subroutine sedout (is, ie, js, je) #if defined O_sed !======================================================================= ! output routine for sediment model ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, new_file_name character(32) :: nstamp integer ie, is, je, js, ntrec, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin integer nsec real avgper, time, tmp include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "csbc.h" include "grdvar.h" include "levind.h" include "sed.h" include "iounit.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write sediment model diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- # if defined O_time_step_monitor ! accumulate time step integrals call ta_sed_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 1) if (tsits .and. ntatis .ne. 0) then call ta_sed_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 2) time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = time call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call def_tsi call def_tsi_sed (fname) # if defined O_save_carbon_totals ! convert from mol cm-2 s-1 to Pg year-1 tai_cfo2s = (tai_rain_cal - tai_ttrcal)*sedsa*12.e-15 & *yrlen*daylen ! convert from kg s-1 to Pg year-1 tai_cfl2o = tai_weathflx*1.e-12*yrlen*daylen # else tai_cfo2s = 0. tai_cfl2o = 0. # endif # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 ! make output time relative to year 1 time = time - 1. # endif avgper = tsiper*accel if (avgper .le. 1e-6) avgper = 0. # if defined O_save_time_endper tmp = 0. # elif defined O_save_time_startper tmp = 1. # else tmp = 0.5 # endif # if defined O_units_time_years # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time - tmp*avgper/360. # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time - tmp*avgper/365.25 # else time = time - tmp*avgper/365. # endif # else # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time*360. - tmp*avgper # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time*365.25 - tmp*avgper # else time = time*365. - tmp*avgper # endif # endif call sed_tsi_out (fname, avgper, time, stamp, tai_ttrcal &, tai_rain_cal, tai_cal, tai_calmass, tai_calmass_bur &, tai_co3, tai_co3sat, tai_weathflx, tai_rainr, tai_carblith &, tai_cfo2s, tai_cfl2o, ntrec) call ta_sed_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 0) endif # endif # if defined O_time_averages ! accumulate time averages call ta_sed_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 1) if (timavgts .and. ntatss .ne. 0) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write sediment model time averaged data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate average values call ta_sed_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 2) ! write time averaged data time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = time call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call def_tavg call def_tavg_sed (fname) # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 ! make output time relative to year 1 time = time - 1. # endif avgper = timavgper*accel if (avgper .le. 1e-6) avgper = 0. # if defined O_save_time_endper tmp = 0. # elif defined O_save_time_startper tmp = 1. # else tmp = 0.5 # endif # if defined O_units_time_years # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time - tmp*avgper/360. # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time - tmp*avgper/365.25 # else time = time - tmp*avgper/365. # endif # else # if defined O_calendar_360_day time = time*360. - tmp*avgper # elif defined O_calendar_gregorian time = time*365.25 - tmp*avgper # else time = time*365. - tmp*avgper # endif # endif call sed_tavg_out (fname, is, ie, js, je, imt, jmt, xt, yt, xu &, yu, dxt, dyt, dxu, dyu, avgper, time, stamp, ta_ttrcal &, ta_rain_cal, ta_cal, ta_calmass, ta_calmass_bur, ta_co3 &, ta_co3sat, ta_rainr, map_sed, kmt, tlat, tlon, tgarea, ntrec) write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a,a)') '=> Sed time means #' &, ntrec, ' written to ',trim(fname),' on ', stamp ! zero time average accumulators call ta_sed_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 0) endif # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write sediment model restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (restrt) then if (restts) then call def_rest (0) call def_rest_sed (0, fname) call sed_rest_out (fname, is, ie, js, je) endif if (eorun) then call def_rest (1) call def_rest_sed (1, fname) call sed_rest_out (fname, is, ie, js, je) endif endif return end # if defined O_sed && defined O_time_averages subroutine ta_sed_tavg (is, ie, js, je, iflag) !======================================================================= ! sediment data time averaging ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j ! iflag = flag (0 = zero, 1 = accumulate, 2 = write) !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, ie, iflag, ip, is, j, je, js, k real rntatss, rtsed include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "sed.