Sheafman Creek - USSHE001 Additional Site Information Emily K. Heyerdahl, Penelope Morgan, James P. Riser II Dating Method: Crossdated Sample Storage Location: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Fire Sciences Lab 5775 West Highway 10 Missoula, MT 59808 stored by Emily K. Heyerdahl (, 406-829-6939) Reference: Heyerdahl, E.K., P. Morgan, and J.P. Riser II. 2008. Multi-season climate synchronized historical fires in dry forests (1650-1900), Northern Rockies, USA. Ecology 89(3): 705-716. Heyerdahl, Emily K.; Morgan, Penelope; Riser, James P., II. 2008. Crossdated fire histories (1650-1900) from ponderosa pine-dominated forests of Idaho and western Montana. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-214WWW. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 83 p. Available from TreeSearch: Abstract: This site is part of a broader project to infer the climate drivers of regional fire years in the US northern Rockies, i.e., Idaho and Montana west of the Continental Divide. We needed a multicentury record of widespread fires across the region to meet the objectives of our broader study and therefore we targeted sites historically dominated or co-dominated by ponderosa pine that historically sustained frequent surface fires. Tree locations were determined using handheld global position system receivers. Injuries in the FHX file include both eroded scars (i.e., ones for which much or all of the overlapping, curled woundwood rings were destroyed by subsequent fires or rot) and abrupt changes in the width of annual rings that were synchronous with fire scars on other trees at this sites. We generally assigned ring-boundary scars to the preceding calendar year at this site. However, for three fires, scars occurred in the earlywood of most trees but on the preceding ring boundary of some. We inferred that the scars in both positions were created by a single fire burning early in the growing season and therefore re-assigned the ring-boundary scars to the following calendar year, in other words, the same year as the earlywood scars. These changes are listed below. Tree, Original_Year, Re-assigned_Year SHE02, 1855, 1856 SHE05, 1855, 1856 SHE11, 1855, 1856 SHE13, 1855, 1856 SHE15, 1855, 1856 SHE16, 1855, 1856 SHE17, 1855, 1856 SHE20, 1855, 1856 SHE21, 1855, 1856 SHE26, 1855, 1856 SHE08, 1888, 1889 SHE10, 1888, 1889 SHE36, 1888, 1889 SHE38, 1888, 1889 SHE42, 1888, 1889 SHE46, 1888, 1889 SHE18, 1664, 1665 SHE43, 1664, 1665 Comments: Samples collected north of the end of forest road 438, on north-northeast facing slope of Sheafman Creek. SHEUNK was collected by Mick Harrington in 2003 and has no location information. Individual Sample Information: (tree ID,number of samples dated,number of scars dated,number of injuries dated,species,live?,UTM-E (NAD27, zone 11),UTM-N (NAD27, zone 11)) SHE01,1,11,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712610,5134987 SHE02,1,11,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712618,5135119 SHE03,1,10,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712633,5135023 SHE04,0,0,0,Pseudotsuga menziesii,live,712584,5135159 SHE05,1,18,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712692,5134998 SHE06,1,15,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712656,5135141 SHE07,1,12,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712692,5135006 SHE08,3,29,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712658,5135128 SHE09,1,4,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712702,5135003 SHE10,1,7,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712658,5135133 SHE11,1,9,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712667,5135029 SHE12,2,20,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712650,5135129 SHE13,1,13,7,Pinus ponderosa,log,712667,5135029 SHE14,2,13,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712732,5135082 SHE15,1,6,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712750,5134963 SHE16,2,14,8,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712733,5135141 SHE17,1,11,0,Pinus ponderosa,live,712873,5134992 SHE18,1,11,1,Pinus ponderosa,snag,712785,5135114 SHE19,1,4,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712862,5135046 SHE20,2,14,4,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712773,5135139 SHE21,1,11,1,Pinus ponderosa,log,712863,5135060 SHE22,1,6,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712777,5135136 SHE24,1,23,2,Pinus ponderosa,snag,712850,5135117 SHE26,1,17,0,Pinus ponderosa,live,712852,5135120 SHE30,1,13,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711806,5134942 SHE31,1,12,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711817,5134973 SHE32,1,9,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711814,5134966 SHE33,1,9,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711863,5134979 SHE34,2,21,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711866,5134977 SHE35,1,8,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711886,5134957 SHE36,1,8,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711888,5134970 SHE37,2,17,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,711847,5134910 SHE38,2,15,6,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712181,5135054 SHE39,1,14,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712205,5135140 SHE40,1,11,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712224,5135117 SHE41,2,13,2,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712225,5135153 SHE42,2,12,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712127,5135003 SHE43,3,21,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712091,5134993 SHE44,1,13,0,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712071,5134981 SHE45,1,6,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712062,5134981 SHE46,1,10,1,Pinus ponderosa,stump,712038,5134978 SHEUNK,1,6,1,Pinus ponderosa,-999,-999,-999 Fire History Graphs: Fire History Graphs illustrate specific years when fires occurred and how many trees were scarred. They are available in both PDF and PNG formats. The graphs consist of 2 parts, both of which show the X axis (time line) at the bottom with the earliest year of information on the left and the latest on the right. The Fire Index Plot is the topmost plot, and shows two variables: sample depth (the number of recording trees in each year) as a blue line along the left Y axis, compared with the percent trees scarred shown as gray bars along the right Y axis. Below, the Fire Chronology Plot consists of horizontal lines representing injuries by year on individual sampled trees. Symbols are overlain that denote the years containing the dendrochronologically-dated fire scars or injuries. The sample ID of each tree is displayed to the right of each line. The Composite Axis below represents the composite information from all individual series. The symbols used to represent the fire scars or injuries, and the filters used to determine the composite information, are shown in the legend. These graphs were created using the Fire History Analysis and Exploration System (FHAES). See for more information.