# Southern Mentawai Islands d18O and d13C Data and Indian Ocean Dipole reconstruction over the last millennium #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/28451 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/indian_ocean/abram2020/abram2020-smg01-a-10c.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotope, carbon isotope #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-03-02 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-03-02 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Southern Mentawai Islands d18O and d13C Data and Indian Ocean Dipole reconstruction over the last millennium #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Abram, Nerilie; Wright, Nicky; Ellis, Bethany; Dixon, Brownyn; Wurtzel, Jennifer; England, Matthew; Ummenhofer, Caroline; Pilibosian, Belle; Cahyarini, Sri Yudawati; Yu, Tsai-Luen; Shen, Chuan-Chou; Cheng, Hai; Edwards, R Lawrence; Heslop, David #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: The coral IOD reconstruction data was compiled from one Porites coral record published in Abram et al. (2015), one Porites microatoll coral record published in Gagan et al. (2015), and seven Porites coral records published in this study. Note that this study extends the length of the record originally published in Abram et al. (2015). This study also adjusts the age model of the record originally published in Gagan et al. (2015) in order to reconstruct a physically plausible seasonal timing for positive IOD events that is consistent with the age model methods used for the other coral records used in the compilation. The coral IOD reconstruction compiled in this study also includes the coral Dipole Mode Index published in Abram et al. (2008), and derived from Porites coral data originally published in Abram et al. (2008), Charles et al. (1997), Charles et al. (2003), and Pfeiffer and Dullo (2006). For further details please refer to the methods published within Abram et al (2020, Nature). # Provided Keywords: sea surface temperature, coral, Indian Ocean Dipole, last millennium #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Abram, Nerilie J., Nicky M. Wright, Bethany Ellis, Bronwyn C. Dixon, Jennifer B. Wurtzel, Matthew H. England, Caroline C. Ummenhofer, Belle Pilibosian, Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Tsai-Luen Yu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, David Heslop. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020 # Published_Title: Coupling of Indo-Pacific Climate Variability over the Last Millennium # Journal_Name: Nature # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2084-4 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) affects climate and rainfall across the world, and most severely in nations surrounding the Indian Ocean. The frequency and intensity of positive IOD events increased during the twentieth century and may continue to intensify in a warming world. However, confidence in predictions of future IOD change is limited by known biases in model representations of the IOD and the lack of information on natural IOD variability before anthropogenic climate change. Here we use precisely dated and highly resolved coral records from the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, where the signature of IOD variability is strong and unambiguous, to produce a semi-continuous