tree ring PSME Negative 350 2005 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_133 Utah, USA Harmon Canyon ut530 39.60 -110.33 Tree ring PSME Negative -322 2005 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_134 Washington, USA Elliot Creek wa047 48.03 -121.24 Tree ring PSME Positive 1248 1980 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_135 Washington, USA Granite Mountain wa056 47.25 -121.28 Tree ring TSME Positive 1259 1979 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_136 Washington, USA Scatter Lake wa061 48.28 -120.30 Tree ring LALY Positive 1316 1980 1 Graumlich, L.J. North America NAm-TR_137 Washington, USA Big Quilcene River Trail wa086 47.50 -123.02 Tree ring PSME Positive 1288 1987 1 Earle, C.J.;Brubaker, L.B.;Segura, G. North America NAm-TR_138 Washington, USA Olympic Road 3116 wa088 48.00 -124.00 Tree ring PSME Negative 1394 1987 1 Earle, C.J.;Brubaker, L.B.;Segura, G. North America NAm-TR_139 Washington, USA San Juan Hill wa090 47.53 -121.20 Tree ring PSME Positive 1326 1987 1 Earle, C.J.;Brubaker, L.B.;Segura, G. North America NAm-TR_140 Wyoming, USA Sylvan Pass bei Cody wy023 44.22 -110.08 Tree ring PCEN Negative 1388 1983 1 Briffa, K.;Schweingruber, F.H. North America NAm-TR_141 Wyoming, USA Sylvan Pass bei Cody wy023x 44.22 -110.08 Tree ring PCEN Positive 1388 1983 1 Briffa, K.;Schweingruber, F.H. North America NAm-TR_142 Wyoming, USA Mount Everts wy027 44.98 -110.67 Tree ring PSME Negative 1168 1999 1 Graumlich, L.J., Pisaric, M. F. J., Waggoner, L. A, Littell, J., and King, J. 2003. Upper Yellowstone River Flow and Teleconnections with Pacific Basin Climate Variability During the Past Three Centuries. Climatic Change 59: 245-262 North America NAm-TR_143 Wyoming, USA Dead Indian Hill update wy040 44.18 -108.72 Tree ring PSME Negative 1194 2000 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_144 Wyoming, USA Louis Lake Road wy041 42.55 -108.82 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1017 2007 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_145 Wyoming, USA Anderson Ridge East wy042 42.45 -108.87 Tree ring PIFL Negative 1200 2006 1 Pederson, G.T., S.T. Gray, C.A. Woodhouse, J.L. Betancourt, D.B. Fagre, J.S. Littell, E. Watson, B.H. Luckman, and L.J. Graumlich. 2011. The unusual nature of recent snowpack declines in the North American Cordillera. Sciencexpress, Published online 9 June 2011. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201570 North America NAm-TR_146 Wyoming, USA Mount Everts -- alt. standardization wy027 -- alt. standardization 44.98 -110.67 Tree ring PSME Negative 1168 1999 1 Graumlich, L.J.;Waggoner, L.;King, J.C.;Ferguson, E.B. _ South America SAm_1 Peru Quelccaya -13.16 -70.14 Ice core Accumulation Positive 488 2003 1 Thompson, L., Mosley-Thompson, E. and Morales Arnao, B. 1984. El Nino-Southern Oscillation events recorded in stratigraphy of the tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap. Science 276: 50-52. Thompson, L., Mosley-Thompson, E., Brecher, H., Davis, M., Leo, B., Les , D., Lin, P. N., Mashiotta, T. and Mountain, K. 2006. Abrupt tropical climate change: past and present. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (28). South America SAm_2 Peru Quelccaya -13.16 -70.14 Ice core d18O Negative 488 2003 1 Thompson, L., Mosley-Thompson, E. and Morales Arnao, B. 1984. El Nino-Southern Oscillation events recorded in stratigraphy of the tropical Quelccaya Ice Cap. Science 276: 50-52. Thompson, L., Mosley-Thompson, E., Brecher, H., Davis, M., Leo, B., Les , D., Lin, P. N., Mashiotta, T. and Mountain, K. 2006. Abrupt tropical climate change: past and present. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (28). South America SAm_3 Chile Laguna Aculeo -33.14 -70.15 Lake sediment Pigments Positive 857 2003 3 von Gunten, L., Grosjean, M., Rein, B., Urrutia, R. and Appleby, P. 2009. A quantitative high-resolution summer temperature reconstruction based on sedimentary pigments from Laguna Aculeo, Central Chile, back to AD 850. Holocene 19 (6): 873-881. South America SAm_4 Venezuela Cariaco Basin 9.88 -64.13 Marine Sediment Mg/Ca Positive 1222 1990 1 Black, D. E., Abahazi, M. A., Thunell, R. C., Kaplan, A., Tappa, E. J. and Peterson, L. C. 2007. An 8-century tropical Atlantic SST record from the Cariaco Basin: Baseline variability, twentieth-century warming, and Atlantic hurricane frequency. Paleoceanography 22 (4): PA4204. South America SAm_5 Chile CAN composite 6 -38.08 -71.08 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1435 2006 1 LaMarche, V.C., Holmes, R.L., Dunwiddie, P.W. and Drew, L.G. 1979. Tree-ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere: Vol. 1: Argentina. Chronology Series V. Tuczon AZ: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona. Villalba, R. 1990. Climatic fluctuations in Northern Patagonia during the last 1000 years as inferred from tree-ring records. Quaternary Research 34(3): 346–360. Mundo, I., Roig Juñent, F., Villalba, R., Kitzberger, T. and Barrera, M. 2012. Araucaria araucana tree-ring chronologies in Argentina: spatial growth variations and climate influences. Trees - Structure and Function 26 (2): 443-458. South America SAm_6 Chile CAN composite 11 -40.1 -72.05 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1493 2002 1 Lara, A., Villalba, R. and Urrutia, R. 2008. A 400-year tree-ring record of the Puelo River summer–fall streamflow in the Valdivian Rainforest eco-region, Chile. Climatic Change 86 (3-4 ): 331–356. South America SAm_7 Chile Santa Lucia -43 -72.08 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1646 1986 1 Szeicz, J. M., Lara, A., Díaz, S. and Aravena, J. C. 2000. Dendrochronological studies of Pilgerodendron uviferum in southern South America. Dendrochronología en América Latina. F. Roig. Mendoza, Editorial Nacional de Cuyo: 245-270. South America SAm_8 Argentina CAN composite 9 -39.06 -71.04 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1636 2006 1 LaMarche, V.C., Holmes, R.L., Dunwiddie, P.W. and Drew, L.G. 1979. Tree-ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere: Vol. 1: Argentina. Chronology Series V. Tuczon AZ: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona. Mundo, I., Roig Juñent, F., Villalba, R., Kitzberger, T. and Barrera, M. 2012. Araucaria araucana tree-ring chronologies in Argentina: spatial growth variations and climate influences. Trees - Structure and Function 26 (2): 443-458. South America SAm_9 Argentina CAN composite 24 -42.08 -71.06 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1677 2002 1 LaMarche, V.C., Holmes, R.L., Dunwiddie, P.W. and Drew, L.G. 1979. Tree-ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere: Vol. 1: Argentina. Chronology Series V. Tuczon AZ: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona. Lara, A., Villalba, R. and Urrutia, R. 2008. A 400-year tree-ring record of the Puelo River summer–fall streamflow in the Valdivian Rainforest eco-region, Chile. Climatic Change 86 (3-4 ): 331–356. South America SAm_10 Argentina CAN composite 4 -39 -71.08 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1704 1994 1 Lara, A., Aravena, J. C., Villalba, R., Wolodarsky-Franke, A., Luckman, B. and Wilson, R. 2001. Dendroclimatology of high-elevation Nothofagus pumilio forests at their northern distribution limit in the central Andes of Chile. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere 31 (6): 925-936. Schmelter, A. 2000. Climatic response and growth-trends of Nothofagus pumilio along altitudinal gradients from arid to humid sites in northern Patagonia - A progress report. Dendrochronología en América Latina. F. Roig. Mendoza, Editorial Nacional de Cuyo: 193-215. South America SAm_11 Argentina CAN composite 2 -37.14 -71 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1714 2006 1 LaMarche, V.C., Holmes, R.L., Dunwiddie, P.W. and Drew, L.G. 1979. Tree-ring Chronologies of the Southern Hemisphere: Vol. 1: Argentina. Chronology Series V. Tuczon AZ: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona. Mundo, I., Roig Juñent, F., Villalba, R., Kitzberger, T. and Barrera, M. 2012. Araucaria araucana tree-ring chronologies in Argentina: spatial growth variations and climate influences. Trees - Structure and Function 26 (2): 443-458. South America SAm_12 Argentina CAN composite 31 -39.03 -71.05 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1731 2006 1 Mundo, I., Roig Juñent, F., Villalba, R., Kitzberger, T. and Barrera, M. 2012. Araucaria araucana tree-ring chronologies in Argentina: spatial growth variations and climate influences. Trees - Structure and Function 