# Galapagos Islands and Great Barrier Reef coral and geochemical data from 1729-2010 CE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/35193 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-coral-35193.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Corals and Sclerosponges # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/y68n-1x24 # # Science_Keywords: ocean acidification #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/coral/east_pacific/thompson2021/daviesrawdata-thompson2021.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Davies Reef Raw Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-01-10 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2022-04-07 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Galapagos Islands and Great Barrier Reef coral and geochemical data from 1729-2010 CE #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Thompson, Diane M.; McCulloch, Malcolm; Cole, Julia E.; Reed, Emma V.; D'Olivo, Juan P.; Dyez, Kelsey; Lofverstrom, Marcus; Lough, Janice; Cantin, Neal; Tudhope, Alexander W.; Cheung, Anson, H.; Vetter, Lael; Edwards, R. Lawrence #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: We leverage geochemical tracers of coral biomineralization–skeletal B/Ca ([CO3-]), d11B (pHcf), and U/Ca ([CO3-])–that constrain the calcifying fluid chemistry, including the aragonite saturation that governs calcification rate (DeCarlo et al., 2018, 2015). We combine these with paleo-environmental tracers that primarily reflect factors external to the coral calcification environment: Sr/Ca (Beck et al., 1992; Corrège et al., 2000), Li/Mg (Hathorne, Felis, et al., 2013; Montagna et al., 2014), and d18O (Weber & Woodhead, 1972; McConnaughey, 1989) (all primarily controlled by SST); Ba/Ca (upwelling, Lea et al., 1989; Shen et al., 1992); and d13C (upwelling, metabolic carbon / photosynthesis, respiration, and reproduction, G. T. Shen et al., 1992). These new recent (1976-2010) and fossil (1729-1733) Galápagos records (Wolf Island, 1°23.15’N, 91°49.90’W) significantly extend the multi-tracer data coverage prior to the industrial era, which allows us to assess the capacity of corals to buffer against changing environmental conditions. We compare our new Galápagos results with published data from the Great Barrier Reef (McCulloch et al., 2017) to contextualize results from the marginal Galápagos reef environment–a comparatively cold, low-saturation, and highly variable environment. # Provided Keywords: boron isotopes, trace elemental geochemistry, ocean acidification, heat stress, ENSO #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Thompson, Diane M., McCulloch, Malcolm, Cole, Julia E., Reed, Emma V., D'Olivo, Juan P., Dyez, Kelsey, Lofverstrom, Marcus, Lough, Janice, Cantin, Neal, Tudhope, Alexander W., Cheung, Anson, H., Vetter, Lael, Edwards, R. Lawrence # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022-02-01 # Published_Title: Marginal reefs under stress: physiological limits render Galápagos corals susceptible to ocean acidification and thermal stress # Journal_Name: AGU Advances # Volume: 3 # Edition: # Issue: 1 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2021AV000509 # DOI: 10.1029/2021AV000509 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Ocean acidification and thermal stress may undermine corals’ ability to calcify and support diverse reef communities, particularly in marginal environments. Coral calcification depends on aragonite supersaturation (Ω>>1) of the calcifying fluid (cf) from which the skeleton precipitates. Corals actively upregulate pHcf relative to seawater to buffer against changes in temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon (DICcf), which together control Ωcf. Here we assess the buffering capacity in modern and fossil corals from the Galápagos Islands that have been exposed to sub-optimal conditions, extreme thermal stress, and ocean acidification. We demonstrate a significant decline in pHcf and Ωcf since the pre-industrial era, trends which are exacerbated during extreme warm years. These results suggest that there are likely physiological limits to corals’ pH buffering capacity, and that these constraints render marginal reefs particularly susceptible to ocean acidification. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: McCulloch, M.T., D’Olivo, J. P., Falter, J., Holcomb, M., & Trotter, J. A. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017 # Published_Title: Coral calcification in a changing world and the interactive dynamics of pH and DIC upregulation.  # Journal_Name: Nature Communications # Volume: 8 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 15686 # DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15686 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Coral calcification is dependent on the mutualistic partnership between endosymbiotic zooxanthellae and the coral host. Here, using newly developed geochemical proxies (d11B and B/Ca), we show that Porites corals from natural reef environments exhibit a close (r2 ~0.9) antithetic relationship between dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pH of the corals’ calcifying fluid (cf). The highest DICcf (~ × 3.2 seawater) is found during summer, consistent with thermal/light enhancement of metabolically (zooxanthellae) derived carbon, while the highest pHcf (~8.5) occurs in winter during periods of low DICcf (~ × 2 seawater). These opposing changes in DICcf and pHcf are shown to maintain oversaturated but stable levels of carbonate saturation (Ocf ~ × 5 seawater), the key parameter controlling coral calcification. These findings are in marked contrast to artificial experiments and show that pHcf upregulation occurs largely independent of changes in seawater carbonate chemistry, and hence ocean acidification, but is highly vulnerable to thermally induced stress from global warming. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Reed, E.V., Thompson, D.M., Cole, J.E., Lough, J.M, Cantin, N.E., Cheung, A.H., Tudhope, A., Vetter, L., Jimenez, G., and Edward, R.L. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-04-01 # Published_Title: Impacts of coral growth on geochemistry: Lessons from the Galapagos Islands # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2020PA004051 # DOI: 10.1029/2020PA004051 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Coral geochemical climate reconstructions can extend our knowledge of global climate variability and trends over timescales longer than those of instrumental data. However, such reconstructions can be biased by coral growth and skeletal architecture, such as growth troughs, off-axis corallite orientation, and changing growth direction. This study quantifies the impact of skeletal architecture and growth on geochemistry using measurements of coral skeletal density, extension rate, and calcification rate, and uses these metrics to improve paleoclimate reconstructions. We present paired geochemistry-density records at Wolf Island, Galápagos, from three Porites lobata corals: two new paired density and geochemistry records from one fossil coral, and new density data from two previously published modern geochemistry records. We categorize each sampling transect used in this record by the quality of its orientation with respect to skeletal architecture. We observe relationships between geochemistry and density that are not detected using extension or calcification rate alone. These density-geochemistry relationships likely reflect both the response of coral growth to environmental conditions and the non-climatic impact of skeletal architecture on geochemistry in sub-optimal sampling transects. Correlations of density with Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, and Mg/Ca are consistent with the Rayleigh fractionation model of trace element incorporation into coral skeletons. Removing transects with sub-optimal skeletal architecture increases mean reconstructed SST closer to instrumental mean SST, and lowers errors of reconstruction by up to 20%. These results demonstrate the usefulness of coral density data for assessing skeletal architecture and growth when generating coral paleoclimate records. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Jimenez, G., Cole, J.E., Thompson, D.M., and Tudhope, A.W. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2018 # Published_Title: Northern Galápagos Corals Reveal Twentieth Century Warming in the Eastern Tropical Pacific # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 45 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 1981-1988 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075323 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Models and observations disagree regarding sea surface temperature (SST) trends in the eastern tropical Pacific. We present a new Sr/Ca-SST record that spans 1940–2010 from two Wolf Island corals (northern Galápagos). Trend analysis of the Wolf record shows significant warming on multiple timescales, which is also present in several other records and gridded instrumental products. Together, these data sets suggest that most of the eastern tropical Pacific has warmed over the twentieth century. In contrast, recent decades have been characterized by warming during boreal spring and summer (especially north of the equator), and subtropical cooling during boreal fall and winter (especially south of the equator). These SST trends are consistent with the effects of radiative forcing, mitigated by cooling due to wind forcing during boreal winter, as well as intensified upwelling and a strengthened Equatorial Undercurrent. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Cheung, A.H., Cole, J.E., Thompson, D.M., Vetter, L., Jimenez, G., and Tudhope, A.W. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-12-01 # Published_Title: Fidelity of the Coral Sr/Ca Paleothermometer Following Heat Stress in the Northern Galápagos # Journal_Name: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology # Volume: 36 # Edition: # Issue: 12 # Pages: # Report_Number: e2021PA004323 # DOI: 10.1029/2021PA004323 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Coral Sr/Ca records have been widely used to reconstruct and understand past sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the tropical Pacific. However, in the eastern equatorial Pacific, coral growth conditions are marginal, and strong El Niño events have led to high mortality, limiting opportunities for coral Sr/Ca-based SST reconstructions. In this study, we present two ~25-year Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca records measured on modern Porites lobata from Wolf and Darwin Islands in the northern Galápagos. In these records, we confirm the well-established relationship between Sr/Ca and SST and investigate the impact of heat stress on this relationship. We demonstrate a weakened relationship between Sr/Ca and SST after a major (Degree Heating Months 9°C-months) heat stress event during the 1997–1998 El Niño, with a larger response in the Wolf core. However, removing data that covers the 1997–1998 El Niño from calibration does not improve reconstruction statistics. Nevertheless, we find that excluding data after the 1997–1998 El Niño event from the calibration reduces the SST reconstruction error slightly. These results confirm that coral Sr/Ca is a reliable SST proxy in this region, although it can respond adversely to unusual heat stress. We suggest that noise in Sr/Ca-SST calibrations may be reduced by removing data immediately following large heat extremes. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: NSF # Grant: 1401326/1829613 and 0957881 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: UK Natural Environment Research Council # Grant: NE/H009957/1 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: ARC Centre of Excellence # Grant: CE140100020 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Boston University # Grant: Startup funds #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef # Location: Western Pacific Ocean # Northernmost_Latitude: -18.8 # Southernmost_Latitude: -18.8 # Easternmost_Longitude: 147.63 # Westernmost_Longitude: 147.63 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: DaviesRawData-Thompson2021 # First_Year: # Last_Year: # Time_Unit: # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: trace metals, oxygen isotopes # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## Lab_ID sample identification,,,,,corals and sclerosponges,,,C, ## Depth collection water depth,,,meter,,corals and sclerosponges,,,N, ## d11B delta 11B,Porites lobata,,per mil SRM 951,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 2 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.22 ## pHcf pH,calcifying fluid;delta 