# Pompeani fire data from Copper Falls Lake, Great Lakes region - IMPD USCFL001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28834 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/northamerica/supplemental/uscfl001-hg.txt # Description: NOAA location of this template # # Original_Source_URL: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.est.8b01523 # Description: Environmental Scicence and Technology # # Archive: Fire History # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: Michigan, Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior, Holocene, Mercury, Carbon, Nitrogen, Fire history, Paleolimnology #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-01-15 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-01-15 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Pompeani fire data from Copper Falls Lake, Great Lakes region - IMPD USCFL001 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Pompeani, David; Cooke, Colin; Abbott, Mark; Drevnick, Paul #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Contact person: David Pompeani # Sample storage location: University of Pittsburgh, Department of Geology and Environmental Science # Entity name: Copper Falls Lake # Sampling date: 2011 # Lake surface area (km^2): 0.3 # Lake watershed area (not including surface area)(km^2): 0.4 # Location description: Keweenaw Peninsula # State/Province: Michigan # Core Diameter(cm): 6.6 # Water depth(cm): 300 # Sampling device: 1 cm^3 piston sampler # Instrumentation: binocular microscope # Analysis method: Sediment subsamples (1 cm^3) for charcoal analysis were measured continuously down core at 1-cm intervals. Prior to counting, the samples were treated with 7% H2O2 overnight at 60 °C in 20 mL HDPE scintillation vials, shaken briefly by hand, and sieved with tap water at 125 µm to isolate the larger charcoal particulates. Charcoal concentration is defined as >125 µm charcoal counts per cm^3 of wet sediment. Charcoal accumulation rates (CHAR) were calculated by multiplying charcoal concentration by sedimentation rate. CHAR background levels were estimated using a 500-year moving average window. # Provided Keywords: Michigan, Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior, Holocene, Mercury, Carbon, Nitrogen, Fire #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: David P. Pompeani, Colin A. Cooke, Mark B. Abbott, Paul E. Drevnick # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018 # Published_Title: Climate, Fire, and Vegetation Mediate Mercury Delivery to Midlatitude Lakes over the Holocene # Journal_Name: Environmental Science and Technology # Volume: 52 # Edition: # Issue: 15 # Pages: 8157-8164 # Report_Number: # DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b01523 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The rise in mercury concentrations in lake sediment deposited over the last ~150 years is widely recognized to have resulted from human activity. However, few studies in the Great Lakes region have used lake sediment to reconstruct atmospheric mercury deposition on millennial time scales. Here we present a 9000-year mercury record from sediment in Copper Falls; a small closed-basin lake on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Prior to abrupt increases in the 19th and 20th centuries, mercury remains at relatively low concentrations for the last 9000 years. Higher mercury fluxes in the early Holocene (3.4 ± 1.1 µg m–2 yr–1) are attributed to drier conditions and greater forest fire occurrence. The gradual decline in mercury flux over the middle to late Holocene (1.9 ± 0.2 µg m–2 yr–1) is interpreted to reflect a transition to wetter conditions, which reduced forest fires, and promoted the development of soil organic matter and deciduous forests that sequestered natural sources of mercury. The Copper Falls Lake record highlights the sensitivity of watersheds to changes in mercury inputs from both human and natural forcings, and provides millennial-scale context for recent mercury contamination that will aid in establishing baseline values for restoration efforts. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Geological Society of America # Grant: Graduate Student Research Award #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Copper Falls Lake # Location: Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan # Country: United States # Northernmost_Latitude: 47.417 # Southernmost_Latitude: 47.417 # Easternmost_Longitude: -88.192 # Westernmost_Longitude: -88.192 # Elevation: 392 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: USCFL001 Hg # First_Year: 12002 # Last_Year: -60 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: Copper Falls Lake cores A10 and B10 #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Paste Measured Radiocarbon Ages into a table below. Ages from other sources can be included using the depth, calib.14C, and notes columns # ID date type # C14_age conventional radiocarbon date, years before 1950AD # cal_BP radiometric age in calendar years before 1950AD # error one standard deviation error in years # depth core depth in centimeters # thickness thickness of sample in cm # # ID C14_age cal_BP error depth thickness # Pb-210 NaN -59 1 0.