# Porites Coral Sr/Ca and SST Data from the Northern Ryukyu Islands from 1578-2009 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/34372 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-coral-34372.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/thst-h013 # # Science_Keywords: Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/west_pacific/kawakubo2017/kawakubo2017-sst-biannual.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Ryukyu Islands biannual Sr/Ca and SST Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-10-12 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2022-03-10 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Porites Coral Sr/Ca and SST Data from the Northern Ryukyu Islands from 1578-2009 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Kawakubo, Y.; Alibert, C.; Yokoyama, Y. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Kawakubo, Y., C. Alibert, and Y. Yokoyama # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017 # Published_Title: A Reconstruction of Subtropical Western North Pacific SST Variability Back to 1578, Based on a Porites Coral Sr/Ca Record from the Northern Ryukyus, Japan # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: 32 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1352-1370 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2017pa003203 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We present a seasonal reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) from 1578 to 2008, based on a Porites coral Sr/Ca record from the northern Ryukyus, within the Kuroshio southern recirculation gyre. Interannual SST anomalies are generally ~0.5°C, making Sr/Ca-derived SST reconstructions a challenging task. Replicate measurements along adjacent coral growth axes, enabled by the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique used here, give evidence of rather large uncertainties. Nonetheless, derived winter SST anomalies are significantly correlated with the Western Pacific atmospheric pattern which has a dominant influence on winter temperature in East Asia. Annual mean SSTs show interdecadal variations, notably cold intervals between 1670 and 1700 during the Maunder Minimum (MM) and between 1766 and 1788 characterized by a negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Cold summers in 1783 and 1784 coincide with the long-lasting Laki eruption that had a profound impact on the Northern Hemisphere climate, including the severe “Tenmei” famine in Japan. The decades between 1855 and 1900 are significantly cooler than the first half of the twentieth century, while those between 1700 and 1765, following the MM, are warmer than average. SST variability in the Ryukyus is only marginally influenced by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, so that external forcing remains the main driver of low-frequency temperature changes. However, the close connection between the Kuroshio extension (KE) and its recirculation gyre suggests that decadal SST anomalies associated with the KE front also impact the Ryukyus, and there is a possible additional role for feedback of the Kuroshio-Oyashio variability to the large-scale atmosphere at decadal timescale. