# Kyoto, Japan 1,200 Year Cherry Tree Flowering Dates and March Temperature Reconstructions
#                World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder 
#                                  and 
#                     NOAA Paleoclimatology Program 
#             National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
# Template Version 3.0
# Encoding: UTF-8
# NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. 
# If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. 
# Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/26430 
#       Description: NOAA Landing Page
# Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/historical/phenology/japan/kyoto2010temp.txt
#       Description: NOAA location of the template
# Original_Source_URL:  
#       Description:
# Description/Documentation lines begin with #
# Data lines have no #
# Archive: Historical
# Dataset DOI: 
# Parameter_Keywords: phenology, reconstruction
# Contribution_Date
#	Date: 2019-03-23
# File_Last_Modified_Date
#	Date: 2019-03-23
# Title
#	Study_Name: Kyoto, Japan 1,200 Year Cherry Tree Flowering Dates and March Temperature Reconstructions
# Investigators
#	Investigators: Aono, Y.; Saito, S.; Kazui, K. 
# Description_Notes_and_Keywords
#	Description: Kyoto cherry blossom phenology data and March temperature reconstructions for the past 1,200 years. 
#	Full-flowering dates of Japanese cherry (Prunus jamasakura) at Kyoto, Japan, plus March temperature reconstructions.
#	Data 801 - 1400 A.D.; Aono and Saito (2010). Data 1401-2005 A.D.; Aono and Kazui (2008). 
#	Latest updated versions (Aono 2012) are available on Yasuyuki Aono's website: http://atmenv.envi.osakafu-u.ac.jp/aono/kyophenotemp4/
# Publication 
#	Authors: Yasuyuki Aono, Shizuka Saito
#	Published_Date_or_Year: 2010-03-01     
#	Published_Title: Clarifying springtime temperature reconstructions of the medieval period by gap-filling the cherry blossom phenological data series at Kyoto, Japan
#	Journal_Name: International Journal of Biometeorology
#	Volume: 54
#	Edition: 
#	Issue: 2
#	Pages: 211-219
#	Report_Number: 
#	DOI: 10.1007/s00484-009-0272-x
#	Online_Resource: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00484-009-0272-x
#	Full_Citation: 
#	Abstract: We investigated documents and diaries from the ninth to the fourteenth centuries to supplement the phenological data series of the flowering of Japanese cherry (Prunus jamasakura) in Kyoto, Japan, to improve and fill gaps in temperature estimates based on previously reported phenological data. We then reconstructed a nearly continuous series of March mean temperatures based on 224 years of cherry flowering data, including 51 years of previously unused data, to clarify springtime climate changes. We also attempted to estimate cherry full-flowering dates from phenological records of other deciduous species, adding further data for 6 years in the tenth and eleventh centuries by using the flowering phenology of Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda). The reconstructed tenth century March mean temperatures were around 7C, indicating warmer conditions than at present. Temperatures then fell until the 1180s, recovered gradually until the 1310s, and then declined again in the mid-fourteenth century.
# Publication 
#	Authors: Yasuyuki Aono and Keiko Kazui
#	Published_Date_or_Year: 2008-06-15    
#	Published_Title: Phenological data series of cherry tree flowering in Kyoto, Japan, and its application to reconstruction of springtime temperatures since the 9th century
#	Journal_Name: International Journal of Climatology
#	Volume: 28
#	Edition: 
#	Issue: 7
#	Pages: 905-914
#	Report_Number: 
#	DOI: 10.1002/joc.1594
#	Online_Resource: https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/joc.1594
#	Full_Citation: 
#	Abstract: Changes in springtime temperature in Kyoto, Japan, since the 9th century were reconstructed, using the phenological data series for cherry tree (Prunus jamasakura), deduced from old diaries and chronicles. Phenological data for 732 years was made available by combining data from previous studies. The full-flowering date of cherry trees fluctuates in accordance with temperature conditions during February and March. Full-flowering dates were closely related to the March mean temperature by means of a temperature accumulation index, in which plant growth is considered to be an exponential function of temperature. Calibration enabled accurate estimation of temperatures in the instrumental period, after 1880; the root mean square error (RMSE) of temperature estimates was determined to be within 0.1 C, after smoothing by local linear regression over time spans of 31 years. The results suggested the existence of four cold periods, 1330-1350, 1520-1550, 1670-1700, and 1825-1830, during which periods the estimated March mean temperature was 4-5 C, about 3-4 C lower than the present normal temperature. These cold periods coincided with the less extreme periods, known as the Wolf, Spoerer, Maunder, and Dalton minima, in the long-term solar variation cycle, which has a periodicity of 150-250 years. The sunspot cycle length, a short-term solar variation cycle, was also compared with the temperature estimates, with the result that a time lag of about 15 years was detected in the climatic temperature response to short-term solar variation. 
