#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:14412 # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/usscl001-barrett2013.txt # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/usscl001.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: fire history #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-04-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Barrett fire data from Super Cub Lake - IMPD USSCL001 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Barrett,C.M.;Kelly,R.F.;Higuera,P.E.;Hu,F.S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Chronology and macrosopic charcal (number of pieces >180 microns) from sediments of Minnesota Plateau, Crater, Hudson, and Super Cub Lakes; FUNDING SOURCES, NSF grant 0612366 (F.S. Hu), University of Illinois Dissertation Completion Fellowship (C. Barrett);Investigators, Feng Sheng Hu; Sampling date, July 2007; Sampling device, Polycarbonate tube fitted with a piston for uppermost sediments (top 20-55 cm) and a modified Livingstone piston corer for remainder; Diameter(cm), 5 - 7.6 cm; Water depth(cm), 470; Sample Storage, 4°C cold room at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Analysis method, Charcoal fragments >180 microns counted in 3 cm3 subsamples taken at 0.25-0.5 cm intervals. Analysis of charcoal time series is described in Barrett et al. 2013;Site size(ha), 3;#-------------------- # Publication # Authors: C. M. Barrett, R. F. Kelly, P.E. Higuera, and F.S. Hu. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013 # Published_Title: Climatic and land-cover influences on the spatiotemporal dynamics of Holocene boreal fire regimes. # Journal_Name: Ecology # Volume: 94 # Edition: 2 # Issue: # Pages: 389-402 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Although recent climatic warming has markedly increased fire activity in many biomes, this trend is spatially heterogeneous. Understanding the patterns and controls of this heterogeneity is important for anticipating future fire-regime shifts at regional scales and for developing land-management policies. To assess climatic and land-cover controls on boreal-forest fire regimes, we conducted macroscopic-charcoal analysis of sediment cores and GIS analysis of landscape variation in south-central Alaska. Results reveal that fire occurrence was highly variable both spatially and temporally over the past seven millennia. At two of four sites, the lack of distinct charcoal peaks throughout much of this period suggests the absence of large local fires, attributed to abundant water bodies in the surrounding landscape that have likely functioned as firebreaks to limit fire spread. In contrast, distinct charcoal peaks suggest numerous local fires at the other two sites where water bodies are less abundant. In periods of the records where robust charcoal peaks allow identification of local fire events over