#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?P=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:15514 # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/usepl009-kelly2013-mag.txt # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/usepl009.mag # Online_Resource: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/kelly-et-al-2013-for-noaa.xlsx # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: fire history #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-07-12 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Kelly fire data from Epilobium Lake, Yukon Flats, Alaska - IMPD USEPL009 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Kelly,R.;Chipman,M.L.;Higuera,P.E.;Stefanova,I.;Brubaker,L.B.;Hu,F.S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Chronology and macroscopic charcoal counts (number of pieces >180 microns) from Epilobium Lake sediments Yukon Flats, Alaska; # Entity name, EP09 (Internal lab code); # Contact person, Kelly R.; # Sampling date, 2009-0709; # Sampling device, All cores were taken with a combination of 7.5 cm livingstone, 5 cm livingstone, and 7.5 cm polycarbonate tube; # Water depth(cm), 1310; # Sample storage, All cores have archive halves intact, and working halves sliced at 0.25-cm resolution. These are kept at 4°C in the Hu Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana.; # Analysis method, Macroscopic charcoal counts. Please see Kelly et al. 2013 for details; # Location description, Yukon Flats Alaska; #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Ryan Kelly, Melissa L. Chipman, Philip E. Higuera, Ivanka Stefanova, Linda B. Brubaker, and Feng Sheng Hua # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013 # Published_Title: Recent burning of boreal forests exceeds fire regime limits of the past 10,000 years # Journal_Name: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences # Volume: 110 # Edition: 32 # Issue: # Pages: 13055–13060 # Report_Number: # DOI: www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1305069110 # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Wildfire activity in boreal forests is anticipated to increase dramatically, with far-reaching ecological and socioeconomic consequences. Paleorecords are indispensible for elucidating boreal fire regime dynamics under changing climate, because fire return intervals and successional cycles in these ecosystems occur over decadal to centennial timescales. We present charcoal records from 14 lakes in the Yukon Flats of interior Alaska, one of the most flammable ecoregions of the boreal forest biome, to infer causes and consequences of fire regime change over the past 10,000 y. Strong correspondence between charcoal-inferred and observational fire records shows the fidelity of sedimentary charcoal records as archives of past fire regimes. Fire frequency and area burned increased ~6,000–3,000 y ago, probably as a result of elevated landscape flammability associated with increased Picea