# Antarctic Ice Cores Revised 800KYr CO2 Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17975 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/icecore/antarctica/antarctica2015co2lawsp.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Ice Cores #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-02-04 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Antarctic Ice Cores Revised 800KYr CO2 Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Bereiter, B.; Eggleston, S.; Schmitt, J.; Nehrbass-Ahles, C.; Stocker, T.F.; Fischer, H.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Chappellaz, J. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Revised EPICA Dome C and Antarctic composite ice core atmospheric CO2 data. This new version of CO2 composite # replaces the old version of Luthi et al. (2008), which contains the analytical bias described in Bereiter et al. 2015 # and lower quality data in other sections. For details about the improvements relative to the previous version see supplementary # information of Bereiter et al. 2015. For detailed references of all records refer to the supplemetary information of # Bereiter et al. 2015. For latest anthropogenic data refer to NOAA/Mauna Loa record. Age unit is in years before present (yr BP) # where present refers to 1950 AD. Note, not all records shown in Excel worksheet "all records" are part of the composite. # # Composite built from the following: # -51-1800 yr BP: Law Dome (Rubino et al., 2013) # 1.8-2 kyr BP: Law Dome (MacFarling Meure et al., 2006) # 2-11 kyr BP: Dome C (Monnin et al., 2001 + 2004) # 11-22 kyr BP: WAIS (Marcott et al., 2014) minus 4 ppmv (see text) # 22-40 kyr BP: Siple Dome (Ahn et al., 2014) # 40-60 kyr BP: TALDICE (Bereiter et al., 2012) # 60-115 kyr BP: EDML (Bereiter et al., 2012) # 105-155 kyr BP: Dome C Sublimation (Schneider et al., 2013) # 155-393 kyr BP: Vostok (Petit et al., 1999) # 393-611 kyr BP: Dome C (Siegenthaler et al., 2005) # 612-800 kyr BP: Dome C (Bereiter et al., 2014) # # If millennial scale or smaller details of the composite are studied, we recommend to look into all records available # for that period and not only in the composite. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Bernhard Bereiter, Sarah Eggleston, Jochen Schmitt, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Thomas F. Stocker, Hubertus Fischer, Sepp Kipfstuhl and Jerome Chappellaz # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-01-23 # Published_Title: Revision of the EPICA Dome C CO2 record from 800 to 600 kyr before present # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061957 # Online_Resource: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014GL061957/abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome ice core from Dome C (EDC) has allowed for the reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations for the last 800,000 years. Here we revisit the oldest part of the EDC CO2 record using different air extraction methods and sections of the core. For our established cracker system, we found an analytical artifact, which increases over the deepest 200 m and reaches 10.1 +/- 2.4 ppm in the oldest/deepest part. The governing mechanism is not yet fully understood, but it is related to insufficient gas extraction in combination with ice relaxation during storage and ice structure. The corrected record presented here resolves partly - but not completely - the issue with a different correlation between CO2 and Antarctic temperatures found in this oldest part of the records. In addition, we provide here an update of 800,000 years atmospheric CO2 history including recent studies covering the last glacial cycle. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: Dieter Luthi, Martine Le Floch, Bernhard Bereiter, Thomas Blunier, Jean-Marc Barnola, Urs Siegenthaler, Dominique Raynaud, Jean Jouzel, Hubertus Fischer, Kenji Kawamura, and Thomas F. Stocker # Published_Date_or_Year: 2008-05-15 # Published_Title: High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000-800,000 years before present # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: 453 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 379-382 # DOI: 10.1038/nature06949 # Online_Resource: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Changes in past atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations can be determined by measuring the composition of air trapped in ice cores from Antarctica. So far, the Antarctic Vostok and EPICA Dome C ice cores have provided a composite record of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 650,000 years. Here we present results of the lowest 200 m of the Dome C ice core, extending the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by two complete glacial cycles to 800,000 yr before present. From previously published data and the present work, we find that atmospheric carbon dioxide is strongly correlated with Antarctic temperature throughout eight glacial cycles but with significantly lower concentrations between 650,000 and 750,000 yr before present. Carbon dioxide levels are below 180 parts per million by volume (p.p.m.v.) for a period of 3,000 yr during Marine Isotope Stage 16, possibly reflecting more pronounced oceanic carbon storage. We report the lowest carbon dioxide concentration measured in an ice core, which extends the pre-industrial range of carbon dioxide concentrations during the late Quaternary by about 10 p.p.m.v. to 172–300 p.p.m.v. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Union # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss National Science Foundation # Grant: P2BEP2_152071 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of Bern # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: French Polar Institute (IPEV) # Grant: 902 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Law Dome/South Pole # Location: Antarctica # Country: # Northernmost_Latitude: -66.73 # Southernmost_Latitude: -66.73 # Easternmost_Longitude: 112.83 # Westernmost_Longitude: 112.83 # Elevation: 1390 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Antarctica2015CO2lawSP # Earliest_Year: 1796 # Most_Recent_Year: -51 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # MacFarling Meure et al. 2006 # AICC2012: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/15076 # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##notes notes - site code,,,,,,,,C ##notes notes - sample type,,,,,,,,C ##depth_m depth, , , m, , , , ,N ##age_gas_calBP age, gas, , calendar years before present, , , , Rubino et al., 2013,N ##co2_ppm CO2 concentration, , , ppmv, , , corrected, ,N ##co2_1s_ppm CO2 concentration sigma mean, , , ppmv, , , , ,N ##co2_ppm CO2 concentration, , , ppmv, , , corrected, ,N ##co2_1s_ppm CO2 concentration sigma mean, , , ppmv, , , , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Law Dome and South Pole (0-2 kyr BP) Rubino et al. (2013) CSIRO Australia Where dublicates are found, the average is taken # notes notes depth_m age_gas_calBP co2_ppm co2_1s_ppm co2_ppm co2_1s_ppm SOUTH POLE firn 0.00 -51.03 368.00 0.05 368.02 0.06 SOUTH POLE firn 0.00 -51.03 368.04 0.07 SGA firn 0.00 -48.00 361.78 0.37 361.78 0.37 DSSW20K firn 15.80 -46.28 359.62 0.09 359.65 0.10 DSSW20K firn 15.80 -46.28 359.67 0.10 DSSW20K firn 15.80 -46.28 359.65 0.10 DSSW20K firn 29.00 -44.41 357.35 0.26 357.11 0.16 DSSW20K firn 29.00 -44.41 356.96 0.15 DSSW20K firn 29.00 -44.41 357.02 0.11 DSSW20K firn 29.00 -44.41 357.09 0.12 DE08-2 firn 0.00 -43.08 354.31 0.03 353.95 0.04 DE08-2 firn 0.00 -43.08 353.58 0.05 DSSW20K firn 37.80 -42.31 353.86 0.33 353.72 0.22 DSSW20K firn 37.80 -42.31 353.66 0.19 DSSW20K firn 37.80 -42.31 353.65 0.26 DSSW20K firn 37.80 -42.31 353.73 0.10 DE08-2 firn 10.00 -41.13 352.50 0.10 352.42 0.10 DE08-2 firn 10.00 -41.13 352.33 0.10 DE08-2 firn 15.00 -40.54 351.83 0.25 DE08-2 firn 20.00 -39.97 351.14 0.28 350.81 0.16 DE08-2 firn 20.00 -39.97 350.72 0.10 DE08-2 firn 20.00 -39.97 350.57 0.10 DSSW20K firn 41.70 -39.41 350.05 0.15 349.80 0.14 DSSW20K firn 41.70 -39.41 349.80 0.07 DSSW20K firn 41.70 -39.41 349.78 0.08 DSSW20K firn 41.70 -39.41 349.58 0.25 DE08-2 firn 30.00 -38.97 349.53 0.15 349.28 0.13 DE08-2 firn 30.00 -38.97 349.02 0.10 DE08-2 firn 40.00 -38.07 347.60 0.40 347.60 0.40 DE08-2 firn 40.00 -38.07 n/a n/a DE08-2 firn 50.00 -37.21 345.44 0.03 345.44 0.03 DE08-2 firn 55.00 -36.62 345.14 0.17 344.72 0.09 DE08-2 firn 55.00 -36.62 344.97 0.05 DE08-2 firn 55.00 -36.62 344.51 0.12 DE08-2 firn 55.00 -36.62 344.25 0.04 DE08-2 firn 60.00 -36.14 344.28 0.03 343.97 0.06 DE08-2 firn 60.00 -36.14 343.66 0.09 DE08-2 firn 65.00 -35.76 343.64 0.27 343.11 0.14 DE08-2 firn 65.00 -35.76 342.88 0.06 DE08-2 firn 65.00 -35.76 342.80 0.10 DE08-2 firn 70.00 -34.92 342.53 0.50 342.05 0.46 DE08-2 firn 70.00 -34.92 341.57 0.43 DSSW20K firn 44.50 -33.08 341.58 0.22 341.33 0.10 DSSW20K firn 44.50 -33.08 341.16 0.06 DSSW20K firn 44.50 -33.08 341.42 0.06 DSSW20K firn 44.50 -33.08 341.15 0.05 DE08-2 firn 75.00 -33.03 339.52 0.16 339.46 0.30 DE08-2 firn 75.00 -33.03 339.41 0.44 DE08-2 firn 80.00 -29.14 335.23 0.65 334.85 0.37 DE08-2 firn 80.00 -29.14 334.47 0.10 DE08-2 ice 81.02 -26.80 335.55 0.63 335.55 0.63 DE08-2 ice 81.21 -26.67 332.37 1.27 332.37 1.27 DE08-2 firn 85.00 -25.57 332.37 0.04 332.37 0.04 DE08-2 ice 84.97 -24.13 331.55 0.63 331.55 0.63 DE08-2 ice 87.87 -22.09 328.42 0.63 328.42 0.63 DE08 ice 78.80 -22.04 330.35 2.21 330.35 2.21 DE08-2 ice 89.50 -20.87 326.31 1.34 326.31 1.34 DE08-2 ice 89.90 -20.66 326.65 1.16 326.65 1.16 DSSW20K firn 47.00 -20.64 324.90 0.16 324.91 0.18 DSSW20K firn 47.00 -20.64 324.88 0.27 DSSW20K firn 47.00 -20.64 325.04 0.06 DSSW20K firn 47.00 -20.64 324.80 0.21 DE08-2 ice 90.47 -20.22 324.56 0.63 324.56 0.63 DE08 ice 83.01 -19.42 323.87 0.63 324.71 0.63 DE08-2 ice 91.60 -19.42 325.54 0.63 DE08-2 ice 92.21 -18.98 325.08 0.63 325.08 0.63 DE08 ice 83.89 -18.81 324.09 0.63 324.09 0.63 DE08 ice 84.32 -18.54 320.38 1.16 320.38 1.16 DE08 ice 86.77 -16.79 320.49 1.16 320.49 1.16 DE08-2 ice 95.70 -16.55 322.17 1.34 322.17 1.34 DE08-2 ice 96.36 -15.87 320.98 1.74 320.98 1.74 DE08 ice 88.93 -15.30 319.20 0.95 319.20 0.95 DE08 ice 89.07 -15.23 319.89 0.63 319.89 0.63 DE08 ice 91.30 -13.56 319.12 0.94 319.12 0.94 DE08 ice 91.86 -13.20 319.07 0.63 319.07 0.63 DE08 ice 92.60 -12.62 319.78 0.63 318.61 0.90 DE08 ice 92.65 -12.62 317.45 1.16 DE08 ice 92.76 -12.54 317.45 0.63 317.45 0.63 DE08 ice 92.92 -12.40 319.14 0.63 319.14 0.63 DE08 ice 93.07 -12.32 317.52 0.63 317.52 0.63 DSS ice 77.93 -11.72 316.59 0.64 316.59 0.64 DE08-2 ice 103.34 -10.57 318.21 1.72 318.21 1.72 DE08 ice 95.73 -10.31 313.09 1.81 313.09 1.81 DE08-2 ice 105.20 -9.09 311.98 1.81 311.98 1.81 DE08 ice 98.00 -8.56 316.33 0.94 316.33 0.94 DE08 ice 98.56 -8.10 316.10 1.72 316.10 1.72 DE08 ice 98.91 -7.87 314.57 0.41 314.57 0.41 DE08 ice 99.70 -7.26 315.27 1.16 315.27 1.16 DSSW20K firn 49.50 -7.20 316.44 0.17 316.33 0.13 DSSW20K firn 49.50 -7.20 316.29 0.18 DSSW20K firn 49.50 -7.20 316.33 0.10 DSSW20K firn 49.50 -7.20 316.24 0.06 DE08 ice 99.90 -7.10 314.24 0.41 314.44 0.79 DE08 ice 99.90 -7.10 314.64 1.16 DSS ice 81.73 -6.16 314.46 0.64 315.34 0.64 DSS ice 81.73 -6.16 315.54 0.64 DSS ice 81.73 -6.16 316.04 0.64 DE08 ice 102.90 -4.80 314.83 2.21 314.71 2.21 DE08 ice 102.90 -4.80 314.60 2.21 DE08 ice 104.20 -3.79 313.17 0.63 313.17 0.63 DE08 ice 104.38 -3.71 312.80 0.63 312.80 0.63 DE08 ice 104.50 -3.56 312.75 2.21 312.22 1.42 DE08 ice 104.54 -3.56 311.69 0.63 DE08 ice 106.00 -2.38 312.18 0.41 