reconstruction of IOD variability that covers five centuries of the last millennium. Our reconstruction demonstrates that extreme positive IOD events were rare before 1960. However, the most extreme event on record (1997) is not unprecedented, because at least one event that was approximately 27 to 42 per cent larger occurred naturally during the seventeenth century. We further show that a persistent, tight coupling existed between the variability of the IOD and the El NiƱo/Southern Oscillation during the last millennium. Indo-Pacific coupling was characterized by weak interannual variability before approximately 1590, which probably altered teleconnection patterns, and by anomalously strong variability during the seventeenth century, which was associated with societal upheaval in tropical Asia. A tendency towards clustering of positive IOD events is evident in our reconstruction, which-together with the identification of extreme IOD variability and persistent tropical Indo-Pacific climate coupling-may have implications for improving seasonal and decadal predictions and managing the climate risks of future IOD variability #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council # Grant: DP110101161, DP1401029, FT160100029, CE170100023 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Southern Mentawai Islands Coral Sites # Location: Sumatra # Country: Indonesia # Northernmost_Latitude: -2.37 # Southernmost_Latitude: -3.18 # Easternmost_Longitude: 100.52 # Westernmost_Longitude: 99.74 # Elevation: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: SMG01-A-10c Istotopes Abram2020 # First_Year: 1678 # Last_Year: 1699 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Analytical errors are 2s of the mean. See publication for details on U-Th age calculations # Sample_ID id code for U-Th samples # 238U measured 238U, ppb # 238U_error error on measured 238U, ppb # 232Th measured 232Th, ppt # 232Th_error error on measured 232Th, ppt # d234U_measured measured d234U ratio # d234U_error error on measured d234U ratio # 230Th/238U_activity 230Th/238U activity # 230Th_238U_error error on 230Th/238U activity # 230Th/232Th_atomic 230Th/232Th atomic ratio, x10-6 # 230Th/232Th_error error on 230Th/232Th atomic ratio, x10-6 # Age_y_ago_uncorrected uncorrected age, years ago (years before 2012) # Age_uncorrected_error error on uncorrected age, years # Age_y_ago_corrected corrected year, years ago (years before 2012) # Age_y_ago_corrected_error error on corrected age, years # Age_yBP age, years before present, BP 1950 # Age_yBP_error age error, years # Year_CE year Common Era # Year_CE_error age error, years # d234U_initial_corrected d234U_initial # d234U_initial_error error on d234U_initial # Analysis_year_laboratory Lab where analysis was undertaken and year/month of measurement # Assigned_calendar_year Assigned calendar year in coral DMI reonconstruction # # Sample_ID 238U 238U_error 232Th 232Th_error d234U_measured d234U_error 230Th/238U_activity 230Th_238U_error 230Th/232Th_atomic 230Th/232Th_error Age_y_ago_uncorrected Age_uncorrected_error Age_y_ago_corrected Age_y_ago_corrected_error Age_yBP Age_yBP_error Year_CE Year_CE_error d234U_initial_corrected d234U_initial_error Analysis_year_laboratory Assigned_calendar_year # SMG01-A-10c-13cm 2315.23613570725 4.3651773595132 1122.00124133953 3.57645352029255 141.230349992202 