# Umbanhowar fire data from Sharkey Lake, south-central, Minnesota - IMPD USSKL001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20510 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/usskl001.txt # # Archive: Fire History # # Parameter_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-08-01 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Umbanhowar fire data from Sharkey Lake, Minnesota - IMPD USSKL001 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Umbanhowar, Charles #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: # Provided Keywords: fire, paleoclimate, climate, charcoal #--------------------------------------- Publication # Authors: Camill, P., Umbanhowar, C.E., Jr., Teed, R., Geiss, C.E., Aldinger, J., Dvorak, L., Kenning, J., Limmer, J., and Walkup, K. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Published_Title: Late-glacial and Holocene climatic effects on fire and vegetation dynamics at the prairie-forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota. # Journal_Name: Journal of Ecology # Volume: 91 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 822-836 # Report Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: 1 Treeline ecotones, such as the prairie-forest boundary, represent climatically sensitive regions where the relative abundance of vegetation types is controlled by complex interactions between climate and local factors. Responses of vegetation and fire to climate change may be tightly linked as a result of strong feedbacks among fuel production, vegetation structure and fire frequency/severity, but the importance of these feedbacks for controlling the stability of this ecotone is unclear.; #2 In this study, we examined the prairie-forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota using two lake sediment cores to reconstruct independent records of climate, vegetation and fire over the past 12 500 years. Using pollen, charcoal, sediment magnetic analyses and LOI properties, we investigated whether fires were controlled directly by climate or indirectly by fuel production.; #3 Sediment magnetic and LOI data suggest four broad climatic periods occurring c. 11 350-8250 BP (cool/humid), c. 8250-4250 BP (warm/dry)c. 4250-2450 BP (warm/humid), and c. 2450-0 BP (cool/humid), indicating that, since the mid-Holocene, climate has shifted towards wetter conditions favouring greater in-lake production and fuel production on the landscape.; #4 The area surrounding both lakes was characterized by boreal forest c. 12 500-10 000 BP, changing to an Ulmus-Ostrya forest c. 10 000-9000 BP, changing to a community dominated by prairie (Poaceae-Ambrosia-Artemisia) and deciduous forest taxa c. 8000-4250 BP, and finally shifting to a Quercus-dominated woodland/savanna beginning c. 4250-3000 BP. ; #5 Charcoal influx increased from an average of 0.11-0.62 mm2/cm2/yr during the early Holocene forest period (c . 11 350-8250 BP) to 1.71-3.36 mm2/cm2/yr during the per iod of prairie expansion (c. 8250-4250 BP) and again increased to 4.18-4.90 mm2/cm2/yr at the start of the woodland/savanna period (c. 4250 BP).; #6 As a result of the influence of climate on community composition and fuel productivity, changes in fire severity may be the result and not the cause of shifts in vegetation. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Umbanhowar Jr., C.E., Camill, P., Geiss, C.E., and Teed, R. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2006 # Published_Title: Asymmetric vegetation responses to mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie-forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Volume: 66.1 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 53-66 # Report Number: # DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2006.03.005 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The mid-Holocene (ca. 8000-4000 cal yr BP) was a time of marked aridity throughout much of Minnesota, and the changes due to mid-Holocene aridity are seen as an analog for future responses to global warming. In this study, we compare the transition into (ca. 9000-7000 yr ago) and out of (ca. 5000-2500 yr ago) the mid-Holocene (MH) period at Kimble Pond and Sharkey Lake, located along the prairie forest ecotone in south-central Minnesota, using high resolution (~ 5-36 yr) sampling of pollen, charcoal, sediment magnetic and loss-on-ignition properties. Changes in vegetation were asymmetrical with increasing aridity being marked by a pronounced shift from woodland/forest-dominated landscape to a more open mix of grassland and woodland/savanna. In contrast, at the end of the MH, grassland remained an important component of the landscape despite increasing effective moisture, and high charcoal influxes (median 2.7-4.0 vs. 0.6-1.7 mm2/cm2/yr at start of MH) suggest the role of fire in limiting woodland expansion. Asymmetric vegetation responses, variation among and within proxies, and the near-absence of fire today suggest caution in using changes associated with mid-Holocene aridity at the prairie forest boundary as an analog for future responses to global warming. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Geiss, C.E., Banerjee, S.K., Camill, P., and Umbanhowar Jr., C.E. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2004 # Published_Title: Sediment-magnetic signature of land-use and drought as recorded in lake sediment from south-central Minnesota, USA # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Volume: 62.2 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 117-125 # Report Number: # DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2004.06.009 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Geiss, C.E., Banerjee, S.K., Camill, P., and Umbanhowar Jr., C.E. 2004. Sediment-magnetic signature of land-use and drought as recorded in lake sediment from south-central Minnesota, U.S.A. Quaternary Research, 62: 117-125. # Abstract: Sediment magnetic properties of a short core from Sharkey Lake, MN, record the effects of Euroamerican settlement and climate change over the last 150 yr. The onset of European-style farming led to increased erosion, reflected in high values of concentration-dependent parameters such as magnetic susceptibility (κ), Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM), and Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization (ARM). These high values are only partially due to increased supply of terrigenous material to the lake, and recent sediment contains an additional component of authigenic fine (single-domain) magnetite, most