mariana in the regional vegetation. During the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA; ~1,000–500 cal B.P.), the period most similar to recent decades, warm and dry climatic conditions resulted in peak biomass burning, but severe fires favored less-flammable deciduous vegetation, such that fire frequency remained relatively stationary. These results suggest that boreal forests can sustain high severity fire regimes for centuries under warm and dry conditions, with vegetation feedbacks modulating climate–fire linkages. The apparent limit to MCA burning has been surpassed by the regional fire regime of recent decades, which is characterized by exceptionally high fire frequency and biomass burning. This extreme combination suggests a transition to a unique regime of unprecedented fire activity. However, vegetation dynamics similar to feedbacks that occurred during the MCA may stabilize the fire regime, despite additional warming. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ARC-0612366 (to F.S.H.), and ARC-1023477 (to F.S.H.) #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship # Grant:(to R.K.) #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of Illinois Dissertation Completion Fellowship # Grant: (to R.K.) #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Parks Ecological Research Fellowship # Grant: (to P.E.H.) #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Epilobium Lake # Location: Alaska # Region: # Country: United States of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 65.97248 # Southernmost_Latitude: 65.97248 # Easternmost_Longitude: -145.56712 # Westernmost_Longitude: -145.56712 # Elevation: 366 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: EPO9 MAG # Earliest_Year: 3711.2 # Most_Recent_Year: -59 # Time_Unit: calendar years BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Chronology and macroscopic charcoal counts(number of pieces >180 microns) from Epilobium Lake sediments Yukon Flats, Alaska. #------------------ # Species: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Radiocarbon dates: # Lead-210 and AMS Radiocarbon Ages for Epilobium Lake sediments # # Epilobium Lake - Chronology Data # # depth_up top depth of interval in cm # depth_down bottom depth of interval in cm # Material Description of material used for AMS or lead-210 analysis # Type Data type, either lead-210 or radiocarbon # Act_or_14C Lead-210 activity in dpm g-1 OR radiocarbon age estimate in yr BP (BP = 1950 CE) # Error Measurement error of lead-210 activity (dpm g-1) OR radiocarbon age (yr) # Age_calBP Modeled Lead-210Pb date OR radiocarbon date in calibrated yr BP* # SD_calBP Standard deviation of modeled or calibrated date (yr) # *All radiocarbon ages calibrated in Calib v.6.1.0 using Intcal09 dataset. See paper for full description. # # depth_up depth_down Material Type Act_or_14C Error Age_calBP SD_calBP Notes # 0 1 bulk sediment Lead-210 42.86 3.78 -59.0 0.0 # 2 3 bulk sediment Lead-210 41.03 