# Stan fire data from Manzanita High - IMPD USMH-001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/35253 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-fire-35253.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Fire History # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: # #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/firescar/northamerica/usmh-001.fhx # Data_Download_Description: Data - Fire History Exchange File (FHX); Manzanita High Fire Scar Data # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/firescar/northamerica/usmh-001-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Metadata - NOAA Template File; Manzanita High Fire Scar Metadata #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-09-01 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-09-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Stan fire data from Manzanita High - IMPD USMH-001 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Stan,Amanda,B. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # This dataset was contributed as part of the North American Tree-ring Fire Scar Synthesis (NAFSS) project (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/34853). Data were contributed to the project from the original data generators. # # Sample Storage Location: School of Forest Resources, Northern Arizona University # Dating Method: Dated # Related ITRDB_Chronology: Not Applicable # # Fire scar data from this site are available in FHX2 format at: # https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/firescar/northamerica/usmh-001.fhx # along with associated metadata at: # https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/firescar/northamerica/usmh-001-noaa.txt # #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Stan, Amanda B.; Fule, Peter, Z.; Ireland, Kathryn B.;Sanderlin, Jamie S. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014 # Published_Title: Modern fire regime resembles historical fire regime in a ponderosa pine forest on Native American lands # Journal_Name: International Journal of Wildland Fire # Volume: 23 # Edition: # Issue: 5 # Pages: 686--697 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1071/WF13089 # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: # Forests on tribal lands in the western United States have seen the return of low-intensity surface fires for several decades longer than forests on non-tribal lands. We examined the surface fire regime in a ponderosa pine-dominated (Pinus ponderosa) forest on the Hualapai tribal lands in the south-western United States. Using fire-scarred trees, we inferred temporal (frequency and seasonality) and spatial (synchrony) attributes and regulators of the fire regime over three land-use periods (historical, suppression, modern) between 1702 and 2007. Patterns of fire frequency and synchrony were similar, but fire seasonality was dissimilar, between the historical and modern periods. Logistic regression and generalised linear mixed models identified a suite of variables representing fuels, climate and human land uses that were associated with the probability of a site burning. Combined, these results allow for valuable insights regarding past fire spread and variability in fire frequency throughout our study area. In some respects, the current distinct fire regime in our study area, which predominately consists of prescribed fires implemented since the 1960s, resembles the past frequent surface fire regime that occurred here and in similar forest types on non-tribal lands in the south-western United States. Our results will be useful for informing adaptive management throughout the region as climate warms. # #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Manzanita High - IMPD USMH-001 # Location: North America>United States Of America>Arizona # Northernmost_Latitude: 35.8516 # Southernmost_Latitude: 35.8516 # Easternmost_Longitude: -113.1538 # Westernmost_Longitude: -113.1538 # Elevation_m: 2099 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: USMH-001 # First_Year: 1511 # Last_Year: 2007 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: fire scar dates # Notes: #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson # Common_Name: ponderosa pine # Common_Name: western yellow pine # Tree_Species_Code: PIPO # Tree_Species_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/tree-species-code.csv # Tree_Species_Download_Description: List of accepted tree species names and codes. #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Quercus gambelii Nutt. # Common_Name: Gambel oak # Tree_Species_Code: QUGA # Tree_Species_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/tree-species-code.csv # Tree_Species_Download_Description: List of accepted tree species names and codes. #-------------------- # Chronology Information: # Chronology: # #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/PaST-thesaurus/SKOS/past-thesaurus-v1.0.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Short_name what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information # ## age_ce age,,,year Common Era,,FIRE HISTORY;TREE RING,,,N, ## tree_events tree demographic and injury and fire event code,wood,,,,FIRE HISTORY;TREE RING,,,C,FHX2 data format; refer to IMPD documentation for description of codes # #-------------------- # Data: # To access data, use Data_Download_Resource links above.