The WDC Paleo archives data from 2 Dronning Maud Land Ice Cores: The EPICA 160m. core at Kohnen Station, Dronning Maud Land (coordinates 75°00'S; 00°04'E, 2892 m above sea level) and major ion data from a 1992 20m firn core. The EPICA 160m. core at Kohnen Station, with higher annual snowfall and sensitivity to conditions over the South Atlantic, will allow study of any links between shifts in the Atlantic Ocean circulation and the rapid climate events detected over Greenland. Major ion concentration values (Na, Mg, Ca, Cl, NO3, SO4, MSA) were analyzed from a 20 meter ice core drilled in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica (location - 65 deg. 01 min. East, 75 deg. 00 min. South, elevation - 2,900 m a.s.l.). The core was drilled during the austral summer 1991-1992. Major ion analysis was by ion chromatography. The anions were analyzed on a Dionex AS4A column; the cations on a Dionex CS12 column and MSA on a Dionex AS4 column. All used suppressed chromatography. The core was processed into 3 centimeter pieces by the Glacier Research Group using established protocols to prevent contamination. The 3 cm pieces were kept frozen until major ion analysis. References: Isaksson, Elisabeth. 1994. Climate records from shallow firn cores,Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Department of Physical Geography, Doctoral Dissertation, Stockholm University. Isaksson, E., W. Karlen, N. Gundestrup, P. Mayewski, S. Whitlow and M. Twickler. 1996. A century of accumulation and temperature changes in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. J. Geophys. Res., 101:7,085-7,094.