# Umbanhowar fire data from Rice Lake, North Dakota - IMPD USRLN001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/ # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/asia/usrln001.txt # # Archive: Fire History # # Parameter_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-08-01 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Umbanhowar fire data from Rice Lake, North Dakota - IMPD USRLN001 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Umbanhowar, Charles #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: # Provided Keywords: fire, paleoclimate, climate, charcoal #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Umbanhowar, C.E. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2004 # Published_Title: Interactions of climate and fire at two sites in the northern Great Plains, USA # Journal_Name: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology # Volume: 208 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 141-152 # Report Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The relationship of fire and climate in explaining the origin and maintenance of the grasslands of the northern Great Plains has long been of interest. I examined the hypothesis that burning was more frequent during wet years using charcoal to reconstruct fire histories near Coldwater Lake in southcentral ND, and Rice Lake in northcentral ND and published records of ostracod Mg/Ca ratios as a proxy for climate at these same two sites. Over the past 10 000 years, charcoal influx rates for Coldwater (0.04-5.68 mm2/cm2/year) greatly exceeded influx rates for Rice (<0.01-1.91 mm2/cm2/year). Both sites showed strong, significant periodicities of ~1500-1800, ~800-900 and ~130-140 years but charcoal maxima and minima were only similar at ~4200 cal years BP. Charcoal influx during the past 2000 years also revealed strong periodicities of between 310-400 and 140 years at both sites. Comparison of smoothed charcoal influxes and ostracod Mg/Ca ratios suggests that both proxies are responding to changes in climate. When smoothed with a 320-400-year window, increases in charcoal influx typically preceded rises in ostracod Mg/Ca ratio by ~50-100 years, and further smoothing (140-year window) of the residuals suggested a variable relationship between Mg/Ca ratios and charcoal influx. These results do not clearly support or reject the fuel limitation hypothesis, and this lack of clear support may result from (a) climate-driven shifts in the mix of C3 and C4 grasses resulting in maximum productivity at intermediate moisture levels, (b) possibly different responses of charcoal and Mg/Ca ratios to summer vs. winter precipitation, or (c) ground-water driven lags in the response of Mg/Ca ratios to shifts in climate. Comparison of the results from this study with other studies suggests that links between fire and fuels at finer time scales (0-100 years) may be broadly constrained by longer term (~500-2000 years) patterns of climate in the northern Great Plains. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Rice Lake, northern Great Plains, ND, USA # Location: North America # Country: USA # Northernmost_Latitude: 48 # Southernmost_Latitude: 48 # Easternmost_Longitude: -101.53333 # Westernmost_Longitude: -101.53333 # Elevation: 620 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: USRLN001-CHAR # First_Year: 10424 # Last_Year: -9 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Any additional species should be entered in Columns C,D, etc. # Common_Name: # Tree_Species_Code: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Short name What Units Data type # ID_DATE_INFO NaN NaN # ID_SITE Site ID NaN C # CORE_NAME Name of core NaN C # AVG_DEPTH (cm) Average depth of aged sample cm N # THICKNESS Thickness of sample cm N # ID_DATE_TYPE NaN NaN C # AGE_CALIB Calibrated age NaN N # AGE_C14 Carbon-14 Age NaN N # ERROR positive/negative error NaN N # LAB_NUM Lab number NaN N # ID_MAT_DATED NaN NaN NaN # ID_COMMENTS NaN NaN C # AGE_BASIS Used for age model? NaN C # # ID_DATE_INFO ID_SITE CORE_NAME AVG_DEPTH (m) THICKNESS ID_DATE_TYPE AGE_CALIB AGE_C14 ERROR LAB_NUM ID_MAT_DATED ID_COMMENTS AGE_BASIS # Rice Lake 1047 Corrected radiocarbon date 583 560 60 CAMS-9157 plant macrofossil YES # Rice Lake 1254 Corrected radiocarbon date 1275 1360 60 CAMS-9158 plant macrofossil YES # Rice Lake 1431.000 Corrected radiocarbon date 2061 2090 60 CAMS-9159 wood YES # Rice Lake 1614 Corrected radiocarbon date 4078 3730 60 CAMS-9160 plant macrofossil YES # Rice Lake 1750 Corrected radiocarbon date 6043 5260 60 CAMS-11061 charcoal YES # Rice Lake 1868 Corrected radiocarbon date 7285 6350 60 CAMS-11062 charcoal YES # Rice Lake 1916 Corrected radiocarbon date 8279 7480 60 CAMS-13623 charcoal YES # Rice Lake 1916 Corrected radiocarbon date 8058 7250 60 CAMS-13624 plant macrofossil YES # Rice Lake 1978 Corrected radiocarbon date 10888 9540 60 CAMS-13625 plant macrofossil YES # Rice Lake 2030 Corrected radiocarbon date 10411 9240 90 WIS-1873 wood YES #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth-cm Depth,,,cm ,,,,,N ## age-calBP Age,,,calendar years BP,,,,,N ## char>125um Charcoal,wet sediment,,count,,fire history,>125 um,,N ## vol-wetsed Volume,wet sediment,,cm3,,fire history,used for charcoal counts,,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: depth-cm age-calBP char>125um vol-wetsed 877.753 -9 24.3 884.517 8 30.8 890.341 23 2.7 896.164 38 40.9 901.988 52 71.2 908.757 70 69.4 916.495 89 44.8 924.257 109 22.3 932.019 129 19.4 939.761 150 7.4 947.502 170 76.1 955.261 190 47.1 963.020 211 13.5 970.765 232 13.6 978.509 253 11.0 986.265 274 19.8 994.022 295 43.3 1001.769 317 93.8 1009.516 339 104.0 1017.269 361 63.2 1025.023 383 33.4 1032.774 406 24.1 1040.596 429 33.8 1048.495 453 105.9 1058.106 483 25.6 1064.877 504 31.3 1071.606 525 27.9 1078.335 546 99.2 1085.055 568 110.4 1091.708 590 51.2 1098.305 612 33.1 1104.902 634 17.7 1111.441 657 25.8 1117.902 679 39.1 1124.341 702 221.8 1130.780 725 107.6 1137.169 748 66.8 1143.481 771 84.0 1149.769 795 9.9 1156.056 818 8.1 1162.293 842 21.1 1168.454 866 16.5 1174.592576 891 125.4 1180.730859 915 5.1 1186.817039 940 6.8 1192.828398 965 47.3 1198.817039 990 37.5 1204.80568 1015 126.7 1210.746528 1041 27.3 1216.61088 1067 43.3 1222.446528 1092 53.0 1228.282176 1119 255.9 1234.085491 1145 27.0 1239.825818 1172 193.8 1245.535491 1199 115.9 1251.245164 1226 88.1 1256.888373 1253 18.6 1262.47 1280 129.6 1279.059621 1364 96.6 1284.532701 1392 156.9 1289.959621 1420 76.3 1295.38654 1449 51.1 1300.753681 1478 13.3 1314.980543 1556 68.7 1317.246294 1569 436.0 1319.535271 1582 106.7 1321.824999 1595 24.2 1327.024998 1624 56.0 1332.174999 1654 160.8 1337.325 1684 388.2 1342.428022 1715 79.0 1346.444634 