2.89 -51.7 0.8 # 3 4 bulk sediment Lead-210 38.52 4.20 -43.3 2.1 # 4 5 bulk sediment Lead-210 16.53 1.65 -24.8 6.8 # 5 6 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.53 0.32 -15.7 11.2 # 6 7 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.97 0.32 -11.1 11.9 # 8 9 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.34 0.29 44.0 26.9 # 10 11 bulk sediment Lead-210 2.96 0.37 Background Activity # 12 13 bulk sediment Lead-210 1.98 0.20 Background Activity # 14 15 bulk sediment Lead-210 2.41 0.31 Background Activity # 16 17 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.16 0.47 Background Activity # 18 19 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.06 0.38 Background Activity # 20 21 bulk sediment Lead-210 1.34 0.13 Background Activity # 24 25 bulk sediment Lead-210 3.19 0.33 Background Activity # 30 31 bulk sediment Lead-210 1.29 0.13 Background Activity # 32.75 33 bark Radiocarbon 700 35 662 40 # 52 52.25 charred needle Radiocarbon 1395 30 1306 19 # 70.25 70.5 needle Radiocarbon 2070 40 2050 172 # 89.5 89.75 meedle Radiocarbon 2410 40 2445 103 # 104.25 104.5 charred needles Radiocarbon 3035 30 3257 53 # #---------------- # Variables # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Seasonality,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type depth-cm-top Depth,,,cm,,,top depth,,N depth-cm-bottom Depth,,,cm,,,bottom depth,,N age-calBP-top Age,,,calendar years BP,,,top of sample,,N age-calBP-bottom Age,,,calendar years BP,,,bottom of sample,,N susc_cgs Magnetic susceptibility, , ,10^-6 CGS, ,fire history, , ,N #---------------- # Data # Missing_Values: n/a # # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header depth-cm-top depth-cm-bottom age-calBP-top age-calBP-bottom susc_cgs 0.00 0.50 -59.0 -57.9 0.20 0.50 1.00 -57.9 -56.5 0.20 1.00 1.50 -56.5 -54.4 0.15 1.50 2.00 -54.4 -51.5 0.60 2.00 2.50 -51.5 -47.5 0.15 2.50 3.00 -47.5 -42.3 0.35 3.00 3.50 -42.3 -36.0 0.15 3.50 4.00 -36.0 -29.5 0.25 4.00 4.50 -29.5 -23.4 0.40 4.50 5.00 -23.4 -17.4 0.90 5.00 5.50 -17.4 -11.2 0.20 5.50 6.00 -11.2 -3.9 5.35 6.00 6.50 -3.9 5.0 7.55 6.50 7.00 5.0 15.3 7.70 7.00 7.50 15.3 26.4 9.35 7.50 8.00 26.4 38.1 9.80 8.00 8.50 38.1 50.7 6.55 8.50 9.00 50.7 63.2 3.35 9.00 9.50 63.2 75.6 1.55 9.50 10.00 75.6 87.9 1.00 10.00 10.50 87.9 100.2 0.90 10.50 11.00 100.2 112.4 0.95 11.00 11.50 112.4 124.6 1.55 11.50 12.00 124.6 136.7 1.75 12.00 12.50 136.7 148.8 2.00 12.50 13.00 148.8 160.8 1.80 13.00 13.50 160.8 172.8 1.05 13.50 14.00 172.8 184.8 0.95 14.00 14.50 184.8 196.8 1.00 14.50 15.00 196.8 208.7 0.55 15.00 15.50 208.7 220.6 1.30 15.50 16.00 220.6 232.6 1.60 16.00 16.50 232.6 244.5 1.40 16.50 17.00 244.5 256.4 1.50 17.00 17.50 256.4 268.3 1.00 17.50 18.00 268.3 280.3 1.45 18.00 18.50 280.3 292.2 1.60 18.50 19.00 292.2 304.2 2.00 19.00 19.50 304.2 316.2 1.75 19.50 20.00 316.2 328.2 1.95 20.00 20.25 328.2 334.3 9.70 20.25 20.50 334.3 340.3 12.60 20.50 20.75 340.3 346.4 12.70 20.75 21.00 346.4 352.4 15.85 21.00 21.25 352.4 358.5 