#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID: # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/ushud001-barrett2013.txt # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/ushud001.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: fire history #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-04-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Barrett fire data from Hudson Lake - IMPD USHUD001 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Barrett,C.M.;Kelly,R.F.;Higuera,P.E.;Hu,F.S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Chronology and macrosopic charcal (number of pieces >180 microns) from sediments of Minnesota Plateau, Crater, Hudson, and Super Cub Lakes; FUNDING SOURCES, NSF grant 0612366 (F.S. Hu), University of Illinois Dissertation Completion Fellowship (C. Barrett);Investigators, Feng Sheng Hu; Sampling date, July 2005; Sampling device, Polycarbonate tube fitted with a piston for uppermost sediments (top 20-55 cm) and a modified Livingstone piston corer for remainder; Diameter(cm), 5 - 7.6 cm; Water depth(cm), 1400; Sample Storage, 4°C cold room at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Analysis method, Charcoal fragments >180 microns counted in 3 cm3 subsamples taken at 0.25-0.5 cm intervals. Analysis of charcoal time series is described in Barrett et al. 2013;Site size(ha), 270; #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: C. M. Barrett, R. F. Kelly, P.E. Higuera, and F.S. Hu. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013 # Published_Title: Climatic and land-cover influences on the spatiotemporal dynamics of Holocene boreal fire regimes. # Journal_Name: Ecology # Volume: 94 # Edition: 2 # Issue: # Pages: 389-402 # Report_Number: # DOI: # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Although recent climatic warming has markedly increased fire activity in many biomes, this trend is spatially heterogeneous. Understanding the patterns and controls of this heterogeneity is important for anticipating future fire-regime shifts at regional scales and for developing land-management policies. To assess climatic and land-cover controls on boreal-forest fire regimes, we conducted macroscopic-charcoal analysis of sediment cores and GIS analysis of landscape variation in south-central Alaska. Results reveal that fire occurrence was highly variable both spatially and temporally over the past seven millennia. At two of four sites, the lack of distinct charcoal peaks throughout much of this period suggests the absence of large local fires, attributed to abundant water bodies in the surrounding landscape that have likely functioned as firebreaks to limit fire spread. In contrast, distinct charcoal peaks suggest numerous local fires at the other two sites where water bodies are less abundant. In periods of the records where robust charcoal peaks allow identification of local fire events over the past 7000 years, fire return intervals varied widely with a range of 138-453 years. Furthermore, the temporal trajectories of local-fire frequency differed greatly among sites and were statistically independent. Inferred biomass burning and mean summer temperature in the region were not significantly correlated prior to 3000 years ago, but became positively related subsequently with varying correlation