312.18 0.41 DSS ice 86.06 -0.25 312.00 0.64 312.00 0.64 DE08 ice 109.45 0.33 313.66 2.21 313.66 2.21 DE08 ice 110.50 1.23 309.69 0.41 309.69 0.41 DE08 ice 111.85 2.29 311.57 2.21 311.57 2.21 DE08-2 ice 120.18 3.34 310.36 0.63 310.36 0.63 DE08 ice 113.10 3.37 313.21 2.21 312.87 2.21 DE08 ice 113.10 3.37 312.52 2.21 DE08 ice 114.30 4.38 312.56 2.21 312.56 2.21 DE08-2 ice 121.55 4.44 311.97 2.08 311.97 2.08 DE08-2 ice 121.73 4.61 311.81 3.12 311.81 3.12 DE08-2 ice 122.48 5.04 310.44 2.56 310.44 2.56 DE08 ice 115.40 5.24 311.28 0.41 311.28 0.41 DE08 ice 115.57 5.49 310.22 0.63 310.22 0.63 DE08 ice 116.80 6.43 312.36 2.21 312.36 2.21 DE08 ice 117.80 7.79 311.62 2.21 311.88 2.77 DE08 ice 117.80 7.79 312.14 3.32 DE08-2 ice 125.98 7.96 311.90 2.56 312.84 2.56 DE08-2 ice 125.98 7.96 313.78 2.56 DE08 ice 118.80 8.22 312.74 2.21 312.39 2.21 DE08 ice 118.80 8.22 312.05 2.21 DE08 ice 119.95 9.16 311.80 2.21 311.80 2.21 DE08 ice 119.92 9.25 307.74 1.16 307.74 1.16 DSS ice 92.71 10.03 309.80 0.64 309.80 0.64 DE08-2 ice 128.70 10.41 310.95 0.63 310.95 0.63 DE08 ice 121.80 10.78 311.04 0.63 311.21 0.63 DE08 ice 121.80 10.78 311.39 0.63 DE08 ice 122.10 11.03 312.36 3.18 310.46 2.17 DE08 ice 122.10 11.03 308.55 1.16 DSS ice 94.00 11.84 308.48 0.64 308.48 0.64 DE08-2 ice 130.40 11.87 311.94 1.34 311.94 1.34 DE08 ice 123.48 12.13 310.66 2.21 311.52 2.21 DE08 ice 123.48 12.13 312.38 2.21 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.50 0.29 312.33 0.13 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.58 0.16 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.23 0.06 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.31 0.18 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.07 0.06 DSSW20K firn 52.00 12.23 312.28 0.06 DE08 ice 124.65 13.14 307.06 1.16 307.41 1.16 DE08 ice 124.65 13.14 307.76 1.16 DE08 ice 125.74 14.13 309.52 3.18 309.34 2.87 DE08 ice 125.74 14.13 309.17 2.56 DE08 ice 126.01 14.29 307.26 1.16 307.26 1.16 DE08 ice 126.84 14.94 306.32 1.16 306.32 1.16 DE08-2 ice 135.73 16.12 309.63 0.63 309.63 0.63 DE08 ice 128.56 16.41 306.76 2.56 307.08 2.56 DE08 ice 128.56 16.41 306.63 2.56 DE08 ice 128.56 16.41 307.84 2.56 DE08 ice 129.59 17.22 305.94 1.16 305.94 1.16 DE08 ice 129.90 17.46 308.28 2.21 308.28 2.21 DE08 ice 130.18 17.71 308.26 0.63 308.26 0.63 DE08 ice 132.00 19.17 305.72 1.74 305.74 1.45 DE08 ice 132.00 19.17 305.76 1.16 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.84 0.05 305.38 0.07 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.23 0.10 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.39 0.09 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.37 0.06 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.16 0.09 SOUTH POLE firn 119.87 20.61 305.30 0.04 DSS ice 99.71 21.26 305.78 0.64 305.78 0.64 DE08 ice 134.85 21.46 305.71 0.94 305.71 0.94 DSS ice 100.14 21.84 305.67 0.64 305.67 0.64 DE08 ice 