Ras Umm Sidd Coral Oxygen Isotope Data --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Ras Umm Sidd Coral Oxygen Isotope Data LAST UPDATE: 12/2000 (Original Receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Thomas Felis, Jürgen Pätzold, Gerold Wefer, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2000-067 SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Felis, T., et al., 2000, Ras Umm Sidd Coral Oxygen Isotope Data, IGBP PAGES/ World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2000-067. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Felis, T., J. Pätzold, Y. Loya, M. Fine, A. H. Nawar, and G. Wefer, 2000, A coral oxygen isotope record from the northern Red Sea documenting NAO, ENSO, and North Pacific teleconnections on Middle East climate variability since the year 1750. Paleoceanography, 15, 679-694. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: Felis, T., G. Lohmann, H. Kuhnert, S. J. Lorenz, D. Scholz, J. Pätzold, S. A. Al-Rousan, and S. M. Al-Moghrabi. 2004. Increased seasonality in Middle East temperatures during the last interglacial period. Nature, v. 429, pp. 164-168, 13 May 2004. Rimbu, N., G. Lohmann, T. Felis, and J. Pätzold, 2001, Arctic Oscillation signature in a Red Sea coral. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 2959-2962. Rimbu, N., G. Lohmann, T. Felis, and J. Pätzold, 2003, Shift in ENSO teleconnections recorded by a northern Red Sea coral, Journal of Climate, 16, 1414-1422. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Northern Red Sea PERIOD OF RECORD: 1750-1995 AD FUNDING SOURCES: This work is part of the Red Sea Program on Marine Sciences, funded by the BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) through grants 03F0151A and 03F0245A. DESCRIPTION: Ras Umm Sidd bimonthly coral oxygen isotope data (coral core RUS-95). Notes on the data: File (Ras Umm Sidd d18O.txt.) includes columns for Year AD (bimonthly resolution: Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, etc.) and coral d18O in per mil relative to the Vienna peedee belemnite (VPDB) reference standard. The coral core was collected in the end of November 1995 in the northern Red Sea at Ras Umm Sidd (27°50.9'N, 34°18.6'E) in the Ras Mohammed National Park near the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt), from a 2.6-m-high coral colony (Porites sp.) growing at a water depth of ~5.5 m. The average annual growth rate of the coral is 1 cm/year. The average sampling resolution for oxygen isotope analysis is more than 6 samples per year. Oxygen isotope analysis was performed on a Finnigan MAT 251 mass spectrometer coupled to an automated carbonate device at the