the past 7000 years, fire return intervals varied widely with a range of 138-453 years. Furthermore, the temporal trajectories of local-fire frequency differed greatly among sites and were statistically independent. Inferred biomass burning and mean summer temperature in the region were not significantly correlated prior to 3000 years ago, but became positively related subsequently with varying correlation strengths (r = 0.40-0.66; p = 0.001-0.040 for 2000-yr moving windows). Climatic variability associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, along with the expansion of flammable Picea mariana forests, probably have heightened the sensitivity of forest burning to summer-temperature variations over the past three millennia. These results elucidate the patterns and controls of boreal fire-regime dynamics over a broad range of spatiotemporal scales, and imply that anthropogenic climatic warming and associated land-cover changes, in particular lake drying, will interact to affect boreal-forest burning over the coming decades. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation(USA) # Grant: 0612366 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of Illinois Dissertation Completion Fellowship # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Minnesota Plateau Lake # Location: Alaska # Region: # Country: United States of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 62.296611 # Southernmost_Latitude: 62.296611 # Easternmost_Longitude: -145.347172 # Westernmost_Longitude: -145.347172 # Elevation: 486 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Minnesota Plateau # Earliest_Year: -57 # Most_Recent_Year: 6784 # Time_Unit: calendar years BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Chronology and macrosopic charcoal counts number of pieces >180 microns) from sediments of Super Cub Lake. #------------------ # Species: #------------------ # Chronology: # Super Cub 210Pb # Lead-210 modelled ages from Super Cub Lake # # # depth_up top depth of interval in cm # depth_down bottom depth of interval in cm # age_down Age in BP # low_CI lower 95% CI in BP # up_CI upper 95% CI in BP # # depth_up depth_down age low_CI up_CI # 0 1 -57.0 -56 -58 # 1 2 -54.1 -53 -55 # 2 3 -46.0 -44 -48 # 3 4 -38.2 -36 -40 # 4 5 -27.4 -25 -29 # 5 6 -14.7 -13 -17 # 6 7 0.7 4 -2 # 7 8 22.7 28 17 # 8 9 35.6 41 30 # 9 10 57.7 70 46 # # Super Cub 14C # Radiocarbon material, 14C ages, and calibrated ages from Super Cub Lake # # depth_up top depth of interval in cm # depth_down bottom depth of interval in cm # age_14C raw 14C-age estimate in years BP # error_14C 2 sigma error estimate of 14C age # age_calBP mean calibrated 14C-age estimate in cal BP # low_CI_calBP lower 95% CI of calibrated age # up_CI_calBP upper 95% CI of calibrated age # material description of material used for AMS analysis # # depth_up depth_down age_14C error_14C age_calBP