11B,,dimensionless,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,corrected,,N, ## pHcf_press_corr pH,calcifying fluid;delta 11B,,dimensionless,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,corrected,,N,pressure corrected ## DICcf dissolved inorganic carbon,calcifying fluid,,micromole per kilogram,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,corrected,,N, ## Wcf aragonite saturation state,calcifying fluid,,dimensionless,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,corrected,,N, ## [Ca] calcium,Porites lobata,,parts per million,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N, ## Mg/Ca magnesium/calcium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.024 ## Sr/Ca strontium/calcium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.0194 ## Ba/Ca barium/calcium,Porites lobata,,micromole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.242 ## U/Ca uranium/calcium,Porites lobata,,micromole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.0092 ## Li/Mg lithium/magnesium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 0.0325 ## B/Mg boron/magnesium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 2.74 ## B/Ca boron/calcium,Porites lobata,,micromole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard; error detail: 11.79 ## U/B uranium/boron,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,error reported as 1 sigma of JCP-1 standard;Calculated from U/Ca and B/Ca; error calculated from propagating uncertainty of U/Ca and B/Ca ## U/Sr uranium/strontium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,Calculated from U/Ca and Sr/Ca; error calculated from propagating uncertainty of U/Ca and Sr/Ca ## Li/Ca lithium/calcium,Porites lobata,,millimole per mole,,corals and sclerosponges,raw,inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry,N,Calculated from Li/Mg and Mg/Ca; error calculated from propagating uncertainty of Li/Mg and Mg/Ca ## Sr/Ca-SST sea surface temperature,strontium/calcium,,degree Celsius,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,,,N,Sr/Ca-SST calculated using the Jimenez et al. 2018 composite slope (from cores WLF10-10 and WLF10-3) ## Li/Mg-SST sea surface temperature,lithium/magnesium,,degree Celsius,,corals and sclerosponges; climate reconstructions,,,N, #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NaN Lab_ID Depth d11B pHcf pHcf_press_corr DICcf Wcf [Ca] Mg/Ca Sr/Ca Ba/Ca U/Ca Li/Mg B/Mg B/Ca U/B U/Sr Li/Ca Sr/Ca-SST Li/Mg-SST F750 5 23.10204 8.402027 8.401796436 5877.5921 21.82779235 10.3622697 5.030356 8.816843619 5.580965199 0.925851 1.229686 70.41315 354.2032 0.002614 0.105009 6.185758 28.32949 30.23449 F751 5 23.16122 8.416224 8.415993272 5664.6319 20.92492934 10.55521501 4.80877 8.885711871 5.459670007 0.95731 1.312815 77.30756 371.7543 0.002575 0.107736 6.313025 26.83235 28.8995 F752 5 23.2329 8.438114 8.437881649 5211.1897 19.03984665 10.38160386 4.639375 8.953393847 5.067585739 1.019602 1.436744 88.5868 410.9874 0.002481 0.113879 6.665592 25.361 27.05857 F753 5 23.57522 8.484435 8.484200637 4960.6639 18.37439725 10.53531137 4.368253 9.054061763 4.018763068 1.074812 1.557878 100.6209 439.5374 0.002445 0.11871 6.805205 23.17257 25.40662 F754 5 23.49436 8.472916 8.472681322 4955.1641 18.30219991 10.51040347 4.400923 9.048104039 3.867932583 1.077486 1.542986 99.60014 438.3325 0.002458 0.119084 6.790563 23.30209 25.60264 F755 5 23.35083 8.443801 8.443568925 5191.3362 19.27582635 10.42849733 4.8103 8.94819002 3.815725567 1.008143 1.392936 85.30479 410.3416 0.002457 0.112664 6.700441 25.47413 27.69051 F756 5 23.29438 8.420051 8.419820183 5604.1478 21.14611599 10.35885094 5.079013 8.849053493 4.042958501 0.959531 1.271158 73.36891 372.6416 0.002575 0.108433 6.456229 27.62927 29.55756 F757 5 22.91755 8.373216 8.372987112 5908.957 21.89549453 10.28550091 5.242705 8.786346006 4.372021881 0.928465 1.184944 66.2781 347.4765 0.002672 0.105671 6.212309 28.99248 30.9909 F758 5 22.50003 8.345494 8.345264611 6079.1538 21.43424377 10.43448541 5.240264 8.778089041 4.470451504 0.921452 1.174068 64.76925 339.4079 0.002715 0.104972 6.152425 29.17198 31.17907 F759 5 22.78915 8.375851 8.375620577 5900.3353 21.25761317 10.49655667 5.015305 8.800394903 5.360482627 0.946703 1.245505 70.25803 352.3654 0.002687 0.107575 6.246587 28.68707 29.97363 F760 5 23.08049 