likely magnetosomes from magnetotactic bacteria. High organic productivity in the lake during the 1920s to 1940s drought increased this authigenic component resulting in highly magnetic fine-grained sediment. A comparison with older Holocene sediment from the same lake shows that, over time, most of the fine magnetic signal is lost after deposition, leading to decreases in magnetization and a bimodal grain size distribution of ultrafine, superparamagnetic grains and coarser multidomain particles, evident from measurements of ARM/IRM ratios, hysteresis measurements, and low-temperature analyses. The effects of dissolution and the superposition of climate and land-use signals complicate the use of recent sediments as modern analogs for sediment magnetic analyses. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Geiss, C.E., Umbanhowar, C.E.J., Camill, P., and Banerjee, S.K. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Published_Title: Sediment magnetic properties reveal Holocene climate change along the Minnesota prairie-forest ecotone # Journal_Name: Journal of Paleolimnology # Volume: 30 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 151-166 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1023/A:1025574100319 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We propose a model that explains variations in magnetic parameters of lake sediments as a record of Holocene climate change. Our model is based on records from 4 lakes and incorporates the effects of erosion, dust deposition, and the authigenesis and diagenesis of the magnetic component of the sediment. Once checked against high resolution multi proxy climate records, which are currently being established for some of our study sites, it will allow us to use magnetic proxies to establish high-resolution climate reconstructions on a regional scale.Our model utilizes a combination of concentration-dependent parameters (magnetic susceptibility, IRM) and grain-size-dependent parameters (ARM/IRM, hysteresis parameters). Magnetic mineralogy is characterized by a combination of low-temperature measurements and S-ratios, and our magnetic measurements are complemented by XRD, LOI and smearslide analyses. During periods of forest growth within the watershed, deposition of terrigenous material is low and the sediment magnetic properties are characterized by low concentrations of mainly authigenic minerals (low values of IRM, high ratios of ARM/IRM). During the early to mid-Holocene dry period, deposition of terrigenous material increased due to intensified dust deposition and the erosion of lake margins caused by lowered water levels. Concentration of magnetic minerals increases (high IRM, χ) and so does the grain-size of the magnetic fraction (low ARM/IRM). During the late-Holocene, sediment magnetic properties depend on the varied position of the site with respect to the prairie–forest ecotone. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Sharkey Lake, south-central, MN, USA # Location: Minnesota # Country: USA # Northernmost_Latitude: 44.59261 # Southernmost_Latitude: 44.59261 # Easternmost_Longitude: -93.41329 # Westernmost_Longitude: -93.41329 # Elevation: 308 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: USSKL001-CHAR # First_Year: 13036.875882088 # Last_Year: -33.524531734176 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Any additional species should be entered in Columns C,D, etc. # Common_Name: # Tree_Species_Code: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Short name What Units Data type # ID_DATE_INFO NaN NaN # ID_SITE Site ID NaN C # CORE_NAME Name of core NaN C # AVG_DEPTH (cm) Average depth of aged sample cm N # THICKNESS Thickness of sample cm N # ID_DATE_TYPE NaN NaN C # AGE_CALIB Calibrated age NaN N # AGE_C14 Carbon-14 Age NaN N # ERROR positive/negative error NaN N # LAB_NUM Lab number NaN N # ID_MAT_DATED NaN NaN NaN # ID_COMMENTS NaN NaN C # AGE_BASIS Used for age model? NaN C # # ID_DATE_INFO ID_SITE CORE_NAME AVG_DEPTH (m) THICKNESS ID_DATE_TYPE AGE_CALIB AGE_C14 ERROR LAB_NUM ID_MAT_DATED ID_COMMENTS AGE_BASIS # Sharkey Pond 14.67 4 Top of core -54 # Sharkey Pond 15.69 Ambrosia rise 90 # Sharkey Pond 16.31 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 1420 1530 50 CAMS-83724 charcoal YES # Sharkey Pond 20.013 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 3940 3630 40 CAMS-77858 plant macrofossil YES # Sharkey Pond 23.65 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 5470 4730 60 CAMS-77860 charcoal YES # Sharkey Pond 27.305 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 7434 6528 35 CAMS-90103 charcoal YES # Sharkey Pond 28.655 0.01 Corrected radiocarbon date 7668 6840 50 CAMS-77859 charcoal YES # Sharkey Pond 29.355 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 8870 7995 40 CAMS-90100 plant macrofossil YES # Sharkey Pond 29.71 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 10655 9430 45 CAMS-90101 plant macrofossil YES # Sharkey Pond 29.895 0.04 Corrected radiocarbon date 10831 9510 130 CAMS-90102 plant macrofossil YES # Sharkey Pond 29.94 0.02 Corrected radiocarbon date 12040 10255 45 CAMS-83725 charcoal, plant macrofossil YES # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth-cm Depth,,,cm ,,,,,N ## age-calBP Age,,,calendar years BP,,,,,N ## char>180um Charcoal concentration,wet sediment,,cm2/cm3,,fire history,> 180 um,,N ## vol-wetsed Volume,wet sediment,,ml,,fire history,used for charcoal counts,,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: depth-cm age-calBP char>180um vol-wetsed 1469 -33.5 0.18984127 1.0 1477 -27.4 0 1.0 1485 -21.9 0 1.0 1493 -16.4 0.016870748 1.0 1501 -10.6 0.02185941 1.0 1509 -3.9 0 1.0 1517 3.8 0 1.0 1525 12.8 0.013877551 1.0 1533 23.1 0.022947846 1.0 1541 34.7 0 1.0 1560.5 68.5 7.549252083 1.0 1570.5 104.4 6.688753495 1.0 1580.5 200.1 18.91202214 1.0 1590.5 295.3 3.048975071 1.0 1600.5 389.8 15.91445981 1.0 1610.5 483.8 22.04055404 1.0 1620.5 577.2 16.68476451 1.0 1630.5 670 22.82570634 1.0 1640.5 762.2 10.24609415 1.0 1645.5 808.1 15.8229363 1.0 1655.5 899.4 8.235013873 1.0 1665.5 990.2 17.48465381 1.0 1675.5 1080.4 18.77396122 1.0 1685.5 1169.9 17.76033246 1.0 1695.5 1258.9 25.58360112 1.0 1705.5 1347.4 7.248864312 1.0 1715.5 1435.2 20.48254855 1.0 1725.5 1522.4 11.87313024 1.0 1735.5 1609.1 1.087756234 1.0 1740.5 1652.2 7.75791384 1.0 1745.5 1695.2 23.82991692 1.0 1755.5 1780.7 22.11678673 1.0 1756 1785 24.13263161 1.0 1765.5 1865.6 9.180830972 1.0 1775.5 1949.9 16.87767308 1.0 1780.5 1991.9 16.98122449 1.0 1785.5 2033.7 19.83091416 1.0 1790.5 2075.3 