# Malindi, Kenya 115 Year Monthly Coral d18O Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/12994 # # Original_Source_URL: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/indian_ocean/malindi2009.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2012-06-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Malindi, Kenya 115 Year Monthly Coral d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Nakamura, N.; Kayanne, H.; Iijima, H.; McClanahan, T.R.; Behera, S.K.; Yamagata, T. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Oxygen isotope (d18O) data from a coral collected near Malindi, Kenya covering the past 115 years at monthly resolution. The coral grew in Malindi Marine Park, Kenya, located on the Kenyan coast, facing the tropical western Indian Ocean. This site is located 15 km south of the mouth of the Sabaki River, which is one of Kenya's major rivers. The site is open to the ocean, and the surface of the colony reaches to a 0.5 m depth from low tide. The SST at the Kenyan coast reaches a maximum of 29.1 degree Celsius in April and a minimum of 25.3 degree Celsius in August, as averaged over the 1951-2002 period in the HADISST data set's monthly SST data (3.5S, 40.5E). Precipitation in this area had two seasonal peaks, with Long Rains beginning from April to May, linked to the southeastern monsoon and Short Rains from October to November linked to the northeastern monsoon. River discharge in the Short Rain period is brought southward to the Malindi coral site by the northeast monsoon winds from December to March, while discharge during the Long Rain period is brought northward by the southeast monsoon from May to November. In October 2002, the coral core was obtained using an air drill from the living colony of Porites lutea. KY-ML-16 was selected for the analysis because it was in the best qualitative condition; the diameter is 55 mm, and the length is 186 cm. The annual bands are clear and continuous, and the bottom of the core is recognized as the 116th annual band from the top, corresponding to 1986. The core was cut into a pair of 5-mm-thick slabs parallel to the growth axis using a high-speed rock saw or a fraise machine. X-radiographs of the slabs were taken to determine the core for the analysis and sub-sampling lines along the maximum growth axis. The X-radiograph of the coral slab revealed clear density bands. A set of high and low- density bands with widths of 10 to 18 mm formed a layered structure. The mean growth rate was 15 mm/year. The boundary from the low to high (white to black in X-radiograph) bands was clear and sharper than that from the high to low (black to white in X-radiograph) bands. The major growth axis was chosen for d18O measurements (sub-sample line). Calcite transformation was examined by X-ray diffraction measurements, which confirmed the absence of any calcite peaks (below 1 percent) in the 3 samples from the top, middle, and bottom parts of this core. We also identified the diagenesis of the primary skeletal aragonite and precipitation of secondary aragonite by petrographic analysis using thin sections from the top, middle, and bottom parts of this core. Dissolution in the thin micritic rim was not