GISS MODEL II NINE LAYER PALEOCLIMATE SIMULATIONS There are a number of different modern control runs for the paloeclimate experiments. It is important to be sure that the correct control run is used when evaluating the paleoclimate simulations. 903 is the standard Model II 8x10 18K simulation with Denton and Hughes (1981) ice sheet configuration, sea surface temperatures, and sea ice from CLIMAP (1981), 18K orbital forcing (Berger, 1978), and modern trace gases. The control run for this experiment is 822d. 903b is the Model II 8x10 18K simulation Denton and Hughes (1981) ice sheet configuration, sea surface temperatures, and sea ice from CLIMAP (1981), 18K orbital forcing (Berger, 1978), and CO2 = 200 ppm. This simulation is referred to as LGM-C in the Webb et al. (1997) Nature paper The control run for this experiment is 822d. N021, referred to as LGM-A in the Webb et al. (1997) Nature paper, is a Model II 8x10 18K simulation with Denton and Hughes (1981) ice sheet configuration, 18K orbital forcing (Berger, 1978), CO2 = 315 ppm, and predicted sea surface temperatures using near modern ocean heat transports in a 65 meter mixed layer slab ocean model. The control run for this experiment is b08h N022, referred to as LGM-B in the Webb et al. (1997) Nature paper, is a Model II 8x10 18K simulation with Denton and Hughes (1981) ice sheet configuration, 18K orbital forcing (Berger, 1978), CO2 = 200 ppm, and predicted sea surface temperatures using near modern ocean heat transports in a 65 meter mixed layer slab ocean model. The control run for this experiment is b08h