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Ryukyu Islands, Kikai Island, Japan # Location: Western Pacific Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: 28.3 # Southernmost_Latitude: 28.3 # Easternmost_Longitude: 130 # Westernmost_Longitude: 130 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Ryukyus Sr/Ca SST biannual Kawakubo2017 # First_Year: 1578 # Last_Year: 2009 # Time_Unit: year Common Era # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: trace metals # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## date_CE age,,,year Common Era,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,,,N, ## Sr/Ca strontium/calcium,Porites sp.,,mole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N, ## SST-SrCa sea surface temperature,strontium/calcium,,degree Celsius,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,,,N, #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA date_CE Sr/Ca SST-SrCa 2009.08 0.009201 22.0 2008.58 0.008659 31.2 2008.08 0.009190 22.2 2007.58 0.008660 31.2 2007.08 0.009264 20.9 2006.58 0.008720 30.2 2006.08 0.009167 22.6 2005.58 0.008783 29.1 2005.08 0.009258 21.1 2004.58 0.008795 28.9 2004.08 0.009195 22.1 2003.58 0.008742 29.8 2003.08 0.009154 22.8 2002.58 0.008723 30.1 2002.08 0.009199 22.1 2001.58 0.008625 31.8 2001.08 0.009172 22.5 2000.58 0.008690 30.7 2000.08 0.009100 23.7 1999.58 0.008696 30.6 1999.08 0.009276 20.7 1998.58 0.008597 32.3 1998.08 0.009080 24.1 1997.58 0.008745 29.8 1997.08 0.009072 24.2 1996.58 0.008805 28.7 1996.08 0.009238 21.4 1995.58 0.008809 28.7 1995.08 0.009259 21.0 1994.58 0.008819 28.5 1994.08 0.009280 20.7 1993.58 0.008852 27.9 1993.08 0.009258 21.0 1992.58 0.008943 26.4 1992.08 0.009361 19.3 1991.58 0.009122 23.4 1991.08 0.009508 16.8 1990.58 0.008994 25.5 1990.08 0.009411 18.5 1989.58 0.008658 31.2 1989.08 0.009370 19.2 1988.58 0.008831 28.3 1988.08 0.009372 19.1 1987.58 0.008926 26.7 1987.08 0.009355 19.4 1986.58 0.009002 25.4 1986.08 0.009414 18.4 1985.58 0.008903 27.1 1985.08 0.009414 18.4 1984.58 0.008844 28.1 1984.08 0.009305 20.3 1983.58 0.008892 27.3 1983.08 0.009114 23.5 1982.58 0.008792 28.9 1982.08 0.009172 22.5 1981.58 0.008898 27.2 1981.08 0.009258 21.1 1980.58 0.008802 28.8 1980.08 0.009256 21.1 1979.58 0.008903 27.1 1979.08 0.009319 20.0 1978.58 0.008895 27.2 1978.08 0.009379 19.0 1977.58 0.009011 25.2 1977.08 0.009434 18.1 1976.58 0.009026 25.0 1976.08 0.009248 21.2 1975.58 0.008773 29.3 1975.08 0.009349 19.5 1974.58 0.008709 30.4 1974.08 0.009319 20.0 1973.58 0.008754 29.6 1973.08 0.009200 22.0 1972.58 0.008798 28.9 1972.08 0.009238 21.4 1971.58 0.008905 27.0 1971.08 0.009310 20.2 1970.58 0.008890 27.3 1970.08 0.009406 18.6 1969.58 0.008951 26.3 1969.08 0.009280 20.7 1968.58 0.008984 25.7 1968.08 0.009366 19.2 1967.58 0.008812 28.6 1967.08 0.009370 19.2 1966.58 0.008814 28.6 1966.08 0.009210 21.9 1965.58 