# Publication 
#	Authors: Yasuyuki Aono
#	Published_Date_or_Year: 2012     
#	Published_Title: (in Japanese)
#	Journal_Name: Chikyu Kankyo (Global Environment)
#	Volume: 17
#	Edition: 
#	Issue: 
#	Pages: 21-29
#	Report_Number: 
#	DOI: 
#	Online_Resource: 
#	Full_Citation: 
#	Abstract: 
# Funding_Agency 
#	Funding_Agency_Name: 
#	Grant: 
# Site_Information 
#	Site_Name: Kyoto
#	Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>Japan 
#	Country: Japan
#	Northernmost_Latitude: 35.0
# 	Southernmost_Latitude: 35.0
# 	Easternmost_Longitude: 135.7683
# 	Westernmost_Longitude: 135.7683
# 	Elevation: 400 m
# Data_Collection   
#	Collection_Name: Kyoto2010Flower
#	Earliest_Year: 801
#	Most_Recent_Year: 2010
#	Time_Unit: CE
#	Core_Length: 
#	Notes: 
# Chronology_Information
#	Chronology: 
# Variables 
# Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two.
# Data line variables format:  one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) 
## age_CE	age, , , years CE, , , , ,N,
## temprec	air temperature, , , degrees C, March, climate reconstructions, Reconstructed March mean temperature at Kyoto City, unsmoothed,N, 801 - 1400 A.D.; Aono and Saito (2010): 1401-2005 A.D.; Aono and Kazui (2008)
## tempobs	air temperature, , , degrees C, March, instrumental, Observed March mean temperature at Kyoto City, ,N, 
# Data:
# Data lines follow (have no #)
# Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header
# Missing Values: -999.9
age_CE	temprec	tempobs
801	-999.9	-999.9
802	-999.9	-999.9
803	-999.9	-999.9
804	-999.9	-999.9
805	-999.9	-999.9
806	-999.9	-999.9
807	-999.9	-999.9
808	-999.9	-999.9
809	-999.9	-999.9
810	-999.9	-999.9
811	-999.9	-999.9
812	9.9	-999.9
813	-999.9	-999.9
814	-999.9	-999.9
815	6.0	-999.9
816	-999.9	-999.9
817	-999.9	-999.9
818	-999.9	-999.9
819	-999.9	-999.9
820	-999.9	-999.9
821	-999.9	-999.9
822	-999.9	-999.9
823	-999.9	-999.9
824	-999.9	-999.9
825	-999.9	-999.9
826	-999.9	-999.9
827	-999.9	-999.9
828	-999.9	-999.9
829	-999.9	-999.9
830	-999.9	-999.9
831	8.6	-999.9
832	-999.9	-999.9
833	-999.9	-999.9
834	-999.9	-999.9
835	-999.9	-999.9
836	-999.9	-999.9
837	-999.9	-999.9
838	-999.9	-999.9
839	-999.9	-999.9
840	-999.9	-999.9
841	-999.9	-999.9
842	-999.9	-999.9
843	-999.9	-999.9
844	-999.9	-999.9
845	-999.9	-999.9
846	-999.9	-999.9
847	-999.9	-999.9
848	-999.9	-999.9
849	-999.9	-999.9
850	-999.9	-999.9
851	5.2	-999.9
852	-999.9	-999.9
853	6.3	-999.9
854	-999.9	-999.9
855	-999.9	-999.9
856	-999.9	-999.9
857	-999.9	-999.9
858	-999.9	-999.9
859	-999.9	-999.9
860	-999.9	-999.9
861	-999.9	-999.9
862	-999.9	-999.9
863	-999.9	-999.9
864	7.4	-999.9
865	-999.9	-999.9
866	5.7	-999.9
867	-999.9	-999.9
868	-999.9	-999.9
869	8.9	-999.9
870	-999.9	-999.9
871	-999.9	-999.9
872	-999.9	-999.9
873	-999.9	-999.9
874	-999.9	-999.9
875	-999.9	-999.9
876	-999.9	-999.9
877	-999.9	-999.9
878	-999.9	-999.9
879	-999.9	-999.9
880	-999.9	-999.9
881	-999.9	-999.9
882	-999.9	-999.9
883	-999.9	-999.9
884	-999.9	-999.9
885	-999.9	-999.9
886	-999.9	-999.9
887	-999.9	-999.9
888	-999.9	-999.9