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time averaged data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iflag .eq. 0.) then ! zero ntatss = 0 ta_ttrcal(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_rain_cal(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_cal(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_calmass(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_calmass_bur(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_co3(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_co3sat(is:ie,js:je) = 0. ta_rainr(is:ie,js:je) = 0. elseif (iflag .eq. 1) then ! accumulate ntatss = ntatss + 1 rtsed = 1./dtsed do j=js,je do i=is,ie ip = map_sed(i,j) if (ip .gt. 0) then ! convert fluxes from per dtsed to per second with rtsed ta_ttrcal(i,j) = ta_ttrcal(i,j) + ttrcal(ip)*rtsed ta_rain_cal(i,j) = ta_rain_cal(i,j) & + rain_cal_p(ip)*rtsed ta_cal(i,j) = ta_cal(i,j) + calgg(kmax,ip) ta_calmass(i,j) = ta_calmass(i,j) & + calgg(kmax,ip)*sed_ml_mass(ip) do k=1,ibmax ta_calmass_bur(i,j) = ta_calmass_bur(i,j) & + buried_mass(k,ip) & *buried_calfrac(k,ip) enddo ta_co3(i,j) = ta_co3(i,j) + co3_p(ip) ta_co3sat(i,j) = ta_co3sat(i,j) + csat(ip) ta_rainr(i,j) = ta_rainr(i,j) + rain_cal_p(ip) & /(rain_org_p(ip) + 1.e-20) endif enddo enddo elseif (iflag .eq. 2 .and. ntatss .ne. 0) then ! average rntatss = 1./float(ntatss) ta_ttrcal(is:ie,js:je) = ta_ttrcal(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss ta_rain_cal(is:ie,js:je) = ta_rain_cal(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss ta_cal(is:ie,js:je) = ta_cal(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss ! convert from g CaCO3 cm-2 to kg C m-2 (1e4*1e-3*12/100) ta_calmass(is:ie,js:je) = ta_calmass(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss*1.2 ! convert from g CaCO3 cm-2 to kg C m-2 (1e4*1e-3*12/100) ta_calmass_bur(is:ie,js:je) = ta_calmass_bur(is:ie,js:je) & *rntatss*1.2 ta_co3(is:ie,js:je) = ta_co3(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss ta_co3sat(is:ie,js:je) = ta_co3sat(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss ta_rainr(is:ie,js:je) = ta_rainr(is:ie,js:je)*rntatss endif return end # endif # if defined O_time_step_monitor subroutine ta_sed_tsi (is, ie, js, je, iflag) !======================================================================= ! sediment data time integral averaging ! input: ! is, ie, js, je = starting and ending indicies for i and j ! iflag = flag (0 = zero, 1 = accumulate, 2 = write) !======================================================================= implicit none integer ie, iflag, ip, is, je, js, k real rntatis, tmp, rtsed include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "csbc.h" include "grdvar.h" include "sed.h" real dmsk(imt,jmt), tmpij(imt,jmt), tmpip(ipmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time averaged integrated data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iflag .eq. 0.) then ! zero ntatis = 0 tai_ttrcal = 0. tai_rain_cal = 0. tai_cal = 0. tai_calmass = 0. tai_calmass_bur = 0. tai_co3 = 0. tai_co3sat = 0. tai_weathflx = 0. tai_rainr = 0. tai_carblith = 0. elseif (iflag .eq. 1) then ! accumulate ntatis = ntatis + 1 dmsk(:,:) = 0. tmpip(:) = 0. where (map_sed(is:ie,js:je) .gt. 0.) dmsk(:,:) = 1. rtsed = 1./dtsed ! convert fluxes from per dtsed to per second with rtsed tmpip(1:ipmax) = ttrcal(1:ipmax) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_ttrcal = tai_ttrcal + tmp*rtsed tmpip(1:ipmax) = rain_cal_p(1:ipmax) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_rain_cal = tai_rain_cal + tmp*rtsed ! proportion to percent tmpip(1:ipmax) = calgg(kmax,1:ipmax) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_cal = tai_cal + tmp do ip=1,ipsed tmpip(ip) = calgg(kmax,ip)*sed_ml_mass(ip) enddo call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areatot (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) ! convert from g CaCO3 to kg C (1e-3*12/100) tai_calmass = tai_calmass + tmp*12.e-5 tmpip(:) = 0. do k=1,ibmax do ip=1,ipsed tmpip(ip) = tmpip(ip)+buried_mass(k,ip)*buried_calfrac(k,ip) enddo enddo call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areatot (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) ! convert from g CaCO3 to kg C (1e-3*12/100) tai_calmass_bur = tai_calmass_bur + tmp*12.e-5 tmpip(1:ipmax) = co3_p(1:ipmax) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_co3 = tai_co3 + tmp tmpip(1:ipmax) = csat(1:ipmax) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_co3sat = tai_co3sat + tmp ! convert umol C s-1 to kg C s-1 tai_weathflx = tai_weathflx + weathflx*12.e-9 ! convert umol to Pg tai_carblith = tai_carblith + carblith*12.e-21 tmpip(1:ipmax) = rain_cal_p(1:ipmax) & /(rain_org_p(1:ipmax) + 1.e-20) call unloadsed (ipmax, tmpip, imt, jmt, map_sed, tmpij) call areaavg (tmpij, dmsk, tmp) tai_rainr = tai_rainr + tmp elseif (iflag .eq. 2 .and. ntatis .ne. 0) then ! average rntatis = 0. if (ntatis .gt. 0.) rntatis = 1./float(ntatis) tai_ttrcal = tai_ttrcal*rntatis tai_rain_cal = tai_rain_cal*rntatis tai_cal = tai_cal*rntatis tai_calmass = tai_calmass*rntatis tai_calmass_bur = tai_calmass_bur*rntatis tai_co3 = tai_co3*rntatis tai_co3sat = tai_co3sat*rntatis tai_weathflx = tai_weathflx*rntatis tai_carblith = tai_carblith*rntatis tai_rainr = tai_rainr*rntatis endif return end # endif !======================================================================= subroutine unloadsed (kd, dk, id, jd, map, dij) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! load 1d sediment array into 2d array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, id, j, jd, k, kd, map(id,jd) real dk(kd), dij(id,jd) dij(:,:) = 0. dij(:,:) = 0. do j=1,jd do i=1,id k = map(i,j) if (k .ge. 1 .and. k .le. kd) dij(i,j) = dk(k) enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine loadsed (kd, dk, id, jd, map, dij) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! load 2d array into 1d sediment array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, id, j, jd, k, kd, map(id,jd) real dk(kd), dij(id,jd) dk(:) = 0. do j=1,jd do i=1,id k = map(i,j) if (k .ge. 1 .and. k .le. kd) dk(k) = dij(i,j) enddo enddo #endif return end