0.008855 27.9 1965.08 0.009341 19.6 1964.58 0.008879 27.5 1964.08 0.009388 18.9 1963.58 0.008825 28.4 1963.08 0.009349 19.5 1962.58 0.008829 28.3 1962.08 0.009554 16.0 1961.58 0.008987 25.6 1961.08 0.009369 19.2 1960.58 0.008880 27.5 1960.08 0.009283 20.6 1959.58 0.008911 26.9 1959.08 0.009302 20.3 1958.58 0.008788 29.0 1958.08 0.009364 19.3 1957.58 0.008772 29.3 1957.08 0.009330 19.8 1956.58 0.008822 28.4 1956.08 0.009403 18.6 1955.58 0.008812 28.6 1955.08 0.009255 21.1 1954.58 0.008794 28.9 1954.08 0.009279 20.7 1953.58 0.008937 26.5 1953.08 0.009291 20.5 1952.58 0.008747 29.7 1952.08 0.009217 21.7 1951.58 0.008872 27.6 1951.08 0.009326 19.9 1950.58 0.008755 29.6 1950.08 0.009322 20.0 1949.58 0.008836 28.2 1949.08 0.009210 21.9 1948.58 0.008831 28.3 1948.08 0.009233 21.5 1947.58 0.008727 30.1 1947.08 0.009266 20.9 1946.58 0.008739 29.9 1946.08 0.009073 24.2 1945.58 0.008752 29.6 1945.08 0.009283 20.6 1944.58 0.008781 29.1 1944.08 0.009130 23.2 1943.58 0.008802 28.8 1943.08 0.009157 22.8 1942.58 0.008744 29.8 1942.08 0.009209 21.9 1941.58 0.008791 29.0 1941.08 0.009196 22.1 1940.58 0.008785 29.1 1940.08 0.009276 20.7 1939.58 0.008918 26.8 1939.08 0.009277 20.7 1938.58 0.008679 30.9 1938.08 0.009112 23.5 1937.58 0.008822 28.4 1937.08 0.009245 21.3 1936.58 0.008860 27.8 1936.08 0.009317 20.1 1935.58 0.008858 27.8 1935.08 0.009292 20.5 1934.58 0.008787 29.0 1934.08 0.009399 18.7 1933.58 0.008807 28.7 1933.08 0.009265 20.9 1932.58 0.008828 28.3 1932.08 0.009331 19.8 1931.58 0.008857 27.8 1931.08 0.009247 21.2 1930.58 0.008855 27.9 1930.08 0.009402 18.6 1929.58 0.008886 27.4 1929.08 0.009450 17.8 1928.58 0.008730 30.0 1928.08 0.009412 18.4 1927.58 0.008665 31.1 1927.08 0.009229 21.5 1926.58 0.008683 30.8 1926.08 0.009374 19.1 1925.58 0.008805 28.7 1925.08 0.009203 22.0 1924.58 0.008801 28.8 1924.08 0.009210 21.9 1923.58 0.008794 28.9 1923.08 0.009251 21.2 1922.58 0.008895 27.2 1922.08 0.009259 21.0 1921.58 0.008787 29.0 1921.08 0.009153 22.8 1920.58 0.008854 27.9 1920.08 0.009230 21.5 1919.58 0.008847 28.0 1919.08 0.009106 23.6 1918.58 0.008804 28.7 1918.08 0.009250 21.2 1917.58 0.008732 30.0 1917.08 0.009379 19.0 1916.58 0.008913 26.9 1916.08 0.009346 19.6 1915.58 0.008866 27.7 1915.08 0.009349 19.5 1914.58 0.008929 26.6 1914.08 0.009404 18.6 1913.58 0.008780 29.1 1913.08 0.009361 19.3 1912.58 0.008828 28.3 1912.08 0.009259 21.0 1911.58 0.008906 27.0 1911.08 0.009315 20.1 1910.58 0.008849 28.0 1910.08 0.009241 21.3 1909.58 0.008893 27.2 1909.08 0.009225 21.6 1908.58 0.008772 29.3 1908.08 0.009309 20.2 1907.58 0.008791 29.0 1907.08 0.009464 17.6 1906.58 0.008827 28.4 1906.08 0.009461 17.6 1905.58 0.008936 26.5 1905.08 0.009381 19.0 1904.58 0.009007 25.3 1904.08 0.009357 19.4 1903.58 0.008988 25.6 1903.08 0.009349 19.5 1902.58 0.008985 25.7 1902.08 0.009391 18.8 1901.58 0.008869 27.6 1901.08 0.009313 20.1 1900.58 0.008869 27.6 1900.08 0.009322 20.0 1899.58 0.009025 25.0 1899.08 0.009341 19.7 1898.58 0.008965 26.0 1898.08 0.009310 20.2 1897.58 0.008900 27.1 1897.08 0.009267 20.9 1896.58 