889	6.3	-999.9
890	-999.9	-999.9
891	4.9	-999.9
892	5.2	-999.9
893	-999.9	-999.9
894	5.7	-999.9
895	6.3	-999.9
896	6.3	-999.9
897	-999.9	-999.9
898	-999.9	-999.9
899	-999.9	-999.9
900	-999.9	-999.9
901	-999.9	-999.9
902	6.9	-999.9
903	-999.9	-999.9
904	-999.9	-999.9
905	-999.9	-999.9
906	-999.9	-999.9
907	-999.9	-999.9
908	8.0	-999.9
909	-999.9	-999.9
910	-999.9	-999.9
911	-999.9	-999.9
912	8.9	-999.9
913	4.6	-999.9
914	-999.9	-999.9
915	-999.9	-999.9
916	-999.9	-999.9
917	8.9	-999.9
918	-999.9	-999.9
919	-999.9	-999.9
920	-999.9	-999.9
921	-999.9	-999.9
922	-999.9	-999.9
923	6.3	-999.9
924	-999.9	-999.9
925	-999.9	-999.9
926	8.0	-999.9
927	-999.9	-999.9
928	-999.9	-999.9
929	-999.9	-999.9
930	8.3	-999.9
931	-999.9	-999.9
932	-999.9	-999.9
933	5.7	-999.9
934	-999.9	-999.9
935	-999.9	-999.9
936	-999.9	-999.9
937	-999.9	-999.9
938	-999.9	-999.9
939	-999.9	-999.9
940	-999.9	-999.9
941	4.9	-999.9
942	-999.9	-999.9
943	-999.9	-999.9
944	-999.9	-999.9
945	-999.9	-999.9
946	-999.9	-999.9
947	-999.9	-999.9
948	-999.9	-999.9
949	5.4	-999.9
950	8.9	-999.9
951	-999.9	-999.9
952	-999.9	-999.9
953	-999.9	-999.9
954	-999.9	-999.9
955	10.8	-999.9
956	-999.9	-999.9
957	4.1	-999.9
958	4.9	-999.9
959	8.3	-999.9
960	7.2	-999.9
961	11.5	-999.9
962	-999.9	-999.9
963	9.3	-999.9
964	-999.9	-999.9
965	6.3	-999.9
966	8.0	-999.9
967	6.6	-999.9
968	-999.9	-999.9
969	8.0	-999.9
970	-999.9	-999.9
971	-999.9	-999.9
972	5.4	-999.9
973	-999.9	-999.9
974	5.2	-999.9
975	7.2	-999.9
976	-999.9	-999.9
977	4.1	-999.9
978	-999.9	-999.9
979	6.3	-999.9
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985	9.3	-999.9
986	-999.9	-999.9
987	-999.9	-999.9
988	-999.9	-999.9
989	7.7	-999.9
990	-999.9	-999.9
991	-999.9	-999.9
992	-999.9	-999.9
993	-999.9	-999.9
994	-999.9	-999.9
995	-999.9	-999.9
996	-999.9	-999.9
997	-999.9	-999.9
998	-999.9	-999.9
999	-999.9	-999.9
1000	6.0	-999.9
1001	-999.9	-999.9
1002	-999.9	-999.9
1003	-999.9	-999.9
1004	2.7	-999.9
1005	-999.9	-999.9
1006	7.4	-999.9
1007	5.7	-999.9
1008	-999.9	-999.9
1009	-999.9	-999.9
1010	-999.9	-999.9
1011	-999.9	-999.9
1012	-999.9	-999.9
1013	-999.9	-999.9
1014	3.2	-999.9
1015	-999.9	-999.9
1016	4.3	-999.9
1017	7.7	-999.9
1018	3.8	-999.9
1019	8.0	-999.9
1020	-999.9	-999.9
1021	-999.9	-999.9
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1027	-999.9	-999.9
1028	-999.9	-999.9
1029	3.0	-999.9
1030	-999.9	-999.9
1031	8.3	-999.9
1032	4.3	-999.9
1033	6.9	-999.9
1034	8.6	-999.9
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1036	6.3	-999.9
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1038	-999.9	-999.9
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1041	6.6	-999.9
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1060	5.2	-999.9
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1066	6.0	-999.9
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1080	6.9	-999.9
1081	-999.9	-999.9
1082	-999.9	-999.9
1083	8.6	-999.9
1084	2.0	-999.9
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1088	6.3	-999.9
