# Stanley Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Porites sp. Isotope Records 1969-1986 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/39000 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-coral-39000.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: sensitivity, Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/west_pacific/great_barrier/chakraborty1993/chakraborty1993-sr1.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; SR track 1 isotopes Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2024-02-07 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2024-02-07 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Stanley Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Porites sp. Isotope Records 1969-1986 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Chakraborty, Supriyo (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3171-7808) #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Contributed as part of the Great Barrier Reef Coral Skeletal Records Database (GBRCD). # Provided Keywords: Great Barrier Reef, coral geochemistry #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Chakraborty, S. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1993 # Published_Title: Environmental significance of isotopic and trace elemental variations in banded corals # Journal_Name: Thesis # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Chakraborty, S. 1993. Environmental significance of isotopic and trace elemental variations in banded corals. PhD Thesis (Unpublished). The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, pp 119. # Abstract: #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Chakraborty, S., Ramesh, R., and Lough, J.M. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2000 # Published_Title: Effect of intraband variability on stable isotope and density time series obtained from banded corals # Journal_Name: Journal of Earth System Science # Volume: 109 # Edition: 1 # Issue: # Pages: 145-151 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1007/BF02719158 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Density, d18O and d13C were measured along two tracks, one close to the central growth axis and the other, ~20o off the axis, in a coral (Porites lutea) collected from the Stanley Reef, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The d18O variations in the coral are well correlated with sea surface temperature changes. The common variances between the two tracks were about 60% in the d18O, d13C, and the skeletal density variations. Part of the noise (40%) could be due to the difficulty of sampling exactly time contemporaneous parts of each band along the two tracks and part of it could be due to genuine intraband variability. In spite of the intraband variability, the time series obtained from the two tracks are similar, indicating that the dominant causative factor for the isotopic variations is external, i.e., the environmental conditions that prevail during the growth of the coral; density band formation does not appear to be directly controlled by the sea surface temperature. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Department of Ocean Development # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Indian National Science Academy (INSA) # Grant: young scientist grant #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Stanley Reef # Location: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -19.25 # Southernmost_Latitude: -19.25 # Easternmost_Longitude: 148.1167 # Westernmost_Longitude: 148.1167 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: SR track 1 isotopes Chakraborty1993 # First_Year: 1969 # Last_Year: 1986 # Time_Unit: year Common Era # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes # Notes: Porites sp. #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## distance depth,Porites lutea,,millimeter,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N,distance along coral from oldest section ## Year age,Porites lutea,,year Common Era,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N, ## d18O delta 18O,Porites lutea,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,mass spectrometry,N,VG Micromass 602D mass spectrometer ## d13C delta 13C,Porites lutea,,per mil VPDB,,corals and sclerosponges,,mass spectrometry,N,VG Micromass 602D mass spectrometer ## Density density,Porites lutea,,gram per cubic centimeter,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N, #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA distance Year d18O d13C Density 0.00 1968 -5.29 -1.05 1.56 4.10 1968 -4.57 -0.58 1.63 5.30 1968 -5.01 -0.56 1.59 6.90 1969 -5.49 -0.93 1.56 11.30 1969 -4.92 -0.86 1.66 13.10 1969 -4.57 0.35 1.68 16.40 1970 -5.05 -0.71 1.52 18.30 1970 -4.84 -0.49 1.63 21.30 1970 -4.26 -0.59 1.62 22.50 1971 -5.29 -0.28 1.59 25.30 1971 -5.04 -1.11 1.50 27.20 1971 -4.88 -0.72 1.54 29.20 1971 -5.10 -0.37 1.59 31.20 1972 -5.66 -0.28 1.53 34.20 1972 -5.14 -0.45 1.39 36.00 1972 -4.93 -0.62 1.47 38.60 1972 -4.93 -0.35 1.38 42.80 1973 -5.26 -0.64 1.36 44.30 1973 -5.55 -0.46 1.47 46.50 1973 -4.85 -0.77 1.59 50.00 1974 -4.90 -0.51 1.60 56.30 1974 -5.47 -1.10 1.48 59.40 1974 -4.89 -1.36 1.53 62.10 1974 -4.73 -0.85 1.59 67.20 1975 -5.25 -0.75 1.53 70.80 1975 -5.45 -0.99 1.44 74.30 1975 -4.56 -0.72 1.61 75.60 1976 -5.44 -0.51 1.57 78.80 1976 -5.31 -0.66 1.47 80.70 1976 -5.83 -0.96 1.49 83.80 1976 -5.04 -0.86 1.52 87.30 1977 -5.07 -1.17 1.60 90.60 1977 -5.24 -0.38 1.46 94.50 1977 -5.83 -0.97 1.43 97.80 1977 -4.62 -1.09 1.51 100.50 1978 -4.93 -1.01 1.57 104.40 1978 -5.17 -0.97 1.37 106.70 1978 -5.51 -1.01 1.34 110.70 1978 -4.76 -1.22 1.51 112.70 1979 -4.91 -1.04 1.56 116.70 1979 -5.08 -1.29 1.38 121.50 1979 -4.78 -1.46 1.41 124.30 1979 -4.96 -1.45 1.33 127.40 1979 -4.90 -1.16 1.49 129.00 1980 -5.43 -1.41 1.42 132.10 1980 -5.27 -1.54 1.25 134.20 1980 -5.24 -1.47 1.26 138.00 1980 -4.59 -1.06 1.44 140.50 1981 -5.26 -0.91 1.41 144.30 1981 -5.30 -0.98 1.34 147.10 1981 -5.66 -1.25 1.30 150.90 1981 -4.81 -1.25 1.42 155.10 1982 -5.46 -1.00 1.55 160.50 1982 -5.04 -1.23 1.38 165.30 1982 -4.50 -1.21 1.41 168.30 1983 -5.06 -1.23 1.28 172.00 1983 -5.22 -1.11 1.25 174.80 1983 -4.58 -1.08 1.35 177.70 1984 -5.25 -0.77 1.37 181.20 1984 -5.10 -1.25 1.33 184.70 1984 -4.90 -1.02 1.31 188.00 1984 -4.33 -1.36 1.42 191.10 1985 -5.39 -0.97 1.49 196.20 1985 -5.29 -1.37 1.42 200.30 1985 -5.22 -1.27 1.34 204.30 1986 -4.64 -0.94 1.45 209.40 1986 -5.20 -1.45 1.37