# McWethy Fire Data from Lake Kirkpatrick, New Zealand - IMPD NZKPL001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/17174 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/australia/nzkpl001.txt # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/australia/supplemental/nzkpl001-lake-kirkpatrick-nz-charcoal-impd.xlsx # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Fire History #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-09-10 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: McWethy Fire Data from Lake Kirkpatrick, New Zealand - IMPD NZKPL001 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: McWethy,David,B.;Wilmshurst,Janet,M.;Whitlock,C.;Wood,Jamie,R.;McGlone,Matt,S.; #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Keywords, Deforestation, human impacts, fire, positive feedbacks, tipping points, paleoecology, forest transitions, land-use change, alternate stable states; # # Collectors, Janet Wilmshurst, David McWethy; # # Site size (ha), 3; # # Sigle; # # Entity name; # # Investigators; # # Contact person, "David McWethy, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University,dmcwethy@montana.edu"; # # Sampling date; # # Sampling device; # # Diameter (cm); # # Water depth (cm); # # Analysis method, raw count charcoal particles to charcoal influx; # # Sample storage location, Montana State University MT; # # Instrumentation; # # Location description; # # Related NAPD or Neotoma Pollen Chronology; #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: McWethy,D.B.,Wilmshurst,J.M.,Whitlock,C.,Wood,J.R.,McGlone,M.S. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014 # Published_Title: A high-resolution chronology of rapid forest transitions following Polynesian arrival in New Zealand # Journal_Name: PLoS ONE # Volume: 9(11) # Edition: e111328 # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111328 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Human-caused forest transitions are documented worldwide, especially during periods when land use by dense agriculturally-based populations intensified. However, the rate at which prehistoric human activities led to permanent deforestation is poorly resolved. In the South Island, New Zealand, the arrival of Polynesians c. 750 years ago resulted in dramatic forest loss and conversion of nearly half of native forests to open vegetation. This transformation, termed the Initial Burning Period, is documented in pollen and charcoal records, but its speed has been poorly constrained. High-resolution chronologies developed with a series of AMS radiocarbon dates from two lake sediment cores suggest the shift from forest to shrubland occurred within decades rather than centuries at drier sites. We examine two sites representing extreme examples of the magnitude of human impacts: a drier site that was inherently more vulnerable to human-set fires and a wetter, less burnable site. The astonishing rate of deforestation at the hands of small transient populations resulted from the intrinsic vulnerability of the native flora to fire and from positive feedbacks in post-fire vegetation recovery that increased landscape flammability. Spatially targeting burning in highly-flammable seral vegetation in forests rarely experiencing fire was sufficient to create an alternate fire-prone stable state. The New Zealand example illustrates how seemingly stable forest ecosystems can experience rapid and permanent conversions. Forest loss in New Zealand is among the fastest ecological transitions documented in the Holocene; yet equally rapid transitions can be expected in present-day regions wherever positive feedbacks support alternate fire-inhibiting, fire-prone stable states. #------------------ # Publication # Authors: McWethy,D.B.,Whitlock,C.,Wilmshurst,J.M.,McGlone,M.S.,Fromont,M.,Li,X., Dieffenbacher-Krall,A.,Hobbs,W.O.,Fritz,S.C.,Cook,E.R. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2010 # Published_Title: Rapid landscape transformation in South Island, New Zealand, following initial Polynesian settlement. # Journal_Name: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 107:21343-21348 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Humans have altered natural patterns of fire for millennia, but the impact of human-set fires is thought to have been slight in wet closed-canopy forests. In the South Island of New Zealand, Polynesians (Māori), who arrived 700–800 calibrated years (cal y) ago, and then Europeans, who settled ~150 cal y ago, used fire as a tool for forest clearance, but the structure and environmental consequences of these fires are poorly understood. High-resolution charcoal and pollen records from 16 lakes were analyzed to reconstruct the fire and vegetation history of the last 1,000 y. Diatom, chironomid, and element concentration data were examined to identify disturbance-related limnobiotic and biogeochemical changes within burned watersheds. At most sites, several high-severity fire events occurred within the first two centuries of Māori arrival and were often accompanied by a transformation in vegetation, slope stability, and lake chemistry. Proxies of past climate suggest that human activity alone, rather than unusually dry or warm conditions, was responsible for this increased fire activity. The transformation of scrub to grassland by Europeans in the mid-19th century triggered further, sometimes severe, watershed change, through additional fires, erosion, and the introduction of nonnative plant species. Alteration of natural disturbance regimes had lasting impacts, primarily because native forests had little or no previous history of fire and little resilience to the severity of burning. Anthropogenic burning in New Zealand highlights the vulnerability of closed-canopy forests to novel disturbance regimes and suggests that similar settings may be less resilient to climate-induced changes in the future. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Lake Kirkpatrick # Location: New Zealand # Country: New Zealand # Northernmost_Latitude: -45.02706 # Southernmost_Latitude: -45.02706 # Easternmost_Longitude: 168.57374 # Westernmost_Longitude: 168.57374 # Elevation: 570 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: NZKPL001 CHAR # Earliest_Year: 1485 # Most_Recent_Year: -53 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # Radiocarbon # Site Depth Thick (cm) Age BP SD Lab# Basis DeltaC13 Material # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 99 1 575 15 KCCAMS-102187 AMS na leaf # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 104 1 650 30 KCCAMS-102188 AMS na char/seed # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 108 1 680 20 KCCAMS-102189 AMS na char # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 109 1 640 15 KCCAMS-102190 AMS na leaf # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 