# Great Keppel Island, Great Barrier Reef Trace Metal Data from 1958-2010 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/ # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/west_pacific/great_barrier/saha2017/saha2017.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Parameter_Keywords: Trace metals #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-06-21 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2017-06-21 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Great Keppel Island, Great Barrier Reef Trace Metal Data from 1958-2010 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Saha, Narottam; Rodriguez-Ramirez, Alberto; Nguyen, Ai Duc; Clark, Tara R.; Zhao, Jian-xin; Webb, Gregory E. #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Provided Keywords: Ba/Ca, Y/Ca, Water Quality, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Saha, N., A. Rodriguez-Ramirez, A.D. Nguyen, T.R. Clark, j.X. Zhao, and G.E. Webb # Published_Date_or_Year: # Published_Title: Seasonal to decadal scale influence of environmental drivers on Ba/Ca and Y/Ca in coral aragonite from the southern Great Barrier Reef # Journal_Name: Palaeoceanography # Volume: submitted # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Extensive catchment modification since European settlement in the eastern coast of Australia results in poor coastal water quality, which poses a major threat for near shore coral communities in the iconic Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This study investigated coastal water quality over the period of 1958 to 2010 using monthly resolution Ba/Ca and Y/Ca signatures obtained from Porites sp. coral from Great Keppel Island, southern GBR, Australia. Geochemical proxy records were influenced by environmental change on a seasonal to decadal scale. Although seasonal oscillations of Ba/Ca and Y/Ca were related to rainfall and discharge from the Fitzroy River catchment, some uncorrelated anomalous peaks were evident throughout the time series. Regardless, the behaviour of these proxies was significantly consistent over the longer time scale. A long term drought-breaking flood resulted in significant increase in the targeted elemental ratios owing to higher terrigenous sediment influx to the near shore marine environment from a catchment with reduced groundcover. Following this intense flashing event, elemental ratios were reduced in subsequent wet periods as a result of less sediment being available for transport. Our geochemical proxy record highlights the impact of terrestrial runoff on inshore water quality and the coral community of the southern GBR. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Department of the Environment and Energy, Australian Government # Grant: NERP Tropical Ecosystem Project 1.3 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: DP120101793 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Great Keppel Island # Location: Great Barrier Reef # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -23.17 # Southernmost_Latitude: -23.17 # Easternmost_Longitude: 150.98 # Westernmost_Longitude: 150.98 # Elevation: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Great Keppel GK2 Saha2017 # First_Year: 1958 # Last_Year: 2010 # Time_Unit: years CE # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab- 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data,additional info ## age_text age,,,years CE,,,,,C,in text format ## age_CE age,,,years CE,,,,,N, ## HadISST sea surface temperature ,,,Degrees Celsius,,instrumental,,,N,HadI Sea Surface Temperature ## Rainfall Rainfall,,,mm,,instrumental,,,N, ## Discharge River Discharge,,,Megaliters,,instrumental,,,N, ## U/Ca Uranium/Calcium,Porites sp.,,umol/mol,,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,,Monthly Interpolated ## Mg/Ca Magnesium/Calcium,Porites sp.,,mmol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,Monthly Interpolated ## Sr/Ca Strontium/Calcium,Porites sp.,,mmol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,Monthly Interpolated ## Ba/Ca Barium/Calcium,Porites sp.,,umol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,,Monthly Interpolated ## Y/Ca Yttrium/Calcium,Porites sp.,,nmol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,Monthly Interpolated #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: NA age_text age_CE HadISST Rainfall Discharge U/Ca Mg/Ca Sr/Ca Ba/Ca Y/Ca Dec-57 1958.00 26.45 3.00 6068.46 1.10 4.29 8.98 4.77 74.91 Jan-58 1958.08 27.58 99.50 125811.56 1.10 4.21 9.00 4.56 73.27 Feb-58 1958.17 27.92 270.70 3121365.96 1.12 4.16 9.02 4.39 73.18 Mar-58 1958.25 27.57 157.30 1387458.38 1.16 4.15 9.06 4.25 75.06 Apr-58 1958.33 26.09 141.00 4911832.88 1.25 3.88 9.20 4.54 78.90 May-58 1958.42 24.70 25.60 290774.87 1.31 3.68 9.29 4.72 80.43 Jun-58 1958.50 22.54 219.70 164972.33 1.33 3.57 9.33 4.75 79.00 Jul-58 1958.58 21.87 3.80 59023.97 1.27 3.75 9.24 4.83 79.85 Aug-58 1958.67 21.73 16.50 28656.70 1.13 4.29 9.00 4.65 76.56 Sep-58 1958.75 22.37 11.90 13940.09 1.05 4.63 8.91 4.77 77.48 Oct-58 1958.83 23.71 6.60 8051.76 1.05 4.56 8.86 4.75 75.09 Nov-58 1958.92 25.03 31.60 4220.44 1.05 4.52 8.95 4.86 79.96 Dec-58 1959.00 26.63 150.70 43058.06 1.01 4.65 8.90 5.11 80.79 Jan-59 1959.08 27.42 350.80 647451.03 1.02 4.59 8.88 5.05 82.16 Feb-59 1959.17 27.23 101.40 5176150.50 1.05 4.57 8.90 4.79 87.28 Mar-59 1959.25 26.61 117.30 990212.73 1.07 4.52 8.93 4.40 87.61 Apr-59 1959.33 25.11 78.30 162384.59 