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1090	6.0	-999.9
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1093	6.0	-999.9
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1095	7.4	-999.9
1096	8.6	-999.9
1097	-999.9	-999.9
1098	7.4	-999.9
1099	6.6	-999.9
1100	-999.9	-999.9
1101	-999.9	-999.9
1102	6.3	-999.9
1103	-999.9	-999.9
1104	5.2	-999.9
1105	3.5	-999.9
1106	-999.9	-999.9
1107	6.0	-999.9
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1109	-999.9	-999.9
1110	-999.9	-999.9
1111	3.8	-999.9
1112	6.3	-999.9
1113	-999.9	-999.9
1114	7.4	-999.9
1115	-999.9	-999.9
1116	-999.9	-999.9
1117	4.9	-999.9
1118	6.9	-999.9
1119	-999.9	-999.9
1120	6.3	-999.9
1121	-999.9	-999.9
1122	-999.9	-999.9
1123	4.1	-999.9
1124	8.0	-999.9
1125	4.3	-999.9
1126	5.2	-999.9
1127	5.4	-999.9
1128	4.3	-999.9
1129	5.7	-999.9
1130	6.6	-999.9
1131	6.6	-999.9
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1134	5.7	-999.9
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1139	3.8	-999.9
1140	6.6	-999.9
1141	4.3	-999.9
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1143	4.6	-999.9
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1154	8.6	-999.9
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1156	10.5	-999.9
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1159	6.6	-999.9
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1161	4.1	-999.9
1162	-999.9	-999.9
1163	4.1	-999.9
1164	7.4	-999.9
1165	5.7	-999.9
1166	8.9	-999.9
1167	4.3	-999.9
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1169	4.1	-999.9
1170	3.8	-999.9
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1172	6.6	-999.9
1173	2.7	-999.9
1174	4.1	-999.9
1175	3.8	-999.9
1176	3.8	-999.9
1177	-999.9	-999.9
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1179	6.6	-999.9
1180	8.0	-999.9
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1183	7.2	-999.9
1184	3.2	-999.9
1185	3.2	-999.9
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1187	6.3	-999.9
1188	5.4	-999.9
1189	-999.9	-999.9
1190	4.1	-999.9
1191	5.7	-999.9
1192	-999.9	-999.9
1193	-999.9	-999.9
1194	2.2	-999.9
1195	-999.9	-999.9
1196	-999.9	-999.9
1197	-999.9	-999.9
1198	-999.9	-999.9
1199	4.9	-999.9
1200	6.3	-999.9
1201	8.6	-999.9
1202	5.7	-999.9
1203	6.0	-999.9
1204	4.6	-999.9
1205	6.0	-999.9
1206	-999.9	-999.9
1207	6.3	-999.9
1208	-999.9	-999.9
1209	-999.9	-999.9
1210	4.1	-999.9
1211	-999.9	-999.9
1212	8.0	-999.9
1213	5.4	-999.9
1214	6.9	-999.9
1215	5.2	-999.9
1216	7.2	-999.9
1217	-999.9	-999.9
1218	-999.9	-999.9
1219	7.2	-999.9
1220	-999.9	-999.9
1221	7.7	-999.9
1222	-999.9	-999.9
1223	3.0	-999.9
1224	-999.9	-999.9
1225	6.0	-999.9
1226	5.7	-999.9
1227	4.3	-999.9
1228	-999.9	-999.9
1229	8.3	-999.9
1230	6.9	-999.9
1231	7.2	-999.9
1232	9.9	-999.9
1233	6.0	-999.9
1234	-999.9	-999.9
1235	4.6	-999.9
1236	-999.9	-999.9
1237	-999.9	-999.9
1238	-999.9	-999.9
1239	-999.9	-999.9
1240	5.7	-999.9
1241	-999.9	-999.9
1242	-999.9	-999.9
1243	-999.9	-999.9
1244	5.2	-999.9
1245	5.2	-999.9
1246	8.0	-999.9
1247	5.7	-999.9
1248	-999.9	-999.9
1249	5.2	-999.9
1250	3.0	-999.9
1251	7.4	-999.9
