cembm.h:! co2ccn = atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppmv) cembm.h:! c14ccn = atmospheric C14 concentration (ppmv) cembm.h:! dc14ccn = atmospheric dC14 concentration (permil) cembm.h:! dc14ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h:! dc14ccne = equatorial atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h:! dc14ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h:! c13ccn = atmospheric C13 concentration (ppmv) cembm.h:! dc13ccn = atmospheric dC13 concentration (permil) cembm.h:! cfc11ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration cembm.h:! cfc11ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration cembm.h:! cfc12ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration cembm.h:! cfc12ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration cembm.h:! tai_co2ccn = average integrated CO2 concentration cembm.h:! tai_dc14ccn = average integrated dC14 concentration cembm.h:! tai_dc13ccn = average integrated dC13 concentration cembm.h:! tai_cfc11ccn = average integrated CFC11 concentration cembm.h:! tai_cfc12ccn = average integrated CFC12 concentration cembm.h~:! co2ccn = atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppmv) cembm.h~:! c14ccn = atmospheric C14 concentration (ppmv) cembm.h~:! dc14ccn = atmospheric dC14 concentration (permil) cembm.h~:! dc14ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h~:! dc14ccne = equatorial atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h~:! dc14ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration cembm.h~:! cfc11ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration cembm.h~:! cfc11ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration cembm.h~:! cfc12ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration cembm.h~:! cfc12ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration cembm.h~:! tai_co2ccn = average integrated CO2 concentration cembm.h~:! tai_dc14ccn = average integrated dC14 concentration cembm.h~:! tai_cfc11ccn = average integrated CFC11 concentration cembm.h~:! tai_cfc12ccn = average integrated CFC12 concentration co2calc.F:! - Thus, all input concentrations (dic_in, ta_in, pt_in, and st_in) co2calc.F:! Calculate concentrations for borate, sulfate, and fluoride co2data.F:! (approximate CO2 concentration divided by climate sensitivity) cpts.F: real arate ! rate ice concentration is melting laterally (s) cpts.F: real DAice ! change in concentration from lateral melt cpts.F:! concentration that melts laterally per ice conc csbc.h:! issdic = sea surface concentration of dic (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! issdic13 = sea surface concentration of dic13 (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! issalk = sea surface concentration of alkalinity (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! isso2 = sea surface concentration of oxygen (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! isspo4 = sea surface concentration of phosphate (nmol cm-3) csbc.h:! issdop = sea surface concentration of dop (nmol cm-3) csbc.h:! issphyt = sea surface concentration of phytoplankton (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! isszoop = sea surface concentration of zooplankton (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdetr = sea surface concentration of detritus (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdetrfe = sea surface concentration of particualte Fe (nmol Fe cm-3) csbc.h:! issno3 = sea surface concentration of nitrate (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdfe = sea surface concentration of iron (nmol Fe cm-3) csbc.h:! issdon = sea surface concentration of don (nmol cm-3) csbc.h:! issdiaz = sea surface concentration of diazotraphs (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdin15 = sea surface concentration of nitrate 15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdon15 = sea surface concentration of don 15 (nmol cm-3) csbc.h:! issphytn15 = sea surface concentration of phytoplankton n15 csbc.h:! isszoopn15 = sea surface concentration of zooplankton n15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdetrn15 = sea surface concentration of detritus n15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdiazn15 = sea surface concentration of diazotraphs (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issphytc13= sea surface concentration of phytc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! isszoopc13= sea surface concentration of zoopc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issdetrc13= sea surface concentration of detrc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h:! issc14 = sea surface concentration of carbon 14 (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! isscfc11 = sea surface concentration of cfc11 (umol cm-3) csbc.h:! isscfc12 = sea surface concentration of cfc12 (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdic = sea surface concentration of dic (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdic13 = sea surface concentration of dic13 (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issalk = sea surface concentration of alkalinity (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! isso2 = sea surface concentration of oxygen (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! isspo4 = sea surface concentration of phosphate (nmol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdop = sea surface concentration of dop (nmol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issphyt = sea surface concentration of phytoplankton (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! isszoop = sea surface concentration of zooplankton (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdetr = sea surface concentration of detritus (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issno3 = sea surface concentration of nitrate (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdon = sea surface concentration of don (nmol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdiaz = sea surface concentration of diazotraphs (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdin15 = sea surface concentration of nitrate 15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdon15 = sea surface concentration of don 15 (nmol cm-3) csbc.h~:! issphytn15 = sea surface concentration of phytoplankton n15 csbc.h~:! isszoopn15 = sea surface concentration of zooplankton n15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdetrn15 = sea surface concentration of detritus n15 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdiazn15 = sea surface concentration of diazotraphs (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issphytc13= sea surface concentration of phytc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! isszoopc13= sea surface concentration of zoopc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issdetrc13= sea surface concentration of detrc13 (nmol P cm-3) csbc.h~:! issc14 = sea surface concentration of carbon 14 (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! isscfc11 = sea surface concentration of cfc11 (umol cm-3) csbc.h~:! isscfc12 = sea surface concentration of cfc12 (umol cm-3) embm_tsi.F: &, 'F', 'global average CO2 concentration', ' ','ppm') embm_tsi.F: &, 'global average delta C13 concentration', ' ','permil') embm_tsi.F: &, 'global average delta C14 concentration', ' ','permil') embm_tsi.F: &, 'F', 'global average CFC11 concentration', ' ','ppt') embm_tsi.F: &, 'F', 'global average CFC12 concentration', ' ','ppt') embm_tsi.F~: &, 'F', 'global average CO2 concentration', ' ','ppm') embm_tsi.F~: &, 'global average delta C14 concentration', ' ','permil') embm_tsi.F~: &, 'F', 'global average CFC11 concentration', ' ','ppt') embm_tsi.F~: &, 'F', 'global average CFC12 concentration', ' ','ppt') gasbc.F:! set co2 concentration or emissions by tracking average co2 gasbc.F:! set c14 concentration gasbc.F:! set CFC concentration gasbc.F:! oxygen saturation concentration [mol/m^3] gasbc.F:! cfc saturation concentration [mol/m^3] gasbc.F:! cfc saturation concentration [mol/m^3] gasbc.F~:! set co2 concentration or emissions by tracking average co2 gasbc.F~:! set c14 concentration gasbc.F~:! set CFC concentration gasbc.F~:! oxygen saturation concentration [mol/m^3] gasbc.F~:! cfc saturation concentration [mol/m^3] gasbc.F~:! cfc saturation concentration [mol/m^3] mom_tavg.F: &, 'free iron concentration', ' ', 'mol Fe m-3') mtlm_data.h:! NL0 = Top leaf nitrogen concentration (kg N/kg C). mtlm_data.h:! NR_NL = Ratio of root nitrogen concentration to leaf nitrogen mtlm_data.h:! concentration. mtlm_data.h:! NS_NL = Ratio of stem nitrogen concentration to leaf nitrogen mtlm_data.h:! concentration. mtlm.F:! V_ROOT = Liquid volumetric soil moisture concentration in the mtlm.F:! V_SAT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration at saturation mtlm.F:! V_WILT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration below which stomata mtlm.F:! V_CRIT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration above which mtlm.F:! VSAT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration at saturation mtlm.F:! VWILT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration below which mtlm.F~:! V_ROOT = Liquid volumetric soil moisture concentration in the mtlm.F~:! V_SAT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration at saturation mtlm.F~:! V_WILT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration below which stomata mtlm.F~:! V_CRIT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration above which mtlm.F~:! VSAT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration at saturation mtlm.F~:! VWILT = Volumetric soil moisture concentration below which mtlm_state.F:! THETA_SAT = IN Saturated volumetric soil moisture concentration npzd.h:! fe_dissolved = dissolved iron concentration npzd.h:! lig = Ligand concentration [mmol/m^3] npzd.h:! o2min = Minimum O2 concentration for aerobic respiration [mmolO_2/m^3] npzd.h~:! fe_dissolved = dissolved iron concentration npzd_src.F: lig = 1.5e-3 ! Ligand concentration [mmol/m^3] npzd_src.F: o2min = 5. ! Minimum O2 concentration for aerobic respiration [mmolO_2/m^3] npzd_src.F:! limit oxygen consumption below concentrations of npzd_src.F~:! limit oxygen consumption below concentrations of sed_tsi.F: &, 'global average sediment surface CO3 concentration', ' ' setembm.F:! read CO2 concentration from data