26 (2): 443-458. South America SAm_13 Chile Glaciar Frias -41.2 -71.9 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1802 1985 1 Villalba, R., Leiva, J. C., Rubulls, S., Suarez, J. and Lenzano, L. 1990. Climate, Tree-Ring, and Glacial Fluctuations in the Rio Frias Valley, Rio-Negro, Argentina. Arctic and Alpine Research 22 (3): 215-232. South America SAm_14 Argentina NWA composite 2 -24 -65 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1818 2001 1 Villalba, R., Holmes, R. L. and Boninsegna, J. A. 1992. Spatial Patterns of Climate and Tree Growth Variations in Subtropical Northwestern Argentina. Journal of Biogeography 19 (6): 631-649. Morales, M. S., Villalba, R., Grau, H. R. and Paolini, L. 2004. Rainfall-controlled tree growth in high-elevation subtropical treelines. Ecology 85 (11): 3080-3089. South America SAm_15 Chile SAN composite 2 -54.2 -68.7 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1845 1996 1 Aravena, J. C., Lara, A., Wolodarsky-Franke, A., Villalba, R. and Cuq, E. 2002. Tree-ring growth patterns and temperature reconstruction from Nothofagus pumilio (Fagaceae) forests at the upper tree line of southern Chilean Patagonia. Revista Chilena De Historia Natural 75 (2): 361-376. South America SAm_16 Argentina CAN composite 16 -41.02 -71.13 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1845 1994 1 Villalba, R., Boninsegna, J. A., Veblen, T. T., Schmelter, A. and Rubulis, S. 1997. Recent trends in tree-ring records from high elevation sites in the Andes of northern Patagonia. Climatic Change 36 (3-4): 425-454. South America SAm_17 Chile CAN composite 19 -41.03 -72.04 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1865 1998 1 Lara, A., Villalba, R., Wolodarsky-Franke, A., Aravena, J. C., Luckman, B. H. and Cuq, E. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation in Nothofagus pumilio growth at tree line along its latitudinal range (35 degrees 40 '-55 degrees S) in the Chilean Andes. Journal of Biogeography 32 (5): 879-893. South America SAm_18 Argentina CAN composite 14 -41.02 -71.13 Tree ring Tree ring width Positive 1869 1994 1 Villalba, R., Boninsegna, J. A., Veblen, T. T., Schmelter, A. and Rubulis, S. 1997. Recent trends in tree-ring records from high elevation sites in the Andes of northern Patagonia. Climatic Change 36 (3-4): 425-454. Schmelter, A. 2000. Climatic response and growth-trends of Nothofagus pumilio along altitudinal gradients from arid to humid sites in northern Patagonia - A progress report. Dendrochronología en América Latina. F. Roig. Mendoza, Editorial Nacional de Cuyo: 193-215. South America SAm_19 Chile Vilches -35.1 -71.01 Tree ring Tree ring width Negative 1880 1996 1 Lara, A., Aravena, J. C., Villalba, R., Wolodarsky-Franke, A., Luckman, B. and Wilson, R. 2001. Dendroclimatology of high-elevation Nothofagus pumilio forests at their northern distribution limit in the central Andes of Chile. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere 31 (6): 925-936. South America SAm_20 Brasil Campinas DJF -23 -47.1 Instrumental Instrumental Positive 1890 2003 1 Vargas, W. M. and Naumann, G. 2008. Impacts of climatic change and low frequency variability in reference series on daily maximum and minimum temperature in southern South America. Regional Environmental Change 8 (2): 45-57. South America SAm_21 Argentina Tucuman DJF -26.8 -65.12 Instrumental Instrumental Positive 1891 2000 1 Vargas, W. M. and Naumann, G. 2008. Impacts of climatic change and low frequency variability in reference series on daily maximum and minimum temperature in southern South America. Regional Environmental Change 8 (2): 45-57. South America SAm_22 Argentina Corrientes DJF -27.45 -58.75 Instrumental Instrumental Positive 1894 2004 1 Vargas, W. M. and Naumann, G. 2008. Impacts of climatic change and low frequency variability in reference series on daily maximum and minimum temperature in southern South America. Regional Environmental Change 8 (2): 45-57. South America SAm_23 Argentina Rio Gallegos DJF -52 -69.45 Instrumental Instrumental Positive 1896 2004 1 Vargas, W. M. and Naumann, G. 2008. Impacts of climatic change and low frequency variability in reference series on daily maximum and minimum temperature in southern South America. Regional Environmental Change 8 (2): 45-57.