strengths (r = 0.40-0.66; p = 0.001-0.040 for 2000-yr moving windows). Climatic variability associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, along with the expansion of flammable Picea mariana forests, probably have heightened the sensitivity of forest burning to summer-temperature variations over the past three millennia. These results elucidate the patterns and controls of boreal fire-regime dynamics over a broad range of spatiotemporal scales, and imply that anthropogenic climatic warming and associated land-cover changes, in particular lake drying, will interact to affect boreal-forest burning over the coming decades. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation(USA) # Grant: 0612366 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of Illinois Dissertation Completion Fellowship # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Hudson Lake # Location: Alaska # Region: # Country: United States of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 61.897711 # Southernmost_Latitude: 61.897711 # Easternmost_Longitude: -145.670722 # Westernmost_Longitude: -145.670722 # Elevation: 860 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Hudson # Earliest_Year: 7053.2 # Most_Recent_Year: -55 # Time_Unit: calendar years BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Chronology and macrosopic charcoal counts(number of pieces >180 microns) from sediments of Hudson Lake. #------------------ # Species: #------------------ # Chronology: # Hudson 210Pb # Lead-210 modelled ages from Hudson Lake # # depth_up top depth of interval in cm # depth_down bottom depth of interval in cm # age_down Age in BP # low_CI lower 95% CI in BP # up_CI upper 95% CI in BP # # depth_up depth_down age low_CI up_CI # 0 0.5 -55.0 -54.5 -55.5 # 0.5 1 -54.8 -54.3 -55.3 # 1 1.5 -53.8 -53.1 -54.4 # 1.5 2 -52.4 -51.9 -52.9 # 2 2.5 -50.7 -50.2 -51.3 # 2.5 3 -49.3 -48.8 -49.7 # 3 3.5 -48.0 -47.6 -48.4 # 3.5 4 -46.4 -46.0 -46.9 # 4 4.5 -44.2 -43.8 -44.7 # 4.5 5 -42.2 -41.8 -42.6 # 5 5.5 -40.2 -39.8 -40.6 # 5.5 6 -37.4 -36.9 -37.8 # 6 6.5 -34.7 -34.3 -35.1 # 6.5 7 -31.7 -31.3 -32.1 # 7 7.5 -28.4 -28.1 -28.8 # 7.5 8 -24.9 -24.4 -25.3 # 8 8.5 -21.8 -21.5 -22.2 # 8.5 9 -18.3 -18.0 -18.6 # 9 9.5 -14.9 -14.5 -15.2 # 9.5 10 -10.9 -10.6 -11.2 # 10 11 -6.9 -6.4 -7.3 # 11 12 0.7 1.0 0.4 # 12 13 10.2 10.4 10.0 # 13 14 20.0 20.2 19.8 # 14 15 34.6 34.8 34.3 # 15 16 43.9 44.0 43.8 # 16 17 47.4 47.6 47.3 # 17 18 56.3 56.5 56.1 # 18 19 76.1 76.2 76.0 # # Hudson 14C # Radiocarbon material, 14C ages, and calibrated ages from Hudson Lake # # depth_up top depth of interval in cm # depth_down bottom depth of interval in cm # age_14C raw 14C-age estimate in years BP # error_14C 2 sigma error estimate of 14C age # age_calBP mean calibrated 14C-age estimate in cal BP # low_CI_calBP lower 95% CI of calibrated age # up_CI_calBP upper 95% CI of calibrated age # material description of material used for AMS analysis # notes any other notes about the sample # # depth_up depth_down age_14C error_14C age_calBP low_CI_calBP up_CI_calBP material notes # 86.0 87.0 905 40 830 737 916 Needle # 88.0 88.5 7235 35 8047 7976 8158 Wood dropped from age model # 115.0 116.0 1385 35 1302 1263 1352 Needle # 141.0 141.5 1660 35 1562 1434 1684 Needle # 176.0 176.5 2445 40 2505 2364 2699 Needle # 212.0 212.5 2870 35 2994 