subroutine co2emitdata #if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient !======================================================================= ! routine to read and interpolate one dimensional forcing data !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, name, new_file_name, text integer iou, n, ln, ib(10), ic(10) logical inqvardef, exists real dat(3,2), data_time, tim(3), wt1, wt3 real, allocatable :: data(:,:), time(:) save dat, data, ln, tim, time include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "cembm.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" name = "" if (.not. allocated (time)) then fname = new_file_name (name) inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Error: ", trim(fname), " does not exist." stop 'co2emitdata' else call openfile (fname, iou) call getdimlen ('time', iou, ln) allocate ( time(ln) ) allocate ( data(ln,2) ) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = ln call getvara ('time', iou, ln, ib, ic, time, c1, c0) text = 'years' call getatttext (iou, 'time', 'units', text) if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen - 1. if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 0-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen if (trim(text) .eq. "years since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:) - 1. exists = inqvardef('F_co2efuel', iou) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Warning: F_co2efuel data does not exist." data(:,1) = 0. else call getvara ('F_co2efuel', iou, ln, ib, ic, data(:,1) &, c1, c0) endif exists = inqvardef(trim('F_co2eland'), iou) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Warning: F_co2eland data does not exist." data(:,2) = 0. else call getvara ('F_co2eland', iou, ln, ib, ic, data(:,2) &, c1, c0) endif endif tim(:) = time(1) dat(:,1) = data(1,1) dat(:,2) = data(1,2) endif # if defined O_co2emit_data_transient data_time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), data_time)) # else tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), co2_yr)) # endif if (tim(2) .le. time(1)) then dat(2,1) = data(1,1) dat(2,2) = data(1,2) elseif (tim(2) .ge. time(ln)) then dat(2,1) = data(ln,1) dat(2,2) = data(ln,2) else if (tim(2) .gt. tim(3)) then do n=2,ln if (time(n-1) .le. tim(2) .and. time(n) .ge. tim(2)) then tim(1) = time(n-1) dat(1,1) = data(n-1,1) dat(1,2) = data(n-1,2) tim(3) = time(n) dat(3,1) = data(n,1) dat(3,2) = data(n,2) endif enddo endif wt1 = 1. if (tim(3) .ne. tim(1)) wt1 = (tim(3)-tim(2))/(tim(3)-tim(1)) wt1 = max(0., min(1., wt1)) wt3 = 1. - wt1 dat(2,1) = dat(1,1)*wt1 + dat(3,1)*wt3 dat(2,2) = dat(1,2)*wt1 + dat(3,2)*wt3 endif ! convert flux from kg s-1 to g cm-2 s-1 co2emit_fuel = dat(2,1)*1.e3/atmsa co2emit_land = dat(2,2)*1.e3/atmsa # if defined O_co2emit_data_fuel && !defined O_co2emit_data_land co2emit = co2emit_fuel # elif defined O_co2emit_data_land && !defined O_co2emit_data_fuel co2emit = co2emit_land # else co2emit = co2emit_fuel + co2emit_land # endif #endif return end subroutine co2ccndata #if defined O_co2ccn_data || defined O_co2ccn_data_transient || defined O_co2emit_track_co2 || defined O_co2emit_track_co2_transient !======================================================================= ! routine to read and interpolate one dimensional forcing data !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, name, new_file_name, text integer iou, n, ln, ib(10), ic(10) logical inqvardef, exists, track real avg_co2, dat(3), data_time, pk, tim(3), wt1, wt3, fa real, allocatable :: data(:), time(:) save dat, data, ln, tim, time include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "cembm.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" include "atm.h" # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d real tmp, dmsk(imt,jmt) # endif ! fa is used in converting g carbon cm-2 => ppmv CO2 ! 4.138e-7 => 12e-6 g/umol carbon / 29 g/mol air fa = 1./(4.138e-7*rhoatm*shc) track = .false. # if defined O_co2emit_track_co2 && !defined O_co2emit_track_sat ! response timescale pk = 1.0/(float(ntrack_co2)/4.) # endif if (.not. allocated (time)) then # if defined O_co2emit_track_co2 name = "" # else name = "" # endif fname = new_file_name (name) inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Error: ", trim(fname), " does not exist." stop '=>co2ccn' else call openfile (fname, iou) call getdimlen ('time', iou, ln) allocate ( time(ln) ) allocate ( data(ln) ) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = ln call getvara ('time', iou, ln, ib, ic, time, c1, c0) text = 'years' call getatttext (iou, 'time', 'units', text) if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen - 1. if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 0-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen if (trim(text) .eq. "years since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:) - 1. exists = inqvardef('A_co2', iou) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Warning: A_co2 data does not exist." else call getvara ('A_co2', iou, ln, ib, ic, data, c1, c0) endif endif tim(:) = time(1) dat(:) = data(1) endif # if defined O_co2ccn_data_transient || defined O_co2emit_track_co2_transient data_time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), data_time)) # else tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), co2_yr)) # endif if (tim(2) .le. time(1)) then dat(2) = data(1) elseif (tim(2) .ge. time(ln)) then dat(2) = data(ln) else if (tim(2) .gt. tim(3)) then