low_CI_calBP up_CI_calBP material # 22.50 24.00 790 40 711 673 781 Wood, Needle, Betula Seed # 51.25 51.50 1565 35 1462 1378 1529 Wood # 76.00 76.50 2480 35 2570 2378 2711 Needle Fragments # 103.00 103.25 3430 35 3685 3591 3819 Needle Fragments # 116.50 117.00 4035 40 4503 4427 4777 Wood # 127.00 127.25 4760 40 5512 5337 5584 Wood # 156.25 156.50 5950 35 6776 6682 6879 Wood # #---------------- # Variables # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Seasonality,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type depth-cm-top Depth,,,cm,,,top depth,,N depth-cm-bottom Depth,,,cm,,,bottom depth,,N age-calBP-top Age,,,calendar years BP,,,top of sample,,N age-calBP-bottom Age,,,calendar years BP,,,bottom of sample,,N vol-wetsed volume,wet sediment,,ml,,fire history,used for charcoal counts, ,N char>180µm charcoal,,,count,,fire history,> 180 µm, ,N #---------------- # Data # Missing_Values: -999 # # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header depth-cm-top depth-cm-bottom age-calBP-top age-calBP-bottom vol-wetsed char>180µm 0 0.5 -57.0 -56.1 1.5 0 0.5 1 -56.1 -54.1 1.5 0 1 1.5 -54.1 -50.3 1.5 1 1.5 2 -50.3 -46.0 1.5 0 2 2.5 -46.0 -42.2 1.5 0 2.5 3 -42.2 -38.2 1.5 0 3 3.5 -38.2 -33.2 1.5 1 3.5 4 -33.2 -27.4 1.5 5 4 4.5 -27.4 -21.2 1.5 9 4.5 5 -21.2 -14.7 1.5 6 5 5.5 -14.7 -7.9 1.5 6 5.5 6 -7.9 0.7 1.5 6 6 6.5 0.7 12.1 1.5 7 6.5 7 12.1 22.7 1.5 7 7 7.5 22.7 29.3 1.5 16 7.5 8 29.3 35.6 1.5 3 8 8.5 35.6 45.4 1.5 10 8.5 9 45.4 57.7 1.5 6 9 9.5 57.7 82.9 1.5 13 9.5 10 82.9 107.8 1.5 5 10 10.5 107.8 132.7 1.5 10 10.5 11 132.7 157.5 1.5 1 11 11.5 157.5 182.2 1.5 14 11.5 12 182.2 206.9 1.5 1 12 12.5 206.9 231.5 1.5 5 12.5 13 231.5 255.9 1.5 4 13 13.5 255.9 280.2 1.5 3 13.5 14 280.2 304.4 1.5 2 14 14.5 304.4 328.4 1.5 4 14.5 15 328.4 352.3 1.5 10 15 15.5 352.3 375.9 1.5 15 15.5 16 375.9 399.3 1.5 12 16 16.5 399.3 422.5 1.5 7 16.5 17 422.5 445.5 1.5 4 17 17.5 445.5 468.2 1.5 7 17.5 18 468.2 490.7 1.5 1 18 18.5 490.7 512.8 1.5 5 18.5 19 512.8 534.6 1.5 1 19 19.5 534.6 556.2 1.5 2 19.5 20 556.2 577.3 1.5 5 20 20.5 577.3 598.2 1.5 2 20.5 21 598.2 618.6 1.5 0 21 21.5 618.6 638.7 1.5 4 21.5 22 638.7 658.3 1.5 1 22 22.5 658.3 677.6 1.5 1 22.5 23 677.6 696.4 1.5 9 23 23.5 696.4 714.7 1.5 8 23.5 24 714.7 732.6 1.5 6 24 24.5 732.6 750.1 1.5 3 24.5 25 750.1 767.2 1.5 9 25 25.5 767.2 783.8 1.5 8 25.5 26 783.8 800.0 1.5 7 26 26.5 800.0 815.9 1.5 5 26.5 27 815.9 831.4 1.5 6 27 27.5 831.4 846.6 1.5 6 27.5 28 846.6 861.4 1.5 9 28 28.5 861.4 876.0 1.5 6 28.5 29 876.0 890.2 1.5 11 29 29.5 890.2 904.2 1.5 3 29.5 30 904.2 917.8 1.5 9 30 30.5 917.8 931.3 1.5 3 30.5 31 931.3 944.5 1.5 14 31 31.5 944.5 957.4 1.5 6 31.5 32 957.4 970.2 1.5 14 32 32.5 970.2 982.8 1.5 10 32.5 33 982.8 995.2 1.5 9 33 33.5 995.2 1007.5 1.5 8 33.5 34 1007.5 1019.6 1.5 4 34 34.5 1019.6 1031.5 1.5 12 34.5 35 1031.5 1043.4 1.5 12 35 35.5 1043.4 1055.2 1.5 15 35.5 36 1055.2 1066.9 