# Havannah Island, Great Barrier Reef, Bimonthly Coral Linear Extension, Trace Elements and Boron Isotopes from 1989-2009 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/22670 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/west_pacific/great_barrier/d-olivo2017/d-olivo2017-hav09_3-b.txt # Description: NOAA location of this template # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: chemistry #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-09-18 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2017-09-18 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Havannah Island, Great Barrier Reef, Bimonthly Coral Linear Extension, Trace Elements and Boron Isotopes from 1989-2009 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: D'Olivo, Juan Pablo; McCulloch, Malcolm #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Trace element (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca, Li/Mg, B/Ca and Li/Ca), boron isotopes and linear extension sampled along four sample paths # Provided Keywords: Thermal stress, calcifying fluid, biomineralization #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: D’Olivo, J.P. and M.T. McCulloch # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017 # Published_Title: Response of coral calcification and calcifying fluid composition to thermally induced bleaching stress # Journal_Name: Scientific reports # Volume: 7 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02306-x # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Severe, global-scale thermal stress events like those of 1998 and 2016, are becoming more frequent and intense, potentially compromising the future of coral reefs. Here we report the effects of the 1998 bleaching event on coral calcification as well as the composition of the calcifying fluid (cf) from which corals precipitate their calcium carbonate skeletons. This was investigated by using the Sr/Ca, Li/Mg (temperature), and boron isotopes (d11B) and B/Ca (carbonate chemistry) proxies in a Porites sp. coral. Following the summer of 1998 the coral exhibited a prolonged period (~18 months) of reduced calcification (~60%) and a breakdown in the seasonality of the geochemical proxies. However, the maintenance of elevated dissolved inorganic carbon (DICcf; >×2 seawater) and pHcf (>8.3 compared to seawater ~8.0) even during severe stress of 1998 indicate that a minimum threshold of high aragonite saturation state (Ocf) of ~14 (~×4 seawater), is an essential pre-requisite for coral calcification. However, despite maintaining elevated levels of Ocf even under severe stress, coral growth is still impaired. We attribute this to reductions in either the effective active volume of calcification and/or DICcf as bleaching compromises the photosynthetically fixed carbon pool available to the coral. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: FL120100049 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Havannah Island HAV09_3 # Location: Great Barrier Reef # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -18.836043 # Southernmost_Latitude: -18.836043 # Easternmost_Longitude: 146.525887 # Westernmost_Longitude: 146.525887 # Elevation: -4 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: HAV09_3 path-B D'Olivo2017 # First_Year: 1996 # Last_Year: 2009 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Data was collected along fourth different sample paths. #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab- 10 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data,additional info ## age_CE age,,,years CE,,,,,, ## LinExt extension rate,Porites