2.37988080936923 3.53482420366299E-03 3.21556057795665E-05 120.264216809423 1.13684784037137 338.258923760233 3.16167441140394 322.251491022064 9.25822247802095 260.251491022064 9.25822247802095 1690 9.25822247802095 141.360751614649 2.38207960052538 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU 1687 # SMG01-A-10c-34cm 2371.09782453115 1.47524263186121 1552.70739098852 2.51486625904369 146.851327841303 1.02090774985517 3.74838350127059E-03 3.51956084390672E-05 94.5098611135853 0.898588172433969 357.464606847604 3.37679861601452 337.1 12.46 275.1 12.46 1675 12.46 146.993491742284 1.02190184963647 May 2012, HISPEC, NTU NaN # NP01-A-3-10.5cm 2953.5739953323 5.90543202773533 954.502312299988 6.20174865165319 142.228826141823 2.38582238157383 3.69009785199987E-03 1.2858986363212E-04 188.267521852433 6.66305016825219 352.831423066315 12.3364844753134 342.166458603958 13.6289825098225 280.166458603958 13.6289825098225 1670 13.6289825098225 142.367510602936 2.38815436438943 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU 1675 # NP01-A-3-59cm 2626.59299288781 4.66078675349452 1840.27131746523 5.096968871595 145.017893397013 2.27746300058301 4.07740443302337E-03 3.51236709127491E-05 95.9536207934431 0.851381088821416 388.975884197785 3.44487197149743 365.90951142585 13.0057968768792 303.90951142585 13.0057968768792 1646 13.0057968768792 145.170539638487 2.27986310945784 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU NaN # P01-C-2a-42cm-2b 2307.55906458553 2.76479637866874 2538.58014326873 51.0002245949902 147.198812470296 1.94787070109381 5.09854206200497E-03 9.25110640453844E-05 76.4141211131687 2.06657746331195 485.67072484932 8.86981100075522 450 29 388 29 1562 29 147.389093095542 1.95040943416939 Feb 2012, U Minnesota NaN # P01-C-2a-10cm 2534.07359928307 4.78947819300687 8414.9418232461 21.4843139232413 144.188867040483 2.26785101189862 6.00797121641811E-03 1.01864430406257E-04 29.8306421556851 0.508360132557626 574.031060374507 9.8238322054691 464.588303583416 60.3494067831047 402.588303583416 60.3494067831047 1547 60.3494067831047 144.391344120722 2.27109305922046 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU NaN # P01-C-2a-84cm-3b-II 1956.51015609417 1.67243670804209 1703.23152739597 34.3691566804413 144.046809217564 1.42016479705689 5.53404525121783E-03 1.266484495968E-04 104.813396266602 3.19670793590804 528.708817883555 12.1457664994486 500 25 438 25 1512 25 144.252880416519 1.42221934493746 Feb 2012, U Minnesota 1532 # P01-C-2a-84cm-3b-I 2356.71144152701 1.91819739310919 2452.47569244951 49.3235528516832 144.721650483063 1.28140025816146 5.58922429292396E-03 1.12834984282201E-04 88.556186277224 2.5224884770979 533.677160839405 10.8158361836674 499 28 437 28 1513 28 144.928955990908 1.28326623053304 Feb 2012, U Minnesota NaN # P01-C-2b-Base 2390.73744522454 4.27670593191546 1311.52107381753 4.15569714832257 145.543048708729 2.32206758954876 6.09726682447847E-03 4.24896263188603E-05 183.2561101103 1.36402053387285 581.893789247404 4.23415723837503 563.843097932868 10.6847961743684 501.843097932868 10.6847961743684 1448 10.6847961743684 145.777039197558 2.32580290059872 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU 1452 # P01-C-2b (5) 2428 2 1108 22 143.8 1.5 0.00601 0.00002 217 4 574 2 559 12 499 12 1451 12 144 1 MMM 2009, U Minnesota NaN # SMG01-A-5b-7cm 2358.7360833102 3.6073004426542 