0.008869 27.6 1896.08 0.009353 19.4 1895.58 0.008900 27.1 1895.08 0.009426 18.2 1894.58 0.008979 25.8 1894.08 0.009472 17.4 1893.58 0.008740 29.8 1893.08 0.009378 19.0 1892.58 0.008950 26.3 1892.08 0.009334 19.8 1891.58 0.008841 28.1 1891.08 0.009297 20.4 1890.58 0.008702 30.5 1890.08 0.009231 21.5 1889.58 0.008882 27.4 1889.08 0.009242 21.3 1888.58 0.008833 28.3 1888.08 0.009226 21.6 1887.58 0.008872 27.6 1887.08 0.009260 21.0 1886.58 0.008800 28.8 1886.08 0.009183 22.3 1885.58 0.008924 26.7 1885.08 0.009315 20.1 1884.58 0.008794 28.9 1884.08 0.009397 18.7 1883.58 0.009063 24.4 1883.08 0.009335 19.7 1882.58 0.008851 27.9 1882.08 0.009298 20.4 1881.58 0.008915 26.9 1881.08 0.009344 19.6 1880.58 0.008936 26.5 1880.08 0.009198 22.1 1879.58 0.008767 29.4 1879.08 0.009251 21.2 1878.58 0.008829 28.3 1878.08 0.009333 19.8 1877.58 0.008823 28.4 1877.08 0.009367 19.2 1876.58 0.008870 27.6 1876.08 0.009396 18.7 1875.58 0.008948 26.3 1875.08 0.009331 19.8 1874.58 0.008883 27.4 1874.08 0.009563 15.9 1873.58 0.008958 26.1 1873.08 0.009324 19.9 1872.58 0.008984 25.7 1872.08 0.009297 20.4 1871.58 0.008839 28.2 1871.08 0.009251 21.2 1870.58 0.008820 28.5 1870.08 0.009176 22.4 1869.58 0.008872 27.6 1869.08 0.009287 20.6 1868.58 0.008823 28.4 1868.08 0.009366 19.2 1867.58 0.008802 28.8 1867.08 0.009344 19.6 1866.58 0.008940 26.4 1866.08 0.009316 20.1 1865.58 0.008901 27.1 1865.08 0.009233 21.5 1864.58 0.008930 26.6 1864.08 0.009348 19.5 1863.58 0.008949 26.3 1863.08 0.009330 19.8 1862.58 0.008929 26.6 1862.08 0.009381 19.0 1861.58 0.009005 25.3 1861.08 0.009361 19.3 1860.58 0.009058 24.4 1860.08 0.009298 20.4 1859.58 0.008880 27.5 1859.08 0.009490 17.1 1858.58 0.008872 27.6 1858.08 0.009322 20.0 1857.58 0.008985 25.7 1857.08 0.009526 16.5 1856.58 0.008917 26.8 1856.08 0.009342 19.6 1855.58 0.008871 27.6 1855.08 0.009378 19.0 1854.58 0.008732 30.0 1854.08 0.009259 21.0 1853.58 0.008866 27.7 1853.08 0.009240 21.4 1852.58 0.008774 29.3 1852.08 0.009408 18.5 1851.58 0.008807 28.7 1851.08 0.009126 23.3 1850.58 0.008774 29.3 1850.08 0.009241 21.3 1849.58 0.008898 27.2 1849.08 0.009168 22.6 1848.58 0.008808 28.7 1848.08 0.009159 22.7 1847.58 0.008885 27.4 1847.08 0.009270 20.8 1846.58 0.008784 29.1 1846.08 0.009365 19.2 1845.58 0.008827 28.4 1845.08 0.009307 20.2 1844.58 0.008794 28.9 1844.08 0.009305 20.3 1843.58 0.008945 26.4 1843.08 0.009293 20.5 1842.58 0.008877 27.5 1842.08 0.009236 21.4 1841.58 0.008765 29.4 1841.08 0.009225 21.6 1840.58 0.008813 28.6 1840.08 0.009363 19.3 1839.58 0.008832 28.3 1839.08 0.009217 21.8 1838.58 0.008881 27.4 1838.08 0.009371 19.1 1837.58 0.008966 26.0 1837.08 0.009253 21.1 1836.58 0.008877 27.5 1836.08 0.009419 18.3 1835.58 0.008962 26.1 1835.08 0.009308 20.2 1834.58 0.008823 28.4 1834.08 0.009238 21.4 1833.58 0.008916 26.9 1833.08 0.009250 21.2 1832.58 0.008782 29.1 1832.08 0.009381 19.0 1831.58 0.008876 27.5 1831.08 0.009326 19.9 1830.58 0.008882 27.4 1830.08 0.009331 19.8 1829.58 0.008831 28.3 1829.08 0.009320 20.0 1828.58 0.008817 28.5 1828.08 0.009283 20.6 1827.58 0.008757 