GISS 11ka abrupt climate change experiment 969a "Cold North Atlantic experiment" (Control Run 822D) GENERAL INFORMATION Published reference describing model and control run Hansen, J., Russell, G., Rind, D., Stone, P., Lacis, A., Lebedeff, S., Reudy, R., and Travis, L., Efficient three-dimensional global models for climate studies, Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 609-662, 1983. Published reference describing experiment This experiment published as "11 kC" (control as "0 kW") in Rind, D., Peteet, D., Broecker, W., McIntyre, A. and Ruddiman, W. The impact of cold North Atlantic sea surface temperatures on climate: implications for the Younger Dryas cooling (11-10k). Climate Dynamics 1, 3-33, 1986. This experiment published as "C" (control as "A") in Overpeck, J.T., Peterson, L.C., Kipp, N. Imbrie, J and Rind D. Climate change in the circum-North Atlantic region during the last deglaciation. Nature 338, p. 553-557, 1989. Version of model run and date run Model II, 19?? Time step(s) for model and submodules 15 minutes for atmosphere 1 hour for surface fluxes Time interval used to store results monthly Seasonal cycle activated yes Diurnal cycle activated yes Interactive surface ocean model (type) none, fixed SSTs Length of model experiment five years control, experiment Number of years in average four years (2-5) experiment three years (3-5) control Solar constant 1367 W/m2 Orbital parameters 11 ka after Berger, 1978 Eccentricity: 0.0195 (0.0167 control) Obliquity: 24.20 (23.44 control) Longitude of perihelion (w): 278.41 (102.04 control) Trace Gas Concentrations CO2 concentration 315 ppm (same as control) CH4 concentration 295 ppm (same as control) N2O 1400 ppm (same as control) Grid description/spatial resolution "8°x10°" (24 latitude by 36 longitude) 7.826°x10° with half grid boxes (3.913°) at each pole (See Postscript file: Vertical resolution 9 layers (1 boundary, 1 stratosphere) Surface elevation modern, with sea-level drop and 11ka land ice Surface type/characterists and fraction 11ka land ice (Denton and Hughes, 1981) vegetation modern, extrapolated to lowered sea level and replaced with ice where specified by Denton and Hughes, 1981 Soil properties specified as function of vegetation (Table 6, Hansen et al., 1983) Specified Fields modern sea surface temperatures, except in region of N. Atlantic north of 25°N, where they were set to CLIMAP 18ka values (CLIMAP, 1981) SUMMARY GLOBAL OUTPUT (MEAN ANNUAL AVERAGES ) Surface air temperature ?? °C (control 13.4) Total precipitable water ?? mm/day (control 3.09) Total cloudiness ?? % (control 51.6) Outgoing long-wave ?? W/m2 (control -50.8) Planetary Albedo ?? % (control 30.5)