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -58 1 0.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -57 1 1.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -56 1 1.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -55 1 2.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -53 1 2.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -52 1 3.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -51 1 3.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -50 1 4.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -46 1 4.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -43 1 5.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -39 1 6.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -34 1 7.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -30 1 8.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -23 2 9.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -18 2 11.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -13 2 12.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN -4 2 13.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN 0 2 14.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN 9 3 15 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN 22 3 15.75 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN 32 4 17.25 0.5 # Pb-210 NaN 70 8 18.25 0.5 # C-14 1090 NaN 15 31.25 1 # C-14 1260 NaN 20 58.5 1 # C-14 3435 NaN 20 106.5 1 # C-14 4435 NaN 20 157.5 1 # C-14 4550 NaN 20 171.5 1 # C-14 5110 NaN 70 188.5 1 # C-14 5755 NaN 40 226.5 1 # C-14 6455 NaN 20 269.5 1 # C-14 7260 NaN 20 308 1 # C-14 8125 NaN 20 355.5 1 # C-14 8745 NaN 25 405.5 1 # C-14 10255 NaN 25 436.5 1 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth-cm depth,,,centimeter,,fire history;paleolimnology,,,N, ## age-calBP-best age,,,calendar year before present,,fire history;paleolimnology,,,N,best age estimate of sample; CLAM output ## Hg mercury,sediment,,parts per billion,,fire history;paleolimnology,,,N, ## Hg_flux mercury,sediment,,microgram per square meter per year,,fire history;paleolimnology,,,N, #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: depth-cm age-calBP-best Hg Hg_flux 3.75 -51 259.76 31.6003478 4.25 -49 283.79 32.43650281 4.75 -48 292.04 32.32014629 6.75 -42 349.31 43.27294679 7.75 -38 331.58 35.66422965 8.75 -34 350.53 33.07497683 9.75 -29 326.29 29.48897622 11.25 -20 376.97 21.87476737 12.25 -11 342.11 16.18240823 12.75 -6 339.02 18.07135819 13.25 -1 347 16.91475945 13.75 6 325.47 11.10567076 14.25 12 309.71 12.27760411 15 25 293.48 9.356516542 15.75 39 253.69 5.285406467 17.25 71 232.1 4.041349987 18.25 97 196.7 3.012288307 19.25 127 182.79 3.836914948 34.75 715 77.32 1.865595607 38.75 841 88.37 1.571959981 43.25 969 82.54 2.164935729 47.25 1077 76.97 2.136389239 49.75 1145 84.66 1.987796035 75.5 2111 89.93 1.702965938 111.5 3793 67.13 1.693938569 119.5 4074 67.91 1.494271054 123.5 4200 66.98 2.17324749 127.5 4316 77.12 2.827953991 131.5 4425 90.21 3.65496 135.5 4526 78.59 3.047588571 141.5 4668 67.03 2.963891739 145.5 4757 47.13 2.179397408 149.5 4842 75.87 3.68776863 153.5 4925 77.14 4.377636737 157.5 5006 73.27 4.099501728 161.5 5087 62.41 2.354629136 165.5 5169 61.91 3.170394164 173.5 5347 82.15 2.54957589 180.5 5518 54.42 1.6717824 181.5 5543 66.87 2.6748 182.5 5568 50 1.878 183.5 5593 48.31 2.0135608 184.5 5618 61.24 2.4447008 185.5 5643 44.06 1.8875304 186.5 5668 48.81 2.1652116 188.5 5718 45 1.9584 190.5 5768 59.3 2.585240404 192.5 5816 61.54 2.505190833 193.5 5840 77.4 2.918625 194.5 5864 59.75 1.931916667 215.5 6333 55.62 1.771987765 225.5 6538 49.98 1.705818947 231.5 6657 51.73 1.570312373 235.5 6735 68.91 2.816475385 239.5 6812 66.41 2.786191531 243.5 6889 71.86 2.861291987 247.5 6964 45.18 2.002929967 251.5 7039 60.9 2.756997993 253.5 7076 55.49 2.4060464 254.5 7094 50.89 2.872147945 255.5 7113 56.02 2.638836842 256.5 7132 62.47 2.702035733 257.5 7150 49.45 2.300441096 258.5 7169 55.73 2.663150933 259.5 7187 65.15 3.224925 260.5 7205 57.09 2.652729863 261.5 7224 61.47 3.0226848 262.5 7242 64.185 2.630705753 263.5 7261 56.39 2.442062933 264.5 7279 61.63 2.434807123 265.5 7298 49.83 2.2961664 266.5 7316 49.98 2.743346667 267.5 7334 84.07 3.703686575 271.5 7408 61.45 2.524432432 275.5 7482 62.09 2.866208649 279.5 7556 69.4 2.896043243 283.5 7631 75.36 2.3753472 287.5 7706 60.94 2.4473504 291.5 7782 72.46 2.406434737 295.5 7859 75.64 2.770192208 296.5 7878 82.05 3.94703