8.427248 8.427015104 5326.925 19.14516247 10.23795012 4.626139 8.940004239 5.493191751 1.030437 1.412011 86.90192 402.0204 0.002563 0.115261 6.532161 25.65208 27.41294 F761 5 23.47661 8.479092 8.478856737 4867.7102 17.80731413 10.29068412 4.168033 9.079798065 3.96881312 1.131343 1.621108 107.8036 449.3291 0.002518 0.1246 6.756829 22.61309 24.59468 F762 5 23.62426 8.47911 8.478875441 4884.4915 18.35352103 10.31475349 4.341796 9.042800533 3.493363218 1.097662 1.58453 101.9527 442.6579 0.00248 0.121385 6.879706 23.41738 25.06043 F763 5 23.20623 8.435068 8.434835196 5329.3511 19.44401125 10.43790447 4.633565 8.915856128 3.827473348 1.039075 1.437108 86.55228 401.0456 0.002591 0.116542 6.658934 26.17704 27.05339 F764 5 22.86118 8.395449 8.395217928 5792.6033 20.69137928 10.300473 5.058657 8.859184021 4.207962196 0.963861 1.275771 71.96423 364.0424 0.002648 0.108798 6.453687 27.40904 29.48364 F765 5 22.65481 8.363192 8.362962818 6093.9696 21.69933234 10.45747255 5.19965 8.788773751 4.169341214 0.950522 1.210019 65.50002 340.5772 0.002791 0.108152 6.291677 28.9397 30.56353 F766 5 22.43867 8.344531 8.344301695 6349.6136 22.14065105 10.46768041 5.156624 8.775906671 3.841633979 0.956586 1.201921 63.24748 326.1435 0.002933 0.109001 6.197856 29.21942 30.70057 F767 5 22.49621 8.353183 8.352953696 6145.2385 21.4570411 10.38703832 5.017512 8.793193152 4.77148415 0.962829 1.249382 67.4372 338.3669 0.002846 0.109497 6.268788 28.84363 29.91021 F768 5 22.70565 8.386961 8.386729983 5807.7194 20.32603678 10.33763074 5.022551 8.845609321 5.569359211 0.973521 1.310509 72.52958 364.2836 0.002672 0.110057 6.582101 27.70415 28.93537 F769 5 22.82366 8.398493 8.398261095 5449.0954 19.24996186 10.33407796 4.741749 8.900265572 4.442617313 1.020128 1.419835 82.25074 390.0123 0.002616 0.114618 6.732503 26.51597 27.30017 F770 5 23.0513 8.43465 8.434416295 5216.5701 18.49022125 10.43750753 4.450325 9.005779567 3.576235102 1.081024 1.522974 93.28319 415.1405 0.002604 0.120037 6.77773 24.22218 25.86906 F771 5 23.27768 8.443133 8.442899982 5147.8443 18.86443074 10.23647645 4.684874 8.960456847 3.41982259 1.044532 1.466898 88.89534 416.4635 0.002508 0.116571 6.872232 25.20746 26.63468 F772 5 23.05306 8.416667 8.416435541 5568.5609 20.14083279 10.30453614 4.86221 8.930636402 3.478459442 1.011165 1.355825 78.50062 381.6865 0.002649 0.113224 6.592304 25.85573 28.24162 F773 5 22.77325 8.383844 8.383613343 5840.4669 20.78265473 10.36530183 5.090805 8.832454845 3.720461296 0.969516 1.388023 70.59641 359.3926 0.002698 0.109767 7.066153 27.99011 27.76263 F774 5 22.81 8.377173 8.37694273 6098.2841 22.02791267 10.39201053 5.280562 8.792668286 3.905510503 0.935644 1.178928 64.52688 340.7382 0.002746 0.106412 6.225401 28.85504 31.09477 F775 5 22.62044 8.361172 8.360941975 6215.4549 22.03790872 10.42066975 5.264511 8.763797747 3.895548415 0.93472 1.191279 63.42749 333.9147 0.002799 0.106657 6.271502 29.48266 30.88207 F776 5 22.54839 8.362025 8.361794569 6099.1475 21.29519533 10.34584132 4.994151 8.80676294 3.899068086 0.965574 1.244087 68.61978 342.6975 0.002818 0.10964 6.213157 28.54863 29.99689 F777 5 22.63446 8.38837 8.388138574 5864.5745 20.20739962 10.27708115 4.785214 8.89636714 4.102192643 0.999291 1.344799 75.96506 363.509 0.002749 0.112326 6.43515 26.60071 28.40826 F778 5 22.80918 8.404325 8.404092695 5478.9299 19.17542563 10.38001269 4.65906 8.930065953 3.89121903 1.030408 1.418853 83.84968 390.6607 0.002638 0.115386 6.61052 25.86813 27.3143 F779 5 23.07339 8.439554 8.43932045 5349.6965 18.94401529 10.25784532 4.494117 8.99714857 3.437445927 1.070664 1.491217 90.27448 405.704 0.002639 0.119 6.701702 24.40981 26.29912 F780 5 23.14871 8.4443 8.44406615 5196.7414 18.56600383 10.12907425 4.483327 9.011086801 3.246263945 1.06574 1.504954 93.10766 417.4321 0.002553 0.11827 6.747201 24.10681 26.11198 F781 5 23.36375 8.45196 8.451727389 5256.6915 19.39319321 10.26496682 4.695719 8.954954798 3.091713257 1.017812 1.421016 86.88916 408.0071 0.002495 0.113659 6.672692 25.32707 27.2832 F782 5 23.22524 8.431261 8.431028928 5587.2759 20.55247448 9.803222758 4.995235 8.882750933 3.2588402 0.967532 1.316543 76.02869 379.7811 0.002548 0.108923 6.57644 26.89672 28.84163 F783 5 23.06496 8.399352 8.399121507 5813.3188 21.49907443 10.56172182 5.188291 8.831801433 3.532615326 0.940311 