# South Pagai Islands and Sunda Strait 53 Year Coral Oxygen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/18895 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/indian_ocean/batu-hitam2015.txt # # Archive: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Parameter_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-06-19 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: South Pagai Islands and Sunda Strait 53 Year Coral Oxygen Isotope Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Abram, N.; Dixon, B.; Rosevear, M.; Plunkett, B.; Gagan, M.; Hantoro, W.; Phipps, S. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Coral d18O data at monthly resolution South Pagai Islands and Sunda Strait, Indonesia. # Provided Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Nerilie J. Abram, Bronwyn C. Dixon, Madelaine G. Rosevear, Benjamin Plunkett, Michael K. Gagan, Wahyoe S. Hantoro and Steven J. Phipps # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-10-02 # Published_Title: Optimised coral reconstructions of the Indian Ocean Dipole: An assessment of location and length considerations # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography # Volume: # Issue: # Pages: # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2015PA002810 # Online_Resource: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015PA002810/abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD; or Indian Ocean Zonal Mode) is a coupled ocean-atmosphere climate oscillation that has profound impacts on rainfall distribution across the Indian Ocean region. Instrumental records provide a reliable representation of IOD behaviour since 1958, while coral reconstructions currently extend the IOD history back to 1846. Large fluctuations in the number and intensity of positive IOD events over time are evident in these records, but it is unclear to what extent this represents multidecadal modulation of the IOD or an anthropogenically-forced change in IOD behaviour. In this study we explore the suitability of coral records from single-site locations in the equatorial Indian Ocean for capturing information about the occurrence and magnitude of positive IOD (pIOD) events. We find that the optimum location for coral reconstructions of the IOD occurs in the southeastern equatorial Indian Ocean, along the coast of Java and Sumatra between ~3-7S. Here the strong ocean cooling and atmospheric drying during pIOD events are unambiguously recorded in coral oxygen isotope records, which capture up to 50% of IOD variance. Unforced experiments with coupled climate models suggest that potential biases in coral estimates of pIOD frequency are skewed towards overestimating pIOD recurrence intervals, and become larger with shorter reconstruction windows and longer pIOD recurrence times. Model output also supports the assumption of stationarity in sea surface temperature relationships in the optimum IOD location that is necessary for paleoclimate reconstructions. This study provides a targeted framework for the future generation of paleoclimate records, including optimised coral reconstructions of past IOD variability. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: DP140102059 #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Batu Hitam Beach # Location: Ocean>Indian Ocean>Indonesia # Country: Indonesia # Northernmost_Latitude: -6.53333 # Southernmost_Latitude: -6.53333 # Easternmost_Longitude: 105.63333 # Westernmost_Longitude: 105.63333 # Elevation: -0.5m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Batu-Hitam2015SW12-C-1 # First_Year: 1989 # Last_Year: 2012 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: Coral x-radiographs archived as supplementary online material that accompanies the manuscript published in Paleoceanography #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## age_AD age,,,years AD,,,,,N ## d18Oporites delta 18O,Porites sp.,,per mil PDB,,,raw data interpolated to monthly values,analytical technique: isotope ratio mass spectrometry Thermo MAT-253,N #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: age_AD d18Oporites 1989.791666 -5.976768626 1989.875 -5.824873891 1989.958333 -5.681944615 1990.041666 -5.635629578 1990.125 -5.921490489 1990.208333 -6.331852275 1990.291666 -6.266115029 1990.375 -6.056450493 1990.458333 -6.012625601 1990.541666 -6.150022393 1990.625 -6.193004104 1990.708333 -6.065925917 1990.791666 -5.998897901 1990.875 -5.908696764 1990.958333 -6.183784561 1991.041666 -6.365681874 1991.125 -6.221160715 1991.208333 -6.22016388 1991.291666 -6.04873311 1991.375 -5.969495647 1991.458333 -6.061689588 1991.541666 -6.201724632 1991.625 -6.124978913 1991.708333 -5.861354161 1991.791666 -5.663012583 1991.875 -5.677463144 1991.958333 -6.142920121 1992.041666 -6.212687664 1992.125 -6.175810294 1992.208333 -6.015942098 1992.291666 -5.956124129 1992.375 -5.989024215 1992.458333 -6.142558597 1992.541666 -5.878357058 1992.625 -5.661017092 1992.708333 -5.593222451 1992.791666 -5.603193211 1992.875 -5.842466569 1992.958333 -6.071772995 1993.041666 -5.960111326 1993.125 -5.991017467 1993.208333 -6.060806212 1993.291666 -5.996999302 1993.375 -5.954129491 1993.458333 -5.72183291 1993.541666 -5.714853474 1993.625 -5.571289459 1993.708333 -5.576273786 1993.791666 -5.818546782 1993.875 -5.953442073 1993.958333 -5.99369892 1994.041666 -5.964018752 1994.125 -5.987267296 1994.208333 -6.018850574 1994.291666 -5.987099434 1994.375 -5.955348499 1994.458333 -5.879156885 1994.541666 -5.714190372 1994.625 -5.506873159 1994.708333 -5.376867712 1994.791666 -5.350014724 1994.875 -5.488680578 1994.958333 -5.981493803 1995.041666 -6.122418721 1995.125 -6.003461072 1995.208333 -5.911279791 1995.291666 -5.90132223 1995.375 -6.003363163 1995.458333 -6.099057093 1995.541666 -5.876217546 1995.625 -5.742866971 1995.708333 -5.534511906 1995.791666 -5.734501268 1995.875 -5.949062441 1995.958333 -6.052077003 1996.041666 -5.83047894 1996.125 -6.046223417 1996.208333 -5.993283412 1996.291666 -6.039808557 1996.375 -5.980951476 1996.458333 -5.900233639 1996.541666 -5.817647316 1996.625 -5.715254607 1996.708333 -5.607257646 1996.791666 -5.799079169 1996.875 -5.972653643 1996.958333 -5.957667564 1997.041666 -5.944502032 1997.125 -5.932888763 1997.208333 -5.925069939 1997.291666 -5.857320444 1997.375 -5.729639321 1997.458333 -5.806762036 1997.541666 -5.770467091 1997.625 -5.582655385 1997.708333 -5.465477069 1997.791666 -5.34217507 1997.875 -5.52354405 1997.958333 -5.499187446 1998.041666 -6.063431701 1998.125 -6.142569997 1998.208333 -6.044941098 1998.291666 -6.167030692 1998.375 -6.026956656 1998.458333 -5.901429959 1998.541666 -5.885875678 1998.625 -5.882516243 1998.708333 -5.808591491 1998.791666 -5.796412012 1998.875 -5.952621876 1998.958333 -5.886683499 1999.041666 -5.89586769 1999.125 -6.01010476 1999.208333 -5.919755448 1999.291666 -5.813349781 1999.375 -5.769585221 1999.458333 -5.957870875 1999.541666 -5.794225982 1999.625 -5.638503358 1999.708333 -5.601833492 1999.791666 -6.05580997 1999.875 -5.982137293 1999.958333 -5.73523853 2000.041666 -5.669532887 2000.125 -5.973428325 2000.208333 -6.09264529 2000.291666 -6.092894445 2000.375 -6.039880745 2000.458333 -6.111560742 2000.541666 -5.914938232 2000.625 -5.637673875 2000.708333 -5.467432696 2000.791666 -5.698900966 2000.875 -5.888555529 2000.958333 -6.063276787 2001.041666 -6.249944343 2001.125 -6.335811605 2001.208333 -6.33904675 2001.291666 -6.303455581 2001.375 -6.272842035 2001.458333 -6.104580434 2001.541666 -6.009639181 2001.625 -5.913003519 2001.708333 -5.739656799 2001.791666 -5.804661819 2001.875 -5.86717622 2001.958333 -6.060808827 2002.041666 -6.519161846 2002.125 -6.121327318 2002.208333 -5.917984568 2002.291666 -5.875145635 2002.375 -5.958830259 2002.458333 -6.067171861 2002.541666 -6.093821755 2002.625 -5.94587983 2002.708333 -5.530445448 2002.791666 -5.591631527 2002.875 -5.68312011 2002.958333 -5.777638904 2003.041666 -6.021927282 2003.125 -6.190457912 2003.208333 -6.148615176 2003.291666 -5.954846822 2003.375 -5.816035385 2003.458333 -5.786729996 2003.541666 -5.610099495 2003.625 -5.588537103 2003.708333 -5.408646198 2003.791666 -5.511749338 2003.875 -5.781212466 2003.958333 -6.069601894 2004.041666 -6.229484546 2004.125 -5.907474014 2004.208333 -5.929640287 2004.291666 -5.968741104 2004.375 -5.697535019 2004.458333 -5.853682268 2004.541666 -5.840981832 2004.625 -5.73154312 2004.708333 -5.576272696 2004.791666 -5.643930694 2004.875 -5.645726259 2004.958333 -5.756183591 2005.041666 -5.95985728 2005.125 -5.922417764 2005.208333 -5.858414518 2005.291666 -5.877381846 2005.375 -5.598581583 2005.458333 -5.744229077 2005.541666 -5.737380518 2005.625 -5.813834735 2005.708333 -5.55607856 2005.791666 -5.620829259 2005.875 -5.576001852 2005.958333 -5.706997497 2006.041666 -5.862897259 2006.125 -5.884480825 2006.208333 -6.032245242 2006.291666 -5.83882328 2006.375 -5.938273714 2006.458333 -5.918339601 2006.541666 -5.809527279 2006.625 -5.733916069 2006.708333 -5.553967993 2006.791666 -5.563955947 2006.875 -5.637503682 2006.958333 -5.706263696 2007.041666 -6.066409166 2007.125 -6.06756158 2007.208333 -5.989310265 2007.291666 -6.055511092 2007.375 -6.044527835 2007.458333 -5.940450278 2007.541666 -5.817198753 2007.625 -5.467303262 2007.708333 -5.435103209 2007.791666 -5.630734833 2007.875 -5.710803473 2007.958333 -5.854596843 2008.041666 -6.015559572 2008.125 -6.10322235 2008.208333 -6.165131092 2008.291666 -6.204752686 2008.375 -5.989475355 2008.458333 -5.837262395 2008.541666 -5.764952985 2008.625 -5.696440645 2008.708333 -5.670851698 2008.791666 -5.773207484 2008.875 -5.977919056 2008.958333 -6.020017001 2009.041666 -6.087208622 2009.125 -6.295717265 2009.208333 -6.166121632 2009.291666 -6.196853605 2009.375 -6.284333333 2009.458333 -6.2095 2009.541666 -6.039666667 2009.625 -5.850282776 2009.708333 -5.681 2009.791666 -5.953323258 2009.875 -5.847000914 2009.958333 -6.2 2010.041666 -6.204000316 2010.125 -6.282999684 2010.208333 -6.369 2010.291666 -6.041000808 2010.375 -6.242999192 2010.458333 -6.285 2010.541666 -5.899001661 2010.625 -6.314222629 2010.708333 -5.65050153 2010.791666 -6.035095061 2010.875 -6.198749948 2010.958333 -6.094125549 2011.041666 -6.211749434 2011.125 -6.295895873 2011.208333 -6.275875 2011.291666 -6.212416519 2011.375 -6.138533038 2011.458333 -6.045749943 2011.541666 -5.950167011 2011.625 -5.823166925 2011.708333 -5.694 2011.791666 -5.730249851 2011.875 -5.885299363 2011.958333 -6.03367503 2012.041666 -5.932900443 2012.125 -6.017124886 2012.208333 -6.150549907 2012.291666 -6.303249415 2012.375 -6.440999449