14.70 21.25 21.50 358.5 364.6 14.95 21.50 21.75 364.6 370.7 15.80 21.75 22.00 370.7 376.8 15.50 22.00 22.25 376.8 383.0 11.35 22.25 22.50 383.0 389.1 11.00 22.50 22.75 389.1 395.3 8.60 22.75 23.00 395.3 401.5 11.85 23.00 23.25 401.5 407.7 13.45 23.25 23.50 407.7 413.9 7.60 23.50 23.75 413.9 420.1 8.05 23.75 24.00 420.1 426.4 3.20 24.00 24.25 426.4 432.6 2.00 24.25 24.50 432.6 438.9 2.25 24.50 24.75 438.9 445.2 2.15 24.75 25.00 445.2 451.6 2.00 25.00 25.25 451.6 457.9 2.10 25.25 25.50 457.9 464.3 2.05 25.50 25.75 464.3 470.7 2.15 25.75 26.00 470.7 477.1 2.30 26.00 26.25 477.1 483.6 2.90 26.25 26.50 483.6 490.1 2.35 26.50 26.75 490.1 496.6 2.25 26.75 27.00 496.6 503.1 1.90 27.00 27.25 503.1 509.6 2.70 27.25 27.50 509.6 516.2 3.25 27.50 27.75 516.2 522.8 6.80 27.75 28.00 522.8 529.5 6.40 28.00 28.25 529.5 536.1 9.15 28.25 28.50 536.1 542.8 10.40 28.50 28.75 542.8 549.6 11.25 28.75 29.00 549.6 556.3 10.80 29.00 29.25 556.3 563.1 10.75 29.25 29.50 563.1 570.0 12.05 29.50 29.75 570.0 576.8 11.30 29.75 30.00 576.8 583.7 13.05 30.00 30.25 583.7 590.7 12.55 30.25 30.50 590.7 597.6 12.55 30.50 30.75 597.6 604.6 12.70 30.75 31.00 604.6 611.7 12.95 31.00 31.25 611.7 618.7 13.00 31.25 31.50 618.7 625.8 13.40 31.50 31.75 625.8 633.0 12.70 31.75 32.00 633.0 640.2 11.95 32.00 32.25 640.2 647.4 7.80 32.25 32.50 647.4 654.7 10.10 32.50 32.75 654.7 662.0 7.75 32.75 33.00 662.0 669.3 4.05 33.00 33.25 669.3 676.7 2.55 33.25 33.50 676.7 684.1 3.60 33.50 33.75 684.1 691.6 4.80 33.75 34.00 691.6 699.0 4.85 34.00 34.25 699.0 706.5 8.05 34.25 34.50 706.5 714.1 8.30 34.50 34.75 714.1 721.6 10.35 34.75 35.00 721.6 729.2 8.35 35.00 35.25 729.2 736.8 9.10 35.25 35.50 736.8 744.4 10.25 35.50 35.75 744.4 752.1 10.90 35.75 36.00 752.1 759.8 10.10 36.00 36.25 759.8 767.5 11.25 36.25 36.50 767.5 775.3 10.60 36.50 36.75 775.3 783.1 7.85 36.75 37.00 783.1 790.9 4.90 37.00 37.25 790.9 798.7 7.15 37.25 37.50 798.7 806.6 6.65 37.50 37.75 806.6 814.5 6.00 37.75 38.00 814.5 822.4 1.75 38.00 38.25 822.4 830.3 2.80 38.25 38.50 830.3 838.3 1.30 38.50 38.75 838.3 846.3 1.30 38.75 39.00 846.3 854.3 1.40 39.00 39.25 854.3 862.4 2.05 39.25 39.50 862.4 870.5 1.80 39.50 39.75 870.5 878.6 1.50 39.75 40.00 878.6 886.7 1.45 40.00 40.25 886.7 894.9 1.45 40.25 40.50 894.9 903.1 1.60 40.50 40.75 903.1 911.3 1.85 40.75 41.00 911.3 919.5 1.30 41.00 41.25 919.5 927.8 1.40 41.25 41.50 927.8 936.1 1.25 41.50 41.75 936.1 944.4 1.00 41.75 42.00 944.4 952.7 0.95 42.00 42.25 952.7 961.1 1.25 42.25 42.50 961.1 969.5 1.25 42.50 42.75 969.5 977.9 1.30 42.75 43.00 977.9 986.3 1.95 43.00 43.25 986.3 994.8 1.00 43.25 43.50 994.8 1003.3 1.10 43.50 43.75 1003.3 1011.8 1.00 43.75 44.00 1011.8 1020.4 1.20 44.00 44.25 1020.4 1028.9 1.05 44.25 44.50 1028.9 1037.5 1.10 44.50 44.75 1037.5 1046.1 1.00 44.75 45.00 1046.1 1054.8 1.20 45.00 45.25 1054.8 1063.4 1.15 45.25 45.50 1063.4 1072.1 1.20 45.50 45.75 1072.1 1080.8 1.45 45.75 46.00 1080.8 1089.6 1.50 46.00 46.25 1089.6 1098.3 1.95 46.25 46.50 1098.3 1107.1 1.65 46.50 46.75 