5875.18364880464 14.6895711785566 143.758466238919 2.0488334989264 8.05027597112168E-03 9.67705744026996E-05 53.2887245339985 0.64918615151981 770.117184668245 9.39166731666051 688.01134610451 45.6398509463134 626.01134610451 45.6398509463134 1324 45.6398509463134 144.047821192577 2.05299429871093 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU NaN # SMG01-A-2-39cm 2694.89659481588 4.68251185915112 9444.34269788059 22.7217278251038 142.628941289544 2.45595240586885 8.8065625867953E-03 1.23778871836357E-04 41.4327201453283 0.586416472627625 843.572596830413 12.0395111658838 727.921553924835 64.0612924285886 665.921553924835 64.0612924285886 1284 64.0612924285886 142.936158686246 2.46130163044027 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU 1249 # SMG01-A-5b-49cm 2558.19583066048 1.73602895784104 5870.35995212369 11.8913201390408 147.753155457353 1.12789069180013 8.41142276221051E-03 1.00510931672265E-04 60.5217910816597 0.732362269502708 803.095460209329 9.66299900051978 730.382908171187 40 668.382908171187 40 1282 40 148.066770106697 1.13034611716075 May 2012, HISPEC, NTU 1271 # SMG01-A-4a-17cm 2444.64464846724 4.38436353922673 797.244865367061 3.19760690662686 146.038315088455 2.14972164681373 0.008086120504396 6.70934262435869E-05 408.818810462947 3.69560321816314 772.012337063403 6.59000308715546 761.287429678476 8.79409232658838 699.287429678476 8.79409232658838 1251 8.79409232658838 146.353726522616 2.1543668616517 May 2017, HISPEC, NTU 1259 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) ## Year age,,,year Common Era,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,,N, ## d18O delta 18O,Porites sp.,,per mil,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Monthly-resoution isotope data for coral SMG01-A-10c. See methods text in publication for measurement uncertainty details ## d18O-filter delta 18O,Porites sp.,,per mil,,Corals and Sclerosponges,filtered,,N,Average filter of coral d18O variability longer than 7-years ## d18O-anom delta 18O,Porites sp.,,per mil,,Corals and Sclerosponges,anomalized,,N,Coral d18O anomaly calculated by removing filter of variability longer than 7 years ## d18O-norm delta 18O,Porites sp.,,dimensionless,,Corals and Sclerosponges,normalized,,N,Coral d18O anomaly normalised relative to 1961-1990 interval of modern coral (TT01-A-1b) ## d13C delta 13C,Porites sp.,,per mil,,Corals and Sclerosponges,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,Monthly-resoution isotope data for coral SMG01-A-10c. See methods text in publication for measurement uncertainty details #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NaN Year d18O d18O-filter d18O-anom d18O-norm d13C 1678.791667 -5.48142857 -5.56464 0.083208 0.499592 -1.97142857 1678.875 -5.58266667 -5.57047 -0.01219 -0.07321 -2.03 1678.958333 -5.64633333 -5.57626 -0.07008 -0.42076 -1.925 1679.041667 -5.69266667 -5.58198 -0.11069 -0.6646 -1.758 1679.125 -5.707 -5.58763 -0.11937 -0.71673 -1.45366667 1679.208333 -5.64 -5.5932 -0.0468 -0.28099 -1.53833333 1679.291667 -5.654 -5.59869 -0.05531 -0.33209 -1.28633333 1679.375 -5.64466667 -5.60408 -0.04058 -0.24366 -1.32466667 1679.458333 -5.61733333 -5.60938 -0.00795 -0.04776 -1.089 1679.541667 -5.582 -5.61457 0.032565 0.195528 -1.05333333 1679.625 -5.60333333 -5.61964 0.016302 0.097881 -1.192 1679.708333 -5.571 -5.62458 0.053583 0.321719 -1.31633333 