1252	-999.9	-999.9
1253	-999.9	-999.9
1254	4.6	-999.9
1255	-999.9	-999.9
1256	-999.9	-999.9
1257	9.3	-999.9
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1259	8.6	-999.9
1260	-999.9	-999.9
1261	-999.9	-999.9
1262	-999.9	-999.9
1263	2.0	-999.9
1264	6.6	-999.9
1265	-999.9	-999.9
1266	-999.9	-999.9
1267	6.0	-999.9
1268	-999.9	-999.9
1269	7.4	-999.9
1270	-999.9	-999.9
1271	7.4	-999.9
1272	-999.9	-999.9
1273	-999.9	-999.9
1274	-999.9	-999.9
1275	-999.9	-999.9
1276	-999.9	-999.9
1277	-999.9	-999.9
1278	3.8	-999.9
1279	7.2	-999.9
1280	6.9	-999.9
1281	-999.9	-999.9
1282	-999.9	-999.9
1283	6.6	-999.9
1284	6.9	-999.9
1285	6.0	-999.9
1286	4.1	-999.9
1287	4.6	-999.9
1288	5.2	-999.9
1289	5.4	-999.9
1290	-999.9	-999.9
1291	-999.9	-999.9
1292	5.4	-999.9
1293	-999.9	-999.9
1294	7.2	-999.9
1295	6.9	-999.9
1296	-999.9	-999.9
1297	-999.9	-999.9
1298	-999.9	-999.9
1299	-999.9	-999.9
1300	-999.9	-999.9
1301	8.9	-999.9
1302	8.6	-999.9
1303	-999.9	-999.9
1304	-999.9	-999.9
1305	-999.9	-999.9
1306	-999.9	-999.9
1307	6.3	-999.9
1308	-999.9	-999.9
1309	-999.9	-999.9
1310	-999.9	-999.9
1311	9.3	-999.9
1312	7.4	-999.9
1313	-999.9	-999.9
1314	7.2	-999.9
1315	4.3	-999.9
1316	6.6	-999.9
1317	6.9	-999.9
1318	-999.9	-999.9
1319	3.0	-999.9
1320	-999.9	-999.9
1321	6.9	-999.9
1322	5.7	-999.9
1323	1.0	-999.9
1324	8.0	-999.9
1325	-999.9	-999.9
1326	5.4	-999.9
1327	-999.9	-999.9
1328	-999.9	-999.9
1329	-999.9	-999.9
1330	-999.9	-999.9
1331	4.1	-999.9
1332	3.2	-999.9
1333	-999.9	-999.9
1334	-999.9	-999.9
1335	-999.9	-999.9
1336	-999.9	-999.9
1337	-999.9	-999.9
1338	-999.9	-999.9
1339	-999.9	-999.9
1340	-999.9	-999.9
1341	-999.9	-999.9
1342	4.6	-999.9
1343	-999.9	-999.9
1344	6.9	-999.9
1345	-999.9	-999.9
1346	5.4	-999.9
1347	4.9	-999.9
1348	-999.9	-999.9
1349	4.1	-999.9
1350	7.2	-999.9
1351	3.2	-999.9
1352	-999.9	-999.9
1353	-999.9	-999.9
1354	-999.9	-999.9
1355	-999.9	-999.9
1356	2.7	-999.9
1357	5.4	-999.9
1358	4.6	-999.9
1359	6.0	-999.9
1360	7.2	-999.9
1361	5.2	-999.9
1362	-999.9	-999.9
1363	5.4	-999.9
1364	4.6	-999.9
1365	-999.9	-999.9
1366	4.1	-999.9
1367	8.3	-999.9
1368	11.2	-999.9
1369	9.3	-999.9
1370	4.9	-999.9
1371	-999.9	-999.9
1372	-999.9	-999.9
1373	4.6	-999.9
1374	-999.9	-999.9
1375	6.6	-999.9
1376	7.7	-999.9
1377	6.0	-999.9
1378	6.3	-999.9
1379	6.6	-999.9
1380	-999.9	-999.9
1381	5.2	-999.9
1382	6.0	-999.9
1383	6.9	-999.9
1384	8.0	-999.9
1385	7.7	-999.9
1386	6.0	-999.9
1387	7.4	-999.9
1388	7.7	-999.9
1389	-999.9	-999.9
1390	-999.9	-999.9
1391	-999.9	-999.9
1392	-999.9	-999.9
1393	-999.9	-999.9
1394	-999.9	-999.9
1395	-999.9	-999.9
1396	-999.9	-999.9
1397	-999.9	-999.9
1398	5.7	-999.9
1399	-999.9	-999.9
1400	-999.9	-999.9
1401	7.2	-999.9
1402	6.6	-999.9
1403	6.3	-999.9
1404	-999.9	-999.9
1405	-999.9	-999.9
1406	6.9	-999.9
1407	7.2	-999.9
1408	4.3	-999.9
1409	11.8	-999.9
1410	6.9	-999.9
1411	-999.9	-999.9
1412	9.6	-999.9
1413	10.2	-999.9
1414	-999.9	-999.9
1415	6.0	-999.9
1416	7.2	-999.9
1417	4.9	-999.9
1418	8.0	-999.9
1419	7.4	-999.9
1420	4.1	-999.9
1421	7.7	-999.9
1422	4.9	-999.9
1423	8.6	-999.9