stable isotope laboratory of the Department of Geosciences at Bremen University, Germany. Long-term reproducibility for d18O, deduced from replicate measurements of an internal carbonate standard, is better than ±0.07 per mil. The coral chronology is constructed by setting the maximum d18O value in a given year equal to mid-February (consistent with the climatological minimum in sea surface temperature) and assuming a constant coral growth rate between February of every year. Therefore we interpolated linearly between these fixed points for further age assignments. The resulting values were interpolated linearly to six equally spaced values per year, providing a bimonthly resolution. The strong seasonal cycle in d18O was used to count annual layers in the coral, supported by the consistent density banding pattern of low-density band creation during winter and high-density band creation during summer. The coral record extends from fall 1750 to fall 1995. We assigned an age model error of at least 2-3 months to the coral chronology. In addition, we assigned an age model error of ±1 year to the interval 1924-1783 and an additional ±1 year to 1782-1750. Therefore the chronology is assigned a cumulative age model error of less than ±3 years at the bottom of the core. More information on the Ras Umm Sidd coral oxygen isotope record can be found in the original reference. Ras Umm Sidd Coral Oxygen Isotope Data Year AD RUS-95 d18O 1751.083 -2.79 1751.250 -3.01 1751.417 -3.41 1751.583 -3.61 1751.750 -3.35 1751.917 -3.09 1752.083 -2.79 1752.250 -3.02 1752.417 -3.21 1752.583 -3.50 1752.750 -3.65 1752.917 -3.33 1753.083 -2.97 1753.250 -2.98 1753.417 -3.52 1753.583 -3.59 1753.750 -3.17 1753.917 -3.19 1754.083 -3.05 1754.250 -3.45 1754.417 -3.55 1754.583 -3.37 1754.750 -3.06 1754.917 -2.89 1755.083 -2.87 1755.250 -3.10 1755.417 -3.22 1755.583 -3.51 1755.750 -2.71 1755.917 -2.53 1756.083 -2.48 1756.250 -2.97 1756.417 -3.48 1756.583 -3.54 1756.750 -3.36 1756.917 -3.18 1757.083 -2.96 1757.250 -2.94 1757.417 -3.07 1757.583 -3.36 1757.750 -3.75 1757.917 -3.55 1758.083 -2.92 1758.250 -2.95 1758.417 -3.37 1758.583 -3.45 1758.750 -3.34 1758.917 -2.99 1759.083 -2.97 1759.250 -3.29 1759.417 -3.43 1759.583 -3.97 1759.750 -3.61 1759.917 -3.30 1760.083 -2.74 1760.250 -3.32 1760.417 -3.76 1760.583 -3.68 1760.750 -3.40 1760.917 -3.14 1761.083 -2.89 1761.250 -2.94 1761.417 -3.09 1761.583 -3.32 1761.750 -3.48 1761.917 -3.76 1762.083 -3.05 1762.250 -2.92 1762.417 -3.08 1762.583 -3.67 1762.750 -3.63 1762.917 -3.41 1763.083 -2.87 1763.250 -3.00 1763.417 -3.43 1763.583 -3.46 1763.750 -3.46 1763.917 -3.40 1764.083 -2.91 1764.250 -3.70 1764.417 -3.45 1764.583 -3.34 1764.750 -3.27 1764.917 -3.21 1765.083 -3.14 1765.250 -3.37 1765.417 -3.63 1765.583 -3.85 1765.750 -3.71 1765.917 -3.51 1766.083 -3.10 1766.250 -3.20 1766.417 -3.40 1766.583 -3.55 1766.750 -3.49 1766.917 -3.14 1767.083 -2.92 1767.250 -3.10 1767.417 -3.33 1767.583 -3.82 1767.750 -3.63 1767.917 -3.46 1768.083 -3.09 1768.250 -3.16 1768.417 -3.10 1768.583 -3.47 1768.750 -3.64 1768.917 -3.34 1769.083 -2.94 1769.250 -3.00 1769.417 -3.10 1769.583 -3.57 1769.750 -3.47 1769.917 -3.41 1770.083 -3.15 1770.250 -3.16 1770.417 -3.44 1770.583 -3.84 1770.750 -3.50 1770.917 -3.29 1771.083 -3.13 1771.250 -3.24 1771.417 -3.67 1771.583 -3.57 1771.750 -3.26 1771.917 -3.06 1772.083 -2.90 1772.250 -3.32 1772.417 -3.47 1772.583 -3.64 1772.750 -3.36 1772.917 -3.06 1773.083 -2.90 1773.250 -2.97 1773.417 -3.40 1773.583 -3.63 1773.750 -3.44 1773.917 -3.25 1774.083 -2.96 1774.250 -3.18 1774.417 -3.42 1774.583 -3.83 1774.750 -3.70 1774.917 -3.32 1775.083 -2.97 1775.250 -3.04 1775.417 -3.40 1775.583 -3.78 1775.750 -3.44 1775.917 -3.17 1776.083 -2.89 1776.250 -2.98 1776.417 -3.32 1776.583 -3.51 1776.750 -3.37 1776.917 -3.39 1777.083 -3.05 1777.250 -3.51 1777.417 -3.50 1777.583 -3.58 1777.750 -3.46 1777.917 -3.21 1778.083 -3.12 1778.250 -3.20 1778.417 -3.33 1778.583 -3.48 1778.750 -3.70 1778.917 -3.48 1779.083 -3.07 1779.250 -3.10 1779.417 -3.38 1779.583 -3.53 1779.750 -3.37 1779.917 -3.04 1780.083 -2.84 1780.250 -3.19 1780.417 -3.55 1780.583 -3.67 1780.750 -3.55 1780.917 -3.68 1781.083 -2.98 1781.250 -2.85 1781.417 -3.50 1781.583 -3.50 1781.750 -3.30 1781.917 -3.04 1782.083 -2.91 1782.250 -3.19 1782.417 -3.37 1782.583 -3.70 1782.750 -3.27 1782.917 -2.90 1783.083 -2.74 1783.250 -2.94 1783.417 -3.02 1783.583 -3.58 1783.750 -3.54 1783.917 -3.25 1784.083 -2.91 1784.250 -3.16 1784.417 -3.34 1784.583 -3.65 1784.750 -3.55 1784.917 -3.31 1785.083 -3.03 1785.250 -3.26 1785.417 -3.45 1785.583 -3.86 1785.750 -3.41 1785.917 -3.15 1786.083 -3.02 1786.250 -3.34 1786.417 -3.43 1786.583 -3.75 1786.750 -3.74 1786.917 -3.39 1787.083 -3.06 1787.250 -3.21 1787.417 -3.64 1787.583 -3.65 1787.750 -3.37 1787.917 -3.30 1788.083 -3.05 1788.250 -3.21 1788.417 -3.34 1788.583 -3.52 1788.750 -3.47 1788.917 -3.15 1789.083 -2.77 1789.250 -3.09 1789.417 -3.59 1789.583 -3.78 1789.750 -3.51 1789.917 -3.01 1790.083 -2.76 1790.250 -3.35 1790.417 -3.65 1790.583 -3.56 1790.750 -3.40 1790.917 -3.06 1791.083 -2.62 1791.250 -3.19 1791.417 -3.46 1791.583 -3.54 1791.750 -3.50 1791.917 -3.06 1792.083 -2.88 1792.250 -3.26 1792.417 -3.82 1792.583 -4.01 1792.750 -3.62 1792.917 -3.22 1793.083 -2.80 1793.250 -3.09 1793.417 -3.43 1793.583 -3.76 1793.750 -3.41 1793.917 -3.29 1794.083 -2.91 1794.250 -2.89 1794.417 -3.47 