1679.791667 -5.56733333 -5.6294 0.062067 0.372661 -1.45066667 1679.875 -5.695 -5.63408 -0.06092 -0.36576 -1.47533333 1679.958333 -5.73966667 -5.63862 -0.10104 -0.60668 -1.75566667 1680.041667 -5.78933333 -5.64302 -0.14632 -0.8785 -1.78233333 1680.125 -5.716 -5.64726 -0.06874 -0.41273 -1.79166667 1680.208333 -5.70566667 -5.65134 -0.05432 -0.32617 -1.668 1680.291667 -5.68566667 -5.65526 -0.0304 -0.18255 -1.47 1680.375 -5.62666667 -5.65902 0.032349 0.194228 -1.259 1680.458333 -5.63333333 -5.6626 0.029263 0.175698 -1.106 1680.541667 -5.602 -5.666 0.064 0.384264 -1.14833333 1680.625 -5.53466667 -5.66922 0.134556 0.807894 -1.41066667 1680.708333 -5.58266667 -5.67226 0.089595 0.537943 -1.50066667 1680.791667 -5.55066667 -5.67511 0.124448 0.747202 -1.635 1680.875 -5.64833333 -5.67778 0.029445 0.176794 -1.84633333 1680.958333 -5.75 -5.68025 -0.06975 -0.41877 -2.251 1681.041667 -5.73533333 -5.68254 -0.05279 -0.31699 -2.34733333 1681.125 -5.70233333 -5.68463 -0.0177 -0.10626 -2.13066667 1681.208333 -5.694 -5.68654 -0.00746 -0.04477 -1.89866667 1681.291667 -5.731 -5.68826 -0.04274 -0.25659 -1.684 1681.375 -5.903 -5.6898 -0.2132 -1.28008 -1.70533333 1681.458333 -5.85166667 -5.69116 -0.16051 -0.96372 -1.729 1681.541667 -5.732 -5.69234 -0.03966 -0.23815 -1.79033333 1681.625 -5.67066667 -5.69334 0.022675 0.136144 -2.09333333 1681.708333 -5.44866667 -5.69418 0.245512 1.474092 -1.957 1681.791667 -5.457 -5.69485 0.237855 1.428114 -2.31566667 1681.875 -5.504 -5.69538 0.191378 1.149058 -2.69533333 1681.958333 -5.57666667 -5.69576 0.119093 0.71505 -2.78466667 1682.041667 -5.51 -5.69601 0.186014 1.116852 -2.578 1682.125 -5.64833333 -5.69615 0.047817 0.287103 -2.62866667 1682.208333 -5.75 -5.69617 -0.05383 -0.3232 -2.43666667 1682.291667 -5.83 -5.69569 -0.13431 -0.80642 -2.45666667 1682.375 -5.798 -5.69484 -0.10316 -0.61939 -2.09 1682.458333 -5.796 -5.6938 -0.1022 -0.61362 -2.116 1682.541667 -5.80733333 -5.69258 -0.11475 -0.68898 -2.08066667 1682.625 -5.78133333 -5.6912 -0.09014 -0.5412 -2.13866667 1682.708333 -5.868 -5.68965 -0.17835 -1.07086 -2.418 1682.791667 -5.89533333 -5.68794 -0.20739 -1.2452 -2.20466667 1682.875 -5.902 -5.68609 -0.21591 -1.29635 -2.301 1682.958333 -5.771 -5.68409 -0.08691 -0.52182 -2.282 1683.041667 -5.582 -5.68193 0.099935 0.600023 -1.904 1683.125 -5.64833333 -5.67961 0.031279 0.187801 -1.69066667 1683.208333 -5.64666667 -5.67711 0.030442 0.182776 -1.72 1683.291667 -5.6915 -5.67441 -0.01709 -0.10258 -1.999 1683.375 -5.6855 -5.67153 -0.01397 -0.08387 -1.86133333 1683.458333 -5.70533333 -5.66847 -0.03686 -0.22133 -1.88866667 1683.541667 -5.633 -5.66525 0.032245 0.193605 -1.71666667 1683.625 -5.50733333 -5.66187 0.154538 0.92787 -1.50866667 1683.708333 -5.464 -5.65836 0.19436 1.166966 -1.91466667 1683.791667 -5.474 -5.65471 0.180713 1.085029 -2.03733333 1683.875 -5.576 -5.65093 0.074931 0.449894 -2.08133333 1683.958333 -5.74 -5.64701 -0.09299 -0.55831 -1.96133333 1684.041667 -5.806 -5.64296 -0.16304 -0.97891 -1.964 1684.125 -5.732 -5.63878 -0.09322 -0.55969 -2.18433333 1684.208333 -5.65266667 -5.63448 -0.01819 -0.1092 -2.07 1684.291667 -5.65666667 -5.63007 -0.0266 -0.15969 -2.11 1684.375 -5.63272727 -5.62558 -0.00715 -0.04294 -2.25636364 1684.458333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.541667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.625 