identified in this image. Powdered samples for measuring d18O were drilled out with a micro-sampling machine with 1.5 mm interval. Stable isotope analyses were performed using a Finnigan MAT252 isotope ratio mass spectrometer that was equipped with an automated carbonate reaction device (Kiel III) at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo. Fifty- to seventy-microgram carbonate samples were reacted with 100 percent phosphoric acid and oxidized to carbon dioxide. All isotope (delta) values are reported with respect to Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB). A laboratory working standard (GS17: d18O = -2.15 per mil, calibrated by an international carbonate standard of NBS-19 (RM8544, d18O = -2.2 per mil PDB published by IAEA)) was used to translate raw measurement results into the PDB scale. The external precision of the powdered carbonate standard is 0.03 per mil (1 sigma) and coral d18O external reproducibility that we measured in this study is about 0.03 per mil (n=28), thus total error contained in coral d18O value is 0.04 per mil. In this study, we apply the following chronology with two anchor points to convert the coral record into a monthly resolution age model. The high- d18O peak corresponds to August, when SST is the lowest and precipitation is low, and the boundary from the low- to high-density band corresponds to November. This density band is followed by a fluorescent band under UV related to the Sabaki river discharge that reaches the coral site in December with the northeast monsoon. Because the coral growth rate changes slightly from year to year, the width of annual bands ranges from 10 to 18 mm (the sub-sampling number ranges from 7 to 16). The annual mean growth rate is 15 mm, and the mean sub-sampling number is 10 2. The typical uncertainty caused by the difference in the sub-sampling number from a set of density bands is 1-2 months. However, the sub-sampling numbers are exact in only a limited number of years. Low resolution caused by a narrow annual band is observed in 1896, 1900, 1950 and 1978. A single anchor point (August) is used for the age model only in 1890, 1915 and 1987 because the low- to high-density boundary (November) is not clear in the annual band of these years. Coral Core KY-ML-16, Malindi Marine Park, Kenya: 3.2°'S, 40.1°E, water depth 0.5 m. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Nakamura, N.; Kayanne, H.; Iijima, H.; McClanahan, T.R.; Behera, S.K.; Yamagata, T. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2009 # Published_Title: Mode shift in the Indian Ocean climate under global warming # Journal_Name: Geophys. Res. Lett. # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: L23708 # Pages: # DOI: 10.1029/2009GL040590 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: Nakamura, N., H. Kayanne, H. Iijima, T.R. McClanahan, S.K. Behera, and T. Yamagata. 