1794.583 -3.81 1794.750 -3.58 1794.917 -3.48 1795.083 -3.02 1795.250 -2.97 1795.417 -3.49 1795.583 -3.79 1795.750 -3.52 1795.917 -3.49 1796.083 -2.97 1796.250 -3.22 1796.417 -3.56 1796.583 -3.83 1796.750 -3.59 1796.917 -3.49 1797.083 -2.94 1797.250 -3.00 1797.417 -3.51 1797.583 -3.62 1797.750 -3.61 1797.917 -3.39 1798.083 -2.88 1798.250 -3.44 1798.417 -3.80 1798.583 -3.96 1798.750 -3.85 1798.917 -3.35 1799.083 -3.01 1799.250 -3.70 1799.417 -3.71 1799.583 -3.57 1799.750 -3.41 1799.917 -3.25 1800.083 -3.08 1800.250 -3.25 1800.417 -3.62 1800.583 -3.75 1800.750 -3.48 1800.917 -3.22 1801.083 -3.17 1801.250 -3.29 1801.417 -3.85 1801.583 -3.56 1801.750 -3.20 1801.917 -3.05 1802.083 -2.97 1802.250 -3.24 1802.417 -3.57 1802.583 -3.67 1802.750 -3.65 1802.917 -3.39 1803.083 -3.11 1803.250 -3.05 1803.417 -3.48 1803.583 -3.71 1803.750 -3.76 1803.917 -3.43 1804.083 -3.25 1804.250 -3.38 1804.417 -3.60 1804.583 -3.86 1804.750 -3.71 1804.917 -3.48 1805.083 -3.34 1805.250 -3.31 1805.417 -3.40 1805.583 -3.75 1805.750 -3.65 1805.917 -3.22 1806.083 -2.74 1806.250 -3.03 1806.417 -3.47 1806.583 -3.60 1806.750 -3.33 1806.917 -3.02 1807.083 -2.96 1807.250 -3.21 1807.417 -3.56 1807.583 -3.71 1807.750 -3.40 1807.917 -3.00 1808.083 -2.93 1808.250 -3.19 1808.417 -3.57 1808.583 -3.67 1808.750 -3.78 1808.917 -3.45 1809.083 -3.16 1809.250 -3.13 1809.417 -3.19 1809.583 -3.31 1809.750 -3.56 1809.917 -3.39 1810.083 -3.00 1810.250 -3.28 1810.417 -3.45 1810.583 -3.67 1810.750 -3.53 1810.917 -3.17 1811.083 -3.04 1811.250 -3.27 1811.417 -3.42 1811.583 -3.79 1811.750 -3.62 1811.917 -3.27 1812.083 -2.93 1812.250 -3.12 1812.417 -3.37 1812.583 -3.92 1812.750 -3.67 1812.917 -3.26 1813.083 -2.79 1813.250 -2.97 1813.417 -3.37 1813.583 -3.45 1813.750 -3.58 1813.917 -3.32 1814.083 -3.10 1814.250 -3.16 1814.417 -3.33 1814.583 -3.92 1814.750 -3.58 1814.917 -3.36 1815.083 -2.96 1815.250 -2.96 1815.417 -3.39 1815.583 -3.43 1815.750 -3.37 1815.917 -3.13 1816.083 -3.01 1816.250 -3.17 1816.417 -3.52 1816.583 -3.68 1816.750 -3.39 1816.917 -3.07 1817.083 -2.61 1817.250 -2.78 1817.417 -3.29 1817.583 -3.44 1817.750 -3.54 1817.917 -3.44 1818.083 -2.93 1818.250 -2.93 1818.417 -3.52 1818.583 -3.47 1818.750 -3.19 1818.917 -2.93 1819.083 -2.77 1819.250 -3.30 1819.417 -3.77 1819.583 -3.68 1819.750 -3.40 1819.917 -3.15 1820.083 -2.91 1820.250 -3.33 1820.417 -3.47 1820.583 -3.66 1820.750 -3.47 1820.917 -3.12 1821.083 -2.78 1821.250 -2.88 1821.417 -3.49 1821.583 -3.66 1821.750 -3.37 1821.917 -3.05 1822.083 -2.79 1822.250 -3.06 1822.417 -3.56 1822.583 -3.54 1822.750 -3.49 1822.917 -3.24 1823.083 -2.88 1823.250 -2.87 1823.417 -3.37 1823.583 -3.53 1823.750 -3.25 1823.917 -2.95 1824.083 -2.85 1824.250 -3.25 