2886 3133 Needle # 238.0 239.0 3320 60 3550 3417 3691 Wood # 266.0 268.0 3660 70 3989 3786 4203 Wood # 298.0 298.5 3815 35 4205 4098 4381 Needle # 345.0 345.5 4480 35 5166 4983 5285 Needle # 357.0 358.0 4650 120 5362 4980 5593 Needle # 398.0 399.0 5710 40 6497 6413 6626 Needle # 414.0 415.0 5920 140 6755 6438 7137 Needle # 432.0 433.0 6990 45 7825 7708 7928 Charcoal # # #---------------- # Variables # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Seasonality,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type ## depth-cm-top Depth,,,cm,,,top depth,,N ## depth-cm-bottom Depth,,,cm,,,bottom depth,,N ## age-calBP-top Age,,,calendar years BP,,,top of sample,,N ## age-calBP-bottom Age,,,calendar years BP,,,bottom of sample,,N ## vol-wetsed volume,wet sediment,,ml,,fire history,used for charcoal counts, ,N ## char>180µm charcoal,,,count,,fire history,> 180 µm, ,N #---------------- # Data # Missing_Values: -999 depth-cm-top depth-cm-bottom age-calBP-top age-calBP-bottom vol-wetsed char>180µm 0 0.5 -55.0 -54.8 1 0 0.5 1 -54.8 -53.8 1 0 1 1.5 -53.8 -52.4 1.5 0 1.5 2 -52.4 -50.7 1 0 2 2.5 -50.7 -49.3 3 0 2.5 3 -49.3 -48.0 3 0 3 3.5 -48.0 -46.4 3 1 3.5 4 -46.4 -44.2 1 0 4 4.5 -44.2 -42.2 3 0 4.5 5 -42.2 -40.2 3 0 5 5.5 -40.2 -37.4 3 1 5.5 6 -37.4 -34.7 3 0 6 6.5 -34.7 -31.7 3 0 6.5 7 -31.7 -28.4 3 1 7 7.5 -28.4 -24.9 3 0 7.5 8 -24.9 -21.8 3 3 8 8.5 -21.8 -18.3 3 5 8.5 9 -18.3 -14.9 3 2 9 9.5 -14.9 -10.9 3 0 9.5 10 -10.9 -6.9 3 4 10 11 -6.9 0.7 4 3 11 12 0.7 10.2 4 7 12 13 10.2 20.0 4 1 13 14 20.0 34.6 4 1 14 15 34.6 43.9 4 5 15 16 43.9 47.4 4 9 16 17 47.4 56.3 4 4 17 18 56.3 76.1 4 6 18 19 76.1 86.4 4 3 19 20 86.4 96.7 4 5 20 21 96.7 107.1 4 6 21 22 107.1 117.4 4 5 22 23 117.4 127.7 4 5 23 24 127.7 138.1 3 1 24 25 138.1 148.4 2.5 2 25 26 148.4 158.8 3 0 26 27 158.8 169.1 3 3 27 28 169.1 179.5 3 4 28 29 179.5 189.9 3 4 29 29.5 189.9 195.1 3 9 29.5 30 195.1 200.3 2 3 30 31 200.3 210.7 3 10 31 32 210.7 221.2 2 2 32 33 221.2 231.6 3 4 33 33.5 231.6 236.9 3 3 33.5 34 236.9 242.1 3 6 34 35 242.1 252.6 2.5 5 35 36 252.6 263.1 3 5 36 36.5 263.1 268.4 -999 -999 36.5 37 268.4 273.7 3 3 37 37.5 273.7 279.0 3 1 37.5 38 279.0 284.3 3 1 38 39 284.3 294.9 2 1 39 40 294.9 305.5 2 8 40 41 305.5 316.1 3 11 41 41.5 316.1 321.5 3 14 41.5 42 321.5 326.8 2 3 42 43 326.8 337.5 2 4 43 44 337.5 348.3 3 5 44 45 348.3 359.1 3 3 45 46 359.1 369.9 3 3 46 47 369.9 380.8 3 1 47 47.5 380.8 386.2 3 2 47.5 48 386.2 391.7 3 1 48 49 391.7 402.6 3 1 49 50 402.6 413.6 3 0 50 50.5 413.6 419.1 3 3 50.5 51 419.1 424.6 3 3 51 51.5 424.6 430.1 3 3 51.5 52 430.1 435.7 2.5 1 52 53 435.7 446.8 3 3 53 54 446.8 457.9 3 1 54 55 457.9 469.1 3 4 55 56 469.1 480.4 2.5 5 56 57 480.4 491.7 3 5 57 57.5 491.7 497.4 3 0 57.5 58 497.4 503.1 3 3 58 58.5 503.1 508.8 3 1 58.5 59 508.8 514.5 3 3 59 60 514.5 525.9 2 1 60 61 525.9 537.5 3 2 61 61.5 537.5 543.2 3 2 61.5 62 543.2 549.0 3 1 62 62.5 549.0 554.9 3 0 62.5 63 554.9 560.7 3 0 63 63.5 560.7 566.5 3 0 63.5 64 566.5 572.4 3 1 64 64.5 572.4 578.2 3 4 64.5 65 578.2 584.1 3 1 65 65.5 584.1 590.0 3 5 65.5 66 590.0 596.0 3 0 66 66.5 596.0 601.9 3 2 66.5 67 601.9 607.8 -999 -999 67 67.5 607.8 613.8 3 3 67.5 68 613.8 619.8 3 4 68 68.5 619.8 625.8 3 1 68.5 69 625.8 631.8 3 0 69 69.5 631.8 637.8 3 0 69.5 70 637.8 643.9 3 0 70 70.5 643.9 650.0 3 0 70.5 71 650.0 656.0 3 0 71 71.5 656.0 662.1 