do n=2,ln if (time(n-1) .le. tim(2) .and. time(n) .ge. tim(2)) then tim(1) = time(n-1) dat(1) = data(n-1) tim(3) = time(n) dat(3) = data(n) endif enddo endif wt1 = 1. if (tim(3) .ne. tim(1)) wt1 = (tim(3)-tim(2))/(tim(3)-tim(1)) wt1 = max(0., min(1., wt1)) wt3 = 1. - wt1 dat(2) = dat(1)*wt1 + dat(3)*wt3 endif # if defined O_co2emit_track_co2 itrack_co2 = itrack_co2 + 1 if (itrack_co2 .gt. ntrack_co2) itrack_co2 = 1 # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ico2), dmsk, tmp) co2ccn = tai_co2ccn + tmp # endif track_co2(itrack_co2) = co2ccn avg_co2 = 0. track = .true. do n=1,ntrack_co2 if (track_co2(n) .ge. 1.e20) track = .false. avg_co2 = avg_co2 + track_co2(n) enddo avg_co2 = avg_co2/ntrack_co2 # if !defined O_co2emit_track_sat if (track) then ! use simple proportional cotrol co2emit = pk*(dat(2) - avg_co2)/(segtim*daylen*fa) endif # endif # endif # if defined O_co2emit_track_sat # if defined O_co2emit_track_co2 ! no tracking if "track_co2_co2emit && track_sat_co2emit" track = .false. # else track = .true. do n=1,ntrack_sat if (track_sat(n) .ge. 1.e20) track = .false. enddo # endif # endif # if defined O_co2ccn_data || defined O_co2ccn_data_transient # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (at(1,1,1,ico2), dmsk, tmp) at(:,:,1,ico2) = at(:,:,1,ico2) + dat(2) - tmp call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ico2), dmsk, tmp) at(:,:,2,ico2) = at(:,:,2,ico2) + dat(2) - tmp # endif co2ccn = dat(2) # else if (.not. track) then # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (at(1,1,1,ico2), dmsk, tmp) at(:,:,1,ico2) = at(:,:,1,ico2) + dat(2) - tmp call areaavg (at(1,1,2,ico2), dmsk, tmp) at(:,:,2,ico2) = at(:,:,2,ico2) + dat(2) - tmp # endif co2ccn = dat(2) endif # endif #endif return end subroutine satdata #if defined O_co2emit_track_sat || defined O_co2emit_track_sat_transient || defined O_embm_vcs !======================================================================= ! routine to read and interpolate one dimensional forcing data !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, name, new_file_name, text integer iou, n, ln, ib(10), ic(10) logical inqvardef, exists, track real avg_sat, dat(3), data_time, fa, pk, tim(3) real tmp, wt1, wt3 real, allocatable :: data(:), time(:) save dat, data, ln, tim, time include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "calendar.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" # if defined O_landice_data # if defined O_ice_cpts include "cpts.h" # endif include "ice.h" # endif include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" real dmsk(imt,jmt), sat(imt,jmt) # if defined O_co2emit_track_sat || defined O_co2emit_track_sat_transient ! fa is used in converting g carbon cm-2 => ppmv CO2 ! 4.138e-7 => 12e-6 g/umol carbon / 29 g/mol air fa = 1./(4.138e-7*rhoatm*shc) ! temperature to CO2 conversion divided by response time scale ! (approximate CO2 concentration divided by climate sensitivity) pk = 300./3.0/(float(ntrack_sat)/4.) track = .true. if (.not. allocated (time)) then name = "" fname = new_file_name (name) inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Error: ", trim(fname), " does not exist." stop '=>satdata' else call openfile (fname, iou) call getdimlen ('time', iou, ln) allocate ( time(ln) ) allocate ( data(ln) ) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = ln call getvara ('time', iou, ln, ib, ic, time, c1, c0) text = 'years' call getatttext (iou, 'time', 'units', text) if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen - 1. if (trim(text) .eq. "days since 0-1-1") & time(:) = time(:)/yrlen if (trim(text) .eq. "years since 1-1-1") & time(:) = time(:) - 1. exists = inqvardef('A_sat', iou) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Warning: A_sat data does not exist." else call getvara ('A_sat', iou, ln, ib, ic, data, c1, c0) text = "C" call getatttext (iou, 'A_sat', 'units', text) ! convert to model units (C) if (trim(text) .eq. "K") & where (data(:) .lt. 1.e30) data(:) = data(:) - 273.15 endif endif tim(:) = time(1) dat(:) = data(1) endif # if defined O_co2emit_track_sat_transient data_time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), data_time)) # else tim(2) = min(time(ln), max(time(1), co2_yr)) # endif if (tim(2) .le. time(1)) then dat(2) = data(1) elseif (tim(2) .ge. time(ln)) then dat(2) = data(ln) else if (tim(2) .gt. tim(3)) then do n=2,ln if (time(n-1) .le. tim(2) .and. time(n) .ge. tim(2)) then tim(1) = time(n-1) dat(1) = data(n-1) tim(3) = time(n) dat(3) = data(n) endif enddo endif wt1 = 1. if (tim(3) .ne. tim(1)) wt1 = (tim(3)-tim(2))/(tim(3)-tim(1)) wt1 = max(0., min(1., wt1)) wt3 = 1. - wt1 dat(2) = dat(1)*wt1 + dat(3)*wt3 endif # endif sat(:,:) = at(:,:,2,isat) - elev(:,:)*rlapse # if defined O_landice_data & - hicel(:,:,2)*rlapse # endif # if defined O_sealev || defined O_sealev_data & - elev_sealev(:,:)*rlapse # endif dmsk(:,:) = 1. call areaavg (sat, dmsk, tmp) itrack_sat = itrack_sat + 1 if (itrack_sat .gt. ntrack_sat) itrack_sat = 1 track_sat(itrack_sat) = tmp avg_sat = 0. do n=1,ntrack_sat if (track_sat(n) .ge. 1.e10) track = .false. avg_sat = avg_sat + track_sat(n) enddo avg_sat = avg_sat/ntrack_sat # if defined O_co2emit_track_co2 ! no tracking if "track_co2_co2emit && track_sat_co2emit" track = .false. # endif # if defined O_co2emit_track_sat if (track) then ! use simple proportional control co2emit = pk*(dat(2) - avg_sat)/(segtim*daylen*fa) endif # endif #endif return end