# Mayotte Coral Bimonthly Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/8605 # # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/indian_ocean/mayotte2009.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2009-04-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Mayotte - Bimonthly Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Zinke, J.; Pfeiffer, M.; Timm, O.; Dullo, W.C.; Brummer, G.J.A. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Stable isotope (d13C and d18O) measurements at bimonthly resolution from a Porites solida coral at Mayotte (Comoro Archipelago), 12�39'S, 45�06'E. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Zinke, J.; Pfeiffer, M.; Timm, O.; Dullo, W.C.; Brummer, G.J.A. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2009 # Published_Title: Western Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: a review and new concepts on land-ocean interactions since AD 1660 # Journal_Name: International Journal of Earth Sciences # Volume: 98 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 115–133 # DOI: 10.1007/s00531-008-0365-5 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Zinke, J., M. Pfeiffer, O. Timm, W.-Ch. Dullo, and G.J.A. Brummer. 2009. Western Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: a review and new concepts on land-ocean interactions since AD 1660. International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 98, pp. 115–133. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-008-0365-5 # Abstract: We examine the relationship between three tropical and two subtropical western Indian Ocean coral oxygen isotope time series to surface air temperatures (SAT) and rainfall over India, tropical East Africa and southeast Africa. We review established relationships, provide new concepts with regard to distinct rainfall seasons, and mean annual temperatures. Tropical corals are coherent with SAT over western India and East Africa at interannual and multidecadal periodicities. The subtropical corals correlate with Southeast African SAT at periodicities of 16-30 years. The relationship between the coral records and land rainfall is more complex. Running correlations suggest varying strength of interannual teleconnections between the tropical coral oxygen isotope records and rainfall over equatorial East Africa. The relationship with rainfall over India changed in the 1970s. The subtropical oxygen isotope records are coherent with South African rainfall at interdecadal periodicities. Paleoclimatological reconstructions of land rainfall and SAT reveal that the inferred relationships generally hold during the last 350 years. Thus, the Indian Ocean corals prove invaluable for investigating land-ocean interactions during past centuries. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: German Science Foundation # Grant: Leibniz Award, SFB 460 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWOALW) grant # Grant: 854.00.034 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: European Community's Human Potential Programme # Grant: HPRN-CT-2002-00221 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology through its sponsorship of the International Pacific Research Center # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Mayotte, Comoro Archipelago # Location: Ocean>Indian Ocean>Comoros # Country: France # Northernmost_Latitude: -12.65 # Southernmost_Latitude: -12.65 # Easternmost_Longitude: 45.10 # Westernmost_Longitude: 45.10 # Elevation: #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: 09como01a # Earliest_Year: 1865 # Most_Recent_Year: 1993 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites solida # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##d18O delta 18O, Porites solida, , permil VPDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N ##d13C delta 13C, Porites solida, , permil VPDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NAN # age d18O d13C 1865.62 -4.450 -1.580 1865.79 -4.633 -1.555 1865.96 -4.837 -1.590 1866.12 -4.895 -1.400 1866.29 -4.820 -1.213 1866.46 -4.680 -1.327 1866.62 -4.480 -1.660 1866.79 -4.647 -1.337 1866.96 -4.733 -1.277 1867.12 -4.650 -0.620 1867.29 -4.813 -1.370 1867.46 -4.753 -1.743 1867.62 -4.570 -1.420 1867.79 -4.687 -1.053 1867.96 -4.877 -1.087 1868.12 -4.965 -1.115 1868.29 -4.927 -1.103 1868.46 -4.815 -1.175 1868.62 -4.690 -1.400 1868.79 -4.848 -1.233 1868.96 -4.887 -1.193 1869.12 -4.930 -1.080 1869.29 -4.980 -1.093 1869.46 -4.922 -1.420 1869.62 -4.530 -1.820 1869.79 -4.650 -1.840 1869.96 -4.710 -1.500 1870.12 -4.910 -1.520 1870.29 -4.860 -0.710 1870.46 -4.670 -1.220 1870.62 -4.500 -1.510 1870.79 -4.690 -1.490 1870.96 -5.000 -1.990 1871.12 -4.870 -1.170 1871.29 -4.790 -1.050 1871.46 -4.710 -1.610 1871.62 -4.550 -1.510 1871.79 -4.780 -1.520 1871.96 -4.840 -1.500 1872.12 -4.670 -0.480 1872.29 -4.890 -0.630 1872.46 -4.750 -1.480 1872.62 -4.530 -1.310 1872.79 -4.645 -1.182 1872.96 -4.907 -1.413 1873.12 -4.865 -1.350 1873.29 -4.910 -1.333 1873.46 -4.723 -1.655 1873.62 -4.540 -1.830 1873.79 -4.707 -1.380 1873.96 -4.813 -0.987 1874.12 -4.950 -1.170 1874.29 -4.597 -1.387 1874.46 -4.517 -1.727 1874.62 -4.430 -0.780 1874.79 -4.747 -1.397 1874.96 -4.690 -1.333 1875.12 -4.760 -1.135 1875.29 -4.900 -1.310 1875.46 -4.845 -1.810 1875.62 -4.470 -1.510 1875.79 -4.680 -1.542 1875.96 -4.880 -1.500 1876.12 -4.875 -1.065 1876.29 -4.623 -0.917 1876.46 -4.728 -1.673 1876.62 -4.370 -1.960 1876.79 -4.712 -0.460 1876.96 -4.887 -0.747 1877.12 -4.980 -1.215 1877.29 -4.943 -1.587 1877.46 -4.780 -1.962 1877.62 -4.730 -1.870 1877.79 -4.790 -1.890 1877.96 -4.910 -1.330 1878.12 -4.880 -1.270 1878.29 -5.050 -1.090 1878.46 -4.890 -1.210 1878.62 -4.710 -1.550 1878.79 -4.750 -2.010 1878.96 -4.950 -1.210 1879.12 -4.930 -1.560 1879.29 -5.070 -1.370 1879.46 -4.890 -1.350 1879.62 -4.750 -1.480 1879.79 -4.780 -0.720 1879.96 -4.980 -0.890 1880.12 -5.050 -1.040 1880.29 -5.130 -1.340 1880.46 -4.960 -0.890 1880.62 -4.670 -1.220 1880.79 -4.870 -1.170 1880.96 -5.050 -1.330 1881.12 -4.960 -0.730 1881.29 -4.970 -1.340 1881.46 -4.740 -1.570 1881.62 -4.650 -1.750 1881.79 -4.865 -1.940 1881.96 -4.883 -1.660 1882.12 -5.020 -1.100 1882.29 -4.980 -0.953 1882.46 -4.845 -1.430 1882.62 -4.695 -1.140 1882.79 -5.028 -1.243 1882.96 -4.993 -1.190 1883.12 -5.025 -1.470 1883.29 -4.877 -1.510 1883.46 -4.693 -1.737 1883.62 -4.640 -0.920 1883.79 -4.823 -0.962 1883.96 -4.973 -0.970 1884.12 -4.990 -1.000 1884.29 -4.887 -1.210 1884.46 -4.748 -1.597 1884.62 -4.690 -1.730 1884.79 -4.807 -1.393 1884.96 -4.877 -1.322 1885.12 -4.865 -1.135 1885.29 -4.843 -1.113 1885.46 -4.833 -1.455 1885.62 -4.650 -1.530 1885.79 -4.760 -1.130 1885.96 -4.880 -1.170 1886.12 -4.850 -1.010 1886.29 -4.990 -1.480 1886.46 -4.500 -1.170 1886.62 -4.480 -0.290 1886.79 -4.738 -0.923 1886.96 -4.870 -0.970 1887.12 -4.950 -1.160 1887.29 -4.840 -1.480 1887.46 -4.520 -1.632 1887.62 -4.420 -1.490 1887.79 -4.510 -1.100 1887.96 -4.850 -1.480 1888.12 -4.960 -1.240 1888.29 -4.890 -1.930 1888.46 -4.690 -1.180 1888.62 -4.470 -1.290 1888.79 -4.700 -1.450 1888.96 -4.850 -1.340 1889.12 -5.200 -1.150 1889.29 -4.930 -1.440 1889.46 -4.920 -0.930 1889.62 -4.865 -0.995 1889.79 -4.894 -1.066 1889.96 -5.060 -1.373 1890.12 -5.030 -1.525 1890.29 -4.870 -1.687 1890.46 -4.762 -2.030 1890.62 -4.720 -2.180 1890.79 -4.790 -2.080 1890.96 -5.010 -1.850 1891.12 -5.070 -1.670 1891.29 -5.140 -1.880 1891.46 -4.970 -1.450 1891.62 -4.570 -1.650 1891.79 -4.783 -2.038 1891.96 -4.933 -1.767 1892.12 -5.025 -1.590 1892.29 -4.977 -1.727 1892.46 -4.757 -1.612 1892.62 -4.500 -1.700 1892.79 -4.960 -1.385 1892.96 -4.940 -1.370 1893.12 -4.985 -1.345 1893.29 -4.740 -1.150 1893.46 -4.695 -1.455 1893.62 -4.650 -1.470 1893.79 -4.880 -1.530 1893.96 -4.890 -1.290 1894.12 -4.970 -1.520 1894.29 -4.980 -1.650 1894.46 -4.620 -2.120 1894.62 -4.580 -1.750 1894.79 -4.772 -1.400 1894.96 -4.810 -1.523 1895.12 -4.845 -1.355 1895.29 -4.863 -1.213 1895.46 -4.780 -1.465 1895.62 -4.530 -1.490 1895.79 -4.730 -1.670 1895.96 -4.810 -1.250 1896.12 -4.840 -0.770 1896.29 -4.810 -0.700 1896.46 -4.850 -0.930 1896.62 -4.700 -1.490 1896.79 -4.798 -1.833 1896.96 -4.917 -1.643 1897.12 -5.010 -1.415 1897.29 -5.123 -1.777 1897.46 -4.870 -1.803 1897.62 -4.680 -1.920 1897.79 -4.790 -1.780 1897.96 -4.960 -1.590 1898.12 -5.000 -1.590 1898.29 -5.010 -1.170 1898.46 -5.060 -1.570 1898.62 -4.480 -1.290 1898.79 -4.573 -1.303 1898.96 -4.710 -1.373 1899.12 -4.890 -1.500 1899.29 -4.910 -1.947 1899.46 -4.837 -2.097 1899.62 -4.670 -1.950 1899.79 -4.745 -2.185 1899.96 -4.820 -1.660 1900.12 -4.965 -1.800 1900.29 -4.930 -1.830 1900.46 -4.750 -2.085 1900.62 -4.350 -1.810 1900.79 -4.680 -2.017 1900.96 -4.907 -1.623 1901.12 -4.990 -1.350 1901.29 -4.973 -1.340 1901.46 -4.867 -1.613 1901.62 -4.600 -1.680 1901.79 -4.692 -1.273 1901.96 -4.853 -1.583 1902.12 -4.970 -1.380 1902.29 -4.900 -1.370 1902.46 -4.793 -1.685 1902.62 -4.510 -1.880 1902.79 -4.647 -2.250 1902.96 -4.933 -1.757 1903.12 -4.960 -1.900 1903.29 -5.117 -1.977 1903.46 -4.977 -1.977 1903.62 -4.720 -1.620 1903.79 -4.877 -1.820 1903.96 -5.003 -1.733 1904.12 -5.130 -1.560 1904.29 -5.103 -1.820 1904.46 -4.823 -1.933 1904.62 -4.690 -1.840 1904.79 -4.805 -2.155 1904.96 -5.010 -1.390 1905.12 -5.120 -1.835 1905.29 -4.960 -1.790 1905.46 -4.585 -2.100 1905.62 -4.560 -1.820 1905.79 -4.765 -1.722 1905.96 -4.767 -1.733 1906.12 -4.925 -1.805 1906.29 -4.870 -1.877 1906.46 -4.723 -1.888 1906.62 -4.580 -1.860 1906.79 -4.870 -1.763 1906.96 -4.983 -1.557 1907.12 -5.000 -1.380 1907.29 -4.817 -1.590 1907.46 -4.650 -1.863 1907.62 -4.540 -1.200 1907.79 -4.900 -1.720 1907.96 -4.890 -1.680 1908.12 -5.140 -1.730 1908.29 -5.060 -1.520 1908.46 -5.010 -1.810 1908.62 -4.560 -1.860 1908.79 -4.657 -1.963 1908.96 -4.797 -1.707 1909.12 -4.830 -1.715 1909.29 -4.963 -1.570 1909.46 -4.937 -1.770 1909.62 -4.610 -1.690 1909.79 -4.700 -1.900 1909.96 -4.660 -1.380 1910.12 -4.935 -1.615 1910.29 -4.860 -1.680 1910.46 -4.645 -2.020 1910.62 -4.460 -1.260 1910.79 -4.800 -1.530 1910.96 -4.830 -1.540 1911.12 -5.030 -1.520 1911.29 -5.020 -1.610 1911.46 -4.690 -1.480 1911.62 -4.440 -1.490 1911.79 -4.548 -1.257 1911.96 -4.837 -1.583 1912.12 -5.095 -1.655 1912.29 -5.133 -1.527 1912.46 -4.877 -1.547 1912.62 -4.460 -1.780 1912.79 -4.565 -1.890 1912.96 -4.840 -1.630 1913.12 -4.885 -1.685 1913.29 -5.160 -1.700 1913.46 -4.915 -1.875 1913.62 -4.720 -1.400 1913.79 -4.840 -1.570 1913.96 -4.930 -1.180 1914.12 -5.160 -1.290 1914.29 -5.190 -1.870 1914.46 -4.930 -1.750 1914.62 -4.690 -1.850 1914.79 -4.735 -1.623 1914.96 -4.960 -1.587 1915.12 -5.010 -1.365 1915.29 -5.073 -1.577 1915.46 -4.863 -1.498 1915.62 -4.780 -1.820 1915.79 -4.823 -1.820 1915.96 -4.883 -1.367 1916.12 -5.030 -1.420 1916.29 -4.980 -1.457 1916.46 -4.893 -1.523 1916.62 -4.570 -1.910 1916.79 -4.620 -1.970 1916.96 -4.660 -1.170 1917.12 -4.920 -1.220 1917.29 -4.870 -1.650 1917.46 -4.700 -1.770 1917.62 -4.580 -1.920 1917.79 -4.628 -1.390 1917.96 -4.880 -1.750 1918.12 -4.910 -1.505 1918.29 -5.047 -1.587 1918.46 -4.818 -1.652 1918.62 -4.600 -1.340 1918.79 -4.733 -1.240 1918.96 -4.787 -1.300 1919.12 -4.850 -1.315 1919.29 -4.920 -1.390 1919.46 -4.867 -1.558 1919.62 -4.400 -1.400 1919.79 -4.783 -1.500 1919.96 -4.907 -1.267 1920.12 -4.820 -1.820 1920.29 -4.747 -1.890 1920.46 -4.655 -2.045 1920.62 -4.570 -1.550 1920.79 -4.780 -1.510 1920.96 -4.870 -1.800 1921.12 -4.970 -1.640 1921.29 -4.940 -1.760 1921.46 -4.900 -1.980 1921.62 -4.800 -1.410 1921.79 -4.880 -1.565 1921.96 -4.980 -1.340 1922.12 -4.700 -1.770 1922.29 -4.580 -1.460 1922.46 -4.800 -1.430 1922.62 -4.530 -1.240 1922.79 -4.735 -1.685 1922.96 -4.760 -1.470 1923.12 -4.920 -1.405 1923.29 -4.860 -1.760 1923.46 -4.600 -1.975 1923.62 -4.500 -2.080 1923.79 -4.620 -1.480 1923.96 -4.610 -0.640 1924.12 -4.900 -1.490 1924.29 -4.870 -1.370 1924.46 -4.805 -1.685 1924.62 -4.580 -1.890 1924.79 -4.730 -1.943 1924.96 -4.957 -1.763 1925.12 -4.950 -1.410 1925.29 -5.010 -1.323 1925.46 -4.897 -1.797 1925.62 -4.540 -2.030 1925.79 -4.810 -2.065 1925.96 -4.850 -1.780 1926.12 -4.980 -1.860 1926.29 -5.050 -1.360 1926.46 -4.865 -1.670 1926.62 -4.630 -2.050 1926.79 -4.775 -1.730 1926.96 -4.890 -1.293 1927.12 -5.030 -1.615 1927.29 -4.957 -1.777 1927.46 -4.957 -1.868 1927.62 -4.690 -2.100 1927.79 -4.790 -1.790 1927.96 -5.030 -1.780 1928.12 -5.150 -1.330 1928.29 -5.050 -1.560 1928.46 -4.700 -2.020 1928.62 -4.690 -1.630 1928.79 -4.950 -1.693 1928.96 -4.970 -1.560 1929.12 -5.060 -1.340 1929.29 -5.017 -1.770 1929.46 -4.957 -2.030 1929.62 -4.810 -2.120 1929.79 -4.900 -1.670 1929.96 -4.980 -1.717 1930.12 -5.130 -1.610 1930.29 -5.147 -1.723 1930.46 -4.900 -2.230 1930.62 -4.670 -2.240 1930.79 -4.783 -2.000 1930.96 -5.050 -1.880 1931.12 -5.230 -1.640 1931.29 -5.180 -1.597 1931.46 -5.033 -1.803 1931.62 -4.780 -2.100 1931.79 -4.873 -2.215 1931.96 -5.160 -1.647 1932.12 -5.210 -1.415 1932.29 -4.987 -1.870 1932.46 -4.787 -2.120 1932.62 -4.730 -2.180 1932.79 -4.840 -1.820 1932.96 -4.970 -1.360 1933.12 -4.930 -1.500 1933.29 -4.910 -1.410 1933.46 -4.850 -1.700 1933.62 -4.720 -1.720 1933.79 -4.799 -1.827 1933.96 -4.879 -1.934 1934.12 -4.958 -2.041 1934.29 -5.037 -2.149 1934.46 -4.915 -2.130 1934.62 -4.690 -1.610 1934.79 -4.880 -1.000 1934.96 -5.110 -1.240 1935.12 -5.100 -1.520 1935.29 -4.960 -1.890 1935.46 -4.890 -1.800 1935.62 -4.640 -2.080 1935.79 -4.850 -2.095 1935.96 -5.030 -1.680 1936.12 -5.050 -1.385 1936.29 -4.980 -1.340 1936.46 -4.875 -1.995 1936.62 -4.770 -1.990 1936.79 -4.980 -1.640 1936.96 -5.000 -1.270 1937.12 -5.140 -1.510 1937.29 -5.170 -1.090 1937.46 -5.050 -1.360 1937.62 -4.730 -1.830 1937.79 -4.820 -2.045 1937.96 -5.030 -1.450 1938.12 -5.125 -1.295 1938.29 -5.170 -1.280 1938.46 -4.900 -1.910 1938.62 -4.790 -1.660 1938.79 -4.910 -1.420 1938.96 -5.020 -1.350 1939.12 -5.070 -1.530 1939.29 -5.060 -1.510 1939.46 -4.990 -1.960 1939.62 -4.750 -1.950 1939.79 -4.795 -2.080 1939.96 -4.970 -1.600 1940.12 -5.090 -1.355 1940.29 -5.070 -1.440 1940.46 -4.935 -1.465 1940.62 -4.700 -1.910 1940.79 -4.987 -1.238 1940.96 -4.963 -1.503 1941.12 -4.955 -1.300 1941.29 -4.887 -1.677 1941.46 -4.775 -2.015 1941.62 -4.670 -1.880 1941.79 -4.900 -1.617 1941.96 -4.913 -1.143 1942.12 -5.020 -0.955 1942.29 -5.093 -1.480 1942.46 -4.932 -1.297 1942.62 -4.640 -1.800 1942.79 -4.727 -1.753 1942.96 -4.927 -1.553 1943.12 -4.940 -1.060 1943.29 -4.910 -1.010 1943.46 -4.690 -1.770 1943.62 -4.590 -2.250 1943.79 -4.637 -2.207 1943.96 -4.790 -1.580 1944.12 -4.950 -1.560 1944.29 -4.943 -1.683 1944.46 -4.843 -1.763 1944.62 -4.630 -1.860 1944.79 -4.717 -1.933 1944.96 -4.883 -1.713 1945.12 -5.090 -1.690 1945.29 -5.037 -1.593 1945.46 -4.877 -1.940 1945.62 -4.620 -2.190 1945.79 -4.800 -1.510 1945.96 -5.027 -1.793 1946.12 -5.110 -1.370 1946.29 -4.908 -1.725 1946.46 -4.804 -1.863 1946.62 -4.700 -2.000 1946.79 -4.798 -1.969 1946.96 -4.896 -1.938 1947.12 -5.060 -1.310 1947.29 -5.000 -1.253 1947.46 -4.913 -2.040 1947.62 -4.660 -2.170 1947.79 -4.870 -2.283 1947.96 -4.977 -1.870 1948.12 -5.170 -1.540 1948.29 -5.150 -2.103 1948.46 -4.917 -2.217 1948.62 -4.720 -2.110 1948.79 -4.833 -2.640 1948.96 -4.900 -2.240 1949.12 -4.950 -2.170 1949.29 -5.040 -2.013 1949.46 -5.007 -1.907 1949.62 -4.760 -2.190 1949.79 -4.823 -2.453 1949.96 -4.890 -2.217 1950.12 -4.890 -1.790 1950.29 -5.123 -1.560 1950.46 -4.967 -2.167 1950.62 -4.650 -2.380 1950.79 -4.778 -2.410 1950.96 -4.993 -1.947 1951.12 -5.035 -1.955 1951.29 -5.050 -1.657 1951.46 -5.010 -2.123 1951.62 -4.890 -2.340 1951.79 -4.927 -1.787 1951.96 -4.960 -1.500 1952.12 -5.100 -1.470 1952.29 -5.233 -1.857 1952.46 -4.907 -2.110 1952.62 -4.780 -2.080 1952.79 -5.027 -2.140 1952.96 -5.220 -1.723 1953.12 -5.125 -1.650 1953.29 -5.170 -2.130 1953.46 -5.033 -2.257 1953.62 -4.800 -2.240 1953.79 -4.897 -2.077 1953.96 -5.050 -2.137 1954.12 -5.200 -1.790 