1.222575 69.08396 358.4277 0.002623 0.106469 6.343077 28.00432 30.35285 F784 5 22.78968 8.37103 8.370800112 5961.2233 21.60083899 10.40428264 5.290623 8.786619242 3.845334089 0.93209 1.185472 65.59507 347.0388 0.002686 0.106081 6.271885 28.98654 30.9818 F785 5 22.75022 8.367456 8.367226115 6144.1314 22.18550065 10.31458918 5.290368 8.77061054 3.963341606 0.920931 1.172607 63.60443 336.4908 0.002737 0.105002 6.203524 29.33455 31.20447 F786 5 22.73793 8.364382 8.364152232 6024.0314 21.77674894 10.24157142 5.19037 8.786459833 4.549604133 0.933981 1.20237 65.99561 342.5417 0.002727 0.106298 6.240743 28.99 30.69296 F787 5 23.22641 8.431503 8.43127081 5478.8902 20.14730058 10.38053863 4.895694 8.883030177 4.509027314 0.982691 1.32787 79.22124 387.843 0.002534 0.110626 6.500845 26.89065 28.6668 F788 5 23.57861 8.463414 8.463180798 5040.7925 19.10585774 10.4092554 4.540843 8.991586807 3.959715123 1.040088 1.472971 93.25062 423.4364 0.002456 0.115673 6.68853 24.53072 26.55036 F789 5 23.95755 8.513536 8.513300831 4879.2004 18.78135406 10.18922169 4.381232 9.043485377 3.285250626 1.069185 1.547659 101.7584 445.8271 0.002398 0.118227 6.780652 23.40249 25.54093 F790 5 23.90593 8.496837 8.49660283 4994.5293 19.38626035 10.4066288 4.478349 9.017781192 3.263857512 1.054114 1.498288 95.98968 429.8753 0.002452 0.116893 6.709855 23.96128 26.20257 F791 5 23.75278 8.475053 8.474820309 5233.3635 20.23075905 10.32233418 4.700392 8.932202315 3.209489579 1.009262 1.401058 86.35224 405.8894 0.002487 0.112991 6.585523 25.82169 27.57186 F792 5 23.59144 8.437093 8.436862207 5596.6144 21.89916915 10.38548571 4.930365 8.841422432 3.337539836 0.962828 1.29189 75.19059 370.7171 0.002597 0.1089 6.369491 27.79516 29.2274 F793 5 23.31364 8.403219 8.402989283 5785.322 22.34224149 10.43301641 5.029651 8.813441546 3.527537509 0.952369 1.234685 70.42262 354.2012 0.002689 0.108059 6.210035 28.40344 30.1517 F794 5 23.13751 8.395874 8.39564466 5970.5272 22.48464424 10.29719468 5.048117 8.831511191 3.77160365 0.946287 1.229693 68.44496 345.5182 0.002739 0.107149 6.207636 28.01063 30.23437 F795 5 23.28021 8.420522 8.420291492 5651.1713 21.25413928 10.41931226 4.914284 8.849405014 4.007488144 0.969951 1.296662 75.33314 370.2085 0.00262 0.109606 6.372168 27.62163 29.15215 F796 5 23.58452 8.455733 8.455500695 5239.9633 20.05549662 10.48187549 4.624196 8.923610787 4.122045993 1.019432 1.418888 87.26334 403.5228 0.002526 0.11424 6.561215 26.00846 27.31379 F797 5 23.98724 8.509608 8.509373593 5014.0982 19.48544478 10.32751048 4.346657 9.030058491 3.450928071 1.079307 1.527797 99.07778 430.6571 0.002506 0.119524 6.64081 23.69438 25.80454 F798 5 23.80076 8.497884 8.497648889 5047.0576 19.19849159 10.35771607 4.300694 9.02060774 3.089904876 1.094279 1.551208 99.98605 430.0094 0.002545 0.121309 6.67127 23.89983 25.49419 F799 5 23.28608 8.450069 8.449835547 5272.0778 19.20325643 10.39695687 4.582753 9.003006758 3.16660855 1.077511 1.461498 89.33063 409.3802 0.002632 0.119683 6.697687 24.28246 26.70993 F686 5 23.70069 8.462291 8.46205863 4692.2104 18.2139733 10.16708633 4.90418 8.931321032 20.54217115 0.382243 1.305489 91.65104 449.4732 0.00085 0.042798 6.402352 25.84085 29.01371 F687 5 23.07619 8.404639 8.404408538 5348.2121 19.7043594 10.2496132 4.953304 8.868457801 9.231656578 0.668188 1.252974 78.95972 391.1115 0.001708 0.075344 6.206359 27.20744 29.85162 F688 5 22.1838 8.330789 8.330559208 5708.7384 19.21337731 10.35021452 4.828455 8.86290146 3.739945511 0.958961 1.259578 75.63719 365.2108 0.002626 0.108199 6.081817 27.32823 29.74433 F689 5 22.1922 8.341305 8.341075027 5735.6207 19.09875335 10.4339336 4.725934 8.850281675 2.336046268 1.002647 1.292667 77.71689 367.2849 0.00273 0.11329 6.109059 27.60257 29.21513 F690 5 22.74747 8.389097 8.388865528 5247.896 18.46434122 10.46661906 4.556619 8.902980588 1.918681063 1.024797 1.369967 88.53362 403.414 0.00254 0.115107 6.242417 26.45694 28.02985 F691 5 23.97351 8.48603 8.485797044 4418.9948 17.55848634 10.41508441 4.27145 9.039109096 1.794495607 1.102472 1.543648 112.0894 478.7842 0.002303 0.121967 6.593614 23.49763 25.59389 F692 5 24.26371 8.530537 8.530301517 4391.9357 17.53437173 10.4104878 4.243896 9.067650684 1.552552351 1.115416 1.608183 115.7418 491.1962 0.002271 0.12301 6.824962 22.87716 24.75804 F693 5 23.22485 