1739 35.0 1350.439303 1763 103.8 1354.499834 1788 96.5 1358.538379 1813 196.8 1362.467196 1838 36.5 1368.562077 1876 197.3 1375.499106 1921 69.1 1381.996967 1963 13.6 1386.778278 1995 28.5 1391.546967 2026 16.2 1396.315656 2059 48.6 1401.021782 2091 37.3 1410.314163 2155 428.3 1413.411737 2177 209.4 1416.472265 2199 121.6 1419.496086 2221 14.1 1424.043477 2254 41.2 1428.546086 2286 215.0 1433.048695 2320 179.0 1437.524327 2353 27.5 1441.940545 2386 477.4 1446.324327 2419 962.6 1450.708109 2453 270.0 1455.060951 2487 120.1 1459.351584 2520 425.6 1463.610951 2554 213.7 1467.870317 2588 277.0 1472.110403 2622 46.5 1476.300671 2656 56.9 1480.460403 2691 58.4 1484.620134 2725 374.6 1488.72713 2760 141.3 1491.098347 2780 138.3 1493.436638 2799 20.1 1502.861963 2880 51.6 1504.865578 2898 15.0 1508.792631 2932 39.9 1512.715578 2967 34.0 1516.638526 3002 30.0 1520.530195 3037 9.2 1524.366991 3071 7.1 1528.180195 3106 8.4 1531.993398 3141 5.9 1535.775425 3177 56.2 1539.509041 3212 182.5 1543.225425 3247 296.3 1546.941808 3282 73.4 1550.605715 3317 128.1 1554.209525 3352 218.8 1557.805715 3387 182.6 1561.401905 3422 192.7 1564.975512 3458 31.3 1568.49252 3493 161.7 1571.975512 3528 104.6 1575.458504 3563 233.2 1578.939262 3598 73.4 1582.382104 3634 127.1 1585.789262 3669 57.2 1589.196421 3704 65.0 1592.551411 3740 129.0 1594.617893 3761 120.0 1596.684375 3783 80.5 1603.849906 3860 226.1 1605.716406 3880 130.7 1608.927343 3915 194.8 1612.116406 3950 206.9 1615.305469 3985 155.8 1618.488692 4020 51.0 1621.631153 4055 139.1 1624.738692 4090 150.0 1627.846231 4125 510.1 1630.922717 4160 100.1 1633.954528 4195 387.4 1636.972717 4229 388.4 1639.990906 4264 503.0 1642.972925 4299 114.3 1645.904875 4333 580.1 1648.822925 4367 233.9 1651.740975 4402 563.8 1654.643765 4437 139.5 1657.473765 4471 496.2 1660.245 4504 447.0 1663.015 4537 243.6 1676.965121 4709 51.0 1679.658535 4743 394.8 1682.315121 4776 491.9 1684.971707 4810 110.5 1687.62453 4844 93.6 1690.240884 4877 150.9 1692.82453 4910 148.1 1695.408177 4944 292.0 1698.35 4982 125.3 1701.133333 5018 151.6 1703.4 5048 181.5 1705.666667 5078 374.4 1708.013043 5109 231.7 1710.438404 5141 125.0 1712.863043 5173 125.5 1715.287681 5206 153.3 1717.701038 5238 116.9 1720.085064 5271 202.4 1722.451038 5303 116.8 1724.817013 5335 152.5 1727.140789 5367 387.3 1729.417982 5398 129.2 1731.690789 5430 79.9 1733.963596 5461 499.5 1736.236741 5493 94.7 1738.477901 5524 20.8 1740.686741 5556 16.5 1742.89558 5587 9.8 1745.09334 5618 56.4 1747.255566 5649 222.3 1749.39334 5679 208.0 1751.531113 5710 81.4 1753.665032 5741 692.4 1755.775054 5771 65.2 1757.865032 5802 197.8 1759.955011 5832 160.0 1762.006265 5862 62.5 1764.027109 5892 124.4 1766.056265 5922 341.7 1768.085422 5952 86.4 1770.071484 5981 63.8 1772.01914 6010 83.2 1773.971484 6040 420.6 1775.923828 6069 43.9 1777.865136 6098 8.2 1779.775226 6127 12.7 1781.665136 6156 85.9 1783.555045 6185 133.7 1785.441666 6213 25.5 1787.302777 6242 48.7 1789.141666 6270 60.4 1790.980555 6299 103.9 1792.805522 6327 123.1 1794.609203 6355 51.2 1796.405522 6383 106.5 1798.201841 6411 222.5 1799.961149 6439 31.7 1801.685248 6466 127.0 1803.411149 6493 221.7 1805.13705 6520 152.3 1806.862994 6548 67.7 1808.571656 6575 235.5 1810.262994 6602 58.9 1811.954331 6629 18.7 1813.615502 6656 9.8 1815.242504 6682 79.5 1816.865502 6708 318.7 1818.488501 6735 133.9 