135.72 22.20 307.62 3.18 308.02 3.18 DE08 ice 135.72 22.20 308.42 3.18 DE08 ice 138.70 24.69 305.32 0.63 304.97 0.63 DE08 ice 138.70 24.69 304.62 0.63 DE08-2 ice 146.57 25.25 304.72 1.72 304.72 1.72 DE08 ice 141.62 27.16 306.13 3.18 306.20 3.82 DE08 ice 141.62 27.16 307.70 3.18 DE08 ice 141.62 27.16 303.14 2.56 DE08 ice 141.62 27.16 307.82 6.35 DE08 ice 142.16 27.49 303.18 0.94 303.18 0.94 DE08 ice 145.45 30.29 301.88 1.16 301.88 1.16 DE08 ice 146.60 31.33 304.61 2.21 304.61 2.21 DE08 ice 147.49 32.13 303.44 0.67 303.85 0.67 DE08 ice 147.49 32.13 303.67 0.67 DE08 ice 147.49 32.13 304.06 0.67 DE08 ice 147.49 32.13 304.24 0.67 DE08 ice 149.78 34.21 301.92 0.63 301.92 0.63 DE08 ice 151.35 35.61 301.07 2.21 300.70 2.45 DE08 ice 151.35 35.61 300.33 2.68 DE08 ice 153.21 37.48 301.30 0.63 301.30 0.63 DE08 ice 154.57 38.71 299.26 1.72 299.26 1.72 DE08 ice 154.77 38.90 297.73 1.72 297.73 1.72 DE08 ice 155.09 39.28 298.11 2.56 298.11 2.56 DE08 ice 156.21 40.24 297.87 1.16 297.87 1.16 DE08 ice 157.50 41.48 301.50 2.21 301.50 2.21 DSS ice 114.30 44.23 299.63 0.64 299.63 0.64 DE08 ice 160.60 44.46 297.33 0.63 297.33 0.63 DE08 ice 160.80 44.65 299.02 0.63 299.02 0.63 DE08 ice 162.30 46.09 295.99 0.94 295.99 0.94 DE08 ice 164.55 48.30 295.26 2.01 295.61 1.33 DE08 ice 164.55 48.30 294.44 1.34 DSS ice 116.70 48.30 297.14 0.64 DE08 ice 166.16 49.82 294.22 1.16 294.22 1.16 DE08 ice 167.55 51.06 297.05 2.21 297.05 2.21 DE08 ice 167.77 51.34 295.28 0.63 295.28 0.63 DE08 ice 172.92 56.24 293.81 0.94 293.81 0.94 DE08 ice 173.03 56.34 293.17 1.72 293.17 1.72 DSS ice 122.68 56.94 295.32 0.64 295.32 0.64 DE08 ice 173.72 57.12 294.86 1.72 294.86 1.72 DE08 ice 174.30 57.61 295.17 0.63 295.17 0.63 DE08 ice 176.95 60.13 290.92 1.16 290.92 1.16 DE08 ice 177.80 60.99 292.38 0.94 292.34 0.68 DE08 ice 177.80 60.99 292.30 0.41 DE08 ice 179.50 62.61 294.34 0.63 294.34 0.63 DE08 ice 181.41 64.40 288.12 2.01 288.12 2.01 DSS ice 128.65 65.82 289.23 0.62 289.23 0.62 DE08 ice 183.30 66.21 289.76 0.94 289.76 0.94 DE08 ice 184.22 67.08 292.46 0.95 292.46 0.95 DE08 ice 187.20 70.05 287.77 1.16 287.77 1.16 DE08 ice 190.20 73.09 289.33 0.63 289.33 0.63 DE08 ice 193.35 76.26 291.56 2.21 291.56 2.21 DE08 ice 194.20 77.17 286.66 1.34 286.66 1.34 DE08 ice 197.03 79.96 286.33 1.16 286.33 1.16 DE08 ice 197.45 80.34 287.99 0.63 287.99 0.63 DE08 ice 198.72 81.59 289.83 1.72 289.54 1.72 DE08 ice 198.72 81.59 289.24 1.72 DSS ice 138.39 82.27 287.99 0.41 287.99 0.41 DE08 ice 200.47 83.26 284.71 1.34 285.05 1.68 DE08 ice 200.47 83.26 285.40 2.01 DE08 ice 203.44 85.87 286.65 1.16 286.65 1.16 DE08 ice 204.70 87.02 285.35 0.94 285.35 0.94 DE08 ice 206.00 88.17 287.17 0.63 287.17 0.63 DE08 ice 209.42 91.16 286.63 0.41 286.63 0.41 DE08 ice 211.88 93.38 283.16 1.16 283.16 1.16 DE08 ice 214.00 95.28 285.57 0.63 285.57 0.63 DE08 ice 215.10 96.29 288.05 2.21 288.05 2.21 DE08 ice 217.93 98.89 285.47 0.63 