1.17 4.35 9.16 4.38 89.01 May-59 1959.42 23.78 35.20 51617.49 1.29 4.07 9.39 4.46 91.45 Jun-59 1959.50 21.66 22.40 29524.56 1.33 3.77 9.26 4.16 90.39 Jul-59 1959.58 20.74 33.90 18650.19 1.38 3.64 9.26 4.36 91.68 Aug-59 1959.67 20.45 9.90 14406.96 1.19 4.25 8.98 4.28 83.98 Sep-59 1959.75 21.44 22.40 7630.38 1.05 4.65 8.79 4.26 79.28 Oct-59 1959.83 23.35 76.20 10418.73 1.03 4.68 8.79 4.32 79.96 Nov-59 1959.92 25.29 88.10 25637.83 1.02 4.65 8.79 4.41 80.76 Dec-59 1960.00 26.87 128.20 438611.46 1.01 4.59 8.79 4.52 81.63 Jan-60 1960.08 27.27 346.20 1268170.45 1.01 4.51 8.78 4.64 82.68 Feb-60 1960.17 27.43 245.10 721186.70 1.01 4.42 8.79 4.71 83.75 Mar-60 1960.25 26.58 7.10 463709.46 1.04 4.36 8.84 4.55 84.85 Apr-60 1960.33 25.75 157.20 42549.56 1.08 4.27 8.89 4.41 86.49 May-60 1960.42 24.24 160.30 85799.11 1.13 4.17 8.95 4.31 88.62 Jun-60 1960.50 22.52 11.70 54146.31 1.23 3.93 9.07 4.41 93.64 Jul-60 1960.58 21.18 9.30 16135.82 1.34 3.66 9.20 4.56 98.96 Aug-60 1960.67 20.93 7.70 11556.34 1.18 3.93 8.97 3.94 83.56 Sep-60 1960.75 21.54 3.80 5775.57 1.06 4.35 8.85 3.96 72.39 Oct-60 1960.83 23.15 71.90 8776.92 1.03 4.33 9.01 3.82 75.47 Nov-60 1960.92 24.87 27.70 16386.84 1.03 4.30 8.96 3.94 76.52 Dec-60 1961.00 25.65 54.00 11289.05 1.01 4.35 8.90 4.00 84.75 Jan-61 1961.08 26.32 150.20 85929.22 1.06 4.42 8.97 4.31 86.28 Feb-61 1961.17 26.65 564.50 1110327.96 1.11 4.23 9.04 4.52 91.38 Mar-61 1961.25 26.17 137.70 1024392.71 1.18 3.90 9.19 4.42 94.13 Apr-61 1961.33 25.44 100.60 31749.08 1.33 3.53 9.31 4.39 97.46 May-61 1961.42 24.33 60.80 14343.13 1.24 3.78 9.26 4.37 97.53 Jun-61 1961.50 21.94 82.30 10152.81 1.35 3.46 9.33 4.47 95.27 Jul-61 1961.58 20.73 16.60 6245.81 1.23 3.80 9.16 4.33 91.54 Aug-61 1961.67 20.69 39.70 4110.63 1.11 4.15 8.99 4.20 87.81 Sep-61 1961.75 20.96 1.30 2530.11 1.09 4.24 8.96 4.21 87.94 Oct-61 1961.83 22.89 10.30 13643.57 1.07 4.31 8.94 4.23 88.24 Nov-61 1961.92 25.52 156.00 71215.14 1.07 4.32 8.92 4.80 95.37 Dec-61 1962.00 26.57 89.20 434320.22 1.06 4.31 8.90 5.42 103.12 Jan-62 1962.08 27.62 164.90 392880.02 1.05 4.30 8.88 4.80 90.81 Feb-62 1962.17 27.70 49.20 141556.67 1.04 4.29 8.87 4.18 78.45 Mar-62 1962.25 27.09 204.20 578442.69 1.00 4.38 8.92 4.24 78.53 Apr-62 1962.33 25.21 235.10 215280.82 1.02 4.47 8.98 4.25 82.34 May-62 1962.42 23.85 86.10 39475.47 1.11 4.19 9.06 4.24 87.12 Jun-62 1962.50 22.63 12.70 13550.00 1.23 3.79 9.29 4.45 91.37 Jul-62 1962.58 21.24 18.70 6837.08 1.32 3.48 9.49 4.38 85.23 Aug-62 1962.67 20.69 0.80 3988.04 1.11 4.02 9.06 3.99 74.99 Sep-62 1962.75 22.07 3.30 1236.21 1.03 4.28 8.94 3.79 78.68 Oct-62 1962.83 23.52 2.30 276.53 1.10 4.25 8.97 4.55 87.11 Nov-62 1962.92 24.67 85.40 20.23 1.02 4.51 8.94 4.23 84.41 Dec-62 1963.00 26.64 461.20 17130.18 1.05 4.41 8.99 4.27 87.31 Jan-63 1963.08 27.27 292.40 837975.38 1.07 4.29 9.05 4.32 90.22 Feb-63 1963.17 27.61 79.50 191353.64 1.10 4.19 9.11 4.39 92.64 Mar-63 1963.25 27.32 301.10 620109.47 1.16 4.08 9.22 4.51 93.99 Apr-63 1963.33 25.94 64.20 3585668.95 1.21 3.98 9.32 4.64 95.34 May-63 1963.42 24.63 46.60 201434.75 1.27 3.92 9.32 4.79 97.60 Jun-63 1963.50 22.36 4.10 26740.02 1.34 3.89 9.29 4.96 100.29 Jul-63 1963.58 20.76 6.10 12822.83 1.39 3.86 9.25 5.06 101.63 Aug-63 1963.67 20.77 50.20 8447.17 1.00 4.06 9.13 3.58 75.97 Sep-63 1963.75 21.96 0.00 7874.15 1.08 4.32 9.01 4.06 83.11 Oct-63 1963.83 22.76 87.90 2894.21 1.03 4.42 8.92 3.94 78.51 Nov-63 1963.92 24.83 57.70 905.45 1.02 4.52 8.89 3.91 76.46 Dec-63 1964.00 26.10 61.90 10553.28 1.01 4.62 8.83 3.86 71.19 Jan-64 1964.08 27.56 43.70 32879.66 0.99 4.72 8.83 3.73 75.23 Feb-64 1964.17 27.92 85.70 8956.70 1.00 4.72 8.90 3.70 71.52 Mar-64 1964.25 27.38 183.70 21950.43 1.04 4.42 9.03 3.71 74.70 Apr-64 1964.33 26.38 61.70 17429.82 1.08 4.29 9.06 3.84 76.60 May-64 1964.42 24.46 53.10 6980.45 1.21 3.95 9.22 3.96 80.23 Jun-64 1964.50 22.75 34.60 1942.32 1.34 3.64 9.38 4.05 88.06 Jul-64 1964.58 21.82 173.50 29550.68 1.30 3.76 9.29 4.02 86.32 Aug-64 1964.67 21.29 61.70 6175.86 1.23 4.01 9.17 4.02 84.97 Sep-64 1964.75 22.00 79.30 12923.57 1.15 4.25 9.06 4.17 80.19 Oct-64 1964.83 23.79 73.80 91405.50 1.09 4.46 8.98 4.04 76.59 Nov-64 1964.92 25.15 85.30 37877.95 1.05 4.62 8.92 3.78 74.61 Dec-64 1965.00 26.20 87.60 29508.49 1.03 4.72 8.89 3.89 72.04 Jan-65 1965.08 26.96 25.70 33914.77 1.03 4.77 8.88 4.08 73.47 Feb-65 1965.17 27.18 17.60 28385.86 1.06 4.62 9.00 4.14 75.52 Mar-65 1965.25 26.38 123.40 4810.26 1.10 4.58 9.05 4.10 79.52 Apr-65 1965.33 25.61 144.60 8361.38 1.12 4.45 9.07 4.14 82.09 May-65 1965.42 24.00 120.40 42084.79 1.25 4.12 9.20 4.24 88.77 Jun-65 1965.50 22.22 35.90 3202.26 1.72 3.90 9.26 5.50 108.89 Jul-65 1965.58 20.82 2.80 956.10 1.32 3.83 9.31 4.27 90.18 Aug-65 1965.67 20.42 23.60 65.43 1.11 4.33 9.07 4.05 82.66 Sep-65 1965.75 21.89 21.50 20.44 1.07 4.55 8.98 3.87 79.75 Oct-65 1965.83 23.19 28.90 10.69 1.07 4.54 9.00 4.15 81.99 Nov-65 1965.92 24.74 22.10 0.93 1.05 4.73 8.88 4.28 80.66 Dec-65 1966.00 25.87 183.80 591165.14 1.05 4.66 8.93 4.21 78.88 Jan-66 1966.08 26.95 184.80 243218.53 1.05 4.59 8.98 4.14 76.90 Feb-66 1966.17 27.58 273.20 345501.36 1.12 4.39 9.09 4.30 81.46 Mar-66 1966.25 27.15 47.50 31243.59 1.19 4.18 9.21 4.47 86.63 Apr-66 1966.33 26.04 91.10 27698.77 1.25 3.99 9.29 4.45 89.71 May-66 1966.42 24.30 22.80 3058.25 1.31 3.80 9.37 4.43 92.78 Jun-66 1966.50 21.99 88.10 252.84 1.37 3.62 9.43 4.47 89.41 Jul-66 1966.58 21.24 69.10 3316.05 1.42 3.45 9.48 4.52 85.68 Aug-66 1966.67 20.67 83.00 82621.04 1.30 3.59 9.27 