These data files and R scripts reproduce the Antarctic reconstruction provided for the PAGES 2k Network Paper published in Nature Geoscience in 2013. The scripts have been tested in R version 2.15.0 running under RStudio in a 64 bit windows environment. To run the reconstruction start R in the directory containing these files and run the script AntReconScript.r This uses the local functions in AntLocal-Function.r and requires the R package "zoo" The script will generate four output reconstructions as ".csv" files with ";" separators: recon_FullAnt.csv is the full Antarctic reconstruction based on 9 cores recon_WestAnt.csv is the West Antarctic reconstruction (including Peninsual) based on 6 cores recon_EastAnt.csv is the East Antarctic reconstruction based on 4 cores recon_EAplusWA.csv is the alternate area-weighted reconstruction for East plus West Antarctica Original copies of these files are provided. The data input files for core data and instrumental target are also in .csv files with ";" separators.