3 0 71.5 72 662.1 668.3 -999 -999 72 73 668.3 680.6 3 7 73 74 680.6 692.9 3 7 74 74.5 692.9 699.1 3 4 74.5 75 699.1 705.4 3 4 75 76 705.4 717.9 3 0 76 77 717.9 730.5 0.5 0 77 78 730.5 743.2 3 0 78 78.5 743.2 749.5 2 1 78.5 79 749.5 755.9 3 1 79 79.5 755.9 762.3 1 1 79.5 80.5 762.3 775.2 1 0 80.5 81.5 775.2 788.2 3 2 81.5 82.5 788.2 801.2 3 0 82.5 83 801.2 807.8 3 2 83 83.5 807.8 814.4 1.5 2 83.5 84.5 814.4 827.6 3 3 84.5 85.5 827.6 840.9 3 2 85.5 86 840.9 847.6 3 4 86 86.5 847.6 854.3 0.5 0 86.5 87 854.3 861.0 -999 -999 87 87.5 861.0 867.8 2 1 87.5 88.5 867.8 881.3 3 0 88.5 89 881.3 888.2 3 3 89 89.5 888.2 895.0 1.5 0 89.5 90.5 895.0 908.8 1.5 0 90.5 91.5 908.8 922.6 3 0 91.5 92 922.6 929.5 3 6 92 92.5 929.5 936.5 2 4 92.5 93 936.5 943.5 3 4 93 93.5 943.5 950.5 1 1 93.5 94.5 950.5 964.6 3 28 94.5 95.5 964.6 978.7 3 34 95.5 96 978.7 985.8 3 15 96 96.5 985.8 992.9 0.5 0 96.5 97 992.9 1000.1 -999 -999 97 97.5 1000.1 1007.2 2 4 97.5 98.5 1007.2 1021.6 3 5 98.5 99 1021.6 1028.8 3 10 99 99.5 1028.8 1036.0 3 1 99.5 100.5 1036.0 1050.5 2.5 0 100.5 101.5 1050.5 1065.1 3 2 101.5 102.5 1065.1 1079.7 3 7 102.5 103 1079.7 1087.1 3 8 103 103.5 1087.1 1094.4 3 2 103.5 104 1094.4 1101.8 3 10 104 104.5 1101.8 1109.2 1 2 104.5 105.5 1109.2 1124.0 3 2 105.5 106.5 1124.0 1138.8 3 32 106.5 107.5 1138.8 1153.7 3 4 107.5 108.5 1153.7 1168.7 3 8 108.5 109.5 1168.7 1183.7 3 14 109.5 110 1183.7 1191.2 3 6 110 110.5 1191.2 1198.8 2 4 110.5 111 1198.8 1206.3 3 6 111 111.5 1206.3 1213.9 3 5 111.5 112 1213.9 1221.4 3 7 112 112.5 1221.4 1229.0 3 8 112.5 113.5 1229.0 1244.2 3 8 113.5 114.5 1244.2 1259.4 3 10 114.5 115.5 1259.4 1274.7 3 11 115.5 116.5 1274.7 1290.0 3 1 116.5 117.5 1290.0 1305.3 3 0 117.5 118 1305.3 1313.0 3 0 118 118.5 1313.0 1320.7 3 1 118.5 119 1320.7 1328.4 3 3 119 119.5 1328.4 1336.2 3 2 119.5 120 1336.2 1343.9 3 2 120 120.5 1343.9 1351.7 2.5 0 120.5 121 1351.7 1359.4 3 0 121 121.5 1359.4 1367.2 3 0 121.5 122 1367.2 1375.0 3 4 122 122.5 1375.0 1382.9 3 0 122.5 123 1382.9 1390.7 3 0 123 123.5 1390.7 1398.6 3 3 123.5 124 1398.6 1406.4 3 5 124 124.5 1406.4 1414.4 3 7 124.5 125 1414.4 1422.3 3 5 125 125.5 1422.3 1430.2 3 6 125.5 126 1430.2 1438.2 3 3 126 126.5 1438.2 1446.2 3 3 126.5 127 1446.2 1454.2 3 1 127 127.5 1454.2 1462.2 3 0 127.5 128 1462.2 1470.3 3 2 128 128.5 1470.3 1478.4 2 1 128.5 129.5 1478.4 1494.6 3 2 129.5 130 1494.6 1502.8 -999 -999 130 130.5 1502.8 1511.0 3 1 130.5 131 1511.0 1519.3 3 1 131 131.5 1519.3 1527.5 1.5 0 131.5 132.5 1527.5 1544.1 3 0 132.5 133.5 1544.1 1560.9 3 0 133.5 134 1560.9 1569.3 3 1 134 134.5 1569.3 1577.7 3 5 134.5 135 1577.7 1586.2 3 9 135 135.5 1586.2 1594.8 1 5 135.5 136.5 1594.8 1611.9 3 8 136.5 137.5 1611.9 1629.2 3 4 137.5 138 1629.2 1637.9 3 6 138 138.5 1637.9 1646.7 1.5 2 138.5 139.5 1646.7 1664.3 3 2 139.5 140.5 1664.3 1682.1 3 5 140.5 141 1682.1 1691.0 3 4 141 141.5 1691.0 1700.0 3 3 141.5 142 1700.0 1709.1 3 3 142 142.5 1709.1 1718.2 3 3 142.5 143 1718.2 1727.3 3 2 143 143.5 1727.3 1736.5 1.5 0 143.5 144.5 1736.5 1754.9 3 2 144.5 145 1754.9 1764.2 3 0 145 145.5 1764.2 1773.5 1 0 145.5 146 1773.5 1782.9 3 1 146 146.5 1782.9 1792.3 3 0 146.5 147 1792.3 1801.7 3 0 147 147.5 1801.7 1811.2 3 3 147.5 148 1811.2 1820.7 3 3 148 148.5 1820.7 1830.2 3 1 148.5 149 1830.2 1839.8 3 2 149 149.5 1839.8 1849.4 2 0 149.5 150.5 1849.4 1868.6 3 0 150.5 151.5 