1.5 10 36 36.5 1066.9 1078.5 1.5 7 36.5 37 1078.5 1090.0 1.5 5 37 37.5 1090.0 1101.6 1.5 5 37.5 38 1101.6 1113.1 1.5 6 38 38.5 1113.1 1124.6 1.5 1 38.5 39 1124.6 1136.1 1.5 0 39 39.5 1136.1 1147.7 1.5 0 39.5 40 1147.7 1159.3 1.5 2 40 40.5 1159.3 1170.9 1.5 2 40.5 41 1170.9 1182.6 1.5 0 41 41.5 1182.6 1194.4 1.5 0 41.5 42 1194.4 1206.4 1.5 3 42 42.5 1206.4 1218.4 1.5 5 42.5 43 1218.4 1230.6 1.5 1 43 43.5 1230.6 1242.9 1.5 0 43.5 44 1242.9 1255.3 1.5 2 44 44.5 1255.3 1268.0 1.5 2 44.5 45 1268.0 1280.9 1.5 9 45 45.25 1280.9 1287.4 1.5 5 45.25 45.5 1287.4 1293.9 1.5 0 45.5 45.75 1293.9 1300.6 1.5 0 45.75 46 1300.6 1307.2 1.5 0 46 46.25 1307.2 1314.0 1.5 0 46.25 46.5 1314.0 1320.8 1.5 1 46.5 46.75 1320.8 1327.6 1.5 9 46.75 47 1327.6 1334.6 1.5 3 47 47.25 1334.6 1341.6 1.5 9 47.25 47.5 1341.6 1348.6 1.5 8 47.5 47.75 1348.6 1355.8 1.5 8 47.75 48 1355.8 1363.0 1.5 6 48 48.25 1363.0 1370.3 1.5 34 48.25 48.5 1370.3 1377.7 1.5 18 48.5 48.75 1377.7 1385.1 1.5 22 48.75 49 1385.1 1392.7 1.5 10 49 49.25 1392.7 1400.3 1.5 8 49.25 49.5 1400.3 1408.0 1.5 2 49.5 49.75 1408.0 1415.8 1.5 7 49.75 50 1415.8 1423.7 1.5 6 50 50.25 1423.7 1431.6 1.5 4 50.25 50.5 1431.6 1439.7 1.5 2 50.5 50.75 1439.7 1447.8 1.5 8 50.75 51 1447.8 1456.1 1.5 0 51 51.25 1456.1 1464.5 1.5 0 51.25 51.5 1464.5 1472.9 1.5 1 51.5 51.75 1472.9 1481.5 1.5 2 51.75 52 1481.5 1490.1 1.5 1 52 52.25 1490.1 1498.9 1.5 1 52.25 52.5 1498.9 1507.8 1.5 3 52.5 52.75 1507.8 1516.7 1.5 2 52.75 53 1516.7 1525.7 1.5 2 53 53.25 1525.7 1534.9 1.5 0 53.25 53.5 1534.9 1544.1 1.5 0 53.5 53.75 1544.1 1553.4 1.5 0 53.75 54 1553.4 1562.8 1.5 0 54 54.25 1562.8 1572.3 1.5 0 54.25 54.5 1572.3 1581.9 1.5 0 54.5 54.75 1581.9 1591.5 1.5 0 54.75 55 1591.5 1601.3 1.5 0 55 55.25 1601.3 1611.1 1.5 2 55.25 55.5 1611.1 1621.0 1.5 0 55.5 55.75 1621.0 1630.9 1.5 17 55.75 56 1630.9 1641.0 1.5 20 56 56.25 1641.0 1651.1 1.5 1 56.25 56.5 1651.1 1661.3 1.5 1 56.5 56.75 1661.3 1671.5 1.5 7 56.75 57 1671.5 1681.9 1.5 4 57 57.25 1681.9 1692.3 1.5 4 57.25 57.5 1692.3 1702.7 1.5 1 57.5 57.75 1702.7 1713.2 1.5 2 57.75 58 1713.2 1723.8 1.5 0 58 58.25 1723.8 1734.5 1.5 2 58.25 58.5 1734.5 1745.2 1.5 0 58.5 58.75 1745.2 1755.9 1.5 0 58.75 59 1755.9 1766.7 1.5 4 59 59.25 1766.7 1777.6 1.5 19 59.25 59.5 1777.6 1788.5 1.5 6 59.5 59.75 1788.5 1799.5 1.5 1 59.75 60 1799.5 1810.5 1.5 0 60 60.25 1810.5 1821.6 1.5 11 60.25 60.5 1821.6 1832.7 1.5 15 60.5 60.75 1832.7 1843.9 1.5 39 60.75 61 1843.9 1855.1 1.5 17 61 61.25 1855.1 1866.3 1.5 14 61.25 61.5 1866.3 1877.6 1.5 1 61.5 61.75 1877.6 1888.9 1.5 1 61.75 62 1888.9 1900.3 1.5 17 62 62.25 1900.3 1911.7 1.5 14 62.25 62.5 1911.7 1923.1 1.5 38 62.5 62.75 1923.1 1934.6 1.5 22 62.75 63 1934.6 1946.1 1.5 22 63 63.25 1946.1 1957.6 1.5 14 63.25 63.5 1957.6 1969.2 1.5 4 63.5 63.75 1969.2 1980.7 1.5 3 63.75 64 1980.7 1992.3 1.5 1 64 64.25 1992.3 2004.0 1.5 2 64.25 64.5 2004.0 2015.6 1.5 2 64.5 64.75 2015.6 2027.3 