1424	6.6	-999.9
1425	8.0	-999.9
1426	7.7	-999.9
1427	6.9	-999.9
1428	-999.9	-999.9
1429	8.0	-999.9
1430	5.2	-999.9
1431	6.9	-999.9
1432	6.3	-999.9
1433	8.0	-999.9
1434	3.8	-999.9
1435	8.9	-999.9
1436	7.2	-999.9
1437	6.6	-999.9
1438	7.7	-999.9
1439	7.2	-999.9
1440	8.0	-999.9
1441	6.0	-999.9
1442	-999.9	-999.9
1443	5.4	-999.9
1444	4.9	-999.9
1445	-999.9	-999.9
1446	5.2	-999.9
1447	4.3	-999.9
1448	8.6	-999.9
1449	8.9	-999.9
1450	7.4	-999.9
1451	6.6	-999.9
1452	9.9	-999.9
1453	5.4	-999.9
1454	6.0	-999.9
1455	8.6	-999.9
1456	5.7	-999.9
1457	6.0	-999.9
1458	4.1	-999.9
1459	3.8	-999.9
1460	4.3	-999.9
1461	5.7	-999.9
1462	5.7	-999.9
1463	7.2	-999.9
1464	6.3	-999.9
1465	8.0	-999.9
1466	6.0	-999.9
1467	-999.9	-999.9
1468	7.2	-999.9
1469	-999.9	-999.9
1470	-999.9	-999.9
1471	-999.9	-999.9
1472	3.5	-999.9
1473	-999.9	-999.9
1474	8.0	-999.9
1475	-999.9	-999.9
1476	7.4	-999.9
1477	4.6	-999.9
1478	3.2	-999.9
1479	4.6	-999.9
1480	6.3	-999.9
1481	5.7	-999.9
1482	5.2	-999.9
1483	7.2	-999.9
1484	8.3	-999.9
1485	9.3	-999.9
1486	7.7	-999.9
1487	9.6	-999.9
1488	6.6	-999.9
1489	7.4	-999.9
1490	8.3	-999.9
1491	5.4	-999.9
1492	5.2	-999.9
1493	7.4	-999.9
1494	5.7	-999.9
1495	9.3	-999.9
1496	8.3	-999.9
1497	5.2	-999.9
1498	8.3	-999.9
1499	4.3	-999.9
1500	8.3	-999.9
1501	6.6	-999.9
1502	3.2	-999.9
1503	5.2	-999.9
1504	3.5	-999.9
1505	5.7	-999.9
1506	5.7	-999.9
1507	5.2	-999.9
1508	4.3	-999.9
1509	6.9	-999.9
1510	4.6	-999.9
1511	4.3	-999.9
1512	4.9	-999.9
1513	4.6	-999.9
1514	6.0	-999.9
1515	4.3	-999.9
1516	6.3	-999.9
1517	5.7	-999.9
1518	3.2	-999.9
1519	4.3	-999.9
1520	6.0	-999.9
1521	5.4	-999.9
1522	6.6	-999.9
1523	4.9	-999.9
1524	4.9	-999.9
1525	6.3	-999.9
1526	0.0	-999.9
1527	6.0	-999.9
1528	5.7	-999.9
1529	5.4	-999.9
1530	5.4	-999.9
1531	6.6	-999.9
1532	5.2	-999.9
1533	4.3	-999.9
1534	5.2	-999.9
1535	8.9	-999.9
1536	5.2	-999.9
1537	5.2	-999.9
1538	4.1	-999.9
1539	2.0	-999.9
1540	1.5	-999.9
1541	4.9	-999.9
1542	6.9	-999.9
1543	2.2	-999.9
1544	5.4	-999.9
1545	8.3	-999.9
1546	4.1	-999.9
1547	6.3	-999.9
1548	2.5	-999.9
1549	2.7	-999.9
1550	4.3	-999.9
1551	4.9	-999.9
1552	6.3	-999.9
1553	2.2	-999.9
1554	-999.9	-999.9
1555	7.2	-999.9
1556	2.0	-999.9
1557	9.6	-999.9
1558	4.3	-999.9
1559	8.6	-999.9
1560	7.4	-999.9
1561	6.9	-999.9
1562	7.7	-999.9
1563	7.7	-999.9
1564	4.9	-999.9
1565	3.5	-999.9
1566	8.3	-999.9
1567	5.2	-999.9
1568	5.7	-999.9
1569	-999.9	-999.9
1570	4.1	-999.9
1571	5.2	-999.9
1572	5.4	-999.9
1573	-999.9	-999.9
1574	-999.9	-999.9
1575	-999.9	-999.9
1576	4.9	-999.9
1577	7.4	-999.9
1578	-999.9	-999.9
1579	6.9	-999.9
1580	8.3	-999.9
1581	6.0	-999.9
1582	-999.9	-999.9
1583	5.2	-999.9
1584	5.7	-999.9
1585	6.0	-999.9
1586	5.7	-999.9
1587	6.0	-999.9
1588	5.7	-999.9
1589	6.0	-999.9
1590	6.9	-999.9
1591	9.3	-999.9
1592	8.0	-999.9
1593	3.8	-999.9
1594	9.6	-999.9
1595	4.3	-999.9
1596	6.3	-999.9
1597	3.5	-999.9
1598	4.6	-999.9
1599	6.6	-999.9
1600	7.2	-999.9
1601	9.6	-999.9
1602	5.4	-999.9
1603	7.7	-999.9
1604	8.9	-999.9
1605	6.0	-999.9
1606	5.7	-999.9
1607	4.6	-999.9
1608	-999.9	-999.9
1609	5.2	-999.9