1868.6 1888.0 3 1 151.5 152.5 1888.0 1907.4 3 4 152.5 153 1907.4 1917.2 3 3 153 153.5 1917.2 1927.0 3 2 153.5 154 1927.0 1936.8 3 0 154 154.5 1936.8 1946.6 1 0 154.5 155.5 1946.6 1966.4 3 2 155.5 156 1966.4 1976.3 3 18 156 156.5 1976.3 1986.2 3 3 156.5 157 1986.2 1996.1 3 13 157 157.5 1996.1 2006.0 3 13 157.5 158 2006.0 2016.0 3 10 158 158.5 2016.0 2025.9 3 8 158.5 159 2025.9 2035.9 3 5 159 159.5 2035.9 2045.9 3 5 159.5 160 2045.9 2055.9 3 0 160 160.5 2055.9 2065.9 3 2 160.5 161 2065.9 2075.9 3 3 161 161.5 2075.9 2085.9 -999 -999 161.5 162.5 2085.9 2106.0 3 2 162.5 163 2106.0 2116.0 3 1 163 163.5 2116.0 2126.1 3 0 163.5 164.5 2126.1 2146.2 3 5 164.5 165 2146.2 2156.2 3 3 165 165.5 2156.2 2166.3 3 1 165.5 166 2166.3 2176.3 3 8 166 166.5 2176.3 2186.4 3 7 166.5 167 2186.4 2196.4 3 2 167 167.5 2196.4 2206.4 3 4 167.5 168 2206.4 2216.5 3 3 168 168.5 2216.5 2226.5 3 5 168.5 169 2226.5 2236.5 3 3 169 169.5 2236.5 2246.6 0.5 1 169.5 170.5 2246.6 2266.6 3 0 170.5 171 2266.6 2276.6 3 1 171 171.5 2276.6 2286.5 2 1 171.5 172.5 2286.5 2306.5 3 5 172.5 173 2306.5 2316.4 3 8 173 173.5 2316.4 2326.3 2 2 173.5 174.5 2326.3 2346.2 3 3 174.5 175.5 2346.2 2365.9 3 3 175.5 176.5 2365.9 2385.6 3 14 176.5 177 2385.6 2395.4 3 3 177 177.5 2395.4 2405.2 3 6 177.5 178 2405.2 2414.9 3 15 178 178.5 2414.9 2424.7 3 6 178.5 179 2424.7 2434.4 3 4 179 179.5 2434.4 2444.1 3 4 179.5 180 2444.1 2453.8 3 1 180 180.5 2453.8 2463.4 1.5 0 180.5 181.5 2463.4 2482.7 3 12 181.5 182 2482.7 2492.3 3 7 182 182.5 2492.3 2501.9 2 2 182.5 183 2501.9 2511.5 3 2 183 183.5 2511.5 2521.0 3 8 183.5 184 2521.0 2530.6 3 17 184 184.5 2530.6 2540.1 3 14 184.5 185 2540.1 2549.6 3 28 185 185.5 2549.6 2559.1 3 7 185.5 186 2559.1 2568.6 3 10 186 186.5 2568.6 2578.0 2 2 186.5 187 2578.0 2587.5 3 2 187 187.5 2587.5 2596.9 2 2 187.5 188.5 2596.9 2615.7 3 5 188.5 189 2615.7 2625.0 2 4 189 189.5 2625.0 2634.4 3 2 189.5 190 2634.4 2643.7 2 4 190 190.5 2643.7 2653.1 3 16 190.5 191 2653.1 2662.4 3 15 191 191.5 2662.4 2671.7 3 27 191.5 192 2671.7 2681.0 3 6 192 192.5 2681.0 2690.2 3 17 192.5 193 2690.2 2699.5 3 21 193 193.5 2699.5 2708.7 2 14 193.5 194 2708.7 2717.9 2 4 194 194.5 2717.9 2727.2 2 6 194.5 195 2727.2 2736.4 3 8 195 195.5 2736.4 2745.5 2 1 195.5 196 2745.5 2754.7 3 3 196 196.5 2754.7 2763.9 3 4 196.5 197 2763.9 2773.0 3 2 197 197.5 2773.0 2782.2 3 1 197.5 198 2782.2 2791.3 3 5 198 198.5 2791.3 2800.4 2.5 5 198.5 199 2800.4 2809.5 3 17 199 199.5 2809.5 2818.6 3 5 199.5 200 2818.6 2827.6 3 19 200 200.5 2827.6 2836.7 3 4 200.5 201 2836.7 2845.8 3 8 201 201.5 2845.8 2854.8 2 0 201.5 202 2854.8 2863.8 2.5 1 202 202.5 2863.8 2872.9 2.5 1 202.5 203 2872.9 2881.9 2 1 203 203.5 2881.9 2890.9 3 5 203.5 204 2890.9 2899.9 3 1 204 204.5 2899.9 2908.8 3 0 204.5 205 2908.8 2917.8 3 4 205 205.5 2917.8 2926.8 3 1 205.5 206 2926.8 2935.7 3 2 206 206.5 2935.7 2944.7 3 4 206.5 207 2944.7 2953.6 3 4 207 207.5 2953.6 2962.5 3 9 207.5 208 2962.5 2971.4 3 6 208 208.5 2971.4 2980.3 2.5 6 208.5 209 2980.3 2989.2 3 4 209 209.5 2989.2 2998.1 3 19 209.5 210 2998.1 3007.0 3 5 210 210.5 3007.0 3015.9 3 10 210.5 211 3015.9 3024.8 3 7 211 211.5 3024.8 3033.6 3 11 211.5 212 3033.6 3042.5 3 6 212 212.5 3042.5 3051.3 3 4 212.5 213 3051.3 3060.2 3 6 213 213.5 3060.2 3069.0 3 7 213.5 214 3069.0 3077.8 3 7 214 214.5 3077.8 3086.7 1 3 214.5 215 3086.7 3095.5 3 5 215 215.5 