2009. Mode shift in the Indian Ocean climate under global warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L23708, doi:10.1029/2009GL040590. # Abstract: A 115-year coral record from Kenya has been found to preserve the history of rainfall anomalies in East Africa in relation to global warming-induced Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) variability. The coral IOD index demonstrates a dominantly decadal periodicity in the early part of the 20th century. This low-frequency IOD occurred more frequently before 1924 with mostly quasi-biennial ranging from 18 months to 3 years events since 1960. The mode shift has also coincided with an intensified coupling with Indian summer monsoon rainfall. We suggest that a warming of the western Indian Ocean, which has attenuated and replaced the El Niño/ Southern Oscillation effect over the Indian Ocean, has driven the observed shift. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Malindi Marine Park, Kenya # Location: Africa>Eastern Africa>Kenya # Country: Kenya # Northernmost_Latitude: -3.2 # Southernmost_Latitude: -3.2 # Easternmost_Longitude: 40.1 # Westernmost_Longitude: 40.1 # Elevation: -0.5 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: 09keny01a # Earliest_Year: 1886 # Most_Recent_Year: 2002 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #------------------ # Species # Species_Name: Porites lutea # Common_Name: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##d18O delta 18O, Porites lutea, , permil VPDB, , Corals and Sclerosponges, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: NAN # age d18O 1886.96 -4.953 1887.04 -5.083 1887.13 -4.873 1887.21 -4.506 1887.29 -4.755 1887.38 -4.545 1887.46 -4.461 1887.54 -4.253 1887.63 -3.957 1887.71 -4.601 1887.79 -4.799 1887.88 -4.785 1887.96 -4.902 1888.04 -5.011 1888.13 -4.991 1888.21 -4.584 1888.29 -4.908 1888.38 -4.83 1888.46 -4.557 1888.54 -4.426 1888.63 -4.279 1888.71 -4.449 1888.79 -4.619 1888.88 -4.744 1888.96 -4.832 1889.04 -4.915 1889.13 -4.781 1889.21 -4.919 1889.29 -4.956 1889.38 -4.855 1889.46 -4.701 1889.54 -4.553 1889.63 -4.142 1889.71 -4.53 1889.79 -4.489 1889.88 -4.646 1889.96 -4.87 1890.04 -5.033 1890.13 -5.07 1890.21 -5.012 1890.29 -4.891 1890.38 -4.738 1890.46 -4.563 1890.54 -4.417 1890.63 -4.35 1890.71 -4.521 1890.79 -4.657 1890.88 -4.715 1890.96 -4.728 1891.04 -4.852 1891.13 -4.914 1891.21 -4.974 1891.29 -5.064 1891.38 -4.855 1891.46 -4.751 1891.54 -4.68 1891.63 -4.555 1891.71 -4.623 1891.79 -4.659 1891.88 -4.654 1891.96 -4.621 1892.04 -4.674 1892.13 -4.773 1892.21 -4.787 1892.29 -4.77 1892.38 -4.698 1892.46 -4.616 1892.54 -4.604 1892.63 -4.6 1892.71 -4.685 1892.79 -4.646 1892.88 -4.69 1892.96 -4.685 1893.04 -4.707 1893.13 -4.801 1893.21 -5.011 1893.29 -5.003 1893.38 -4.902 1893.46 -4.748 1893.54 -4.645 1893.63 -4.574 1893.71 -4.646 1893.79 -4.704 1893.88 -4.728 1893.96 -4.752 1894.04 -4.904 1894.13 -5.027 1894.21 -5.104 1894.29 -4.972 1894.38 -4.795 1894.46 -4.713 1894.54 -4.648 1894.63 -4.591 1894.71 -4.654 1894.79 -4.717 1894.88 -4.737 1894.96 -4.715 1895.04 -4.836 1895.13 -4.905 1895.21 -4.881 1895.29 -4.829 1895.38 -4.766 1895.46 -4.664 1895.54 -4.563 1895.63 -4.453 1895.71 -4.641 1895.79 -4.621 1895.88 -4.555 1895.96 -4.51 1896.04 -4.545 1896.13 -4.626 1896.21 -4.634 1896.29 -4.613 1896.38 -4.537 1896.46 -4.452 1896.54 -4.418 1896.63 -4.391 1896.71 -4.392 1896.79 -4.53 1896.88 -4.548 1896.96 -4.421 1897.04 -4.654 1897.13 -4.852 1897.21 -4.967 1897.29 -4.95 1897.38 -4.863 1897.46 -4.654 1897.54 -4.553 1897.63 -4.528 1897.71 -4.628 1897.79 -4.712 1897.88 -4.681 1897.96 -4.831 1898.04 -4.88 1898.13 -5.016 1898.21 -5.065 1898.29 -4.941 1898.38 -4.959 1898.46 -4.771 1898.54 -4.591 1898.63 -4.579 1898.71 -4.673 1898.79 -4.819 1898.88 -4.994 1898.96 -4.894 1899.04 -4.779 1899.13 -4.696 1899.21 -4.744 1899.29 -4.656 1899.38 -4.689 1899.46 -4.655 1899.54 -4.682 1899.63 -4.47 1899.71 -4.492 1899.79 -4.483 1899.88 -4.492 1899.96 -4.532 1900.04 -4.579 1900.13 -4.668 1900.21 -4.767 1900.29 -4.751 1900.38 -4.686 1900.46 -4.591 1900.54 -4.433 1900.63 -4.275 1900.71 -4.365 1900.79 -4.534 1900.88 -4.625 1900.96 -4.794 1901.04 -5.013 1901.13 -5.051 1901.21 -5.068 1901.29 -4.923 1901.38 -4.752 1901.46 -4.568 1901.54 -4.45 1901.63 -4.404 1901.71 -4.66 1901.79 -4.741 1901.88 -4.675 1901.96 -5.005 1902.04 -5.111 1902.13 -5.211 1902.21 -5.125 1902.29 -5.033 1902.38 -4.887 1902.46 -4.865 1902.54 -4.836 1902.63 -4.771 1902.71 -4.792 1902.79 -4.907 1902.88 -5.075 1902.96 -5.181 1903.04 -5.231 1903.13 -5.255 1903.21 -5.209 1903.29 -5.081 1903.38 -4.995 1903.46 -4.849 1903.54 -4.766 1903.63 -4.718 1903.71 -4.912 1903.79 -4.973 1903.88 -4.922 1903.96 -4.991 1904.04 -5.026 1904.13 -5.181 1904.21 -5.161 1904.29 -5.017 1904.38 -4.864 1904.46 -4.732 1904.54 -4.689 1904.63 -4.531 1904.71 -4.62 1904.79 -4.686 1904.88 -4.699 1904.96 -4.798 1905.04 -4.949 1905.13 -5.011 1905.21 -5.052 1905.29 -4.952 1905.38 -4.919 1905.46 -4.788 1905.54 -4.586 1905.63 -4.468 1905.71 -4.687 1905.79 -4.892 1905.88 -4.929 1905.96 -5.018 1906.04 -5.167 1906.13 -5.071 1906.21 -5.234 1906.29 -5.177 1906.38 -5.023 1906.46 -4.846 1906.54 -4.681 1906.63 -4.61 1906.71 -4.633 1906.79 -4.656 1906.88 -4.683 1906.96 -4.803 1907.04 -4.954 1907.13 -5.014 1907.21 -5.031 1907.29 -5.044 1907.38 -4.832 1907.46 -4.628 1907.54 -4.604 1907.63 -4.486 1907.71 -4.711 1907.79 -4.762 1907.88 -4.722 1907.96 -4.688 1908.04 -4.752 1908.13 -5.112 1908.21 -5.112 1908.29 -4.758 1908.38 -4.693 1908.46 -4.814 1908.54 -4.697 1908.63 -4.675 1908.71 -4.751 1908.79 -4.728 1908.88 -4.69 1908.96 -4.751 1909.04 -4.898 1909.13 -5.007 1909.21 -5.041 1909.29 -4.897 1909.38 -4.853 1909.46 -4.763 1909.54 -4.502 1909.63 -4.263 1909.71 -4.53 1909.79 -4.657 1909.88 -4.677 1909.96 -4.692 1910.04 -4.765 1910.13 -4.853 1910.21 -4.939 1910.29 -4.922 1910.38 -4.733 1910.46 -4.724 1910.54 -4.562 1910.63 -4.525 1910.71 -4.675 1910.79 -4.591 1910.88 -4.5 1910.96 -4.526 1911.04 -4.829 1911.13 -4.859 1911.21 -4.867 1911.29 -4.959 1911.38 -4.748 1911.46 -4.583 1911.54 -4.452 1911.63 -4.318 1911.71 -4.66 1911.79 -4.593 1911.88 -4.678 1911.96 -4.749 1912.04 -4.923 1912.13 -5.038 1912.21 -5.076 1912.29 -5.01 1912.38 -4.686 1912.46 -4.67 1912.54 -4.699 1912.63 -4.533 1912.71 -4.709 1912.79 -4.599 1912.88 -4.628 1912.96 -4.866 1913.04 -5.065 1913.13 -5.117 1913.21 -4.964 1913.29 -4.852 1913.38 -4.767 1913.46 -4.656 1913.54 -4.571 1913.63 -4.497 1913.71 -4.605 1913.79 -4.615 1913.88 -4.693 1913.96 -4.858 1914.04 -4.886 1914.13 -4.952 1914.21 -5.104 1914.29 -5.134 1914.38 -5.082 1914.46 -4.872 1914.54 -4.763 1914.63 -4.723 1914.71 -4.787 1914.79 -4.754 1914.88 -4.908 1914.96 -5.016 1915.04 -5.023 1915.13 -4.932 1915.21 -4.767 1915.29 -4.812 1915.38 -4.605 1915.46 -4.589 1915.54 -4.524 1915.63 -4.46 