1.5 2 64.75 65 2027.3 2038.9 1.5 6 65 65.25 2038.9 2050.6 1.5 3 65.25 65.5 2050.6 2062.4 1.5 6 65.5 65.75 2062.4 2074.1 1.5 7 65.75 66 2074.1 2085.8 1.5 64 66 66.25 2085.8 2097.6 1.5 1 66.25 66.5 2097.6 2109.3 1.5 10 66.5 66.75 2109.3 2121.1 1.5 27 66.75 67 2121.1 2132.9 1.5 15 67 67.25 2132.9 2144.6 1.5 9 67.25 67.5 2144.6 2156.4 1.5 6 67.5 67.75 2156.4 2168.2 1.5 3 67.75 68 2168.2 2180.0 1.5 0 68 68.25 2180.0 2191.7 1.5 7 68.25 68.5 2191.7 2203.5 1.5 0 68.5 68.75 2203.5 2215.3 1.5 8 68.75 69 2215.3 2227.0 1.5 1 69 69.25 2227.0 2238.8 1.5 6 69.25 69.5 2238.8 2250.5 1.5 13 69.5 69.75 2250.5 2262.3 1.5 4 69.75 70 2262.3 2274.0 1.5 15 70 70.25 2274.0 2285.7 1.5 4 70.25 70.5 2285.7 2297.3 1.5 9 70.5 70.75 2297.3 2309.0 1.5 2 70.75 71 2309.0 2320.7 1.5 3 71 71.25 2320.7 2332.3 1.5 11 71.25 71.5 2332.3 2343.9 1.5 26 71.5 71.75 2343.9 2355.5 1.5 10 71.75 72 2355.5 2367.0 1.5 6 72 72.25 2367.0 2378.5 1.5 3 72.25 72.5 2378.5 2390.0 1.5 7 72.5 72.75 2390.0 2401.5 1.5 0 72.75 73 2401.5 2412.9 1.5 2 73 73.25 2412.9 2424.3 1.5 4 73.25 73.5 2424.3 2435.7 1.5 1 73.5 73.75 2435.7 2447.0 1.5 6 73.75 74 2447.0 2458.3 1.5 10 74 74.25 2458.3 2469.5 1.5 10 74.25 74.5 2469.5 2480.7 1.5 8 74.5 74.75 2480.7 2491.9 1.5 8 74.75 75 2491.9 2503.0 1.5 32 75 75.25 2503.0 2514.1 1.5 53 75.25 75.5 2514.1 2525.1 1.5 10 75.5 75.75 2525.1 2536.1 1.5 7 75.75 76 2536.1 2547.0 1.5 4 76 76.25 2547.0 2557.8 1.5 10 76.25 76.5 2557.8 2568.7 1.5 4 76.5 76.75 2568.7 2579.4 1.5 10 76.75 77 2579.4 2590.1 1.5 8 77 77.25 2590.1 2600.8 1.5 6 77.25 77.5 2600.8 2611.4 1.5 4 77.5 77.75 2611.4 2622.0 1.5 3 77.75 78 2622.0 2632.5 1.5 5 78 78.25 2632.5 2643.0 1.5 7 78.25 78.5 2643.0 2653.4 1.5 1 78.5 78.75 2653.4 2663.8 1.5 7 78.75 79 2663.8 2674.1 1.5 4 79 79.25 2674.1 2684.4 1.5 6 79.25 79.5 2684.4 2694.7 1.5 0 79.5 79.75 2694.7 2704.9 1.5 7 79.75 80 2704.9 2715.1 1.5 3 80 80.25 2715.1 2725.3 1.5 3 80.25 80.5 2725.3 2735.4 1.5 7 80.5 80.75 2735.4 2745.5 1.5 6 80.75 81 2745.5 2755.5 1.5 16 81 81.25 2755.5 2765.6 1.5 3 81.25 81.5 2765.6 2775.6 1.5 0 81.5 81.75 2775.6 2785.6 1.5 9 81.75 82 2785.6 2795.5 1.5 7 82 82.25 2795.5 2805.4 1.5 8 82.25 82.5 2805.4 2815.3 1.5 15 82.5 82.75 2815.3 2825.2 1.5 1 82.75 83 2825.2 2835.1 1.5 0 83 83.25 2835.1 2844.9 1.5 0 83.25 83.5 2844.9 2854.8 1.5 1 83.5 83.75 2854.8 2864.6 1.5 1 83.75 84 2864.6 2874.4 1.5 2 84 84.25 2874.4 2884.2 1.5 4 84.25 84.5 2884.2 2893.9 1.5 0 84.5 84.75 2893.9 2903.7 1.5 6 84.75 85 2903.7 2913.5 1.5 4 85 85.25 2913.5 2923.2 1.5 1 85.25 85.5 2923.2 2932.9 1.5 7 85.5 85.75 2932.9 2942.7 1.5 23 85.75 86 2942.7 2952.4 1.5 38 86 86.25 2952.4 2962.1 1.5 4 86.25 86.5 2962.1 2971.8 1.5 10 86.5 86.75 2971.8 2981.6 1.5 9 86.75 87 2981.6 2991.3 1.5 8 87 87.25 2991.3 3001.0 1.5 9 87.25 87.5 3001.0 3010.8 1.5 4 87.5 87.75 3010.8 3020.5 1.5 2 87.75 88 3020.5 3030.2 1.5 0 88 88.25 3030.2 3040.0 1.5 1 88.25 88.5 3040.0 3049.7 1.5 11 88.5 88.75 3049.7 