1610	4.6	-999.9
1611	-999.9	-999.9
1612	11.5	-999.9
1613	5.7	-999.9
1614	6.6	-999.9
1615	4.6	-999.9
1616	1.5	-999.9
1617	5.4	-999.9
1618	6.9	-999.9
1619	9.6	-999.9
1620	-999.9	-999.9
1621	4.9	-999.9
1622	5.7	-999.9
1623	3.8	-999.9
1624	4.1	-999.9
1625	8.9	-999.9
1626	7.4	-999.9
1627	-999.9	-999.9
1628	6.3	-999.9
1629	4.1	-999.9
1630	-999.9	-999.9
1631	-999.9	-999.9
1632	6.3	-999.9
1633	8.0	-999.9
1634	8.6	-999.9
1635	8.3	-999.9
1636	-999.9	-999.9
1637	6.0	-999.9
1638	6.0	-999.9
1639	5.2	-999.9
1640	6.6	-999.9
1641	2.7	-999.9
1642	3.5	-999.9
1643	3.5	-999.9
1644	6.0	-999.9
1645	7.7	-999.9
1646	11.5	-999.9
1647	4.1	-999.9
1648	-999.9	-999.9
1649	6.3	-999.9
1650	6.9	-999.9
1651	5.4	-999.9
1652	5.4	-999.9
1653	4.1	-999.9
1654	6.3	-999.9
1655	6.3	-999.9
1656	6.6	-999.9
1657	-999.9	-999.9
1658	5.2	-999.9
1659	-999.9	-999.9
1660	4.3	-999.9
1661	-999.9	-999.9
1662	4.6	-999.9
1663	6.0	-999.9
1664	6.0	-999.9
1665	4.1	-999.9
1666	5.2	-999.9
1667	-999.9	-999.9
1668	4.6	-999.9
1669	-999.9	-999.9
1670	6.9	-999.9
1671	3.0	-999.9
1672	4.1	-999.9
1673	-999.9	-999.9
1674	3.2	-999.9
1675	4.3	-999.9
1676	6.6	-999.9
1677	6.0	-999.9
1678	4.9	-999.9
1679	4.6	-999.9
1680	4.9	-999.9
1681	4.6	-999.9
1682	6.3	-999.9
1683	6.3	-999.9
1684	2.5	-999.9
1685	5.7	-999.9
1686	6.3	-999.9
1687	6.3	-999.9
1688	3.5	-999.9
1689	8.3	-999.9
1690	9.6	-999.9
1691	6.6	-999.9
1692	4.9	-999.9
1693	5.4	-999.9
1694	4.9	-999.9
1695	2.0	-999.9
1696	3.5	-999.9
1697	4.3	-999.9
1698	7.2	-999.9
1699	8.3	-999.9
1700	3.0	-999.9
1701	4.1	-999.9
1702	3.0	-999.9
1703	6.6	-999.9
1704	3.8	-999.9
1705	4.9	-999.9
1706	3.2	-999.9
1707	4.3	-999.9
1708	6.6	-999.9
1709	5.7	-999.9
1710	-999.9	-999.9
1711	-999.9	-999.9
1712	-999.9	-999.9
1713	6.3	-999.9
1714	5.2	-999.9
1715	5.4	-999.9
1716	4.6	-999.9
1717	8.0	-999.9
1718	6.9	-999.9
1719	6.9	-999.9
1720	3.5	-999.9
1721	8.9	-999.9
1722	7.4	-999.9
1723	6.3	-999.9
1724	7.7	-999.9
1725	5.7	-999.9
1726	3.0	-999.9
1727	4.1	-999.9
1728	6.3	-999.9
1729	6.0	-999.9
1730	-999.9	-999.9
1731	6.3	-999.9
1732	5.2	-999.9
1733	5.4	-999.9
1734	6.9	-999.9
1735	7.2	-999.9
1736	5.7	-999.9
1737	9.6	-999.9
1738	7.2	-999.9
1739	4.6	-999.9
1740	3.2	-999.9
1741	4.9	-999.9
1742	4.9	-999.9
1743	5.2	-999.9
1744	8.0	-999.9
1745	6.0	-999.9
1746	4.6	-999.9
1747	7.2	-999.9
1748	8.6	-999.9
1749	7.4	-999.9
1750	4.6	-999.9
1751	6.6	-999.9
1752	4.6	-999.9
1753	8.6	-999.9
1754	3.2	-999.9
1755	2.0	-999.9
1756	4.9	-999.9
1757	4.1	-999.9
1758	7.2	-999.9
1759	4.9	-999.9
1760	6.6	-999.9
1761	10.8	-999.9
1762	5.7	-999.9
1763	4.1	-999.9
1764	8.0	-999.9
1765	5.7	-999.9
1766	3.8	-999.9
1767	7.2	-999.9
1768	2.7	-999.9
1769	-999.9	-999.9
1770	6.0	-999.9
1771	6.3	-999.9
1772	5.7	-999.9
1773	7.4	-999.9
1774	4.6	-999.9
1775	7.7	-999.9
1776	5.2	-999.9
1777	6.3	-999.9
1778	4.3	-999.9
1779	8.6	-999.9
1780	4.9	-999.9
1781	10.2	-999.9
1782	4.9	-999.9
1783	6.6	-999.9
1784	6.0	-999.9
1785	5.2	-999.9
1786	5.7	-999.9
1787	6.0	-999.9
1788	4.9	-999.9
1789	5.7	-999.9
1790	2.2	-999.9
1791	7.7	-999.9
1792	7.2	-999.9
1793	5.7	-999.9
1794	6.3	-999.9
1795	3.8	-999.9