4.33 80.32 Sep-66 1966.75 22.19 73.00 77849.09 1.17 4.00 9.07 4.26 77.83 Oct-66 1966.83 23.05 26.80 4605.14 1.09 4.20 8.99 4.14 76.68 Nov-66 1966.92 24.73 53.40 24716.50 1.05 4.27 8.98 3.96 75.13 Dec-66 1967.00 26.13 63.90 45526.57 1.04 4.36 8.96 3.87 74.35 Jan-67 1967.08 27.31 174.80 187292.59 1.05 4.47 8.97 4.09 79.62 Feb-67 1967.17 27.05 80.70 266329.56 1.05 4.42 8.98 4.02 81.25 Mar-67 1967.25 26.65 114.80 129875.62 1.08 4.31 9.05 4.13 84.20 Apr-67 1967.33 25.25 33.30 9183.50 1.12 4.12 9.13 4.29 88.24 May-67 1967.42 23.76 145.70 1552.20 1.17 3.91 9.19 4.38 93.06 Jun-67 1967.50 21.45 298.10 328021.76 1.23 3.70 9.26 4.38 97.31 Jul-67 1967.58 21.10 45.70 59276.37 1.33 3.37 9.41 4.47 97.44 Aug-67 1967.67 20.83 14.70 7824.06 1.12 3.83 9.13 4.14 80.36 Sep-67 1967.75 21.84 2.00 1243.47 1.06 4.21 9.18 4.24 80.97 Oct-67 1967.83 23.66 21.30 1105.56 1.04 4.28 9.03 5.01 87.37 Nov-67 1967.92 25.38 90.70 26720.67 1.02 4.45 8.98 4.97 92.93 Dec-67 1968.00 26.78 192.60 111990.91 1.03 4.40 9.00 4.70 92.94 Jan-68 1968.08 27.30 115.60 1562020.86 1.04 4.34 9.03 4.47 92.95 Feb-68 1968.17 27.00 408.80 3136089.70 1.05 4.27 9.06 4.35 92.53 Mar-68 1968.25 26.91 304.20 284037.04 1.07 4.18 9.09 4.46 91.18 Apr-68 1968.33 25.94 33.20 99359.81 1.09 4.10 9.12 4.57 89.84 May-68 1968.42 24.35 63.60 461366.25 1.16 3.94 9.19 4.67 90.93 Jun-68 1968.50 22.24 0.00 36650.07 1.25 3.74 9.26 4.76 93.22 Jul-68 1968.58 21.12 29.60 13653.26 1.33 3.55 9.33 4.84 95.13 Aug-68 1968.67 21.34 7.60 8109.83 1.31 3.59 9.29 4.65 85.84 Sep-68 1968.75 21.91 25.20 2367.65 1.07 4.23 8.97 4.24 74.45 Oct-68 1968.83 23.34 36.40 493.14 1.06 4.33 8.88 4.12 78.73 Nov-68 1968.92 25.53 42.80 1067.15 1.04 4.45 8.92 4.11 78.16 Dec-68 1969.00 26.21 91.00 71602.88 1.05 4.41 8.95 4.25 81.23 Jan-69 1969.08 27.29 23.10 12478.85 1.06 4.38 8.99 4.23 84.76 Feb-69 1969.17 27.46 166.00 2468.97 1.08 4.34 9.03 3.96 85.11 Mar-69 1969.25 27.19 355.90 1068.26 1.12 4.17 9.12 3.85 82.99 Apr-69 1969.33 26.23 28.40 2218.78 1.18 3.93 9.26 4.02 81.24 May-69 1969.42 24.38 115.60 366.99 1.28 3.77 9.35 4.25 83.97 Jun-69 1969.50 22.68 20.60 989.88 1.50 3.52 9.36 4.65 90.50 Jul-69 1969.58 21.46 45.20 1238.94 1.32 3.49 9.37 4.21 78.68 Aug-69 1969.67 21.63 30.30 159.56 1.17 3.73 9.21 4.06 75.16 Sep-69 1969.75 22.55 10.20 1.82 1.09 4.00 9.07 4.02 73.09 Oct-69 1969.83 23.71 174.60 5402.49 1.06 4.12 9.05 3.95 69.11 Nov-69 1969.92 25.76 37.60 19766.23 1.06 4.07 9.10 3.92 71.32 Dec-69 1970.00 27.08 397.40 166780.29 1.05 4.08 9.05 3.98 75.77 Jan-70 1970.08 28.00 88.30 653155.63 1.04 4.15 9.06 4.22 73.93 Feb-70 1970.17 27.82 131.10 880478.59 1.03 4.22 9.00 4.51 74.03 Mar-70 1970.25 27.84 88.90 128088.70 1.04 4.25 9.00 4.68 74.63 Apr-70 1970.33 26.46 72.70 12341.98 1.08 4.15 9.13 4.63 74.22 May-70 1970.42 24.71 13.70 8527.72 1.16 3.87 9.32 4.25 75.69 Jun-70 1970.50 22.84 18.00 4195.13 1.28 3.53 9.46 3.75 82.21 Jul-70 1970.58 21.69 2.00 573.77 1.40 3.28 9.51 3.79 85.26 Aug-70 1970.67 21.34 20.40 82.10 1.35 3.40 9.51 4.41 75.01 Sep-70 1970.75 22.57 63.10 193.37 1.15 3.91 9.27 4.47 73.92 Oct-70 1970.83 24.18 4.60 4522.44 1.09 4.07 9.23 4.22 74.62 Nov-70 1970.92 25.81 196.80 112088.06 1.03 4.24 9.06 4.31 75.03 Dec-70 1971.00 27.00 251.90 913454.87 1.00 4.31 8.98 5.10 75.61 Jan-71 1971.08 28.30 309.20 1054311.11 0.98 4.31 8.93 5.90 93.45 Feb-71 1971.17 28.34 609.20 6315191.02 1.00 4.20 9.04 6.11 102.04 Mar-71 1971.25 27.26 91.90 2144113.95 1.06 4.08 9.11 5.60 102.73 Apr-71 1971.33 25.42 64.20 44094.89 1.13 3.91 9.14 4.95 99.78 May-71 1971.42 24.09 56.60 15311.90 1.20 3.73 9.23 4.58 98.38 Jun-71 1971.50 22.35 41.90 4851.80 1.27 3.58 9.37 4.60 99.44 Jul-71 1971.58 20.55 73.50 8471.53 1.33 3.49 9.41 4.66 96.38 Aug-71 1971.67 21.29 52.40 11630.58 1.19 3.78 9.22 4.38 85.59 Sep-71 1971.75 22.29 9.20 9861.03 1.06 4.16 9.00 4.18 75.50 Oct-71 1971.83 24.15 71.40 2105.01 1.05 4.27 8.95 4.40 81.76 Nov-71 1971.92 25.91 181.90 1527.55 1.05 4.29 8.92 4.51 87.67 Dec-71 1972.00 26.59 193.80 563470.51 1.06 4.28 8.91 4.59 87.59 Jan-72 1972.08 27.31 193.70 1152988.69 1.07 4.24 8.92 4.66 89.97 Feb-72 1972.17 27.25 286.90 975980.01 1.10 4.18 8.94 4.72 94.84 Mar-72 1972.25 26.37 50.30 361214.95 1.13 4.08 9.00 4.76 96.61 Apr-72 1972.33 24.98 27.60 24554.76 1.21 3.85 9.12 4.85 98.53 May-72 1972.42 23.32 148.10 10060.57 1.32 3.53 9.27 4.91 99.19 Jun-72 1972.50 21.60 27.40 6989.84 1.45 3.19 9.41 4.75 94.06 Jul-72 1972.58 20.87 3.30 4505.23 1.39 3.36 9.30 4.53 88.74 Aug-72 1972.67 20.56 1.30 2035.84 1.26 3.69 9.11 4.38 83.00 Sep-72 1972.75 21.27 7.10 790.31 1.15 4.00 8.93 4.45 76.47 Oct-72 1972.83 23.66 14.70 1597.43 1.10 4.16 8.91 4.38 81.06 Nov-72 1972.92 25.70 170.70 24919.14 1.07 4.24 8.90 4.28 82.72 Dec-72 1973.00 26.96 34.80 21736.09 1.03 4.26 8.87 4.19 78.26 Jan-73 1973.08 28.29 280.80 89439.90 0.99 4.20 8.95 4.33 72.30 Feb-73 1973.17 28.43 374.80 541213.88 0.98 4.18 8.99 4.32 71.39 Mar-73 1973.25 27.90 96.40 150123.76 1.02 3.88 9.07 4.15 71.47 Apr-73 1973.33 26.73 124.70 42300.22 1.09 3.83 9.03 3.91 74.94 May-73 1973.42 25.22 101.60 13235.52 1.17 3.48 9.37 3.90 81.62 Jun-73 1973.50 23.30 43.50 13187.27 1.28 3.29 9.40 3.99 87.23 Jul-73 1973.58 22.05 162.90 37873.85 1.31 3.25 9.36 4.26 86.54 Aug-73 1973.67 22.07 33.00 27463.71 1.25 3.47 9.23 4.25 84.82 Sep-73 1973.75 23.20 45.10 11439.35 1.18 3.69 9.11 4.25 83.10 Oct-73 1973.83 24.22 30.30 26548.11 1.14 3.82 9.04 4.21 82.66 Nov-73 1973.92 25.84 131.00 112960.39 1.11 3.89 9.02 4.17 82.99 Dec-73 1974.00 26.97 587.40 5331909.04 1.08 3.94 9.00 