18.57786844 1.0 1795.5 2116.8 14.00310247 1.0 1800.5 2158.2 6.23936506 1.0 1805.5 2199.4 13.90459842 1.0 1810.5 2240.5 11.38693883 1.0 1815.5 2281.4 20.27523542 1.0 1820.5 2322.2 14.78231298 1.0 1825.5 2362.8 40.36487528 1.0 1830.5 2403.3 14.29895695 1.0 1835.5 2443.6 22.70759008 1.0 1840.5 2483.8 23.39999994 1.0 1845.5 2523.9 22.87944597 1.0 1855.5 2603.5 24.41196684 1.0 1860.5 2643.1 16.15882078 1.0 1865.5 2682.6 24.34858725 1.0 1870.5 2721.9 16.69968256 1.0 1875.5 2761.1 33.64265932 1.0 1880.5 2800.1 31.92435393 1.0 1885.5 2839 28.91523542 1.0 1890.5 2877.7 13.3888436 1.0 1895.5 2916.3 15.05473688 1.0 1900.5 2954.7 19.91600914 1.0 1905.5 2993 51.4960665 1.0 1910.5 3031.2 9.81514738 1.0 1915.5 3069.2 17.50337954 1.0 1920.5 3107 31.98839011 1.0 1925.5 3144.7 53.5657618 1.0 1930.5 3182.3 12.38612241 1.0 1935.5 3219.7 42.12188368 1.0 1940.5 3257 36.01297079 1.0 1955.5 3367.9 33.35191135 1.0 1960.5 3404.6 14.06875286 1.0 1965.5 3441.1 23.75545712 1.0 1970.5 3477.5 13.58176873 1.0 1975.5 3513.8 42.59146815 1.0 1980.5 3549.9 17.44780045 1.0 1985.5 3585.8 25.46637116 1.0 1990.5 3621.6 25.45260772 1.0 1995.5 3657.3 23.05650974 1.0 2000.5 3692.8 17.92770983 1.0 2004.5 3721.1 13.54693874 1.0 2005.5 3728.2 67.19257611 1.0 2006.5 3735.2 15.99346939 1.0 2007.5 3742.3 12.19029478 1.0 2008.5 3749.3 8.002902494 1.0 2009.5 3756.4 8.819501134 1.0 2010.5 3763.4 11.67437644 1.0 2011.5 3770.4 18.19102041 1.0 2012.5 3777.4 25.5169161 1.0 2013.5 3784.5 8.944761905 1.0 2015.5 3798.5 27.9812743 1.0 2020.5 3833.4 12.10666668 1.0 2024.5 3861.2 37.45795914 1.0 2025.5 3868.2 71.88997234 1.0 2030.5 3902.8 22.95990928 1.0 2035.5 3937.3 12.86814402 1.0 2040.5 3971.7 17.54693874 1.0 2045.5 4005.9 23.09119115 1.0 2055.5 4073.8 19.11534618 1.0 2060.5 4107.6 26.578322 1.0 2065.5 4141.2 28.52941807 1.0 2070.5 4174.7 10.63528345 1.0 2075.5 4208 17.51800554 1.0 2080.5 4241.2 18.51673469 1.0 2085.5 4274.2 17.3007202 1.0 2090.5 4307.1 15.26131523 1.0 2095.5 4339.8 17.13478446 1.0 2100.5 4372.4 12.05795927 1.0 2105.5 4404.9 2.004263045 1.0 2110.5 4437.2 14.30521545 1.0 2115.5 4469.3 16.01941043 1.0 2125.5 4533.2 15.66113377 1.0 2135.5 4596.5 27.4410884 1.0 2145.5 4659.2 18.52498866 1.0 2150.5 4690.3 21.85641721 1.0 2155.5 4721.3 14.63183672 1.0 2160.5 4752.2 22.35083902 1.0 2161.5 4758.3 22.19328795 1.0 2162.5 4764.5 26.16761895 1.0 2163.5 4770.6 18.0819954 1.0 2165.5 4782.9 16.37605448 1.0 2166.5 4789 10.62222225 1.0 2167.5 4795.1 6.931156482 1.0 2168.5 4801.2 10.96752835 1.0 2169.5 4807.3 10.60408161 1.0 2170.5 4813.4 43.83727893 1.0 2175.5 4843.8 16.170625 1.0 2180.5 4874.1 10.65124716 1.0 2185.5 4904.2 12.27074827 1.0 2195.5 4964 30.3415872 1.0 2205.5 5023.2 52.46258503 1.0 2215.5 5081.8 20.43464847 1.0 2225.5 5139.8 5.477913834 1.0 2235.5 5197.3 15.47791389 1.0 2245.5 5254.1 15.44072561 1.0 2255.5 5310.4 14.40027211 1.0 2265.5 5366.1 13.98893418 1.0 2275.5 5421.2 21.57306132 1.0 2285.5 5475.7 21.70077096 1.0 2295.5 5529.6 13.06312923 1.0 2305.5 5583 11.29614508 1.0 2315.5 5635.8 10.20326532 1.0 2325.5 5688 10.42140588 1.0 2335.5 5739.6 12.15836734 1.0 2355.5 5841 12.52598639 1.0 2365.5 5890.9 8.054240355 1.0 2375.5 5940.1 19.56544221 1.0 2385.5 5988.8 1.270476183 1.0 2395.5 6036.9 6.317551007 1.0 2405.5 6084.4 19.37668937 1.0 2415.5 6131.3 19.38367344 1.0 2425.5 