sp.,,cm/yr,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,elemental analysis,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## Mg/Ca magnesium/calcium,Porites sp.,,mol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## Sr/Ca strontium/calcium,Porites sp.,,mol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## U/Ca uranium/calcium,Porites sp.,,umol/mol ,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## Li/Mg lithium/magnesium,Porites sp.,,mol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## B/Ca boron/calcium,Porites sp.,,mol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## Li/Ca lithium/calcium,Porites sp.,,umol/mol,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps ## d11B delta 11B,Porites sp.,,per mil SRM 951,,corals and sclerosponges,interpolated,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,interpolated linearly to bimonthly time steps #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: -999 age_CE LinExt Mg/Ca Sr/Ca U/Ca Li/Mg B/Ca Li/Ca d11B 1996.83 1.848829 4.429138 8.991951 1.11725 1.429149915 487.46039 6.3159035 23.37165802 1997.00 2.141676 4.80326 8.902866 1.074035 1.293272027 464.52866 6.2091664 22.80514716 1997.17 1.164985 4.87477 8.917221 1.072289 1.29360704 463.73006 6.3050234 22.80741409 1997.33 1.377135 4.685732 8.99716 1.104847 1.378889738 471.44172 6.449692 22.97627902 1997.50 1.33545 4.302767 9.14139 1.178199 1.547697638 502.49687 6.647667 23.41407816 1997.67 1.7 4.101582 9.155056 1.220141 1.597086151 500.03145 6.5518548 23.47529563 1997.83 1.437642 4.227444 9.117034 1.217968 1.624699475 487.50788 6.8829521 23.19036267 1998.00 1.006803 4.407438 9.084309 1.210079 1.676521576 480.04149 7.4052832 22.86986788 1998.17 0.657746 4.571514 9.060086 1.206501 1.716571263 472.29077 7.8491804 22.56732624 1998.33 0.525714 4.653882 9.079506 1.225056 1.696192459 463.08065 7.8904718 22.35693988 1998.50 0.468571 4.7247 9.105096 1.24674 1.667270985 453.66422 7.8748475 22.15958146 1998.67 0.414 4.768315 9.120135 1.258282 1.608768413 448.11956 7.6707714 22.07210723 1998.83 0.4 4.772302 9.119802 1.255048 1.507172391 448.21526 7.1921603 22.14471234 1999.00 0.4 4.774281 9.113175 1.24406 1.416162011 449.08545 6.7610931 22.22270559 1999.17 0.403673 4.766225 9.069563 1.187293 1.390856668 454.31581 6.6292479 22.32488792 1999.33 0.465306 4.706023 9.047826 1.146302 1.409580766 465.43357 6.6230595 22.46655637 1999.50 0.548354 4.499546 9.107348 1.173139 1.524165301 491.5068 6.8364973 22.71097143 1999.67 0.678095 4.330624 9.131935 1.188094 1.591764487 509.57928 6.8932828 22.99274328 1999.83 1.113148 4.366942 9.05253 1.154887 1.522192835 502.07777 6.6298443 23.16659367 2000.00 1.430935 4.813812 8.899516 1.065531 1.339132744 467.15184 6.4257331 22.87036155 2000.17 1.202831 5.085515 8.868195 1.027733 1.250591182 451.34589 6.3578508 23.0461297 2000.33 1.155556 4.86185 8.954058 1.084337 1.359160725 471.88632 6.567652 22.96279112 2000.50 0.918519 4.341868 9.132412 1.192325 1.603373492 518.85301 6.9368127 22.98815683 2000.67 1.235926 4.230862 9.126181 1.186218 1.636263818 534.90532 6.9061663 23.33903278 2000.83 1.039333 4.581543 8.986902 1.106255 1.439005111 488.78721 6.5759379 22.52853729 2001.00 0.88 4.81875 8.907661 1.064584 1.337336554 461.81282 6.4339178 22.46660199 2001.17 1.494039 5.043752 8.859278 1.034203 1.257518424 447.71328 6.3401778 22.43746112 2001.33 1.630701 5.002241 8.901438 1.042806 1.306022103 460.24041 6.5234289 22.27307722 2001.50 1.544587 4.571825 9.05738 1.116564 1.505092677 493.74799 6.8603539 22.11128683 2001.67 1.335185 4.332536 9.103893 1.155824 1.591320572 516.10032 6.8925694 22.92665883 