4.46 85.95 Jan-74 1974.08 27.23 941.00 7991649.67 1.08 3.94 8.98 5.37 93.85 Feb-74 1974.17 27.42 155.00 4066982.88 1.07 3.93 8.96 6.28 101.75 Mar-74 1974.25 26.20 126.00 1664729.82 1.11 3.85 9.02 7.21 117.67 Apr-74 1974.33 25.64 39.00 259579.13 1.15 3.61 9.23 5.10 98.43 May-74 1974.42 24.17 54.40 105680.20 1.20 3.56 9.27 4.60 99.23 Jun-74 1974.50 22.61 0.00 42955.85 1.45 3.15 9.57 4.79 111.67 Jul-74 1974.58 21.27 0.00 14676.81 1.50 3.03 9.65 4.67 101.65 Aug-74 1974.67 21.17 92.00 9578.45 1.33 3.30 9.42 5.10 103.22 Sep-74 1974.75 22.01 32.00 8738.97 1.23 3.51 9.26 4.70 98.36 Oct-74 1974.83 23.40 58.00 18117.13 1.15 3.73 9.13 4.39 84.40 Nov-74 1974.92 25.03 98.40 49768.15 1.12 3.77 9.20 5.36 86.56 Dec-74 1975.00 26.48 106.40 48714.44 1.12 3.89 9.15 5.64 91.36 Jan-75 1975.08 27.30 178.00 3335739.90 1.13 4.00 9.02 5.14 90.36 Feb-75 1975.17 27.31 179.00 316083.46 1.12 3.98 9.03 4.99 85.40 Mar-75 1975.25 27.48 99.00 1420637.35 1.16 3.94 9.17 4.57 88.35 Apr-75 1975.33 26.36 112.10 367164.76 1.24 3.71 9.29 4.49 83.92 May-75 1975.42 25.11 10.00 59890.28 1.36 3.42 9.53 4.45 90.16 Jun-75 1975.50 22.30 49.80 17901.42 1.46 3.05 9.64 4.57 92.16 Jul-75 1975.58 21.54 31.60 9280.62 1.34 3.41 9.43 4.65 91.46 Aug-75 1975.67 21.66 20.00 4682.32 1.18 3.77 9.08 4.34 90.47 Sep-75 1975.75 22.18 73.40 4166.67 1.14 3.87 9.12 4.64 86.18 Oct-75 1975.83 23.49 128.20 745809.00 1.14 3.93 9.14 6.23 94.36 Nov-75 1975.92 25.78 78.80 1487451.32 1.09 4.00 9.03 5.54 93.63 Dec-75 1976.00 26.40 340.80 2229093.65 1.11 3.93 9.08 5.27 92.43 Jan-76 1976.08 27.09 163.00 5835894.02 1.14 3.84 9.13 5.01 91.08 Feb-76 1976.17 26.90 302.80 4790764.56 1.17 3.75 9.19 4.81 90.40 Mar-76 1976.25 26.86 438.00 1802656.94 1.21 3.62 9.25 4.75 91.22 Apr-76 1976.33 25.55 82.20 247502.50 1.25 3.49 9.31 4.70 92.05 May-76 1976.42 24.03 20.40 78300.09 1.30 3.37 9.39 4.70 92.75 Jun-76 1976.50 22.32 107.20 30828.61 1.35 3.25 9.47 4.72 93.39 Jul-76 1976.58 21.30 49.80 26865.59 1.40 3.14 9.55 4.74 93.82 Aug-76 1976.67 20.75 1.60 21360.61 1.29 3.35 9.34 4.31 85.30 Sep-76 1976.75 21.15 21.60 17381.41 1.08 3.91 9.05 4.11 75.32 Oct-76 1976.83 23.26 55.10 56104.06 1.06 4.03 9.02 4.25 75.08 Nov-76 1976.92 25.99 116.60 211614.36 1.07 4.01 8.98 4.32 66.74 Dec-76 1977.00 27.72 231.60 362124.46 1.06 4.12 8.94 4.36 73.47 Jan-77 1977.08 28.06 142.80 101995.23 1.07 4.18 8.99 4.59 78.40 Feb-77 1977.17 27.68 405.00 206840.53 1.05 4.31 8.91 4.83 88.73 Mar-77 1977.25 27.92 438.40 3166896.50 1.05 4.31 8.87 5.26 88.57 Apr-77 1977.33 26.61 67.40 235346.80 1.16 3.94 9.04 4.80 87.99 May-77 1977.42 24.70 205.00 1869852.79 1.32 3.42 9.28 5.32 92.89 Jun-77 1977.50 22.87 0.00 215487.04 1.40 3.23 9.38 4.59 75.59 Jul-77 1977.58 21.60 2.00 36167.08 1.26 3.59 9.22 4.39 74.17 Aug-77 1977.67 21.07 0.00 20761.06 1.13 3.88 9.09 4.18 71.97 Sep-77 1977.75 22.17 11.00 7939.50 1.04 4.08 9.02 4.04 69.55 Oct-77 1977.83 23.46 5.40 7510.71 1.02 4.12 9.06 4.18 69.49 Nov-77 1977.92 25.93 156.60 110988.56 1.01 4.08 9.11 4.24 64.69 Dec-77 1978.00 26.71 52.00 35409.86 1.00 4.08 9.11 4.55 65.67 Jan-78 1978.08 27.49 252.00 408255.15 0.98 4.14 9.06 5.12 74.50 Feb-78 1978.17 27.94 179.20 7394349.41 1.02 4.11 9.08 4.36 71.30 Mar-78 1978.25 27.41 22.80 109277.50 1.06 3.98 9.10 3.98 71.98 Apr-78 1978.33 26.42 30.00 41633.77 1.14 3.71 9.29 3.91 77.12 May-78 1978.42 24.85 185.00 26065.35 1.28 3.28 9.47 3.62 79.01 Jun-78 1978.50 22.96 48.00 23287.64 1.38 3.01 9.57 4.20 75.12 Jul-78 1978.58 21.57 133.00 497509.31 1.25 3.36 9.32 4.31 77.05 Aug-78 1978.67 21.06 99.00 62178.62 1.18 3.58 9.21 4.28 79.69 Sep-78 1978.75 22.15 32.00 346712.91 1.15 3.80 9.14 4.33 74.37 Oct-78 1978.83 23.28 10.00 69331.87 1.13 4.02 9.06 4.32 67.58 Nov-78 1978.92 24.93 106.50 230221.31 1.09 4.15 9.01 4.16 68.24 Dec-78 1979.00 26.54 142.00 43620.89 1.07 4.16 8.93 4.33 71.25 Jan-79 1979.08 27.19 157.20 195976.01 1.06 4.14 8.95 4.47 76.49 Feb-79 1979.17 27.49 124.00 2749615.42 1.05 4.08 8.96 4.75 84.73 Mar-79 1979.25 26.83 335.00 3180781.35 1.07 4.07 8.95 5.08 82.58 Apr-79 1979.33 25.84 134.00 90663.77 1.13 3.96 9.01 4.94 78.20 May-79 1979.42 24.74 4.00 37704.21 1.23 3.69 9.16 4.43 76.21 Jun-79 1979.50 22.85 54.40 21584.25 1.33 3.39 9.29 4.23 73.73 Jul-79 1979.58 21.61 34.40 18298.68 1.39 3.23 9.38 4.26 70.04 Aug-79 1979.67 21.29 10.00 14323.35 1.25 3.58 9.07 4.23 71.98 Sep-79 1979.75 22.26 5.00 6843.73 1.12 4.00 8.88 3.99 116.96 Oct-79 1979.83 23.73 48.40 3492.99 1.05 4.21 8.84 4.05 70.47 Nov-79 1979.92 25.69 13.40 6292.09 1.04 4.17 8.82 3.98 72.23 Dec-79 1980.00 27.07 30.00 42011.73 1.08 4.08 8.89 4.24 84.58 Jan-80 1980.08 27.56 184.60 611783.01 1.10 4.00 8.91 4.15 80.84 Feb-80 1980.17 27.77 483.00 362552.27 1.11 3.91 8.93 4.06 76.66 Mar-80 1980.25 27.04 93.60 56463.02 1.17 3.79 8.99 4.34 80.02 Apr-80 1980.33 26.10 30.20 14135.95 1.23 3.65 9.08 4.79 86.56 May-80 1980.42 24.99 69.70 15047.17 1.29 3.53 9.14 4.97 89.97 Jun-80 1980.50 23.09 9.00 26485.48 1.32 3.46 9.16 4.56 86.15 Jul-80 1980.58 21.53 96.00 6467.94 1.34 3.41 9.18 4.16 82.01 Aug-80 1980.67 21.89 29.00 4775.55 1.13 3.99 9.08 4.18 72.25 Sep-80 1980.75 22.58 0.00 2037.86 1.11 4.12 9.05 4.56 74.10 Oct-80 1980.83 23.99 36.00 1589.58 1.11 4.07 9.03 4.57 76.28 Nov-80 1980.92 25.84 66.60 878.27 1.05 4.33 9.05 4.64 71.44 Dec-80 1981.00 26.61 125.30 1030.08 1.06 4.29 9.06 4.54 71.10 Jan-81 1981.08 27.38 223.70 386442.62 1.06 4.23 9.06 4.43 71.04 Feb-81 1981.17 27.94 134.60 1088207.15 1.10 4.12 9.09 4.37 73.19 Mar-81 1981.25 27.48 182.10 203151.99 1.14 4.01 9.12 4.31 