3095.5 3104.3 0.5 0 215.5 216 3104.3 3113.1 2 1 216 216.5 3113.1 3121.9 2 4 216.5 217 3121.9 3130.6 2 7 217 217.5 3130.6 3139.4 1.5 3 217.5 218 3139.4 3148.1 2.5 3 218 218.5 3148.1 3156.9 3 7 218.5 219 3156.9 3165.6 3 4 219 219.5 3165.6 3174.3 3 11 219.5 220 3174.3 3183.0 3 16 220 220.5 3183.0 3191.7 3 17 220.5 221 3191.7 3200.4 3 36 221 221.5 3200.4 3209.0 3 197 221.5 222 3209.0 3217.7 3 4 222 222.5 3217.7 3226.3 1 1 222.5 223 3226.3 3234.9 3 7 223 223.5 3234.9 3243.5 1.5 3 223.5 224 3243.5 3252.1 2 3 224 224.5 3252.1 3260.6 2 16 224.5 225 3260.6 3269.2 1 7 225 225.5 3269.2 3277.7 2.5 24 225.5 226 3277.7 3286.2 3 6 226 226.5 3286.2 3294.7 3 13 226.5 227 3294.7 3303.2 3 18 227 227.5 3303.2 3311.6 3 17 227.5 228 3311.6 3320.0 3 10 228 228.5 3320.0 3328.4 2.5 1 228.5 229 3328.4 3336.8 3 0 229 229.5 3336.8 3345.2 3 1 229.5 230 3345.2 3353.5 3 4 230 230.5 3353.5 3361.8 0.5 0 230.5 231 3361.8 3370.1 1.5 0 231 231.5 3370.1 3378.4 2 3 231.5 232 3378.4 3386.7 2 6 232 232.5 3386.7 3394.9 1 3 232.5 233 3394.9 3403.1 3 3 233 233.5 3403.1 3411.3 3 5 233.5 234 3411.3 3419.4 3 11 234 234.5 3419.4 3427.5 2 6 234.5 235 3427.5 3435.6 3 0 235 235.5 3435.6 3443.7 3 2 235.5 236 3443.7 3451.7 3 16 236 236.5 3451.7 3459.7 3 10 236.5 237 3459.7 3467.7 3 9 237 237.5 3467.7 3475.7 3 28 237.5 238 3475.7 3483.6 3 21 238 238.5 3483.6 3491.5 1 9 238.5 239 3491.5 3499.4 2 37 239 239.5 3499.4 3507.2 2 1 239.5 240 3507.2 3515.0 3 4 240 240.5 3515.0 3522.8 2 8 240.5 241 3522.8 3530.5 3 7 241 241.5 3530.5 3538.3 3 4 241.5 242 3538.3 3545.9 3 4 242 242.5 3545.9 3553.6 1 0 242.5 243 3553.6 3561.2 3 2 243 243.5 3561.2 3568.8 3 4 243.5 244 3568.8 3576.4 3 1 244 244.5 3576.4 3584.0 2 1 244.5 245 3584.0 3591.5 3 0 245 245.5 3591.5 3599.0 3 2 245.5 246 3599.0 3606.4 3 5 246 246.5 3606.4 3613.9 3 2 246.5 247 3613.9 3621.3 3 1 247 247.5 3621.3 3628.7 3 0 247.5 248 3628.7 3636.0 3 3 248 248.5 3636.0 3643.3 3 11 248.5 249 3643.3 3650.6 3 5 249 249.5 3650.6 3657.9 3 6 249.5 250 3657.9 3665.2 3 5 250 250.5 3665.2 3672.4 0.5 1 250.5 251 3672.4 3679.6 1.5 10 251 251.5 3679.6 3686.8 3 13 251.5 252 3686.8 3693.9 3 9 252 252.5 3693.9 3701.0 3 8 252.5 253 3701.0 3708.1 3 12 253 253.5 3708.1 3715.2 3 14 253.5 254 3715.2 3722.2 3 12 254 254.5 3722.2 3729.3 3 14 254.5 255 3729.3 3736.3 3 17 255 255.5 3736.3 3743.2 3 1 255.5 256 3743.2 3750.2 3 4 256 256.5 3750.2 3757.1 1 1 256.5 257.5 3757.1 3770.9 3 3 257.5 258 3770.9 3777.7 3 8 258 258.5 3777.7 3784.6 3 8 258.5 259 3784.6 3791.4 3 7 259 259.5 3791.4 3798.2 3 2 259.5 260 3798.2 3804.9 3 4 260 260.5 3804.9 3811.7 3 2 260.5 261 3811.7 3818.4 3 4 261 261.5 3818.4 3825.1 3 11 261.5 262 3825.1 3831.8 3 12 262 262.5 3831.8 3838.5 3 66 262.5 263 3838.5 3845.1 3 40 263 263.5 3845.1 3851.7 3 42 263.5 264 3851.7 3858.3 3 25 264 264.5 3858.3 3864.9 1.5 12 264.5 265 3864.9 3871.4 3 11 265 265.5 3871.4 3878.0 1.5 7 265.5 266 3878.0 3884.5 2.5 15 266 266.5 3884.5 3891.0 3 19 266.5 267 3891.0 3897.4 3 11 267 267.5 3897.4 3903.9 3 24 267.5 268 3903.9 3910.3 3 15 268 268.5 3910.3 3916.8 1 2 268.5 269 3916.8 3923.2 3 12 269 269.5 3923.2 3929.5 3 9 269.5 270 3929.5 3935.9 3 16 270 270.5 3935.9 3942.3 3 10 270.5 271 3942.3 3948.6 3 20 271 271.5 3948.6 3954.9 3 29 271.5 272 3954.9 3961.3 3 32 272 272.5 3961.3 3967.6 1 5 272.5 273 3967.6 3973.9 2.5 19 273 273.5 3973.9 3980.2 2.5 8 273.5 274 3980.2 