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.708333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.791667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.875 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1684.958333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.041667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.125 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.208333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.291667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.375 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.458333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.541667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1685.625 -5.562 -5.57457 0.012571 0.07548 -1.442 1685.708333 -5.52666667 -5.57347 0.0468 0.280994 -1.447 1685.791667 -5.43 -5.57263 0.142634 0.856392 -1.36 1685.875 -5.71 -5.57206 -0.13794 -0.82819 -0.87466667 1685.958333 -5.53 -5.57175 0.041752 0.250683 -1.24 1686.041667 -5.513 -5.5717 0.058701 0.352448 -1.45033333 1686.125 -5.5 -5.57192 0.071917 0.431802 -1.29666667 1686.208333 -5.439 -5.57241 0.133412 0.801022 -1.10366667 1686.291667 -5.47 -5.5732 0.103197 0.619612 -0.988 1686.375 -5.566 -5.57429 0.008289 0.049766 -1.004 1686.458333 -5.593 -5.5757 -0.0173 -0.1039 -1.238 1686.541667 -5.578 -5.57742 -0.00058 -0.00351 -1.484 1686.625 -5.534 -5.57943 0.045434 0.272794 -1.272 1686.708333 -5.40833333 -5.58173 0.173396 1.041095 -1.209 1686.791667 -5.37 -5.58427 0.214271 1.286516 -0.9 1686.875 -5.41666667 -5.58703 0.170359 1.022863 -0.90933333 1686.958333 -5.445 -5.58995 0.144955 0.870329 -1.11833333 1687.041667 -5.496 -5.59301 0.097014 0.582483 -1.08333333 1687.125 -5.69666667 -5.59616 -0.10051 -0.60348 -1.46666667 1687.208333 -5.73333333 -5.59934 -0.134 -0.80454 -1.74366667 1687.291667 -5.634 -5.6025 -0.0315 -0.18914 -1.54333333 1687.375 -5.626 -5.6056 -0.0204 -0.12249 -1.294 1687.458333 -5.704 -5.6086 -0.0954 -0.5728 -1.486 1687.541667 -5.664 -5.61147 -0.05253 -0.31539 -1.676 1687.625 -5.56933333 -5.61419 0.044852 0.269298 -1.27733333 1687.708333 -5.626 -5.61671 -0.00929 -0.05576 -1.37833333 1687.791667 -5.51 -5.61902 0.109025 0.654602 -1.04 1687.875 -5.90633333 -5.62109 -0.28524 -1.71261 -0.953 1687.958333 -5.775 -5.6229 -0.1521 -0.91321 -1.24 1688.041667 -5.625 -5.62444 -0.00056 -0.00337 -1.31766667 1688.125 -5.591 -5.6257 0.034698 0.208333 -1.378 1688.208333 -5.677 -5.62669 -0.05031 -0.30209 -1.177 1688.291667 -5.738 -5.62742 -0.11058 -0.66396 -0.97666667 1688.375 -5.769 -5.6279 -0.1411 -0.84716 -0.96033333 1688.458333 -5.86666667 -5.62817 -0.2385 -1.43196 -1.28866667 1688.541667 -5.74433333 -5.62823 -0.11611 -0.69712 -0.81666667 1688.625 -5.64333333 -5.62808 -0.01525 -0.09159 -0.81933333 1688.708333 -5.65933333 -5.62772 -0.03161 -0.18978 -0.762 1688.791667 -5.59233333 -5.62716 0.034826 0.209098 -0.90016667 1688.875 -5.71566667 -5.62637 -0.08929 -0.53613 -1.19983333 1688.958333 -5.894 -5.62536 -0.26864 -1.61294 -1.33566667 1689.041667 -5.755 -5.62412 -0.13088 -0.78585 -1.18533333 1689.125 -5.78866667 -5.62263 -0.16604 -0.99692 -1.17033333 1689.208333 -5.72233333 -5.6209 -0.10144 -0.60903 -0.92833333 1689.291667 -5.62483333 -5.61893 -0.0059 -0.03543 -1.01766667 1689.375 -5.63339583 -5.61674 -0.01665 -0.09998 -0.98589583 1689.458333 -5.52533333 -5.61436 0.089029 0.534541 -0.962 1689.541667 -5.554 -5.61181 0.057808 0.347091 -1.197 1689.625 -5.56 -5.60911 0.049109 0.294857 -1.596 