75.58 Apr-81 1981.33 26.55 270.00 284364.13 1.19 3.88 9.21 4.44 78.12 May-81 1981.42 24.90 194.00 264422.95 1.24 3.75 9.29 4.57 80.66 Jun-81 1981.50 23.38 28.30 559819.70 1.31 3.54 9.36 4.64 85.08 Jul-81 1981.58 22.42 32.30 34733.34 1.38 3.33 9.41 4.70 89.31 Aug-81 1981.67 21.74 20.50 16635.65 1.37 3.38 9.34 4.43 79.76 Sep-81 1981.75 22.23 2.50 7528.47 1.32 3.50 9.24 4.37 73.92 Oct-81 1981.83 23.89 65.20 1903.81 1.23 3.74 9.14 4.40 68.68 Nov-81 1981.92 25.62 208.40 5812.39 1.14 4.03 9.06 4.40 63.58 Dec-81 1982.00 26.93 29.20 221146.43 1.07 4.26 8.99 4.31 59.57 Jan-82 1982.08 27.82 71.80 215860.30 1.01 4.45 8.89 4.25 58.32 Feb-82 1982.17 27.71 42.80 93572.01 1.03 4.46 8.94 4.19 62.53 Mar-82 1982.25 27.25 196.60 348385.91 1.02 4.56 8.95 4.17 61.48 Apr-82 1982.33 25.78 158.00 56009.45 1.06 4.48 9.02 4.39 62.62 May-82 1982.42 24.44 90.60 19319.20 1.19 4.05 9.24 4.50 75.65 Jun-82 1982.50 22.47 7.00 2738.90 1.38 3.53 9.51 4.46 78.30 Jul-82 1982.58 21.27 0.20 1384.35 1.32 3.47 9.19 4.19 74.36 Aug-82 1982.67 21.00 13.70 834.98 1.15 3.94 8.99 4.03 72.98 Sep-82 1982.75 21.68 46.60 417.02 1.04 4.34 8.84 3.99 67.81 Oct-82 1982.83 23.04 4.40 376.00 1.01 4.45 8.85 3.91 64.78 Nov-82 1982.92 24.46 0.00 60.32 1.02 4.43 8.92 4.01 68.59 Dec-82 1983.00 26.40 131.20 12736.80 1.01 4.56 8.82 3.96 72.25 Jan-83 1983.08 27.35 112.40 217298.58 1.02 4.48 8.87 3.98 76.61 Feb-83 1983.17 27.62 53.40 28745.77 1.03 4.46 8.94 4.16 81.25 Mar-83 1983.25 27.51 692.00 235608.32 1.04 4.43 9.02 4.55 86.50 Apr-83 1983.33 26.53 309.60 549879.73 1.09 4.18 9.07 5.17 93.18 May-83 1983.42 25.19 432.70 10486419.90 1.19 3.84 9.19 5.90 103.51 Jun-83 1983.50 22.70 55.40 2399671.83 1.30 3.53 9.34 6.01 105.91 Jul-83 1983.58 21.50 25.00 587174.09 1.41 3.31 9.50 5.39 97.86 Aug-83 1983.67 21.08 21.60 95371.00 1.30 3.61 9.34 5.00 91.67 Sep-83 1983.75 22.68 13.20 31377.87 1.20 3.90 9.20 4.73 85.19 Oct-83 1983.83 24.39 120.30 48183.06 1.12 4.17 9.10 4.59 78.54 Nov-83 1983.92 26.50 94.10 136080.93 1.11 4.27 9.07 4.68 80.38 Dec-83 1984.00 26.31 36.20 432316.44 1.10 4.32 9.07 4.80 82.72 Jan-84 1984.08 27.40 144.40 78567.73 1.10 4.31 9.12 4.94 85.48 Feb-84 1984.17 27.28 69.30 943801.40 1.13 4.27 9.11 4.96 82.47 Mar-84 1984.25 27.03 112.50 100121.65 1.20 4.20 9.29 5.25 93.86 Apr-84 1984.33 25.50 125.20 13230.52 1.22 4.06 9.29 4.98 87.33 May-84 1984.42 23.86 37.20 3928.93 1.25 3.84 9.33 4.45 85.00 Jun-84 1984.50 21.65 31.40 1570.52 1.38 3.53 9.42 4.46 90.29 Jul-84 1984.58 20.32 151.60 33687.15 1.50 3.42 9.51 4.65 99.23 Aug-84 1984.67 20.64 0.00 522379.18 1.40 3.50 9.43 4.73 98.12 Sep-84 1984.75 22.24 22.80 59740.99 1.29 3.71 9.27 4.66 92.54 Oct-84 1984.83 23.16 69.00 21478.53 1.19 3.83 9.05 4.48 88.30 Nov-84 1984.92 25.20 27.80 171322.58 1.12 3.93 8.89 4.31 83.77 Dec-84 1985.00 26.47 161.60 279248.31 1.09 4.08 8.86 4.26 79.36 Jan-85 1985.08 27.94 16.00 125805.23 1.09 4.16 8.86 4.39 83.68 Feb-85 1985.17 27.74 336.20 31805.29 1.14 4.05 8.92 4.44 82.20 Mar-85 1985.25 27.19 207.40 214496.75 1.19 3.93 8.99 4.49 80.72 Apr-85 1985.33 25.97 35.80 38392.38 1.23 3.84 9.02 4.46 82.80 May-85 1985.42 24.21 38.90 14501.47 1.28 3.75 9.05 4.44 84.92 Jun-85 1985.50 22.69 63.60 134049.58 1.35 3.57 9.16 4.45 86.56 Jul-85 1985.58 21.32 43.30 16636.31 1.43 3.39 9.26 4.47 88.26 Aug-85 1985.67 21.02 1.80 7027.02 1.36 3.42 9.18 4.64 91.70 Sep-85 1985.75 21.80 25.00 1919.52 1.26 3.65 9.02 4.57 80.24 Oct-85 1985.83 23.22 110.80 70259.11 1.12 4.56 8.86 4.19 77.57 Nov-85 1985.92 25.03 113.80 114433.31 1.06 4.73 8.74 4.23 76.44 Dec-85 1986.00 27.16 34.40 288433.52 1.04 4.34 8.76 4.36 69.43 Jan-86 1986.08 28.09 57.20 98366.05 1.05 4.70 8.77 4.20 73.80 Feb-86 1986.17 27.92 172.20 170739.23 1.08 4.42 8.80 4.15 75.28 Mar-86 1986.25 27.00 54.00 70202.94 1.12 4.34 8.87 4.16 75.60 Apr-86 1986.33 25.80 93.00 2640.61 1.19 4.21 8.99 4.20 78.99 May-86 1986.42 24.64 215.20 17073.68 1.30 3.64 9.13 4.28 87.23 Jun-86 1986.50 22.84 77.20 2990.17 1.40 3.32 9.29 4.44 93.21 Jul-86 1986.58 21.80 39.40 2175.76 1.26 3.64 9.11 4.24 87.64 Aug-86 1986.67 21.30 43.80 2143.55 1.11 4.24 8.89 4.02 77.21 Sep-86 1986.75 22.21 96.20 1037.90 1.04 4.43 8.79 3.87 72.10 Oct-86 1986.83 24.41 145.00 295535.37 1.03 4.61 8.76 3.82 69.49 Nov-86 1986.92 25.98 51.60 63242.13 1.03 4.86 8.77 3.91 67.27 Dec-86 1987.00 27.13 169.60 141687.37 1.03 4.80 8.80 4.18 67.71 Jan-87 1987.08 28.39 95.30 29835.93 1.03 4.81 8.83 4.31 71.34 Feb-87 1987.17 28.50 44.50 133535.44 1.05 4.82 8.81 4.33 70.86 Mar-87 1987.25 27.87 146.90 8321.92 1.09 4.71 8.87 4.19 71.82 Apr-87 1987.33 26.13 167.60 2035.13 1.12 4.56 8.96 4.05 71.55 May-87 1987.42 25.04 24.40 11723.08 1.21 4.17 9.09 4.04 73.73 Jun-87 1987.50 23.11 24.00 3690.52 1.35 3.58 9.24 4.15 79.08 Jul-87 1987.58 21.62 42.40 1262.69 1.39 3.45 9.24 4.14 78.81 Aug-87 1987.67 22.18 38.90 799.78 1.30 3.72 9.04 4.24 82.52 Sep-87 1987.75 22.16 58.00 201.36 1.12 4.47 8.83 4.11 80.64 Oct-87 1987.83 24.04 72.50 10682.39 1.07 4.25 8.88 4.15 75.50 Nov-87 1987.92 25.75 47.50 106615.08 1.06 4.34 8.81 4.07 72.48 Dec-87 1988.00 26.62 209.20 23705.92 1.04 4.42 8.74 3.94 70.16 Jan-88 1988.08 27.57 99.15 5101.31 1.03 4.85 8.76 4.17 73.03 Feb-88 1988.17 27.89 158.05 94040.46 1.08 4.46 8.84 4.26 71.40 Mar-88 1988.25 27.29 193.35 4870667.79 1.15 4.14 8.96 4.29 73.95 Apr-88 1988.33 26.47 252.90 165101.83 1.25 3.89 9.15 4.26 81.40 May-88 1988.42 24.77 13.70 48580.52 1.33 3.63 9.24 4.39 85.46 Jun-88 1988.50 22.85 272.00 38435.06 1.38 3.46 9.31 4.44 86.54 Jul-88 1988.58 21.94 186.60 140714.71 