3059.5 1.5 7 88.75 89 3059.5 3069.3 1.5 6 89 89.25 3069.3 3079.1 1.5 4 89.25 89.5 3079.1 3088.9 1.5 12 89.5 89.75 3088.9 3098.7 1.5 5 89.75 90 3098.7 3108.5 1.5 7 90 90.25 3108.5 3118.4 1.5 3 90.25 90.5 3118.4 3128.3 1.5 2 90.5 90.75 3128.3 3138.2 1.5 2 90.75 91 3138.2 3148.1 1.5 5 91 91.25 3148.1 3158.0 1.5 5 91.25 91.5 3158.0 3168.0 1.5 2 91.5 91.75 3168.0 3178.0 1.5 1 91.75 92 3178.0 3188.0 1.5 8 92 92.25 3188.0 3198.1 1.5 0 92.25 92.5 3198.1 3208.2 1.5 10 92.5 92.75 3208.2 3218.3 1.5 49 92.75 93 3218.3 3228.4 1.5 41 93 93.25 3228.4 3238.6 1.5 3 93.25 93.5 3238.6 3248.8 1.5 13 93.5 93.75 3248.8 3259.0 1.5 0 93.75 94 3259.0 3269.3 1.5 0 94 94.25 3269.3 3279.7 1.5 0 94.25 94.5 3279.7 3290.0 1.5 0 94.5 94.75 3290.0 3300.4 1.5 1 94.75 95 3300.4 3310.9 1.5 6 95 95.25 3310.9 3321.4 1.5 10 95.25 95.5 3321.4 3331.9 1.5 16 95.5 95.75 3331.9 3342.5 1.5 52 95.75 96 3342.5 3353.2 1.5 23 96 96.25 3353.2 3363.8 1.5 18 96.25 96.5 3363.8 3374.6 1.5 6 96.5 96.75 3374.6 3385.4 1.5 10 96.75 97 3385.4 3396.2 1.5 6 97 97.25 3396.2 3407.1 1.5 3 97.25 97.5 3407.1 3418.1 1.5 2 97.5 97.75 3418.1 3429.1 1.5 0 97.75 98 3429.1 3440.2 1.5 1 98 98.25 3440.2 3451.3 1.5 0 98.25 98.5 3451.3 3462.5 1.5 2 98.5 98.75 3462.5 3473.8 1.5 5 98.75 99 3473.8 3485.1 1.5 10 99 99.25 3485.1 3496.5 1.5 10 99.25 99.5 3496.5 3507.9 1.5 9 99.5 99.75 3507.9 3519.4 1.5 10 99.75 100 3519.4 3531.0 1.5 15 100 100.25 3531.0 3542.7 1.5 17 100.25 100.5 3542.7 3554.4 1.5 34 100.5 100.75 3554.4 3566.2 1.5 25 100.75 101 3566.2 3578.1 1.5 20 101 101.25 3578.1 3590.1 1.5 20 101.25 101.5 3590.1 3602.1 1.5 11 101.5 101.75 3602.1 3614.2 1.5 11 101.75 102 3614.2 3626.4 1.5 17 102 102.25 3626.4 3638.7 1.5 15 102.25 102.5 3638.7 3651.1 1.5 14 102.5 102.75 3651.1 3663.5 1.5 8 102.75 103 3663.5 3676.0 1.5 20 103 103.25 3676.0 3688.7 1.5 39 103.25 103.5 3688.7 3701.4 1.5 8 103.5 103.75 3701.4 3714.2 1.5 12 103.75 104 3714.2 3727.0 1.5 19 104 104.25 3727.0 3740.0 1.5 23 104.25 104.5 3740.0 3753.1 1.5 23 104.5 104.75 3753.1 3766.3 1.5 16 104.75 105 3766.3 3779.6 1.5 15 105 105.25 3779.6 3792.9 1.5 12 105.25 105.5 3792.9 3806.4 1.5 8 105.5 105.75 3806.4 3820.0 1.5 42 105.75 106 3820.0 3833.8 1.5 11 106 106.25 3833.8 3847.6 1.5 3 106.25 106.5 3847.6 3861.5 1.5 67 106.5 106.75 3861.5 3875.6 1.5 35 106.75 107 3875.6 3889.7 1.5 37 107 107.25 3889.7 3904.0 1.5 8 107.25 107.5 3904.0 3918.5 1.5 19 107.5 107.75 3918.5 3933.0 1.5 5 107.75 108 3933.0 3947.7 1.5 1 108 108.25 3947.7 3962.5 1.5 8 108.25 108.5 3962.5 3977.4 1.5 4 108.5 108.75 3977.4 3992.5 1.5 6 108.75 109 3992.5 4007.7 1.5 4 109 109.25 4007.7 4023.1 1.5 4 109.25 109.5 4023.1 4038.6 1.5 7 109.5 109.75 4038.6 4054.2 1.5 3 109.75 110 4054.2 4070.0 1.5 1 110 110.25 4070.0 4086.0 1.5 4 110.25 110.5 4086.0 4102.1 1.5 1 110.5 110.75 4102.1 4118.3 1.5 5 110.75 111 4118.3 4134.7 1.5 8 111 111.25 4134.7 4151.2 1.5 9 111.25 111.5 4151.2 4168.0 1.5 3 111.5 111.75 4168.0 