1689.708333 -5.51666667 -5.60629 0.08962 0.538094 -1.24666667 1689.791667 -5.40066667 -5.60337 0.202698 1.217031 -1.179 1689.875 -5.466 -5.60037 0.134371 0.806781 -1.42 1689.958333 -5.43833333 -5.59734 0.159007 0.954701 -1.43833333 1690.041667 -5.512 -5.59432 0.082317 0.494246 -1.51666667 1690.125 -5.57 -5.59135 0.021349 0.128182 -1.44666667 1690.208333 -5.526 -5.58848 0.062484 0.375161 -1.364 1690.291667 -5.61066667 -5.58577 -0.0249 -0.14948 -1.54533333 1690.375 -5.612 -5.58326 -0.02874 -0.17259 -1.48533333 1690.458333 -5.465 -5.58099 0.115989 0.696415 -0.86733333 1690.541667 -5.48 -5.57902 0.099016 0.594508 -1.2 1690.625 -5.526 -5.57738 0.051376 0.30847 -1.608 1690.708333 -5.56466667 -5.5761 0.011438 0.068674 -1.58933333 1690.791667 -5.49933333 -5.57523 0.075901 0.455722 -0.932 1690.875 -5.54 -5.57479 0.034792 0.208896 -1 1690.958333 -5.65666667 -5.5748 -0.08187 -0.49156 -1.15 1691.041667 -5.66933333 -5.57526 -0.09407 -0.56483 -1.266 1691.125 -5.76066667 -5.57618 -0.18449 -1.10768 -1.24266667 1691.208333 -5.65933333 -5.57755 -0.08179 -0.49107 -0.88233333 1691.291667 -5.739 -5.57933 -0.15967 -0.95866 -1.174 1691.375 -5.59166667 -5.58153 -0.01014 -0.06087 -1.14166667 1691.458333 -5.554 -5.58411 0.030112 0.180796 -0.92866667 1691.541667 -5.466 -5.58705 0.12105 0.7268 -1.144 1691.625 -5.41666667 -5.5903 0.173629 1.042495 -1.11 1691.708333 -5.40466667 -5.5938 0.189131 1.135571 -1.153 1691.791667 -5.31866667 -5.5975 0.278835 1.674168 -1.01633333 1691.875 -5.475 -5.60136 0.126356 0.758662 -1.515 1691.958333 -5.48333333 -5.60531 0.121979 0.73238 -1.21 1692.041667 -5.53 -5.60933 0.079325 0.476279 -1.164 1692.125 -5.566 -5.61335 0.047347 0.284278 -1.26 1692.208333 -5.59733333 -5.61733 0.019998 0.120068 -1.45366667 1692.291667 -5.571 -5.62123 0.050234 0.30161 -1.099 1692.375 -5.665 -5.62502 -0.03998 -0.24004 -1.065 1692.458333 -5.76466667 -5.62867 -0.13599 -0.81651 -1.44266667 1692.541667 -5.598 -5.63218 0.034181 0.20523 -1.196 1692.625 -5.52666667 -5.63553 0.108859 0.653603 -0.87733333 1692.708333 -5.602 -5.63869 0.036692 0.220304 -1.02566667 1692.791667 -5.525 -5.64167 0.116668 0.700491 -1.331 1692.875 -5.682 -5.64444 -0.03756 -0.2255 -1.189 1692.958333 -5.705 -5.647 -0.058 -0.34822 -1.23833333 1693.041667 -5.78066667 -5.64934 -0.13132 -0.78848 -1.08 1693.125 -5.89333333 -5.65145 -0.24188 -1.45229 -1.04333333 1693.208333 -5.852 -5.65332 -0.19868 -1.1929 -0.934 1693.291667 -5.86066667 -5.65495 -0.20572 -1.23516 -1.17866667 1693.375 -5.82733333 -5.65633 -0.171 -1.02672 -1.59366667 1693.458333 -5.80366667 -5.65747 -0.1462 -0.87779 -1.498 1693.541667 -5.737 -5.65836 -0.07864 -0.47218 -1.417 1693.625 -5.638 -5.65899 0.020993 0.126044 -1.58 1693.708333 -5.672 -5.65937 -0.01263 -0.07581 -1.42066667 1693.791667 -5.60533333 -5.65951 0.054173 0.325262 -1.054 1693.875 -5.69666667 -5.6594 -0.03727 -0.22377 -1.39733333 1693.958333 -5.83533333 -5.65905 -0.17628 -1.05841 -1.5115 1694.041667 -5.869 -5.65848 -0.21052 -1.26399 -1.48116667 1694.125 -5.67666667 -5.65768 -0.01898 -0.11397 -1.277 1694.208333 -5.73766667 -5.65668 -0.08099 -0.48628 -1.25066667 1694.291667 -5.69166667 -5.65548 -0.03619 -0.21729 -1.076 1694.375 -5.67066667 -5.65411 -0.01656 -0.09943 -1.28266667 1694.458333 -5.786 -5.6526 -0.1334 -0.80097 -1.44466667 1694.541667 -5.77066667 -5.65098 -0.11969 -0.71864 -1.08266667 1694.625 -5.63466667 -5.64928 0.014612 0.087734 -1.16666667 