1.39 3.40 9.33 4.39 83.91 Aug-88 1988.67 21.79 117.20 185351.50 1.14 4.04 8.98 4.07 75.43 Sep-88 1988.75 22.48 19.80 63840.77 1.08 4.28 8.89 3.92 71.52 Oct-88 1988.83 24.51 0.00 7206.46 1.05 4.83 8.85 4.13 73.84 Nov-88 1988.92 25.54 43.40 35946.73 1.07 4.74 8.88 4.79 74.39 Dec-88 1989.00 27.05 248.80 429181.82 1.08 4.55 8.92 5.09 75.66 Jan-89 1989.08 27.30 103.00 281565.41 1.09 4.26 8.96 4.95 77.88 Feb-89 1989.17 27.20 271.60 716400.58 1.13 4.18 8.96 4.49 83.34 Mar-89 1989.25 26.34 239.80 330726.33 1.17 4.05 9.01 4.24 85.22 Apr-89 1989.33 25.63 338.20 2678488.22 1.22 3.87 9.11 4.24 82.95 May-89 1989.42 24.71 437.40 1833776.99 1.31 3.62 9.26 4.29 87.53 Jun-89 1989.50 22.93 29.00 714474.76 1.37 3.47 9.33 4.33 87.41 Jul-89 1989.58 22.07 59.80 122201.95 1.39 3.42 9.31 4.36 81.76 Aug-89 1989.67 21.20 22.20 54646.12 1.31 3.58 9.21 4.36 81.15 Sep-89 1989.75 22.08 0.00 21032.33 1.24 3.73 9.11 4.35 80.09 Oct-89 1989.83 23.64 33.00 24101.30 1.20 3.86 9.05 4.32 77.38 Nov-89 1989.92 25.46 68.80 470987.18 1.16 3.99 8.98 4.29 76.24 Dec-89 1990.00 26.41 46.60 48127.85 1.10 4.14 8.92 4.28 77.28 Jan-90 1990.08 26.76 18.80 11111.89 1.08 4.24 8.90 4.25 75.96 Feb-90 1990.17 27.71 79.40 2169.03 1.06 4.31 8.89 4.22 73.79 Mar-90 1990.25 26.98 970.40 235969.35 1.06 4.36 8.88 4.30 73.95 Apr-90 1990.33 26.21 448.20 2345964.38 1.08 4.49 8.90 4.22 75.07 May-90 1990.42 24.88 171.80 1308982.19 1.12 4.12 8.99 4.54 85.20 Jun-90 1990.50 22.84 46.20 599161.79 1.29 3.60 9.18 5.04 90.29 Jul-90 1990.58 21.35 0.00 55414.48 1.21 3.85 9.06 4.51 81.21 Aug-90 1990.67 21.12 9.40 17173.56 1.12 4.25 8.98 4.52 76.13 Sep-90 1990.75 21.95 6.20 5656.75 1.09 4.60 8.95 4.62 78.01 Oct-90 1990.83 23.27 19.60 2790.77 1.05 4.79 8.88 4.54 78.33 Nov-90 1990.92 24.69 34.20 1676.86 1.03 4.85 8.87 4.41 75.19 Dec-90 1991.00 26.37 611.00 1004415.90 1.02 4.92 8.84 4.29 73.82 Jan-91 1991.08 26.91 282.20 15252567.84 1.06 4.76 8.88 4.17 79.10 Feb-91 1991.17 27.06 360.80 5933424.51 1.09 4.59 8.89 4.18 79.49 Mar-91 1991.25 26.37 42.40 176011.06 1.20 3.97 9.06 4.40 84.02 Apr-91 1991.33 25.32 71.60 56681.56 1.28 4.03 9.16 4.58 86.09 May-91 1991.42 24.07 76.20 27836.20 1.35 3.57 9.18 4.68 87.01 Jun-91 1991.50 22.16 11.80 20622.40 1.37 3.47 9.20 4.68 89.18 Jul-91 1991.58 21.79 48.20 14726.18 1.27 3.77 9.04 4.50 86.21 Aug-91 1991.67 21.81 5.00 9550.70 1.19 4.05 8.96 4.62 87.19 Sep-91 1991.75 22.03 0.00 5182.64 1.12 4.33 8.88 4.75 88.17 Oct-91 1991.83 23.77 2.20 2840.21 1.09 4.52 8.88 4.78 86.79 Nov-91 1991.92 25.48 55.40 7304.09 1.07 4.70 8.88 4.81 85.30 Dec-91 1992.00 26.79 184.20 267773.87 1.06 4.74 8.84 4.80 82.89 Jan-92 1992.08 27.26 67.60 57362.12 1.05 4.77 8.80 4.80 80.59 Feb-92 1992.17 28.01 313.40 34908.55 1.06 4.54 8.85 5.23 83.48 Mar-92 1992.25 27.02 308.20 184463.41 1.11 4.31 9.02 4.35 77.39 Apr-92 1992.33 25.72 169.40 14747.53 1.20 4.04 9.09 3.87 76.87 May-92 1992.42 24.50 246.50 5485.05 1.29 3.77 9.22 3.88 80.13 Jun-92 1992.50 22.88 44.60 4470.73 1.36 3.56 9.29 4.10 84.96 Jul-92 1992.58 21.87 19.20 2011.18 1.29 3.67 9.16 4.31 85.50 Aug-92 1992.67 21.86 17.20 1509.96 1.17 4.09 8.99 4.16 88.10 Sep-92 1992.75 22.70 22.80 904.85 1.09 4.45 8.87 4.12 81.49 Oct-92 1992.83 23.33 22.60 366.84 1.04 4.86 8.76 4.09 74.36 Nov-92 1992.92 25.01 34.60 606.56 1.02 5.04 8.78 4.17 71.67 Dec-92 1993.00 26.08 36.00 9876.04 1.02 4.84 8.80 4.29 72.16 Jan-93 1993.08 27.04 424.80 190100.25 1.02 4.93 8.85 4.50 75.16 Feb-93 1993.17 27.12 53.60 18732.63 1.05 4.84 8.96 4.85 80.76 Mar-93 1993.25 26.82 7.90 25250.17 1.07 4.60 8.99 5.15 81.89 Apr-93 1993.33 25.57 25.20 3033.23 1.13 4.33 9.00 5.15 80.21 May-93 1993.42 24.28 94.60 686.81 1.22 4.18 9.06 4.87 82.20 Jun-93 1993.50 22.94 17.20 569.92 1.23 4.29 9.09 4.75 86.52 Jul-93 1993.58 21.98 77.00 1694.12 1.39 3.55 9.29 4.50 82.30 Aug-93 1993.67 22.08 56.60 821.54 1.36 3.59 9.24 4.48 82.08 Sep-93 1993.75 22.28 41.20 821.25 1.34 3.62 9.19 4.46 81.86 Oct-93 1993.83 23.77 56.60 1026.46 1.31 3.66 9.13 4.44 81.65 Nov-93 1993.92 25.19 66.00 19890.08 1.28 3.72 9.12 4.48 83.05 Dec-93 1994.00 26.33 141.20 128532.94 1.25 3.79 9.11 4.53 84.44 Jan-94 1994.08 26.74 110.40 14089.31 1.22 3.87 9.10 4.56 85.71 Feb-94 1994.17 27.62 306.20 25496.77 1.11 4.51 8.91 4.23 76.55 Mar-94 1994.25 26.95 298.60 2508323.48 1.07 4.37 8.95 4.14 77.53 Apr-94 1994.33 25.39 144.00 20267.25 1.07 4.38 8.92 4.30 76.74 May-94 1994.42 24.38 53.00 5008.48 1.13 4.61 8.99 4.12 72.08 Jun-94 1994.50 22.74 5.80 2090.82 1.29 3.83 9.25 4.25 78.93 Jul-94 1994.58 21.39 28.60 970.91 1.41 3.49 9.30 4.34 92.05 Aug-94 1994.67 20.93 12.00 315.46 1.28 3.88 9.14 4.22 87.29 Sep-94 1994.75 21.52 5.60 143.87 1.15 4.27 8.99 4.10 82.52 Oct-94 1994.83 23.16 29.20 2393.63 1.14 4.40 8.97 4.10 79.07 Nov-94 1994.92 25.36 25.00 4643.39 1.13 4.53 8.97 4.10 75.66 Dec-94 1995.00 26.15 107.60 6893.15 1.12 4.56 8.93 4.01 74.78 Jan-95 1995.08 27.47 120.00 18735.57 1.11 4.58 8.89 3.92 74.08 Feb-95 1995.17 27.76 243.60 260801.88 1.09 4.65 8.86 3.85 72.76 Mar-95 1995.25 26.85 33.60 78598.98 1.07 4.72 8.83 3.78 71.44 Apr-95 1995.33 26.25 90.80 15962.28 1.14 4.34 8.88 3.90 78.39 May-95 1995.42 25.02 160.80 1946.92 1.25 3.95 9.12 4.16 81.40 Jun-95 1995.50 23.18 50.60 1352.50 1.38 3.55 9.30 4.32 87.40 Jul-95 1995.58 22.14 24.40 37.45 1.34 3.58 9.21 4.19 88.84 Aug-95 1995.67 21.84 111.00 4.50 1.26 3.74 9.15 4.07 88.61 Sep-95 1995.75 22.09 9.80 11.58 1.16 4.04 9.08 3.97 86.29 Oct-95 1995.83 23.71 92.40 5942.17 1.10 4.52 8.94 3.91 81.72 Nov-95 1995.92 25.27 75.80 122818.32 1.08 4.65 