8.455995 8.455760565 4957.858 17.74938459 10.44196167 4.554103 9.005033964 1.673612158 1.0675 1.473751 96.41823 439.0986 0.002431 0.118545 6.711613 24.23839 26.53956 F694 5 22.87928 8.392682 8.392451174 5370.1804 19.30689499 10.48570318 4.71102 8.8825341 1.721031119 1.02682 1.349571 83.0694 391.3416 0.002624 0.1156 6.357857 26.90143 28.33596 F695 5 22.20032 8.335692 8.335462488 5700.1868 19.13393559 10.27557178 4.658741 8.866061735 1.876124002 1.02562 1.303278 78.87639 367.4646 0.002791 0.115679 6.071635 27.25953 29.04829 F696 5 21.97947 8.310294 8.310064642 5986.174 19.79651239 10.31593483 4.6171 8.836907054 2.031700965 1.03921 1.302443 75.05256 346.5252 0.002999 0.117599 6.01351 27.89332 29.06137 F697 5 22.09722 8.329297 8.329067041 5868.7849 19.43894933 10.29446604 4.661983 8.856207578 1.946232788 1.020623 1.315885 76.6344 357.2683 0.002857 0.115244 6.134632 27.47375 28.85183 F698 5 22.49649 8.371908 8.371676533 5418.6216 18.51363315 10.32196924 4.614298 8.867642499 2.012987547 1.024489 1.385675 84.78918 391.2426 0.002619 0.115531 6.393916 27.22516 27.79718 F699 5 23.43003 8.449481 8.449247809 4639.0812 17.36254223 10.3605504 4.314092 9.015009957 1.560993341 1.087117 1.551856 106.6455 460.0784 0.002363 0.12059 6.694851 24.02152 25.48566 F700 5 24.0766 8.517786 8.517550498 4413.4601 17.27473373 10.52309809 4.107165 9.134273638 1.50396433 1.142936 1.679431 119.3461 490.1741 0.002332 0.125126 6.897702 21.42883 23.87334 F701 5 24.03609 8.488858 8.48862568 4525.0639 18.13464876 10.21347139 4.503845 8.974725205 1.448223086 1.066606 1.501398 103.4034 465.7127 0.00229 0.118846 6.762064 24.89728 26.16025 F702 5 22.77247 8.38929 8.38905838 5385.2797 19.03557127 10.44250671 4.682243 8.88894357 1.738290757 1.034625 1.348483 83.81506 392.4425 0.002636 0.116395 6.313923 26.7621 28.35243 F703 5 21.86247 8.313274 8.313043856 5868.8366 18.86922779 10.24186686 4.694077 8.856963197 1.915301575 1.034717 1.309552 76.3564 358.4228 0.002887 0.116825 6.147138 27.45732 28.95028 F704 5 21.83567 8.303491 8.303261729 6151.0937 19.90211424 10.52648379 4.683596 8.821210627 1.98060481 1.018143 1.268068 72.34211 338.8212 0.003005 0.11542 5.939116 28.23455 29.60724 F705 5 22.05971 8.323235 8.323005376 6088.6163 20.14978181 10.41961281 4.626279 8.844787744 2.042749338 1.04158 1.293182 74.29158 343.6936 0.003031 0.117762 5.982623 27.72201 29.207 F706 5 22.32683 8.361193 8.360961746 5686.3358 19.00900862 10.52813578 4.563179 8.893250331 1.993261212 1.065285 1.390684 82.04932 374.4057 0.002845 0.119786 6.345941 26.66847 27.72353 F707 5 22.73592 8.397931 8.397698986 5292.8129 18.39484839 10.29748763 4.426018 8.926312133 2.031336223 1.082694 1.444487 91.30946 404.1373 0.002679 0.121292 6.393324 25.94974 26.94888 F708 5 23.5653 8.466298 8.466064857 4783.5977 18.02966805 10.35482115 4.44297 9.00219447 1.706580019 1.079111 1.51168 100.848 448.0647 0.002408 0.119872 6.716349 24.30012 26.02097 F709 5 23.70646 8.471343 8.471109764 4699.5813 18.08420442 10.33687672 4.497998 8.988264657 1.592450934 1.063152 1.48613 100.5704 452.3655 0.00235 0.118282 6.684609 24.60294 26.36885 F710 5 23.34609 8.421433 8.421202571 4895.0797 18.62266136 10.67155412 4.707565 8.880510707 1.562668944 1.029344 1.362644 90.37378 425.4404 0.002419 0.11591 6.414736 26.94542 28.13923 F711 5 22.36298 8.340968 8.340738176 5645.5274 19.46694159 10.54561634 4.762343 8.822941324 1.771602449 1.016977 1.29509 77.25696 367.9241 0.002764 0.115265 6.167662 28.19693 29.17692 F712 5 21.78697 8.301785 8.301555621 6055.7953 19.43415198 10.44409399 4.648649 8.817699102 1.952809351 1.058094 1.272868 74.19788 344.9199 0.003068 0.119997 5.917118 28.31089 29.53013 F713 5 21.68829 8.29758 8.297350666 6135.1028 19.37769935 10.40271895 4.517974 8.828990444 2.074216682 1.087258 1.317216 75.6827 341.9325 0.00318 0.123146 5.951146 28.06543 28.8312 F714 5 21.95664 8.321494 8.321264079 5820.2761 18.89316952 10.51439984 4.503396 8.892246284 1.885947998 1.091319 1.373057 80.4124 362.1289 0.003014 0.122727 6.183419 26.6903 27.98387 F715 5 22.26773 8.363263 8.363031184 5542.1164 18.26274406 10.28060199 4.537617 8.914330455 1.760300792 1.071188 1.414544 85.32203 387.1587 0.002767 0.120165 6.41866 26.21021 27.37636 F716 5 22.36496 8.37446 8.37422729 5188.3051 17.20975897 10.42571475 4.390038 8.974578722 1.784514305 1.092007 