1694.708333 -5.53333333 -5.64754 0.114203 0.685691 -1.344 1694.791667 -5.50233333 -5.64578 0.143448 0.861281 -1.07866667 1694.875 -5.58533333 -5.64405 0.058712 0.352516 -0.901 1694.958333 -5.566 -5.64236 0.076357 0.458459 -0.95 1695.041667 -5.55466667 -5.64074 0.086073 0.516797 -0.912 1695.125 -5.60666667 -5.63921 0.032548 0.195422 -0.99566667 1695.208333 -5.628 -5.6378 0.009797 0.058822 -0.94 1695.291667 -5.56133333 -5.6365 0.075167 0.451316 -1.00666667 1695.375 -5.52 -5.63534 0.115338 0.692504 -0.98633333 1695.458333 -5.508 -5.63432 0.126323 0.758461 -1.1 1695.541667 -5.504 -5.63347 0.129473 0.777372 -1.193 1695.625 -5.54 -5.6328 0.092801 0.557189 -1.31 1695.708333 -5.486 -5.63232 0.146317 0.878506 -1.244 1695.791667 -5.464 -5.63203 0.168026 1.008854 -1.48866667 1695.875 -5.50933333 -5.63193 0.1226 0.73611 -1.69066667 1695.958333 -5.65733333 -5.63204 -0.02529 -0.15187 -1.57866667 1696.041667 -5.60466667 -5.63234 0.027673 0.166155 -1.40133333 1696.125 -5.63533333 -5.63307 -0.00226 -0.0136 -1.55333333 1696.208333 -5.59066667 -5.63405 0.043385 0.260492 -1.69933333 1696.291667 -5.672 -5.63488 -0.03712 -0.22289 -1.98066667 1696.375 -5.75333333 -5.63553 -0.11781 -0.70733 -1.56 1696.458333 -5.74133333 -5.63601 -0.10532 -0.63236 -1.32 1696.541667 -5.78333333 -5.63636 -0.14697 -0.88244 -1.136 1696.625 -5.55666667 -5.6366 0.079931 0.479917 -1.03733333 1696.708333 -5.54633333 -5.63674 0.090408 0.542821 -1.084 1696.791667 -5.64216667 -5.63681 -0.00536 -0.03217 -1.06133333 1696.875 -5.79966667 -5.63681 -0.16286 -0.97781 -0.83033333 1696.958333 -5.81 -5.63676 -0.17324 -1.04016 -0.69333333 1697.041667 -5.69466667 -5.63666 -0.05801 -0.34828 -0.888 1697.125 -5.69366667 -5.63652 -0.05715 -0.34315 -0.93033333 1697.208333 -5.72066667 -5.63633 -0.08434 -0.50638 -1.028 1697.291667 -5.68133333 -5.6361 -0.04523 -0.27159 -1.003 1697.375 -5.748 -5.63583 -0.11217 -0.67349 -1.23 1697.458333 -5.71333333 -5.63552 -0.07782 -0.46722 -1.44 1697.541667 -5.604 -5.63516 0.031163 0.187106 -1.484 1697.625 -5.51466667 -5.63476 0.120097 0.72108 -1.35033333 1697.708333 -5.53066667 -5.63432 0.103652 0.622342 -1.15666667 1697.791667 -5.54966667 -5.63383 0.08416 0.505306 -1.06 1697.875 -5.66566667 -5.63328 -0.03238 -0.19442 -1.38833333 1697.958333 -5.67466667 -5.63269 -0.04197 -0.25201 -0.882 1698.041667 -5.755 -5.63205 -0.12295 -0.73821 -0.9035 1698.125 -5.668 -5.63135 -0.03665 -0.22003 -1.218 1698.208333 -5.72 -5.6306 -0.0894 -0.53676 -1.26 1698.291667 -5.73066667 -5.62979 -0.10088 -0.60567 -1.17733333 1698.375 -5.69233333 -5.62892 -0.06341 -0.38074 -1.00333333 1698.458333 -5.61266667 -5.62799 0.015321 0.091987 -1.07933333 1698.541667 -5.62 -5.62699 0.006989 0.04196 -1.00333333 1698.625 -5.59833333 -5.62592 0.027588 0.165645 -1.03466667 1698.708333 -5.59333333 -5.62478 0.031451 0.188835 -1.01066667 1698.791667 -5.57966667 -5.62357 0.043907 0.263622 -1.08066667 1698.875 -5.55 -5.62229 0.072287 0.434022 -0.882 1698.958333 -5.57666667 -5.62092 0.044256 0.265722 -0.85333333 1699.041667 -5.65733333 -5.61948 -0.03785 -0.22728 -0.85033333 1699.125 -5.62 -5.61795 -0.00205 -0.01228 -0.855 1699.208333 -5.56633333 -5.61635 0.050012 0.300279 -0.87 1699.291667 -5.64333333 -5.61465 -0.02868 -0.17221 -0.97666667 1699.375 -5.562 -5.61287 0.05087 0.30543 -1.012 1699.458333 -5.47133333 -5.611 0.139666 0.838578 -0.73666667 1699.541667 -5.47 -5.60904 0.139039 0.834811 -0.86