8.90 3.91 79.02 Dec-95 1996.00 26.91 134.80 205918.65 1.07 4.52 8.90 3.93 77.89 Jan-96 1996.08 27.99 277.00 2213921.20 1.07 4.38 8.91 3.93 77.38 Feb-96 1996.17 28.08 34.00 154147.81 1.07 4.69 8.87 3.87 75.67 Mar-96 1996.25 27.19 11.40 2187.64 1.08 4.65 8.96 3.76 75.55 Apr-96 1996.33 26.43 149.00 9288.40 1.09 4.58 8.97 3.69 70.61 May-96 1996.42 24.99 236.20 238649.31 1.16 4.30 9.06 3.78 74.52 Jun-96 1996.50 23.71 44.60 6483.84 1.25 3.91 9.20 3.88 76.34 Jul-96 1996.58 21.95 34.40 1147.21 1.41 3.46 9.36 4.17 80.65 Aug-96 1996.67 21.56 16.60 168.84 1.28 3.75 9.23 4.22 74.97 Sep-96 1996.75 22.00 20.20 45413.15 1.19 3.97 9.07 4.05 73.29 Oct-96 1996.83 23.49 57.60 88706.69 1.09 4.57 8.87 4.02 74.03 Nov-96 1996.92 24.76 78.40 38958.84 1.06 4.80 8.88 5.11 76.09 Dec-96 1997.00 26.96 68.60 71277.12 1.07 4.72 8.90 4.95 74.77 Jan-97 1997.08 27.14 82.60 23110.45 1.08 4.67 8.91 4.50 73.74 Feb-97 1997.17 27.78 72.00 342604.14 1.09 4.61 8.91 3.96 73.84 Mar-97 1997.25 26.85 99.80 2524848.62 1.13 4.24 8.90 3.83 76.74 Apr-97 1997.33 25.62 22.40 115051.22 1.23 3.91 9.12 4.06 80.27 May-97 1997.42 24.22 153.20 12993.09 1.31 3.69 9.31 4.27 82.35 Jun-97 1997.50 22.50 38.80 4548.80 1.34 3.60 9.36 4.27 82.00 Jul-97 1997.58 21.29 12.40 849.26 1.35 3.56 9.35 4.26 81.58 Aug-97 1997.67 21.24 6.20 103.64 1.36 3.53 9.33 4.25 81.16 Sep-97 1997.75 22.31 35.00 8516.37 1.36 3.53 9.31 4.23 80.60 Oct-97 1997.83 23.61 12.20 17310.69 1.31 3.61 9.27 4.18 79.74 Nov-97 1997.92 25.62 49.20 26105.02 1.27 3.68 9.22 4.14 78.87 Dec-97 1998.00 27.51 182.20 34899.34 1.22 3.87 9.15 4.12 79.48 Jan-98 1998.08 27.66 71.20 48363.07 1.17 4.15 9.05 4.14 81.19 Feb-98 1998.17 28.36 80.40 173892.56 1.13 4.44 8.95 4.16 82.89 Mar-98 1998.25 28.15 34.00 71076.83 1.08 4.35 9.06 4.12 68.25 Apr-98 1998.33 26.87 78.40 338393.48 1.08 4.37 9.01 3.95 65.18 May-98 1998.42 25.77 86.60 493339.16 1.16 4.17 9.18 3.86 64.45 Jun-98 1998.50 24.22 54.00 9297.23 1.32 3.60 9.31 4.10 72.60 Jul-98 1998.58 23.15 10.80 3058.07 1.39 3.72 9.12 4.60 78.83 Aug-98 1998.67 22.51 194.20 21674.85 1.19 3.98 9.00 4.21 74.21 Sep-98 1998.75 22.84 158.00 3023434.67 1.06 4.21 8.95 3.99 70.73 Oct-98 1998.83 24.40 108.80 480208.49 1.04 4.37 9.00 4.09 69.56 Nov-98 1998.92 26.32 53.20 458448.86 1.01 4.50 8.94 3.98 67.52 Dec-98 1999.00 27.10 54.00 459585.26 0.96 4.61 8.80 3.77 65.02 Jan-99 1999.08 27.44 226.80 1084798.59 1.00 4.50 8.82 3.76 67.84 Feb-99 1999.17 27.64 118.20 678950.47 1.05 3.83 8.89 4.25 73.36 Mar-99 1999.25 27.90 87.40 961567.05 1.05 3.68 8.88 4.82 83.62 Apr-99 1999.33 26.52 52.40 97826.86 1.06 4.22 8.84 4.55 73.23 May-99 1999.42 24.71 62.40 17191.17 1.06 4.07 8.91 4.12 67.61 Jun-99 1999.50 22.59 70.60 5283.64 1.35 3.48 9.30 4.30 85.16 Jul-99 1999.58 22.05 61.80 1920.84 1.45 3.05 9.37 4.25 85.19 Aug-99 1999.67 21.19 21.80 2096.46 1.32 3.36 9.17 4.07 84.99 Sep-99 1999.75 22.19 19.00 2556.96 1.22 3.63 9.02 3.94 82.95 Oct-99 1999.83 23.73 48.40 3274.78 1.14 3.86 8.90 3.86 78.68 Nov-99 1999.92 25.10 32.00 3992.60 1.13 3.93 8.95 3.98 78.76 Dec-99 2000.00 26.10 216.60 951.93 1.12 3.95 8.94 4.03 77.07 Jan-00 2000.08 27.08 48.80 82621.74 1.11 3.92 8.88 3.98 73.26 Feb-00 2000.17 27.20 164.40 425581.31 1.16 3.85 8.96 4.02 73.84 Mar-00 2000.25 26.84 16.60 248063.48 1.16 3.92 9.00 3.89 73.43 Apr-00 2000.33 25.84 222.00 199419.83 1.19 3.94 9.05 3.95 81.27 May-00 2000.42 24.45 83.60 591746.87 1.35 3.62 9.26 4.16 89.09 Jun-00 2000.50 22.16 58.00 62899.20 1.46 3.14 9.36 4.19 86.68 Jul-00 2000.58 20.82 10.20 17802.18 1.37 3.36 9.24 4.11 84.92 Aug-00 2000.67 21.26 68.00 7158.55 1.27 3.59 9.12 4.04 83.23 Sep-00 2000.75 22.34 1.00 1934.51 1.21 3.79 9.04 4.04 81.78 Oct-00 2000.83 24.16 227.60 67496.50 1.16 3.96 8.98 4.09 80.46 Nov-00 2000.92 25.51 184.80 1754425.73 1.12 4.09 8.94 4.13 79.45 Dec-00 2001.00 26.60 159.00 239948.68 1.10 4.14 8.91 4.20 78.92 Jan-01 2001.08 27.17 26.20 371656.07 1.08 4.17 8.90 4.21 77.76 Feb-01 2001.17 27.78 84.60 533323.46 1.07 4.15 8.91 4.10 74.72 Mar-01 2001.25 27.82 77.40 150641.18 1.07 4.14 8.93 3.99 71.67 Apr-01 2001.33 26.29 34.40 22374.90 1.12 4.20 8.97 3.90 71.11 May-01 2001.42 25.27 97.80 5676.94 1.15 4.07 9.03 3.92 69.70 Jun-01 2001.50 23.32 63.20 1347.55 1.26 3.86 9.16 3.76 75.11 Jul-01 2001.58 21.98 26.00 716.33 1.44 3.29 9.32 4.27 74.71 Aug-01 2001.67 21.90 0.20 369.26 1.29 3.57 9.18 4.14 75.15 Sep-01 2001.75 22.52 41.20 1.12 1.18 3.82 9.07 4.07 74.65 Oct-01 2001.83 24.14 27.20 1453.00 1.12 4.04 8.96 3.98 75.54 Nov-01 2001.92 25.86 52.80 2904.88 1.09 4.20 8.85 3.83 77.10 Dec-01 2002.00 27.11 158.40 2996.55 1.07 4.29 8.80 3.69 72.31 Jan-02 2002.08 28.35 115.40 325962.72 1.14 4.39 9.11 3.99 75.52 Feb-02 2002.17 28.46 45.60 107051.58 1.08 4.39 8.92 4.02 71.91 Mar-02 2002.25 27.45 67.80 29456.64 1.14 4.16 9.10 3.92 72.60 Apr-02 2002.33 26.41 58.60 7640.53 1.24 3.77 9.19 4.06 79.23 May-02 2002.42 24.98 40.00 433.52 1.38 3.46 9.32 4.01 92.45 Jun-02 2002.50 23.54 216.60 97404.86 1.46 3.19 9.35 4.24 93.30 Jul-02 2002.58 21.99 0.00 2750.18 1.38 3.33 9.22 4.17 91.81 Aug-02 2002.67 22.00 98.40 365.99 1.29 3.48 9.08 4.09 90.34 Sep-02 2002.75 22.66 4.60 26.74 1.21 3.73 9.00 4.01 86.92 Oct-02 2002.83 24.10 3.80 129274.19 1.14 3.99 8.92 3.93 83.36 Nov-02 2002.92 25.32 19.00 258521.64 1.12 4.04 8.90 3.92 83.58 Dec-02 2003.00 27.09 84.40 387769.10 1.11 4.09 8.88 3.91 83.79 Jan-03 2003.08 27.48 8.80 517016.55 1.16 4.13 8.92 4.05 89.77 Feb-03 2003.17 28.13 535.20 646264.00 1.16 4.06 8.96 4.19 89.58 Mar-03 2003.25 27.40 107.60 775511.45 1.13 4.14 