# Heron Reef Acropora inter-branch skeleton Sr/Ca Data from 2009-2014 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19440 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/west_pacific/sadler2015/sadler2015-heronreef.txt # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Parameter_Keywords: trace metals, chemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-11-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Heron Reef Acropora inter-branch skeleton Sr/Ca Data from 2009-2014 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Sadler, James; Webb, Gregory E.; Nothdurft, Luke D. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Modern Sr/Ca data from the inter-branch skeleton of Acropora humilis group corals. Data are anchor points used in the generation of a transfer equation between coral Sr/Ca and water temperature. No interpolation has been applied to these values, only a four point running mean from the raw ICP-MS data. ICP-MS Sr/Ca precision: 0.4. Heron lagoon instrumental water temperature reported instrumental accuracy: 0.02 deg C. Heron slope instrumental water temperature reported instrumental accuracy: 0.005 deg C. # Provided Keywords: Acropora, inter-branch skeleton, Sr/Ca #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Sadler, J., A.D. Nguyen, N. Leonard, G.E. Webb, and Nothdurft, L. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016 # Published_Title: Acroporainter-branch skeleton-evaluation of a potential new high resolution palaeothermometer # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: 31 # Issue: 4 # Pages: 505-517 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2015PA002898 # Abstract: The majority of coral geochemistry-based paleoclimate reconstructions in the Indo-Pacific are conducted on selectively cored colonies of massive Porites. This restriction to a single genus may make it difficult to amass the required paleoclimate data for studies that require deep reef coring techniques. Acropora, however, is a highly abundant coral genus in both modern and fossil reef systems and displays potential as a novel climate archive. Here we present a calibration study for Sr/Ca ratios recovered from interbranch skeleton in corymbose Acropora colonies from Heron Reef, southern Great Barrier Reef. Significant intercolony differences in absolute Sr/Ca ratios were normalized by producing anomaly plots of both coral geochemistry and instrumental water temperature records. Weighted linear regression of these anomalies from the lagoon and fore-reef slope provide a sensitivity of -0.05 mmol/mol C^-1, with a correlation coefficient (r^2=0.65) comparable to those of genera currently used in paleoclimate reconstructions. Reconstructions of lagoon and reef slope mean seasonality in water temperature accurately identify the greater seasonal amplitude observed in the lagoon of Heron Reef. A longer calibration period is, however, required for reliable reconstructions of annual mean water temperatures. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: Discovery Grant, DP120101793 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Wildlife Society # Grant: University Research Grant #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Heron Reef # Location: Southern Great Barrier Reef # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -23.443 # Southernmost_Latitude: -23.459 # Easternmost_Longitude: 151.949 # Westernmost_Longitude: 151.911 # Elevation: -11 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Heron Acropora SrCa Sadler15 # First_Year: 2009 # Last_Year: 2014 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: 1.55 # Notes: Six separate colony cores of cormbose Acropora colonies #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: # Chronology was developed by matching peaks and troughs in Acropora Sr/Ca with the local, monthly averaged instrumental SST record #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## SampleID Sample ID,,,NA,,,,,C ## age_AD age,,,year AD,,,,,N ## Sr/Ca-a.hum-4pt Strontium/Calcium ratio,Acropora humilis inter-branch skeleton,,mmol/mol,,Corals and Sclerosponges,Data from the ICP-MS have been smoothed with a four-point running mean,ICP-MS,N ## Sr/Ca-a.sam-4pt Strontium/Calcium ratio,Acropora samoensis inter-branch skeleton,,mmol/mol,,Corals and Sclerosponges,Data from the ICP-MS have been smoothed with a four-point running mean,ICP-MS,N ## lagoon-in-T water temperature,lagoon,,degrees Celsius,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N ## slope-in-T water temperature,slope,,degrees Celsius,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: -9.99 SampleID age_AD Sr/Ca-a.hum-4pt Sr/Ca-a.sam-4pt lagoon-in-T slope-in-T AR_HL_3 2014.08 9.6032 -9.99 26.47 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2013.50 9.7581 -9.99 20.95 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2013.08 9.5672 -9.99 27.04 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2012.58 9.8802 -9.99 20.31 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2012.17 9.5899 -9.99 27.32 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2011.67 9.8295 -9.99 20.17 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2011.17 9.5936 -9.99 27.29 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2010.67 9.7034 -9.99 21.51 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2010.17 9.4720 -9.99 27.36 -9.99 AR_HL_3 2009.58 9.7793 -9.99 20.60 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2013.50 9.7514 -9.99 20.95 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2013.08 9.3228 -9.99 27.04 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2012.58 9.8082 -9.99 20.31 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2012.17 9.4464 -9.99 27.32 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2011.67 9.8144 -9.99 20.17 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2011.17 9.3424 -9.99 27.29 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2010.67 9.7788 -9.99 21.51 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2010.17 9.3711 -9.99 27.36 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2009.58 9.7964 -9.99 20.60 -9.99 AR_HL_4 2009.17 9.3682 -9.99 27.16 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2013.50 9.9056 -9.99 20.95 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2013.08 9.4576 -9.99 27.04 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2012.58 10.0224 -9.99 20.31 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2012.17 9.5902 -9.99 27.32 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2011.67 10.0705 -9.99 20.17 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2011.17 9.7350 -9.99 27.29 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2010.67 10.0071 -9.99 21.51 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2010.17 9.4990 -9.99 27.36 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2009.58 9.9943 -9.99 20.60 -9.99 AR_HL_6 2009.17 9.4838 -9.99 27.16 -9.99 AR_HS_3 2013.17 -9.99 9.4363 -9.99 26.953 AR_HS_3 2012.58 -9.99 9.6749 -9.99 20.878 AR_HS_3 2012.17 -9.99 9.4391 -9.99 27.258 AR_HS_3 2011.67 -9.99 9.7001 -9.99 20.734 AR_HS_3 2011.17 -9.99 9.4624 -9.99 27.359 AR_HS_3 2010.58 -9.99 9.6995 -9.99 22.109 AR_HS_3 2010.08 -9.99 9.3521 -9.99 27.371 AR_HS_5 2012.17 9.6541 -9.99 -9.99 27.258 AR_HS_5 2011.67 9.8696 -9.99 -9.99 20.734 AR_HS_5 2011.17 9.6379 -9.99 -9.99 27.359 AR_HS_5 2010.58 9.8348 -9.99 -9.99 22.109 AR_HS_5 2010.08 9.6493 -9.99 -9.99 27.371 AR_HS_6 2014.08 9.4681 -9.99 -9.99 26.601 AR_HS_6 2013.58 9.7542 -9.99 -9.99 21.425 AR_HS_6 2013.17 9.4266 -9.99 -9.99 26.953 AR_HS_6 2012.58 9.8157 -9.99 -9.99 20.878 AR_HS_6 2012.17 9.6572 -9.99 -9.99 27.258 AR_HS_6 2011.67 9.9071 -9.99 -9.99 20.734 AR_HS_6 2011.17 9.5774 -9.99 -9.99 27.359