4184.8 1.5 2 111.75 112 4184.8 4201.9 1.5 1 112 112.25 4201.9 4219.1 1.5 0 112.25 112.5 4219.1 4236.5 1.5 1 112.5 112.75 4236.5 4254.0 1.5 3 112.75 113 4254.0 4271.7 1.5 3 113 113.25 4271.7 4289.6 1.5 6 113.25 113.5 4289.6 4307.7 1.5 6 113.5 113.75 4307.7 4326.0 1.5 2 113.75 114 4326.0 4344.4 1.5 16 114 114.25 4344.4 4363.0 1.5 15 114.25 114.5 4363.0 4381.9 1.5 7 114.5 114.75 4381.9 4400.9 1.5 8 114.75 115 4400.9 4420.0 1.5 17 115 115.25 4420.0 4439.4 1.5 16 115.25 115.5 4439.4 4459.0 1.5 18 115.5 115.75 4459.0 4478.8 1.5 30 115.75 116 4478.8 4498.8 1.5 24 116 116.25 4498.8 4519.0 1.5 41 116.25 116.5 4519.0 4539.4 1.5 19 116.5 116.75 4539.4 4559.9 1.5 39 116.75 117 4559.9 4580.7 1.5 37 117 117.25 4580.7 4601.8 1.5 47 117.25 117.5 4601.8 4622.9 1.5 31 117.5 117.75 4622.9 4644.3 1.5 7 117.75 118 4644.3 4665.8 1.5 20 118 118.25 4665.8 4687.5 1.5 13 118.25 118.5 4687.5 4709.4 1.5 16 118.5 118.75 4709.4 4731.3 1.5 9 118.75 119 4731.3 4753.4 1.5 6 119 119.25 4753.4 4775.6 1.5 2 119.25 119.5 4775.6 4798.0 1.5 5 119.5 119.75 4798.0 4820.4 1.5 2 119.75 120 4820.4 4842.8 1.5 1 120 120.25 4842.8 4865.4 1.5 2 120.25 120.5 4865.4 4888.0 1.5 1 120.5 120.75 4888.0 4910.7 1.5 3 120.75 121 4910.7 4933.4 1.5 0 121 121.25 4933.4 4956.1 1.5 3 121.25 121.5 4956.1 4978.9 1.5 1 121.5 121.75 4978.9 5001.6 1.5 0 121.75 122 5001.6 5024.4 1.5 2 122 122.25 5024.4 5047.1 1.5 1 122.25 122.5 5047.1 5069.9 1.5 5 122.5 122.75 5069.9 5092.5 1.5 3 122.75 123 5092.5 5115.2 1.5 3 123 123.25 5115.2 5137.8 1.5 1 123.25 123.5 5137.8 5160.3 1.5 0 123.5 123.75 5160.3 5182.7 1.5 9 123.75 124 5182.7 5205.1 1.5 0 124 124.25 5205.1 5227.3 1.5 3 124.25 124.5 5227.3 5249.5 1.5 6 124.5 124.75 5249.5 5271.5 1.5 2 124.75 125 5271.5 5293.4 1.5 0 125 125.25 5293.4 5315.1 1.5 1 125.25 125.5 5315.1 5336.7 1.5 18 125.5 125.75 5336.7 5358.1 1.5 31 125.75 126 5358.1 5379.4 1.5 15 126 126.25 5379.4 5400.5 1.5 4 126.25 126.5 5400.5 5421.3 1.5 5 126.5 126.75 5421.3 5442.0 1.5 0 126.75 127 5442.0 5462.5 1.5 3 127 127.25 5462.5 5482.7 1.5 2 127.25 127.5 5482.7 5502.7 1.5 8 127.5 127.75 5502.7 5522.5 1.5 16 127.75 128 5522.5 5542.0 1.5 10 128 128.25 5542.0 5561.3 1.5 8 128.25 128.5 5561.3 5580.4 1.5 12 128.5 128.75 5580.4 5599.3 1.5 27 128.75 129 5599.3 5618.0 1.5 15 129 129.25 5618.0 5636.4 1.5 4 129.25 129.5 5636.4 5654.6 1.5 5 129.5 129.75 5654.6 5672.6 1.5 6 129.75 130 5672.6 5690.4 1.5 4 130 130.25 5690.4 5708.0 1.5 8 130.25 130.5 5708.0 5725.4 1.5 7 130.5 130.75 5725.4 5742.6 1.5 8 130.75 131 5742.6 5759.6 1.5 11 131 131.25 5759.6 5776.3 1.5 8 131.25 131.5 5776.3 5792.9 1.5 13 131.5 131.75 5792.9 5809.3 1.5 12 131.75 132 5809.3 5825.5 1.5 10 132 132.25 5825.5 5841.4 1.5 6 132.25 132.5 5841.4 5857.2 1.5 18 132.5 132.75 5857.2 5872.8 1.5 15 132.75 133 5872.8 5888.3 1.5 2 133 133.25 5888.3 5903.5 1.5 7 133.25 133.5 5903.5 5918.6 1.5 7 133.5 133.75 5918.6 5933.4 1.5 4 133.75 134 5933.4 5948.1 1.5 15 134 134.25 