2001.83 1.334977 4.573496 8.990094 1.110561 1.425152892 486.30531 6.4978561 23.04870164 2002.00 1.500554 5.01968 8.883026 1.04522 1.23867322 433.48231 6.2067715 -999 2002.17 1.408852 5.272308 8.834119 0.99691 1.181087003 416.99912 6.2225079 -999 2002.33 1.134456 5.076296 8.917036 1.028022 1.296303082 453.09251 6.5643388 -999 2002.50 1.214809 4.574662 9.073236 1.11974 1.502966309 519.97439 6.8490262 -999 2002.67 1.425213 4.268806 9.124559 1.169081 1.601707132 537.67805 6.8197587 -999 2002.83 1.216174 4.625307 8.985429 1.101056 1.4216288 491.10158 6.5534248 -999 2003.00 2.140347 5.029724 8.859637 1.037151 1.260279736 448.58342 6.3338981 -999 2003.17 1.87638 5.281735 8.809042 0.993242 1.204241907 440.33707 6.3597316 -999 2003.33 1.940741 4.980886 8.904143 1.038392 1.340516187 453.95428 6.6539344 -999 2003.50 1.391204 4.462704 9.063523 1.12259 1.561479734 509.99495 6.9529693 -999 2003.67 1.143056 4.298531 9.096859 1.145408 1.612872227 529.09164 6.9288613 -999 2003.83 1.858326 4.587594 8.980533 1.103975 1.434512718 486.27209 6.5657445 -999 2004.00 2.00138 4.968451 8.867336 1.047505 1.259776295 440.98616 6.2544188 -999 2004.17 1.324537 5.127061 8.82048 1.009424 1.217580357 444.33908 6.2401648 -999 2004.33 1.720833 4.881856 8.924905 1.04783 1.342995956 483.19998 6.5365672 -999 2004.50 1.3125 4.462656 9.047308 1.124442 1.536083639 517.79997 6.8319221 -999 2004.67 1.654167 4.188826 9.111693 1.181947 1.630366827 530.60392 6.820952 -999 2004.83 1.433368 4.451503 9.006614 1.130478 1.469125506 483.78897 6.5252906 -999 2005.00 1.504131 4.785469 8.879021 1.069465 1.297376068 439.81532 6.2001719 -999 2005.17 1.484069 5.077167 8.816658 1.021226 1.217446048 427.56538 6.1784807 -999 2005.33 1.496181 5.014134 8.897069 1.040553 1.288658033 448.25945 6.4457657 -999 2005.50 1.404046 4.529853 9.061168 1.134568 1.50867608 489.43964 6.8068828 -999 2005.67 1.956053 4.208953 9.133728 1.190723 1.630216081 508.32946 6.8557566 -999 2005.83 1.337279 4.533079 8.998307 1.123136 1.439805344 467.99775 6.486509 -999 2006.00 1.880768 4.927074 8.858474 1.049197 1.256382339 428.53495 6.1836134 -999 2006.17 1.396876 5.16602 8.826651 0.997662 1.195355108 429.47247 6.1690716 -999 2006.33 1.381036 4.841022 8.937838 1.047635 1.348725616 476.21822 6.4887013 -999 2006.50 1.052083 4.320572 9.105134 1.153841 1.59017554 519.18895 6.8458541 -999 2006.67 0.998299 4.085971 9.136298 1.182239 1.6738743 539.83725 6.8330028 -999 2006.83 0.971677 4.291878 9.0142 1.126118 1.539091574 505.13716 6.5828342 -999 2007.00 1.800509 4.644489 8.884343 1.06262 1.359027106 460.28118 6.2995787 -999 2007.17 1.327925 4.973546 8.837074 1.021377 1.26317759 441.86086 6.2778157 -999 2007.33 1.199702 4.845853 8.919587 1.050323 1.363706477 462.32066 6.5991206 -999 2007.50 1.366605 4.514413 9.043683 1.111429 1.530164251 499.49257 6.8860835 -999 2007.67 1.669333 4.126202 9.134861 1.167508 1.669320422 533.44141 6.8626029 -999 2007.83 0.991407 4.451665 8.97888 1.091928 1.481428829 503.42264 6.5640136 -999 2008.00 1.398148 4.802197 8.850716 1.023677 1.303335244 460.59452 6.2459083 -999 2008.17 1.656944 4.944277 8.831643 1.006357 1.256199877 444.68309 6.2090102 -999 2008.33 1.128241 4.797815 8.950997 1.042005 1.38991301 470.27734 6.6553786 -999 2008.50 1.644444 4.365581 9.102917 1.141793 1.617516179 503.50905 7.040517 -999 2008.67 1.505556 4.1904 9.158148 1.166036 1.692653683 534.43078 7.0806331 -999 2008.83 1.223498 4.819634 8.980683 1.048237 1.464030924 513.73561 6.9939612 -999 2009.00 2.057028 5.003715 8.835679 0.655363 1.243483479 455.00982 6.2193647 -999 2009.17 1.911755 5.470923 8.808424 0.274403 1.151389192 471.07141 6.2917278 -999