1107.1 1115.9 1.60 46.75 47.00 1115.9 1124.7 1.25 47.00 47.25 1124.7 1133.6 1.40 47.25 47.50 1133.6 1142.5 1.20 47.50 47.75 1142.5 1151.4 1.10 47.75 48.00 1151.4 1160.3 1.00 48.00 48.25 1160.3 1169.2 1.15 48.25 48.50 1169.2 1178.2 1.15 48.50 48.75 1178.2 1187.2 1.20 48.75 49.00 1187.2 1196.2 1.20 49.00 49.25 1196.2 1205.2 1.60 49.25 49.50 1205.2 1214.3 2.15 49.50 49.75 1214.3 1223.4 1.90 49.75 50.00 1223.4 1232.5 1.20 50.00 50.25 1232.5 1241.6 1.50 50.25 50.50 1241.6 1250.7 4.20 50.50 50.75 1250.7 1259.9 6.75 50.75 51.00 1259.9 1269.1 6.35 51.00 51.25 1269.1 1278.3 2.25 51.25 51.50 1278.3 1287.5 1.35 51.50 51.75 1287.5 1296.7 1.50 51.75 52.00 1296.7 1306.0 1.90 52.00 52.25 1306.0 1315.3 2.30 52.25 52.50 1315.3 1324.8 1.70 52.50 52.75 1324.8 1334.4 1.50 52.75 53.00 1334.4 1344.0 1.45 53.00 53.25 1344.0 1353.8 1.55 53.25 53.50 1353.8 1363.7 1.60 53.50 53.75 1363.7 1373.6 1.75 53.75 54.00 1373.6 1383.7 7.65 54.00 54.25 1383.7 1393.9 6.80 54.25 54.50 1393.9 1404.1 5.55 54.50 54.75 1404.1 1414.4 1.80 54.75 55.00 1414.4 1424.8 1.40 55.00 55.25 1424.8 1435.3 1.65 55.25 55.50 1435.3 1445.8 1.85 55.50 55.75 1445.8 1456.4 2.15 55.75 56.00 1456.4 1467.1 1.90 56.00 56.25 1467.1 1477.8 2.75 56.25 56.50 1477.8 1488.6 3.45 56.50 56.75 1488.6 1499.4 2.30 56.75 57.00 1499.4 1510.3 2.55 57.00 57.25 1510.3 1521.2 2.30 57.25 57.50 1521.2 1532.1 1.95 57.50 57.75 1532.1 1543.1 1.65 57.75 58.00 1543.1 1554.1 1.90 58.00 58.25 1554.1 1565.2 1.70 58.25 58.50 1565.2 1576.2 1.45 58.50 58.75 1576.2 1587.3 1.50 58.75 59.00 1587.3 1598.4 1.45 59.00 59.25 1598.4 1609.5 1.35 59.25 59.50 1609.5 1620.6 1.55 59.50 59.75 1620.6 1631.7 1.55 59.75 60.00 1631.7 1642.9 1.50 60.00 60.25 1642.9 1654.0 1.50 60.25 60.50 1654.0 1665.1 1.60 60.50 60.75 1665.1 1676.2 1.50 60.75 61.00 1676.2 1687.2 1.50 61.00 61.25 1687.2 1698.3 1.65 61.25 61.50 1698.3 1709.3 1.50 61.50 61.75 1709.3 1720.3 1.60 61.75 62.00 1720.3 1731.3 1.60 62.00 62.25 1731.3 1742.2 1.60 62.25 62.50 1742.2 1753.1 1.80 62.50 62.75 1753.1 1764.0 2.05 62.75 63.00 1764.0 1774.8 1.95 63.00 63.25 1774.8 1785.5 2.50 63.25 63.50 1785.5 1796.2 3.00 63.50 63.75 1796.2 1806.8 5.85 63.75 64.00 1806.8 1817.4 6.15 64.00 64.25 1817.4 1827.9 5.60 64.25 64.50 1827.9 1838.4 4.65 64.50 64.75 1838.4 1848.7 2.50 64.75 65.00 1848.7 1859.0 2.30 65.00 65.25 1859.0 1869.2 2.35 65.25 65.50 1869.2 1879.3 2.70 65.50 65.75 1879.3 1889.4 2.70 65.75 66.00 1889.4 1899.3 2.20 66.00 66.25 1899.3 1909.1 2.65 66.25 66.50 1909.1 1918.9 2.45 66.50 66.75 1918.9 1928.5 2.60 66.75 67.00 1928.5 1938.0 3.35 67.00 67.25 1938.0 1947.4 5.90 67.25 67.50 1947.4 1956.7 11.95 67.50 67.75 1956.7 1965.9 5.35 67.75 68.00 1965.9 1974.9 6.35 68.00 68.25 1974.9 1983.8 8.65 68.25 68.50 1983.8 1992.6 7.20 68.50 68.75 1992.6 2001.2 6.60 68.75 69.00 2001.2 2009.7 6.60 69.00 69.25 2009.7 2018.1 2.75 69.25 69.50 2018.1 2026.3 9.65 69.50 69.75 2026.3 2034.4 7.10 69.75 70.00 2034.4 2042.3 2.65 70.00 70.25 2042.3 2050.0 10.30 70.25 70.50 2050.0 2057.5 3.05 70.50 70.75 2057.5 2064.8 2.70 70.75 