110 1 555 20 KCCAMS-102191 AMS na char # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 111 1 750 15 KCCAMS-102192 AMS na twig # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 112 1 695 20 KCCAMS-102193 AMS na twig # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 113 1 635 15 KCCAMS-102194 AMS na wood # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 114 1 670 30 KCCAMS-102195 AMS na plant part # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 118 1 670 20 KCCAMS-102196 AMS na leaf # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 119 1 645 15 KCCAMS-71877 AMS na woody material # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 121 1 710 15 KCCAMS-102197 AMS na leaf # Lake Kirkpatrick (2009) 191 1 1625 15 KCCAMS-71878 AMS na leaf # # # # ID: Lake Kirkpatrick # Chron Name: Lake Kirkpatrick # Default: no # Date: Jan-14 # Prepared by: D. McWethy # Model: Bchron # Depth Thick (cm) Age Uage Lage Rationale # 0 1 -53 -63 -44 C13 # 1 1 -47 -57 -38 C13 # 2 1 -41 -50 -32 C13 # 3 1 -35 -44 -26 C13 # 4 1 -29 -38 -20 C13 # 5 1 -23 -32 -14 C13 # 6 1 -17 -26 -8 C13 # 7 1 -11 -20 -2 C13 # 8 1 -5 -14 4 C13 # 9 1 1 -8 10 C13 # 10 1 7 -1 16 C13 # 11 1 13 5 22 C13 # 12 1 19 11 28 C13 # 13 1 26 17 34 C13 # 14 1 32 23 40 C13 # 15 1 38 29 46 C13 # 16 1 44 35 52 C13 # 17 1 50 41 58 C13 # 18 1 56 47 64 C13 # 19 1 62 53 70 C13 # 20 1 68 59 76 C13 # 21 1 74 65 82 C13 # 22 1 80 71 88 C13 # 23 1 86 77 94 C13 # 24 1 92 83 100 C13 # 25 1 98 89 106 C13 # 26 1 104 95 112 C13 # 27 1 110 101 118 C13 # 28 1 116 107 124 C13 # 29 1 122 113 130 C13 # 30 1 128 119 136 C13 # 31 1 134 125 142 C13 # 32 1 140 131 148 C13 # 33 1 146 137 154 C13 # 34 1 152 143 160 C13 # 35 1 158 149 166 C13 # 36 1 164 155 172 C13 # 37 1 170 161 178 C13 # 38 1 176 167 184 C13 # 39 1 182 173 190 C13 # 40 1 189 179 196 C13 # 41 1 195 185 203 C13 # 42 1 201 191 209 C13 # 43 1 207 197 215 C13 # 44 1 213 203 221 C13 # 45 1 219 209 227 C13 # 46 1 225 215 233 C13 # 47 1 231 221 239 C13 # 48 1 237 227 245 C13 # 49 1 243 233 251 C13 # 50 1 249 239 257 C13 # 51 1 255 245 264 C13 # 52 1 261 250 270 C13 # 53 1 267 256 276 C13 # 54 1 273 262 282 C13 # 55 1 279 268 288 C13 # 56 1 285 274 294 C13 # 57 1 291 280 300 C13 # 58 1 297 286 307 C13 # 59 1 303 292 313 C13 # 60 1 309 298 319 C13 # 61 1 315 304 325 C13 # 62 1 321 309 331 C13 # 63 1 327 315 337 C13 # 64 1 333 321 343 C13 # 65 1 339 327 349 C13 # 66 1 345 333 355 C13 # 67 1 352 339 361 C13 # 68 1 358 345 368 C13 # 69 1 364 351 374 C13 # 70 1 370 357 380 C13 # 71 1 376 362 386 C13 # 72 1 382 368 392 C13 # 73 1 388 374 398 C13 # 74 1 394 380 405 C13 # 75 1 400 386 411 C13 # 76 1 406 392 417 C13 # 77 1 412 398 423 C13 # 78 1 418 404 429 C13 # 79 1 424 410 436 C13 # 80 1 430 416 442 C13 # 81 1 436 422 448 C13 # 82 1 442 427 454 C13 # 83 1 448 433 460 C13 # 84 1 454 439 466 C13 # 85 1 460 445 472 C13 # 86 1 466 451 479 C13 # 87 1 472 457 485 C13 # 88 1 478 463 491 C13 # 89 1 484 469 497 C13 # 90 1 490 474 503 C13 # 91 1 496 480 509 C13 # 92 1 502 486 516 C13 # 93 1 509 492 522 C13 # 94 1 515 498 528 C13 # 95 1 521 504 534 C13 # 96 1 527 509 541 C13 # 97 1 533 515 547 C13 # 98 1 539 521 553 C13 # 99 1 545 528 559 C13 # 100 1 551 532 565 C13 # 101 1 556 536 573 C13 # 102 1 562 539 580 C13 # 103 1 568 542 588 C13 # 104 1 574 545 597 C13 # 105 1 580 547 606 C13 # 106 1 586 549 614 C13 # 107 1 592 550 623 C13 # 108 1 598 551 632 C13 # 109 1 599 555 630 C13 # 110 