8.92 4.46 91.77 Apr-03 2003.33 26.54 93.20 23664.35 1.14 4.19 8.94 4.41 91.86 May-03 2003.42 25.01 25.40 7231.42 1.19 3.99 9.04 4.35 91.10 Jun-03 2003.50 23.51 38.20 164.69 1.32 3.58 9.28 4.32 94.44 Jul-03 2003.58 22.61 16.40 12.46 1.48 3.21 9.45 4.22 97.63 Aug-03 2003.67 21.97 25.00 2.36 1.27 3.63 9.09 4.00 100.11 Sep-03 2003.75 23.07 1.60 118.82 1.15 4.00 9.03 3.92 93.89 Oct-03 2003.83 24.03 58.40 240.56 1.14 4.09 8.96 3.98 89.95 Nov-03 2003.92 25.72 18.60 362.29 1.10 4.24 8.92 3.90 86.27 Dec-03 2004.00 26.85 87.60 192967.98 1.08 4.30 8.83 3.88 82.14 Jan-04 2004.08 28.05 167.40 519494.20 1.08 4.31 8.81 3.85 84.50 Feb-04 2004.17 29.03 136.60 488462.38 1.10 4.36 8.92 4.22 85.04 Mar-04 2004.25 28.00 55.40 60144.47 1.14 4.28 9.03 4.37 84.88 Apr-04 2004.33 26.44 42.40 1743.47 1.20 4.04 9.14 4.24 83.88 May-04 2004.42 25.12 6.80 120.18 1.26 3.82 9.12 4.02 89.09 Jun-04 2004.50 22.86 15.00 31823.39 1.33 3.60 9.19 3.93 93.92 Jul-04 2004.58 22.14 3.80 64915.22 1.42 3.38 9.37 4.01 98.24 Aug-04 2004.67 21.69 1.00 98007.04 1.20 3.81 9.01 3.82 90.94 Sep-04 2004.75 22.22 21.20 131098.86 1.09 4.18 8.84 3.78 84.98 Oct-04 2004.83 23.97 71.80 164190.68 1.07 4.26 8.91 3.80 86.20 Nov-04 2004.92 26.01 43.80 197282.51 1.07 4.49 8.98 4.17 92.30 Dec-04 2005.00 26.78 184.00 230374.33 1.05 4.56 8.89 4.01 81.92 Jan-05 2005.08 27.53 181.20 349986.01 1.05 4.69 8.86 3.70 78.83 Feb-05 2005.17 28.12 74.80 226199.15 1.11 4.37 8.94 3.74 79.26 Mar-05 2005.25 27.65 74.40 14614.01 1.18 4.13 9.03 3.86 80.41 Apr-05 2005.33 26.52 80.40 1650.20 1.26 3.90 9.16 3.98 83.23 May-05 2005.42 24.93 66.40 69.23 1.35 3.64 9.30 4.05 87.66 Jun-05 2005.50 23.15 67.80 636.18 1.40 3.43 9.32 4.03 92.94 Jul-05 2005.58 22.25 8.80 8672.92 1.38 3.40 9.28 4.04 90.03 Aug-05 2005.67 22.07 34.20 841.01 1.30 3.54 9.15 3.98 86.94 Sep-05 2005.75 22.44 2.20 13.17 1.15 3.91 8.90 3.84 84.03 Oct-05 2005.83 24.30 94.80 23452.21 1.11 4.05 8.84 3.73 81.81 Nov-05 2005.92 25.97 23.60 46891.26 1.08 4.18 8.79 3.63 79.33 Dec-05 2006.00 27.69 57.00 147775.99 1.07 4.32 8.73 3.57 76.41 Jan-06 2006.08 28.28 317.60 36803.66 1.09 4.22 8.86 3.57 79.40 Feb-06 2006.17 28.33 53.80 7497.17 1.13 4.20 8.92 4.43 81.11 Mar-06 2006.25 27.40 288.80 49940.21 1.19 4.07 8.97 4.10 85.31 Apr-06 2006.33 26.49 75.00 250496.05 1.35 3.62 9.23 3.82 91.94 May-06 2006.42 24.84 24.60 15626.80 1.41 3.49 9.24 3.60 92.03 Jun-06 2006.50 22.89 124.40 21963.20 1.48 3.31 9.28 3.61 98.65 Jul-06 2006.58 21.87 73.00 2402.48 1.32 3.64 9.08 3.78 92.52 Aug-06 2006.67 21.47 10.80 423.16 1.24 3.78 8.98 3.82 86.45 Sep-06 2006.75 21.98 78.20 70.93 1.24 3.78 9.00 3.76 81.90 Oct-06 2006.83 23.21 11.80 1899.37 1.18 4.01 9.02 3.82 81.06 Nov-06 2006.92 24.97 67.60 3727.81 1.17 3.95 8.99 3.80 78.32 Dec-06 2007.00 26.00 64.60 11.54 1.16 3.88 8.98 3.79 75.54 Jan-07 2007.08 27.15 28.80 90015.00 1.14 3.92 9.03 3.81 73.49 Feb-07 2007.17 27.27 223.80 721163.46 1.17 3.98 8.97 3.89 76.92 Mar-07 2007.25 26.90 81.40 61341.53 1.18 4.06 8.97 3.96 78.02 Apr-07 2007.33 25.68 18.00 18686.71 1.22 4.02 9.04 4.09 88.54 May-07 2007.42 24.75 87.80 1755.19 1.31 3.76 9.16 3.94 93.69 Jun-07 2007.50 23.39 188.80 12567.38 1.43 3.37 9.31 3.99 90.46 Jul-07 2007.58 22.12 2.60 116732.18 1.22 3.79 9.03 3.96 85.44 Aug-07 2007.67 21.78 19.80 7309.98 1.14 4.06 8.95 3.79 79.49 Sep-07 2007.75 22.51 83.60 26863.68 1.19 4.13 8.98 4.21 87.12 Oct-07 2007.83 23.62 24.40 1492.25 1.19 4.19 9.09 5.80 101.76 Nov-07 2007.92 25.54 126.40 494.41 1.19 4.13 9.12 5.21 98.67 Dec-07 2008.00 26.64 100.20 206098.27 1.22 4.11 9.15 4.70 95.62 Jan-08 2008.08 27.43 185.00 4340944.17 1.24 4.08 9.17 4.35 91.95 Feb-08 2008.17 27.68 572.80 6701526.16 1.24 4.02 9.19 4.16 89.33 Mar-08 2008.25 26.75 96.20 368632.51 1.25 3.92 9.24 4.13 95.73 Apr-08 2008.33 25.56 12.20 41467.90 1.28 3.80 9.27 4.13 99.20 May-08 2008.42 24.16 64.20 14819.94 1.33 3.64 9.34 4.14 102.11 Jun-08 2008.50 22.95 28.80 26506.21 1.38 3.49 9.41 4.13 104.05 Jul-08 2008.58 21.73 120.40 68966.95 1.42 3.38 9.42 4.10 103.91 Aug-08 2008.67 21.71 0.40 67684.19 1.37 3.52 9.30 4.13 97.71 Sep-08 2008.75 22.05 35.20 25044.78 1.33 3.61 9.25 4.31 97.13 Oct-08 2008.83 24.00 29.40 1840.76 1.25 3.78 9.16 4.29 96.16 Nov-08 2008.92 26.07 196.80 2757.47 1.13 4.07 8.99 4.04 91.82 Dec-08 2009.00 27.65 68.80 129461.86 1.07 4.31 8.92 4.07 86.95 Jan-09 2009.08 27.79 204.20 296918.72 1.11 4.30 8.95 4.14 82.70 Feb-09 2009.17 27.94 317.40 1145455.80 1.11 4.27 8.98 4.15 88.66 Mar-09 2009.25 27.30 71.60 314903.92 1.14 4.19 9.00 4.02 94.90 Apr-09 2009.33 26.25 98.60 59678.10 1.17 4.26 9.08 4.08 95.55 May-09 2009.42 24.56 49.80 15781.65 1.26 4.16 9.14 4.40 102.16 Jun-09 2009.50 23.13 13.40 3452.25 1.40 3.69 9.36 5.16 104.04 Jul-09 2009.58 22.09 0.00 1412.43 1.50 3.41 9.50 4.31 114.06 Aug-09 2009.67 22.15 0.00 604.41 1.46 3.43 9.42 4.29 106.92 Sep-09 2009.75 22.62 2.20 5.49 1.36 3.64 9.30 4.25 103.10 Oct-09 2009.83 24.32 11.00 45175.69 1.29 3.82 9.10 4.25 106.45 Nov-09 2009.92 25.56 48.60 90345.89 1.19 4.01 9.05 3.95 95.64 Dec-09 2010.00 27.16 184.40 135516.09 1.11 4.27 8.95 4.16 89.14 Jan-10 2010.08 27.84 144.00 330856.79 1.08 4.50 8.95 4.33 93.09 Feb-10 2010.17 28.18 651.20 4130289.18 1.10 4.56 8.99 4.86 100.84 Mar-10 2010.25 27.49 147.60 5484044.51 1.09 4.46 9.02 5.58 101.81 Apr-10 2010.33 26.84 41.60 286168.07 1.11 4.37 9.01 5.23 95.97 May-10 2010.42 25.27 19.60 49378.93 1.14 4.29 9.05 4.61 87.39 Jun-10 2010.50 23.61 35.80 15201.01 1.17 4.31 9.09 4.21 80.42 Jul-10 2010.58 22.84 23.40 7912.67 1.27 4.32 9.29 4.47 78.58