1796	6.6	-999.9
1797	8.3	-999.9
1798	4.6	-999.9
1799	6.6	-999.9
1800	6.6	-999.9
1801	6.0	-999.9
1802	8.6	-999.9
1803	4.6	-999.9
1804	6.3	-999.9
1805	9.6	-999.9
1806	3.5	-999.9
1807	3.0	-999.9
1808	8.0	-999.9
1809	5.4	-999.9
1810	7.4	-999.9
1811	4.6	-999.9
1812	2.0	-999.9
1813	5.4	-999.9
1814	3.8	-999.9
1815	4.3	-999.9
1816	6.6	-999.9
1817	4.6	-999.9
1818	5.7	-999.9
1819	5.7	-999.9
1820	8.9	-999.9
1821	4.9	-999.9
1822	6.9	-999.9
1823	5.7	-999.9
1824	5.2	-999.9
1825	3.5	-999.9
1826	4.9	-999.9
1827	7.4	-999.9
1828	3.8	-999.9
1829	4.1	-999.9
1830	6.0	-999.9
1831	3.5	-999.9
1832	3.8	-999.9
1833	5.4	-999.9
1834	4.3	-999.9
1835	4.1	-999.9
1836	4.1	-999.9
1837	4.3	-999.9
1838	4.9	-999.9
1839	2.0	-999.9
1840	6.0	-999.9
1841	5.4	-999.9
1842	8.6	-999.9
1843	5.7	-999.9
1844	5.7	-999.9
1845	6.9	-999.9
1846	8.0	-999.9
1847	5.4	-999.9
1848	6.9	-999.9
1849	7.4	-999.9
1850	4.9	-999.9
1851	6.9	-999.9
1852	3.8	-999.9
1853	6.9	-999.9
1854	6.9	-999.9
1855	7.2	-999.9
1856	3.8	-999.9
1857	5.2	-999.9
1858	-999.9	-999.9
1859	4.6	-999.9
1860	3.2	-999.9
1861	6.9	-999.9
1862	2.7	-999.9
1863	2.5	-999.9
1864	6.0	-999.9
1865	8.6	-999.9
1866	6.9	-999.9
1867	7.2	-999.9
1868	-999.9	-999.9
1869	3.8	-999.9
1870	6.3	-999.9
1871	-999.9	-999.9
1872	-999.9	-999.9
1873	-999.9	-999.9
1874	-999.9	-999.9
1875	-999.9	-999.9
1876	-999.9	-999.9
1877	6.3	-999.9
1878	-999.9	-999.9
1879	6.9	-999.9
1880	4.6	-999.9
1881	4.1	4.7
1882	8.3	5.5
1883	5.4	5.6
1884	4.9	5.7
1885	3.8	3.7
1886	5.2	7.1
1887	4.9	5.3
1888	5.4	7.5
1889	4.9	6.6
1890	8.0	8.6
1891	7.7	7.8
1892	3.2	4.7
1893	4.9	5.0
1894	8.0	7.5
1895	-999.9	6.8
1896	5.7	4.6
1897	5.7	6.2
1898	5.2	5.4
1899	7.7	7.1
1900	6.9	5.2
1901	6.9	5.2
1902	8.0	7.8
1903	7.7	8.5
1904	5.2	6.3
1905	6.0	6.4
1906	6.0	6.6
1907	6.6	5.4
1908	6.9	6.2
1909	5.2	5.6
1910	6.3	4.7
1911	8.0	7.7
1912	6.0	7.0
1913	6.6	4.6
1914	6.9	9.0
1915	6.9	5.6
1916	4.1	4.9
1917	6.6	6.1
1918	6.3	6.5
1919	-999.9	7.5
1920	6.3	7.2
1921	-999.9	5.3
1922	7.2	5.8
1923	8.3	8.1
1924	4.3	4.0
1925	5.2	5.3
1926	5.2	5.4
1927	5.4	6.1
1928	5.4	6.4
1929	6.6	5.9
1930	8.9	8.3
1931	6.0	6.7
1932	6.0	5.8
1933	5.7	5.2
1934	6.3	5.5
1935	6.9	6.8
1936	4.3	4.5
1937	7.4	7.3
1938	8.0	9.0
1939	6.3	6.8
1940	4.6	6.3
1941	7.4	7.7
1942	-999.9	9.9
1943	-999.9	6.1
1944	-999.9	5.7
1945	-999.9	6.6
1946	8.3	6.1
1947	5.4	5.4
1948	6.9	6.4
1949	5.4	5.5
1950	7.7	6.8
1951	8.0	7.4
1952	6.0	6.8
1953	7.2	8.6
1954	8.0	7.6
1955	8.3	8.9
1956	7.7	8.3
1957	6.6	5.2
1958	7.7	7.5
1959	9.9	9.0
1960	8.9	8.9
1961	7.7	8.0
1962	6.9	7.3
1963	7.2	7.0
1964	7.7	6.6
1965	4.6	5.5
1966	8.3	8.5
1967	8.3	7.7
1968	7.7	8.0
1969	7.2	6.9
1970	5.4	5.0
1971	8.0	7.4
1972	7.7	8.8
1973	8.3	7.8
1974	7.7	7.0
1975	7.4	7.4
1976	7.7	7.9
1977	9.6	8.7
1978	6.3	7.6
1979	8.3	8.0
1980	6.9	7.3
1981	7.7	8.3
1982	9.6	8.6
1983	7.7	7.8
1984	4.9	5.1
1985	7.7	8.5
1986	6.9	7.6
1987	8.9	8.2
1988	5.7	7.3
1989	9.6	8.2
1990	11.2	9.3
1991	8.3	9.4
1992	9.3	9.7
1993	8.3	7.6
1994	7.7	7.1
1995	7.7	8.6
1996	6.6	7.7
1997	8.3	9.3
1998	10.2	9.7
1999	9.3	9.9
2000	7.4	7.5
2001	8.6	8.6
2002	10.2	10.3
2003	8.0	7.3
2004	9.9	9.1
2005	7.7	7.7