6177.7 9.76063495 1.0 2435.5 6223.4 12.70122452 1.0 2445.5 6268.6 11.14122452 1.0 2455.5 6313.2 5.651337887 1.0 2465.5 6357.2 12.48861682 1.0 2475.5 6400.6 12.20444443 1.0 2485.5 6443.4 6.551836766 1.0 2490.5 6464.6 23.83056697 1.0 2495.5 6485.7 7.708117938 1.0 2505.5 6527.4 46.88326546 1.0 2515.5 6568.4 9.841269779 1.0 2525.5 6608.9 8.803356009 1.0 2535.5 6648.8 11.66458048 1.0 2545.5 6688.2 5.189024927 1.0 2555.5 6726.9 27.43283449 1.0 2565.5 6765.1 9.580408186 1.0 2575.5 6802.7 8.88046875 1.0 2585.5 6839.6 19.13668934 1.0 2595.5 6876 25.06448981 1.0 2605.5 6911.9 19.8790625 1.0 2615.5 6947.1 16.26484375 1.0 2625.5 6981.8 12.04578125 1.0 2635.5 7015.8 10.349375 1.0 2638.5 7025.9 6.12471654 1.0 2655.5 7082.2 9.368616758 1.0 2665.5 7114.5 5.70359375 1.0 2670.5 7130.5 5.76208615 1.0 2675.5 7146.3 11.82734375 1.0 2680.5 7161.9 7.71002257 1.0 2685.5 7177.4 23.3053125 1.0 2690.5 7192.8 24.37795904 1.0 2695.5 7208 9.01671875 1.0 2700.5 7223 21.03555546 1.0 2705.5 7237.9 8.40015625 1.0 2710.5 7252.7 14.3620862 1.0 2715.5 7267.3 26.86640625 1.0 2720.5 7281.8 10.00108835 1.0 2725.5 7296.1 22.3740625 1.0 2730.5 7310.3 73.92399095 1.0 2735.5 7324.4 2.5821875 1.0 2740.5 7338.3 5.79809529 1.0 2745.5 7352 9.2525 1.0 2755.5 7379.1 7.42 1.0 2760.5 7392.4 12.82421765 1.0 2765.5 7405.5 12.28203125 1.0 2770.5 7418.6 1.91356007 1.0 2775.5 7431.4 13.00671875 1.0 2780.5 7444.1 9.16789118 1.0 2785.5 7456.7 6.17359375 1.0 2790.5 7469.2 25.44172348 1.0 2795.5 7481.4 4.3209375 1.0 2800.5 7493.6 15.40907025 1.0 2804.5 7503.2 8.427936456 1.0 2805.5 7505.6 7.36859375 1.0 2810.5 7517.4 6.906666651 1.0 2811.5 7519.8 10.27854876 1.0 2812.5 7522.1 5.794739211 1.0 2813.5 7524.5 5.372517055 1.0 2814.5 7526.8 3.760997711 1.0 2815.5 7529.1 8.60125 1.0 2816.5 7531.5 2.041632646 1.0 2817.5 7533.8 1.730430822 1.0 2818.5 7536.1 2.499773253 1.0 2819.5 7538.4 5.182403633 1.0 2820.5 7540.7 10.98603173 1.0 2821.5 7543 7.160000014 1.0 2822.5 7545.3 5.638185971 1.0 2823.5 7547.5 9.672653068 1.0 2824.5 7549.8 29.46385484 1.0 2825.5 7552.1 7.52703125 1.0 2826.5 7554.4 6.391383225 1.0 2827.5 7556.6 6.596009078 1.0 2828.5 7558.9 7.355464886 1.0 2829.5 7561.1 10.38358277 1.0 2830.5 7563.4 5.363356022 1.0 2831.5 7565.6 5.363356022 1.0 2832.5 7567.8 9.920634932 1.0 2833.5 7570 11.22095238 1.0 2834.5 7572.3 9.817052165 1.0 2835.5 7574.5 12.9215625 1.0 2836.5 7576.7 40.83736961 1.0 2838.5 7581.1 10.34285714 1.0 2839.5 7583.3 7.979591837 1.0 2840.5 7585.4 10.70303857 1.0 2843.5 7592 9.715464915 1.0 2850.5 7606.9 4.690612196 1.0 2851.5 7609.1 8.3004988 1.0 2854.5 7615.4 4.591836744 1.0 2860.5 7627.9 6.37995466 1.0 2863.5 7634 10.29170069 1.0 2864.5 7636.1 22.38820861 1.0 2870.5 7680.8 8.35782308 1.0 2875.5 7711.5 13.448125 1.0 2880.5 7753.3 5.84226753 1.0 2885.5 7806.1 9.46203125 1.0 2890.5 7869.8 16.46984125 1.0 2895.5 7944.6 6.9996875 1.0 2900.5 8030.3 25.46294786 1.0 2905.5 8127 6.3128125 1.0 2910.5 8234.8 3.82312923 1.0 2915.5 8353.5 10.31890625 1.0 2925.5 8623.9 1.58234375 1.0 2935.5 8938.3 1.3346875 1.0 2940.5 9112 1.56480725 1.0 2955.5 9699.1 1.01328125 1.0 2965.5 10145.5 0.9475 1.0 2975.5 10635.8 1.345625 1.0 2980.5 10897.4 3.0768254 1.0 2983.5 11059.7 1.01478456 1.0 2985.5 11170.1 0.41984375 1.0 2995.5 11748.4 3.38203125 1.0 3005.5 12370.6 0.08421875 1.0 3015.5 13036.9 0.7696875 1.0