Crater Lake - USCRA002 Additional Site Information Carl N. Skinner Dating Method: Crossdated Related ITRDB Chronology: CA523.CRN, CA524.CRN, CA555.CRN, OR044.CRN Sample Storage Location: PSW Silviculture Laboratory, Redding, CA Reference: Skinner, Carl N. 2003. Fire regimes of upper montane and subalpine glacial basins in the Klamath Mountains of northern California. Tall Timbers Research Station Miscellaneous Publication 13: 145-151 Mohr, Jerry A.; Whitlock, Cathy; Skinner, Carl N. 2000. Post-glacial vegetation and fire history, eastern Klamath Mountains, California, USA. The Holocene 10: 578-610. Whitlock, Cathy; Skinner, Carl N.; Bartlein, Patrick J.; Minckley, Thomas; Mohr, Jerry A. 2004. Comparison of charcoal and tree-ring records of recent fires in the eastern Klamath Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 2110-2121. Abstract: Our objective was to develop a tree-ring based fire history for the basin to compare to charcoal records extracted from Crater Lake. Comments: Lat & Long are for Crater Lake (China Mountain). The file includes data from three sites (1, 3, and 4) representative of the subalpine forest in the Crater Creek Research Natural Area in the vicinity of Crater Lake. The sample identifiers use the following pattern: Row 1 is the collection site, rows 2-3 are the sample number, rows 4-7 are the species identifier. Plots ranged in size from 1-2 ha. Fire History Graphs: Fire History Graphs illustrate specific years when fires occurred and how many trees were scarred. They are available in both PDF and PNG formats. The graphs consist of 2 parts, both of which show the X axis (time line) at the bottom with the earliest year of information on the left and the latest on the right. The Fire Index Plot is the topmost plot, and shows two variables: sample depth (the number of recording trees in each year) as a blue line along the left Y axis, compared with the percent trees scarred shown as gray bars along the right Y axis. Below, the Fire Chronology Plot consists of horizontal lines representing injuries by year on individual sampled trees. Symbols are overlain that denote the years containing the dendrochronologically-dated fire scars or injuries. The sample ID of each tree is displayed to the right of each line. The Composite Axis below represents the composite information from all individual series. The symbols used to represent the fire scars or injuries, and the filters used to determine the composite information, are shown in the legend. These graphs were created using the Fire History Analysis and Exploration System (FHAES). See for more information.