Coral reef accretion rates and marine reservoir ages in Pacific Panama ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, plus the data file URL and date accessed. NAME OF DATA SET: Coral reef accretion rates and marine reservoir ages in Pacific Panama LAST UPDATE: 8/2012 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Lauren T. Toth, Richard B. Aronson, Ian G. Macintyre, Hai Cheng GBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2012-137 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Toth, L.T., et al. 2012. Coral reef accretion rates and marine reservoir ages in Pacific Panama IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2012-137 NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Toth, L. T., R. B. Aronson, S. V. Vollmer, J. W. Hobbs, D. H. Urrego, H. Cheng, I. C. Enochs, D. J. Combosch, R. van Woesik, and I. G. Macintyre. 2012. ENSO drove 2500-year collapse of eastern Pacific coral reefs. Science 337:81.84. ABSTRACT: Cores of coral reef frameworks along an upwelling gradient in Panamá show that reef ecosystems in the tropical eastern Pacific collapsed for 2500 years, representing as much as 40% of their history, beginning about 4000 years ago. The principal cause of this millennial-scale hiatus in reef growth was increased variability of the El Niño.Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its coupling with the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The hiatus was a Pacific-wide phenomenon with an underlying climatology similar to probable scenarios for the next century. Global climate change is probably driving eastern Pacific reefs toward another regional collapse. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Contadora, Iguana, and Canales de Tierra Islands , Panama PERIOD OF RECORD: 6883 - 0 BP (1950 AD) FUNDING SOURCE: Supported by the Smithsonian Institution, NSF, and the Florida Institute of Technology. DATA FILE URLS: DESCRIPTION: This data set includes calculated rates of vertical reef accretion and local reservoir corrections from coral reef cores collected in Pacific Panama. The cores were collected at three sites: Contadora Island, which experiences strong seasonal upwelling, Iguana Island where upwelling is intermediate, and Canales de Tierra Island, where there is no upwelling. Age models were created for each core using a combination of radiocarbon dating by standard methodologies, radiocarbon dating using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), and U/Th dating using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Accretion rates were calculated by dividing the length of a given interval in a core by its time-span (typically using radiocarbon ages calibrated using the local reservoir correction). These data are presented in relation to a long-term depositional hiatus that occurred at all three sites from ~4100-1600 cal BP. To calculate the local reservoir correction at each site during the mid-to-late Holocene, individual corals from each site were sampled. These corals were split and one half was radiocarbon dated using AMS and the other half was U/Th dated using ICP-MS. Radiocarbon ages are strongly influenced by the local reservoir correction (deltaR), which is in turn influenced by the regional upwelling regime. Conversely, marine U/Th dates provide a better approximation of the 'true age' of a sample. Subtracting the U/Th age from the radiocarbon age gives an estimate of the total reservoir age, R. The U/Th age of each sample was used to determine expected radiocarbon age for that time based on the standard marine calibration curve. deltaR is calculated by subtracting the expected radiocarbon age from the measured radiocarbon age of the sample. deltaR provides a measure of each locality's deviation from the global reservoir correction, allowing for more accurate calibration of radiocarbon ages. This information is also useful in reconstructing local paleoceanography. GPS locations of each reef in WGS84 UTM 17N and Decimal degrees: Contadora Island: UTM- 0716970, 0954680 DD-8 37' 53.638" N, 79 1' 41.991" W Iguana: 0610200, 0843189, DD-7 37' 37.166"N, 80 0' 3.344" W Canales de Tierra: 0435784, 0856743, DD-7 24' 1.265" N, 81 34' 56.525" W SPECIES: Pocillopora damicornis and Psammocora stellata AGE INFORMATION: Coral genus 14C age U/Th age R Cal-14C DeltaR Pocillopora 600±25 212±7 388 538±25 62 Pocillopora 1520±80 978±12 542 1449±25 71 Pocillopora 5060±30 5271±20 -211 4914±26 146 Psammocora 2030±80 1450±8 580 1905±26 125 Psammocora 2130±80 1630±22 500 2066±27 64 Pocillopora 4590±80 4322±19 268 4213±26 377 Pocillopora 5080±40 5096±27 -16 4823±26 257 Pocillopora 1820±80 1323±16 497 1790±26 30 Pocillopora 495±25 52±14 443 456±23 39 Pocillopora 4480±80 4162±101 318 4119±26 361 Pocillopora 4580±80 4440±12 140 4330±26 249 Pocillopora 1940±30 1500±32 440 1940±27 0 Pocillopora 4330±30 4440±32 -110 4330±26 0 Pocillopora 1980±30 1530±32 450 1980±27 0 Pocillopora 4380±30 4520±32 -140 4380±25 0 DATA: Column 1: Core ID Column 2: Site Column 3: Period Column 4: Age Range(cal BP) Column 5: Accretion rate(m/1000y) Core ID Site Period Age range(cal BP) Accretion rate(m/1000y) EP08-24 Contadora After hiatus 1007-860 1.261 EP08-25 Contadora After hiatus 1051-0 1.626 EP08-26 Contadora After hiatus 1017-552 2.288 EP09-27 Contadora After hiatus 1520-0 0.763 EP09-28 Contadora After hiatus 1273-0 0.872 EP08-24 Contadora During hiatus 4302-1007 0.12 EP08-25 Contadora During hiatus 4595-1051 0.13 EP08-26 Contadora During hiatus 4341-1017 0.128 EP09-27 Contadora During hiatus 4252-1520 0.19 EP09-28 Contadora During hiatus 4707-1273 0.337 EP08-24 Contadora Before hiatus 5336-4302 1.821 EP08-25 Contadora Before hiatus 5231-4595 3.126 EP08-26 Contadora Before hiatus 5455-4341 1.246 EP09-27 Contadora Before hiatus 5162-4252 2.603 EP09-27 Contadora Before hiatus 5430-5162 1.868 EP09-28 Contadora Before hiatus 5275-4707 1.935 EP09-28 Contadora Before hiatus 6883-5275 0.953 EP07-15 Iguana After hiatus 1304-0 1.752 EP07-16 Iguana After hiatus 1329-0 1.738 EP07-17 Iguana After hiatus 1337-0 2.133 EP07-18 Iguana After hiatus 1533-527 0.765 EP07-15 Iguana During hiatus 4224-1304 0.048 EP07-17 Iguana During hiatus 4278-1337 0.028 EP07-18 Iguana During hiatus 4066-1533 0.123 EP07-15 Iguana Before hiatus 4811-4224 1.794 EP07-17 Iguana Before hiatus 4551-4278 2.281 EP07-18 Iguana Before hiatus 4318-4066 0.929 EP10-35 Canales de Tierra After hiatus 1820-520 0.68 EP11-41 Canales de Tierra After hiatus 1410-480 0.76 EP11-41 Canales de Tierra After hiatus 1550-1410 3.897 EP10-35 Canales de Tierra During hiatus 4410-1820 0.255 EP11-41 Canales de Tierra During hiatus 4220-1550 0.272 EP11-42 Canales de Tierra During hiatus 4554-372 0.435 EP11-43 Canales de Tierra During hiatus 4020-725 0.505 EP10-35 Canales de Tierra Before hiatus 4910-4410 1.393 EP11-41 Canales de Tierra Before hiatus 5010-4220 2.136 EP11-42 Canales de Tierra Before hiatus 5860-4554 1.173 EP11-43 Canales de Tierra Before hiatus 4429-4020 4.586