1820.123122 6761 17.6 1821.738536 6788 31.0 1823.323122 6814 76.4 1824.907707 6840 115.3 1826.490298 6866 186.1 1828.050496 6891 113.4 1829.590298 6917 38.2 1831.130099 6942 54.3 1832.671477 6968 116.6 1834.202461 6994 134.3 1835.721477 7019 142.0 1837.240492 7044 67.3 1838.721105 7069 3.4 1840.168508 7094 24.0 1841.621105 7118 29.2 1843.073702 7143 30.4 1844.543629 7168 6.0 1846.006048 7193 70.5 1847.443629 7217 105.4 1848.88121 7242 79.0 1850.293494 7266 3.4 1851.689157 7290 39.0 1853.093494 7314 193.6 1854.497831 7339 186.5 1855.875148 7362 17.6 1857.225247 7386 43.2 1858.575148 7409 41.6 1859.925049 7433 125.3 1861.293036 7457 134.6 1862.655061 7481 808.0 1863.993036 7504 549.7 1865.331012 7528 180.4 1866.651606 7551 84.5 1867.952676 7574 63.1 1869.251606 7597 95.2 1870.550535 7620 908.0 1871.855302 7643 201.6 1873.142169 7666 354.8 1874.405302 7689 34.7 1875.668434 7711 50.3 1876.958571 7735 92.2 1878.247619 7758 338.2 1879.508571 7780 60.7 1880.769524 7803 121.3 1882.01586 7826 42.0 1883.243101 7848 128.5 1884.46586 7870 205.0 1885.68862 7893 335.0 1886.931616 7915 208.0 1888.169359 7938 1775.8 1889.381616 7960 183.2 1890.593872 7982 553.3 1891.810283 8005 22.7 1893.017138 8027 105.4 1894.210283 8049 256.3 1895.403428 8071 160.7 1896.606309 8094 75.5 1897.064368 8102 346.4 1897.39794 8108 604.3 1901.37414 8183 30.9 1902.540233 8204 194.1 1903.72414 8227 84.9 1904.908047 8249 115.1 1906.068222 8271 49.7 1907.213703 8292 143.0 1908.368222 8314 365.0 1909.522741 8336 481.2 1910.693002 8358 95.5 1911.871669 8381 191.9 1913.043002 8403 364.5 1914.214334 8426 82.7 1915.352925 8447 22.6 1916.488208 8469 296.0 1917.652925 8492 184.5 1918.817642 8514 21.8 1919.952438 8536 5.9 1921.070731 8557 19.6 1922.202438 8579 33.5 1923.334146 8601 298.0 1924.495988 8624 306.1 1925.65998 8647 214.0 1926.795988 8669 522.1 1927.931996 8691 182.7 1929.088021 8714 37.2 1930.246701 8736 96.6 1931.388021 8759 197.1 1932.52934 8781 87.4 1933.682982 8804 19.4 1934.838303 8827 25.1 1935.982982 8849 16.6 1937.127661 8872 88.3 1938.285319 8895 79.9 1939.475531 8919 52.6 1940.685319 8943 28.3 1941.895106 8967 46.8 1942.999477 8989 41.3 1944.082462 9011 113.4 1945.249477 9035 213.3 1946.416492 9058 97.8 1947.579903 9082 75.4 1948.749839 9105 236.4 1949.929903 9129 372.7 1951.109968 9153 174.9 1952.281044 9177 46.7 1953.451739 9201 100.2 1954.631044 9225 346.6 1955.810348 9249 155.8 1957.007344 9273 57.7 1958.212241 9298 195.8 1959.407344 9323 746.4 1960.602448 9347 253.6 1961.813252 9372 107.4 1963.038753 9398 166.5 1964.263252 9423 1292.9 1965.487751 9448 855.8 1966.703213 9474 1649.8 1967.922021 9499 138.3 1969.153213 9525 70.8 1970.384404 9551 164.1 1971.631673 9577 47.6 1972.886121 9603 25.8 1974.131673 9629 174.4 1975.377224 9656 424.3 1976.653078 9683 129.9 1977.938464 9710 29.1 1979.203078 9737 66.8 1980.467693 9764 138.9 1981.771876 9791 29.9 1983.103127 9820 88.9 1984.421876 9848 388.0 1985.740625 9876 636.3 1987.042512 9904 190.4 1988.354187 9933 791.8 1989.692512 9961 437.2 1991.030837 9990 703.9 1992.369433 10019 256.0 1993.715721 10049 759.0 1995.069433 10078 207.0 1996.423144 10108 751.3 1997.807084 10138 309.2 1998.143156 10145 285.2 2002.723336 10246 292.6 2003.67559 10267 476.7 2003.190914 10256 519.9 2003.409913 10261 35.1 2004.699854 10289 301.4 2005.859913 10315 802.4 2007.019971 10341 920.0 2008.732365 10379 59.0 2010.765 10424 26.7