Filenames for the PMIP data contain the modelname, the age of the model, the variable name(which are explained below) and a two letter code indicating the type of data. These codes are as follows: ca = Annual values cm = Monthly values cs = Seasonal values va = Annual variances vm = Monthly variances vs = Seasonal variances Examples: - GFDL file from 21KYRBP containing cloud% annual variances. - MSU model run from 6KYRBP containing Surface Net Longwave Radiation seasonal values. Here is a list of Variables for the PMIP Climate Models. Name Units Title Notes orog m Surface Elevation sftland % Percentage Land % of grid cell that is land rsdt W/(m**2) Top Of Atmosphere(TOA) Incident Shortwave Radiation insolation (+ down) rsut W/(m**2) TOA Reflected Shortwave Radiation + up rlt W/(m**2) TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation + up rsds W/(m**2) Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation + down rsus W/(m**2) Surface Reflected Shortwave Radiation + up rls W/(m**2) Surface Net Longwave Radiation + down hfss W/(m**2) Surface Sensible Heat Flux + down hfls W/(m**2) Surface Latent Heat Flux + down pr mm/day Total Precipitation include liquid & solid phase, convective & large scale precip prsnwe mm/day Snowfall (Liquid Water Equivalent) include both convective & large scale evs mm/day Surface Evaporation include both evaporation & sublimation tas C Surface Air Temperature 2-meter screen temp tg C Ground Temperature skin temperature pmsl hPa Mean Sea Level Pressure usfc m/s Eastward Surface Wind Speed at 10 m vsfc m/s Northward Surface Wind Speed at 10 m clt % Total Cloudiness % of atmospheric column covered by clouds clw g/(m**2) Cloud Water Content -if available rltcs W/(m**2) TOA Outgoing Longwave Clear Sky Radiation Method II; + up rstcs W/(m**2) TOA Net Shortwave Clear Sky Radiation (net=incident-reflected) + down rlscs W/(m**2) Surface Net Longwave Clear Sky Radiation Method II; + down rsdscs W/(m**2) Surface Incident Shortwave Clear Sky Radiation Method II; + down rsuscs W/(m**2) Surface Reflected Shortwave Clear Sky Radiation Method II; + up NOTE: Method II for calculating clear-sky fluxes is the normal procedure used in model-model intercomparisons (see, for example, Cess, R.D. and G.L. Potter, 1987: Exploratory studies of cloud radiative forcing with a general circulation model. Tellus, 39A, 460-473) The clear-sky fluxes are computed during each sampling interval and then time-averaged (without weighting by cloud fraction).