# Robinson fire data from Mustei Nuur, north-central Mongolian - IMPD MNMTN001 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/20514 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/firehistory/charcoal/asia/mnmtn001.txt # # Archive: Fire History # # Parameter_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-08-01 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Robinson fire data from Mustei Nuur, north-central Mongolian - IMPD MNMTN001 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Robinson, Kevin Daniel; Umbanhowar, Charles #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: A holistic paleolimnological study of north-central Mongolian. # Provided Keywords: fire, paleoclimate, climate, charcoal #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Published_Date_or_Year: # Published_Title: # Journal_Name: # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Mustei Nuur # Location: Asia # Country: Mongolia # Northernmost_Latitude: 51.23923 # Southernmost_Latitude: 51.23923 # Easternmost_Longitude: 99.00756 # Westernmost_Longitude: 99.00756 # Elevation: 2353 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: MNMTN001-CHAR # First_Year: 10174.7666666255 # Last_Year: 3.388888889 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Species # Species_Name: # Common_Name: # Tree_Species_Code: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Short name What Units Data type # ID_DATE_INFO NaN NaN # ID_SITE Site ID NaN C # CORE_NAME Name of core NaN C # AVG_DEPTH (cm) Average depth of aged sample cm N # THICKNESS Thickness of sample cm N # ID_DATE_TYPE NaN NaN C # AGE_CALIB Calibrated age NaN N # AGE_C14 Carbon-14 Age NaN N # ERROR positive/negative error NaN N # LAB_NUM Lab number NaN N # ID_MAT_DATED NaN NaN NaN # ID_COMMENTS NaN NaN C # AGE_BASIS Used for age model? NaN C # # ID_DATE_INFO ID_SITE CORE_NAME AVG_DEPTH (m) THICKNESS ID_DATE_TYPE AGE_CALIB AGE_C14 ERROR LAB_NUM ID_MAT_DATED ID_COMMENTS AGE_BASIS # MUS-A-7-VIII-05 1967 1 Corrected radiocarbon date 1530 1635 50 UCI-32669 charcoal YES # MUS-A-7-VIII-05 2012 1 Corrected radiocarbon date 6600 5800 40 UCI-32670 plant macrofossil YES # MUS-A-7-VIII-05 2047 1 Corrected radiocarbon date 9655 8710 40 UCI-25173 plant macrofossil YES #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## depth-cm-top Depth top,,,cm ,,,,,N ## depth-cm-bottom Depth bottom,,,cm ,,,,,N ## age-calBP Age,,,calendar years BP,,,,,N ## char>180um Charcoal ,wet sediment,,count,,fire history,> 180 um,,N ## vol-wetsed Volume,wet sediment,,ml,,fire history,used for charcoal counts,,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: depth-cm-top depth-cm-bottom age-calBP char>180um vol-wetsed 1940 1941 3.39 0 1.0 1942 1943 236.94 1 1.0 1945 1946 587.28 2 1.0 1947 1948 820.83 1 1.0 1950 1951 1171.17 1 1.0 1952 1953 1404.72 5 1.0 1955 1956 1755.06 1 1.0 1957 1958 1988.61 2 1.0 1960 1961 2338.94 0 1.0 1962 1963 2572.50 8 1.0 1965 1966 2922.83 0 1.0 1967 1968 3147.78 4 1.0 1970 1971 3446.44 3 1.0 1972 1973 3645.56 2 1.0 1975 1976 3944.22 7 1.0 1977 1978 4143.33 3 1.0 1980 1981 4442.00 3 1.0 1982 1983 4641.11 3 1.0 1985 1986 4939.78 4 1.0 1987 1988 5138.89 4 1.0 1990 1991 5437.56 2 1.0 1992 1993 5636.67 13 1.0 1995 1996 5935.33 3 1.0 1997 1998 6134.44 6 1.0 2000 2001 6433.11 2 1.0 2002 2003 6632.22 3 1.0 2005 2006 6930.89 18 1.0 2007 2008 7130.00 17 1.0 2010 2011 7428.67 16 1.0 2012 2013 7603.69 8 1.0 2015 2016 7757.80 12 1.0 2017 2018 7860.54 5 1.0 2020 2021 8014.66 5 1.0 2022 2023 8117.40 13 1.0 2025 2026 8271.51 5 1.0 2027 2028 8374.26 6 1.0 2030 2031 8528.37 11 1.0 2032 2033 8631.11 0 1.0 2035 2036 8785.23 1 1.0 2037 2038 8887.97 0 1.0 2040 2041 9042.09 1 1.0 2042 2043 9144.83 3 1.0 2045 2046 9298.94 3 1.0 2047 2048 9401.77 5 1.0 2050 2051 9556.37 13 1.0 2052 2053 9659.43 8 1.0 2055 2056 9814.03 4 1.0 2057 2058 9917.10 4 1.0 2060 2061 10071.70 0 1.0 2062 2063 10174.77 1 1.0