5948.1 5962.6 1.5 10 134.25 134.5 5962.6 5977.0 1.5 13 134.5 134.75 5977.0 5991.1 1.5 8 134.75 135 5991.1 6005.1 1.5 12 135 135.25 6005.1 6018.9 1.5 5 135.25 135.5 6018.9 6032.6 1.5 9 135.5 135.75 6032.6 6046.1 1.5 7 135.75 136 6046.1 6059.4 1.5 4 136 136.25 6059.4 6072.6 1.5 2 136.25 136.5 6072.6 6085.6 1.5 3 136.5 136.75 6085.6 6098.4 1.5 2 136.75 137 6098.4 6111.1 1.5 3 137 137.25 6111.1 6123.6 1.5 4 137.25 137.5 6123.6 6136.0 1.5 1 137.5 137.75 6136.0 6148.3 1.5 5 137.75 138 6148.3 6160.4 1.5 7 138 138.25 6160.4 6172.3 1.5 21 138.25 138.5 6172.3 6184.1 1.5 2 138.5 138.75 6184.1 6195.7 1.5 1 138.75 139 6195.7 6207.3 1.5 0 139 139.25 6207.3 6218.6 1.5 6 139.25 139.5 6218.6 6229.9 1.5 13 139.5 139.75 6229.9 6241.0 1.5 8 139.75 140 6241.0 6252.0 1.5 4 140 140.25 6252.0 6262.8 1.5 1 140.25 140.5 6262.8 6273.5 1.5 2 140.5 140.75 6273.5 6284.1 1.5 1 140.75 141 6284.1 6294.6 1.5 1 141 141.25 6294.6 6304.9 1.5 0 141.25 141.5 6304.9 6315.2 1.5 0 141.5 141.75 6315.2 6325.3 1.5 2 141.75 142 6325.3 6335.3 1.5 4 142 142.25 6335.3 6345.2 1.5 5 142.25 142.5 6345.2 6354.9 1.5 10 142.5 142.75 6354.9 6364.6 1.5 21 142.75 143 6364.6 6374.1 1.5 4 143 143.25 6374.1 6383.6 1.5 8 143.25 143.5 6383.6 6392.9 1.5 9 143.5 143.75 6392.9 6402.1 1.5 12 143.75 144 6402.1 6411.3 1.5 18 144 144.25 6411.3 6420.3 1.5 11 144.25 144.5 6420.3 6429.3 1.5 13 144.5 144.75 6429.3 6438.1 1.5 16 144.75 145 6438.1 6446.9 1.5 15 145 145.25 6446.9 6455.5 1.5 22 145.25 145.5 6455.5 6464.1 1.5 14 145.5 145.75 6464.1 6472.6 1.5 15 145.75 146 6472.6 6481.0 1.5 0 146 146.25 6481.0 6489.3 1.5 2 146.25 146.5 6489.3 6497.6 1.5 4 146.5 146.75 6497.6 6505.7 1.5 6 146.75 147 6505.7 6513.8 1.5 9 147 147.25 6513.8 6521.9 1.5 9 147.25 147.5 6521.9 6529.8 1.5 10 147.5 147.75 6529.8 6537.7 1.5 12 147.75 148 6537.7 6545.5 1.5 28 148 148.25 6545.5 6553.2 1.5 38 148.25 148.5 6553.2 6560.9 1.5 12 148.5 148.75 6560.9 6568.5 1.5 1 148.75 149 6568.5 6576.0 1.5 3 149 149.25 6576.0 6583.5 1.5 5 149.25 149.5 6583.5 6591.0 1.5 2 149.5 149.75 6591.0 6598.4 1.5 4 149.75 150 6598.4 6605.7 1.5 4 150 150.25 6605.7 6613.0 1.5 6 150.25 150.5 6613.0 6620.2 1.5 13 150.5 150.75 6620.2 6627.4 1.5 5 150.75 151 6627.4 6634.5 1.5 5 151 151.25 6634.5 6641.6 1.5 30 151.25 151.5 6641.6 6648.7 1.5 8 151.5 151.75 6648.7 6655.7 1.5 10 151.75 152 6655.7 6662.7 1.5 5 152 152.25 6662.7 6669.6 1.5 4 152.25 152.5 6669.6 6676.5 1.5 2 152.5 152.75 6676.5 6683.4 1.5 4 152.75 153 6683.4 6690.2 1.5 4 153 153.25 6690.2 6697.1 1.5 4 153.25 153.5 6697.1 6703.9 1.5 5 153.5 153.75 6703.9 6710.6 1.5 10 153.75 154 6710.6 6717.4 1.5 11 154 154.25 6717.4 6724.1 1.5 11 154.25 154.5 6724.1 6730.9 1.5 5 154.5 154.75 6730.9 6737.6 1.5 8 154.75 155 6737.6 6744.3 1.5 4 155 155.25 6744.3 6750.9 1.5 5 155.25 155.5 6750.9 6757.6 1.5 5 155.5 155.75 6757.6 6764.3 1.5 7 155.75 156 6764.3 6770.9 1.5 4 156 156.25 6770.9 6777.6 1.5 0 156.25 156.5 6777.6 6784.0 1.5 1