29.6 1827.08 0.009299 20.4 1826.58 0.008869 27.6 1826.08 0.009314 20.1 1825.58 0.008888 27.3 1825.08 0.009210 21.9 1824.58 0.008891 27.3 1824.08 0.009473 17.4 1823.58 0.008789 29.0 1823.08 0.009278 20.7 1822.58 0.008811 28.6 1822.08 0.009245 21.3 1821.58 0.008819 28.5 1821.08 0.009300 20.3 1820.58 0.008803 28.8 1820.08 0.009321 20.0 1819.58 0.008831 28.3 1819.08 0.009325 19.9 1818.58 0.008776 29.2 1818.08 0.009320 20.0 1817.58 0.008774 29.3 1817.08 0.009313 20.1 1816.58 0.008730 30.0 1816.08 0.009272 20.8 1815.58 0.008736 29.9 1815.08 0.009376 19.1 1814.58 0.008781 29.1 1814.08 0.009332 19.8 1813.58 0.008741 29.8 1813.08 0.009238 21.4 1812.58 0.008828 28.3 1812.08 0.009329 19.8 1811.58 0.008756 29.6 1811.08 0.009346 19.6 1810.58 0.008867 27.7 1810.08 0.009429 18.2 1809.58 0.008847 28.0 1809.08 0.009445 17.9 1808.58 0.008786 29.1 1808.08 0.009290 20.5 1807.58 0.008790 29.0 1807.08 0.009433 18.1 1806.58 0.008813 28.6 1806.08 0.009422 18.3 1805.58 0.008690 30.7 1805.08 0.009208 21.9 1804.58 0.008725 30.1 1804.08 0.009283 20.6 1803.58 0.008751 29.6 1803.08 0.009166 22.6 1802.58 0.008794 28.9 1802.08 0.009395 18.7 1801.58 0.008857 27.8 1801.08 0.009239 21.4 1800.58 0.008780 29.1 1800.08 0.009242 21.3 1799.58 0.008803 28.8 1799.08 0.009289 20.5 1798.58 0.008712 30.3 1798.08 0.009294 20.4 1797.58 0.008823 28.4 1797.08 0.009202 22.0 1796.58 0.008922 26.7 1796.08 0.009321 20.0 1795.58 0.008793 28.9 1795.08 0.009213 21.8 1794.58 0.008799 28.8 1794.08 0.009348 19.5 1793.58 0.008833 28.3 1793.08 0.009261 21.0 1792.58 0.008827 28.4 1792.08 0.009121 23.4 1791.58 0.008790 29.0 1791.08 0.009149 22.9 1790.58 0.008862 27.8 1790.08 0.009281 20.7 1789.58 0.008786 29.0 1789.08 0.009229 21.5 1788.58 0.008784 29.1 1788.08 0.009265 20.9 1787.58 0.008830 28.3 1787.08 0.009350 19.5 1786.58 0.008800 28.8 1786.08 0.009447 17.8 1785.58 0.008838 28.2 1785.08 0.009489 17.1 1784.58 0.008955 26.2 1784.08 0.009357 19.4 1783.58 0.008976 25.8 1783.08 0.009308 20.2 1782.58 0.008836 28.2 1782.08 0.009325 19.9 1781.58 0.008739 29.8 1781.08 0.009259 21.0 1780.58 0.008914 26.9 1780.08 0.009412 18.4 1779.58 0.008798 28.9 1779.08 0.009332 19.8 1778.58 0.008757 29.5 1778.08 0.009350 19.5 1777.58 0.008851 27.9 1777.08 0.009290 20.5 1776.58 0.008844 28.1 1776.08 0.009387 18.9 1775.58 0.008941 26.4 1775.08 0.009455 17.7 1774.58 0.008849 28.0 1774.08 0.009342 19.6 1773.58 0.008862 27.8 1773.08 0.009509 16.8 1772.58 0.008840 28.1 1772.08 0.009433 18.1 1771.58 0.008777 29.2 1771.08 0.009214 21.8 1770.58 0.008814 28.6 1770.08 0.009300 20.3 1769.58 0.008766 29.4 1769.08 0.009493 17.1 1768.58 0.008784 29.1 1768.08 0.009428 18.2 1767.58 0.008799 28.8 1767.08 0.009436 18.0 1766.58 0.008854 27.9 1766.08 0.009345 19.6 1765.58 0.008743 29.8 1765.08 0.009289 20.5 1764.58 0.008787 29.0 1764.08 0.009178 22.4 1763.58 0.008655 31.3 1763.08 0.009214 21.8 1762.58 0.008719 30.2 1762.08 0.009196 22.1 1761.58 0.008655 31.3 1761.08 0.009311 20.2 1760.58 0.008631 31.7 1760.08 0.009059 24.4 1759.58 0.008704 30.4 1759.08 0.009365 19.2 1758.58 0.008819 28.5 