1 600 558 631 C13 # 111 1 601 560 631 C13 # 112 1 602 561 632 C13 # 113 1 603 562 635 C13 # 114 1 604 563 638 C13 # 115 1 605 564 641 C13 # 116 1 605 563 646 C13 # 117 1 606 559 651 C13 # 118 1 609 568 648 C13 # 119 1 611 571 651 C13 # 120 1 613 568 661 C13 # 121 1 625 581 673 C13 # 122 1 637 594 684 C13 # 123 1 650 607 696 C13 # 124 1 662 620 707 C13 # 125 1 674 633 719 C13 # 126 1 686 646 731 C13 # 127 1 699 659 743 C13 # 128 1 711 671 755 C13 # 129 1 723 684 767 C13 # 130 1 736 697 779 C13 # 131 1 748 709 791 C13 # 132 1 760 721 803 C13 # 133 1 773 733 815 C13 # 134 1 785 746 827 C13 # 135 1 797 758 839 C13 # 136 1 809 770 851 C13 # 137 1 822 783 863 C13 # 138 1 834 796 876 C13 # 139 1 846 808 888 C13 # 140 1 859 820 900 C13 # 141 1 871 833 913 C13 # 142 1 883 845 925 C13 # 143 1 896 857 938 C13 # 144 1 908 869 950 C13 # 145 1 920 881 963 C13 # 146 1 933 893 975 C13 # 147 1 945 905 987 C13 # 148 1 957 917 1000 C13 # 149 1 969 929 1012 C13 # 150 1 982 942 1025 C13 # 151 1 994 954 1037 C13 # 152 1 1006 966 1050 C13 # 153 1 1019 978 1062 C13 # 154 1 1031 990 1074 C13 # 155 1 1043 1002 1087 C13 # 156 1 1056 1014 1099 C13 # 157 1 1068 1026 1111 C13 # 158 1 1080 1038 1124 C13 # 159 1 1092 1050 1136 C13 # 160 1 1105 1062 1148 C13 # 161 1 1117 1074 1161 C13 # 162 1 1129 1086 1173 C13 # 163 1 1142 1098 1185 C13 # 164 1 1154 1111 1198 C13 # 165 1 1166 1123 1210 C13 # 166 1 1179 1135 1223 C13 # 167 1 1191 1147 1235 C13 # 168 1 1203 1159 1247 C13 # 169 1 1215 1170 1260 C13 # 170 1 1228 1182 1273 C13 # 171 1 1240 1194 1285 C13 # 172 1 1252 1206 1298 C13 # 173 1 1265 1218 1310 C13 # 174 1 1277 1230 1323 C13 # 175 1 1289 1242 1336 C13 # 176 1 1302 1254 1348 C13 # 177 1 1314 1266 1360 C13 # 178 1 1326 1278 1373 C13 # 179 1 1338 1290 1385 C13 # 180 1 1351 1302 1398 C13 # 181 1 1363 1314 1410 C13 # 182 1 1375 1326 1423 C13 # 183 1 1388 1337 1436 C13 # 184 1 1400 1349 1448 C13 # 185 1 1412 1361 1462 C13 # 186 1 1425 1372 1475 C13 # 187 1 1437 1384 1488 C13 # 188 1 1449 1395 1501 C13 # 189 1 1461 1406 1513 C13 # 190 1 1473 1417 1525 C13 # 191 1 1485 1428 1537 C13 # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ##depth-cm Depth,,,cm,,,,,N ##age-calBP Age,,,calendar years BP,,,middle of sample,,N ##age-calBP-top Age,,,calendar years BP,,,top of sample,,N ##age-calBP-bottom Age,,,calendar years BP,,,bottom of sample,,N ##char-count>125 Charcoal,,,count,,fire history,size fraction >125 microns, ,N ##vol-sed-cm3 volume,sediment,,cm3,,fire history,,,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth-cm age-calBP age-calBP-top age-calBP-bottom char-count vol-sed-cm3 0 1 -53 -63 -44 7 5 1 1 -47 -57 -38 4 5 2 1 -41 -50 -32 1 5 3 1 -35 -44 -26 2 5 4 1 -29 -38 -20 5 5 5 1 -23 -32 -14 4 5 6 1 -17 -26 -8 16 5 7 1 -11 -20 -2 30 5 8 1 -5 -14 4 21 5 9 1 1 -8 10 9 5 10 1 7 -1 16 10 5 11 1 13 5 22 7 5 12 1 19 11 28 7 5 13 1 26 17 34 10 5 14 1 32 23 40 32 5 15 1 38 29 46 83 5 16 1 44 35 52 11 5 17 1 50 41 58 12 5 18 1 56 47 64 39 5 19 1 62 53 70 26 5 20 1 68 59 76 8 5 21 1 74 65 82 20 5 22 1 80 71 88 35 5 23 1 86 77 94 15 5 24 1 92 83 100 12 5 25 1 98 89 106 11 5 26 1 104 95 112 11 5 27 1 110 101 118 9 5 28 1 116 107 124 1 5 29 1 122 113 130 85 5 30 1 128 119 136 81 5 31 1 134 125 142 38 5 32 1 140 131 148 31 5 33 1 146 137 154 20 5 34 1 152 143 160 60 5 35 1 158 149 166 30 5 36 1 164 155 172 9 5 37 1 170 161 178 6 5 38 1 176 167 184 37 5 39 1 182 173 190 15 5 40 1 189 179 196 11 5 41 1 195 185 203 2 