1824.417 -3.56 1824.583 -3.47 1824.750 -3.30 1824.917 -3.05 1825.083 -2.78 1825.250 -3.28 1825.417 -3.48 1825.583 -3.45 1825.750 -3.44 1825.917 -3.16 1826.083 -2.74 1826.250 -2.81 1826.417 -3.04 1826.583 -3.27 1826.750 -3.50 1826.917 -3.54 1827.083 -2.94 1827.250 -2.82 1827.417 -3.25 1827.583 -3.59 1827.750 -3.77 1827.917 -3.53 1828.083 -3.05 1828.250 -2.98 1828.417 -3.33 1828.583 -3.80 1828.750 -3.83 1828.917 -3.25 1829.083 -2.93 1829.250 -2.94 1829.417 -3.18 1829.583 -3.84 1829.750 -3.39 1829.917 -3.05 1830.083 -2.94 1830.250 -3.09 1830.417 -3.44 1830.583 -3.75 1830.750 -3.42 1830.917 -3.55 1831.083 -3.02 1831.250 -3.03 1831.417 -3.45 1831.583 -3.69 1831.750 -3.56 1831.917 -3.20 1832.083 -2.87 1832.250 -2.85 1832.417 -3.05 1832.583 -3.38 1832.750 -3.50 1832.917 -3.31 1833.083 -3.00 1833.250 -2.98 1833.417 -3.16 1833.583 -3.34 1833.750 -3.43 1833.917 -3.17 1834.083 -2.64 1834.250 -2.84 1834.417 -3.43 1834.583 -3.24 1834.750 -3.24 1834.917 -3.10 1835.083 -2.76 1835.250 -2.74 1835.417 -2.90 1835.583 -3.11 1835.750 -3.36 1835.917 -3.40 1836.083 -2.83 1836.250 -2.85 1836.417 -3.15 1836.583 -3.52 1836.750 -3.58 1836.917 -3.06 1837.083 -2.67 1837.250 -3.10 1837.417 -3.54 1837.583 -3.48 1837.750 -3.25 1837.917 -3.07 1838.083 -2.99 1838.250 -3.25 1838.417 -3.55 1838.583 -3.69 1838.750 -3.52 1838.917 -3.22 1839.083 -2.78 1839.250 -2.74 1839.417 -3.28 1839.583 -3.57 1839.750 -3.58 1839.917 -3.12 1840.083 -2.83 1840.250 -3.06 1840.417 -3.46 1840.583 -3.70 1840.750 -3.58 1840.917 -3.33 1841.083 -2.87 1841.250 -2.99 1841.417 -3.34 1841.583 -3.74 1841.750 -3.41 1841.917 -3.09 1842.083 -2.83 1842.250 -3.09 1842.417 -3.40 1842.583 -3.60 1842.750 -3.60 1842.917 -3.48 1843.083 -3.06 1843.250 -3.00 1843.417 -3.08 1843.583 -3.29 1843.750 -3.30 1843.917 -3.10 1844.083 -2.79 1844.250 -3.28 1844.417 -3.75 1844.583 -3.92 1844.750 -3.84 1844.917 -3.41 1845.083 -3.39 1845.250 -3.46 1845.417 -3.67 1845.583 -3.65 1845.750 -3.46 1845.917 -3.24 1846.083 -2.98 1846.250 -3.06 1846.417 -3.50 1846.583 -3.72 1846.750 -3.66 1846.917 -3.67 1847.083 -3.07 1847.250 -3.12 1847.417 -3.36 1847.583 -3.51 1847.750 -3.67 1847.917 -3.80 1848.083 -3.30 1848.250 -3.47 1848.417 -3.68 1848.583 -3.73 1848.750 -3.78 1848.917 -3.41 1849.083 -3.00 1849.250 -2.96 1849.417 -3.38 1849.583 -3.60 1849.750 -3.54 1849.917 -3.46 1850.083 -3.04 1850.250 -3.30 1850.417 -3.75 1850.583 -3.75 1850.750 -3.60 1850.917 -3.30 1851.083 -2.95 1851.250 -3.12 1851.417 -3.50 1851.583 -3.88 1851.750 -3.60 1851.917 -3.39 1852.083 -2.92 1852.250 -2.88 1852.417 -3.22 1852.583 -3.69 1852.750 -3.61 1852.917 -3.31 1853.083 -2.98 1853.250 -3.30 1853.417 -3.56 1853.583 -3.86 1853.750 -3.55 1853.917 -3.41 1854.083 -3.00 1854.250 -3.20 1854.417 -3.63 1854.583 -3.70 1854.750 -3.63 1854.917 -3.37 1855.083 -3.07 1855.250 -3.16 1855.417 -3.58 1855.583 -3.82 1855.750 -3.87 1855.917 -3.75 1856.083 -3.26 1856.250 -3.27 1856.417 -3.28 1856.583 -3.71 1856.750 -3.94 1856.917 -3.65 1857.083 -3.24 1857.250 -3.31 1857.417 -3.42 1857.583 -3.71 1857.750 -3.70 1857.917 -3.27 1858.083 -2.87 1858.250 -3.23 1858.417 -3.34 1858.583 -3.46 1858.750 -3.59 1858.917 -3.48 1859.083 -3.19 1859.250 -3.20 1859.417 -3.44 1859.583 -3.70 1859.750 -3.54 1859.917 -3.34 1860.083 -3.05 1860.250 -3.36 1860.417 -3.67 1860.583 -3.72 1860.750 -3.58 1860.917 -3.30 1861.083 -2.89 1861.250 -3.09 1861.417 -3.47 1861.583 -3.72 1861.750 -3.64 1861.917 -3.42 1862.083 -3.05 1862.250 -3.37 1862.417 -3.64 1862.583 -3.64 1862.750 -3.27 1862.917 -2.64 1863.083 -2.59 1863.250 -3.28 1863.417 -3.68 1863.583 -3.65 1863.750 -3.51 1863.917 -3.22 1864.083 -3.03 1864.250 -3.17 1864.417 -3.47 1864.583 -3.75 1864.750 -3.87 1864.917 -3.35 1865.083 -3.29 1865.250 -3.63 1865.417 -4.05 1865.583 -3.90 1865.750 -3.72 1865.917 -3.61 1866.083 -3.14 1866.250 -3.42 1866.417 -3.57 1866.583 -3.82 1866.750 -3.75 1866.917 -3.53 1867.083 -3.14 1867.250 -3.46 1867.417 -3.84 1867.583 -3.73 1867.750 -3.36 1867.917 -3.18 1868.083 -2.99 1868.250 -3.28 1868.417 -3.67 1868.583 -3.79 1868.750 -3.82 1868.917 -3.49 1869.083 -2.98 1869.250 -3.12 1869.417 -3.58 1869.583 -4.01 1869.750 -3.74 1869.917 -3.32 1870.083 -3.11 1870.250 -3.24 1870.417 -3.75 1870.583 -3.88 1870.750 -3.60 1870.917 -3.35 1871.083 -3.01 1871.250 -3.21 1871.417 -3.51 1871.583 -3.70 1871.750 -3.57 1871.917 -3.30 1872.083 -3.14 1872.250 -3.24 1872.417 -3.48 1872.583 -3.75 1872.750 -3.77 1872.917 -3.44 1873.083 -2.96 1873.250 -3.19 1873.417 -3.58 1873.583 -3.74 1873.750 -3.55 1873.917 -3.10 1874.083 -2.75 1874.250 -3.13 1874.417 -3.61 1874.583 -3.52 1874.750 -3.48 1874.917 -3.30 1875.083 -3.05 1875.250 -3.48 1875.417 -3.80 1875.583 -3.38 1875.750 -3.28 1875.917 -3.18 1876.083 -2.84 1876.250 -3.07 1876.417 -3.50 1876.583 -3.68 1876.750 -3.55 1876.917 -3.22 1877.083 -3.05 1877.250 -3.39 1877.417 -3.78 1877.583 -3.92 1877.750 -3.57 1877.917 -3.21 1878.083 -2.93 1878.250 -3.31 1878.417 -3.67 1878.583 -3.91 1878.750 -3.63 1878.917 -3.23 1879.083 -3.06 1879.250 -3.42 1879.417 -3.68 1879.583 -3.83 1879.750 -3.72 1879.917 -3.46 1880.083 -3.02 1880.250 -3.05 1880.417 -3.38 1880.583 -3.78 1880.750 -3.63 1880.917 -3.46 1881.083 -3.22 1881.250 -3.44 1881.417 -3.93 1881.583 -3.72 1881.750 -3.45 1881.917 -3.04 1882.083 -2.95 1882.250 -3.44 1882.417 -3.91 1882.583 -3.58 1882.750 -3.32 1882.917 -3.06 1883.083 -2.74 1883.250 -2.84 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