1915.71 -4.593 1915.79 -4.762 1915.88 -4.968 1915.96 -5.055 1916.04 -5.04 1916.13 -4.925 1916.21 -4.788 1916.29 -4.634 1916.38 -4.463 1916.46 -4.452 1916.54 -4.424 1916.63 -4.385 1916.71 -4.699 1916.79 -4.727 1916.88 -4.794 1916.96 -4.858 1917.04 -5.004 1917.13 -4.951 1917.21 -4.862 1917.29 -4.788 1917.38 -4.628 1917.46 -4.528 1917.54 -4.478 1917.63 -4.462 1917.71 -4.585 1917.79 -4.596 1917.88 -4.606 1917.96 -4.649 1918.04 -4.753 1918.13 -4.839 1918.21 -4.9 1918.29 -4.834 1918.38 -4.739 1918.46 -4.7 1918.54 -4.604 1918.63 -4.454 1918.71 -4.628 1918.79 -4.63 1918.88 -4.713 1918.96 -4.89 1919.04 -5.009 1919.13 -5.04 1919.21 -5.16 1919.29 -4.997 1919.38 -4.758 1919.46 -4.604 1919.54 -4.57 1919.63 -4.569 1919.71 -4.729 1919.79 -4.827 1919.88 -4.822 1919.96 -4.921 1920.04 -4.927 1920.13 -4.982 1920.21 -5.134 1920.29 -5.11 1920.38 -5.017 1920.46 -4.898 1920.54 -4.749 1920.63 -4.564 1920.71 -4.598 1920.79 -4.682 1920.88 -4.669 1920.96 -4.748 1921.04 -4.95 1921.13 -5.128 1921.21 -5.171 1921.29 -5 1921.38 -4.804 1921.46 -4.684 1921.54 -4.611 1921.63 -4.541 1921.71 -4.734 1921.79 -4.637 1921.88 -4.616 1921.96 -4.696 1922.04 -4.841 1922.13 -4.934 1922.21 -4.951 1922.29 -4.904 1922.38 -4.819 1922.46 -4.63 1922.54 -4.522 1922.63 -4.467 1922.71 -4.518 1922.79 -4.745 1922.88 -4.793 1922.96 -4.762 1923.04 -4.766 1923.13 -4.942 1923.21 -5.008 1923.29 -4.815 1923.38 -4.689 1923.46 -4.611 1923.54 -4.535 1923.63 -4.396 1923.71 -4.604 1923.79 -4.639 1923.88 -4.685 1923.96 -4.894 1924.04 -5.024 1924.13 -5.083 1924.21 -5.032 1924.29 -4.936 1924.38 -4.81 1924.46 -4.685 1924.54 -4.569 1924.63 -4.458 1924.71 -4.617 1924.79 -4.701 1924.88 -4.675 1924.96 -4.626 1925.04 -4.863 1925.13 -4.958 1925.21 -4.932 1925.29 -4.764 1925.38 -4.717 1925.46 -4.671 1925.54 -4.582 1925.63 -4.386 1925.71 -4.467 1925.79 -4.578 1925.88 -4.642 1925.96 -4.696 1926.04 -4.827 1926.13 -5.031 1926.21 -5.074 1926.29 -4.894 1926.38 -4.719 1926.46 -4.628 1926.54 -4.569 1926.63 -4.485 1926.71 -4.504 1926.79 -4.491 1926.88 -4.444 1926.96 -4.658 1927.04 -4.742 1927.13 -4.75 1927.21 -4.786 1927.29 -4.902 1927.38 -4.696 1927.46 -4.605 1927.54 -4.559 1927.63 -4.485 1927.71 -4.631 1927.79 -4.657 1927.88 -4.675 1927.96 -4.861 1928.04 -4.9 1928.13 -5.01 1928.21 -5.084 1928.29 -5.075 1928.38 -4.923 1928.46 -4.763 1928.54 -4.594 1928.63 -4.375 1928.71 -4.552 1928.79 -4.712 1928.88 -4.801 1928.96 -4.985 1929.04 -5.076 1929.13 -5.107 1929.21 -5.069 1929.29 -4.889 1929.38 -4.705 1929.46 -4.655 1929.54 -4.589 1929.63 -4.505 1929.71 -4.588 1929.79 -4.709 1929.88 -4.84 1929.96 -5.039 1930.04 -5.063 1930.13 -5.031 1930.21 -4.978 1930.29 -4.903 1930.38 -4.68 1930.46 -4.605 1930.54 -4.57 1930.63 -4.468 1930.71 -4.717 1930.79 -4.767 1930.88 -4.86 1930.96 -4.975 1931.04 -5.086 1931.13 -5.2 1931.21 -5.223 1931.29 -5.02 1931.38 -4.832 1931.46 -4.791 1931.54 -4.698 1931.63 -4.616 1931.71 -4.825 1931.79 -4.718 1931.88 -4.62 1931.96 -4.626 1932.04 -4.775 1932.13 -4.889 1932.21 -4.94 1932.29 -4.865 1932.38 -4.759 1932.46 -4.691 1932.54 -4.64 1932.63 -4.597 1932.71 -4.684 1932.79 -4.606 1932.88 -4.712 1932.96 -4.927 1933.04 -4.979 1933.13 -5.011 1933.21 -5.043 1933.29 -4.943 1933.38 -4.818 1933.46 -4.764 1933.54 -4.667 1933.63 -4.526 1933.71 -4.535 