GCM Output Data Set: readme.ccm0 file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCES WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTORS: John Kutzbach, Pat Behling, Rich Selin, University of Wisconsin IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 94-025 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Kutzbach, J., 1994, CCMO General Circulation Model Output Data Set. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 94-025. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCES: Kutzbach, J.E., and P.J. Guetter (1986). The influence of changing orbital parameters and surface boundary conditions on climate simulations for the past 18,000 years. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 43(16), 1726-1759. Wright, H.E., J.E. Kutzbach, T. Webb III, W.F. Ruddiman, F.A. Street-Perrott, and P.J. Bartlein, ed. (1993). Global Climates since the Last Glacial Maximum., University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 569 pp. NAME OF DATA SET: CCM0 General Circulation Model Output Data Set UPDATE HISTORY: 8/94 Original Receipt by WDC-A Paleo 4/96 Addition of ASCII Special format files GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 0 -18 KYrBP LIST OF FILES: ccm0 readme (this file), ccm0.variables (variable list), ccmo.experiments (experiment descriptions), and data files by experiment: CJA3.asc.jan, K3D3.asc.jan, K6D3.asc.jan, K9J3.asc.jan, K2F3.asc.jan, KVD3.asc.jan, K8D3.asc.jan, CJL3.asc.jul, K3C3.asc.jul, K6C3.asc.jul, K9K3.asc.jul, K2E3.asc.jul, KVC3.asc.jul, K8C3.asc.jul Also available in the directory /ascii_special_files are ASCII Special Format files. File names are composed of the experiment codes below and the variable codes in file ccm0.variables. DESCRIPTION: Additional info available at http://ccr.meteor.wisc.edu/ CCM0 Experiment Descriptions ORBITAL PERPET. # 90 EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS MONTH DAY AVGS 1 CJA Standard control case Modern Jan 3 2 K3D 3K B.P. 3Kyr BP Jan 3 3 K6D 6K B.P. 6Kyr BP Jan 3 4 K9J 9K B.P., ice sheet over 9Kyr BP Jan 3 Hudson's Bay area 5 K2F 12K B.P., 12K estimated ice 12Kyr BP Jan 3 sheets, SSTs changed, sea-ice boundary at modern position, except in area between North America and Greenland 6 KVD 15K B.P., other boundary 15Kyr BP Jan 3 conditions same as 18K 7 K8D 18K B.P., other boundary 18Kyr BP Jan 3 conditions same as CLIMAP 8 CJL Standard control case Modern Jul 3 9 K3C 3K B.P. 3Kyr BP Jul 3 10 K6C 6K B.P. 6Kyr BP Jul 3 11 K9K 9K B.P., ice sheet over 9Kyr BP Jul 3 Hudson's Bay area 12 K2E 12K B.P., 12K estimated ice 12Kyr BP Jul 3 sheets, SSTs changed, sea-ice boundary at modern position, except in area between North America and Greenland 13 KVC 15K B.P., other boundary 15Kyr BP Jul 3 conditions same as 18K 14 K8C 18K B.P., other boundary 18Kyr BP Jul 3 conditions same as CLIMAP File format: Each data file contains headers and data matrices for 62 output variables for one experiment for one season (i.e. perpetual january or perpetual july). There are 14 lines of header information preceding each data matrix. Each matrix contains a grid consisting of 40 latitudes by 48 longitudes (1920 points). The data starts at the north most point at 180west and proceeds through the 1st latitude for all longitudes, followed by the 2nd latitude for all longitudes, etc. The format is 8e13.6. CCM0 is a 40x48 grid with 7.5 degrees of longitude and about 4.4 degrees of latitude. The following are the gaussian latitudes used for an R15 grid. These latitudes represent the center of the grid box. data gaulat /-86.60,-82.19,-77.76,-73.32,-68.88,-64.43,-60.00, + -55.55,-51.11,-46.66,-42.22,-37.77,-33.33,-28.89, + -24.44,-20.00,-15.55,-11.11, -6.67, -2.22, 2.22, + 6.67, 11.11, 15.55, 20.00, 24.44, 28.89, 33.33, + 37.77, 42.22, 46.66, 51.11, 55.55, 60.00, 64.43, + 68.88, 73.32, 77.76, 82.19, 86.60/