71.00 2064.8 2071.9 2.75 71.00 71.25 2071.9 2078.8 2.75 71.25 71.50 2078.8 2085.4 2.70 71.50 71.75 2085.4 2091.8 2.65 71.75 72.00 2091.8 2098.1 2.70 72.00 72.25 2098.1 2104.1 2.35 72.25 72.50 2104.1 2109.9 2.50 72.50 72.75 2109.9 2115.6 2.20 72.75 73.00 2115.6 2121.1 2.20 73.00 73.25 2121.1 2126.4 4.80 73.25 73.50 2126.4 2131.5 5.30 73.50 73.75 2131.5 2136.5 4.90 73.75 74.00 2136.5 2141.4 5.60 74.00 74.25 2141.4 2146.1 7.00 74.25 74.50 2146.1 2150.7 9.05 74.50 74.75 2150.7 2155.2 2.35 74.75 75.00 2155.2 2159.5 2.65 75.00 75.25 2159.5 2163.7 2.45 75.25 75.50 2163.7 2167.9 2.25 75.50 75.75 2167.9 2171.9 2.30 75.75 76.00 2171.9 2175.8 2.30 76.00 76.25 2175.8 2179.7 2.25 76.25 76.50 2179.7 2183.4 2.35 76.50 76.75 2183.4 2187.1 2.80 76.75 77.00 2187.1 2190.8 5.20 77.00 77.25 2190.8 2194.4 7.05 77.25 77.50 2194.4 2197.9 2.25 77.50 77.75 2197.9 2201.4 4.55 77.75 78.00 2201.4 2204.8 6.20 78.00 78.25 2204.8 2208.3 7.20 78.25 78.50 2208.3 2211.7 2.55 78.50 78.75 2211.7 2215.1 2.55 78.75 79.00 2215.1 2218.4 3.25 79.00 79.25 2218.4 2221.8 3.60 79.25 79.50 2221.8 2225.2 3.25 79.50 79.75 2225.2 2228.6 3.30 79.75 80.00 2228.6 2232.0 3.20 80.00 80.25 2232.0 2235.5 3.40 80.25 80.50 2235.5 2239.0 2.75 80.50 80.75 2239.0 2242.5 2.75 80.75 81.00 2242.5 2246.0 3.00 81.00 81.25 2246.0 2249.7 3.00 81.25 81.50 2249.7 2253.3 3.50 81.50 81.75 2253.3 2257.1 6.80 81.75 82.00 2257.1 2260.9 9.70 82.00 82.25 2260.9 2264.8 9.45 82.25 82.50 2264.8 2268.8 12.70 82.50 82.75 2268.8 2272.9 14.05 82.75 83.00 2272.9 2277.1 11.70 83.00 83.25 2277.1 2281.4 15.10 83.25 83.50 2281.4 2285.8 16.60 83.50 83.75 2285.8 2290.4 14.70 83.75 84.00 2290.4 2295.1 15.45 84.00 84.25 2295.1 2299.9 15.30 84.25 84.50 2299.9 2304.8 10.30 84.50 84.75 2304.8 2309.9 9.55 84.75 85.00 2309.9 2315.2 18.45 85.00 85.25 2315.2 2320.6 19.45 85.25 85.50 2320.6 2326.2 21.20 85.50 85.75 2326.2 2332.0 20.80 85.75 86.00 2332.0 2338.0 19.20 86.00 86.25 2338.0 2344.2 17.40 86.25 86.50 2344.2 2350.5 14.30 86.50 86.75 2350.5 2357.1 15.40 86.75 87.00 2357.1 2363.9 7.60 87.00 87.25 2363.9 2370.9 3.95 87.25 87.50 2370.9 2378.1 6.00 87.50 87.75 2378.1 2385.6 3.20 87.75 88.00 2385.6 2393.3 1.65 88.00 88.25 2393.3 2401.2 4.05 88.25 88.50 2401.2 2409.5 2.95 88.50 88.75 2409.5 2417.9 2.40 88.75 89.00 2417.9 2426.7 2.35 89.00 89.25 2426.7 2435.7 1.75 89.25 89.50 2435.7 2445.0 1.60 89.50 89.75 2445.0 2454.6 1.90 89.75 90.00 2454.6 2464.5 1.50 90.00 90.25 2464.5 2474.6 1.80 90.25 90.50 2474.6 2485.0 1.80 90.50 90.75 2485.0 2495.7 1.95 90.75 91.00 2495.7 2506.7 2.20 91.00 91.25 2506.7 2517.9 1.95 91.25 91.50 2517.9 2529.3 5.30 91.50 91.75 2529.3 2541.0 6.75 91.75 92.00 2541.0 2552.9 8.10 92.00 92.25 2552.9 2565.0 11.70 92.25 92.50 2565.0 2577.3 10.95 92.50 92.75 2577.3 2589.8 11.15 92.75 93.00 2589.8 2602.5 14.85 93.00 93.25 2602.5 2615.4 14.60 93.25 93.50 2615.4 2628.5 14.05 93.50 93.75 2628.5 2641.8 13.75 93.75 94.00 2641.8 2655.2 14.60 94.00 94.25 2655.2 2668.8 14.50 94.25 94.50 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