3986.4 3 6 274 274.5 3986.4 3992.7 3 2 274.5 275 3992.7 3999.0 3 5 275 275.5 3999.0 4005.2 3 11 275.5 276 4005.2 4011.5 3 14 276 276.5 4011.5 4017.7 2 8 276.5 277 4017.7 4024.0 3 16 277 277.5 4024.0 4030.2 3 10 277.5 278 4030.2 4036.5 3 12 278 278.5 4036.5 4042.7 3 12 278.5 279 4042.7 4048.9 3 13 279 279.5 4048.9 4055.2 3 6 279.5 280 4055.2 4061.4 3 6 280 280.5 4061.4 4067.7 3 2 280.5 281 4067.7 4073.9 3 3 281 281.5 4073.9 4080.2 3 7 281.5 282 4080.2 4086.4 3 6 282 282.5 4086.4 4092.7 3 6 282.5 283 4092.7 4099.0 3 6 283 283.5 4099.0 4105.2 3 10 283.5 284 4105.2 4111.5 3 8 284 284.5 4111.5 4117.8 3 0 284.5 285 4117.8 4124.1 3 2 285 285.5 4124.1 4130.4 3 0 285.5 286 4130.4 4136.8 3 3 286 286.5 4136.8 4143.1 1 3 286.5 287 4143.1 4149.5 3 7 287 287.5 4149.5 4155.8 3 2 287.5 288 4155.8 4162.2 3 2 288 288.5 4162.2 4168.6 1.5 7 288.5 289 4168.6 4175.0 3 38 289 289.5 4175.0 4181.5 2 14 289.5 290 4181.5 4187.9 3 61 290 290.5 4187.9 4194.4 3 15 290.5 291 4194.4 4200.9 3 33 291 291.5 4200.9 4207.4 3 25 291.5 292 4207.4 4213.9 3 10 292 292.5 4213.9 4220.5 3 9 292.5 293 4220.5 4227.1 3 14 293 293.5 4227.1 4233.7 3 9 293.5 294 4233.7 4240.3 3 38 294 294.5 4240.3 4247.0 3 40 294.5 295 4247.0 4253.7 3 1 295 295.5 4253.7 4260.4 2 4 295.5 296.5 4260.4 4273.9 3 16 296.5 297 4273.9 4280.7 3 15 297 297.5 4280.7 4287.5 3 7 297.5 298 4287.5 4294.4 3 5 298 298.5 4294.4 4301.3 1 1 298.5 299 4301.3 4308.2 3 6 299 299.5 4308.2 4315.2 3 6 299.5 300 4315.2 4322.2 3 31 300 300.5 4322.2 4329.2 3 10 300.5 301 4329.2 4336.3 3 9 301 301.5 4336.3 4343.4 3 7 301.5 302 4343.4 4350.5 3 5 302 302.5 4350.5 4357.7 1.5 5 302.5 303.5 4357.7 4372.1 3 6 303.5 304 4372.1 4379.3 3 0 304 304.5 4379.3 4386.6 3 0 304.5 305 4386.6 4393.9 3 0 305 305.5 4393.9 4401.3 3 4 305.5 306 4401.3 4408.7 3 0 306 306.5 4408.7 4416.1 3 0 306.5 307.5 4416.1 4431.0 3 20 307.5 308 4431.0 4438.5 3 11 308 308.5 4438.5 4446.1 3 6 308.5 309 4446.1 4453.6 3 28 309 309.5 4453.6 4461.2 3 19 309.5 310 4461.2 4468.8 3 18 310 310.5 4468.8 4476.5 2 13 310.5 311 4476.5 4484.2 3 17 311 311.5 4484.2 4491.9 3 23 311.5 312 4491.9 4499.7 3 123 312 312.5 4499.7 4507.4 2 13 312.5 313 4507.4 4515.2 3 29 313 313.5 4515.2 4523.1 3 4 313.5 314 4523.1 4531.0 3 60 314 314.5 4531.0 4538.8 -999 -999 314.5 315.5 4538.8 4554.7 1.5 4 315.5 316.5 4554.7 4570.7 3 9 316.5 317 4570.7 4578.8 3 9 317 317.5 4578.8 4586.8 3 10 317.5 318 4586.8 4594.9 3 9 318 318.5 4594.9 4603.0 1 12 318.5 319.5 4603.0 4619.4 3 12 319.5 320.5 4619.4 4635.8 3 30 320.5 321 4635.8 4644.1 3 14 321 321.5 4644.1 4652.4 2 10 321.5 322 4652.4 4660.7 3 6 322 322.5 4660.7 4669.0 2 14 322.5 323 4669.0 4677.4 3 14 323 323.5 4677.4 4685.8 3 25 323.5 324 4685.8 4694.2 3 13 324 324.5 4694.2 4702.6 2 8 324.5 325 4702.6 4711.1 3 30 325 325.5 4711.1 4719.6 1 13 325.5 326.5 4719.6 4736.7 2 6 326.5 327.5 4736.7 4753.9 3 29 327.5 328.5 4753.9 4771.2 3 13 328.5 329 4771.2 4779.8 3 7 329 329.5 4779.8 4788.5 3 11 329.5 330 4788.5 4797.3 3 6 330 330.5 4797.3 4806.0 3 13 330.5 331 4806.0 4814.8 3 24 331 331.5 4814.8 4823.6 3 12 331.5 332 4823.6 4832.4 3 26 332 332.5 4832.4 4841.3 -999 -999 332.5 333 4841.3 4850.2 3 9 333 333.5 4850.2 4859.1 3 0 333.5 334 4859.1 4868.0 3 1 334 334.5 4868.0 4876.9 0.5 0 334.5 335.5 4876.9 4894.9 3 8 335.5 336.5 4894.9 4913.0 3 30 336.5 337.5 4913.0 4931.1 3 29 337.5 338 4931.1 4940.2 3 36 338 