# South China Sea d18O and hurricane data from 1568 to 1965 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/34792 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-coral-34792.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5706493 # # Science_Keywords: Hurricanes and Tropical Cyclones Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/south_china_sea/tao2021/tao2021_SST.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Northwest Pacific SST Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-12-03 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-12-03 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: South China Sea d18O and hurricane data from 1568 to 1965 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Tao, Shichen; Liu,Kam-biu; Yu, Kefu; Shi, Qi; Yan, Hongqiang; Zhang, Huiling;Wang, Luo; Huang, Zhongzhou;Chen, Tegu #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Beijiao Reef (BJ): 17.0837, 111.5329, ~0 m; Chenghang Island (CH): 16.4471, 111.7067, ~0 m; Huangyan Island (HYD): 15.1045, 117.8015, ~0 m; Lingyang Reef (LYJ): 16.4761, 111.5730, ~0 m; Ganquan Island (GQ): 16.5048, 111.5876, ~0 m # Provided Keywords: Tropical Cyclones, Poleward Shift, Past millennium, Coral d18O, Coral blocks, Northwest Pacific #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Shichen Tao, Kam-biu Liu, Kefu Yu, Qi Shi, Hongqiang Yan, Huiling Zhang, Luo Wang, Zhongzhou Huang, Tegu Chen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021 # Published_Title: Poleward Shift in Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the Northwest Pacific during Warm Periods: Past and Future # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: e2021PA004367 # Report_Number: # DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021PA004367 # Online_Resource: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2021PA004367 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We used the top age of storm-relocated coral blocks (SRCBs) from Xisha Islands and Huangyan Island, South China Sea (SCS), Northwestern Pacific region (NWP), in combination with existing paleotempestology records and instrumental climatic data, to reconstruct the spatio-temporal changes in tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the past millennium, and to project its future trends in the NWP. We found a positive correlation between the frequencies of TCs, typhoons, and super-typhoons and the NINO3.4 on the interannual timescale during 1945-2019. TCs latitude has a significant positive correlation with SST, with a northward migration rate of 80 ± 11 km per decade, equivalent to a northward migration rate of 606 ± 82 km per 1ºC increase during 1951-2019. Coral d18O can well indicate the month of paleo-TCs occurrence. The frequency of SRCBs (and by inference, TCs) is relatively low during relatively warm periods (RWP) but high during relatively cold periods (RCP) in the SCS. The spatio-temporal pattern inferred from paleotempestology records further supports the notion of North-South migration in TC activity as revealed by the instrumental record in this study. TC activity mainly affected relatively low latitudes (e.g., Philippines, Vietnam, and Hainan, Guangdong, Taiwan) during the RCP (AD 1450-1900), but it migrated from low latitudes towards higher latitudes during the RWP (AD 1000-1450), affecting locations such as Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Shandong, southwestern Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and even Northeast China. Fujian and northern Guangdong may be in a transition zone of paleo-TC activity between the North and the South in the past millennium. As global warming continues, the mean tracks and landfall locations of TCs will continue to migrate northward in this region. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Northwest Pacific Islands # Location: The South China Sea # Northernmost_Latitude: 17.0837 # Southernmost_Latitude: 15.1045 # Easternmost_Longitude: 117.8015 # Westernmost_Longitude: 111.5876 # Elevation_m: 0 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: SST_tao2021 # First_Year: 1945 # Last_Year: 2019 # Time_Unit: year Common Era # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: The latitude of TCs, NINO3.4 SST, and SST of the NWP during 1945-2019 #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # The results of U-Th dating (with 2σ error) of samples of fossil Porites corals #Sample U (ppm) ±2o 232Th (×10-9 g/g) ±2o 230Th/232Th ±2o 230Th/238U ±2o 234U/238U ±2o Uncorrected 230Th Age ±o? Corrected 230Th Age ±2o Age (AD) ±2o Initial 234 U/238 U ±2o Top age (AD) ±o #BJ-1 2.7193 0.0019 0.238 0 56.79 0.7 0.00164 0.00002 1.1456 0.0007 155.8 1.9 154 2 1862 2 1.1457 0.0007 1892 2 #BJ-2-1 2.8214 0.001 0.317 0.001 38 0.49 0.00141 0.000018 1.1448 0.0011 134.1 1.7 131 2 1885 2 1.1449 0.0011 1906 2 #CH-4-1 2.3785 0.0008 0.06 0 430.02 4.08 0.0038 0.000033 1.147 0.0013 364.8 3.2 364 3 1650 3 1.1472 0.0013 1674 3 #CH-5 2.4526 0.0009 0.58 0.001 63.04 0.43 0.0049 0.000033 1.1467 0.0008 471.5 3.2 465 4 1549 4 1.1469 0.0008 1573 4 #HYD-1 2.5067 0.0014 0.131 0.001 221 2.2 0.00381 0.000031 1.1461 0.0011 362.8 3 361 3 1655 3 1.1463 0.0011 1729 3 #HYD-2 2.0099 0.0009 0.053 0 518.1 7 0.00449 0.000053 1.1447 0.001 428.6 5.1 428 5 1588 5 1.1449 0.001 1680 5 #HYD-3 2.5216 0.0009 0.1 0.001 408.2 4.6 0.00535 0.000054 1.1456 0.0007 510.7 5.1 510 5 1506 5 1.1458 0.0007 1576 5 #HYD-5-1 2.3164 0.0008 0.244 0 40.4 0.7 0.0014 0.000023 1.1457 0.0009 133.2 2.2 130 3 1886 3 1.1458 0.0009 1913 3 #HYD-6-2 2.4837 0.001 0.28 0.001 224.3 1.1 0.008343 0.000037 1.146 0.0008 797 4 794 2 1221 4 1.1464 0.0008 1261 4 #LYJ-7 2.7335 0.0008 0.47 0.001 46.39 0.31 0.0026 0.000017 1.1472 0.0009 251.6 1.6 247 3 1767 3 1.1474 0.0009 1792 3 #LYJ-9 2.6647 0.0009 0.17 0 40 0.46 0.000827 0.000009 1.1464 0.0012 79 1 77 1 1938 1 1.1465 0.0012 1962 1 #LYJ-10 2.7077 0.0006 0.55 0.001 36.53 0.34 0.0025 0.000023 1.1474 0.0009 234.2 2.2 229 3 1785 3 1.1475 0.0009 1859 3 #LYJ-12 2.388 0.0009 0.1 0 51.27 0.84 0.0007 0.000012 1.145 0.0008 70.2 1.1 69 1 1945 1 1.1451 0.0008 1965 1 #LYJ-13 2.5349 0.0009 0.39 0.001 18.4 0.28 0.0009 0.000014 1.1471 0.0008 87.8 1.3 84 2 1930 2 1.1472 0.0008 1963 2 #LYJ-14 2.5587 0.0012 0.19 0 30.52 0.83 0.000757 0.00002 1.1474 0.001 72 2 70 2 1945 2 1.1475 0.001 1965 2 #GQ-2 2.4855 0.0008 0.33 0 193.61 1.1 0.008571 0.000047 1.1466 0.0009 818 5 815 5 1200 5 1.1469 0.001 1257 5 # Ratios are activity ratios calculated from atomic ratios using decay constants of Cheng et al. (2000). All values have been corrected for laboratory procedural blanks. Uncorrected 230Th age (a) was calculated using Isoplot/EX 3.0 program (Ludwig, 2003), where a denotes year. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Cheng, H., Edwards, R. L., Hoff, J., Gallup, C. D., Richards, D. A., & Asmerom, Y. (2000). The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230, Chemical Geology, 169(1), 17-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0009-2541(99)00157-6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # Ludwig, K. R. (2003). User`s Manual for Isoplot/Ex, Version 3.00. A Geochronological Toolkit for Microsoft Excel, Berkeley Geochronology Center Special Publication, 4(2), 1-70. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## Year age,,,year Common Era,,instrumental ,,,N,https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ibtracs/index.php?name=wmo-data ## lat latitude,,,degree north,,instrumental ,,,N, https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ibtracs/index.php?name=wmo-data ## #messages tropical cyclone,,,count,,instrumental ,,,N, Tropical cyclones are usually recorded in 6 hours intervals (0:00, 6:00, 12:00 and 18:00). In this study, each record as a piece or message, “Number of messages” is the number of records per year; https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ibtracs/index.php?name=wmo-data ## #TCS tropical cyclone,,,count,,instrumental ,,,N, Number of TCs in Northwest Pacific during 1945-2019;https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ibtracs/index.php?name=wmo-data ## NINO3.4_SST Niño 3.4 sea surface temperature index,,,degree Celsius,,instrumental ,,,N,Niño 3.4 index in the Northwest Pacific; https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/nino-sst-indices-nino-12-3-34-4-oni-and-tni ## SST_NWP sea surface temperature,,,degree Celsius,,instrumental ,,,N,HadISST Average Sea Surface Temperature; https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/griddap/erdHadISST.html #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA Year lat #messages #TCs NINO3.4_SST SST_NWP 2019 22.857 418 18 27.595 24.603 2018 19.744 1008 34 27.125 24.498 2017 19.847 685 27 26.86 24.574 2016 21.063 618 24 27.458 24.654 2015 17.652 897 24 28.531 24.333 2014 18.084 610 21 27.318 24.334 2013 19.14 744 28 26.842 24.466 2012 19.78 823 25 27.029 24.326 2011 21.123 636 21 26.214 24.25 2010 22.278 355 14 26.632 24.545 2009 19.935 669 22 27.414 24.368 2008 19.677 540 22 26.349 24.465 2007 21.39 597 22 26.502 24.402 2006 18.92 702 23 27.158 24.275 2005 20.874 692 23 27.098 24.308 2004 19.298 976 29 27.431 24.342 2003 18.347 676 20 27.302 24.324 2002 19.899 719 23 27.65 24.347 2001 21.023 699 26 26.726 24.512 2000 21.844 658 22 26.19 24.419 1999 22.897 490 20 25.967 24.522 1998 19.564 360 16 27.135 24.689 1997 19.489 860 25 28.253 24.219 1996 21.299 853 26 26.693 24.134 1995 18.579 622 23 27.038 24.281 1994 20.943 1152 33 27.443 24.254 1993 17.099 796 26 27.498 23.985 1992 19.005 833 27 27.687 23.987 1991 18.845 956 28 27.658 24.16 1990 19.289 840 27 27.239 24.218 1989 20.319 907 31 26.273 24.154 1988 21.383 797 32 26.043 24.324 1987 18.283 729 21 28.287 24.093 1986 17.541 1084 28 27.145 23.82 1985 19.61 800 27 26.351 23.917 1984 20.01 791 27 26.341 23.942 1983 18.04 578 22 27.509 24.055 1982 18.253 919 25 27.977 23.86 1981 19.56 834 29 26.873 23.826 1980 19.234 707 23 27.203 23.911 1979 16.726 864 25 27.248 24.039 1978 21.357 939 31 26.883 24.004 1977 19.095 703 22 27.563 23.815 1976 16.442 253 25 26.977 23.651 1975 19.22 252 22 26.017 24.039 1974 18.133 458 33 26.118 23.789 1973 18.775 293 21 26.409 24.174 1972 14.781 370 34 27.838 23.825 1971 15.033 442 37 26.129 23.763 1970 16.687 247 24 26.706 23.955 1969 14.309 258 19 27.618 23.988 1968 15.862 455 27 27.038 23.768 1967 16.929 413 38 26.684 23.899 1966 19.753 462 35 27.294 24.015 1965 16.745 455 32 27.663 23.633 1964 16.681 461 33 26.519 23.885 1963 14.452 347 25 27.423 23.639 1962 14.943 335 31 26.727 23.797 1961 17.107 367 28 26.873 23.987 1960 18.996 290 28 26.971 24.03 1959 14.829 194 22 27.045 23.944 1958 16.944 255 31 27.493 23.865 1957 15.569 150 21 27.536 23.74 1956 18.262 147 21 26.204 23.849 1955 20.945 194 27 25.88 23.953 1954 15.076 156 21 26.476 23.951 1953 14.067 218 24 27.38 23.962 1952 14.949 186 27 26.876 24.057 1951 18.116 247 21 27.188 23.887 1950 NA NA NA 25.997 23.975 1949 NA NA NA 26.566 23.912 1948 NA NA NA 27.142 23.73 1947 NA NA NA 26.798 23.647 1946 NA NA NA 26.846 23.946 1945 NA NA NA 26.435 24.218