1758.08 0.009290 20.5 1757.58 0.008825 28.4 1757.08 0.009263 21.0 1756.58 0.008737 29.9 1756.08 0.009281 20.7 1755.58 0.008731 30.0 1755.08 0.009189 22.2 1754.58 0.008589 32.4 1754.08 0.009156 22.8 1753.58 0.008765 29.4 1753.08 0.009226 21.6 1752.58 0.008756 29.6 1752.08 0.009195 22.1 1751.58 0.008738 29.9 1751.08 0.009065 24.3 1750.58 0.008703 30.5 1750.08 0.009163 22.7 1749.58 0.008612 32.0 1749.08 0.009164 22.7 1748.58 0.008725 30.1 1748.08 0.009269 20.9 1747.58 0.008732 30.0 1747.08 0.009294 20.4 1746.58 0.008734 29.9 1746.08 0.009234 21.4 1745.58 0.008716 30.2 1745.08 0.009195 22.1 1744.58 0.008694 30.6 1744.08 0.009147 22.9 1743.58 0.008707 30.4 1743.08 0.009065 24.3 1742.58 0.008667 31.1 1742.08 0.009196 22.1 1741.58 0.008705 30.4 1741.08 0.009329 19.9 1740.58 0.008843 28.1 1740.08 0.009393 18.8 1739.58 0.008837 28.2 1739.08 0.009370 19.2 1738.58 0.008788 29.0 1738.08 0.009406 18.5 1737.58 0.008759 29.5 1737.08 0.009244 21.3 1736.58 0.008813 28.6 1736.08 0.009220 21.7 1735.58 0.008817 28.5 1735.08 0.009340 19.7 1734.58 0.008800 28.8 1734.08 0.009186 22.3 1733.58 0.008743 29.8 1733.08 0.009313 20.1 1732.58 0.008823 28.4 1732.08 0.009335 19.8 1731.58 0.008801 28.8 1731.08 0.009338 19.7 1730.58 0.008850 28.0 1730.08 0.009218 21.7 1729.58 0.008699 30.5 1729.08 0.009174 22.5 1728.58 0.008686 30.7 1728.08 0.009247 21.2 1727.58 0.008795 28.9 1727.08 0.009196 22.1 1726.58 0.008688 30.7 1726.08 0.009112 23.5 1725.58 0.008739 29.8 1725.08 0.009211 21.9 1724.58 0.008728 30.0 1724.08 0.009212 21.8 1723.58 0.008702 30.5 1723.08 0.009191 22.2 1722.58 0.008888 27.3 1722.08 0.009205 21.9 1721.58 0.008776 29.2 1721.08 0.009317 20.1 1720.58 0.008878 27.5 1720.08 0.009180 22.4 1719.58 0.008811 28.6 1719.08 0.009259 21.0 1718.58 0.008772 29.3 1718.08 0.009255 21.1 1717.58 0.008774 29.2 1717.08 0.009302 20.3 1716.58 0.008746 29.7 1716.08 0.009197 22.1 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0.009293 20.5 1624.58 0.008790 29.0 1624.08 0.009440 18.0 1623.58 0.008772 29.3 1623.08 0.009270 20.8 1622.58 0.008840 28.1 1622.08 0.009265 20.9 1621.58 0.008805 28.7 1621.08 0.009179 22.4 1620.58 0.008749 29.7 1620.08 0.009166 22.6 1619.58 0.008771 29.3 1619.08 0.009290 20.5 1618.58 0.008818 28.5 1618.08 0.009276 20.7 1617.58 0.008841 28.1 1617.08 0.009263 21.0 1616.58 0.008847 28.0 1616.08 0.009189 22.2 1615.58 0.008814 28.6 1615.08 0.009306 20.2 1614.58 0.008877 27.5 1614.08 0.009417 18.4 1613.58 0.008826 28.4 1613.08 0.009386 18.9 1612.58 0.008854 27.9 1612.08 0.009386 18.9 1611.58 0.008837 28.2 1611.08 0.009360 19.3 1610.58 0.008799 28.8 1610.08 0.009262 21.0 1609.58 0.008828 28.3 1609.08 0.009287 20.6 1608.58 0.008821 28.5 1608.08 0.009350 19.5 1607.58 0.008821 28.5 1607.08 0.009327 19.9 1606.58 0.008765 29.4 1606.08 0.009266 20.9 1605.58 0.008821 28.5 1605.08 0.009313 20.1 1604.58 0.008815 28.6 1604.08 0.009347 19.5 1603.58 0.008797 28.9 1603.08 0.009319 20.0 1602.58 0.008779 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1579.58 0.008825 28.4 1579.08 0.009472 17.4 1578.58 0.008802 28.8