338.5 4940.2 4949.3 3 14 338.5 339 4949.3 4958.5 3 13 339 339.5 4958.5 4967.7 1 1 339.5 340 4967.7 4976.9 3 11 340 340.5 4976.9 4986.1 1 7 340.5 341.5 4986.1 5004.6 3 8 341.5 342 5004.6 5013.9 3 6 342 342.5 5013.9 5023.2 1.5 3 342.5 343.5 5023.2 5041.9 3 7 343.5 344 5041.9 5051.2 3 25 344 344.5 5051.2 5060.6 3 25 344.5 345 5060.6 5070.0 3 34 345 345.5 5070.0 5079.5 2.5 19 345.5 346 5079.5 5088.9 3 17 346 346.5 5088.9 5098.4 1 6 346.5 347.5 5098.4 5117.4 2.5 14 347.5 348.5 5117.4 5136.5 3 17 348.5 349 5136.5 5146.1 3 8 349 349.5 5146.1 5155.8 3 12 349.5 350 5155.8 5165.4 3 16 350 350.5 5165.4 5175.1 3 7 350.5 351 5175.1 5184.8 3 16 351 351.5 5184.8 5194.5 3 17 351.5 352 5194.5 5204.3 3 22 352 352.5 5204.3 5214.1 1 7 352.5 353 5214.1 5223.9 3 28 353 353.5 5223.9 5233.8 3 24 353.5 354 5233.8 5243.7 3 15 354 354.5 5243.7 5253.6 3 22 354.5 355 5253.6 5263.6 3 15 355 355.5 5263.6 5273.6 1 3 355.5 356.5 5273.6 5293.7 3 21 356.5 357.5 5293.7 5313.9 3 18 357.5 358.5 5313.9 5334.3 2 7 358.5 359 5334.3 5344.6 3 5 359 359.5 5344.6 5354.9 1.5 2 359.5 360.5 5354.9 5375.7 3 19 360.5 361 5375.7 5386.1 3 19 361 361.5 5386.1 5396.6 3 8 361.5 362 5396.6 5407.2 3 18 362 362.5 5407.2 5417.8 2.5 35 362.5 363 5417.8 5428.4 3 25 363 363.5 5428.4 5439.1 -999 -999 363.5 364 5439.1 5449.8 2 6 364 365 5449.8 5471.5 3 15 365 366 5471.5 5493.3 3 12 366 367 5493.3 5515.4 3 21 367 367.5 5515.4 5526.5 3 8 367.5 368 5526.5 5537.7 3 12 368 368.5 5537.7 5548.9 -999 -999 368.5 369 5548.9 5560.3 2 10 369 370 5560.3 5583.1 3 10 370 371 5583.1 5606.1 3 12 371 371.5 5606.1 5617.8 3 8 371.5 372 5617.8 5629.5 3 10 372 372.5 5629.5 5641.2 2 11 372.5 373 5641.2 5653.1 3 6 373 374 5653.1 5676.9 3 15 374 375 5676.9 5701.1 3 17 375 376 5701.1 5725.6 3 13 376 377 5725.6 5750.4 3 23 377 377.5 5750.4 5762.9 3 23 377.5 378 5762.9 5775.5 3 14 378 379 5775.5 5800.9 2 8 379 380 5800.9 5826.6 3 14 380 381 5826.6 5852.7 3 3 381 382 5852.7 5879.1 3 3 382 382.5 5879.1 5892.5 3 4 382.5 383 5892.5 5905.9 3 8 383 383.5 5905.9 5919.4 3 8 383.5 384 5919.4 5933.0 3 18 384 384.5 5933.0 5946.8 -999 -999 384.5 385 5946.8 5960.6 0.5 3 385 386 5960.6 5988.5 3 24 386 387 5988.5 6016.7 3 9 387 387.5 6016.7 6031.0 3 27 387.5 388 6031.0 6045.4 3 21 388 389 6045.4 6074.5 2.5 19 389 390 6074.5 6104.0 2 13 390 391 6104.0 6133.9 3 20 391 391.5 6133.9 6149.0 3 23 391.5 392 6149.0 6164.2 3 14 392 392.5 6164.2 6179.5 2.5 6 392.5 393 6179.5 6195.0 3 10 393 394 6195.0 6226.2 3 10 394 394.5 6226.2 6241.9 -999 -999 394.5 395 6241.9 6257.8 0.5 4 395 396 6257.8 6289.9 3 23 396 397 6289.9 6322.5 3 9 397 397.5 6322.5 6339.0 3 1 397.5 398 6339.0 6355.6 3 9 398 399 6355.6 6389.1 2 4 399 400 6389.1 6423.1 1 3 400 401 6423.1 6457.7 3 8 401 401.5 6457.7 6475.2 3 6 401.5 402 6475.2 6492.8 3 25 402 403 6492.8 6528.4 3 12 403 403.5 6528.4 6546.5 3 4 403.5 404 6546.5 6564.7 3 1 404 404.5 6564.7 6583.0 3 5 404.5 405 6583.0 6601.5 3 9 405 405.5 6601.5 6620.2 -999 -999 405.5 406 6620.2 6639.0 1 5 406 407 6639.0 6677.1 3 9 407 407.5 6677.1 6696.4 3 9 407.5 408 6696.4 6715.9 3 16 408 408.5 6715.9 6735.6 3 21 408.5 409 6735.6 6755.4 3 9 409 409.5 6755.4 6775.4 3 6 409.5 410 6775.4 6795.6 3 21 410 411 6795.6 6836.6 2.5 7 411 412 6836.6 6878.3 3 9 412 413 6878.3 6920.8 3 8 413 413.5 6920.8 6942.4 3 22 413.5 414 6942.4 6964.1 3 13 414 415 6964.1 7008.3 3 15 415 416 7008.3 7053.2 3 4