1954.29 -5.147 -1.980 1954.46 -4.973 -2.200 1954.62 -4.840 -2.190 1954.79 -4.953 -1.973 1954.96 -5.013 -1.620 1955.12 -5.230 -2.040 1955.29 -5.063 -2.027 1955.46 -4.910 -2.427 1955.62 -4.690 -2.260 1955.79 -4.905 -2.008 1955.96 -5.010 -1.813 1956.12 -5.130 -1.960 1956.29 -5.210 -2.200 1956.46 -5.187 -2.527 1956.62 -4.660 -2.560 1956.79 -4.783 -2.237 1956.96 -4.963 -2.057 1957.12 -5.160 -2.290 1957.29 -5.033 -1.800 1957.46 -5.220 -2.147 1957.62 -4.750 -2.290 1957.79 -4.882 -2.175 1957.96 -4.960 -1.793 1958.12 -4.975 -1.645 1958.29 -5.150 -1.617 1958.46 -5.092 -1.878 1958.62 -4.760 -1.730 1958.79 -4.960 -1.780 1958.96 -4.950 -1.700 1959.12 -5.190 -2.000 1959.29 -5.100 -1.770 1959.46 -4.950 -1.720 1959.62 -4.700 -1.340 1959.79 -4.883 -1.470 1959.96 -4.977 -1.377 1960.12 -4.970 -1.760 1960.29 -5.193 -1.817 1960.46 -5.087 -1.963 1960.62 -4.830 -2.180 1960.79 -4.863 -2.137 1960.96 -4.897 -1.603 1961.12 -5.100 -1.450 1961.29 -5.123 -1.800 1961.46 -4.810 -2.260 1961.62 -4.660 -2.260 1961.79 -4.752 -2.007 1961.96 -4.860 -1.973 1962.12 -4.910 -1.925 1962.29 -4.847 -1.957 1962.46 -4.773 -2.263 1962.62 -4.690 -1.860 1962.79 -4.805 -1.655 1962.96 -4.963 -1.130 1963.12 -5.030 -1.495 1963.29 -5.137 -1.380 1963.46 -4.915 -1.865 1963.62 -4.780 -2.130 1963.79 -4.822 -2.588 1963.96 -4.993 -1.963 1964.12 -5.020 -1.365 1964.29 -4.967 -1.287 1964.46 -4.932 -1.980 1964.62 -4.760 -2.340 1964.79 -4.900 -2.170 1964.96 -5.050 -1.980 1965.12 -5.060 -1.660 1965.29 -5.140 -1.740 1965.46 -5.000 -2.070 1965.62 -4.770 -2.390 1965.79 -4.835 -2.572 1965.96 -4.970 -1.807 1966.12 -5.095 -1.630 1966.29 -5.060 -1.520 1966.46 -4.782 -1.697 1966.62 -4.630 -2.050 1966.79 -4.840 -1.990 1966.96 -4.860 -1.343 1967.12 -4.830 -1.300 1967.29 -4.827 -1.710 1967.46 -4.610 -1.865 1967.62 -4.560 -1.580 1967.79 -4.930 -2.545 1967.96 -5.110 -2.223 1968.12 -5.090 -1.915 1968.29 -5.010 -1.927 1968.46 -4.735 -2.352 1968.62 -4.630 -2.310 1968.79 -4.950 -2.000 1968.96 -5.090 -1.780 1969.12 -5.280 -2.240 1969.29 -4.930 -2.130 1969.46 -5.060 -2.330 1969.62 -4.860 -2.470 1969.79 -4.987 -2.377 1969.96 -5.120 -2.090 1970.12 -5.170 -2.130 1970.29 -5.220 -1.990 1970.46 -5.067 -2.390 1970.62 -4.830 -2.750 1970.79 -4.877 -2.687 1970.96 -4.990 -1.900 1971.12 -5.010 -1.950 1971.29 -5.123 -2.190 1971.46 -5.003 -2.120 1971.62 -4.820 -2.670 1971.79 -4.855 -2.690 1971.96 -5.020 -2.230 1972.12 -5.150 -2.375 1972.29 -5.090 -1.990 1972.46 -5.150 -1.915 1972.62 -4.780 -2.210 1972.79 -4.973 -2.523 1972.96 -5.043 -2.000 1973.12 -5.230 -1.800 1973.29 -5.150 -2.117 1973.46 -4.890 -2.560 1973.62 -4.860 -2.560 1973.79 -4.963 -2.133 1973.96 -5.217 -2.347 1974.12 -5.230 -2.170 1974.29 -4.960 -2.287 1974.46 -4.853 -2.667 1974.62 -4.710 -2.810 1974.79 -4.863 -2.377 1974.96 -5.017 -2.197 1975.12 -5.030 -2.330 1975.29 -4.977 -2.127 1975.46 -4.830 -2.560 1975.62 -4.620 -2.720 1975.79 -4.905 -2.720 1975.96 -5.020 -2.400 1976.12 -5.085 -1.840 1976.29 -4.980 -1.470 1976.46 -5.070 -2.410 1976.62 -4.700 -2.700 1976.79 -4.780 -2.145 1976.96 -5.010 -1.890 1977.12 -5.105 -2.125 1977.29 -5.250 -1.920 1977.46 -5.100 -1.890 1977.62 -4.830 -1.920 1977.79 -4.970 -2.440 1977.96 -4.980 -1.760 1978.12 -5.120 -1.800 1978.29 -5.160 -1.830 1978.46 -4.825 -2.290 1978.62 -4.730 -2.520 1978.79 -4.965 -2.015 1978.96 -4.970 -1.490 1979.12 -5.095 -1.495 1979.29 -5.200 -2.290 1979.46 -4.850 -2.590 1979.62 -4.600 -1.770 1979.79 -4.898 -1.917 1979.96 -4.960 -1.620 1980.12 -5.008 -1.603 1980.29 -5.040 -1.450 1980.46 -5.040 -2.160 1980.62 -4.840 -2.500 1980.79 -4.965 -2.470 1980.96 -4.950 -2.110 1981.12 -4.980 -1.695 1981.29 -5.250 -2.220 1981.46 -4.940 -2.275 1981.62 -4.770 -2.750 1981.79 -4.890 -2.670 1981.96 -5.080 -1.960 1982.12 -5.050 -1.690 1982.29 -5.220 -2.170 1982.46 -4.970 -2.645 1982.62 -4.720 -2.680 1982.79 -4.950 -2.718 1982.96 -5.005 -2.580 1983.12 -5.090 -2.405 1983.29 -5.220 -2.600 1983.46 -5.050 -2.410 1983.62 -4.810 -2.810 1983.79 -4.930 -2.815 1983.96 -5.010 -2.550 1984.12 -5.145 -2.383 1984.29 -5.190 -2.100 1984.46 -5.120 -2.650 1984.62 -4.500 -2.780 1984.79 -4.965 -2.860 1984.96 -4.990 -1.950 1985.12 -5.133 -2.170 1985.29 -5.200 -1.950 1985.46 -4.610 -2.870 1985.62 -4.540 -2.620 1985.79 -4.640 -2.570 1985.96 -5.000 -2.630 1986.12 -4.940 -2.210 1986.29 -5.070 -2.050 1986.46 -4.980 -1.940 1986.62 -4.530 -2.770 1986.79 -4.687 -2.650 1986.96 -4.915 -2.785 1987.12 -5.152 -2.197 1987.29 -5.250 -1.930 1987.46 -5.130 -1.750 1987.62 -4.710 -1.010 1987.79 -4.820 -2.290 1987.96 -4.760 -2.830 1988.12 -4.990 -2.720 1988.29 -5.060 -2.350 1988.46 -5.070 -1.140 1988.62 -4.770 -2.280 1988.79 -4.913 -2.832 1988.96 -5.090 -2.980 1989.12 -5.175 -2.345 1989.29 -5.300 -2.320 1989.46 -5.230 -2.320 1989.62 -4.750 -2.710 1989.79 -4.950 -2.870 1989.96 -5.080 -2.430 1990.12 -5.185 -2.005 1990.29 -5.310 -2.570 1990.46 -4.880 -2.400 1990.62 -4.640 -1.990 1990.79 -5.155 -2.380 1990.96 -5.125 -1.785 1991.12 -5.137 -1.757 1991.29 -5.490 -2.270 1991.46 -4.970 -2.405 1991.62 -4.780 -2.820 1991.79 -4.865 -2.685 1991.96 -5.190 -2.450 1992.12 -5.170 -1.845 1992.29 -5.330 -1.850 1992.46 -5.140 -2.210 1992.62 -4.590 -2.830 1992.79 -5.065 -2.730 1992.96 -5.050 -2.055 1993.12 -5.157 -2.008 1993.29 -5.450 -2.350 1993.46 -4.950 -2.860 1993.62 -4.720 -2.660