285.47 0.63 DSS ice 149.28 99.17 288.79 0.41 288.79 0.41 DE08 ice 218.80 99.74 284.00 1.16 284.00 1.16 DSS ice 151.46 102.68 286.84 0.64 286.84 0.64 DE08 ice 223.40 104.10 282.79 1.34 283.62 1.34 DE08 ice 223.40 104.10 284.45 1.34 DE08 ice 224.60 105.35 283.18 1.16 283.18 1.16 DE08 ice 224.90 105.54 283.53 1.16 283.53 1.16 DE08 ice 226.09 106.71 282.18 1.16 281.58 1.16 DE08 ice 226.09 106.71 280.98 1.16 DE08 ice 228.65 109.17 283.65 0.63 283.65 0.63 DSS ice 156.93 113.30 284.15 0.94 284.15 0.94 DSS ice 158.73 116.82 283.82 0.94 283.82 0.94 DE08-2 ice 242.72 117.13 285.09 0.95 285.09 0.95 DSS ice 163.42 123.08 285.91 0.64 285.91 0.64 DSS ice 164.42 125.26 281.36 0.94 281.36 0.94 DSS ice 170.80 136.34 284.43 0.94 284.43 0.94 DSS ice 179.26 150.66 281.23 0.94 282.80 0.79 DSS ice 179.43 150.66 284.37 0.64 DSS ice 181.05 153.53 280.40 1.72 280.40 1.72 DSS ice 181.24 154.06 282.30 0.63 282.30 0.63 DSS ice 182.23 155.90 281.62 0.94 281.62 0.94 DSS ice 190.12 169.70 273.07 0.41 273.07 0.41 DSS ice 190.78 170.51 280.24 0.63 280.24 0.63 DSS ice 194.21 176.54 277.86 0.94 277.86 0.94 DSS ice 199.76 186.30 276.40 0.94 276.40 0.94 DSS ice 200.52 187.12 277.16 0.63 277.16 0.63 DSS ice 205.82 197.87 278.00 0.63 278.00 0.63 DSS ice 205.78 198.07 276.46 0.94 276.46 0.94 DSS ice 207.45 200.88 277.60 0.63 277.60 0.63 DSS ice 212.23 208.74 276.81 0.94 276.81 0.94 DSS ice 216.62 216.13 278.31 0.94 278.31 0.94 DSS ice 222.62 226.99 277.01 0.94 277.01 0.94 DSS ice 222.89 227.14 278.27 1.27 278.27 1.27 DSS ice 238.65 255.93 277.36 0.63 277.36 0.63 DSS ice 241.04 260.26 276.32 0.94 276.32 0.94 DSS ice 245.50 268.11 276.66 0.63 276.66 0.63 DSS ice 263.35 300.90 278.02 0.63 278.02 0.63 DSS ice 267.63 310.19 276.69 0.94 276.69 0.94 DSS ice 272.99 321.40 273.78 0.41 273.78 0.41 DSS ice 283.46 340.54 271.11 0.41 271.11 0.41 DSS ice 286.60 346.58 275.07 0.63 275.07 0.63 DSS ice 293.06 359.01 279.36 0.95 279.36 0.95 DSS ice 294.34 361.82 281.11 0.94 281.11 0.94 DSS ice 302.03 376.99 282.57 0.64 282.57 0.64 DSS ice 308.61 390.14 281.83 0.94 281.83 0.94 DSS ice 313.83 400.35 283.53 1.27 283.53 1.27 DSS ice 323.72 420.32 283.95 0.64 283.95 0.64 DSS ice 336.61 448.47 283.12 0.64 283.12 0.64 DSS ice 351.18 480.60 280.31 1.27 280.31 1.27 DSS ice 360.53 500.84 282.23 0.95 282.23 0.95 DSS ice 369.58 521.20 279.73 0.41 279.73 0.41 DSS ice 377.49 539.14 279.70 0.94 279.70 0.94 DSS ice 387.05 559.67 280.69 0.63 280.91 0.63 DSS ice 387.10 559.67 281.13 0.63 DSS ice 405.70 601.15 278.36 0.41 278.36 0.41 DSS ice 413.99 619.88 284.07 0.64 284.07 0.64 DSS ice 423.10 642.55 281.58 0.94 281.58 0.94 DSS ice 435.47 671.80 278.43 0.41 278.43 0.41 DSS ice 443.53 690.49 282.20 0.94 282.20 0.94 DSS ice 447.17 698.73 282.41 0.63 282.41 0.63 DSS ice 463.02 739.05 283.69 0.94 283.69 0.94 DSS ice 467.69 750.19 284.54 0.64 284.54 0.64 DSS ice 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