1.485971 94.60985 415.3408 0.002629 0.121678 6.52347 24.90046 26.37103 F717 5 23.41212 8.458415 8.458181407 4755.1951 17.57172263 10.60427826 4.347046 9.045621315 1.787380939 1.096559 1.544931 104.1985 452.9556 0.002421 0.121225 6.715887 23.35606 25.57694 F718 5 23.05758 8.420256 8.420023687 5081.3262 18.33005565 10.49107876 4.595007 8.93094936 1.723170212 1.054486 1.423605 91.11723 418.6844 0.002519 0.118071 6.541474 25.84893 27.24606 F719 5 22.22349 8.343151 8.342920141 5808.2189 19.41836749 10.65797431 4.661351 8.862914666 1.980159692 1.052015 1.328025 77.81616 362.7284 0.0029 0.118698 6.190389 27.32794 28.66442 F720 5 21.49415 8.282591 8.282361804 6164.7839 19.01838671 10.26737385 4.665841 8.843470311 2.336063144 1.050253 1.291152 72.9788 340.5074 0.003084 0.11876 6.024307 27.75065 29.23907 F721 5 21.62265 8.29183 8.291600105 6325.6398 19.84240216 10.56988006 4.554218 8.846963003 2.401544226 1.084059 1.286556 72.72334 331.198 0.003273 0.122535 5.859255 27.67472 29.31185 F722 5 21.21205 8.261923 8.261693794 6290.9691 18.7198027 10.41365575 4.587882 8.842333783 2.268859369 1.066724 1.321541 72.74587 333.7494 0.003196 0.120638 6.063074 27.77535 28.7643 F723 5 21.626 8.288906 8.288676451 5856.7022 18.45013504 10.57796737 4.636222 8.846227894 2.263805135 1.050443 1.306861 76.87711 356.4193 0.002947 0.118745 6.058895 27.6907 28.99227 F724 5 22.73709 8.399303 8.399070372 5094.6713 17.68613582 10.24616643 4.444928 8.950493396 1.990979384 1.085223 1.458288 94.50383 420.0628 0.002583 0.121247 6.481983 25.42406 26.75482 F725 5 23.57215 8.462407 8.462173345 4448.7122 16.85063817 10.13742651 4.298711 9.065269192 1.802100826 1.107562 1.576964 111.8594 480.8514 0.002303 0.122176 6.778915 22.92893 25.15811 F726 5 23.67028 8.481766 8.481531956 4625.4278 17.48410223 10.55907669 4.341444 9.046089841 1.674957394 1.090152 1.564219 107.3226 465.9349 0.00234 0.120511 6.790968 23.34587 25.32373 F727 5 22.79582 8.412451 8.412218424 5165.2352 17.87458863 10.40645211 4.573129 8.973551971 1.805518503 1.059734 1.441951 91.34084 417.7134 0.002537 0.118095 6.594229 24.92278 26.98473 F728 5 22.00212 8.33136 8.331129613 5478.7423 17.74757751 10.26475362 4.762745 8.9038526 1.93508586 1.020613 1.338678 81.27577 387.0957 0.002637 0.114626 6.375781 26.43799 28.50136 F729 5 21.90347 8.308601 8.308371237 5772.3584 18.82083516 10.43304115 4.772231 8.858302777 2.026870455 1.004309 1.289758 75.75467 361.5188 0.002778 0.113375 6.155025 27.4282 29.26111 F730 5 21.84222 8.305009 8.30477988 5874.8975 18.99919241 10.62992727 4.737685 8.860686778 2.093687241 1.016723 1.297262 74.97132 355.1905 0.002862 0.114745 6.146019 27.37637 29.14272 F731 5 21.87677 8.326564 8.326332951 5387.8505 17.10556365 10.41816486 4.680851 8.887187635 1.935042537 1.036904 1.31942 84.49326 395.5004 0.002622 0.116674 6.176007 26.80027 28.79708 F732 5 22.16241 8.361497 8.361264786 5361.9173 17.33612608 10.20523708 4.450647 8.957020365 1.620042166 1.071805 1.445314 90.48378 402.7113 0.002661 0.119661 6.43258 25.28217 26.9372 F733 5 23.31012 8.465752 8.465517028 4738.422 17.05236433 10.29156492 4.221723 9.084038663 1.496188136 1.110426 1.582372 109.2799 461.3495 0.002407 0.122239 6.680337 22.5209 25.08824 F734 5 23.30678 8.466052 8.465817352 4725.4583 16.98924017 10.6175355 4.295008 9.077146316 1.431643566 1.119585 1.575057 107.7936 462.9745 0.002418 0.123341 6.764883 22.67073 25.18281 F735 5 22.83053 8.420603 8.420369157 5118.2221 17.67052155 10.33976741 4.380779 9.015620127 1.432064107 1.115287 1.498669 96.78685 424.0018 0.00263 0.123706 6.565336 24.00826 26.19739 F736 5 22.35889 8.349668 8.349437794 5342.7969 18.21852638 10.30895526 4.560075 8.906915269 1.414529696 1.043938 1.366548 86.09151 392.5838 0.002659 0.117205 6.231562 26.37141 28.08084 F737 5 23.43185 8.433011 8.432779403 4904.8524 18.71419615 10.51596724 4.501646 8.939578186 1.406253519 1.052861 1.383802 94.80233 426.7665 0.002467 0.117775 6.229389 25.66134 27.82478 F738 5 23.9864 8.504503 8.504268765 4591.4837 17.93385572 10.46497251 4.253539 9.074475793 1.596961853 1.123173 1.528132 110.0817 468.2368 0.002399 0.123773 6.499971 22.72879 25.80006 F739 5 23.95123 8.504094 8.50385977 4588.9521 17.81680772 10.50316475 4.24485 9.079369865 1.672570383 1.128899 1.557838 110.7249 470.0107 0.002402 0.124337 6.612788 22.62239 25.40715