1933.79 -4.471 1933.88 -4.599 1933.96 -4.724 1934.04 -4.888 1934.13 -5.006 1934.21 -5.063 1934.29 -5.002 1934.38 -4.917 1934.46 -4.898 1934.54 -4.785 1934.63 -4.588 1934.71 -4.639 1934.79 -4.703 1934.88 -4.687 1934.96 -4.952 1935.04 -5.027 1935.13 -5.083 1935.21 -5.15 1935.29 -4.979 1935.38 -4.777 1935.46 -4.775 1935.54 -4.715 1935.63 -4.603 1935.71 -4.738 1935.79 -4.725 1935.88 -4.769 1935.96 -4.937 1936.04 -5.168 1936.13 -5.238 1936.21 -5.26 1936.29 -5.27 1936.38 -4.915 1936.46 NAN 1936.54 NAN 1936.63 -4.696 1936.71 -4.856 1936.79 -4.875 1936.88 -4.944 1936.96 -5.084 1937.04 -5.116 1937.13 -5.283 1937.21 -5.291 1937.29 -5.185 1937.38 -4.98 1937.46 -4.745 1937.54 -4.579 1937.63 -4.456 1937.71 -4.506 1937.79 -4.502 1937.88 -4.574 1937.96 -4.889 1938.04 -4.99 1938.13 -5.119 1938.21 -5.06 1938.29 -4.914 1938.38 -4.828 1938.46 -4.722 1938.54 -4.507 1938.63 -4.392 1938.71 -4.581 1938.79 -4.584 1938.88 -4.539 1938.96 -4.557 1939.04 -4.731 1939.13 -4.838 1939.21 -4.868 1939.29 -4.8 1939.38 -4.597 1939.46 -4.562 1939.54 -4.537 1939.63 -4.367 1939.71 -4.536 1939.79 -4.492 1939.88 -4.61 1939.96 -4.905 1940.04 -4.784 1940.13 -5.011 1940.21 -5.088 1940.29 -5.053 1940.38 -4.912 1940.46 -4.705 1940.54 -4.557 1940.63 -4.524 1940.71 -4.817 1940.79 -4.86 1940.88 -4.78 1940.96 -4.91 1941.04 -5.106 1941.13 -5.159 1941.21 -5.13 1941.29 -4.988 1941.38 -4.756 1941.46 -4.54 1941.54 -4.511 1941.63 -4.434 1941.71 -4.582 1941.79 -4.669 1941.88 -4.723 1941.96 -4.664 1942.04 -4.827 1942.13 -5.001 1942.21 -5.135 1942.29 -5.102 1942.38 -5.03 1942.46 -4.912 1942.54 -4.889 1942.63 -4.659 1942.71 -4.72 1942.79 -4.796 1942.88 -4.869 1942.96 -4.943 1943.04 -5.037 1943.13 -5.098 1943.21 -5.169 1943.29 -5.135 1943.38 -5.012 1943.46 -4.695 1943.54 -4.665 1943.63 -4.613 1943.71 -4.672 1943.79 -4.775 1943.88 -4.757 1943.96 -4.787 1944.04 -4.868 1944.13 -4.913 1944.21 -4.9 1944.29 -4.867 1944.38 -4.825 1944.46 -4.751 1944.54 -4.693 1944.63 -4.642 1944.71 -4.856 1944.79 -4.844 1944.88 -4.917 1944.96 -5.029 1945.04 -5.041 1945.13 -5.152 1945.21 -5.2 1945.29 -5.107 1945.38 -5.199 1945.46 -4.939 1945.54 -4.643 1945.63 -4.536 1945.71 -4.776 1945.79 -4.899 1945.88 -4.719 1945.96 -4.798 1946.04 -5.026 1946.13 -5.122 1946.21 -5.15 1946.29 -5.131 1946.38 -5.084 1946.46 -4.912 1946.54 -4.758 1946.63 -4.725 1946.71 -4.819 1946.79 -4.816 1946.88 -4.74 1946.96 -4.798 1947.04 -4.992 1947.13 -5.208 1947.21 -5.271 1947.29 -5.077 1947.38 -4.951 1947.46 -4.825 1947.54 -4.708 1947.63 -4.584 1947.71 -4.736 1947.79 -4.795 1947.88 -4.815 1947.96 -4.938 1948.04 -5.037 1948.13 -5.191 1948.21 -5.264 1948.29 -5.187 1948.38 -5.089 1948.46 -4.916 1948.54 -4.729 1948.63 -4.542 1948.71 -4.65 1948.79 -4.789 1948.88 -4.806 1948.96 -4.981 1949.04 -5.079 1949.13 -5.098 1949.21 -5.114 1949.29 -5.161 1949.38 -5.089 1949.46 -4.895 1949.54 -4.726 1949.63 -4.684 1949.71 -4.66 1949.79 -4.807 1949.88 -4.946 1949.96 -5.067 1950.04 -5.144 1950.13 -4.98 1950.21 -4.805 1950.29 -4.647 1950.38 -4.647 1950.46 -4.648 1950.54 -4.645 1950.63 -4.514 1950.71 -4.628 1950.79 -4.754 1950.88 -4.892 1950.96 -5.012 1951.04 -5.124 1951.13 -5.227 1951.21 -5.045 1951.29 -4.913 1951.38 -4.832 1951.46 -4.753 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