5 42 1 201 191 209 1 5 43 1 207 197 215 8 5 44 1 213 203 221 6 5 45 1 219 209 227 10 5 46 1 225 215 233 3 5 47 1 231 221 239 17 5 48 1 237 227 245 23 5 49 1 243 233 251 21 5 50 1 249 239 257 17 5 51 1 255 245 264 26 5 52 1 261 250 270 14 5 53 1 267 256 276 20 5 54 1 273 262 282 20 5 55 1 279 268 288 10 5 56 1 285 274 294 21 5 57 1 291 280 300 9 5 58 1 297 286 307 21 5 59 1 303 292 313 7 5 60 1 309 298 319 29 5 61 1 315 304 325 31 5 62 1 321 309 331 35 5 63 1 327 315 337 63 5 64 1 333 321 343 67 5 65 1 339 327 349 99 5 66 1 345 333 355 89 5 67 1 352 339 361 19 5 68 1 358 345 368 17 5 69 1 364 351 374 14 5 70 1 370 357 380 23 5 71 1 376 362 386 44 5 72 1 382 368 392 55 5 73 1 388 374 398 81 5 74 1 394 380 405 88 5 75 1 400 386 411 324 5 76 1 406 392 417 87 5 77 1 412 398 423 37 5 78 1 418 404 429 78 5 79 1 424 410 436 40 5 80 1 430 416 442 28 5 81 1 436 422 448 46 5 82 1 442 427 454 48 5 83 1 448 433 460 50 5 84 1 454 439 466 24 5 85 1 460 445 472 13 5 86 1 466 451 479 15 5 87 1 472 457 485 42 5 88 1 478 463 491 67 5 89 1 484 469 497 29 5 90 1 490 474 503 189 5 91 1 496 480 509 67 5 92 1 502 486 516 33 5 93 1 509 492 522 25 5 94 1 515 498 528 1 5 95 1 521 504 534 54 5 96 1 527 509 541 142 5 97 1 533 515 547 167 5 98 1 539 521 553 61 5 99 1 545 528 559 22 5 100 1 551 532 565 63 5 101 1 556 536 573 36 5 102 1 562 539 580 27 5 103 1 568 542 588 108 5 104 1 574 545 597 340 5 105 1 580 547 606 38 5 106 1 586 549 614 16 5 107 1 592 550 623 3 5 108 1 598 551 632 46 5 109 1 599 555 630 107 5 110 1 600 558 631 10 5 111 1 601 560 631 10 5 112 1 602 561 632 3 5 113 1 603 562 635 1 5 114 1 604 563 638 3 5 115 1 605 564 641 0 5 116 1 605 563 646 6 5 117 1 606 559 651 0 5 118 1 609 568 648 1 5 119 1 611 571 651 1 5 120 1 613 568 661 1 5 121 1 625 581 673 0 5 122 1 637 594 684 2 5 123 1 650 607 696 2 5 124 1 662 620 707 1 5 125 1 674 633 719 4 5 126 1 686 646 731 2 5 127 1 699 659 743 0 5 128 1 711 671 755 2 5 129 1 723 684 767 1 5 130 1 736 697 779 0 5 131 1 748 709 791 1 5 132 1 760 721 803 0 5 133 1 773 733 815 3 5 134 1 785 746 827 2 5 135 1 797 758 839 4 5 136 1 809 770 851 6 5 137 1 822 783 863 9 5 138 1 834 796 876 1 5 139 1 846 808 888 0 5 140 1 859 820 900 3 5 141 1 871 833 913 2 5 142 1 883 845 925 4 5 143 1 896 857 938 9 5 144 1 908 869 950 3 5 145 1 920 881 963 1 5 146 1 933 893 975 1 5 147 1 945 905 987 1 5 148 1 957 917 1000 3 5 149 1 969 929 1012 0 5 150 1 982 942 1025 4 5 151 1 994 954 1037 2 5 152 1 1006 966 1050 5 5 153 1 1019 978 1062 14 5 154 1 1031 990 1074 17 5 155 1 1043 1002 1087 24 5 156 1 1056 1014 1099 80 5 157 1 1068 1026 1111 20 5 158 1 1080 1038 1124 11 5 159 1 1092 1050 1136 2 5 160 1 1105 1062 1148 0 5 161 1 1117 1074 1161 0 5 162 1 1129 1086 1173 7 5 163 1 1142 1098 1185 2 5 164 1 1154 1111 1198 2 5 165 1 1166 1123 1210 0 5 166 1 1179 1135 1223 0 5 167 1 1191 1147 1235 0 5 168 1 1203 1159 1247 1 5 169 1 1215 1170 1260 0 5 170 1 1228 1182 1273 1 5 171 1 1240 1194 1285 0 5 172 1 1252 1206 1298 2 5 173 1 1265 1218 1310 2 5 174 1 1277 1230 1323 4 5 175 1 1289 1242 1336 4 5 176 1 1302 1254 1348 4 5 177 1 1314 1266 1360 2 5 178 1 1326 1278 1373 0 5 179 1 1338 1290 1385 4 5 180 1 1351 1302 1398 11 5 181 1 1363 1314 1410 0 5 182 1 1375 1326 1423 0 5 183 1 1388 1337 1436 1 5 184 1 1400 1349 1448 1 5 185 1 1412 1361 1462 2 5 186 1 1425 1372 1475 8 5 187 1 1437 1384 1488 5 5 188 1 1449 1395 1501 1 5 189 1 1461 1406 1513 4 5 190 1 1473 1417 1525 15 5 191 1 1485 1428 1537 8 5